Iron Man leaped over it and then both of his feet touched Lex’s head. Iron Man then moves his chest upward, aiming the omni-beam towards Luthor’s face. Boomstick: He’s come up with various plots with which to take down Superman, been a member of multiple teams of super-villains, and even had a hand in creating three of his enemies, but when he needs to go toe-to-toe with the big S himself or one of his super friends, he busts out his personal fighting suit. episode of Death Battle. Lex: If you had brought the Avengers with you, you may have stood a better chance, but alone, your defeat and my triumph are assured. @Hellos: I thought so but im not sure how well he does against other alien tech, I've not read ironman in awhile. The design of the suit has evolved over the years, keeping certain elements while each revision finds its own way to stand out. Wiz: That’s a common misconception. Boomstick: Ouch. Keep firing! 25 vues LTAM Podcasts - 21 octobre, 2020 Cinéma Iron Man LTAM Podcasts Marvel He then rams Luthor yet again, knocking him through floor after floor until the two are out of the parking garage before using his uni-beam to knock him downward and right through it. He exits Stark Tower, which closes its roof upon him departing, and flies upward into the clouds, then increases his speed. DC Comics VS Marvel! Wiz: And if he finds himself in a desperate situation, he has his own personally-made variant of Venom, which increases his strength and durability…. Lex Luthor glowers down at all those he deems inferior, from a commanding position at the pinnacle of LexCorp tower and human achievement. This is a human being with no super powers that is Superman's arch nemesis. As Lex Luthor runs in to grab him, Iron Man rolls out of the way. Wiz: And his shielding has even withstood a blast from the Mandarin's Spectral Ring, which is capable of destroying the bond between atoms and molecules. Do you know who this suit was made for? And also explosions, wonderful wonderful explosions. Take that off, what are you? As the suit’s completion nears its finish, the helmet is finally placed over his head. Iron Man: What's that? Suddenly, his screen goes dark and he sees that he has begun descending as well. If left unchecked for too long, it can lead to complete system failure. One of the most iconic elements of Lex Luthor is his power suit. Lex Luthor est un personnage de fiction de lUnivers DC. And at one point, Lex Luthor bonded with an all-powerful alien creature, which gave him the power to spread peace throughout the entire universe at the cost of never allowing him to harm another being. Wiz: And as one of the smartest minds in the Marvel universe, he is a master tactician on the battlefield and a capable leader. Boomstick: That was until the stock market crash of ’29, which left the Luthor clan without its fortune. Wiz: Its onboard computer and sensor array can provide a large amount of information on the status of the suit and his opponent at any given time and even helps to prevent enemy lock-on. As this happened, Iron Man saw a sufficient amount of power had recharged. He fires a blast at Iron Man, who is sent rolling across the ground. And for additional defense, he also has an energy shield in his left gauntlet. He previously fought Lex Luthor in the 46th episode of Death Battle, Iron Man VS Lex Luthor and later fought Batman in an episode of One Minute Melee. Iron Man: Well you are, and you’re not flying anymore. So this one only works on Kryptonians, right? Might not have any other choice here. Lex Luthor: You think you can turn this around now? Boomstick: Man, where all the white kryptonite at? The pulse bolts increase in strength the further they travel, his lasers can be wielded for welding or, you know, cutting things in two, and his smart missiles are designed for locking onto enemy weak points. He has many armors made for specific tasks, such as his hydro, arctic, stealth, and space armor, as well as his infamous Hulkbuster armor, which was specifically designed for battling... you know... Wiz: Actually, he did make a suit for that once. 60 Seconds! Wiz: In the past, Tony was forced to wear the pacemaker on his chest at all times in order to keep the shrapnel at bay. Let's look at the contenders. Lex Luthor turns toward his suit of armor, which is opened up from the middle, and backs his way into it. Iron Man then unveils his shoulder-mounted smart missiles. current Ironman VS current Lex Luthor with his supersuit. that weakens Superman, doesn't mean Lex's suit is stronger than Iron Man's "Not always, no. Time for hyper-velocity impact. Iron Man shoots back. Tony has a suit for every occasion! Lex Luthor: It’s so hard finding such good opponents these days. In combat, he can move fast enough to keep up with and outmaneuver the Human Torch and Spider-Man… you know, that guy who can run 200 miles per hour and has the Spider-Sense. How to Create Your Own What-If Death Battles, General Death Battle TN and Template Blog, 'Disney vs. Warner Bros' themed Death Battles, 'Returning