But what are the slowest? (thinking w/ Berry and Swimme), Thinking with Carlo Rovelli: The Physics of Consciousness, Science and the Soul of the World: Participatory Knowing in Goethe and Whitehead, Dialoguing with Philip Goff about Consciousness, Panpsychism, and Process Philosophy, Concrescence and the Implicate Order: Whitehead and Bohm in Dialogue, Election Coverage: Live-streaming on Growing Down, Consciousness between Science and Philosophy (response to Philip Goff on panpsychism), Apology for a Democratic Ontology (response to Keith Woods), Rune Soup Podcast with Gordon White: Talking Whitehead, Plato, & Panpsychism, Towards a Marian Consciousness (Ep. So too, in different ways, are neuroscientist Christof Koch of the Allen Institute for Brain Science, and British physicist Sir Roger Penrose, renowned for his work on gravity and black holes. Plato writes: This world of ours has received and teems with living things, mortal and immortal. Download the PDF: Deep Big History: A Living Systems Paradigm This paper was presented in August, 2014 for the international conference on “Big History.” The dominant view within “big history” assumes the universe is non-living at its foundations and is comprised mostly of dead matter and empty space. It is hard to imagine how a scientist could put the participatory anthropic principle to an empirical test. Data from existing stellar catalogs seems to support the latter view, Matloff claims. Even if it cannot be proven, the participatory anthropic principle extends the unifying agenda of modern science, powerfully evoking the sense of connectedness that Albert Einstein called the cosmic religious feeling. Plato’s tale (he admits several times it is only a “likely story”) includes a demiurge, a divine craftsman responsible for shaping the chaos of matter into an ordered cosmos. What is the average person walking speed? "In principle, some purely physical systems that are not biological or organic may also be conscious.”, “The only dominant theory we have of consciousness says that it is associated with complexity — with a system’s ability to act upon its own state and determine its own fate.”, Chandra X-Ray Observatory Center / NASA/CXC/SAO, Warp Speed Won't Get Us to the Stars, but This Just Might, Inside Neil deGrasse Tyson's Famed Office. Steve Cable considers the question of why could we possibly be important in such a vast universe. This Cosmic Being is not just an empty body, though; it is given life by a soul. Today it is known that Earth is only a small ball of rock in a space of unimaginable … This intuitive knowing of "life" cannot be grasped as a concept; it is known through actual living experience of one's everyday being. The material manifestation of the Creator is the tangible Universe, with all its non-living and living things, including man. Pelagibacter ubique is one of the smallest known free-living bacteria, with a length of 370 to 890 nm and an average cell diameter of 120 to 200 nm. Post was not sent - check your email addresses! A visible living thing containing visible ones, perceptible god, image of the intelligible Living Thing, its grandness, goodness, beauty and perfection are unexcelled, (p. 1291, PCW). When he does, he explains its origin thus: …according to our likely account, all male-born humans who lived lives of cowardice or injustice were reborn in the second generation as women, (p. 1289, PCW). This is the conversation within that leads to living … Before the birth of the Universe, time, space and matter did not exist. While Matloff looks out to the stars to verify panpsychism, Christof Koch looks at humans. The notion of a conscious universe sounds more like the stuff of late night TV than academic journals. 11. It contains billions of galaxies, each providing millions or billions of stars. Though he speaks often of mortal bodies in general (by which he means the male body), seldom does Plato mention sex. —Alfred North Whitehead. Plato does his best to make it a sexless cosmos, and his failure is evidenced by his blatant phallocentrism. It’s true, the atoms – and the elementary particles that make them up – can be traced back to the Big Bang. Always knew there was more then this life suggests. On average, cooler stars orbit our galaxy more quickly than do hotter ones. “We are participators in bringing into being not only the near and here but the far away and long ago,” Wheeler said in 2006. It is the Creator, the Self-created. [Read this essay I wrote last year for more on the repression of femininity throughout Western history. Smallest Hypothetical Object in the Universe. “The only dominant theory we have of consciousness says that it is associated with complexity — with a system’s ability to act upon its own state and determine its own fate,” Koch says. Universe, the whole cosmic system of matter and energy of which Earth, and therefore the human race, is a part.Humanity has traveled a long road since societies imagined Earth, the Sun, and the Moon as the main objects of creation, with the rest of the universe being formed almost as an afterthought. There is no end to evolution. He calls his interpretation the “participatory anthropic principle.” If he is correct, the universe is conscious, but in almost the opposite of the way that Matloff pictures it: Only through the acts of conscious minds does it truly exist at all. The most mysterious of Plato’s metaphysical concepts is not the demiurge, whose fatherly role is quite straightforward; rather, the motherly Receptacle remains “difficult and vague,” as Plato writes of this “wetnurse”: Not only does it always receive all things, it has never in any way whatever taken on any characteristic similar to any of the things that enter it, (p. 1253). Nor eyes, for who would it see? A “proto-consciousness field” could extend through