This is what makes Lex Luthor weak. Lex Luthor is not evil, he just dreams of becoming a superior being. Why Batman and Superman Are Fighting in Dawn of Justice. After graduating from Virginia Tech in '08, Jared moved to Washington, D.C. and was cast in Shear Madness at the Kennedy Center. While he has no innate superhuman abilities, Lex is the most intelligent human being in the DC Universe and is gifted in nearly every scientific field. Both are often guided by grudges and bottomless ambition. Lex is aware of the fact that Krypton, Superman’s home planet, was destroyed long ago. He also points out that knowledge is his biggest strength in the fundraiser speech in the movie. He performed there over 1,000 times. 23, which was first released back in 1940. Lex is a threat to Superman in the sense that he tries to defame him. But one of the oldest and most contentious relationships in the DC lineup is the one shared by Superman and Lex Luthor. In January and February, DC Comics will be running a two-month event, Future State, looking at potential and possible futures for … Through a combination of Luthor's ruthless business tactics and genuine ingenuity, LexCorp quickly bec… Analyzing Lex Luthor Junior: OR Why I Think its Brilliant There's been a lot of hate for Jesse Eisenberg's portrayal in the marketing for Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice. Lex is 6ft in height, and has blue eyes, and has been bald after being caught in the 1989 meteor shower. Despite being a self-established millionaire, he can’t stand Supermen. Why Lex Luthor is really the Übermensch, not Superman By Lvenger January 26, 2013 47 Comments I’ve been trying to think of a worthwhile blog idea for … Superman never gets sick, he can make fire come out his eyes, he can fly at higher speeds than any man-made aircraft can ever do. In the movie, we also saw Lex Luthor allows Bruce Wayne to use the resources from his R&D department. Lex reveals to her that he used a small fragment of Kryptonite on the corpse of General Zod, causing rapid decomposition. He makes a master plan and kidnaps Martha Kent, to force Superman to fight Batman. Luthor’s intelligence is rivaled only by his ego, and that is where the answer lies. These gifts allow him to strategize, set traps, and create weapons that make him every bit as powerful as the Man of Tomorrow. They have been compared countless times, and the one question, “Which one is better” has always been around. But Superman doesn’t need to do any of that. Which Marvel Heroes Have The Silliest Real Name? Kyle: Let’s start with the part of the plan that’s teased in the title: Lex Luthor wants to pit Batman and Superman against each other. And he addresses Superman by his name Clark joseph Kent which indicates that Lex was already aware of Superman’s actual identity. We have to consider that uncovering Superman’s identity wouldn’t be a big issue for Lex Luthor, given that he has the money to employ hundreds of social engineers, and hackers to steal data from government databases. He is a god, who doesn’t encourage any offerings from his followers. He is initially characterized as just another megalomaniac, not dissimilar to Supes’ earlier enemy, the Ultra-Humanite. The go-to source for comic book and superhero movie fans. Lex wants to, needs to be the greatest at everything. But Lex Luthor has to get his hands dirty to achieve his goals. Hulk is one of the strongest characters in Marvel’s universe, while Deadpool is… well… he’s Deadpool. And that is what makes him hate Superman. No matter how hard Lex worked to achieve do good for the broader humanity, he would never receive the same amount of respect as Superman does. Either way, the character has achieved enduring popularity. I wouldn’t say he is Evil. In the comic, he is a highly successful business, an intelligent scientist, and CEO LexCortp. It’s unclear whether Siegel and Shuster intended Luthor as merely a villain-of-the-month or as Superman’s ultimate foe. And most importantly, Superman is selfless. Lex Luthor and Bruce Wayne are both highly skilled, and qualified individuals. Doctor Who vs Doctor Strange: Who Would Win? While Jesse Eisenberg’s performance has received a mixed response, the character was, without a doubt, given many subtle scenes that developed him. But he decides to bully Superman. A… Why Do Anime and Manga Characters Have Big Eyes. To consolidate his influence, and establish himself as a leader, he did have to engage in, what some would term as evil. Star Wars vs The Lord of The Rings: Which One is Better? Lex assumes that Clark purposely disfigured, and their friendship is irreparably damaged. But Superman refuses to react because he chooses to do so, even though he can easily knock him out. We…, For fans of anime and manga, big eyes are something that is a well-known thing, but even those people that are not fans have probably seen a scene from an anime or a manga, and have surely noticed those big eyes. Why Does Lex Luthor Hate Superman in DC Comics? Luthor’s intelligence is rivaled only by his ego, and that is where the answer lies. To that end, Lex Luthor has been the founder of numerous opposite teams to the Justice League, uniting his fellow villains for the less noble purpose of beating up Superman and his friends. He is a mortal man, who can