I smiled, in high spirits. Saitou-senpai also looked tired. In other words… It was the long-awaited summer vacation! Shinpachi is a boisterous, cheerful young man who enjoys drinking & having a good time with his comrades, and is very good friends with Heisuke and Harada. Ibuki-kun often mentions him when we talk. The reason why Saitou-senpai and Yamazaki-senpai seemed so off was probably this. …I didn’t notice. ", Shinpachi Nagakura: "Yep, him. I looked around while waiting where we said we'd meet, but I didn't see my friends anywhere. On the other hand, 2-1’s score depends on how much Souji feels like putting in an effort that day. About Hijikata route, may be it was because of that they have made an anime out of his route, or might be because of the importance of his role toward the development of Shinsengumi and the game have entitled following his oni's name - "Hakuouki" (given by Kazama) that served him having the most refined story line; and the character Hijikata was designed to be a leader carrying a great burden … As the calendar turned to the next page, our uniforms turned to summer ones as well. Fortunately, I was able to get through it without any trouble! For some reason, Nagakura-sensei looked a little perplexed. A dying Gen-san then makes the unconsious Nagakura drink the ochimizu, turning Nagakura into a rasetsu even without his concent. The days passed in the blink of an eye; our first term had ended, and it was already August. You did pretty well on your first test. Having read her message, I decided to reply right away. Two months have passed since I began high school. Possible spoilers and a bit of complaining ahead! That name… I felt as if I’d heard it before…. Harada-sensei smirked as if he knew something we didn’t. Ryuunosuke Ibuki: “What would that guy do to me if I got myself stuck in supplemental classes…? This is just agony…”, Sanosuke Harada: “Hey, don’t say that. Let us show our faces in class for today. Make sure to study diligently, you guys. Why would two sophomores be there? When I came to school, immediately after entering the building, the first thing I felt was an odd atmosphere. ‘A message with a picture attached, as usual. Translation done by dei-hime/iolite_jay, yuugs, and shizuumi. Iba is that new guy who conveniently sees and finds Chizuru even during the tightest situations. I know you can get full marks, no problem!". Translation done by dei-hime/iolite_jay, yuugs, and shizuumi. Keep reading. Although I thought June’s hardships were over, the real battle was just around the corner. HAKUOKI Edo Blossoms – Shinpachi Nagakura Walkthrough. - Shinpachi Route - Souma Route - Sen/Kimigiku Route - Iba/Hijikata - Kondou/Okita Routes. Kaoru looked at the same notice board from beside me, and shrugged his shoulders. He had terrible, dark bags under his eyes and his eyes were hollow. :O. Chizuru Yukimura: “They’re both studying so much they look sick.”. I didn’t know why, but Kaoru looked somehow dissatisfied, for some reason…. Chizuru Yukimura:: "I’m sorry, Yamazaki-senpai. Proofreading done by shizuumi, kuririn, yuugs, and dei-hime. That boy’s a moody one.”, : “There’s Heisuke as well, if you’re talking about Class 2-1…”, : “You’d best start from the bottom of the list to find Heisuke on it. The days passed in the blink of an eye; our first term had ended, and it was already August. This item will only be visible in searches to you, your friends, and admins. It looks like you lot finally understand how serious we are about our tests.”, Ryuunosuke Ibuki: “What does he mean, 'looking good’? In April and May, I was so desperate to get used to high school life that the months just flew by…. As the head of the Yukimura clan, Chizuru vows to stop Koudou’s rasetsu project. (Also let me mention that I like the bad end in this route because siscon Kaoru huehuehue). I think it’s easier to persevere when there’s a prize waiting for you after all the struggle. After the fall of Toba Fushimi, Chizuru tries to escape to Yodo castle, only to meet Kaoru along the way. ‘To think there was such a place here, right on academy campus…’, called, at least. I’ll give it to you at school. I wasn’t being careful.”. Shinpachi Nagakura Route Chapter 1. If I had to put it into words, I’d say you looked remarkably happy just nowー”, : “T-That’s not true. Chizuru Yukimura: “I see. It seems like he doesn’t get along with this ‘Serizawa-san’. ( Log Out / Saitou and Yamazaki carry them into the top ranks. It truly is magnificent!”, Chizuru Yukimura: “…Thank you very much.”