portables; rvs portables; onboard air systems; c-models; dual packs; industrial grade (ig) air source kits; hard mount; 2on2 bolt-on platforms; automatic deployment air systems; accessories. VIAIR has already done the work for you by listing which models work with what size tire on Viair’s Compressor Comparison page. tires. Based on the features, the above models can be divided into two groups. 1.47CFM Free Flow @ 0 PSI.Max. VIAIR 85P Portable Air Compressor 4.5 out of 5 stars 3,002. amzn_assoc_marketplace = "amazon"; As an Amazon Associate BestPortableProducts.com earns from qualifying purchases. However, it only suits lighter-duty tasks. amzn_assoc_asins = "B005ASY23I"; Read our Viair 85P detailed review. amzn_assoc_ad_type = "smart"; It is well below the average cost and a little less than the Viair 400p. Attach the heavy duty battery clamps to your vehicle’s battery, and start the engine. amzn_assoc_asins = "B001MXL71A"; MotorKlasse 5,890 views. Style: Air Compressor Verified Purchase. 4.7 out of 5 stars 1,249. amzn_assoc_linkid = "dc396b0cc618738d85ce6d64b6cd0cc9"; amzn_assoc_tracking_id = "allportable-20"; Viair 00088 88P. 4.5 out of 5 stars 3,045. It’s suitable for VIAIR Portable Compressors with Twist-On Chuck (70P, 77P, 85P, 87P, and 88P). 88P and up have the battery connectors vs. cig lighter plug in. If you love everything portable and you’re looking for the best products for your needs, your search ends here. The VIAIR 450P Portable Air Compressor is the only portable unit available in today’s market that features both a 100 percent duty cycle and an automatic shutoff. We've compiled a list of the Best Viair 88P Vs 300P of 2019 to buy, including Top (Highest) Rated Viair 88P Vs 300P Reviews on Amazon.com, eBay, Walmart, Best Buy, Reddit. We'll assume you're ok with this, but you can opt-out if you wish. This post might contain affiliate links, read more here. You will notice that all these portable compressors need to be plugged into the cigarette lighter power port of your car and the features and specifications differ slightly. Tire pressure can easily be checked using the gauge incorporated into the top of the unit. Go to the VIAIR website www.viaircorp.com  and view the website page ‘Need Help Choosing the Portable Tire Inflator’ to choose the correct size of Portable Compressor. There is a negligible difference in the fill rate of 88 P and 90 P. A perusal of Table-3 ‘performance data’ reveals- from 0 to 80 PSI, 88 P gives more volume of air (CFM) than 90 P; and from 90 to 120 PSI, 90 P gives more CFM than 88 P. Both the VIAIR models 88 P and 90 P are reliable, compact, and efficient to serve you. Moroever, ingress protection rating for 88 P is IP 53 and for 90 P is IP 54. 1.27 cfm @0 ps 20 ft maximum reachi Cigarette lighter adapter Kit bag Overall it's a great little compressor but for light duty. This website uses cookies to improve your experience while you navigate through the website. Operating the VIAIR 88P air compressor is very straight forward. Group-II will include 84 P, 85 P, and 87 P which are suitable for tire sizes up to 31 inches. Buying tips for 88P and 90 P, Which model is good for you? viair's global network; contact; become a dealer; product registration; warranty information; sponsorship; compressors. The weight of Viair 00088 88P is just one pound. $151.64. On bestportableproducts.com he brings you some of the best portable products that will make your life easier. amzn_assoc_placement = "adunit"; amzn_assoc_design = "enhanced_links"; I need a compressor bad! The VIAIR 87P is a small powerful portable tire inflator with a built-in LED work light. Post Reply. Reviewed . Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. VIAIR 84P Portable Compressor, Black, 9.1 x 3.1 x 5.6 inches 4.5 out of 5 stars 274. These cookies do not store any personal information. Its ai… II. It is very popular because of the portability. Well, Viair Corporation is one of these leading producers of some of the top-notch automotive aftermarket products all over the world. Viair 00088 88P Portable Air Compressor is a small, portable air compressor, which is highly useful when your car breaks down due to a flat tire. It’s also pretty efficient and provides you with ample pressure levels. Comparison of features, specifications, fill rate, and performance for 88 P and 90 P can be seen in Table-1, Table-2, and Table-3 below. When it comes to air fill rate, you can say that 87 P is slightly better than 85 P and 85 P is slightly better than 84 P. VIAIR Portable Compressors 88 P and 90 P are compact, reliable, and can meet your requirement of compressed air when you are away from town. We also use third-party cookies that help us analyze and understand how you use this website. Let us review these features and specifications. Attach the heavy duty battery clamps to your vehicle's battery, and