Jack developed romantic relationships with Kate and later Juliet. In December of 2003, Jack kissed a patient's daughter while consoling her after he died on the operating table. They also find two outrigger canoes and Sawyer discovers an Ajira Airways water bottle in one of them. ("The Incident, Part 1"). He said she didn't want a baby either but was just looking for an excuse to split. When Sawyer's candy got stuck in the machine, Juliet came to help him. He has been married to Yessica Kumala since October 1, 2004. When Sawyer failed to end his life with their last bullet, Jack was forced to euthanize him by hand. There are only 9 episodes that do not feature Jack. Sawyer responded that he was too busy to help, but Juliet ordered him to explain their predicament - namely Phil, who was still tied up in the closet. He revealed to Sawyer that Jacob had made him a candidate, a protector of the Island. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. Jack and Sawyer continued toward the chopper and found Frank hand-cuffed to it. Sawyer was playing a game of Risk against Hurley when the phone rang, heralding the imminent arrival of Keamy and his team. She got upset when he said she'll be back when she gets pissed at Jack again, she hit him in the face and left. When Juliet and Sawyer announced that they were returning to the beach, Jack kissed Juliet as Kate looked on with jealousy, but soon after, he told Kate he loved her. Equally furious and worried, Sawyer left Miles to find Aaron when he began to hear the baby crying. When she refused his orders to open a door, he unlatched it himself, flooding the corridor. James, when walking down the aisle of the plane, accidentally bumped into Marshall Edward Mars, who told James to watch where he was going. During their time adrift, Sawyer saved Michael with mouth-to-mouth resuscitation (but never tells him), and later pulled the bullet out of his own arm with his bare hands. Jack decided to help him lower Desmond into it, believing Desmond to be Jacob's secret weapon to kill the Man in Black. Sawyer continued to grow wary of the Man in Black, and, eventually, heeding Richard's warnings, pulled a gun on him. Jack covered Roger's work, and defended Kate when Roger accused her. When they woke up at the dock, Jack, Kate and Sawyer were hooded and told they would be going home with the Others. He kissed her and told her that he loved her and congratulated her on her first successful delivery on the Island. ("Three Minutes")  ("Live Together, Die Alone, Part 2"), A day later, Sawyer awoke in a cage at the Hydra station with his arm bandaged. A struggle that intensifies when his little girl grows fond of Sawyer, the most hated man in the group. ("What Kate Does"). The Man in Black descended a long wooden ladder, and Sawyer followed carefully. The tattoos actually belonged to Matthew Fox before LOST, and were incorporated into his character. He then told Sawyer to return to camp, and gave him the cassette player Juliet left for Ben to prove that she was a mole in their camp. About a week before we all got on the plane… I got to talking with this man in a bar in Sydney. The undertakers were missing his shoes and rather than buy some, Jack gave them an old pair he had handy. He had three choices: to do nothing, to become Jacob's "puppet", or to accompany the Man in Black off the Island. Age Jack entered a side chapel and found his father's coffin. Sawyer obeyed and took an outrigger to the Hydra Island. He found Hurley and Kate at the waterfall, before they were discovered by Jin, who called Sawyer. ("The Hunting Party"). Sawyer left the Island in the helicopter with Lapidus, Kate, Jack, Sayid, Aaron, and Hurley. Ben was the one to come, but Sawyer's plan was unsuccessful, because they turned off the electricity. Nash Fletcher Sawyer is the Earth-6 counterpart of Lance White, and leader of the Lost Loners. She opened the notebook and found that it contained personal information about the deaths of James' parents. When they got to the sonic fence, Juliet demanded that Amy render it safe. Afterward, Jack told him a new treatment could cure his paralysis. He asked Sawyer if it felt good to be nice, which he didn't respond to. Despite Miles' claims that he cannot make his ability work, Sawyer threatened him, and Miles heard Juliet's last thoughts, "It worked," relaying them to a confused Sawyer. Yet he has proven many times that he genuinely cares for his friends, having gone to far extents for them (especially Kate and Claire) numerous times. He then told Juliet to get some rope. He did not include his friends in the deal, curiously enough, only himself and Juliet. Jack quickly realized that Sawyer and Juliet were in a relationship when he was invited in. He also shot a polar bear, revealing that he had stolen a firearm from the U.S. ("The Last Recruit"), Widmore's men brought the group, including Sawyer, Kate, Claire, Hurley, Frank, Sun, and Jin to the Hydra Island cages. "Jack" was also the name of a character in Lord of the Flies. Jack chased them to the Tempest, passing an unconscious Kate, but Juliet arrived there first. Once they reached there, they camped out when Sawyer won an argument as to whether they should look immediately for the castaways' camp. After a short ride in the van, Sawyer came back to camp, with his DHARMA beers, and looked for Kate, but could not find her because she left to go rescue Jack without telling him. Actor