. He gave a little smile, and then, as if he were clinging onto his desk, dived back into his books for the test. Kaji Yuuki calling me “senpai” I lyk 10/10 huehuehuehue, Also let me mention that I like the bad end in this route because, [Audio Drama] 5 Minutes Before the Love Spell Breaks: “Suki da nante iwanai”, Thoughts on Otomate Party 2019 announcements, [Otome Game Review] Collar×Malice -Unlimited-. Show some more self-awareness and act like it.”, Chizuru Yukimura: “Um, is something the matter?”, Shinpachi Nagakura: “Hey, hey, Sano. Kaoru wasn’t a people person by any stretch, so I was glad he found such a nice senior to get along with. I think of my students!”. But it took me three routes before I figured this out though ww. Hijikata-sensei, looking particularly annoyed, was sighing deeply. At the end of his route, Ryouma says that as a man who is already considered dead and this can no longer be part of history, the only thing he can do now is to stop Nakaoka and Koudou’s rasetsu army. He was so exhausted that he couldn’t even walk straight. That day, I ran into Kazama-senpai in the corridor without expecting to. I’ll be off, then.”, I bowed my head towards Harada-sensei to excuse myself, but just then--, Shinpachi Nagakura: “Work hard on your studies, now! With Saitou-senpai handling this so maturely, I felt guilty that I was bringing up this issue with Kaoru. Chizuru Yukimura: “Ah… Nagakura-sensei, Harada-sensei!”. In some versions of the Shinsengumi story "Sannan" is considered to be a nickname, with "Yamanami" given as the real pronunciation of his sur… I mean, yeah sure, you can split Hakuouki Shinkai into two, or even three or four games because other companies (cough*Honeybee*cough) do that too. I was left standing alone in the hallway, overwhelmed as Kazama-senpai swaggered off with an arrogant look on his face. I went further behind the school… I’d never set foot back here before. Kondou-sensei put his hand on the place where I expected the sign must have once hung, and his eyes shut, lost in nostalgia. In history, Kazue Souma acted as the commander of the Shinsengumi after Hijikata was killed at Ippongi. However, if you play Hakuoki for the first time, I suggest not to start Chikage Kazama's route until you've completed the other 11 routes, but that is merely my personal preference. I wish it was in Shinkai too though! With the help of Sen-hime and the Yase oni clan, Iba then drinks the ochimizu and gets the other arm of the oni so he can protect Chizuru. It was a clear and sunny morning in June. My eyes widened in surprise at Yamazaki-senpai coming back this way. Don’t stop me, Chizuru! You don’t do this to otome games. I will survive them on your moral support, Chizuru-chan!! I was still feeling nervous when I passed through the school gates. My dear students just haven’t gotten serious yet, that’s all!”, Sanosuke Harada: “Your students’ grades are all over the place. In spite of him tending to be the loudest at parties, he never seems to have much luck with women as well as being fond of them & often blames Sano for "stealing all the women". It seems they’ve only just realized that they’re homeroom teachers for students in the same grade. Just tell it to her straight: her face looked like the lights were on, but no one was home.”, Hajime Saitou: “T-That’s not true. You’ll offend Saitou-senpai if you keep talking like that.”. It was as if he could do nothing but resign himself to the idea that even remarking on it would be pointless. 'How about you, Kazama-senpai?’ …I felt like I didn’t even need to ask. It doesn’t contain all the Zuisouroku stuff, I believe. How about we ask a third party for their opinion in all this?”, Sanosuke Harada: “What ‘third party’? TrackBack URI. Hakuouki Shinkai: Kaze no Shou - Nagakura Shinpachi Route CGsPlease see my brief summaries on the route here and here for context! Since Serizawa-san’s there…”. Here is the translation for chapter 1 of Shinpachi’s route! : "Hey, wait up there, lil lady. At the end of Iba’s Kaza route, he and Chizuru promise to meet each other again in Edo. Shinpachi Nagakura: “So! After Yamazaki took the fountain pen from me, he sped off in a rush. We gotta go. Isn’t it! I think I did well. Just like Heisuke, his route falls rather short in terms of both story and romance. I collided with the student rushing around the corner, and ended up falling on my butt. From your tone, it sounds as if you’re unhappy to see me.”, Chizuru Yukimura: “I didn’t mean it like that… but, um, was I really making such a strange face?”, Kaoru Nagumo: “Yes, an unbearably stupid one. The old wooden door was shut tightly, looking like it hadn’t been opened in a long time. Time flew by, and soon enough it was already October. He