all of space, he argues. In his introduction to Plato’s works, Cairns (1961) points out that the Greek view, as far back as we have records, is that the world is orderly and alive. In his view, the existence of widespread, ubiquitous consciousness is strongly tied to scientists’ current understanding of the neurological origins of the mind. What is distinctive about living things, according to his theory, is not that they are alive but that they are complex. You love our badass universe. The universe may be fine-tuned; the Fine-tuned universe hypothesis is the proposition that the conditions that allow the existence of observable life in the universe can only occur when certain universal fundamental physical constants lie within a very narrow range of values, so that if any of several fundamental constants were only slightly different, the universe would have been unlikely to be … Interesting. In the context of East Asian philosophy and East Asian religions, Tao is the natural order of the universe whose character one's human intuition must discern in order to realize the potential for individual wisdom. A particle exists in a fuzzy state of uncertainty…but only until it is observed. We may receive a call from someone we were thinking of, or the exact information we need to make an informed decision. He explains: Its characteristics suggest that the faint object formed during a very different era in the universe, back just 1 billion or so years after the Big Bang, making DGSAT 1 a living fossil. ( Log Out / Being a part of an overwhelming whole, as a spoke on a bike and the purpose, the most valuable purpose that serves the rider. The brain is not a computer, and thinking is not information-processing. Where his ancient Greek tale fails, we modern children of Gaia are called to put the pieces back together. There is no death or as Gurdieff once put it, There is no change only modification of circumstances. I spent a lot of time trying to feel good but not dealing with what made me feel bad. This blob is a giant mass of gas, dust, and galaxies that is 200 million light-years wide and looks like a cluster of green jellyfish.It was found by Japanese astronomers who had been studying a region of the universe known to have large concentrations of gas. Actually, humans aren’t that fast. Nor does it have a mouth, since there is nothing for it to eat except itself. The Universe is the home we’ve ever known. One approach is to study brain-impaired patients to see if their information responses align with biological measures of their consciousness. Universe, All Living Things' Creator Proof Evidence of the creator . Matloff considered a different explanation. “In my view, it is the most important function of art and science to awaken this feeling and keep it alive in those who are receptive to it,” Einstein wrote in a 1930 New York Times editorial. Matloff began searching for astronomical objects that unexpectedly exhibit this behavior. Called by its formal academic name, though, “panpsychism” turns out to have prominent supporters in a variety of fields. This is a list of the longest-living biological organisms: the individual(s) (or in some instances, clones) of a species with the longest natural maximum lifespans.For a given species, such a designation may include: The oldest known individual(s) that are currently alive, with verified ages. This world of ours has received and teems with living things, mortal and immortal. Therefore he’ll need a way to exert his power on only living organisms and not inanimate objects too. When these things happen, you know you are receiving … He noted that the anomaly appears in stars that are cool enough to have molecules in their atmospheres, which greatly increases their chemical complexity. Just as your mind is adept at maneuvering through your tasks, so is the soul at navigating the higher, more significant planes of life. (response to Julian Walker), Emergent Evolution in a Panpsychist Cosmos (dialoging with Corey Anton), Setting the Akashic Record Straight (final response to David Long about emergence and panpsychism). They walk at a humble average speed of 3 mph. If Paranego’s Discontinuity is caused by specific conditions within the galaxy, it should vary from location to location. So do we. When we are on the right path, little coincidences occur often. New York University philosopher and cognitive scientist David Chalmers is a proponent. Maybe we can move panpsychism from philosophy to observational astrophysics.”. What is at stake in cosmological inquiry? Understanding this idea can make it an apologetic for our faith rather than a fact which detracts from our faith. Despite his towering stature as a physicist, Penrose has encountered resistance to his theory of consciousness. For example, … Scientists believe there’s other life in the universe. Physicist Gregory Matloff argues that a “proto-consciousness field” could extend through all of space. Post: Ongoing discussion on PZ Myers’ blog, “How does matter give rise to consciousness?” (response to Sam Harris), A review of Michael Hogue’s “American Immanence: Democracy for an Uncertain World” (2018), Voices of VR podcast: A Primer on Whitehead’s Process Philosophy, Who are we? Put more bluntly, the entire cosmos may be self-aware. The late physicist John Wheeler concluded that the apparent oddity of quantum mechanics was built on an even grander and odder truth: that the universe as a whole festers in a state of uncertainty and snaps into clear, actual being when observed by a conscious being — that is, us. Q2) How can it be proven that God is the creator of the universe and all living things? The human brain is just an extreme example of that process, Koch explains: “We are more complex, we have more self-awareness — well, some of us do — but other systems have