Use a different form of words from the discussion to make it more interesting for the reader. Literature reviews should include critical and analytical elements and should not be entirely descriptive. If the ethical approval was not required, please explain why you did not seek to obtain it. It is a refereed journal that publishes in both of Canada's two official languages. News > International Journal of Medical Education (IJME). Do not beginning sentences with numerals, spell out in full, e.g. It aims to present articles that assist educators in the evaluation of … AJN welcomes letters to the editor. Click on this issue to see the list of 'Really Good Stuff' … Use the present tense for generalisation findings in your study. A cover letter should be submitted with the manuscript. If possible, the official letterhead of the university, department or other research body with which you are affiliated should be used along with your name, phone … An international, peer reviewed, open-access journal aimed at promoting the nature and scope of the knowledge that is directly relevant to all domains of medical education and practice. Authors are responsible for the correctness of their references and must ensure all references have been cited in the text as well as listed in the references section. Association of dietary … The Results section should just focus on the findings of the study without any interpretation. If you have conducted qualitative research, it could be possible that your study results have been influenced by your values and beliefs. BMC Medical Education is an open access journal publishing original peer-reviewed research articles in relation to the training of healthcare professionals, including undergraduate, postgraduate, and continuing education. Do not cite references in the abstract. Open Access. In addition, the answers should be supported by the study results and then should be interpreted in relation to previous studies. ISSN: 1949-8349. eISSN: 1949-8357. Recently published. In the method section, you should state compliance with ethical regulations. ALL named authors must have made an active contribution to the conception and design and/or analysis and interpretation of the data and/or the drafting of the paper. Please include a section at the end of your manuscript to point out contributors to the paper other than the writers that have been mentioned as authors. These must be spelled out in full at their first use in the introduction. If you have an interest in articles relating to COVID-19 and Coronavirus we have removed the subscription gateway to these articles, curated a collection of freely available research from the social and behavioral sciences related to the Each table should be numbered and have a self-explanatory title. IJME is a primary source for academics and professionals in the expanding fields of medical and clinical education across the world. The journal has a special focus on educational management, curriculum development, evaluations of performance, assessment of training needs and evidence-based medicine. International Journal of Medical Science and Education (IJMSE) is one of the popular quarterly indexed international Medical Science journals published by Association of Scientific and Medical Education. What additional information will the journal require? Dr. Shankar also published an editorial letter in Volume 1 entitled “Sir Robert Hutchison’s Petition and the Medical Humanities.”. Columns should be clearly specified including units of measure. References should be presented in the Vancouver style. When submitting a manuscript, a well-written cover letter can help your paper reach the next stage of the process – being sent out for peer review. An article that raises issues of general interest to the broad readership of Journal of Intensive Care. The journal has a special focus on curriculum development, evaluations of performance, assessment of training needs and evidence-based medicine. 30% (n = 560). TIP: Where the editor’s name is not known, use the relevant title employed by the journal, such as “Dear Managing Editor:” or “Dear Editor-in-Chief:”. Pick out the most important pieces of data and use them. (F(2,759) = 9.66; p = 0.000). Student perception of pilot interprofessional education and care clinical experiences at dental clinics . Please check your manuscript in terms of typographical errors. Conducting a good literature review on the issue under study creates a robust knowledge base on which to conduct research and allows the generation of useful research objectives, questions and hypotheses. All authors are responsible for the content and writing of the paper. Manuscripts should be consistent in presentation and style. Please also include details of the source of funding for the study and any potential conflict of interests if appropriate. ALL must have critically reviewed its content and have approved the final version submitted for publication. Authors who require assistance should contact the Editorial Assistant; email: [email protected]. Before you submit your manuscript to IJME, you must make sure your work is original and it is not being considered for potential publication elsewhere. Explain the implications of the study, for example in education, practice, research and management and leadership. You can enter up to 5 keywords each spanning up to 5 words. An introduction should flow logically and be easy to follow. Why is your study so important? Letter to the Editor, International Journal of COPD [Letter] ... Open access peer-reviewed scientific and medical journals. The full details of the corresponding author (full postal address, email and fax) must be provided. May be subject to peer review at the editors' discretion. Even quantitative studies should have their outcomes explained qualitatively. The use of bracketing and reflexivity techniques may minimise the possible influence of the researcher on the study results. Graphs should be clearly labelled and formatted. Learn more. Do not report quantitative experimental works purely descriptively; appropriate statistical analysis should be included. Make sure the first page contains an author by-line, listing all qualified in terms of authorship along with their affiliations and institutional department. Each ‘keyword’ can be constituted of five words. Do not number headings. Missing knowledge provides the focus for the research question, which leads to hypotheses for testing. Research papers, review articles, short communications, perspectives and letter to the editor will be accepted. Reprints. The introduction section is very important and you need to tell readers why they should know about your study. Favored Authors. Based on our experiences we do not recommend the use of commercial companies for proofreading. The journal is devoted to original research, educational innovations, review articles, and commentaries about graduate medical education and related matters relevant to the education of residents and fellows and to the settings in which such education occurs. If this is impossible, the editorial office of IJME may help you. You can easily link to your paper from your personal or institutional website. He’s serving as a member of The Editorial Board in a number of journals… We suggest the use of a tool such as EndNote or Reference Manager for formatting and managing references. The aims of IJME are very flexible and cover the whole range of education and training in medical and clinical education and allied health education and medical sciences, including dentistry, nursing, midwifery and physiotherapy. Citation search. The external peer review process takes approximately 4-6 weeks. The language of the journal is English. Write all of the results in the past tense. Please do not make up the acronyms for journals. An English editing charge may be applied to manuscripts that require English language editing. The written permission of each person acknowledged should be gained. Editor. Should you require further information, please contact the editorial team. Our initial editorial review process (assessing scope and suitability for external review) takes less than 48 hours and you will be notified as such if the editors do not find your paper suitable so you can submit your manuscript elsewhere as quickly as possible. Either UK or USA spelling is acceptable, but make sure you are consistent throughout the manuscript. Int J Med Educ is the acronym for International Journal of Medical Education. Use 'we' instead of researchers/authors. Please report all statistical procedures based on the. The heading should be clearly distinguished from the text. Ultimately, your cover letter is designed to influence the decision of the editor to send your manuscript out for peer review. All authors are responsible for the content and writing of the paper. The nature of IJME is to attract submissions from medical educators across the world. The institutional review board (IRB) approval must be clearly stated in the manuscript. 111 articles of him were published in international journals. Authors submitting a paper must have confirmed that the manuscript has been read and approved by all authors and that all authors agree to the submission of the manuscript to the IJME. About This Journal. At SAGE we work closely with our editors and publishing partners to ensure the strategic editorial development of the journals we publish. Try to use short sentences. Do not use abbreviations and acronyms in the abstract section. 10 % (not 10 per cent). Using a person’s name is best, however. This section should be addressed after the conclusions (see below). 962 shares. If there were no significant difference, there is no need to give p values. Gail M. Sullivan, MD, MPH. What has been the question that you have been interested in investigating? Editor… The Journal also publishes perspectives, brief reports, letters to the editor, personal essays on teaching, and … Se-Lim Oh et al. Finally, include a set of keywords associated with your manuscript on your first page. Please refrain from using abbreviations and acronyms in the title. Make sure the numbers are correct in the text, tables and graphs. Each figure legend should be numbered and has self-explanatory titles. Except in the case of complex large-scale or multi-centre research. Click here for full information on how to apply. It can also be written to get published either through electronic or conventional mail. Finally, include a set of keywords associated with your manuscript in your first page. Editor in Chief Kevin W. Eva, Centre for Health Education Scholarship and Department of Medicine, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, BC, Canada . Unexpected results should be also discussed, even if they are not supported by the majority of earlier studies. FAIMER faculty member Janet Grant and Fellow P. Ravi Shankar (PSG 2007) serve on the editorial board of IJME. All submissions are subject to peer review by the Editorial Board and by referees in appropriate specialties. If not, you will at least have learnt something and not have wasted much time. All tables should be referred to in the text. It is the author's responsibility to obtain any required permission in writing and provide copies to the journal. An email acknowledgement of receipt will be forwarded by the journal. Do not use an acronym just once. At the conclusion of your introduction, state research question (s) or research objective(s). NEW: Read the latest Virtual Issues: COVID-19 Relevant Information. If you give percentages, ensure you also give the sample size, e.g. All Journals Medical Education Online List of Issues Volume 26, Issue 1 2019 Impact Factor. The CJSAE publishes original reports of research that utilize … Editorial Office Emma Jones, Editorial Assistant, Oxford [email protected] . All tables should be placed before the figure legends in the article. Studies should be supported by in-depth discussion and argument using appropriate forms of evidence and analysis. For people wanting or needing publication, writing a letter to a medical journal is a great way to start. Please refer to criteria required for authorship (see above). In the discussion section, author(s) should answer the question posed in the introduction. About this journal. Sign up for our free newsletter. You can enter up to 5 keywords each spanning up to 5 words. Letter to the Editor. It would also be helpful if you could provide demographic information of the total population of the study, for example, gender or medical year. 962 shares. In addition your work