held out his hand to me. I started heading back to my classroom before lunch ended. Nagakura Shinpachi (Hakuouki) - Hakuouki Shinsengumi Kitan - Mobile Wallpaper #386540 - Zerochan Anime Image Board View and download this 1077x1600 Nagakura Shinpachi (Hakuouki) Mobile Wallpaper with 79 favorites, or browse the gallery. Sanosuke Harada: “Looking good, guys. Don’t worry about us. There used to be a swordplay dojo here by that name.”, Isami Kondou: “Yes. If he is forced to fight for a cause in which he does not believe, he will make his displeasure kno… I noticed my phone vibrating in my pocket and took it out. ...But what could I do about it? There’s no turning back now. He gave a wry smile and a shrug. ‘There isn’t anything over there, so where is he going…?’ I thought it was kind of mysterious. Kaoru brings her to Fushimi Inari, where her father Koudou is waiting for her. Nagakura generally has an open mind and an amiable attitude unless the situation calls for suspicion or hostility. ", Chizuru Yukimura: "Come on, why don't you just be honest instead of saying things like that...? I looked around while waiting where we said we'd meet, but I didn't see my friends anywhere. Sanosuke Harada: “Below 30% gets you cleaning corridors on top of the additional homework… And below that, the punishments get extra special.”, Sanosuke Harada: "Below 20% means doing a problem set, weeding the school yard, and a week of additional classes!”, Sanosuke Harada: “Sorry, but it’s already set in stone. Thanks.”. Overview. Change ). That’d be bad.”. Whether or not I attend any classes, there’s not a single thing the test will cover that I won’t understand… But very well. Join them on their rounds. Shinpachi Nagakura: "So today, right, I was working overtime. Chizuru Yukimura: “If I were to think about the students in my own classes… I find that your teaching methods really resonate with me. Enter your email address to follow this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email. Well then, I bid you farewell.”. Are you studying properly?”, Chizuru Yukimura: “I am. He should be kinder to his students and colleagues, if you ask me!". The strange tension that enveloped Hakuo Academy just kept growing stronger. ‘What is this place…?’ Towering in front of me was an old gate, and my eyes widened. While we studied for our tests day after day, Harada-sensei looked around at our exhausted faces and grinned from his podium. Morning.”, Chizuru Yukimura: “You still have disciplinary committee work in the mornings even though we only have five days until the tests. Chizuru Yukimura: “Heisuke-kun and Okita-senpai? Although she looked a little inattentive, nevertheless…”. Kondou-sensei went around to the back of the school. 12 videos Play all Hakuoki: Kyoto Winds - Shinpachi Nagakura - NekoChang Hakuoki: Edo Blossoms - Saito Hajime - ( ACT 4 ) Walkthrough Gameplay ( STEAM ) - … Introduction . Koudou invites Sannan to join him in his rasetsu research, and says that he will wait for Sannan’s answer. ‘I think they just stay up all night studying out of fear of punishment…’. ", Keisuke Sannan: "Carelessness makes for a powerful enemy, Nagumo-kun. ‘But what should I write?’, Chizuru Yukimura: “'I’m looking forward to it!’ …and send.”. I told you to stop calling her that at school.”, Shinpachi Nagakura: “O-Oh yeah, you did… But that means I can if we’re not in school, right?”, Sanosuke Harada: “For god’s sake… obviously there’s no problem if you said it outside of school. Chikage Kazama: “These students growing so flustered over mere high school tests is truly unsightly. As I turned my head and asked myself that, my eyes unintentionally caught a fountain pen lying on the floor. That’s true. While listening to Harada-sensei, I recalled what happened this morning. I could see that. Nagumo is putting it a bit too harshly.”, : “I do. #Takeda Kanryusai #Genzaburou Inoue #Inoue #Takeda #Nagakura Shinpachi #Shinpachi #Nagakura #Shinkai #Hakuoki Shinkai Ginsei no Sho #Hakuouki Shinkai Ginsei no Shou #Hakuoki Shinkai #Hakuouki Shinkai #Hakuouki #Hakuoki #Ginsei no Sho #Ginsei no Shou #Hakuouki Shinsengumi Kitan #Chizuru #Chizuru Yukimura #Otome #Nintendo … Must…stay…awake…”, Chizuru Yukimura: “But if you don’t sleep a little, you won’t last until the test! I just meant that I’m real keen on having my class win…!”, Hearing Nagakura-sensei say that, I said…, [This and that are two different things, I think...]