Proceeding both from the Father and the Son, the Holy Ghost, nevertheless, proceeds from Them as from a single principle. The Greeks have always blamed the Latins for making the addition. The divine perfections also are attributed to the Holy Ghost in scripture, to- wit: immensity, "The Spirit of the Lord hath filled the whole world," Wisd. . But, with St. Thomas, I-II, Q. lxx, a. . Create New Account. He seems to have been the first among the Fathers to affirm His Divinity in a clear and absolutely precise manner. pro christian., n. 10, in P.G., VI, col. 909), “to hear us called atheists, us who confess God the Father, God the Son and the Holy Ghost, and hold them one in power and distinct in order […ten en te enosel dunamin, kai ten en te taksei diairesin]?” Theophilus of Antioch, who sometimes gives to the Holy Ghost, as to the Son, the name of Wisdom (sophia), mentions besides (Ad Autol., lib. Divinity is one force and has one honor. In the first of these three passages we find nine charismata mentioned: the gift of speaking with wisdom, the gift of speaking with knowledge, faith, the grace of healing, the gift of miracles, the gift of prophecy, the gift of discerning spirits, the gift of tongues, the gift of interpreting speeches. . (4) Lastly there remain the charismata that seem to have as object the administration of temporal affairs, and works of charity: gubernationes, opitulationes, distributiones. New York: Robert Appleton Company, 1910. My email address is webmaster at For example, the Father sent the Son, the Son was incarnate, and now the Holy Spirit indwells God’s children. The Holy Ghost is a personage of spirit who stands as the third member of the Godhead, the Comforter promised by the Savior; He is the Testifier of Truth. They tell him, in particular, that the Holy Ghost is united to the Son by relations just like those existing between the Son and the Father; that He is sent by the Son; that He is His mouth-piece and glorifies Him; that, unlike creatures, He has not been made out of nothing, but comes forth from God; that He performs a sanctifying work among men, of which no creature is capable; that in possessing Him we possess God; that the Father created everything by Him; that, in fine, He is immutable, has the attributes of immensity, oneness, and has a right to all the appellations that are used to express the dignity of the Son. While corroborating and explaining the testimony of Scripture, Tradition brings more clearly before us the various stages of the evolution of this doctrine. New York: Robert Appleton Company. The word trinity comes from "tri" meaning three and "unity" meaning one. Mention may also be made of the teachings of Johannes Philoponus (sixth century). St. Epiphanius writes (Ancor., viii, in P.G., XLIII, 29, 30) that the Paraclete "is not to be considered as unconnected with the Father and the Son, for He is with Them one in substance and divinity", and states that "He is from the Father and the Son"; a little further, he adds (op. Those of the first class are accounted seven in number, as enumerated by Isaias (xi, 2, 3), where the prophet sees and describes them in the Messias. It is likewise an article of faith that the Holy Ghost does not proceed, like the Second Person of the Trinity, by way of generation. St. Athanasius had argued in exactly the same way (De Trinit. The Greeks were astonished and protested, explanations were given by the Latins, and many discussions followed. See more ideas about holy spirit, holy trinity, religious art. S., n. 19, in P.G., XXVI, 1212), and concluded: “We say that the Son of God is also the source of the Spirit.”. From this it follows that, in Clement's view, kyrios was equally applicable to ho theos (the Father), ho kyrios Iesous Christos, and to pneuma to hagion; and that we have three witnesses of equal authority, whose Trinity, moreover, is the foundation of Christian faith and hope. Now, since the Father has with regard to the Holy Ghost the relation we term Active Spiration, the Son has it also; and in the Holy Ghost there exists, consequently, with regard to both, Passive Spiration or Procession. God contemplates Himself and knows Himself from all eternity, and, knowing Himself, He forms within Himself a substantial idea of Himself, and this substantial thought is His Word. In Isaiah 48:16 we are told, "'Come closer, and listen to this. vi, in P.G., LXXV, 1011). Vol. There had been brought to Christ "one possessed with a devil, blind and dumb: and he healed him, so that he spoke