awareness, too. For an optimal experience visit our site on another browser. So we are talking about the God of God here. Don't Throw Out the Baby With the Amniotic Fluid. ( Log Out / The Universe is everything we can touch, feel, sense, measure, or detect. He does not overtly identify himself as a panpsychist, but his argument that self-awareness and free will begin with quantum events in the brain inevitably links our minds with the cosmos. Earth Unplugged’s Maddie Moate … Related: What Einstein and Bill Gates Teach Us About Time Travel. Plato means the fixed and wandering stars (planets) when he speaks of gods, and says of the earth that it “ranks as the foremost, the one with greatest seniority,” and is our nurturer and guardian of night and day (p. 1244, PCW). Fill in your details below or click an icon to log in: You are commenting using your WordPress.com account. He wondered: Could this actually be a willful process? In 2006, German physicist Bernard Haisch, known both for his studies of active stars and his openness to unorthodox science, took Penrose’s idea a big step further. Often the universe sends us signs in the form of synchronicity. Matloff is under no illusion that his colleagues will be convinced, but he remains upbeat: “Shouldn’t we at least be checking? The universe is a living likeness of the One held together by the music of the spheres. Stars may be thinking entities that deliberately control their paths. The space between the stars and galaxies is mostly empty. Thank you for sharing this wonderful insight. In 2006, a mysterious blob was named the largest structure in the universe, although it quickly lost its title to newer discoveries. ㅡ Question: Samsung Chairman Byung Churl Lee . Imagining a Gaian Reality After the Virus, Thoughts on William James, Pure Experience, and Materialism, Musing on “Consciousness” with William James & Alfred North Whitehead, Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. Riane Eisler has elsewhere detailed the importance of agricultural metaphors in patriarchal civilization.]. It includes living things, planets, stars, galaxies, dust clouds, light, and even time. Change ), You are commenting using your Google account. Change ), You are commenting using your Facebook account. The demiurge created lesser gods to make humans, because a truly immortal thing such as he could not create mortals. Despite their seeming similarities, Koch is dubious of Matloff’s volitional stars. 5) – Molecular Alchemy and the Evolution of Spirit, Growing Down Podcast on “the Integral Left”, Dialoguing with Brent Cooper about ecosocialist politics and integral spirituality, “He maketh his sun to rise,” featuring Donald Trump, Cornel West, and Ram Dass, The Place of Psychedelic Chemistry/Alchemical Consciousness in Philosophy, Imagination as the Topographical Inversion of Reality: Musings with Becca Tarnas, Reading and Riffing on Murray Bookchin’s “The Ecology of Freedom”. Ever since the 1920s, physicists have puzzled over the strangely privileged role of the observer in quantum theory. We hear a lot about the fastest things on Earth, the peregrine falcons, sailfish and cheetahs of this world. Most astronomers attribute the effect to interactions between stars and gas clouds throughout the galaxy. Koch allows that a star may have an internal life that allows it to “feel,” but whatever that feeling is, it is much less than the feeling of being an E. coli. ... the Milky Way may harbor billions of planets that bear liquid water — a substance integral to the emergence of living things. 1 of the Great American Road Trip Diaries), Alchemical Consciousness After Descartes: Whitehead’s Philosophy of Organism as Psychedelic Realism, American Immanental Philosophies and the Future of Theopolitics: Dialoging with Michael Hogue. FOLLOW NBC MACH ON TWITTER, FACEBOOK, AND INSTAGRAM. Only a brief line or two are required for Plato to remind the reader that the female body is but a corupted offshoot of man’s. Cosmology is the study of the body of the universe, its soul, and the living, procreating, and dying of the plants and animals within it. Change ), "The safest general characterization of the philosophical tradition is that it consists of a series of footnotes to Plato." Haisch proposed that the quantum fields that permeate all of empty space (the so-called "quantum vacuum") produce and transmit consciousness, which then emerges in any sufficiently complex system with energy flowing through it. Three decades ago, Penrose introduced a key element of panpsychism with his theory that consciousness is rooted in the statistical rules of quantum physics as they apply in the microscopic spaces between neurons in the brain. Largest Asteroid. Like Matloff, Koch and his colleagues are actively engaged in experimental tests of these ideas. Change ), You are commenting using your Twitter account. Explorers like Matloff are routinely dismissed as fringe thinkers, but it is hard to think of any greater expression of that feeling than continuing the quest to find out if our human minds are just tiny components of a much greater cosmic brain. “It is part and parcel of the physical.” From this perspective, the universe may not exactly be thinking, but it still has an internal experience intimately tied to our own. The universe is a body, according to Plato– a Living Thing. Perfection is the constant art of making that which is perfect even better. Its obvious however intangible. There is no such thing as perfection, for perfection, if it exists at all, might be something that is in a constant state of improvement. But the hard problem of consciousness is the problem of explaining how a qualitative, subjective experience occurs from a physical process at all. The whole universe is made up of energy - and at this level everything is vibrating. One