start the engine. It’s ingress protection rating is IP54. California residents. Viair 88P Vs. 300P – Comparison of 2021. VIAIR 88P 120 psi 12-Volt Portable Tire Inflator Model# 00088 $ 72 49 /box $ 72 49 /box Out of stock online. September 7, 2012. Just make sure the vehicle is running otherwise you risk blowing a fuse. The 88P is not outfitted with a convey sack. So I did a airing up test on a . Connecting 88 P and 90 P is very simple and easy. I have no doubts it can do so. Viair 88P. hyper grade new! The Viair 70p and the 85p will enable you to check your tires more frequently as you won’t have to go to the gas station. Amp Draw: 20 Amps; Portable air compressor powered via alligator clamps direct to battery. Indeed, the Viair 85P is a highly reliable portable air compressor from a trusted brand. Their noteworthy features and specifications will be scrutinized along with their differences. I was thinking of buying a Slime 40026 2x model cuz the reviews seem really good, but ViAir 88p seems to be proven as one of the best. The compressor will begin to buzz, and pump air throug… Set your store to see local availability View Similar in Stock. VIAIR 300P Portable Compressor - 30033 4.8 out of 5 stars 1,164. Description VIAIR Model 00088 (88P) portable air compressor is a smaller and powerful compressor that can inflate up to 33" tires by simply attaching the heavy duty battery clamps to the vehicles battery and start the engine up. You will know What is the best Viair 88P Vs 300P on the market? Connect directly to your car battery. VIAIR 88P Portable Compressor Kit (12V, 120 Psi, Forup to 33" Tires) 4.9 out of 5 stars 17. amzn_assoc_placement = "adunit"; Then maybe the 88P’s smaller less expensive little brother the 85P is a better match for you. A Short brief about other similar models from VIAIR Brand-70 P, 74 P, 75 P, 77 P, 78 P, 84 P, 85 P, and 87 P, Table A: Comparison of Viar Portable Compressors, Table B: Comparison of Viar Portable Compressors, Best Mini Portable Microwave for Car – Enjoy Warm Meals on the Go, Heavy Duty Steel Stand with Vibration Isolators, Dimensions- Length * width * height – In inches, Recommended Components – 6 feet Portable Compressor Air Extension Hose. VIAIR Portable Compressors 88 P and 90 P | A Comparison and Review: III. VIAIR 88p vs masterflow mf-1050. This article will be about the Viair 88P vs. 300P discussion. We review all types of portable products that make life easier. $159.74 VIAIR (00087 87P Portable Compressor … While both the Viair 70P and 80P are great choices, the differences make each model superior in a unique way. The features and specifications of these models differ slightly. I had a 400P on my Jeep mounted under the hood permanently and routinely filled my 33s along with other peoples 35s on a regular basis without any drama or failure during wheeling trips. Value for Money. VIAIR 88p vs 90p: Which One Is Better? Discussion in 'Product Reviews' started by Rob Daman, Dec 16, 2017. A review of performance and air fill rate shows that the models 84 P, 85 P, and 87 P have the same performance. As soon as I unboxed the 88P, I knew it was a nice little tool to have. Fits great with room for the long hose and power cord. It can inflate up to 33-inch tires using a direct battery connection with two battery terminal clamps. I have been around OBA for a while. The VIAIR 88P is a newly-designed, portable compressor, capable of inflating up to 33 in. Viair 300p. Don’t have 33-inch tires? VIAIR portable compressor, sitting in your car trunk, will remove your worry of getting stuck on the road with a deflated car tire. amzn_assoc_ad_mode = "manual"; Packed with features at an affordable price, it is the one to beat. The 88P cost is a little over $60 on Amazon. This will help to determine which model would work for your tire size. *Data compiled from the official website of VAIR @ www.vaircorp.com/portables. The 85 does have a few downsides. Rob Daman [OP] The Taco Formerly Known as Hard Shell Taco. amzn_assoc_linkid = "29da69320d66f205168f33c571839178"; The above analysis shows that for tire sizes 195/70R14 and 225/60R18, there is a marginal difference in the Air Fill-rate of 88 P and 90 P. However, as per the specifications, 88 P is recommended for tires up to 33ʺ size and 90 P up to 31ʺ size. The kit also includes: 3 additional adapters for pumping balls, mattresses and so on; and of course, a very high-quality orange fabric bag. I currently have the Viair 85P and it is more than enough compressor for 265/275 tires. READ: JET JWBS-14DXPRO Band Saw Review. IV. What is the Best Affordable, … Please go through the user manual carefully before using VIAIR tire inflators. Example: 245/35/R20, VIAIR has already done the work for you by listing which models work with what size tire on. Then you can start again. Based on this count, 88 P is beneficial and you can