and saw". Of these “manifestations of the Spirit“, “all these things [that] one and the same Spirit worketh, dividing to every one according as he will”, the Apostle speaks to us, particularly in I Cor., xii, 6-11; I Cor., xii, 28-31; and Rom., xii, 6-8. Tertullian is one of the writers of this age whose tendency to Subordinationism is most apparent, and that in spite of his being the author of the definitive formula: "Three persons, one substance". Acts 10:38. Christ, have mercy on us. His advice was unheeded by the Franks; and, as the conduct and schism of Photius seemed to justify the Westerns in paying no more regard to the feelings of the Greeks, the addition of the words was accepted by the Roman Church under Benedict VIII (cf. From their childhood, Catholics learn to pray the sign of the cross: “In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.”. Cyril of Alexandria remarks that the words: “He shall receive of mine” signify “the nature” which the Holy Ghost has from the Son, as the Son has His from the Father (De Trinit., dialog. Amen. 5 The trinity is not a belief in three Gods; there is only one God, and we must never abandon that truth. This is the sense in which most authorities apply the term to the list mentioned by St. Paul (Gal., v, 22, 23): “But the fruit of the Spirit is, charity, joy, peace, patience, benignity, goodness, longanimity, mildness, faith, modesty, continency, chastity.” Moreover, there is no doubt that this list of twelve—three of the twelve are omitted in several Greek and Latin manuscripts—is not to be taken in a strictly limited sense, but, according to the rules of Scriptural language, as capable of being extended to include all acts of a similar character. This conclusion is so much the more indisputable as all admit the similar argument to explain why the Holy Ghost is called the Spirit of the Father. Theophilus of Antioch, who sometimes gives to the Holy Ghost, as to the Son, the name of Wisdom (sophia), mentions besides (To Autolycus I.7 and II.18) the three terms theos, logos, sophia and, being the first to apply the characteristic word that was afterwards adopted, says expressly (II.15) that they form a trinity (trias). A mighty wind: Literally, “A wind of God,” or a “Spirit of God” cf Gen. 8:1. St. Cyril of Alexandria remarks that the words: "He shall receive of mine" signify "the nature" which the Holy Ghost has from the Son, as the Son has His from the Father (De Trinit., dialog. Supposing the truth of the dogma (established above), it is inadmissible that the Church could or would have deprived herself of the right to mention it in the symbol. des dogmes", Paris, 1905, I, 80, 89, 90, 100, 101. The Archbishop of Aquileia, Paulinus, defended the addition at the Council of Friuli, in 796. In the New Testament the word spirit and, perhaps, even the expression spirit of God signify at times the soul or man himself, inasmuch as he is under the influence of God and aspires to things above; more frequently, especially in St. Paul, they signify God acting in man; but they are used, besides, to designate not only a working of God in general, but a Divine Person, Who is neither the Father nor the Son, Who is named together with the Father, or the Son, or with Both, without the context allowing them to be identified. The latter, therefore, has His origin in the Son, the Holy Ghost proceeds from the Son. (4) Mention may also be made of the teachings of Johannes Philoponus (sixth century), Roscellinus, Gilbert de la Porree, Joachim of Flora (eleventh and twelfth centuries), and, in modern times, Gunther, who, by denying or obscuring the doctrine of the numerical unity of the Divine Nature, in reality set up a triple deity. In the beginning, when God created the heavens and the earth, the earth was a formless wasteland, and darkness covered the abyss, while a mighty wind swept over the waters. V, c. xiv, in P.L., XLII, 921): “As the Father and the Son are only one God and, relatively to the creature, only one Creator and one Lord, so, relatively to the Holy Ghost, They are only one principle.” This doctrine was defined in the following words by the Second Oecumenical Council of Lyons [Denzinger, “Enchiridion” (1908), n. 460]: “We confess that the Holy Ghost proceeds eternally from the Father and the Son, not as from two principles, but as from one principle, not by two spirations, but by one single spiration.” The teaching was again laid down by the Council of Florence (ibid., n. 691), and by Eugene IV in his Bull “Cantate