A doctor refused to let him operate on the passenger he had saved. The man swindled the family out of all their savings, enraging James's father. ("Pilot, Part 2")  ("Tabula Rasa"), Jack struggled with the leadership role that was thrust upon him. She succeeds in saving both Amy and her child. Sawyer says that he has never had a blood transfusion or taken pills for malaria, but he has paid for sex and received a sexually transmitted disease. ("Pilot, Part 1"). After Richard explained what would happen to Ben, and with Kate's consent, Sawyer gave Ben to Richard to be taken to the Temple. They were interrupted when Miles and Daniel arrived, asking where he could find the Hostiles. Last However, at that moment, the Man in Black returned, and Richard was forced to retreat back into the jungle. However, Jack's trip to the lighthouse had built his faith, so he lit a fuse and stayed in the ship, believing it would extinguish before it could kill him. Fan Forum > Archived Forums > Lost > Jack And Sawyer #1: Duality of Natures New Forum Poll ... Last night's Lost, "One of Them" dealt with Sayid's first torture and the fine line between utilizing it as a tool to extract information and manifesting your hurt and rage to inflict harm on others. James "Sawyer" Ford/Jack Shephard - Lost Lost - TV Series Jack Shephard struggles to raise his five-year-old daughter Madison and lead the survivors of flight 815. Sawyer began to question why Locke believed the freighter people were bad, and expressed doubt once Locke explained that it was Walt (or a vision of Walt) who instructed him to kill Naomi and attempt to stop the people on the boat from coming to the Island. ("Eggtown")  ("The Constant") Daniel and Charlotte disappeared that night. ("Tricia Tanaka Is Dead"), Sawyer tried to win back his stash in a ping pong game against Hurley, but was defeated and had to give up using nicknames for a week. Eventually, Sayid and Kate retrieved her from the Barracks, and Kate chose to stay there, hurting Jack. However, when Sawyer invited Hurley to go with them, Ben and Locke demanded that Hurley come with them to Jacob's cabin. Anthony started to read, but stopped and explained to Sawyer his theory that they were not on an island but, in fact, in hell. At first, Sawyer fought Pickett, but backed off when he saw the accomplice hold one of Kate's arms behind her back, pushing her up against the bars and holding a gun to her head. While Sawyer maintained that this was done to test the Others as a group, a connection between himself and Kate was clearly visible. With Hurley allowed to go free, the trio of Jack, Kate and Sawyer were kidnapped by the mysterious indigenous group. After Hurley deduced that her last words were, "Paulo lies", they went looking for Paulo, only to find him apparently dead, as well. The two then had a discussion on the submarine jetty where Kate began to apologize for Juliet's death, blaming herself for it because she convinced Juliet to return to the Island to stop Jack's attempt. At 19, he was $6,000 in debt, and he tried the confidence trick his nemesis has used to obtain the money. Sawyer revealed that he did not want to leave the Island because he had nothing to go back to. When it did arrive, he learned of Desmond's temporal displacement. ("Recon"), That same day, James questioned Kate in the police station while waiting for the marshal to arrive. Kate snatched Sawyer's gun and shot at Locke, to no effect, while Sawyer tried to stop her. When Sawyer returned to the main Island, he revealed everything he had noticed in Widmore's sub to the Man in Black, including his own deal with him. Later at the hospital, James asked Jack where he could buy some grub, and Jack said he should try the vending machines. Jack followed him to the cliffs, where they fought in the rain. He stated that it was better to think clearly than act rashly as Jack had done in the past, noting that several people had died under his leadership. "Outlaws" is the 16th episode of the first season of the American drama television series Lost. ("Lockdown"), In July of 2004, a nurse observed an intoxicated Christian Shephard botch a surgery. Jin then quietly told him that the "hostile" was actually Sayid. Jack reluctantly listened, and he was able to fix his mistake and complete the surgery. Non-Centric Flash After being forced from his home, Nash and his son, Shaw, sought out to bring together the remaining humans for a mission of aid. He then revealed that he never had the medicine in the first place - outraging everybody. The three of them returned to the beach to find Sun, Frank, Miles, Ben and Ilana. The Man in Black stated, "this is why you are all here". On the march there, however, he secretly asked Jack to get Locke in the water when they arrived and make sure he did not board the submarine. He arrived late at the concert and met Kate, who said he recognized her from somewhere besides Flight 815. During this conversation, another car crashed into James'. He stalked her, offered her all their assets for her name and dialled all her cell phone contacts, shocked to find his father's number. Sawyer then visited Kate and asked her why she returned, but before she could answer the flaming van crossed the barracks campus and chaos ensued. Kate tried to convince Jack to euthanize him, but Jack refused. ("Orientation")  ("Everybody Hates Hugo")  ("...And Found"), ("Abandoned"). He enlisted a woman's help in stitching