To what extent and how is the individual engaged in the process of the “uplift of matter”? Essays by Phillip Lindsay ©. Vulcan Utility Signs' Products Vulcan products lead the industry because of our continuous commitment to research and development. How does the individual go about dominating or controlling the astral body, the body of desire? In what manner and to what extent does the physical form prove obdurate, resistant and even obtuse to the will of the soul? Vulcan in Pisces also. (This question is in relation to Vulcan’s connection to the “Heart of the Sun”.). This means that the influence of the head center (Vulcan) has descended to the “throne between the eyebrows” (ruled by Venus, ruler of Libra). To travel far for mineral wealth; to travel far for treasure. A person who can consciously utilise Vulcan in Aries can help to break down other people’s resistance to higher consciousness, through the de-crystallisation of non-regenerative thought forms. The First and Fourth Rays are brought into play through Scorpio, Pluto, Vulcan and Taurus, while Mars and the Sixth Ray lead to the cultivation of the one-pointedness required for maintaining one’s focus of soul orientation (Discipleship) on the Fixed Cross. Vulcan In Cancer The power to forge the “Lighted House”; the power to make the “House of the Personality” shine with light. The “triumphant disciple” in full control of the Dweller. Today's symbol is one that is mistaken to be nothing more than a concoction from a TV show. Non-regenerative thought processes are challenged and broken down as the lesser self finds that it can no longer maintain its place or status in the outer world. How does the individual go about dominating or controlling the astral body, the body of desire? Especially horses that are “work horses” and people and machines (like autos) which are “work horses”. Linking money (Libra rules law, sex and money) and the mineral kingdom. Vulcan in Aries is “head strong”, whereas Vulcan in Taurus is “bull-headed”. To what extent is the “Will-to-Love” active in the life, and in what manner is it active. Movement considered as inertia (the tendency of matter in motion to remain in motion); perpetual motion. Perhaps you have felt that there is a deeper meaning to the Rising Sign than a mere description of the physical appearance, the persona or the manner in which we project ourselves? You asked for it. To a rather lesser extent that Vulcan in Taurus or in Virgo. A merger must be made with the Higher Self/Mind (third Ray) so that he is acting in concert with an unfolding group process. In what ways does the personality experience the pressure of the spiritual will? Send us a message. (Both Gemini and Aquarius are particularly associated with the etheric body). Strictly “personal” will fueled by desire. Aries as a constellation, transmits R1 and R7. “Not my will but Thine be done”. I am talking about the Vulcan salute ( live long and prosper ) symbol that became popular with the show Star Trek. You can visit the Kagaya gallery by clicking either on the large picture above or on the link below and the site will open in a separate window.. Visit the Esoteric Astrology Message Board/Guest Book, Man cannot discover new oceans Forcing others to see. Aries is not known for the refinement of the matter aspect; its natural ruler, Mars, is “profane” in an important sense (“outside the temple”) and is naturally opposed to Venus, planet of light. To what extent is the individual deeply concerned with matters concerning the structure of form? Is the dynamic of the “hammer” noticeable in any of the energy fields or in relation to the environment? Will and Love united, considering Vulcan as the purveyor of the Spiritual Will and Gemini as the “Head of the Cosmic Christ”. To what extent and how, does the individual “get things going”? Force can be expressed in an overpowering  manner, and with strong, rhythmic accents‑hammer blows. Advanced ideas to exploit the energy in matter. The will/Power of the First Ray must be free to create, without being hampered by the nurturing energies of Cancer. They begin to look for~brothers and sisters of like minds~ with whom they can interact with loving impersonality. What is the manner in which the soul (Solar Angel) grips the personality, and bends the personality to its will and enforces that will? Plodding onward on the “Path”; “putting one foot in front of the other”. Vulcan Utility Signs Our committed team at Vulcan Utility Signs understands the energy and utility industries and what is needed to help you “Mark it to Protect It”! To what extent is such constructive activity utilitarian or artistic? The inertia of the “Ahamkara principle” (selfhood). speaks of the first ray type’s love of “crashing choruses”; Vulcan in Aries would give the love of what might be called “crashing impacts”. Yet if this matrix becomes too solidified, through patterns of repeated desires, the movement of the Will becomes impeded. Vulcan in Taurus Perfecting the structure and beauty of the form. Vulcan in Taurus: Vulcan comes to show about detachment and a whole lot of instances it is a painful lesson for the person. This necessarily relates to Vulcan in Capricorn as well. Vulcan in Aries represents a new appreciation of the Divine Will, and a new (though incipient) ability to wield the same. I would leave it to Niklas to discriminate how the effect upon physical strength might be contrasted between Vulcan and “Vulcanus”. Aries individuals have always to learn to co-measure the force they release; this combination does not tend towards co-measurement but the application of excessive force. The artwork used on this page  is by the wonderful artist Kagaya and is of course copyrighted  to him. Hardening to the point of crystallization and imminent shattering. This position of Vulcan is very ~Will-focused~. The Uranian planet “Vulcanus/Samson” would be implicated in such demonstrations of strength. The will to persist upon the “Path” until the goal is reached; “treading the Path until the very end”. As the Moon, Mother of All Forms, is the ruler, this placement of Vulcan creates a great conflict, because the attachment to the nurturing process is quite intense. Bringing the “unfettered enlightenment” of Shamballa to the World of Illusion (ruled by Scorpio ‑ “Let Maya flourish and deception rule”.) This means releasing oneself from the strong personal emotional expressions of the Second, Fourth and Sixth Ray energies in this position, (Virgo and the Moon) so that the focus of Will can be externalised, unimpeded by the lower self. The “Will to perfect the form”. In a birth chart, one’s Vulcan, in sign through essence and house through execution, is his journey tangible via the Esoteric ruler of said house/sign. Surely, it will also be obvious that there is nothing sacrosanct or even necessarily true about these speculations; they are meant to be indicative only. We know the Leonian affinity for jewelry; in this case a diamond within a gold setting. Agent of the “Will-to-Illumine”. If Vulcan in Aries is related to the “Will-to-Be”, then Vulcan in Leo is related to the Will-to be the Self (at whatever level that self is functioning). On a lower turn of the spiral, Aries inclines towards a “go it alone” attitude. Once the Fixed Cross is mounted, the natural magnetism and power of Vulcan in Taurus allows the person to create a vital channel for the expression of the Will and Power of the First Ray. All personality inclinations and desires are burned away (another burning ground for Vulcan in Aries) in the Will of the Monad, and the beginning of real isolation takes place, for the man is never more attracted to the three worlds for what he may acquire from them. It is clear that if the Sun is in one sign and Vulcan in a neighboring sign (just as Mercury can be) there will be important modifications of the sun sign energy. We may well question: “Am I responsive to the spiritual will?” If I am responsive, what is the quality of the spiritual will in my life? The power of the enlightened will to overcome glamour at the second initiation. VULCAN IN ARIES This is a very potent position leading to the right use of will as the First Ray energies of sign and planet unite. To what extent do they dominate the normal, “lesser” centers? There would be very little subtlety in the destructive process. Since “Vulcan and the Sun are one”, and Vulcan too is active at the first degree, this combination, Vulcan in Leo, is within reason an important factor in this initial confirmed step into the spiritual kingdom. savel vasile V November 6, 2017. The blazing light atop the mountain; the luminous reward of ascent. Vulcan In Gemini The will of Pollux, the “Elder Brother”; subduing the “Younger Brother” Thought as the conveyer of lighted Will. One must strip themself down to the soul level here … Obliterating the lower ego and also the individual Ego. The complete regeneration of the physical form. The construction which lies in destruction. With respect to the fourth degree, Vulcan is greatly involved, as the “depths of aloneness are plumbed”. The power latent in the mineral kingdom; the imprisoned power of the atom;  mining. There is probably a strong connection between 1) the Great Bear; 2) the Solar Logos; and 3) Vulcan. 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