Without adequate biocontainment facilities, laboratory and vivarium rooms, suites, and buildings, there cannot be adequate control of biohazards, particularly with respect to protection of individuals outside the laboratory and the environment. Kathryn Bayne, Patricia V. Turner, in Laboratory Animal Welfare, 2014. The following overview of options for reducing risk of exposure to Salmonella provides selected examples to illustrate the preventive measures. This article discusses biocontainment laboratory risk assessment (RA) from the perspective of the decade long experience of the National Institutes of Health (NIH) and its component the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) with a biocontainment laboratory construction program. This requires that the items coming from a biocontainment room be wrapped or otherwise enclosed or covered to protect the environment during transport between the animal room and the autoclave, and the same for items being transported from the autoclave to a barrier room. Next. Animals may need to be individually housed while on study to minimize disease transmission or because of space limitations, though in some cases social housing may be acceptable (e.g. However, in all of these cases many of the same challenges discussed in this chapter also apply to these facilities. We use cookies to help provide and enhance our service and tailor content and ads. FAD PReP/NAHEMS Guidelines: Biosecurity - Overview. Since aquatic facilities are “wet” facilities, the media that gives lives to organisms also facilitates the spread of potential pathogens. A dedicated, well-ventilated entry vestibule with interlocking doors where the surface of the equipment or supplies can be sprayed with a chemical disinfectant is required. Containment of biohazards is the goal of a biosafety program and combinations of specific elements in the triad of containment controls (i.e., safe methods, facilities and equipment) have been grouped into increasing levels of protection labeled Biosafety Levels (BSL), with BSL-1 appropriate for work with agents with the least risk and BSL-4 required for work with agents with the greatest risk. Effect of ventilation rate in air changes per hour (ACH) on particle concentration in a space with continuous particle emission. It should be noted that if containment caging is utilized with good biocontainment practices, aerosol contamination in the animal room should be minimized. About. While many of these issues are not specific to biocontainment facilities they may require more frequent actions (e.g., inspections and preventative maintenance), greater expertise (facility design, operation, and preventative maintenance), and staffing. Ventilated containment caging can be recirculated back into the room or exhausted to the outside. Serious consideration should be given to drainage systems used in horse barns so that the materials going down the drains do not run off onto horse pastures, paddocks, or feeding sites. NBFAC bioforensic casework laboratories were designed based on the analytical workflow of bioforensic samples and to control for the potential of antigen, nucleic acid and live agent cross contamination from receipt and accessioning through analysis. An infection control program (ICP) aims to establish those policies and procedures necessary to accomplish the objective of effectively managing and reducing infection risks, including infections that are hospital acquired. The need for high-biocontainment facilities has challenged the study of entry by highly lethal hantaviruses. They also place a heavy demand on building HVAC systems, as they exhaust a large volume of air and operate at a significantly higher system static pressure than do Class II Type A BSCs (NSF/ANSI 49 2002). Proper selection of diffusers is essential to prevent this problem. Horse feeds should be stored so that rodent and bird fecal contamination is minimized by using rodent-proof containers and keeping lids closed. The primary method of sterilization employed in animal facilities involves using steam under pressure in autoclaves at temperatures in the range of 250°F (121°C) to 270°F (132°C). Biosafety procedures (e.g., operational work practices and personal protective equipment) and physical containment features (e.g., facility design and engineering controls) sufficient to contain the agent must be included. In a barrier facility, the wall flange would be located to place the autoclave skid with the mechanical and plumbing components outside of the barrier. This autoclave could not be pit-mounted, so a special handling system was designed to facilitate loading the cage transport carts into and out of the autoclave without having to transfer the cages from a transport cart on to an autoclave load rack to a transport cart and then back to a transport cart. Moreover, healthcare providers will have to be trained to deal with bioengineered microorganisms, and detailed protocols will have to be established. Keeping the quantity of available feed to a minimum will reduce rodent and bird populations. For high-level biocontainment, redundancy of the exhaust system is a must. In animal facilities for biocontainment, as in conventional animal facilities, the facility heating, ventilating and air-conditioning (HVAC) system plays an important role in personnel comfort, experimental control, animal welfare and the control of hazards. HEPA filtration of the exhaust air is required for BSL3-Ag animal holding. NBFAC casework laboratories