Character' themed Death Battles. As Iron Man lands to the ground, Lex Luthor falls, his head split down the middle. And honestly, just because Superman was mad and hitting the suit doesn't mean he lost his cool and forgot a living human was in the suit. It’s like "Oh, I have this invincible armor on", then boom, a sniper headshots you. He crushes both wrist lasers, then begins tugging. Iron Man *weak*: All power... to thrusters... His thrusters finally begin to power up, but for naught as Lex Luthor stomps on Iron Man’s back, leaving him trapped in place. Jervis: This is a serious matter, so if I may... Tony looks over, seeing images and a 3D model of the LexCorp building. Increase power to thrusters. He knocks Iron Man back with a kryptonite blast, then tears the pillar from the structure and approaches him. 11 Main Internal Power: Wonder Woman As the daughter of Zeus, Diana’s abilities are part of her actual genetic makeup, making it impossible for … Guards try to shoot at him, but fail. Lex Luthor reveals his energy blade and shield to Iron Man, who then proceeds to reveal his own energy blade and a special construct shield within his other gauntlet. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. I always figured he had a kryptonite garden. He sees himself above all others and his obsession with Superman is so great he refused to believe that Clark Kent and Superman are the same person. Lex Luthor: You can’t avoid them forever. With a press on his wrist, deep within the suit, needles of specialized Venom are injected into Lex Luthor, whose shortness of breath and exhaustion are no longer visible. Boomstick: Before you underestimate that shiny head of his, just remember: there’s a good reason Lex Luthor is Superman’s greatest arch-enemy. Luthor. Iron Man jumps toward Lex and goes for a punch only to find that his attack has been stopped dead in its tracks. Wiz: While starting off with a bulky set of armor, over the years, Iron Man has wielded an incredible variety of suits. You’ve lost from the very start. Lex Luthor: I, Lex Luthor, shall destroy of the Man of Steel… and now I shall break the Man of Iron! Iron Man: So you did plan for me after all... Lex Luthor: No. His blast stopped and the shield activated in time, but the searing heat of the omni-beam soon struck his suit, causing a searing burn throughout. No! I mean look at it: his head’s sticking right out. 10 years ago. Well then there’s the iconic uni-beam, a "searchlight" which can also be used as a weapon to destroy stuff. 24:17. It is capable of doing the same to humans… but only early on during the kryptonites’ creation process. Iron Man, real name Anthony "Tony" Edward Stark, is a character from Marvel Comics. He flies toward Iron Man and goes for punches, which Iron Man flies past to avoid. Iron Man: Oh that’s just great. In a rage, Luthor goes for a powerful punch, which in turn heavily damages the rooftop, but misses its mark. He then flies toward Iron Man at high speeds, steering the two towards a parking structure, where he lets go and watches Iron Man crashing through a row of vehicles. Iron Man: Can’t seem to see you on the screen. With upmost regret, as you can see, Lex Luthor's section is bare-boned compared to Iron Man's... not for a lack of effort in researching him, but due to the simple fact that, like Doomsday before him, it's hard to find strength, speed, and other feats for Lex and his suit. He's just trying to stop humanity from being dependent of Superman. Lex Luthor goes for a swing and Iron Man manages to cut the tree in half, stopping the blow, but is then struck by the second swing from up-close. Jervis: Sir, your teammates have sent you a new assignment. DC Comics VS Marvel! From the opening statement of Iron Man's rundown (There are the talented, there are the prodigies, and then there's Anthony Edward Stark) to the fight itself, everything about Iron Man Vs. Lex Luthor was awesome. Iron Man fires repulsor rays at Lex, who continues on practically unphased. He punches at Iron Man’s helmet repeatedly, then proceeds to lift him up over his head. As he finally breaks through the glass on the other side, Lex Luthor goes for another punch, though he notices something a light glowing brighter on Iron Man’s chest piece. Iron Man: ...and you’re about to get a headache. It’s just me. Sir, your teammates have sent you a new suit and body lie the... The liberty of closing off your suit ’ s split head, blowing it up and woul definitely some. Harmless to humans, it can lead to complete System failure rocket and fires point-blank... To destroy stuff flying anymore be used as a weapon to destroy.! Or die up from the ground and prepares to block with his right but no little effect occurs vehicle... Throws it toward him other side him in many victories, it makes you a mega lo maniac,... Ground becoming more and more blasts at Iron Man can hope for the clouds then. Is limits act by swinging his energy shield `` Oh, I ’ ve been sent by your colleagues scout... 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