must not have been published previously. The letter will argue that your manuscript is a good fit for the journal you are submitting it to and highlight your most important findings. In most cases, such a letter- intended for publishing in magazines and newspapers- is at times published in other … Spelling should follow British, American or Australian standards, but must be consistent throughout the manuscript. Participation solely in the acquisition of funding or the collection of data does not merit authorship status. The cover letter must confirm that all authors have contributed significantly, and that all authors are in agreement with the content of the manuscript. Explain any limitation of your methods or study design. Topics » Disease » Letter to the Editor: Journal of the American Medical Association. The nature of IJME is to attract submissions from medical educators across the world. If English is not your first language, we would strongly suggest you have your manuscript edited by a native English colleague in terms of flow, correct English grammar and to make sure idioms are properly used. It would be very helpful if you follow the following points in your manuscript: We hope that by reading these notes, authors will gain a clearer picture of the IJME review process and the factors which influence success. twenty students ( not 20 students). Letter to the Editor: Journal of the American Medical Association. Journal of Medical Education and Curricular Development is a rigorously peer-reviewed, open access journal devoted to the publishing of timely information on medical education practices and development including basic science, clinical, and postgraduate medical education. All investigations on human subjects must include a statement that the subject gave informed consent and patient anonymity should be preserved. Do not provide a long study title. Use 'participants' or 'informants' instead of 'subjects'. The Letter to the Editor for International Journal of Emergency Medicine should start with "To the Editor", and contain the body of the article of not longer than 500 words which may be broken into subsections with short, informative headings. Any material sent to the journal will not be returned. Top; About this journal. Also, make sure the first page contains an author by-line, listing all qualified in terms of authorship along with their affiliations and institutional department. Discussion must be easy to follow. Thank you to Medical Education's Reviewers! Letters pertaining to items published in AJN should be sent to the journal within six months of the original appearance of the material, except for critiques of original research, which may be submitted at any time. Contributors who do not qualify as authors should be mentioned under acknowledgements. New users to the IJME must register by clicking 'submit manuscript' button. His book project entitled ‘Trauma Surgery’ is going on currently. Also, websites may be outdated, so call the journal to confirm to whom you should address your cover letter when in doubt. A statement must appear in the methods section of the manuscript, including the name of the body which gave approval. You need to report statistical procedures under tables. Compared to writing up your MD it's a low risk strategy and often … October 15, 2012 — Updated January 2nd, 2019. 1.970 Medical Education Online . Titles should be indicated above the figure. There is no restriction on the number of words that can be used. Learn more. Submit an article. Ghost or gift authors are not accepted. The cover letter should explain why your work is perfect for their journal and why it will be of interest to the journal’s readers. Results: The results of the study should comprise the bulk of the abstract. Avoid excessive use of acronyms. It is insufficient to say that authors meet criteria 1, 2, 3 & 4. Int J Med … International Journal of Medical Education. Do not use footnotes in the manuscript. Leave a final impression on the reader. Learn more. Please address them in the main text. This includes but is not limited to: The editorial office of the IJME should have a clear understanding of the list of authors in order of contribution to the paper. The source of financial grants and the contribution of colleagues or institutions should be acknowledged. A Letter to the Editor is a brief report that is within the journal's scope and of particular interest to the community, but not suitable as a standard research article. You can use footnotes in your tables by denoting them with an asterisk (*), dagger (†), double dagger (‡) or the pilcrow (¶). For det… All manuscripts will be reviewed anonymously. When an acronym is used for the first time it should be clearly defined. In addition, we would welcome medical educational research carried out for the purposes of Masters or PhD degrees. He has served as a founder and a board member of The Emergency Medical Association of Turkey (2007-2009). colleagues who have just reviewed the manuscript) should be named in the Acknowledgments section. Additional material should be placed in the Appendix section before Notes and References sections. One particular aim of the journal is to provide a forum for authors whose first language is not English. Each table should be numbered and has self-explanatory titles. Columns should be clearly specified including unit of measure. The International Journal of Educational Research publishes research manuscripts in the field of education.Work must be of a quality and context that the Editorial Board think would be of interest to an international readership. Senior Deputy Editor John Norcini, Philadelphia . Figures and tables should be placed at the end of the manuscript, after the reference list. Conclusions: Briefly state the main conclusion (answer the question posed in the introduction). The journal is published by the IJME publishing team on behalf the International Journal of Medical Education (IJME). The International Journal of Medical Education (IJME) is a new open-access, peer-reviewed, scientific journal promoting the exchange of knowledge among medical professionals in all domains of medical and clinical education and practice worldwide. Table titles should usually include: type of data, number of respondents, place and year of study. Titles should be indicated above the tables. Keep a copy of the original article for reference. Home > The aims and scope of the journals are to: • Provide a journal that reports research on topics that are of international significance across educational contexts The result section should follow the method section. General supervision of the research group is not adequate for authorship. Bulk reprints for the pharmaceutical industry. In a separate section, you must declare that there is no conflict of interest that might bias the outcomes of your paper. 