him, telling her a story to calm her. The next day, Sawyer approached her to give a Phil Collins tape, commenting that if Bernard asked about it, he knew nothing. Jack's centric episodes in Season 3 are all titles of books: Jack is the only character to play his theme. His earliest and best known con involved whitewashing a fence, in which he convinced the local boys to pay him for the privilege of painting a rather long and difficult fence. Jack exited, making eye contact with John Locke as he was transferred to a wheelchair. ("The Incident, Parts 1 & 2"), In the aftermath of the blast, Sawyer blamed Jack for Juliet's death. Jack and Kate shared a passionate goodbye kiss, and they each professed their love for one another. Surviving his fall, Sawyer swam back to the Island and found Juliet alone on the beach with a bottle of DHARMA rum. Later, he intervened when Karl was about to attack Ben, saying that Ben was only trying to get inside his head, only to end up attacking Ben himself when he antagonized Sawyer about Kate and her feelings for Jack. She replies "live together, die alone", and they head off. Jack lied on her behalf then offered Ben further medical treatment if he let Juliet live. According to Isabel, the tattoo literally translates as "He walks amongst us but he is not one of us." SawyerJames 'Jim' LaFleurRedneck Man However, his happiness was somewhat dampened by the fact that all he got was a fish biscuit and kibble, and by the fact that Tom later quipped, "It only took the bears two hours." Sawyer, Jack, Kate, Jin and Miles turned their attention towards freeing Juliet, who was trapped under a massive amount of metal. He was treated by Jack with medicine from the hatch and Kate helped look after him as well. He's worn two t-shirts, two long sleeved t-shirts and one shirt without sleeves. When he learned the police had arrested Hurley, he visited his old friend at the institute. He turned and found Christian standing beside him. Sawyer attempted to calm Rose and Bernard as they panicked but they informed him that the camp had disappeared. Marshal after the crash. Sawyer replied he was with nobody. Jack amended his statement to reflect that his father was under the influence and his intoxication was the cause of the patients' death. Jack defended himself, stating that he had successfully gotten everyone off the Island to which Sawyer replied, "But here you are. Suddenly, "Jones" quickly snapped Cunningham's neck and escaped. Another time, he found their nanny staying late, and when Kate returned, he demanded answers. He suggested that they either leave the Island by submarine before they are caught, or head into the jungle to "start from square one." The next morning, Jack went to Sawyer's house to tell him Daniel had returned and had headed to the Orchid. Upon being told about the bomb, Bernard said it didn't matter, all that mattered to them was that they were together. Sawyer, however, talked her into staying for just two more weeks until the next submarine trip. ("The Candidate"). This may be explained by the fact that the movie was released while the Oceanic Six were off the Island (2005), and therefore Sawyer had no knowledge of the story. When Jack said it was "too late", Sawyer reminded him that if his "reset" plan worked, he and Kate would be strangers, and she'd be on her way to prison. ("Walkabout")  ("White Rabbit"), One trip to the caves awoke a swarm of bees, and Jack and Kate found two skeletons. Profession On the way to the Orchid he hears screams and witness the birth of Aaron. After pulling off a long con, he gained control of all the guns and a position of power over the other survivors. She appeared to do so, but actually just put in earplugs. Using the DHARMA van, the group managed to clear away enough of the wreckage for Sawyer to climb into the mountain of metal. ...finding his father Jack finally managed to meet Kate outside the airport and she is taken aback by his physical appearance. ("The End"). ("The Man Behind the Curtain"), After hearing about Jack's plans to use dynamite against the Others, Sawyer joined the main group in the trek to the radio tower. He ordered Miles to keep Jack, Kate and Hurley under house arrest in order not to complicate matters. The name Sawyer may also be a reference to the fictional character Jack Sawyer who appears in the novels "The Talisman" and "Black House" by Stephen King and Peter Straub. Sawyer questions the validity of Locke's knowledge that the Oceanic 6 are still alive but after Locke mentions bringing Kate back he decides to head to the Orchid. The character of James "Sawyer" Ford (Josh Holloway) is featured in the episode's flashbacks.. When Bernard discovered Daniel lied about their reply, Jack lost his temper and grabbed Daniel by the collar. She responded by kissing him lightly, he smiles and says, "I love you, too." Alex agreed to give him and Kate a boat if they would help her rescue Karl, her boyfriend. He knew what pain felt like, and suffering. Jack said it had to do with Desmond, that he thought Jacob brought him back not as bait but as a weapon. Sawyer eventually assaulted Pickett, taking away his gun and beating him, while Kate took out his backup. Another Life by Diandra Hollman Rating: chapters range from PG-13 to NC-17. The five may represent when he conquered his fear during an emergency by "letting the fear in", but only for five seconds. Date Finished: 1/23/15 (I take it