Non-English Wikipedias can also translate from the articles here. Within four years, Wikipedia … ; 1917 - The February Revolution breaks out in Russia (February 23 O.S.). Even Al Capone offered his help from prison, though it of course was conditioned on his release. 1618 - Johannes Kepler discovers the third law of planetary motion (he soon rejects the idea after some initial calculations were made but later on May 15 confirms the discovery). The Lindbergh family was inundated by offers of assistance and false clues. Before today the English mobile main page would only show the featured article and major world events. [35], The impartiality of the Have Your Say forums has been disputed by organisations such as News Sniffer: moderators are accused of sometimes appearing to promote their own agenda. The broader editorial team was brought together from within the BBC, from print journalism and from some online sites. A restructuring of BBC News starting in 2007 saw the dissolution of the separate BBC News Interactive department; the editorial and management departments joined the new multimedia newsroom along with television and radio news within BBC Television Centre. THISDAY is a Nigerian national newspaper. However, the feature is a regular on Chris Evans's Radio 2 breakfast show, with a celebrity guest reading events that happened on that particular day in history. Français 2 289 000+ articles. The site is primarily funded by the television licence, paid by all UK households owning a television set, and used to carry no advertising. W WikiProject Kent - On This Day BLANK (77 P) Pages in category "WikiProject Kent - On This Day" The following 115 pages are in this category, out of 115 total. Editors also provide entries within the "Editors' blog", giving explanations for editorial decisions as well as announcing new features or services. Subpages o this template This page wis last eeditit on 3 September 2020, at 05:25. About Wikipedia; Disclaimers; Search. Il était de coutume par le passé que des manifestations soient organisées ce jour-là, mais elles étaient jusqu'alors de moindre envergure. The stories are arranged by years, by themes, by witness accounts and by the correspondents reporting the stories. A major part of the magazine is the "Magazine Monitor" column, which takes an irreverent view on the day's news. 1326 – King Edward II of England issued a royal charter confirming Adam de Brome's foundation of Oriel College, Oxford. But, on this day, it was exchanged for another phrase not less incomprehensible. Topics can be varied: comments on news stories; how to measure sizes in terms of London AEC Routemaster buses, or for larger geographical areas, Wales; spotting people mentioned in news stories whose name is particularly appropriate for their job, etc. On This Day is the name of the BBC's news archive website. In 2004 the BBC News website partnered with Moreover Technologies, in a response to the 2003 Graf Report, to provide links from BBC articles to rival publishers. [11] In line with the introduction of new features across BBC Online, including a new navigation bar, the site was updated in 2008 with wider centred page designs, larger images and an increased emphasis on audio and visual content. Since 1950, it is celebrated on 1 June in most Communist and post-Communist countries. Language; Watch; Edit < Portal:Business. Perhaps the most famous part of the feature was the music used to soundtrack it; a looped instrumental version of the George Michael hit I Want Your Sex; the full version of which had been banned from broadcast by Radio 1 when it was released in 1987. 日本語 1 248 000+ 記事. On This Day In History: anniversaries, birthdays, major events, and time capsules. The World edition has received some subsidy from the UK's Foreign and Commonwealth Office through its grant-in-aid to the BBC World Service. There are entries for every day of the year, many including video or audio reports which can be viewed online. Dances, singing, and cake are usually part of the festivities. The crime captured the attention of the entire nation. This list may not reflect recent changes . On This Day In History was a feature on the BBC Radio 1 breakfast show in the UK between 1988 and 1993. On this day/9 Julie; Eeditors can experiment i this template's sandbox (craeft | mirror) an testcases pages. The last fact is nearly always music related and directly links into the next song played on the show. Let Battle Begin It was one of the most remarkable military engagements ever: the day that 139 British soldiers took on 4,000 Zulu warriors – and won. The feature is also often heard in one form or another on many commercial radio stations. According to Lennon, the inspiration for the first two verses was the death of Tara Browne, the 21-year-old heir to the Guinness fortune who had crashed his Lotus Elan on 18 December 1966 in Redcliffe Gardens, London. Internet users with IP addresses originating from the UK are served the UK edition, all others receive the international edition. [34] The advertising consists of large animated banners, which has led to complaints that these make the site's content harder to read. It usually includes the "Paper Monitor", which provides a commentary on the daily press in the United Kingdom. [33] In October 2007, it was confirmed that the site would start to carry advertising. 1976 Concorde takes off on its first scheduled flights. [13][14], On 14 July 2010 the site was completely redesigned, with the vertical section headings moved to run horizontally near the top of the page. The BBC began providing real-time global user information in June 2006. There are two different editions of the site: a UK edition, which gives prominence to UK stories, and an international edition, which prioritises international news. About Wikipedia; Disclaimers; Search. 