only dream about being treat equal to a god. Superman reminds Lex of everything that he can never be. See just how devious Superman’s greatest foe is as experiments with Kryptonite run amok. Lex Luthor is a supervillain in the DC comic universe. So, who are the characters that can kill Deadpool? And there Bruce finds the file on Kryptonite. The Vision’s Second Wife Was A Twisted Version Of The Scarlet Witch, The X-Men's New Ally Is Planning to Betray Them, X-Men Legends Will Finally Reveal The Truth Of The Summers Family Legacy. Lex Luthor is a supervillain in the DC comic universe. He hates the idea of letting an alien race have the power over society. Lex Luthor was created in 1940 by Jerry Siegel and Joe Shuster, the same fledgling artistic team that created Superman. Like in the theatrical movie, Clark is sent pictures of Cesar (by Lex Luthor), but this time, one of the photos is of his corpse. It seems that Clark and Lex were childhood friends in Smallville. He is jealous. And most importantly, he has kept himself fit. In one odd moment of self-reflection, however, Lex admitted that while he has plenty of reasons for hating Superman, he has just as many reasons for liking Superman’s alter ego Clark Kent! Luthor hates Superman because he can't stand the fact that an ALIEN came out of nowhere and usurped his position in Metropolis. Superman reminds Lex of everything that he can never be. ... Why does Lex Luthor keep getting out of prison over and over again? It's future Superman time! Lex Luthor was born in Metropolis to billionaires Lionel and Lillian Luthor. Lex Luthor’s hate for Superman comes from his envy. He believes that… Above all, he wanted to become a global leader. (He never gives up, making what seems impossible, possible.) Superman represents everything that Lex can't be. Lex Luthor was originally a mad scientist, but since the late 1980s, he has more often been portrayed as a power-mad business magnate, the CEO of LexCorp. In the comic The Crime Syndicate of America, we also saw in an alternate reality, where each member of the Justice League is evil, Lex Luthor steps up and saves the Earth. Clark and Lex were childhood friends in Smallville. But why does Lex hate Superman so much? He describes himself as “just an ordinary man – but with th’ brain of a super-genius!” While the character evolved over time, Crisis on Infinite Earths in 1985 and John Byrne’s The Man of Steel in 1986 truly transformed Lex from a one-dimensional evil scientist into the more sophisticated business magnate audiences love to hate. Why I Hate Superman. Lex Luthor only unequivocally beat Superman once and it was in Mark Millar’s brilliant limited series Superman: Red Son. Lex is aware that he cannot beat superman using power, so he tries to erase him from the hearts of the inhabitants of Earth. Why does Lex Luthor hate Superman? DC's New Batman is Failing At Bruce Wayne's Greatest Trick, Heroes Reborn Trailer Reveals Event Erases Avengers From Marvel History, The Canadian Avengers Are Finally Heroes Again, Exclusive: Suicide Squad & Black Adam Writers Preview DC's Future State, King in Black: Knull's X-Men Possession Reveals His Biggest Weakness, King in Black is About To Face Deadpool's Army, Batman's True Fate is Revealed in DC's Future State Comic, The Hulk Just Stole Thanos' Darkest MCU Decision, Robin Confirms His Revealing Original Costume is Batman Canon. We bring you all the characters that have killed Deadpool in Marvel Comics, and, as you will see, he is not really immortal like most people think. She-Hulk & Thor's Jane Foster Are Heading For An Avengers Grudge Match, Marvel Theory: The X-Men Will Kill The Avengers' Vision, Wolverine Proves He's Marvel's James Bond in Comic Preview, Marvel’s Weirdest Romance is Finally Official. They are one of the best-known traits of Japanese animation and in today’s article,…, Supervillains, wherever they come from, are always interesting. He is a true businessman and a visionary. Introduction of Luthor- Lex is Superman’s archenemy, and integrating him into a “Man of Steel” sequel was inevitable. After careful consideration, we concluded that the winner out of…, Star Wars and The Lord of The Rings are two of the biggest movie franchises of all time. And most importantly, Superman is selfless. As soon as Lex boarded the ship, its AI asked him whether he wanted a brief of everything piece of information it stores. Today, we are staying within the frameworks of the Marvel Universe, comparing everyone’s favourite Merc with a Mouth, Deadpool, with the Green Goliath, Hulk. Superman reminds Lex of everything that he can never be. March 28, 2016 by Maggie Panos. Who is Red Tool, The DC Version of Deadpool? There is one other theory for how Lex Luthor might have learned the actual identity of Superman. Lex Luthor needs to go to the gym and work until he is sweating to keep fit. However, the gas fumes from the incident cause the latter’s hair to fall out. He stays fit, and strong without having to lift weights. Through sheer hard work, he built a successful company that operates in multiple countries throughout the world. Lex Luthor is Superman’s most famous enemy, but how it all started and why Lex hates Clark Kent, find out in this article. While ironically humorous on the surface, Lex’s reasons for liking Kent fit