deep tissue massage using herbal powders.

Udwarthanam is special therapeutic deep tissue massage using herbal powders. Udwarthanam is a special type of Abhyanga (massage) in which herbal powders is used for massaging. This massage stimulates hair follicles and subcutaneous fat tissue to break down subcutaneous fat storage.

It is performed both dry and wet. This massage involves upward stroking, where the powder is rubbed forcibly on the body. Massage is done in a direction opposite to that of the body hairs (which point downwards).


  • Pacifies the aggravated Kapha dosha
  • Slimming of the entire body
  • Softens and exfoliates dead skin cells, thereby giving a lustrous glow to skin
  • Detoxification, purification, toning the skin
  • Refreshing entire being
  • Improves mobility of joints
  • Strengthens and tones up the muscles
  • Refreshes and rejuvenates the body.
  • Takes care of conditions due to improper blood supply
  • Improves the circulation; opens up the body channels (Srotus) increasing the basal metabolic rate.
  • Tones up the skin and muscles
  • Removes cellulite and helps in weight reduction
  • Reduces the blood cholesterol
If you Have Any Questions Call Us On +91 8592 011 183