Here's what he had to say about them: EUNUCH. By extension, the Hebrew word translated eunuch could be used of any court official (At Genesis 37:36 and Genesis 39:1 the reference is to a married man). By extension, the Hebrew word translated eunuch could be used of any court official (At Genesis 37:36 and Genesis 39:1 the reference is to a married man). Philip the Evangelist was told by an angel to go to the road from Jerusalem to Gaza, and there he encountered the Ethiopian eunuch, the treasurer of the Candace, Queen of the Ethiopians (Ancient Greek: Κανδάκη, the "Candace" was the Meroitic language term for "queen" or possibly "royal woman").The eunuch had been to Jerusalem to worship and was returning home. Answer: The eunuchs of the Bible were usually castrated males or those incapable of reproduction due to a birth defect. 23 Instances - Page 1 of 1 Expand or Limit Your Search Results: All KJV books Old Testament only New Testament only Apocrypha only (?) As he drew closer to the city Philip, a leader in the first century church, was sent to explain the gospel to him. Eunuchs were regarded as especially trustworthy in the Ancient Near East and thus were frequently employed in royal service. 2 a person lacking effectiveness (political eunuch). Locate examples of ‘eunuch’ in Bible verses. Stephen J. Patterson discusses what Jesus meant when he referred to “eunuchs who have made themselves eunuchs for the sake of the kingdom of heaven” (Matthew 19:11–12). How to use eunuch in a sentence. It is found twice in the Old Testament (Isaiah 56:3, Jeremiah 52:25) and five times in the New Testament (Acts 8:27, 34, 36, 38, 39). If castration of a male occurs before the age of puberty or the gonads are injured, he will most likely not be able to have children or be able to perform sexually. The man in the Bible called “eunuch” may have very well been unhappy because the castration may have been done without his consent. A broader definition includes men who are impotent or who are voluntarily celibate. Eunuchs were often used as guards of harems. Eunuch definition is - a castrated man placed in charge of a harem or employed as a chamberlain in a palace. Being a eunuch is a purely physical situation for a male. A eunuch sometimes held an “official” position as well, as one of the definitions of caric as an “officer” denotes (12 times in the KJV). However, Daniel served as a slave in Babylon during a time in which many slaves were castrated and made eunuchs. What does eunuch mean? What does eunuch mean? eunuch definition: 1. a man who has had his testicles removed 2. a man who has had his testicles removed 3. a man who…. "EUNUCH" in the KJV Bible. 18) because he is not considered as a man (Yeb. eunuch synonyms, eunuch pronunciation, eunuch translation, English dictionary definition of eunuch. A man without his ability to procreate can be trusted to guard the king's women or the females in some official's personal harem. He who is able to accept this, let him accept it,” (Matthew 19:12). This leads to sterility, and (depending on the stage of life at which it is done) to various degrees of impotence and loss of libido. Very Old Isaiah scroll. A eunuch of either kind is not to be judged as a rebellious son (see Deut. Or caric {saw-reece'}; from an unused root meaning to castrate; a eunuch; by implication, valet (especially of the female apartments), and thus, a minister of state -- chamberlain, eunuch… One should consult all the standard reference works on Greek word meanings, and then, preferably, review all the lexical evidence from Greek sources first hand. Information and translations of eunuch in the most comprehensive … Answer: The Bible does not say whether Daniel was made a eunuch. Eunuch definition, a castrated man, especially one formerly employed by rulers in the Middle East and Asia as a harem guard or palace official. Tools. DEFINITION AND TERMINOLOGY A eunuch is defined as someone (usually a man) whose testes (and sometimes also penis and scrotum) have been destroyed or removed. When other people heard the word, they may have felt revulsion or sympathy. The Hebrew word saris-eunuch, is found 45 times in the Old Testament, translated in the King James Bible as eunuch 17 times, chamberlain 13 times, officer 12 times and Rabsaris, 3 times. Popular Bible Stories Reading Plans Bible Word Meanings. EUNUCH. saris: eunuch. Boys in this condition were many times sold by parents or made into slaves. 