e.target.value = !x[2] ? By doing this, you can find out who they are and maybe get an understanding of what they would want. By not answering these calls, you will be keeping yourself out of harms way. If you receive the call with one of such codes, it’s better not to answer. All you need to do is go to. By the way, it’s impossible to receive the call from 37x and 96x area. phonenumber_1.value = number; } Click Apply. 713: Texas (Houston area)—overlays with 281, 346 and 832 1983, split to create 409; 1996, split to create 281 Note that UK area codes do not have precisely-defined boundaries and have been known by different names at different times. You can find out all of the information you could want, including: Here are the steps on how to block a spam caller using either an iPhone or an Android device. The most likely cause is that something on your server is hogging resources. With the help of sites such as Kiwi Searches, you can look up the unknown callers that have been trying to get ahold of you. You may be able to tell your phone company as well. According to the FTC, the area codes include 268, 284, 473, 664, 649, 767, 809, 829, 849 and 876. Disclaimer: BeenVerified’s mission is to give people easy and affordable access to public record information. One of the most common are toll-free area codes where the caller is not billed for long distance (though wireless customers may have minutes deducted from their plan): 800, 833, 844, 855, 866, 877, and 888. The FCC advises consumers to never answer calls from these area codes (unless, of course, … The best practice is to not pick up the phone if you do not recognize a number, but especially if a number is coming from any of these area codes listed above. Lookup area code (number) on the ( number) area code map in Washington, DC plus get the timezone and current time. Who doesn't love being #1? Not all area codes are assigned to a specific geographic area. Although 473 is still used by scammers, the list of area codes has steadily grown. Connect one-on-one with {0} who will answer your question. The cities listed are not intended to be exhaustive. Please complete the security check to access. If you run a search using a website like Kiwi Searches, you will be able to tell if it is a real person, or possibly a scammer. You will also learn how to find out who the unknown caller is, and some information about them. Everyone with a phone knows how annoying it can be to receive calls from an unknown caller, a spam caller, or even prank callers. phonenumber_1.addEventListener('blur', function (e) { Please note that both devices have multiple ways to block callers, this is just one example for each. label_1.classList.add("small"); Otherwise, you can lose your money. var x = e.target.value.replace(/\D/g, '').match(/(\d{0,3})(\d{0,3})(\d{0,4})/); }); And many more in the upcoming weeks. var label_1 = document.getElementById('hpssc_label_1'); 201 – NJ, Jersey City, Hackensack 202 – Washington, D.C. 203 – Bridgeport and New Haven Connecticut 204 – Canada 205 – Alabama The Wangiri scam is also called the “473 scam” because the 473 area code, which originates from the island of Grenada, was one of the first ones used to disguise international calls. Do a Google search to see where the number is registered. Alabama Area Codes: 205 - 251 - 256 - 334 - 659 - 938. x[1] : x[1] + '-' + x[2] + (x[3] ? var err_1 = document.getElementById('hpssc_phone_error_1'); An Error 522 means that the request was able to connect to your web server, but that the request didn't finish. Elderly Scams: What They Are and How To Avoid Them, Airbnb Scams To Watch Out For and How To Avoid Them, How To Block An Email Address: 4 Easy Ways. } A viral Facebook post going around now tells you to never answer your phone if the call comes from certain area codes. BeenVerified does not provide private investigator services, and is not a consumer reporting agency as defined by the Fair Credit Report Act because the information provided by BeenVerified is not collected or provided, in whole or in part, for the purpose of furnishing consumer reports about those search subjects. The cities listed with each area code are the major cities for that area code; this originated as the city in which the switch computer for that area code is located, but is no longer the case. Please input 10 digit phone number whom you are looking for. If you run a search using a website like Kiwi Searches, you will be able to tell if it is a real person, or possibly a scammer. var number = phonenumber_1.value.replace(/[^0-9\. This website is using a security service to protect itself from online attacks. This is because for some reason, Iowa was given three area codes to begin with back in 1948, even though it did not need that many. If it is a scammer, or a call from a fake number, block their number immediately so they are unable to call you again. Category: Computer. 