I usually ride in the 18 to 23 mph area. I ride about 75-100 mi per week consistently. Well, little Doc Yaremchuk’s main emphasis is cosmetic surgery, which means he is much more interested in APPEARANCES than in REALITY. life long off and on and on again at 56, been riding almost everyday and felling better, the mental game is where is at, I’ve hitting the hills and enjoying the climbing more than ever, just did a 10 mile 2400ft. On a budget tweaks for older riders. I went back to cycling after a 40 year hiatus because I had hit a plateau on my diet. I turn 60 this year and I continue to walk, run, and bicycle. Mountain bike accessories you need for new riders. Or leave the house? For some it might be to start riding, and for others it could be getting back into riding. My knee rebounded so well because I went into the operation well conditioned to begin with. Required fields are marked *, Hydration & Nuun: A Product Review Disguised as a PSA, 2801 N. Flowing Wells Rd. Cholesterol 140. It has been a good way to live, and to para-phrase my Lakota brothers: IT IS A GOOD WAY TO DIE! I know I have extended my lifespan, and that I will be healthier in my old age. Now in my mid 40's, I still try to get out and enjoy what biking has to offer. What next, the evils of a beer at the end of a ride? Newest Over 50 Mountain Biking groups. I don’t think we can reject what the doctor says because we don’t like it. Beginning riding in your 50’s, if you have never touched a bike before can be daunting, particurly in a city, and it is up to the more experienced riders to guide the newbies and try and pass on some of the experience gained; encourage people you meet to join clubs and ride with others; spread the word and you will have passed on the gift of fitness and health to a new generation. I may not be half the stallion that I once thought I was, but, I can still get the job done. Focused on Kids Mountain Biking, Bike Austria offers the best mountain bikes for kids ages 3 to 6 years old. I have been biking for many years and have transitioned to it as my sole form of cardio for the last 10+years. I am 52 yrs. I’m going to beddy-bye now – thank heavens we installed the Ameriglide electric stair chair, or I might not make it up there before the denture cream dries out and I lose my teeth again – it’s so hard to bend over and pick them up off the floor – at least it was until I got my teeter totter inversion table! He claims that someone walking 4mph (a fast walk) burns more calories than someone cycling at 10mph (pretty slowly). If you ride your bike that distance at 10 miles/hour, you will only burn 75 calories. I plan to be in the “young for my age” camp. Ok. Not a rail but no longer on Atenolol for irregular heart beat. Please turn on Javascript in order to fully enjoy this website. Or get out of bed? While it may burn more calories to walk vs. ride, it also burns more time – enough to be a deterrent for many people. No. Either way, age is just a number and there has never been a better time to start riding or riding again than right now. manage quite well without. (Unfortunately he undermines his credibility by saying the benefits don’t outweigh the risks. He bases his math on the silly assumption that the cyclist will be going at a very leisurely pace (c’mon, I need to ride my brake to hold my speed to only 10 mph, not to mention riding that slow is as much fun as watching paint dry), while the walker will be going at a fairly brisk 4 mph. My biggest fear is it returning or heart disease, but, by gosh, it is going to have to catch me on my bike. I am a 64 year old women and would like to say to this Dr, stfu. That does not qualify as an epidemic. The need for glasses, slightly graying hair — or loss of it, and few more wrinkles is insignificant. The benefits just don’t outweigh the potential consequences. Aug 17, 2011 Simple statistics support the fact there will be more accidents/injuries. Would you think that apples are something to worry about? Also, consider the terrain you will ride on most often – concrete, trail or a combination of the two. One way to avoid becoming a “statistic” is to be careful and learn to cycle safely. I’m 61, been riding again (for transportation) a good bit for the last 3 years. So you have control over how difficult it is and how hard it will be on your body. Age categories. It’s got more to do with the amount of riding experience and level of bike handling skill that a person has. Since when do craniofacial surgeons know squat about epidemiology and cardiovascular fitness? And what it does for my spirit is incalculable. By Ted Johnson ... including over 50 miles of trail at Big Sky Resort and the Yellowstone Club. Enjoy your osteoporosis, Doc! For example; Peter Lekisch, 60-years old, finished the RAAM in 12 days and 20 hours. Ask yourself if you plan to ride for athletic purposes, to commute or to perform errands. Apples to oranges. Raising the age a little, I am 72 and cycle all weathers here in the UK. In this guest post by Terry Jones, he addresses needs of 40+ year old mountain bikers with a few tips and tricks for the trail. You might be asking yourself how your choice of pedals can make you a better rider? And that seems to be an epidemic. 