2 Fortunately for us, Jesus was an expert on eunuchs. Here's what he had to say about them: 2 Fortunately for us, Jesus was an expert on eunuchs. In order to determine whether eunuch can refer to transgender persons, one must do more than imagine that it could refer to such persons. In the Old Testament, it is derived from a word that means to castrate and, by definition, can reference a chamberlain or minister of state (Strong's Concordance #H5631). The man in the Bible called “eunuch” may have very well been unhappy because the castration may have been done without his consent. One of King Zedekiah’s eunuchs was in “charge of the men of war” (Jer 52:25). Eunuchs in the Bible 2. Try it free for 30 days! Exploring the History of Jesus’ Life. See more. Eunuch definition, a castrated man, especially one formerly employed by rulers in the Middle East and Asia as a harem guard or palace official. Original Word: סָרִיס Part of Speech: Noun Masculine Transliteration: saris Phonetic Spelling: (saw-reece') Definition: eunuch. Usage: eunuch. The prophet Daniel, who was taken prisoner when the kingdom of Judah was overcome by Babylon's King Nebuchadnezzar, was highly likely one of several eunuchs. They did this to give their son a life better than they could possibly provide or to have him provide financial support for the family. Still there is a difference whether one castrates another with his own hands or causes him to be castrated. In Acts 8:27, a eunuch was "a court official of Candace, queen of the Ethiopians, who was in charge of all her treasure." Smith's Bible Dictionary. Eunuch "The English form of the Greek word which means bed-keeper. Queen Esther (wife of the Persian King Ahasuerus) had one of these men assigned to serve her personal needs. Primarily and literally, a eunuch is an emasculated man (Deuteronomy 23:1). What does it mean to take up your cross and follow Jesus? Therefore, we must look at this in the context of biblical marriage which would necessitate a denial of homosexuality. Scripture does reference a few people who became a Eunuch. Must-Read Free eBooks . 2. An eunuch is a man that has been castrated either by choice or involuntarily to perform a specific social function. A eunuch is a male who has been castrated, that is, had the testes removed. A eunuch is technically a male that has been castrated or at least that's how we in modern times perceive the meaning of eunuch to be. Captains Guards. In the New Testament, eunuch is derived from a Greek word that means someone castrated and impotent (Strong's #G2135). What does it mean to be a Christian saint? Entry for 'Eunuch' - Holman Bible Dictionary - One of 28 Bible dictionaries freely available, this readable and easy to use dictionary takes advantage of the finest modern Bible scholarship | Jack Wellman The word “”eunuch” loosely translates in Greek to “guarding the bed,” because one of their original duties was as a chamber guard to high standing women and couples. But Ebed-melech the Ethiopian, a eunuch, while he was in the king’s palace, heard that they had put Jeremiah into the cistern. Eunuchs were often used as guards of harems. chamberlain, eunuch, officer . In the ancient world the term eunuch had a wider definition. 19:12). In ancient times, male court officials were often castrated at a young age in order to help them act appropriately around the king's harem. By extension, the Hebrew word translated eunuch could be used of any court official (At Genesis 37:36 and Genesis 39:1 the reference is to a married man). How to use eunuch in a sentence. Now the king was sitting in the Gate of Benjamin; Acts 8:27. EUNUCH [ISBE] EUNUCH - u'-nuk (caric; spadon; eunouchos): Primarily and literally, a eunuch is an emasculated man ().The Hebrew word caric seems, however, to have acquired a figurative meaning, which is reflected in English Versions of the Bible where "officer" and "chamberlain" are found as renderings (compare Gen 37:36; 39:1, where caric is applied to married men; Est 4:4). Literally bed-keeper or chamberlain, and not necessarily in all cases one who was mutilated, although the practice of employing such mutilated persons in Oriental courts was common (2 Kings 9:32; Esther 2:3).The law of Moses excluded them from the congregation (Deuteronomy 23:1).They were common also among the Greeks and Romans. In this area, the word “eunuch” and its historical layers of meaning may be helpful, at least on a symbolic level, for transsexuals interpreting their experience. Biblically, some people are born Eunuchs, and others are made Eunuchs (Matt. The idea that a person who was a eunuch could be baptized, draw close to God and eventually be begotten into God's family shows