809 Area Code Do Not DIAL AREA CODE 809, 284, AND 876 THIS IS … After sufficient media coverage educated enough folks not to return calls to area code 809, criminals shifted to other areas codes–assisted by the implementation of many new area codes over the last two decades–making it far more difficult for people to recognize which numbers are domestic and which are not. While 809, 473, 284, 649 and 876, may be the primary sources of the current danger, here is a list of (non-Canadian) area codes that are international. Let me give you a FREE GIFT! A basic listing of all current UK geographic area codes in one file. You can set your service area based on the cities, postal codes, or other areas that you serve (up to 20 areas). ]/g, ''); Feel free to contact support and we will do our best to assist you. Need area code that is not on list. The Main Types of Background Checks and What They Are Used For, 8 Types of Public Records You Can Easily Acquire, How To Find and Learn More About Your Long Lost Love, How To Avoid Scams On Craigslist Or LetGo, How To Find Out Who's Been Calling Or Texting You, How To Find Out Who Your Partner Is Texting. } Kiwi Searches allows you to gain information on any phone number simply and easily. Be the first to answer! Your email address will not be published. }. Contact your hosting provider letting them know your web server is not completing requests. The Truth Revealed: Do Men or Women Cheat More? Your phone starts ringing and you look down to see an unknown number on your caller ID. NEVER answer or call/text this area code. Although the area codes 473, 809, and 900 are the biggest culprits of scams, it can’t hurt to be wary of calls from numbers with the following international area codes. To protect yourself in the future, ignore all calls from area codes that you don’t recognize. Enter your service area information. Codes (Do NOT Dial and Do NOT Answer)--PLEASE READ!!!! By not answering these calls, you will be, Kiwi Searches allows you to gain information on any phone number simply and easily. The best practice is to not pick up the phone if you do not recognize a number, but especially if a number is coming from any of these area codes listed above. Back in the 1940s, with the country expanding and demand for telephones increasing, the Bell phone companies decided to implement a bold new plan: area codes. We recommend that a service area be no larger than 2 hours driving time from where the business is based. List of Area Codes by Number. var phonenumber_1 = document.getElementById('hpssc_phonenumber_1'); ... Automatic dialing was the answer to stop the dependency on operators. Required fields are marked *. Lookup the name and address of any phone number in area code (number) . Click on a state below to see which cities and towns belong to that area code. All of the area codes to watch out for are: 268; 809; 876; 284; 473; If you’ve been scammed, contact the FCC to file a complaint. Area Codes You Should Not Answer: Atlanta (404) Detroit (313) Pennsylvania (484) Dominican Republic (809, 829 and 849) New Brunswick (506) Fort Lauderdale (954) Bahamas (242) Why You Should Avoid Answering To These Area Codes: These area codes have been known to be used by scammers to get potential victims on the line. According to Joseph Steinberg, CEO of SecureMySocial, certain area codes can tip off potential victims that something is amiss. On the Net, it’s possible to find the lost of dangerous area codes. Customer Question. The all number system was created to simplify things. }); }); Receiving calls from unknown numbers is something that happens all of the time. Click on the (i) symbol (may also say “details”). frm_1.submit(); You may also like: Who Called You From A Restricted Number? 268 — Antigua. Ask Your Own Computer Question. This list is updated only when an Internet user informs me of a (pending) change. 242 — Bahamas. err_1.style.display = 'none'; The most popular area code for scammers is 268. In the past, criminals used to … return; For more information governing the permitted and prohibited uses of BeenVerified, please review our “Do’s & Don’ts” and our Terms & Conditions. As a result, the web page can not be displayed. With that in mind, the Federal Trade Commission says you should never call back numbers in these area codes: 268 area code – Antigua and Barbuda 284 area code – British Virgin Islands } else { The tool cannot give: the location of mobile numbers An area code is the prefix at the start of a UK number that tells you where in the UK the call is from. Please note that this may not be an exhaustive list, as new codes are added periodically to accommodate population growth. Anyone who has a cell phone has probably experienced it at some point or another. "Our goal is to be quick and as helpful as possible.". phonenumber_1.addEventListener('focus', function (e) { Requested URL: www.beenverified.com/safety/calls-area-codes-never-answer/, User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; WOW64; Trident/7.0; rv:11.0) like Gecko. If you are on a personal connection, like at home, you can run an anti-virus scan on your device to make sure it is not infected with malware. Your email address will not be published. if (e.target.value == '') { Nowadays such type of scamming is quite popular. The codes all start with 01 or 02 – phone numbers that start with anything else are not linked to an area. Area Code Listing, by Number. 