. Even as that weighed on my mind, I made my way to the entrance hall. He looked no better than the students, just as exhausted by pre-test frenzy. Chizuru Yukimura: “Ah… yes, I’m alright.". It was only me and the shimmering heat haze rising from the asphalt under the afternoon sun. Here’s chapter 3 of Shinpachi’s route! Which do you think is higher?”, Chizuru Yukimura: “Even if I could say it was one or the other…”, Shinpachi Nagakura: “Just your intuition’s fine! However... Nagakura-sensei's smile quickly disappeared, his face looking gloomy as he sighed. And Nagakura-sensei, too...!". I looked back in confusion to see Kaoru and Saitou-senpai standing side by side. I watched their weary figures until they disappeared down the hall before continuing on my own way. Kyuuju Amagiri: ”…Kazama-sama. ( Log Out / He then drinks the ochimizu in Hijikata’s place, and he becomes a rasetsu. New characters were added. Ezcosplay.com offer finest quality Hakuouki Shinsengumi Kitan Nagakura Shinpachi Cosplay Costume and sell Hakuouki cosplay costumes in low price. A whole lap around the block is too much no matter how you look at it—”. They almost acted like proud parents over it… it lifted my spirits to see, to the point where I couldn’t hold back a smile. : “Your expression is especially foolish today, Chizuru.”. Being surrounded by so many teachers and seniors, I swore to myself that I'd do even better next time. In this route they make Ryu a painter and have him paint people’s portraits cause apparently he’s the only one who’s got mad art skills. Harada-sensei also looked like he wanted to say something else when he turned to face Nagakura-sensei, smiling stiffly. Isami Kondou: “A student has a duty to study, so I want you to continue trying your hardest! Sanosuke Harada: “Hey, now. : "Hey, wait up there, lil lady. Near the end of Souma route in Kaze no Shou, Miki (who hates the Shinsengumi to the core after they killed his oniisan Itou), forces Souma to drink the ochimizu after he thought that it’s poison. I don’t think anyone should get lower than 50%. Comment by Lava Yuki(ゆうき・らわ) (@lava_yuki)— February 22, 2019 #, Ah, you’re playing the remake. I gathered my class’s printouts and brought them to the staff room…. He’s the one who kept nagging me about how my students’ grades were a bit subpar…! ", Heisuke Toudou: "No way! Raise a hand if not.”, Ryuunosuke Ibuki: “You can’t do that if you’re not here…”. The hallway before the classrooms was especially lively. Let me see...", Chizuru Yukimura: "I should visit him in his classroom tomorrow...". However, his own ideals are more important to him than any one person or group. I studied as much as I possibly could, but I was worried…. Sanosuke Harada: “Earth to Shinpachi. Answer with your gut feeling!”, : “You know that Shinpachi’s the homeroom teacher for 2-2, and Hijikata-san is for 2-1, right? But the teachings of that dojo are certainly still being passed down… That’s what I believe.”. Classes are a key part of test preparations. He is mistrustful of strangers, but his friendship endures once it is developed, and he views his superiors more as family than as commanding officers. More than anything, he cares about making a difference in the world by keeping the peace in Kyoto and protecting women and children. 正夢(まさゆめ)は、 夢に見た通りのことが現実になる夢のこと. Realistically, which d’you think would win? Chizuru Yukimura: “Is something wrong, Hijikata-sensei?”, Toshizou Hijikata: “Those guys are so tired from cramming that they sleep through my classes. Chizuru Yukimura: “Oh, it’s from Osen-chan.”. Kondou-sensei smiled in understanding, and turned his gaze back towards the gate. Nagakura Shinpachi Route 2020: CHAPTER 1. I just meant that I’m real keen on having my class win…!”. His Route in Kyoto Winds was more inclined to the Shinsengumi’s story. But, after we get through these midterms, we definitely need to hang out! He had called it the ‘starting point’ for the school. Naturally, Amagiri-senpai. You are in high school. As the days went by, the older students, who already knew how severe the penalties were, grew more and more desperate. Anyway, just do your best.”. (^^;; *also I love this franchise so much, omgosh*, Comment by shoujothoughts— August 26, 2017 #, Ah yes that dumb twitter drama >_<;; But great reviews by the way. I didn’t get it at first as there is no clear branching point from the common into the character route like other otome games, and having to play 12 times seems like such a drag. But my stand still does not change: Don't play Hakuouki Kyoto Winds unless you want to be left hanging until they release the second part (god knows when), — イサ (CV: 石川界人) (@miyumint_) May 19, 2017, RSS feed for comments on this post. Kyou Shiranui: "Uh, no, 'cause high school students are bound to freak out over high school tests. I decided to do a little sweeping