285 Mountain Bikers. It has changed my life. I could either start cutting out the remaining “good” foods I still allowed myself, or I could up my exercise level. Been reading with interest on biking, people who are in their 50’s 60 and are getting into biking. I am truly addicted, and there are much worse things to be addicted to! It uses scarce metals like cadmium and zinc in very specific transport mechanisms to build DNA, enzymes, and synthesize proteins and other molecules to keep protopl… At this point I feel stronger and healthier than ever before and never experience fatigue or getting out of breath while pushing my limits. Observe recent TDF, cycling athletes at the peak of their physical and mental powers, and they still have accidents! I was feeling a bit depressed upon thinking that my beloved mountain biking (or just any fairly serious exercise) would take me away from wifey & daughter (10 year old this year) suddenly - forever. 50 is the new 30 – that’s what I say. It’s just fast enough to be a hazard, and too slow to respond to hazards. Copyright © Wow, I just love what you wrote. Save my name and email in this browser for the next time I comment. chia seeds have high doses of omega-3 fatty acids, lots of fiber, and protein to speed recovery after long runs. I’m 58 and bike every day in NYC. It’s all calculated risk. Now, at 58, I’m starting to swim again; and, after a bunch of research, and a deal on last year’s model, I bought a Schwinn World 21 Commuter Bike from a LBS. (My ankles and hips do not like running so much anymore) One thing I would like to point out is how inadequate most bicycle helmets are. Riders taking part in short course or mini downhill events can compete in … Dude! Ted, I took care of that for you. especially if you plan on riding in busy traffic. . I got into mountain biking when I was in my 20’s, just before I got married. I’m an an over 50 cyclist and started when I was 15. I have been biking seriously for the past 20 years, doing about 125 miles a week, but try to keep at 40-50 miles when I have time. People aged 50 years and above have a lot to benefit from cycling. ... 40 miles a week and then I’m out on Sunday mornings doing 50… This is taking anecdotal data–“my daily observation”–on a novel phenomenon, a cultural change, and drawing a self-serving recommendation: Get all of those cyclists off of my roads! This article by the good doctor was posted a few years ago, and I wonder how he feels now about cyclists, and if he has performed any statistical studies instead of basing his case on his own “observations”. With my three forms of exercise and better eating to support my activities, I’ve lost weight, am no longer considered pre diabetic, feel great, and have a wonderful life. I also wear a full face helmet, padded riding shorts, gloves and if I am riding single track MTB trails a chest protector too. What he has observed (in my opinion) is an anomalous spike in these cases combined perhaps with an increase in the incidences. This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged. If you are over 50, think twice before you get on a bicycle, especially if you plan on riding in busy traffic. Besides the so many options in the market the ages of 50 and 60 above require certain kind of bicycle to be ridden and due to that many of the bikes in the market are ruled out as a contender. Chosen by … And the mental benefits and stress release will lift anyone’s mood. You learn. Whether it’s a speed related incident or one against a much larger object (cars come to mind) the helmets passed off as safe are really just a joke. Mountain biking is a sport of riding bicycles off-road, often over rough terrain, usually using specially designed mountain bikes.Mountain bikes share similarities with other bikes but incorporate features designed to enhance durability and performance in rough terrain, such as air or coil-sprung shocks used as suspension, larger and wider wheels and tyres, stronger frame … No Allopurinol for gout. You might if you were Michael Yaremchuk, M.D. It can help you control or lose weight, improve lung and cardiovascular health as well as help boost immunity. I am a healthy old man. Often I take a longer ride in and put 25 miles in by the end of the day. I would rather take a bad bounce on a bicycle, than, have someone find me dead in a recliner chair, with a bowl of cold Mission Macaroni on my chest and Happy Days playing on the television. Determine what you plan to use the bike for most often. I combine these intense upper body days with 2-3 days of mountain biking and walking several miles 6 days a week. I would rather be a healthy, vibrant senior than an unhealthy, grumpy surgeon…. discover, just before you die, that you have been dead for a long, long I started mountain biking when I was 18 years old. Produced by a company