the impartiality of our Father in all things. A eunuch is a male who has been castrated, that is, had the testes removed. Consider also that the word “eunuch” is used three times in the verse, which suggests three kinds of men who are given to not marry. Those that do so, according to the Apostle Paul, have a higher (and likely more difficult) calling than those who are Christians and married (see 1Corinthians 7). A second evidence where the Bible shows that eunuchs are gay men is in (Daniel 14:2 NAB), which says: "Daniel was the king's favorite and was held in higher esteem than any of the friends of the king." And the Medanites have sold him unto Egypt, to Potiphar, a eunuch of Pharaoh, head of the executioners. 4 When Esther’s eunuchs and female attendants came and told her about Mordecai, she … 2 Kings 9:32 | View whole chapter | See verse in context And he lifted up his face to the window, and said, Who is on my side? Such men were often appointed in royal courts as attendants or caretakers of the queen and the concubines. Showing page 1. Define ‘eunuch’ as used in the Bible. A broader definition includes men who are impotent or who are voluntarily celibate. Jesus, in Matthew 19, taught that some may choose to be like a eunuch (they choose to be single) so that they may dedicate more of their time toward the gospel (Matthew 19:7 - 8, 10 - 12). Meaning of eunuch in Easy English – Eunuchs were very important male servants of a king. With Bible Gateway Plus, you gain instant access to a digital Bible study library, including complete notes from the NIV Cultural Backgrounds Study Bible and the New Bible Commentary. For there are some eunuch s, which were so born from their mother's womb: and there are some eunuch s, which were made eunuch s of men: and there be eunuch s, which have made themselves eunuch s for the kingdom of heaven's sake. If castration occurs before the age of puberty or the gonads are injured, he will most likely not be able to have children or be able to perform sexually. 1 And although the meaning of the word isn't always clear, it generally refers to a castrated male, or a man who, for one reason or another, is not attracted to women. It was impossible for them to have sex with women. Genesis 37:36 Gen 37:36. In the early New Testament record, a eunuch was sent by the Queen of the Ethiopians, Candace, to Jerusalem to worship the true God. Genesis 39:1 Gen 39:1. A eunuch could also be someone who performed work typical of eunuchs, although he remained perfectly capable of having sex—i.e., “eunuch” in … The Meaning of Eunuch in First Century Literature. Does the Bible talk about self-love / loving self. Definition of eunuch in the dictionary. Dec 4 Blog. The first two usages were already familiar to the disciples. This shows that in this time period it was common for the women of the household to be attended by castrated males (see Esther 4:5). eunuch, n. 1 a castrated man, esp. There is no biblical evidence either way, which leaves this issue uncertain. what is a eunuch in the bible Latest. Biblically, some people are born Eunuchs, and others are made Eunuchs (Matt. A castrated man, traditionally employed as a harem attendant or as a functionary in certain Asian courts. So they would look after the king's wives. One the one hand, it seems clear from the text that he was not a Jewish person. Eunuch, King James Bible Dictionary. Eunuchs were regarded as especially trustworthy in the Ancient Near East and thus were frequently employed in royal service. Answer: The Bible does not say whether Daniel was made a eunuch. 6 King James Version (KJV) Bible verses with Greek word εὐνοῦχος, eunouchos (Strong's G2135) meaning: a castrated person (such being employed in Middle Eastern bed-chambers); by extension an impotent or unmarried man; by implication, a chamberlain (state-officer). As every Israelite is commanded to perpetuate his race, it is a sin liable to severe punishment to cause one to become a eunuch (Shab. one formerly employed at an oriental harem or court. The term also refers to a man who was, not a literal eunuch, but an official assigned to duties in the court of the king. Verse Concepts. The word "eunuch" occurs 27 times in 23 verses in the King James Version of Bible. It begins with an angel visiting Philip, telling him to go south from Jerusalem to Gaza. To answer the most common question about these verses— yes, the term "eunuch" does mean what you think it means. Learn more. In the strict and proper sense they were the persons who had charge of the bed-chambers in palaces and larger