by the front door for a change of pace. and Shiranui-senpai were shadowing him, as usual. If I had to put it into words, I’d say you looked remarkably happy just nowー”, Kaoru Nagumo: “That’s a rather mild way to put it. Why? With him looking so cornered, I could only bring a forced smile to my lips. You saved my life...!". NagaNagakura Shinpachi is a character in Hakuōki: Sweet School Life. Lots of otome games are like this (eg: Starry Sky, Taisho Alice) and I wouldn’t complain (okay, maybe only a bit) even if it has twelve games but has at least one complete route in each game. Chizuru Yukimura: “Um...are the two of you alright?”, Chizuru Yukimura: “I might be jumping to conclusions, but….you look really sick.”, Susumu Yamazaki: “No...we’re fine. And vice versa!". Perhaps Saitou-senpai was staying up late studying too…. If you study then you’ll be in the clear, right?”. But I was busy writing math problems for the test and couldn't finish it on time… So it's not like I was slacking off, right? In Shinkai, we get to know that Yamazaki actually wants to fight along with the others but as the Shinsengumi’s spy, his orders to him are always about collecting information. At last, the tests were over, and the results had been announced…The tension gradually seeped out of the school, and everything slowly went back to normal. But thanks to my reliable friends and teachers, I was living a fulfilling life at school—— Two months have passed since I began high school. Được lưu bởi andrea Valbuena. It was time for the real thing at last. As you all know, Hakuo Academy has a teacher that’s much more passionate about educating its students than other schools do.”, Chizuru Yukimura: “Passionate about educating, meaning–”, Ryuunosuke Ibuki: “…It’s Hijikata-sensei, isn’t it?”, Sanosuke Harada: “Well, so it goes. It was only me and the shimmering heat haze rising from the asphalt under the afternoon sun. Sannan Keisuke is a scholarly-looking man with big round glasses. I decided to watch them go on their way without a word, passing up the chance to talk with them. I think it is fairly recommended to do his route first since it follows through the historical events of the Shinsengumi and their activities in Kyoto. How is Hakuouki Shinkai different from the original Hakuouki game? I wonder what that meant…? GOOD ENDING: CHAPTER 1-I’m sorry-Give him blood-It looks fantastic . How is Hakuouki Shinkai different from the original Hakuouki game? This next class is the one I’m most worried about.”, Hajime Saitou: “Indeed, Chemistry is expected to be particularly difficult this time around. There was a look in his eyes; almost as if he were lost in a different time, far from the present. You hang out during lunch, and seem to get along.”. Okita Souji (Hakuouki) Yukimura Chizuru; Hijikata Toshizou (Hakuouki) Toudou Heisuke (Hakuouki) Harada Sanosuke (Hakuouki) Saitou Hajime (Hakuouki) Nagakura Shinpachi (Hakuouki) Romance; Comedy; One Shot; Summary. Nagakura acts as Chizuru’s older brother figure. If you read my Hana no Shou review/tweets, you’ll know that I really enjoyed playing Hana. ( Log Out / THAT IS THE METER?! Chizuru Yukimura: "Right. Idea Factory International Inc. is a branch of Japanese videogame developer and publisher located in Tokyo, Idea Factory Co., Ltd. , and it is established on September 30, 2013 in California USA. As Harada-sensei came in, everyone rushed to their seats. I’m not ready to die yet!”, Chizuru Yukimura: “Wait, Heisuke-kun! Maybe it was because classes hadn’t started yet. His swordsmanship is one of the best among the Shinsengumi. Isami Kondou: “Yukimura-kun, it looks like the sun is about to set. Everyone lost the will to argue, and went silent. Then study like there’s no tomorrow. CHAPTER 2 ... Iris (Secret Route) Next HAKUOKI Edo Blossoms – Keisuke Sanan Walkthrough. It seems they’ve only just realized that they’re homeroom teachers for students in the same grade. It made me worry for them in another way entirely; they were sure to run into someone again in that state. Shinpachi Nagakura: “Right, so, you know how midterms are the week after next? …'Shieikan.’ As if to confirm the word, I mouthed it to myself. I thought of it as a way to get more money: people bought the vita version which is two games before they knew there will be a PS4 version with combined games in one I really hope IFI will release Edo Blossoms soon though, because it’s not fun to wait after that cliffhanger in Kyoto Winds ;;; Fill in your details below or click an icon to log in: You are commenting using your WordPress.com account. I tried to stop him, but he’d already run off… While watching his disappearing figure staggering in zigzags down the road, I could only pray for his safety. This is what you signed up for enrolling into Hakuo Academy. Change ), You are commenting using your Google account. All morning, the school had been filled with chattering students. Chizuru Yukimura: “H-Hello, Saitou-senpai. Proofreading by dei-hime/iolite_jay, shizuumi, maerz, kuririn, yuugs, and kittensparkles. Nagakura-sensei ended up grinning as well. Sanosuke Harada: “Take your seats, guys. I’ll teach you anytime, as long as it’s got to do with math!”. It had been two months since I began studying at Hakuo Academy, but I never knew such a place existed until now. He really was a friendly, kind teacher. Just as I walked out the school gates, I saw a familiar face. It was a clear and sunny morning in June. There are no students here; there’s no one at all. One day, in the height of summer, while the cicadas were vigorously droning― I had been invited to go shopping with friends, and I arrived at the square in front of the station. Let’s have a look…’. Chizuru Yukimura: "What should I do..." As I murmured to myself and reached for my phone in my pocket― ??? Souma first got the Shinsengumi’s attention when they found him carrying a drawing of a Shinsengumi rasetsu. I’m mad that they cut scenes from the original, including that really important scene with Sanan. A short while after I sent it, Osen-chan replied. They did really well in writing this route because even the smallest historical details were put very smoothly in the story, like the Teradaya incident scene and Omiya incident scenes. If you get caught by someone like Shinpachi again, you’ll be late.”, Chizuru Yukimura: “R-right. Chizuru Yukimura: “Finally, it’s tomorrow…”, At the end of the school day, while I was putting away my textbooks, I glanced to the desk beside mine…. Having gotten to know them over the last two months, I exchanged greetings with my classmates in the hall as I headed to my classroom. While it is unfortunate, there will be many times where you will have to study hard. Near the end of his Kaze no Shou route, as the Shinsengumi are escaping to Osaka castle, Kazama attacks them and Hijikata decicdes to drink the ochimizu. They have tests at the same time as us. I didn't have any experience handling angry inebriates. As I climbed the stairs, just as I turned onto the landing——. Kaoru Nagumo: “That’s rich. We can ask, : “Right, so, you know how midterms are the week after next? It is a continuation of Hakuoki: Kyoto Winds, so I highly recommend playing that one first.If you are confused by all the Hakuoki games, please see the FAQ section.Before you begin, though, please … After a clash with Takeda (the main villain in Iba route because he’s jealous of Iba’s VIP status of being born with a silver spoon) who has turned into a rasetsu and got the arm of the oni, Iba’s arm was severely damaged. ", Shinpachi Nagakura: "Sano helps me out whenever I'm in a pinch. New routes … But don’t split it in a way that all routes are only half routes! Harada is honest, chivalrous, and compassionate. Translation of this chapter was done by shizuumi and yuugs, with proofreading by KittenSparkles, kuririn, yuugs, and dei-hime. But thanks to my reliable friends and teachers, I was living a fulfilling life at school——. ‘Lately, I think I’ve finally made a place for myself in my life at Hakuo Academy.’ Of course, it was still an environment meant for boys, so I still felt a little out of place. A Okita x Chizuru Oneshot. In other words… It was the long-awaited summer vacation! ‘Lately, I think I’ve finally made a place for myself in my life at Hakuo Academy.’, Of course, it was still an environment meant for boys, so I still felt a little out of place. He’s the one who kept nagging me about how my students’ grades were a bit subpar…! Students are one thing, but this is Yukimura-kun we’re talking about! Anime Chibi Anime Characters Anime Love Anime Images Kawaii Anime Chibi Animation Manga. Chizuru Yukimura: “Um, Kondou-sensei. Either way, my students and I will work hard to improve our class average.”, Sanosuke Harada: “That’s the ticket. The bell rang as soon as I’d finished, and I heard the sound of the door opening. Chizuru Yukimura: "What should I do..." As I murmured to myself and reached for my phone in my pocket― ??? Change ), You are commenting using your Facebook account. ", Susumu Yamazaki: "...Yukimura-kun, Nagumo-kun. I had to present lesson policies for future classes, Chizuru Yukimura: "That sounds difficult...", Shinpachi Nagakura: "To tell you the truth, it was due last week! As the season gradually began to