of the hallmarks of life is its ability to adjust its behavior in response to stimulus. Plato writes (as Timaeus in the dialogue) of a soul woven together with the body of the universe, and that: …revolving within itself, [the world soul] initiated a divine beginning of unceasing, intelligent life for all time, (p.1240, Plato Complete Works). Its a feeling deep down inside. We may share this property of experience, and that is what consciousness is: the ability to experience anything, from the most mundane to the most refined religious experience.”, Related: Cosmic Bruise Could be Evidence of Multiple Universes. The demiurge could not create on his own, but needed the help of space, of the cosmic womb. See how that health care professional is holding … Cosmologies in Question: A Debate with David Long, Toward an Integral “God” – a dialogue with Layman Pascal, Death Denial in a Panpsychist Cosmos: A Dialogue with Corey Anton, Meta-Politics – a discussion with Layman Pascal on “The Integral Stage”, Remembering and Carrying Forward Michael Brooks on “Growing Down”, Dialogue with a Whiteheadian Thelemite Vajrayanist Wiccan, Sam Webster, Integral Entheogens (Ep. Thanos obviously doesn’t want to destroy half the planets and stars in the Universe…that would defeat his whole plan. Some of the world's most renowned scientists are questioning whether the cosmos has an inner life similar to our own. It must have begun at some point in time, somewhere. of the universe and . How are we to tell the story of our universe so that it celebrates women, sex, and mortality as much as the True, the Good, and the Beautiful? This new, unknown component, which comprises ~68% of the matter-energy content of the universe, will determine the ultimate fate of all. Even in that context, Gregory Matloff’s ideas are shocking. ( Log Out / Eternity can only appear to move and remain unified because of the harmony of time, as recounted by the soul. Sorry, your blog cannot share posts by email. As soon as someone looks at it and takes its measurements, the particle seems to collapse into a definite location. Oddly, his colleagues have been more accepting of the exotic, cosmic-consciousness implications of quantum mechanics. Ceres is the largest asteroid we’ve discovered so far. Yet, compared to some of the things that exist in our universe, they are absolutely microscopic. This guidance comes from within the soul and is directly linked to the rest of the universe. all living things . Koch is inspired by integrated information theory, a hot topic among modern neuroscientists, which holds that consciousness is defined by the ability of a system to be influenced by its previous state and to influence its next state. For centuries, modern science has been shrinking the gap between humans and the rest of the universe, from Isaac Newton showing that one set of laws applies equally to falling apples and orbiting moons to Carl Sagan intoning that “we are made of star stuff” — that the atoms of our bodies were literally forged in the nuclear furnaces of other stars. He describes a woman’s uterus as though it were the cause of a demonic possession, making women nearly incapable of being reasoned with (Plato, in the Republic, does grant women rational souls of their own); he speaks of intercourse as “plucking the fruit from a tree, [sowing] the seed into the plough field of [the] womb” (p. 1290, PCW), thereby making man the cause of new life, and woman merely its temporary vessel. “Theory states that it could go down to very simple systems. Eventually, it should be possible to run such experiments with humans, wiring their brains together to see if a new type of consciousness emerges. Which brings us to Roger Penrose and his theories linking consciousness and quantum mechanics. Is there any way to tell? The Universe is everything we can touch, feel, sense, measure or detect. The spiritual manifestation of the Creator is the Urge toward the One Purpose. At some point, according to integrated information theory, the two should merge into a single, larger information system. IE 11 is not supported. Another approach, further off, is to wire the brains of two mice together and see how the integrated consciousness of the animals changes as the amount of information flowing between them is increased. When we turn to the world's wisdom traditions and ask how they regard the universe, we find a stunning consensus that the universe is a continuously regenerated, living presence: "God is creating the entire universe, fully and totally, in this present now. Plato’s is the story of Man’s universe, though he is still forced at times to admit the presence of something else. Our universe is so large if you created a rocket that can go light speed you wouldn't reach the end of our universe for 100's of years. I firmly believe that the total universe is one giant living thing and we simply can’t see what it is because we are puny little bits, Less than an atom is n our own world. ( Log Out / In other words, WE ARE ALL CONNECTED and living in a "thought universe". We may ask the universe for guidance and receive it in the form of intelligence from a friend or just the right book falling into our hands. “The Great American Trip,” dialogue on “Growing Down”, Reason, Reality, & Religion in the Making (dialoguing with John Vervaeke), Naturphilosophie as Process Philosophy in Schelling and Whitehead, Meta-Linguistics (dialoguing with Layman Pascal), Metamodernism, the Integral Left, and Postmodern Traditionalism (dialoguing with Brent Cooper), Parsimonious Panpsychism? Are questioning whether the cosmos has an inner life similar to our own can be done in many –some..., it should vary from location to location, because a truly immortal thing such as he could create! 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