were built with separated zones for sample processing, bacteriology, virology, toxicology, and molecular biology with change rooms for staff and air-handling units with high-efficiency particulate air (HEPA)-filtered exhaust air. Because the performance of postmortem examinations and long hours sitting at the microscope and computer can also result in fatigue and physical injury, ergonomic desks, chairs, and instruments, including microscopes, should be part of the occupational health program. Similarly, greenhouses used for plant containment and containment for arthropods will not be covered. When co-expressed independent of other hantavirus proteins, Gn/Gc assemble into virus-like particles (VLPs) bearing heteromeric spikes similar to those on authentic virions, and resemble the latter in antigenicity (Acuña et al., 2014; Betenbaugh et al., 1995; Li et al., 2010). The size of the autoclaves required will depend on the anticipated volume of materials to be autoclaved in the facility. Training in the use of safety equipment and enrollment of all at-risk laboratory personnel in an occupational health program ensures best practice protection against infectious agents and physical injury through vaccination, personal protective equipment, barriers, and other safeguards. This is a double-door autoclave with a 61-cm (24″) wide by 91-cm (36″) high by 152-cm (60″) deep chamber that is used for autoclaving rodent cages and other animal-care related supplies. Overview [edit | edit source] The Containment Facility is an upcoming Facility base in PlanetSide 2. In the hospital, horses are more likely to shed or acquire an infectious agent than those in the general population because they are more likely to be under stress, may be less able to respond immunologically to infectious agents, have altered nutrition or disturbances in normal flora, may be receiving antimicrobials, may undergo procedures that are known risk factors for infection of various types, and are concentrated in close proximity with other animals that have similar risk factors. Moor-Jankowski and Mahoney, 1989). Avoiding common-use turnout areas for hospitalized horses will minimize exposure. Insect control can be accomplished by removing livestock fecal material from stalls and disposing of feces away from horse housing areas. In some countries, such as the United States, co-existence is not governed by any single law but instead is managed by regulatory agencies and tort law. If recirculated back into the room, the air should pass through a HEPA filter. The product type to be used should be considered, as well as the regular implementation of the methods by hospital personnel. By contrast, generating such VSVs bearing Old World hantavirus Gn/Gc has been more challenging, because little or none of these proteins localize to the plasma membrane (Ogino et al., 2003, 2004; Shi and Elliott, 2002). This roadblock has been eased by the development of surrogate viral systems bearing the hantavirus glycoproteins, Gn/Gc, which are necessary and sufficient for hantavirus entry. BSL3 and BSL4 facilities), in accordance with current local and international biosafety and biosecurity guidelines, regulations and best practices. Please contact your School Biological Safety Adviser if you need advice on any aspect of biological safety, risk assessments, containment and control measures. Overview. Lehner, ... Mark E. Fitzgerald, in Planning and Designing Research Animal Facilities, 2009. The latter can be provided either in trans (by ectopic Gn/Gc expression in infected cells) or in cis (by engineering the hantavirus M segment encoding Gn/Gc into the viral genome) to generate “sheep in wolf's clothing” viral pseudotypes capable of single or multiple rounds of entry and infection, respectively. Run-off from fecal disposal areas should be regulated, and if horses have access to irrigation ditches, creeks, or ponds, these water sources should be tested. We use cookies to help provide and enhance our service and tailor content and ads. If not convenient to areas where infectious materials and/or animals are housed or are manipulated, special practices should be developed for transport of infectious materials designated alternate location/s within the facility. seaselllove324 PLUS. Assessment of risk mandates handling of select agents at levels greater than Biosafety Level 2. This is often captured in a more detailed manner in conjunction with a Basis of Design (BOD). At ABSL2, ABSL3 and ABSL4, biological safety cabinets can be recirculated back into the room, directly exhausted to the outside through the building exhaust system or indirectly exhausted by use of an air gap (thimble) connection. Ethylene oxide sterilization is rarely required for animal husbandry support, but is frequently required for supporting experimental surgery programs. David R. Smith, in Food Animal Practice (Fifth Edition), 2009, Biosecurity is the sum of actions taken to prevent introducing a disease agent into a population (pen, herd, region), whereas biocontainment describes the actions taken to control a pathogen already present in the population.39 In theory outbreaks of undifferentiated neonatal calf diarrhea could be prevented by eliminating the pathogens, decreasing calf susceptibility, or altering the production system to reduce opportunities for pathogen exposure and transmission. Barrier and containment areas designed in this way, can be operated at little more labor cost than conventional facilities. Biocontainment in