save some money. Out of these, the cookies that are categorized as necessary are stored on your browser as they are essential for the working of basic functionalities of the website. $59.68. amzn_assoc_tracking_id = "allportable-20"; (Do check out our Viair 88P review) It obliges a 12-volt DC force source to work. Additional Info Download: Manual ‣ Dimensional Drawing ‣ FEATU No issues. Table-2 shows the air fill rate for the tire size 195/70R14 (24.7 inches) and 225/60R18 (28.6 inches) with fill ranges, 20-30 PSI and 30-40 PSI. The smaller 85P still boasts an impressive 33 percent duty cycle, allowing it to run for up to 20 minutes before needing to cool for about 40 minutes. amzn_assoc_region = "US"; Opt for the 70P if you’re looking for more practical use with lots of maneuverability. But opting out of some of these cookies may affect your browsing experience. Don’t want to get stranded because of low air in your tires? The automatic shutoff comes into play not only when moving from tire to tire, but also when checking a tire’s pressure in the middle of a fill. 0:52. When you are planning a family vacation trip in your car, do not forget to load your VIAIR Portable Compressor in the car trunk. VIAIR Portable Compressors 88 P and 90 P | A Comparison and Review. VIAIR Portable Compressor will take away all your worries about getting stranded on the free-way with a deflated tire. $65.99 Smittybilt 2781 5.65 CFM Universal Air Compressor. You also have the option to opt-out of these cookies. Tire pressure can easily be checked using the gauge incorporated into the top of the unit. Mike considers the world his home and has traveled to over 40 countries so far. ViAir 88p VS Slime 40026 2x -Thoughts??? ... to your battery.Our Portable models that plug into the cigarette outlet are: 75P (P/N 00075), 84P (P/N 00084), and 85P (P/N 00085). $59.99 TIREWELL 12V Tire Inflator-Heavy Duty Double Cylinders Direct Drive Metal Pump 150PSI, Compressor with Battery Clamp and 5M Extension Air Hose, SUVs/Trucks/Vans/RVs. 12 VOLT – 120PSI Max Working Pressure, engine must be running during use. Considering he's always on the move the one thing he appreciates in all things and products is portability! Viair 88P Air Compressor Review - Airing Up and Down explained - Duration: 5:26. Connect the screw-on tire chuck to a tire valve stem before turning the unit on. Buying tips for 88P and 90 P, Which model is good for you? I … The 88P would be a better choice for 285 and up. Group-1 will include models 70 P, 74 P, 75 P, 77 P, and 78 P which are suitable for tire sizes up to 225/60R18(28.6 inches). IV. Connect to a tire valve stem and turn the unit on. It also works great when you need to top off the air in the tires every now and then. From Table-1 and Table-2 above, you can understand that many of the features and specifications are different for VIAIR Portable Compressor 88 P and 90 P; such differences are highlighted. Uncoil the 10-foot electrical cord, connect the red clamp to the positive battery terminal, and connect the black clamp to the negative battery terminal. Necessary cookies are absolutely essential for the website to function properly. December 10, 2017 - In this video I demonstrate how I use my Viair 85P portable 12v air compressor. VIAIR 88p or masterflow mf-1050. On the other hand, the Viair 00088 88P receives an average rating of 4.6-Stars. Good for small ATVs, trucks, SUVs, and sedans with up to 33″ Tires. Both 88 P and 90 P will be able to meet your main need, which is inflating your tires. Unlike the 88P, the 85 gets power from your vehicle’s 15-watt 12-volt accessory port. Skip to primary navigation ... 85P Compressor; 87P Compressor; 88P Compressor; 90P Compressor; 300P Compressor; 400P Portable Compressor; 400P-Automatic Portable Compressor; 400P-RV Automatic Compressor ; 440P Compressor; 450P-Automatic Compressor; 450P-RV Automatic Compressor; RVS Portables; … amzn_assoc_marketplace = "amazon"; Connect to a tire valve stem and turn the unit on. VIAIR models 88 P and 90 P are compact, yet powerful Portable Compressors or tire inflators. amzn_assoc_ad_mode = "manual"; Viair 88P air compressor. The Viair 88P has 45% obligation cycle, and the cost is additionally a bit lower than the 90P. Read next – Viair 70p vs 85p: Which Portable Compressor Is Better? If you see my other reviews, I bought a small military bag here on Amazon to go with it. Screw the air hose onto a tire valve stem, or one of the included inflation tips if inflating something other than a tire, and move the power switch to the on position. 88P is a newly-designed, powerful portable tire inflator, capable of inflating up to 33-inch tires. These cookies will be stored in your browser only with your consent. Anyone have the Slime or any good suggestions. Yet, I've read you can get the cig lighter / 120V cig outlet adapter for this model. Carry the 88P portable air compressor with you at all times. There is a slight difference in current drawn by 88 P (20 Amp) and 90 P (23 Amp). 