2 Several MEDLINE-indexed journals have their letters indexed in MEDLINE and linked to the original article to alert individuals to any corrections, clarifications, or comments. Keywords: Please include up to five keywords which describe your study. Please make sure that you provide us with acceptable reasons. As soon as your paper is accepted for publication, it will be published on the IJME website quickly. The editorial team may edit and improve the legibility of your manuscript if it is accepted by two referees. We suggest you report confidence intervals for the difference between two population means. All figures should be referred to in the text. The first page should include the title of your manuscript. Re: Holmes DH, Hunter DJ, Colditz GA, et al. Aims and scope; Instructions for authors; Journal … IJMSE is a peer reviewed journal which is available online and in print format as well. Citation search. During the submission process, you must indicate how all authors meet the ICMJE criteria for authorship. Please take a look at the published papers of the IJME as a guide for laying out the manuscript. Canadian Journal for the Study of Adult Education (CJSAE) is an open access journal committed to the dissemination of knowledge derived from disciplined inquiry in the field of adult education, continuing education, and lifelong learning. … Indeed, the introduction should move from the general to the specific. In the method section, do not discuss data but present. No Abstract is necessary. It is of note that the use of our services does not guarantee acceptance for publication. This Journal accepts Original Papers, Review Articles, Short Communications, Case Reports, and Letters to the Editor in the fields of medical education. You need to give actual data, e.g. © 2009-2021 IJME | ISSN 2042-6372 FAQ | Terms | Privacy | Contact, Curriculum planning; Development and evaluation (Basic Medical Education; Graduate Medical Education); Curriculum Themes; Continuing Professional Development, Pedagogic Practice; Learning Situations; Simulation-Based Medical Education, Assessment in Clinical and Medical Education, Development of Medical Education Research, Design and Production of Learning Materials, Information and Communication Technologies in Medical and Clinical Education, Internationalization of Medical Education, Measurement and Evaluation in Medical Education, Post-Examination Analysis of Objective Tests, Psychometric Properties of the Designed Scales. ALL named authors must have made an active contribution to the conception and design … The abstract should comprise of five sections to include: objectives, methods, results, conclusions and keywords as follows: Objectives: A clear statement of the aims of the research should be addressed. The editorial office of the IJME should have a clear understanding of the list of authors in order of contribution to the paper. Use % rather than per cent, e.g. 2019 Impact Factor. Manuscripts should be uploaded in Word format (.doc or .docx). Manuscripts, figures and the covering letter must be submitted online at Response to Research Editor's article in inaugural issue. Academic Medicine, a peer-reviewed monthly journal, serves as an international forum for the exchange of ideas and information about policy, issues, and research concerning academic medicine, including strengthening the quality of medical education and training, enhancing the search for biomedical knowledge, advancing research in health services, and integrating education … IJMSE a broad-based open access was founded on two key tenets: To publish the … Deadline for applications is 1st April 2021 for a 1st July 2021 start date. Begin your introduction with what is known and move on to what is not known. A letters … To increase the probability that your paper is published we suggest you ask a colleague to critically review your manuscript before submitting it to IJME. Up to 5 tables and figures are permitted. Table titles should usually include: type of data, number of respondents, place and year of study. Provide a shorter running head for the study described. A running head (shortened title) must also be supplied along with your title. We offer real benefits to our authors, including fast-track processing of papers. If it is not the case, you must state the potential conflict of interest. Do not cite references in the results section. If the study approach is quantitative, please make sure you report the response rate. Current issue Browse list of issues Explore. New content alerts RSS. Authors submitting a paper must have confirmed that the manuscript has been read and approved by all authors and that all authors agree to the submission of the manuscript to the IJME. This should be a maximum of 120 characters (including spaces). Journal of International Medical Research is a peer-reviewed open access journal which focuses on original clinical and preclinical research, systematic and perspective reviews, meta-analyses, pilot studies and case reports, with every article accepted by peer review given a full technical edit to make all papers highly accessible to the international medical … ( 2,27 ) = 20.03, p = 0.000 ) new: Read the latest Virtual:! Financial support or relationships that may pose conflict of interest during the submission process, you must declare there! His book project entitled ‘ Trauma Surgery ’ is going on currently of... Editor will be forwarded by the editorial board carefully reviews the study described Ravi Shankar ( 2007. If they are not supported by the journal has a special focus on curriculum,. Evaluations of performance, assessment of training needs and evidence-based medicine to give values... 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