the context of the research animal environment refers to practices that isolate infected or contaminated research animals to minimize the spread of microorganisms. Importantly, data obtained with such surrogate viral systems must be corroborated with the respective hantaviruses, and indeed, VLPs and pseudotyped viruses have both been shown to behave similarly to their authentic viral counterparts (Higa et al., 2012; Jangra et al., 2018; Kleinfelter et al., 2015; Paneth Iheozor-Ejiofor et al., 2016; Petersen et al., 2014; Ray et al., 2010). As with cage-washers, the use of wall flanges designed to create a sealed barrier between the two sides of a pass-through autoclave is an available option. Housing horses in veterinary hospitals based on risk level may reduce cross-contamination between patients. can be minimized by reducing chances of oral exposure to the organism. Research and manufacture of biopharmaceutical products involves the use of genetically engineered (GE) organisms and/or pathogenic organisms. Molecular biology BSL-3 casework laboratories were designed in three zones with HEPA filtration of both supply and exhaust air with one zone for reagent and master mix preparation, a second zone for sample extraction, and a third zone for PCR amplification and sequencing. Room air exchange rates may be elevated beyond the 10–20 changes per hour typically used (e.g., up to 100 ACH) when controlling airborne particles is a high priority. He cleans horse stables for a living and a new shipment of horses came in 2 weeks ago from Australia. Noel D.M. Information regarding the occupational health program may be incorporated into the biosafety/biocontainment plan. Because of the pathogenic nature of material handled in BSL-3 and BSL-4 facilities, sterilizers are used as a barrier between containment areas. Biocontainment. 3. BSL2 . Biocontainment suites have unique needs for maintaining the integrity of the containment area to protect the research, staff, and outside environment. Higher air-change rates should not create excessive air velocities, which generate cross-drafts in areas where equipment such as biosafety cabinets, fume hoods and downdraft tables is used. Block open rafters in barns using wire mesh nailed to the rafters to reduce bird roosting above horse stalls and feed storage areas. Different types of biological safety cabinets have different exhaust requirements (Richmond and Mckinney, 2000). Failure to immediately report suspicious cases to the CDC for definitive diagnostic studies in a level 4 biocontainment laboratory. Biocontainment in the context of the research animal environment refers to practices that isolate infected or contaminated research animals to minimize the spread of microorganisms. Mycobacterium … A guidance document (Table 28.4) is available to assist entities in developing this written plan and can be accessed at https://www.selectagents.gov/compliance.html. The facility was programmed to allow for clean and soiled cages to be transported and autoclaved on the same racks holding the cages in the animal room in order to keep cage-handling at a minimum. Sometimes a pass-through dip tank filled with high-level disinfectants may be made available to pass sterile items packaged in watertight containers into the barrier. The standard of care at every veterinary hospital should therefore include a high standard of hygiene, awareness of the dangers of transfer of infectious agents between both animals and people, and procedures to reduce infection risk wherever possible. See Chapter 24 for a detailed discussion of this subject. OVERVIEW. From: Encyclopedia of Applied Ethics (Second Edition), 2012, Jeffery Adamovicz, in Ensuring National Biosecurity, 2016. In addition, a pit-mounted floor loading autoclave allows cage racks and other miscellaneous rolling equipment to be easily loaded into the autoclave. Patrick Hardy, in The Laboratory Mouse (Second Edition), 2012. This is a pass-through, pit-mounted, floor loading autoclave with a chamber size of 158-cm (62″) wide×213-cm (84″) deep×213-cm (84″) high. With the introduction of cell therapy and the recent diversity and complexity of pharmaceutical products, we have expanded our understanding of the enormous variety of bacteria, fungi, viruses, and animal forms (including the exotic) on the earth. Ethylene oxide is a carcinogen; therefore, detailed safety requirements governing the installation of ethylene oxide sterilization equipment have been established and must be followed. Experienced, qualified personnel certified to work in high-level biocontainment laboratories contribute to the safe operation of these facilities. The use of surrogate viruses has afforded the discovery of new mechanistic information regarding hantavirus entry. The implementation of specific management practices to control this risk is different for each feedlot based on its particular situation. can persist and perhaps even multiply in the environment and this is enhanced through the continued presence of the organism in fecal and any organic debris. Vector Biocontainment Laboratory. Jack R. Hessler, in Planning and Designing Research Animal Facilities, 2009. In addition, autoclaving soiled cages intact reduces potential contamination of the environment while soiled cages are being transported to the soiled side of cage-wash (see Chapter 24 for a detailed discussion of this subject). The disinfectant that was selected received ten minutes of dwell time. The new NBACC laboratory is approximately 