0 0 1. Use our tool to find landline dialling codes for geographic areas in the UK, and vice versa. The areas are generally cities and large towns, rather than local government areas. Do Misdemeanors Show Up On Background Checks? The way to know if you are receiving calls from scam numbers, is if they do not come up as a real person when you run a reverse phone number lookup on them. phonenumber_1.addEventListener('input', function (e) { The best practice to get into is to not answer the phone, run a search on the number, then decide whether or not to block the caller. The cities listed are not intended to be exhaustive. If You See An Unknown Area Code, Find Out Who Is Calling: Enter Any Phone Number SearchPlease input 10 digit phone number whom you are looking for. Non-Geographic Area Codes. These area codes have been known to be used by scammers to get potential victims on the line. How Long Does It Take To Get Social Security Disability Benefits? Completing the CAPTCHA proves you are a human and gives you temporary access to the web property. Answered in 5 minutes by: 1/6/2010. There is a lot of truth to this warning. The cities listed with each area code are the major cities for that area code; this originated as the city in which the switch computer for that area code is located, but is no longer the case. Instant Area Code Lookup Need area code that is not on list. '-' + x[3] : ''); If it is a scammer, or a call from a fake number, block their number immediately so they are unable to call you again. The best practice to get into is to not answer the phone, run a search on the number, then decide whether or not to block the caller. This list is updated only when an Internet user informs me of a (pending) change. The initial connection between CloudFlare's network and the origin web server timed out. They can instantly charge you a ton of money just for the call being even 1 second long. 10 Different Types of Lies People Tell Others. With the help of this article, you will now have a better understanding of what area codes you should not answer, and why. In the service area section, click Edit . To faciltiate the millions of phone users, the United States of America is divided into regions known as Area Codes, corresponding to particular geographic telephone dialing areas. Don't Like Your Child's Girlfriend? A viral Facebook post going around now tells you to never answer your phone if the call comes from certain area codes. There is a lot of truth to this … if (number.length != 10) { Below is a list of all US area codes. If you are at an office or shared network, you can ask the network administrator to run a scan across the network looking for misconfigured or infected devices. Receiving calls from unknown numbers is something that happens all of the time. 246 — Barbados. All you need to do is go to Kiwi Searches reverse phone lookup, type in the number that called you, and get results. Click on the information icon (the i inside the circle). This is one of the original area codes of the U.S. that has gone unchanged and undivided. Bottom line: If you receive an unexpected call or text from an area code you don’t recognize, don’t answer it. if (e.target.value != '') { The thing is these two sets are reserved. It’s Still Too Easy For Child Predators To Get Online. Following is a list of area codes listed by number. var frm_1 = document.getElementById('hpssc_form_1'); Facebook Twitter. Here's 6 Things You Need To Do. Why You Should Avoid Answering To These Area Codes: These area codes have been known to be used by scammers to get potential victims on the line. Be the first to answer this question. label_1.classList.remove("small"); Submitted: 10 years ago. Sources: Blocking unknown callers will keep you safe and not allow you to give away any hurtful information to them, regarding yourself. Share this conversation. btn_1.onclick = function() { "International" area codes to avoid: The 473 area code is the most dangerous of them all. To err on the side of caution, these are the other international area codes with a +1 country code you should avoid. The way to know if you are receiving calls from scam numbers, is if they do not come up as a real person when you run a reverse phone number lookup on them. err_1.style.display = 'block'; Answer. Never answer calls from these area codes. Additional troubleshooting information here. Maybe Don’t Answer Calls From These Area Codes If You Don’t Want To Be Scammed ... Inc. provides an extensive list of area codes in which consumers should be wary of calling or texting. The Federal Trade Commission previously linked these area codes to the scam: 268, 284, 473, 664, 649, 767, 809, 829, 849 and 876. Official Police Warning: Never Answer Calls From These 5 Area Codes! They are sometimes known as dialling codes or STD codes and let you know where the caller is from, or if it is a mobile or special services call. How Social Media Affects Relationships: The Positive and Negative Impacts, How to Find Out if Someone is Married - Check Before Tying The Knot, Sex Offender Stories: Cautionary Tales for Every Family. Area code lookup for all US cities or use the area codes locator to find which city a phone area code belongs to. There are so many calls out there that we wish we could have left unanswered. Download a list. var btn_1 = document.getElementById('hpssc_submit_1'); Don't Fall For These Stimulus Check Scams! Not be displayed down to see which cities and towns belong to area!... Automatic dialing was the answer to stop the dependency on operators most likely cause is that on. It Take to get Social Security Disability Benefits and some information about them the future, ignore all from. Instantly charge you a ton of money just for the call with one of codes..., it ’ s possible to find the lost of dangerous area codes to. 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