that attracts faithful fans like New York City streets attract dust, this Turi tackles hills effortlessly, and when it’s time to bring the ride to a halt, the Tektro hydraulic disc brakes and puncture-resistant tires won’t let you down. In my youth A figure skater & professional ballroom dancer! And while age is just a number, if you ignore the fact that you have different considerations than a 20-something who can bounce back from every stupid thing they do to their body, it will soon catch up with you. I have no car and Everything else, including walking, is a risk. All categories in mountain racing are age-based until you get to the age of 19. But you may I’m a 60 year old male, almost 9-year colon cancer survivor. I soooooo agree! As long as you ride within your skill level and always stay in control, it can be a pretty safe sport. Of course “bike accidents on busy streets are predictable”!, when there are more cars than bikes – well duh! Being careful, riding defensively, and using one’s head to avoid getting it injured goes a long way. Many of them suffer terrible injuries. … [with rider experience] … The total number of wrecks per mile will decrease, while the percentage of the total wrecks that involve collisions with a car or truck will increase. Not a single injury, I’ve lost weight, I’m MUCH healthier, much happier, and consider that doctor an idiot. 2009 Orange Five Pro. Some older people like me retire from work and driving… but easier in a city where the good doctor thinks is for cars. Next thing they know, they’re on a gurney looking at you, the ER doctor. Over the years you develop riding skills that are hard to teach. There should be a link back to here (pending approval of Huffpost’s moderators). …city bike riding also has a limited exercise benefit. Hands down, that Dr is an idiot! Or would you say, Wow! It can help with your balance not only on your bike, but also in your normal day to day routines. For most riders over 50 years old, a solid dual suspension will continue to suit their needs as long as health is not a major factor. One can get hurt just walking if one trips. It is my way of staying active and compliments the days I go downtown by bus and walk, socialize etc. like I use to, but I know I still have the moves. I have always believed that training and exercise leads to making better choices with nutrition, getting better sleep, improved mental health and even a better sex life. I am a 54 year old male family physician who started back cycling again about 4 years ago. (Physical, not psychological). Did you know that dozens of people slip and fall in the shower every year? Are you new to mountain biking and over 50 years old? You are never to old to learn a new skill and mountain biking is about developing skills and fitness. The benefits just I am 54 and like what you said it makes perfect sense. I’ve can’t wait to explore neighborhoods and have rescued a 12 year old who got her sweater caught to lending a patch kit to a couple guys from Italy who were biking from Boston to SF. Advances in science begin with an observation, often about something unusual. I’m 63 and recently diagnosed. I love riding my mountain bike off road and my road bike, on road. I can’t tell you how much fun it is to be back in the game. It took me some time to get use to the clip in pedals but otherwise no problems. This is to Hivemind, 61 Comments. ... (12-15 M have died thus far over the years due to accidents, health/illness, tragedy, military action, etc... . The demographic still most at risk is the iPod-wearing 20-something male riding without a helmet. I’m just as annoyed by that article as the other commenters. Fit riders can continue to ride regardless of their age. One thing that is indisputable is that there are many over-50s who are still as fit as fiddle. I agree that the benefits of cycling far outweigh the risks, but one additional risk factor for men may be prostate cancer. Our population is getting older! - Masks are Mandatory, 4 Customers at a Time -. Makes me happy – what can I say. Started Aug 3 in Austin, USA. I don’t have to worry about any of this stuff like falling off and smashing myself, or the traffic, or the weather… and I am still getting healthy and feeling great. Those older folks with no teeth might want to think about sugar-free applesauce, but all in all, Go apple eaters! But who’s contrasting those health problems to the data on the benefits of cycling? Joe Breeze: Interesting question. Why over-50? So now we know what this is about. I try to use common sense, avoid stupid moves, and follow the road signs. I think this is a great idea that promotes safety and expands the general interest in cycling. Everyone, please think twice about showering. I don’t regret any of it and feel as if I’ve been privy to the fountain of youth in some ways. I usually ride about 100 miles per week. Need help getting a better nights sleep, go for a bike ride. Keep on biking, people. As the population of older, more experienced rides grows, they are sustaining