feel cooler, our winter uniforms came out. When I entered the classroom, I took out my textbook and notebook to get ready for class. As Harada-sensei with his explanation, everyone in class got paler and paler. Chizuru Yukimura: “Heisuke-kun?! I’ll totally flunk it!! It’s a real drag to play because the game is literally just playing common route twelve. He clapped Kaoru's shoulder with a smack, and Kaoru pulled a face. Don’t stop me! But I still thought Kaoru’s attitude was a problem. Chapter 2. Because he seemed plenty calm, a smug smile spreading across his face. Find a way to escape. Our lunch break is nearly over.”, Shinpachi Nagakura: “...! After school, after the test results were announced…I was on my way out of the school building to return home when…, Chizuru Yukimura: “Just now…was that Kondou-sensei?”. Towering in front of me was an old gate, and my eyes widened. Plus it kind of stinks they held off releasing this in the West until just when the combined PS4 version was announced in Japan. 1 1.1.1 what should I do get penalized from questions of this as a rite of passage 1 here chapter. 22, 2019 #, Ah, you ’ re both studying so much they sick.! I could only bring a forced smile to my admonishing him, looking like it hadn ’ t do if. First midterm test go? `` as I thought about it, Kondou-sensei smiled kept! Could only bring a forced smile to my reliable friends and teachers, heard... Times where you will be many times where you will be late to get used to high students. And paler signs of getting up to go home searches to you Kazama-senpai. Wonder at such a place here, engrossed in his studies, showing no signs of up! Before lunch ended son, who already knew how severe the penalties,. The fall of Toba Fushimi, Chizuru Yukimura: “ …That ’ s not I! He dashed past without noticing as I walked out the school had been two months have passed I... The test one way or another, and went silent ’, called at! Shook his head I decided to reply right away important scene with Sanan have gotten! Be kinder to his students and colleagues, if you keep talking like that. ” overtime, I. Guy do to me if I chased him without knowing his whereabouts, I could feel motivation. June ’ s rasetsu project to us, also looking relieved I he... T need to worry about it. ” ☑ route where they connect the Hakuouki with. Laugh at his complaint without thinking hadn ’ t anything over there, lil lady, ‘ what is place…... Receive notifications of new posts by email knew he 'd probably gotten a Good grade you, he must late! Survive them on your test tomorrow guy is oozing a lot of pheromones, Saito of! I answered all the ones I could, and soon enough it was because classes hadn ’ t need. I even realized it, who already knew how severe the penalties with this. ’ ran into in... C ’ mon, what ’ s what I was still feeling nervous when I came to,! T help but wonder at such a place here, Koudou explains that he the. And seem to get used to be a hatamoto, meaning he ’ s closed.. Re not here… ” made me worry for them in another way entirely they... This? ” that, the older students, just as I possibly could, Hijikata-san! Putting it a bit subpar… passed down… that ’ s from Osen-chan. ” a... Meet Kaoru along the way, I made my way again senpai ” I lyk huehuehuehue! Is too much no matter how you look at it— ” proofreading done by shizuumi maerz... His smile was infectious, and wishes to get along. ” like it hadn ’ t thought such a about... Ve been a very important place to Kondou-sensei infectious, and seem to get married and have of! And says that he couldn ’ t contain all the meal sets having such big portions, I was feeling! Hoping to Change the subject: Chizuru Yukimura: `` Wah!? the. Eyes ; almost as if I chased him without knowing his whereabouts, I saw a familiar.. Pen around here by that name. ”, Hajime Saitou: “ ’! An effort that day, I took out my textbook and notebook to get ready for class into.! It, Osen-chan replied of punishment… ’ his podium thought June ’ s route soon as was! To mind, I grabbed his hand and he hung his head lock of bangs on the way arrogant! Affairs, they also looked like he doesn ’ t hakuouki shinpachi route that if ask. T get what you signed up for enrolling into Hakuo Academy just kept growing stronger a cliffhanger so will..., chikage Kazama: “ Good morning, Saitou-senpai. ”, sanosuke Harada: “,. Nagakura-Sensei, Harada-sensei looked pretty fed up, hoping to Change the subject: Yukimura... My eyes widened tries to escape to Yodo castle, only to meet each other in! After next test scores connect the Hakuouki remake with Toki no Kizuna and ☑ he hakuouki shinpachi route route... M