Domino” (ibid., n. 703 sq.). The Holy Ghost is the Third Person of the Blessed Trinity. Unchanging and immutable Trinity. From the beginning of creation in Genesis to the end of times in Revelation, God refers to Himself as "us" or "our" and thus describes the doctrine of the Trinity. The Holy Ghost, he says, is God (13); of the substance of the Father (3 and 4); one and the same God with the Father and the Son (2); proceeding from the Father through the Son (4, 8); teaching all truth (2). Besides, Jesus gives this reason of His assertion: "He shall receive of mine": "All things whatsoever the Father hath, are mine Now, since the Father has with regard to the Holy Ghost the relation we term Active Spiration, the Son has it also; and in the Holy Ghost there exists, consequently, with regard to both, Passive Spiration or Procession. . (a) The Holy Ghost is called the Spirit of Christ (Romans 8:9), the Spirit of the Son (Galatians 4:6), the Spirit of Jesus (Acts 16:7). Trinity means three, so when we discuss the Holy Trinity we mean the Father (God), Son (Jesus), and Holy Spirit (sometimes referred to as the Holy Ghost). This is the sense in which St. Mark also defines the sin in question; for, after reciting the words of the Master: “But he that shall blaspheme against the Holy Ghost shall never have forgiveness”, he adds at once: “Because they said: He hath an unclean spirit.” With this sin of pure downright malice, Jesus contrasts the sin “against the Son of man”, that is the sin committed against Himself as man, the wrong done to His humanity in judging Him by His humble and lowly appearance. The reason for this is that Catholics believe that God is not merely Unity (as all monotheists believe), but also Trinity. As to final impenitence, it is absolute; and this is easily understood, for even God cannot pardon where there is no repentance, and the moment of death is the fatal instant after which no mortal sin is remitted. It is called the Gift of the Holy Ghost. Considered with regard to the Father, the Holy Ghost is His wisdom (IV, xx, 3); the Son and He are the “two hands” by which God created man (IV, praef., n. 4; IV, xx, 20; V, vi, 1). The gifts of the second class, or charismata, are known to us partly from St. Paul, and partly from the history of the primitive Church, in the bosom of which God plentifully bestowed them. Lord, have mercy on us. To this list we must at least add, as being found in the other two passages indicated, the gift of government, the gift of helps, and perhaps what Paul calls distributio and misericordia. . . (2) The same truth has been constantly held by the Fathers.—This fact is undisputed as far as the Western Fathers are concerned; but the Greeks deny it in the case of the Easterns. in everything I praise Thee, I bless Thee, I glorify Thee by the eternal and celestial pontiff Jesus Christ, Thy well beloved Son, by whom, to Thee, with Him and with the Holy Ghost, glory now and for ever! The Pope calls the Rabbi for Rome and informs him of his decision. Lastly, a council held at Seleucia in 410 proclaims its faith "in the Holy Living Spirit, the Holy Living Paraclete, Who proceeds from the Father and the Son" (Lamy, "Concilium Seleuciæ", Louvain, 1868). All these writings had prepared the way for the Council of Constantinople which, in 381, condemned the Pneumatomachians and solemnly proclaimed the true doctrine. It will suffice here to remark that by this word we mean the relation of origin that exists between one Divine Person and another, or between one and the two others as its principle of origin. (B). Charity and goodness are especially attributed to the Holy Ghost, as power is to the Father and wisdom to the Son. II, 29, in P.L., X, 69), "that we must confess the Holy Ghost coming from the Father and the Son", a clear proof that the two formulæ were regarded as substantially equivalent. Let us take, for instance, the account given by St. Matthew which is more complete than that of the other Synoptics. By Ralph Hathaway 7/19/2017 3:00:10 PM. St. Thomas (I.27), following St. Augustine (On the Holy Trinity XV.27), finds the explanation and, as it the were, the epitome, of the doctrine in principle that, in God, the Son proceeds through the Intellect and the Holy Ghost through the Will. But this immanent knowledge is the very essence of the Holy Ghost. We were created in the image of God therefore we have our own angels. Long before their time St. Certainly not. The gift of knowledge points out to us the path to follow and the dangers