2 of the supersonic aircraft took off from Paris and London simultaneously. [24] This had previously only been viewable in a separate window. GMT, letters from readers, both serious and light-hearted, are published. Wikipedia The Free Encyclopedia. Deutsch 2 525 000+ Artikel. This category has only the following subcategory. Since a redesign of the BBC News Online in September 2006, the Magazine Monitor has followed a blog-style layout, rather than as a page updated over the week in a similar way to news articles. ; 1950 - The Soviet Union claims to have an atomic bomb. [27], BBC News also runs a mobile app, available on the Android, iOS and Windows Phone systems. It is one of the most publicized battles of the Vietnam War. On Friday evenings, ready for Saturday morning, an article called "10 things we didn't know last week" collates odd and interesting facts from the week's news. Other favourite areas of discussion include the Flexicon, the gender of Paper Monitor or coming up with sardonic comments about previous letters. Learn how and when to remove this template message,, Articles lacking sources from December 2009, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License, This page was last edited on 11 April 2020, at 15:49. On this day: January 5【Georgia 】 2008 – Mikheil Saakashvili (pic... tured) was decisively re-elected as President of Georgia in "the first genuinely competitive presidential election" in the history of the country. (1931) The first classes move into the Cathedral of Learning. Days on other planets are defined similarly and vary in length due to differing rotation periods, that of Mars being slightly longer and sometimes called a sol. It contains an online digital library of news stories reported by the BBC on the Second World War and world events from the 1950s to 2005. Purge server cache. On weekday evenings at around 5p.m. Русский 1 691 000+ статей. From March 2008 the BBC began to gradually introduce embedded video using the EMP into individual news articles and onto the front page. A solar day is the length of time which elapses between the Sun reaching its highest point in the sky two consecutive times. Many reports are accompanied by audio and video from the BBC's television and radio news services, while the latest TV and radio bulletins are also available to view or listen to on the site together with other current affairs programmes. It has its headquarters in Apapa, Lagos, Lagos State. The website was launched on 4 November 1997, headed by founding editor Mike Smartt and Project Director Bob Eggington. Founded by Nduka Obaigbena, the Chairman & Editor-in-Chief of the THISDAY Media Group and ARISE News Channel. These are the events that are selected for this month in the Business portal. Both day of the week are the same but did you notice the difference with the Gregorian calendar? In 1925, International Children's Day was first proclaimed in Geneva during the World Conference on Child Welfare. The 'Magazine' is a section of BBC News Online that includes a number of articles that are not tied to a particular event or topic, unlike the other articles on the site. BBC News Online is closely linked to its sister department website, that of BBC Sport. We are celebrating 20 years human! Category:WikiProject Kent - On This Day. English 6 231 000+ articles. 1998 Pope John Paul II visits Cuba. Browse historical events, famous birthdays, weddings, deaths and people from 6,000 years of history. The feature ended when Mayo left the breakfast show, although when he switched to the mid-morning programme, he revived it in part with a spot called Dead Or Alive?, where he would ask listeners whether celebrities or known figures born on the date in question were still living or not. As a quirk, he would often add a mildly cynical punchline to each of the stories he recounted, and then would get his "crew" (female co-host, newsreader and producer) each to guess the age of living celebrities who were born on that day. Mike Smartt, who became editor in chief in 2000, was later succeeded by Pete Clifton who was subsequently promoted to Head of BBC News Interactive and replaced by the previous editor Steve Herrmann in 2005.[9]. Location information provided by users is also shared with the website of BBC Weather to provide local content. The new design, incorporating larger in-line videos within news articles and standardised font usage, was introduced as a first step to bringing the entire BBC website into line with its new style guidelines. Language; Watch; Edit; Subcategories. During the day a series of caption competitions and oddities are added. When the money was finally delivered… Portal:Business and economics/On this day/December 2 … "BBC news website asks users: 'Should homosexuals face execution? The previous seven days' top stories were formerly available through the Week at a Glance section of the website. The site launched a set of semi-official RSS 0.91 syndication feeds in June 2003 and upgraded them to full feed RSS 2.0 in 2008. [21] All articles are archived indefinitely and can be retrieved via searching or by browsing the extensive Special Reports section, which contains collections of articles relating to major news stories. [18] The new design went live on 23 March 2015.