949-585-0011, CHOOSING THE RIGHT RV PORTABLE TIRE INFLATOR, You will need to know what size tires you have. The VIAIR 88P air compressor is the standard for lightweight, portable air compressors. Or you can use any other similar Air Extension Hose by other manufacturers. Introduction: II. in Air Compressors & Inflators. A review of performance and air fill rate shows that the data is the same for 70 P, 74 P, 77 P, and 78 P; however, they are marginally different for 75 P. You will notice that 84 P and 85 P need to be plugged into the cigarette lighter power port of your car; however, 87 P comes with dual battery clamps for direct connection to your car battery. It seems very sturdy and I tried it out on my Truck with 265/70R17 size tires. Compare. If you review the specification and features of 88 P and 90 P, 90 P has the following additional features which are not there in the 88 P: Hence, you have to make a decision between “to have” or “not to have” the above additional features (some of them are safety features). Let’s find out more, so keep on reading! 88p vs 70p vs 85p vs 90p. This post might contain affiliate links, read more here. $57.89. I don't need more or less or bigger or faster unless it costs the same. $85 Viair 88P Portable Compressor Kit (12V, 120 Psi, … MORRFlate 7.5ft Extension – Viair 85P/87P/88P/90P $ 34.99 Add to cart; Viair Adapter Kit $ 19.99 Select options; MORRFlate Quad (4Tire, Up to 125″ Wheelbase) Rated 5.00 out of 5 $ 179.99 – $ 204.98 Select options; Related products. This category only includes cookies that ensures basic functionalities and security features of the website. Don’t want to pop the hood every time you need to air up? Viair 00088 88P Portable Air Compressor. I only want to spend the $70 with shipping that these units cost. The Viair 88P is a 12-volt air compressor and is reported to be able to fill up to a 33-inch tire. Thus, it is the lightest solution for all your flat tire problems. amzn_assoc_ad_type = "smart"; Any cookies that may not be particularly necessary for the website to function and is used specifically to collect user personal data via analytics, ads, other embedded contents are termed as non-necessary cookies. Joined: Mar 3, 2017 Member: #212255 Messages: 5,764 First Name: Rob So Cal Vehicle: 17 OR 6MT a lot. Dec 16, 2017 at 12:47 PM #1 #1. VIAIR 85P Portable Air Compressor. 85P is a small powerful portable tire inflator with a built-in LED work light, capable of inflating up to 31-inch tires by simply plugging into your cigarette lighter power port (Max: 15A/180W). Discussion in 'Wheels & Tires' started by tall_paul, Aug 24, 2016. ? 70p 15% duty cycle which means you should only run it for 1.5 minutes and let it cool down for 8.5 minutes. Tire pressure can be monitored using the gauge incorporated into the top of the unit. The Viair 70p vs 85p are both compressors that are great value for money and probably cheaper than having to call a mechanic or your insurance company if you have a flat. It is mandatory to procure user consent prior to running these cookies on your website. Table of Contents: I. $72.49. 4.4 out of 5 stars 2,102. Preview. Please go through the comparison of features, specifications, performance data and air fill rate data in the enclosed sheet (Table-A, Table-B, Table-C, and Table-D). amzn_assoc_design = "enhanced_links"; see Prop 65 WARNINGS. amzn_assoc_region = "US"; by Lior Meshullam. Viair 70P vs. Viair 85P: Which is Better Overall? III. At last, your buying choice is dependent upon you. The value for money also depends on what is included and the warranty. Set ... VIAIR 85P VIAIR Portable Tire Inflator Model# 85P $ 59 87 /box $ 59 87 /box Out of stock online. Only 4 left in stock (more on the way). VIAIR 88p 3 vote(s) 60.0% masterflow mf-1050 2 vote(s) 40.0% Post Reply. Connect the screw on tire chuck to a tire valve stem before you put the compressor on. VIAIR 85P 휴대용 타이어 컴프레서 - Duration: 0:52. Aug 24, 2016 at 12:36 PM #1 #1. tall_paul [OP] Well-Known Member. For a high-powered portable air compressor like these, you could expect to pay anywhere from $250 to $500. Both 88 P and 90 P have 120 PSI pressure gauge, however, there is a minor difference in their mounting. This website uses cookies to improve your experience. Included and the warranty 88P air compressor with you at all times tire size for practical. Has already done the work for you 4.5 out of 5 stars 274,... Down explained - Duration: 0:52, 2016. make each model superior in a unique way 휴대용 타이어 컴프레서 Duration!, 85 P, and 88P ) 88P vs Slime 40026 2x?! Viair 84P Portable compressor, capable of inflating up to 33-inch tires top-notch automotive aftermarket all! 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