disturbingly well within his narcissistic personality. How can he be the most beloved man in Metropolis if Superman steals the spotlight? A one-stop shop for all things video games. The only way they could beat Superman is by using their sheer knowledge. And this is exactly what Lex Luthor tries to use against Superman. How can Lex be the smartest man in the world if Superman outthinks him? He tries to influence people into thinking Superman is a manipulator, there is no space for him on earth, he is an alien., All the latest gaming news, game reviews and trailers. He's also threatened because he sees himself as a superior specimen so Clark kind of makes … Next: Who is Red Tool, The DC Version of Deadpool? But when compared to Superman, they are nothing. As long as Superman has flown over the skies of Metropolis, one man has always sought to take the brave hero down: Lex Luthor! Jared Mason Murray is a NYC-based AEA/SAG-AFTRA actor and writer. For an in-depth look at his history, see Lex Luthor's Biography. Think of it this way. Lex Luthor didn’t only uncover the identity of Superman, he did for Batman, and Wonder Woman. Like Superman’s arch-nemesis Lex Luthor, Trump is known for his business acumen and inflated sense of self-importance. He might claim that he opposes Superman because he is wary of alien usurpers, but the truth is that he hates Supes because he makes Lex look like second best. Every great DC Comics superhero has an equally memorable nemesis: Batman is menaced by the Joker; Green Lantern matches wills with Sinestro, and the Flash goes toe-to-toe with Professor Zoom. He asks her for permission to import a larger chunk of Kryptonite for further testing. It was part of a bigger plan by Lex. They are the heads of successful companies, and they have developed cutting edge technology. Lex is first seen at LexCorp, being visited by Senator June Finch. Lex obviously harbors some deep-seated animosity towards Earth’s adopted hero, but fans may be a little hazy on exactly why. How can Lex be the smartest man in the world if Superman outthinks him? The only characters that have ever killed Deadpool where Thanos and his own daughter Ellie. As Superman's main villain for decades, Lex Luthor's biography has gone through a multitude of changes. He wishes to rid the world of Superman, ostensibly because Superman is a threat to humanity, but really because … He often speaks of his fear that one day, the world will worship Superman like a god as he fixes everyone's problems forever. When young Lex overturns a vial of chemicals and sets the lab on fire, Superboy uses his super-breath to quell the flames and save Luthor’s life. How can he seize control of power if Superman is always there to stop him? When he accepted darkness, he wore dark clothing along with two black glo… Inventor, industrialist, scientist, philanthropist, entrepreneur, billionaire, and a genius, are only some of the adjectives we can use to describe him. Jared now resides in Manhattan with his wife, director Rachael Murray. Click the button below to start this article in quick view. People are sensitive about their hair. Star Wars and The Lord of the Rings are two of the most popular movie franchises in history, and…, It’s been a while, but we’re finally back with our “Who Would Win” section. Issue 15 asked, why does the DCU rely so much on Superman? Lex Luthor isn’t evil by nature, rather he is a genius. However, he occasionally wore typical style suits.Over the years, Lex had accumulated various wounds and scars, but had them fixed. Since early childhood, Lex exhibited an extremely high intellect, which made his mother greatly proud of him, often referring to her son as a \"genius\" and being very close to him as he grew up.During his early childhood, Lex learned to play chess from Russian grandmaster Anatoly Karpov. … Lex hates Superman because up until the Man of Steel came onto the scene, Lex was the epitome of success and power in Metropolis. King in Black: Knull vs Thor, Who Wins The Battle Of The Gods? Superman never gets sick, he can make fire come out his eyes, he can fly at higher speeds than any man-made aircraft can ever do. He did that by illegally acquiring data, and using facial recognition to pinpoint the identity of all three. Now Earth is Superman’s home. Lex Luthor is a good kid. One of the things that Lex hates the most about Superman is how much people love the Man of Steel. He has mastered almost every branch of science. Humanity will stagnate and become useless under the … Lex Luthor doesn’t hate Kryptonians. The real reason that Lex Luthor hates Superman is simple. But why does Lex Luthor hate Superman? So when in the movie Batman V Superman, Lex takes control of Zod’s ship, he gets full access to every information the ship contains. It has to be…, When talking about the people who can manipulate time, two people should come to mind immediately are Doctor Strange and The Doctor. Lex Luthor dreams of being the person and dreams of possessing the powers that Superman inherited by birth. People didn’t consider him as evil until Superman arrived. In the movie Batman v Superman, in the party scene we see Lex Luthor excited at the thought of Bruce Wayne, and Clark Kent meeting for the first time. So the last part, ... Why does Lex Luthor hate Superman? Luthor, an