to avoid in order to reach heaven. The teaching was again laid down by the Council of Florence (ibid., n. 691), and by Eugene IV in his Bull "Cantate Domino" (ibid., n. 703 sq.). Holy Spirit, Sanctifier blest, guide me on the way to holiness. This truth is, at the very least insinuated in the passage of John 16:15 (cited above), where Christ establishes a necessary connection between His own sharing in all the Father has and the Procession of the Holy Ghost. A. The distinct use of the two prepositions, ek (from) and dia (through), implies nothing else. He seems to have been the first among the Fathers to affirm His Divinity in a clear and absolutely precise manner. The Father and the Son love one another, from all eternity, with a perfect, ineffable love; the term of this infinitely fruitful mutual love is Their Spirit, Who is co-eternal and consubstantial with Them. Oct 27, 2020 - The Holy Trinity. However, when we compare the Latin writers, as a body, with the Eastern writers, we notice a difference in language: while the former almost unanimously affirm that the Holy Ghost proceeds from the Father and from the Son, the latter generally say that He proceeds from the Father through the Son. Further, in order that these acts may fully justify their metaphorical name of fruits, they must belong to that class which are performed with ease and pleasure; in other words, the difficulty involved in performing them must disappear in presence of the delight and satisfaction resulting from the good accomplished. Many other texts declare quite as clearly that the Holy Ghost is a Person, a Person distinct from the Father and the Son, and yet One God with Them. In the second and third centuries, the dynamic or modalistic. St. Hippolytus, though he does not speak at all clearly of the Holy Ghost regarded as a distinct person, supposes Him, however, to be God, as well as the Father and the Son (Contra Noet., viii, xii, in P.G., X, 816, 820). It is true that, in either case, God could, by a miracle, overcome the evil; He could, by His omnipotent intervention, either nullify the natural causes of bodily death, or radically change the stubborn will of the sinner; but such intervention is not in accordance with His ordinary providence; and if He allows the secondary causes to act, if He offers the free human will only the help of ordinary but sufficient grace, who shall seek cause of complaint? The inclusion of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit shows that one name of God belongs completely to each distinctive person of the Godhead. 11:14-23); and Christ everywhere declares that it shall not be pardoned. (See TRINITY.) . I, n. 7, and II, n. 18, in P.G., VI, col. 1035, 1081) the three terms theos, lolos, sophia, and, being the first to apply the characteristic word that was afterwards adopted, says expressly (ibid., II, 15) that they form a trinity (trias). 6-7): "You hear the Lord himself declare: 'It is not you that speak, but the Spirit of your Father that speaketh in you'. John 14:16-17, 26; 15:26; 16:7. Thus he writes (1 Corinthians 3:16): "Know you not, that you are the temple of God, and that the Spirit of God dwelleth in you?" their acts. Father, Son and Holy Ghost The Christian doctrine of the trinity — Father, Son, and Holy Ghost — was not formalized until the 4th or 5th century C. E. (A), yet the historical concept of a triune deity is much older than that, with evidence dating from the 7th millenium B.C.E. (2) In the fourth century and later, the Arians and their numerous heretical offspring: Anomoeans or Eunomians, Semi-Arians, Acacians, etc., while admitting the triple personality, denied the consubstantiality. They are the gifts of wisdom, understanding, counsel, fortitude, knowledge, piety (godliness), and fear of the Lord. Just as there is only one Father, just as there is only one Lord or one Son, so there is only one Spirit, Who is, consequently, the Spirit of both … Why then should you refuse to believe that He proceeds also from the Son, since He is also the Spirit of the Son? But, from the fact that the disputed expression was authorized by the Council of Chalcedon, in 451, we conclude that the prohibition of the Council of Ephesus was never understood, and ought not to be understood, in an absolute sense. They receive on obeisance from all creation, both angels and people. (See Charismata.). The latter, as it is their duty to teach the revealed truth and to preserve it from error, possess, by Divine authority, the power and right to draw up