as providence that I finished it on a date containing two of the Numbers) Keywords: slash, Jack/Sawyer, Alt!Verse, first time Spoilers: Nothing really detailed or time specific. Much to everyone’s surprise, when they got back Jack didn’t bury himself in his work, have a nervous breakdown, become a raging alcoholic or commit suicide. ("The Incident, Part 2"). He managed to close it again, and she knocked him out and returned him to his room. He was quick to get her out of the area upon the discovery of Rousseau's and Karl's bodies, and told her to get behind him when they heard someone (Frank) approaching through the bushes. He spotted a cut on his neck from where the Man in Black had stabbed him but didn't remember getting it. Locke refused the offer. When Juliet was caught in chains and pulled into the hole, Kate grabbed the chains and held on long enough for Sawyer to hear her calls for help. Sawyer's "restraining order" had backfired, as Miles had apparently let her wander off into the jungle in the dead of night with what appeared to be her father, Christian Shephard. Centric The flight suddenly encountered heavy turbulence, and was then surrounded by a bright light. Jack offered him a business card and a free surgical consult because though his condition appeared permanent, "nothing is irreversible." ("Lighthouse")  ("Dr. Linus")  ("Ab Aeterno"), Jack briefly followed Ilana's plan to blow up the Ajira plane, but Hurley destroyed their only source of dynamite. She threw them back at Sawyer when she found out that he and Charlie were the ones who assaulted and kidnapped her. They rowed back to the Island using a raft from the sub. Sawyer gave them instructions, provided new clothing, and assured the three that they would not be detected. Jack had to threaten to let the countdown timer run to zero to convince Locke to open the armory and let Jack intervene. He and Kate were rescued by Alex, who used her slingshot to wound Jason and lead them to a hiding-hole. Sawyer realized that Anthony was the man who was responsible for his parent's death, the man he had been looking for his whole life, the real Sawyer. Centric Horace arrived and was suspicious of them talking. Sawyer survived the detonation of Jughead, and woke up adjacent to the Hatch crater. Sayid resurrected hours later, and Dogen gave Jack a pill to feed him. Jack told her not to return for him in an attempt to protect her. ("Left Behind")  ("One of Us") Kate finally approached Jack about a parachutist that had entered the camp, and Sayid approached him about Juliet's being Ben's mole - a secret Jack already knew. At the airport, Caesar offered him condolences over his loss, and in the plane, an attendant handed Jack the suicide note. Tom Sawyer was an orphan and budding con artist from the south. They were chased down and Sawyer fired several shots at the Others, but ran out of rounds. When Kate and Jin spotted Phil and the security team headed towards the Swan, Sawyer questioned Juliet whether they should help. James stopped and apologized while looking and smiling at the woman sitting next to Mars, Kate Austen. Pickett aimed the gun at Sawyer's head and says, "This is for Colleen," before Tom called on the walkie-talkie and interrupted him. Jack declined, then asked Sawyer why he is not working on how to deal with Sayid and how to get them off the Island but Sawyer insisted that he was. They held the submarine captain at gunpoint and told him to surface the sub, and said that after they left, they were not under any circumstances to return to the Island. Kate awoke to find him listlessly throwing rocks at the food button in his cage. Heartbroken, Kate tearfully asked Jack to promise her that she will see him again, but Jack can only sadly shake his head no. ("The Last Recruit"). Christian told him to count to five and let the fear in, or else he would operate himself. ("The Shape of Things to Come"), Sawyer continued to behave protectively toward Claire and Aaron, imposing a "restraining order" on Miles as they headed for the beach. Jack and Kate followed the lawyer to Carole Littleton's motel, but Jack learned she hired the lawyer for an unrelated case. Then, he had breakfast with David and Claire and discussed a concert that evening. Meanwhile Kate, Charlie, Sawyer, Sayid, Boone and Shannon ponder the mysteries they have begun to uncover and worry that telling the other survivors will cause panic. Jack greeted them, embracing Locke, Desmond, Boone, Hurley and Sawyer. He led the small group until a final time shift, where they were stuck in 1974. He followed Christian to an AA meeting, accused him of sleeping with Sarah and physically attacked him. Sawyer soon decided he needed to help those at the beach, who could be in real peril. ("Tricia Tanaka Is Dead"), After getting drunk with Jin, and teaching him some English, Sawyer helped Hurley with re-activating the van by pushing it, with Hurley and Charlie inside, down a hill which ended with a large black rocks. The elevator stopped, and two airport security personnel entered. A man posing as a passenger then kidnapped Claire and Charlie and attacked Jack when he went after them, threatening to kill one of them if Jack followed him. Sawyer was nearly shot by a DI worker above him, but it was Kate who had his back that time as she shot the worker dead. Horace accused Sayid, who had been locked up, for the fire. 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