[19]. [32] As of May 2010 these versions of the site are no longer available and redirect to the main and mobile websites respectively. For three days, investigators had found nothing and there was no further word from the kidnappers. We are celebrating how humans made Wikipedia what it is, and only humans can help sustain and grow it. Text is available unner the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License; additional terms mey apply. 1265 – Simon de Montfort summoned local representatives to the Palace of Westminster to attend a parliament, considered the forerunner of the House of Commons of England. The original design was created by a team, including Matt Jones, based on designs by Mike Bennett and design studio Sunbather, who worked with consultancy Lambie-Nairn who looked after the overall brand, and has been redesigned several times mainly to match the visual style of BBC News television bulletins and to exploit increases in readers' typical screen resolutions. BBC News Online is the website of BBC News, the division of the BBC responsible for newsgathering and production. Home; Random; Nearby; Log in; Settings; Donate; About Wikipedia; Disclaimers Wikipedia adds “Did you know ...” and “On this day” to the English mobile main page. On this day in history, music, sport, film and television. It is an ancient festival of spring and a current traditional spring holiday in many European cultures. Presidential elections were held in Georgia on 5 January 2008, moved forward from autumn 2008 by President Mikheil Saakashvili after the 2007 demonstrations. [12], Beginning on 30 April 2009, some published stories included in-text links, mostly to in-site profile articles on people, locations and organisations. 1931 18 Sep A railway explosion is faked by the Japanese as a pretext for the invasion of Manchuria, China. On This Day is the name of the BBC's news archive website. ; 1877 – The Constantinople Conference concluded with the Great Powers declaring the need for political reforms, which the Ottoman Empire refused to undertake and later resulting in the Russo-Turkish War. It is the flagship newspaper of Leaders & Company Ltd and was first published on 22 January 1995. As of 23 March 2015, separate mobile and text only versions have been removed, and replaced with a "responsive web design", allowing the presentation of content to adjust automatically for a wide variety of screen sizes, from desktop computer to smartphones and tablet devices. In January 2015, it was redesigned to include the option to play video and further links within articles to others.[29]. When this day started, 447,576 hours has elapsed since midnight of January 1, 1970 – the Unix epoch. Enrich your vocabulary with the English Definition dictionary Mayo, a history graduate from University of Warwick, used the day's date each morning to regurgitate historical anniversaries and events which had happened on that date in years passed. The launch of the BBC iPlayer, with the new Adobe Flash based BBC Embedded Media Player in July 2007[22] enabled BBC News and Sport Online to change the way it presented video content. The app launched in 2010, originally for the iPhone and iPad,[28] followed by other providers. on this day definition in English dictionary, on this day meaning, synonyms, see also 'this here',this here',in this day and age',in this regard'. List of non-standard dates; External links January 22, 1879; Pitman Shorthand: An Invention of Note Shorthand inventor Isaac Pitman died on this day. A day is approximately the period of time during which the Earth completes one rotation around its axis. On This Day: Wikipedia debuts On Jan. 15, 2001, free online encyclopedia Wikipedia debuts, giving users the ability to create and edit articles. Zulu Warriors: 4,000. The Simple English Wikipedia is a free encyclopedia for people who are learning English. Happy Birthday Pitt! BBC News Online Science Writer Ivan Noble, diagnosed with a malignant brain tumour in August 2002, shared his experiences of cancer in Tumour Diary until his death on 31 January 2005. On this day: January 10【Turkey / Russia 】. Español 1 654 000+ artículos. 1096-06-25 1st Crusade slaughter Jews of Werelinghofen Germany; 1099-01-06 Henry V crowned German king; 1111-02-12 King Henry V, King of Germany and Italy, arrives in Rome for his coronation as Holy Roman Emperor, but Pope Paschal II refuses to crown him until April owing to the Investiture Controversy; 1111-04-13 After months of controversy Pope Paschal II crowns Henry V, the King of … BBC News Online is the website of BBC News, the division of the BBC responsible for newsgathering and production. Members of the public are also given the opportunity to comment on entries from journalists and editors. [15] It was met with mixed opinions; Stephen Fry stated his approval of the redesign,[16] and the new design was praised for being "more attractive [and] graphically stronger". (1940) Pitt plays in the first ever televised basketball game, a 57–37 victory over Fordham at Madison Square Garden that is televised by NBC station W2XBS. [8] Whilst the BBC does not censor or change results the algorithms used tend to give greater weight to national and international sources over regional or local ones. My largest gripe of browsing on mobile for Wikipedia is resolved. [25] Additionally the WAP[26] version of the website is automatically updated with news, and a text-only version of the main news website can be accessed via the BBC Betsie service. (1787) Founders (or Charter) Day: charter granted for the Pittsburgh Academy, thus establishing the University of Pittsburgh. Prior to the adoption of the blog-style, BBC News Online also had a number of topic-specific columns written by BBC