160,000 square feet and was built to the highest national biocontainment safety standards. In order to achieve this goal, a system capable to position the OS into the Bio-Container and break the chain with Mars has been put in place. Typically, a biocontainment lab project begins with the development of a Program of Requirements (POR) that captures the who, what, when, where, and how that will influence the design of the lab. Fellow in the National Biosafety and Biocontainment Training Program . A central arrangement may involve having a double-door pass-through autoclave located between the soiled and clean sides of the cage sanitation area so that it can be used for decontaminating items taken out of, Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning (HVAC), ACH) when controlling airborne particles is a high priority. Our Gloveboxes provide containment for diverse research applications in the most advanced ABSL-3, BSL-3 and BSL-4 laboratories. Just as important to operational efficiency is the labor required for loading and unloading autoclaves. Many older animal facilities in operation today are equipped with autoclaves that have a chamber size of 24″ (61 cm) wide by 36″ (91 cm) high by 48″–60″ (122–152 cm) deep (Figure 31-22). Even when not required by guidelines or regulation, HEPA filtration of exhaust air from biocontainment areas and any areas or rooms potentially generating hazardous airborne particulates is highly recommended for public relations reasons. Water sources for horses should be tested for quality, including coliform counts, and can be tested for specific pathogens. The biosafety/biocontainment plan must be based on a site-specific assessment, which provides protection commensurate with the risk of the agent and its intended use. The guidance document has links to several valuable resources including the guide Biosafety in Microbiological and Biomedical Laboratories (Chosewood and Wilson, 2007). 8. principles of biosafety, biocontainment & program management (nbb160) 1. Directional airflow between spaces is much more effective. In other regions, such as Europe, regulations require that the separation and the … To avoid exposing animals to chemical additives typically found in boiler-generated steam, clean steam should be considered for autoclaves used to sterilize animal cages, feed and bedding (see Chapter 34). Proper selection of diffusers is essential to prevent this problem. This can be accomplished by using biosecurity and biocontainment strategies on the farm and in veterinary hospitals (see Chapter 62). All human waste, such as urine and stool, is pretreated within an appropriate concentration of an approved EPA disinfectant before flushing. New arrivals to the farm or resident horses returning to the farm from high-risk situations, such as from veterinary hospitals, should be isolated from the resident equine population for 14 to 21 days to reduce the chances of exposing the resident horse population to the organism. The most efficient way to maintain both barrier and containment conditions is the distributive approach in which the autoclave is an integral part of the parameter of a dedicated barrier and/or containment area, so that items can be autoclaved either into or out of the area, thus eliminating the need to wrap or otherwise protect items to be autoclaved. This review provides an overview of regulatory frameworks for biosafety and biosecurity in containment around the globe, as well as points out overlap with other regulatory frameworks, such as the Nagoya Protocol, or Plant and Animal Health regulations. Thus proper disinfection is one of the most important means to control certain infectious equine diseases, especially the enteric pathogens such as Salmonella.149 The stall and surrounding areas for any known Salmonella-positive animal should be considered contaminated and appropriate barrier precautions taken. These include all medical and nonmedical implements that come into contact with Salmonella-infected or at-risk horses. View Mobile Biocontainment Equipment Germfree is internationally recognized as a leading manufacturer of Biological Safety Cabinets. The primary disadvantage of this option is that it is not as efficient or as versatile as a floor loading autoclave, since it is limited to items that will fit on the autoclave cart. NIH subject matter experts will provide an overview of contents, organization and use of the DRM, focusing on requirements and applications for biocontainment facilities, including BSL-3. Overview. Newer technology provides sterilization of hard surfaces using hydrogen peroxide or gaseous chlorine dioxide in sealed chambers. Jack R. Hessler, Daniel P. Frasier, in Planning and Designing Research Animal Facilities, 2009. Anticipated volume of materials to be trained to deal with bioengineered microorganisms, and detailed will. Prior to serotesting main performed hardware activity but the concept stretches back no less than the contamination the! Of exhaust air from relying on biocontainment measures, is pretreated within an appropriate concentration of an EPA... Therapeutic solutions, these facilities must meet the highest National biocontainment safety standards safe operation of these many! Of developing vaccines and therapeutic solutions, these items should be inactivated gamma! Odor and allergens in the interstitial space into the autoclave chamber into contact with Salmonella-infected or at-risk horses in... 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