more serious injuries. Not only your intellegent words, but your common sense! Don't buy just a bike, buy a passion! I commute on a bike and go mountain biking on weekends and have fallen there with no major injuries…I’m 57 BTW…. “If you are over 50, think twice before you get on a bicycle, He probably owns stock in Lifealert too. your wisdom you will probably live to be a ripe old age. I haven’t fallen off the bike for any reason at all, period, in 15 years. seems as if it might threaten one of your more cherished beliefs. Meeting and being around others that have the same interest as you and also enjoy getting out on the trails on their bikes, Get your doctors approval first- a physical is always required before you start any new exercise plan and mountain biking is no different. I’m not sure what I’ll do once winter comes, though. Austria (+43)69918144995 [email protected] . Cross-train for big fitness gains 1. What I reject is his conclusion that this is an increase in the rate of these injuries — which, if true, would qualify this as an epidemic. Out of the past nine months of focusing on cycling and eating healthy I have only missed 15 or so days of training. I still like to go fast and yes, I’ve crashed, but survived. Just got a call from the doctor this morning. Huffpost requires a myriad of registrations – something they didn’t do when I started posting in ’08. I was cut off by a driver crashed got cut up and got back on. It’s all too dangerous! Dr. Yaremchuk’s observations must be tempered by the knowledge that there are probably more people over 50 cycling all over the country than in years past. The continuing development of cycling infrastructure will help, too. take my chances and love every damn minute of it. As we end the 2010s, the time is right to reflect on a decade of mountain bike development. I got off my cholesterol, blood pressure, and heart rate medications, I look better and feel better. A few years ago I had to quit mountain biking altogether because of some severe back problems. Your email address will not be published. I don’t plan to give up cycling when I turn 50 on this doctor’s advice. . I had not used a bicycle since I was a boy. Learn how here. The trail is mostly packed, with short sections of soft sand. What you eat and when you eat are very important to overall health as will make your rides easier and your recoveries quicker. Caveat: I’m not an epidemiologist, I just play one on the Web. It’s between cycling and driving and I don’t see any analysis of how many calories the motorist spends sitting on their ass all the way in to work. But you determine how difficult of a trail you ride and how long you ride for. I am 5′ 8″ and weigh 158 lbs, it’s about 6-8 lbs. Cycling education is essential as the number of riders continues to increase. Between 1995 and 2009, the rise in cycling among people ages 60-79 accounted for 37 percent of the total net nationwide increase in … Strength Training over 50. I have been biking seriously for the past 20 years, doing about 125 miles a week, but try to keep at 40-50 miles when I have time. Mountain biking proves to be an ideal alternative for the growing number of older Americans who may be suffering from knee injuries after years of high-impact sports, such as running. “All senior citizens should have Lifealert!” Constance and I always crack up when we see that commercial because the lady reminds me so much of a certain dearly loved family member who is not shy about sharing her opinion. Our city has been doing a lot to encourage bike use, adding bike lanes, dedicated bike paths, etc. A 4 mph walker will probably ride at least 15 mph, possibly even 20+ mph. When I try, I got into a dead end where I need to register on the site, and then it won’t let me register. They may not be able to beat a 10 year-old at Wii, but they can maneuver around broken glass, dodge a distracted pedestrian, and avoid an opening car door in a nanosecond. All my blood work check out good. is as liberating for us old folk than the freedom offered by a bike. I really can’t justify such dangerous behavior so now I just strip down in the back yard and have my wife blast me with the garden hose. Real medical doctors, like Toronto’s Medical Officer of Health, report things such as, for example, that car pollution in Toronto kills 440 people per year and injures 1,700 so seriously that they have to be hospitalised. The great news is it's never too late to start riding! i am 73 years old and ride twice a day about 30 miles total, have been doing this about 25 years, never skip any days and no problems. In the last year I have witnessed a new injury demographic, amounting to almost an epidemic: bicyclists over the age of 50. Are never to old to learn a new Epidemic? ” my Lakota brothers: it is safer than riding... Has risen in recent years but relatively slowly ( 10+ years to double 2.3. In San Diego you determine how difficult it is probably saving my life and 20 hours? ” comes... 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