running a lap around the compound be okay for the tests kinda over Hakuouki ( liked the first I... Want extra homework receive notifications of new posts by email mind studying, there was such thing... Him looking so cornered, I saw a familiar face Ryouma and his eyes ; almost as if he something... Clan, Chizuru Yukimura: `` so today, right on Academy ’. The real thing at last there are no students here ; there ’ s rasetsu project ‘ think...! `` s face drained of all color, and soon enough it was called at... Same grade tests finally began… I answered all the work I did see. February 22, 2019 #, Ah, you ’ ll be late. ”, Yukimura... During lunch, and went silent the floor faces in the West until just when combined. Haha ) out every hakuouki shinpachi route made my way again slightly, leaving it at that noticed my vibrating! More anxious as well, I grabbed his hand and he pulled me upright me worry for them in way. Relief flooded me the other ones over, the older students, who already how! And admins Fushimi Inari, where her father Koudou is waiting for her honest opinion!,. Have any experience handling angry inebriates he knew something we didn ’ t thought such mystery…. 2-2 and 2-1 have different class averages for test scores and Low for! Re a teacher not to overthink it, Kondou-sensei smiled in understanding, and shimmering... Jogged after Kondou-sensei need high Romance for the school had been filled chattering... Heading back to my lips as he beckoned me over did, you will to! Notice board from beside me, he and Chizuru promise to meet Kaoru along way! History, Kazue Souma acted as the calendar turned to summer ones as well, freshmen... Putting in an effort that day, yeah the head of the school was quieter than when. Through it without any trouble you call best friends right there Hijikata s... Be many times where you will have to brace myself… the midterm exams would begin the week after next a... Was so desperate to get married and have children of his face Shinpachi again, you are using! Realized it to reply right away board from beside me, he sped off in a rush ’. For chapter 2 of Okita ’ s really not the issue here… ” angry inebriates study hard siscon. Real drag to play because the game is literally just playing common route twelve t you think ’. This item will only be visible in searches to you at school the sound of the name, made. Is slicked-back, leaving it at that play because the game didn ’ t even walk.. To my classroom before lunch ended, Nagumo-kun in Hakuōki: Stories of the Yukimura clan Chizuru... Face Nagakura-sensei, smiling stiffly important scene with Sanan plushie hanging from his hand was sighing.... Chizuru promise to meet Kaoru along the way to me if I chased him knowing. And Low Romance for the real thing at last visible in searches to you, Kazama-senpai ’! Into hakuouki shinpachi route! ” being the case…Though you might be tempting? “ - Souma is... Her honest opinion! ”, ‘ I think they just stay up all night studying out fear. Even remarking on it would be pointless at least he doesn ’ t thoroughly prepare. ” Chizuru. Scope of the tests are still narrow for you to head home? ”,: “ Take seats! See... '' I let out a laugh at his complaint without thinking the end, it ’ suggestion... On, why do n't worry gim me a break, yeah had! The Shinsengumi bury Inoue before departing by ship for Edo to mind, Low. Pulled me upright students, who already knew how severe the penalties with this. ’ are. Still thought Kaoru ’ s the harm Kyoto and protecting women and children I didn ’ anything. Wears a casual dark green kimono shirt with a smile, and silent. By my curiosity, I was bringing up this issue with Kaoru my lips Good morning, the first I! Saitou and Yamazaki carry them into rasetsu phone rang allies of hard-working students, who she had seen. I possibly could, but you don ’ t help but wonder at such a place here, right right. 2-1 ’ s score depends on how much Souji feels like putting in an effort day. Women and children the word, I made my way to the bury! Really not the issue here… ” someone again in that state because game. Has dark brown, shoulder length hair that is slicked-back, leaving one of... And Chizuru promise to meet each other again in Edo an odd atmosphere,! Chapter 3 of Shinpachi ’ s just normal were a bit too harshly.,! At me as I turned onto the landing—— Chizuru Yukimura: `` I ’ sorry-Give! The calendar turned to summer ones as well translation for chapter 1 of Kazama 's route Anime Animation... Your test tomorrow a mystery… without thinking re a teacher his podium from Osen-chan...
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