and propose to the faithful such confessions of faith as circumstances may demand. Some refer to Him as the Godhead. Photograph by Craig Dimond. With these Apostles He will abide for ever (John 14:16). Just a father, a son, and a holy spirit. The gifts of the Holy Ghost are of two kinds: the first are specially intended for the sanctification of the person who receives them; the second, more properly called charismata, are extraordinary favours granted for the help of another, favours, too, which do not sanctify by themselves, and may even be separated from sanctifying grace. All representative texts • Compare texts ^ top. Irenæus looks upon the Holy Ghost as eternal (Against Heresies V.12.2), existing in God ante omnem constitutionem, and produced by him at the beginning of His ways (IV.20.3). What the Paraclete will receive from the Son is immanent knowledge, which He will afterwards manifest exteriorly. (2) Three charismata that lend support to this teaching: fides, gratia sanitatum, operatio virtutum. Towards the middle of the fourth century, Sometimes, and in its most literal signification, it has been taken to mean the uttering of an insult against the Divine Spirit, applying the appellation either to the Holy Ghost or to all three Divine. His "Epistle to the Corinthians" not only tells us that the Spirit inspired and guided the holy writers (8.1; 45.2); that He is the voice of Jesus Christ speaking to us in the Old Testament (22.1 sq. The doctrine of the Catholic Church concerning the Holy Ghost forms an integral part of her teaching on the mystery of the Holy Trinity, of which St. Augustine (De Trin., I, iii, 5), speaking with diffidence, says: “In no other subject is the danger of erring so great, or the progress so difficult, or the fruit of a careful study so appreciable”. For he shall not speak of himself; but what things soever he shall hear, he shall speak; and the things that are to come, he shall shew you. However, this analogy also has its limits. The first statement is directly opposed to Monarchianism and to Socinianism; the second to Subordinationism, to the different forms of Arianism, and to Macedonianism in particular. Father, Son, Holy Ghost! To refute them he questions the Scriptures, and they furnish him with arguments as solid as they are numerous. In the first of these three passages we find nine charismata mentioned: the gift of speaking with wisdom, the gift of speaking with knowledge, faith, the grace of healing, the gift of miracles, the gift of prophecy, the gift of discerning spirits, the gift of tongues, the gift of interpreting speeches. 2 Corinthians 3:17. CHIEF ERRORS. Holy Spirit, Substantial Goodwill of Father and Son, teach me goodwill. (See CHARISMATA.). This fault, unlike the former, might be excused as the result of man’s ignorance and misunderstanding. The spirit of truth, whom the world cannot receive"; and in John 15:26: "But when the Paraclete cometh, whom I will send you from the Father, the Spirit of truth, who proceedeth from the Father, he shall give testimony of me." ); but it contains further, two very explicit statements about the Trinity. In several places St. Paul speaks of Him as if speaking of God. 6-7. “St. So, making every allowance for the feebleness of our intellects in knowing, and the unsuitability of our words for expressing the mysteries of the Divine life, if we can grasp how the word generation, freed from all the imperfections of the material order may be applied by analogy to the Procession of the Word, so we may see that the term can in no way befittingly applied to the Procession of the Holy Ghost. Some writers think they are not really distinct from them, that they are the virtues inasmuch as the latter are free gifts of God, and that they are identified essentially with grace, charity, and the virtues. We will cite, therefore, a few witnesses from among the latter. In 58.2 (Funk, ibid., 172), the author makes this solemn affirmation; zo gar ho theos, kai zo ho kyrios Iesous Christos kai to pneuma to hagion, he te pistis kai he elpis ton eklekton, oti . The Holy Spirit proceeds not only from the Father but also from the Son as from a single principle, through what is called a single spiration. HOLY GHOST PARISH, BETHLEHEM: From the Pastor’s Desk by Father David Kozak Homilies. Father and the Son and the Holy Ghost, so are we also baptized in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Ghost - as Christians have always believed and baptized since the days of the Apostles." 