journalists, such as former education correspondent Mike Baker's Mike Baker Weekly, and technology commentator Bill Thompson's bill board (formerly bill blog). The following pages list the historical events, births, deaths, and holidays and observances of the specified day of the year: See also. Comments are allowed, but not published, other than a selection in the daily letters. May Day; Maypole dancing at Bishopstone Church, East Sussex, in England, UK. From May 2007, the website began to offer a live video stream of BBC News 24, the rolling news channel now known as the BBC News channel. There is also a front page which updates daily with past events from that date. 1916 – In the Erzurum Offensive (pictured), Russia defeats the Ottoman Empire. It wasnt until April 2 that the kidnappers gave instructions for dropping off the money. [7] Each news index has its own RSS feed, including the in-depth sections. Children's Day is a commemorative date celebrated annually in honor of children, whose date of observance varies by country. The Simple English Wikipedia's articles can be used to help with school homework or just for the fun of learning about new ideas. May Day is a public holiday usually celebrated on 1 May or the first Monday of May. Both sites follow similar layout and content options and respective journalists work alongside each other. 1968 The Battle of Khe Sanh begins. Portal:Business and economics/On this day/December 1 Portal:Business and economics/On this day/December 1. Previously, in addition to the standard website with embedded video and audio, there was an XHTML version optimised for users on mobile devices. Journalists including Nick Robinson and Kamal Ahmed use blogs to provide updates on current events and topics. The Beatles began recording 'A Day In The Life' at Abbey Road studios London, recording four takes of the new song. Then, a new letter showed up, this time demanding $70,000. The BBC later removed it and apologised after the BBC Pride board lobbied against it and Eric Joyce, the Labour MP for Falkirk, called it "more than offensive" and "completely unacceptable". ; 1911 - International Women's Day is celebrated for the first time. [36], Have Your Say received much criticism in 2009 for featuring the question "Should homosexuals face execution?". Under the Julian calendar, this day is January 9, 2021 – a Friday. In March 2010 the BBC announced that the low graphics[30] and PDA[31] versions of the site would be discontinued. It was welcomed to the city on this day. From 1998 to 2001 the site was named best news website at the BAFTA Interactive Entertainment Awards when the award category was withdrawn. This space serves as: A space to organize and plan events and meetups to celebrate the 20th; Tips … What Happened On This Day – January 21. There are entries for every day of the year, many including video or audio reports which can be viewed online. The day of the week is Friday. This day's facts in the arts, politics, and sciences. It was the first time any Pope visited the country. Wikipedia Went Online On This Day In 2001; Know More About Free Internet Encyclopedia Wikipedia, which is a free internet-based encyclopaedia and which operates under an open-source management style, was started today, i.e., January 15 in 2001. Previously the site had delivered online video content using embedded RealPlayer video in pop-up windows branded as the BBC News Player. Demonstrations had traditionally occurred on this day in the past, but on a smaller scale. On this day: January 14【Georgia 】 2004 – The national flag of th... e Republic of Georgia (pictured), the so-called "five cross flag", is restored to official use after a hiatus of some 500 years. BBC News Online uses a blog-style system for correspondents to write articles within their specialism. This Wikipedia 20 Meta-Wiki page is an initial framework the global Wikimedia community can use to coordinate around the 20th birthday of Wikipedia. Wikipedia:On this day/Tomorrow Jump to navigation Jump to search ... – The Abbasid Caliphate crushed the Alid revolt when a rebel leader was mortally wounded in battle near Basra in present-day Iraq. [citation needed] The BBC announced on 19 November 2009 that it was to pay more attention to search engine optimisation by extending news headlines. The current flag was used by the Georgian patriotic movement following the country's independence from the Soviet Union in 1991. The BBC had previously created special websites marking the 1995 Budget, the 1996 Olympic Games, 1997 general election, and the death of Princess Diana in 1997,[3] but nothing on the scale of the launch of the main site itself,[4] which required the development of a completely new production system, for which a team, led by Matthew Karas[5] was specially hired.[6]. On This Day In History was a feature on the BBC Radio 1 breakfast show in the UK between 1988 and 1993. The international version contains advertising and an "Advertise With Us" link at the bottom. A tie-in book of the same title was published in later years, with much advertisement by the BBC, initially just to give away on the show to a daily winner who rang in with the correct answer to a question posed by Mayo about a specific person or event of relevance to that date. Long John Baldry was born on this day - a friend of stars from Rod Stewart to The Beatles and who, in 1969, famously took Elton John aside and saved his life. Wikipedia is a free online encyclopedia, created and edited by volunteers around the world and hosted by the Wikimedia Foundation.
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