houses. YLT. 1 And although the meaning of the word isn't always clear, it generally refers to a castrated male, or a man who, for one reason or another, is not attracted to women. Therefore, some have suggested Daniel was castrated as well. Queens Travel Treasurer. EUNUCH [ISBE] EUNUCH - u'-nuk (caric; spadon; eunouchos): Primarily and literally, a eunuch is an emasculated man ().The Hebrew word caric seems, however, to have acquired a figurative meaning, which is reflected in English Versions of the Bible where "officer" and "chamberlain" are found as renderings (compare Gen 37:36; 39:1, where caric is applied to married men; Est 4:4). He took also out of the city an eunuch, which had the charge of the men of war; and seven men of them that were near the king's person, which were found in the city; and the principal scribe of the host, who mustered the people of the land; and threescore men of the people of the land, that were found in the midst of the city. Meaning of eunuch. In the Bible, the Hebrew word saris (eunuch), refers to a man in some sort of service to a ruler, but castration isn’t always a part of the story. What does the Bible say about eunuchs? 80b). In (Mt 19:12), Jesus extended the definition of a eunuch to include any man who was born unable to reproduce or a man who voluntarily lived a celibate life in order to do God’s work (i.e. Biblical narrative. In the New Testament, eunuch is derived from a Greek word that means someone castrated and impotent (Strong's #G2135). Found 32 sentences matching phrase "eunuch".Found in 7 ms. From chapter 8 of Acts, the story of the Ethiopian Eunuch and Philip the Evangelist illustrates how the teachings of Christ were circulated around the world in biblical times as they do today. It should be noted that only descendants of Aaron the High Priest who were free of certain kinds of physical defects could offer bread before the Lord at his temple. Who Was Jesus? He that is able to receive it, let him receive it. Christian Truth. There is no biblical evidence either way, which leaves this issue uncertain. He was described as "an Ethiopian man"—a term that some scholars believe can simply be translated "African." Eunuchs in the Bible . The boys would be used for duties close to the king, sometimes important political roles; since eunuchs would be unable to leave a genetic legacy, it was thought they would be more loyal to their monarch. What is the Biblical Definition of a Eunuch? The one who can accept this should accept it.” Explanation and Commentary of Matthew 19:12 111a). Or, in this case, perhaps the goal was to act appropriately around queens such as Candace. 42 King James Version (KJV) Bible verses with Hebrew word סָרִיס, sārîs (Strong's H5631) meaning: a eunuch; by implication, valet (especially of the female apartments), and thus, a … The Greek term translated eunuch is literally one in charge of a bed, a reference to the practice of using eunuchs as keepers of harems (Esther 2:3, 2:6, 2:15). xxi. eunuch translation in English-Malay dictionary. The acerbic poet describes a particular lover of fine food having "consumed his estate dining lavishly and at leisure every day on tuna and garlic-honey cheese paté like a Lampsacene eunoukhos." Executioners Commerce. who? ... hath joined himself to the LORD, speak, saying, The LORD hath utterly separated me from his people: neither let the eunuch say, Behold, I [am] a dry tree. Answer: The word eunuch is only mentioned, by name, seven times in the KJV Bible. Eunuch comes from the Ancient Greek word εὐνοῦχος (eunoukhos), first attested in a fragment of Hipponax, the 6th century BC comic poet and prolific inventor of compound words. Verse Concepts. 'Eunuch' in the Bible. The person was soon baptized (Acts 8:27, 30 - 31). Bible > Strong's > Hebrew > 5631 5631. saris Strong's Concordance. The definition of a eunuch is a castrated man. In Acts 8:27, a eunuch was "a court official of Candace, queen of the Ethiopians, who was in charge of all her treasure." It was impossible for them to have sex with women. It was common in Bible times for the rulers of conquering nations to take pre-pubescent boys from among the new subjects and castrate them. The diligence with which the eunuch read the Isaiah scroll, the earnestness with which he inquired of Philip, and the promptness with which he asked for baptism, after he believed the gospel, all testify to the lofty nature of this eunuch’s character. The Eunuch The Eunuch himself is an interesting figure in the Book of Acts. Define eunuch. 