10.; and he is associated with the Father and the Son in baptism, as being the same God with them. Having descended on them at Pentecost, He will guide them in their work (Acts, viii, 29), for He will inspire the new prophets (Acts, xi, 28; xiii, 9), as He inspired the Prophets of the Old Law (Acts, vii, 51). Judging by the context, these gifts, though conferred and useful for the direction and comfort of one’s neighbor, were in no way necessarily found in all ecclesiastical superiors. elect, according to the foreknowledge of God the Father, unto the sanctification of the Spirit, unto obedience and sprinkling of the blood of Jesus Christ". I grew up with the old ways. Even in early Christianity, this trinity had a female member, Just as the Father’s not having a mission in time corresponds to His being eternally unoriginate in the Trinity, so, too, the Missions of the Son and the Holy Ghost in time reflect the eternal reality of the Trinitarian Processions, that is, the Generation of the Son from the Father and the Spiration of the Holy Ghost from the Father and the Son. In the two other explanations, according to St. Thomas, the sin against the Holy Ghost is irremissible, not absolutely and always, but inasmuch as, considered in itself, it has not the claims and extenuating circumstances, inclining towards a pardon, that might be alleged in the case of sins of weakness or ignorance. cit., xi, in P.G., XLIII, 35): "No one knows the Spirit, besides the Father, except the Son, from Whom He proceeds and of Whom He receives." Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name; thy kingdom come, thy will be done, on earth as it . ii de verbis Domini, c. v) one of the most difficult in Scripture, they have proposed different interpretations or explanations. Jesus then proves to them this absurdity, and, consequently, the malice of their explanation; He shows them that it is by "the Spirit of God" that He casts out devils, and then He concludes: "therefore I say to you: Every sin and blasphemy shall be forgiven men, but the blasphemy of the Spirit shall not be forgiven. Some writers extend this term to all the supernatural virtues, or rather to the acts of all these virtues, inasmuch as they are the results of the mysterious workings of the Holy Ghost in our souls by means of His grace. The latter saint further asserts (Thesaur., assert. . Many other texts declare quite as clearly that the Holy Ghost is a Person, a Person distinct from the Father and the Son, and yet One God with Them. The Catholic Encyclopedia. The testimony of St. Athanasius has been quoted above, to the effect that “the Son is the source of the Spirit“, and the statement of Cyril of Alexandria that the Holy Ghost has His “nature” from the Son. St. Thomas, whom we may safely follow, gives a very good summary of opinions in II-II, Q. xiv. This joke may contain profanity. The same doctrine is declared, in the second and third centuries, by the lips of the martyrs, and is found in the writings of the Fathers. That is also the reason why He is so often called par excellence, in the writings of the Fathers, Love and Charity. Instead of the words baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost we should probably read simply-“into My Name. ): "One is God, Father of the living Word, of the subsisting Wisdom. That is also the reason why He is so often called par excellence, in the writings of the Fathers, Love and Charity. ), being the pledge that God has given us that we are his children (Romans 8:14-16; 2 Corinthians 1:22; 5:5; Galatians 4:6). Therefore I said, that he shall receive of mine, and shew it to you.” Now, one Divine Person can receive from another only by Procession, being related to that other as to a principle. The Spirit of consolation and of truth is also clearly distinguished in John, xvi, 7, 13-15, from the Son, from Whom He receives all He is to teach the Apostles, and from the Father, who has nothing that the Son also does not possess. We even use the familial terms Father and Son to describe two Persons of the Trinity. de la théol. Besides, such is the explicit teaching of ecclesiastical tradition, which is concisely put by St. Augustine (On the Holy Trinity V.14): "As the Father and the Son are only one God and, relatively to the creature, only one Creator and one Lord, so, relatively to the Holy Ghost, They are only one principle." Tixeront, “Hist. Thus St. Augustine argues (Tractate 99 on the Gospel of John, nos. The sacred writers attribute to the Holy Ghost all the works characteristic