evil-genius-turned-businessman, has spent millions of his dubiously earned dollars to hinder and oppose the Man of Steel, even resorting to attempted murder on multiple occasions. Moreover, the fact that he kidnaps Martha only validates this theory. Clark, then Superboy, builds young Lex a science lab out of discarded material, and Lex reciprocates by discovering a vaccine for Kryptonite poisoning. The origins of Luthor’s malevolence and male-pattern-baldness are further explored in Adventure Comics #271. Today, we are going to talk about one such story, as you are going to find out…, © 2021 Fiction Horizon - We expand your horizons of fiction through movies, series, books, games and comics. DC Reveals A Chilling Truth About the Joker That No Fan Expected. You can’t hate someone for being an aspiration. He was a reputed person throughout the world. He stands for the right, and that is what makes an adored figure. By Tim Hall on July 2, 2008 at 2:22 PM. He might claim that he opposes Superman because he is wary of alien usurpers, but the truth is that he hates Supes because he makes Lex look like second best. When not acting or writing, he enjoys comic books, chess, and classic cinema. His choice in clothing is mostly consisted of well-tailored suits with the dark color themes of black, blue, purple, brown, or gray. If it was Batman he would have iced Lex … He didn’t let the money get to his head. Related: Does Superman Actually Need To Sleep? Superman can achieve in seconds; what Lex would need years to reach. But it seems that someone as intelligent as Lex Luthor must have a deeper motive for hating Superman than just his coif, or lack thereof. Little is known about Lex Luthor's origins, but he was an admirably self-made man. He hails from one of the city's wealthiest and most prestigious families. Lex knows that second place is just the first loser, and he hates Superman for making him feel inferior. Lex Luthor’s hate for Superman comes from his envy. Jared also writes for The Good, the Bad, and the Movie blog. Superman has earned the love, and respect of his fellow people without having to ask for it. Lex was intelligent, rich, powerful, feared and respected. And this information was stored on his ship. And he can hire the best tech engineers to build a top-notch facial recognition technology to help him unearth the identity of his enemies. In the movie, Man of Steel, we saw that Zod uses Lois to know about the identity of Superman. Clark then goes to Gotham City to learn about Cesar's death, and while the police aren't being cooperative, he comes across Cesar's girlfriend and son. Although they are both very peaceful and prefer avoiding fighting, which one out of the two would win if they had to fight? Superman never gets sick, he can make fire come out his eyes, he can fly at higher speeds than any man-made aircraft can ever do. In fiction, they are usually very powerful and their stories, especially their origins, are always a fun thing and usually give a good representation of the creativity of the authors. Instead of fighting Superman himself, he manipulated Batman into doing that. Ever since Jesse Eisenberg was cast as Lex Luthor in Batman V Superman: Dawn Of Justice, all that he’s been asked about is Lex Luthor in Batman V Superman… That has turned out to be a good thing for one character, Jon Cryer's Lex Luthor. He built his empire from nothing. An in-depth look at Lex Luthor’s animosity towards Superman, why they had a falling out when they were childhood friends, and why he hates him now. But he is a god when compared to the mortal inhabitants of Earth. And most importantly, Superman is selfless. Lex doesn't actually want to kill Batman - he wants to kill Superman. He first appeared in the comic, Action Comics no. With the aid of his natural genius and his general lack of conscience, Luthor assembled a vast fortune and founded LexCorp. Discovering the root cause of Lex’s animosity may be a matter of splitting hairs, but there must be something deeper than just a few lost locks. He did sell weapons to bad people, but at the core of it all, he only wished to spread his influence. In his first appearance in Action Comics #23, Luthor is depicted as a red-haired madman with designs on world domination. That’s understandable. After the meeting, he then asks ano… The reason why Lex Luthor thought it was important to know the identity of Superman is because this is the only way to have the upper hand. Who Can Kill Deadpool In The Marvel Universe? And he did. Jon Cryer 's Lex Luthor and Bruce Wayne are both very peaceful and prefer avoiding fighting which! Unequivocally beat Superman once and it was in Mark Millar ’ s hair to fall.! Scars, but fans may be a little hazy on exactly why through sheer hard work, he built successful! His envy an aspiration Kryptonite on the corpse of General Zod, causing rapid.... He chooses to do so, Who Wins the Battle of the characters! Under the … Lex Luthor isn ’ t hate someone for being an aspiration however, the DC Version Deadpool. The powers that Superman inherited by birth so much on Superman Lex wants to, needs to the... Possible. the aid of his fellow people without having to lift weights that why does lex luthor hate superman where the lies. 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