1:4). Scripture describes this man as a “eunuch of great authority under Candace queen of the Ethiopians” Acts 8:27. Esther 4:4. 19:12). Therefore, some have suggested Daniel was castrated as well. Eunuchs are mentioned 10 times in six verses in the New Testament. “For there are eunuchs who were born that way, and there are eunuchs who have been made eunuchs by others—and there are those who choose to live like eunuchs for the sake of the kingdom of heaven. It is possible, although the Bible doesn't say, that Daniel, Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego were eunuchs in Nebuchadnezzar's court (Isaiah 39:5-7; Daniel 1:3-7). Copyright 2011-2021 Got Questions Ministries - All Rights Reserved. According to the New Testament, Lois was the grandmother of Timothy.According to extrabiblical Tradition, she was born into the Jewish faith, and later accepted Christianity along with her daughter Eunice.. In the strict and proper sense they were the persons who had charge of the bed-chambers in palaces and larger houses. However, Daniel served as a slave in Babylon during a time in which many slaves were castrated and made eunuchs. Eunuch definition from the Bible Dictionary. So they would look after the king's wives. But this lifestyle isn’t the only representation of a eunuch. Because of their physical limitations, they were also used for harem guards and body servants of the king. (Many times when the word “eunuch” is used in the KJV, it is translated as “official” in other versions.) Spiritual Topics Theology Eunuch × Bible Word Meanings . Paul was such a man: 1 Cor 7:7-9). Bible verses related to Eunuchs from the King James Version (KJV) by Relevance - Sort By Book Order . By: Megan Sauter. Such defects (see Leviticus 21:16 - 21) that would render a man unable to offer bread included being lame, club-footed, disfigured or having crushed testicles (the KJV calls them "stones broken"). The Ethiopian eunuch is a figure in the New Testament of the Bible; the story of his conversion to Christianity is recounted in Acts 8. Eunuch glossary term meaning as seen in the King James Bible. It was common in Bible times for the rulers of conquering nations to take pre-pubescent boys … In this area, the word “eunuch” and its historical layers of meaning may be helpful, at least on a symbolic level, for transsexuals interpreting their experience. He has made the way of salvation open to all people regardless of their circumstances (Galatians 3:28) or any defect (either physically or mentally) they may possess. A eunuch is usually defined as a man who has been castrated. The word "eunuch" occurs 27 times in 23 verses in the King James Version of Bible. A male whose organs of generation have been so far removed or disorganized, that he is rendered incapable of reproducing his species. NAS Exhaustive Concordance. Most likely the intimate word ra-kha-mim, meaning love, was given to Daniel because he was handsome (See Dan. what is a eunuch in the bible. Tools. See more. Eunuch In a literal sense, a castrated male. u'-nuk (caric; spadon; eunouchos): Primarily and literally, a eunuch is an emasculated man (Deuteronomy 23:1).The Hebrew word caric seems, however, to have acquired a figurative meaning, which is reflected in English Versions of the Bible where "officer" and "chamberlain" are found as renderings (compare Genesis 37:36; 39:1, where caric is applied to married men; Esther 4:4). A eunuch is usually defined as a man who has been castrated. Eunuch "The English form of the Greek word which means bed-keeper. Eunuchs in the Bible are typically defined as castrated men placed in charge over a king’s harem of wives and concubines. Meaning of eunuch in Easy English – Eunuchs were very important male servants of a king. Eunuch definition is - a castrated man placed in charge of a harem or employed as a chamberlain in a palace. Josephus, a historian in the first century A.D., asserted that Daniel, and three others who were also of royal blood and his friends (Meshach, Shadrach and Abednego), were these type of people. Proselytes Judaism. n. 1. “For there are eunuchs who were born that way from their mother’s womb; and there are eunuchs who were made eunuchs by men, and there are also eunuchs who made themselves eunuchs for the sake of the kingdom of heaven. Translation, English Dictionary definition of a harem or court, had the testes removed harem or! And concubines still there is a difference whether one castrates another with his hands!, Jesus was an expert on eunuchs '' occurs 27 times in 23 verses in the Bible 2, given... 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