of Divine power. mpav. By this term is meant attributing especially to one Divine Person perfections and exterior works which seem to us more clearly or more immediately to be connected with Him, when we consider His personal characteristics, but which in reality are common to the Three Persons. In a word, the irremissableness of the sins against the Holy Ghost is exclusively on the part of the sinner, on account of the sinner's act. The sin or blasphemy against the Holy Ghost is mentioned in Matthew 12:22-32; Mark 3:22-30; Luke 12:10 (cf. Forget, J. He who, from pure and deliberate malice, refuses to recognize the manifest work of God, or rejects the necessary means of salvation, acts exactly like a sick man who not only refuses all medicine and all food, but who does all in his power to increase his illness, and whose malady becomes incurable, due to his own action. et Spir. That the Holy Ghost proceeds from the Father has always been admitted by all Christians; the truth is expressly stated in John 15:26. If we examine all the passages alluded to, there can be little doubt as to the reply. Both aspects of the expression need further explanation. (3) In the sixteenth century, the Socinians explicitly rejected, in the name of reason, along with all the mysteries of Christianity, the doctrine of Three Persons in One God. We read in John 14:16-17: "And I will ask the Father, and he shall give you another Paraclete, that he may abide with, you for ever. The other day I mysteriously heard the song twice in two very different locations. v in Joan., n. 2, in P.G., LIX, 56): “If it be said through Him, it is said solely in order that no one may imagine that the Son is not generated”. A. In the second case considered as a disciplinary measure, it can bind only those who are not the depositaries of the supreme power in the Church. The sin or blasphemy against the Holy Ghost is mentioned in Matt., xii, 22-32; Mark, iii, 22-30; Luke, xii, 10—cf. God contemplates Himself and knows Himself from all eternity, and, knowing Himself, He forms within Himself a substantial idea of Himself, and this substantial thought is His Word. — Cf. With this sin of pure downright malice, Jesus contrasts the sin "against the Son of man", that is the sin committed against Himself as man, the wrong done to His humanity in judging Him by His humble and lowly appearance. Let us take, for instance, the account given by St. Matthew, which is more complete than that of the other Synoptics. They considered that, quite apart from the question of doctrine involved by the expression, the insertion was made in violation of a decree of the Council of Ephesus, forbidding anyone "to produce, write, or compose a confession of faith other than the one defined by the Fathers of Nicæa". cit., I, 330): "Lord God Almighty, Father of Thy blessed and well beloved Son, Jesus Christ . This creed, with these Apostles he will abide for ever ( 4:24. Par excellence, in 809 of mine, and a Holy Spirit indwells God ’ s Desk by Father Kozak. The language of Scripture, the account given by the Council of 381 comparatively common especially. The eighth century and by His Spirit, Guest of my soul, giving it a New life ( 8:9... And darkness was upon the face of the Father, the account by... Image of the Fathers to affirm His Divinity in a clear and absolutely precise.. Is undisputed as far as the Lord and Giver of life in the Old Testament: zo.. 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Appear in France in the beginning, is the very essence of the Son, and comparatively. In a clear and absolutely precise manner are given above “ a wind of God ” cf 8:1... For example, the image of the two prepositions, ek ( from ) and dia ( through,... Living Word, His Word, of the Father and Son, the Son is intermediate... Up one day and decides he does n't want any Jews in.... From a single principle '', … Oct 27, 2020 - the Holy Ghost the Symbol Quicumque, began... Rules heaven and earth world without end Greeks deny it in the father, son holy ghost catholic of the subsisting Wisdom… album ; Vomit. Saint further asserts ( Thesaur., assert let us take, for instance, the image of God therefore have., has His origin in the language of Scripture, Tradition brings more clearly Before us various... In Spain precise meaning of the Father is neither divided, nor separated glory! It may be resumed in the Apostolic Age, they were comparatively common, especially in the writings of Father... 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