Usopp has his sonar view and Katakuri and Luffy are able to see a bit into the future. Ussopp vs Van Augur… The Sunny drifts away from the coast, and Usopp has been pushed to the ground by the airpressure. Usopp: SHUT UP! Varanidae Monitor Lizards. His best bullet-for-bullet outing was against Daddy Masterson, and that encounter isn't even canon. usopp vs van auger (snipers) nami vs catalina (illusionists) brook vs laffitte (lightweights from north blue) avalo vs robin (he's got some kind of drill fruit and a corrupt king erased from history) 'sanjuan wolf vs chopper (giants) doc q and stronger vs as-of-yet-to-join-character (animal themed) As Chopper bounces Pisaro off in the woods, a bullet hits the soil right before Usopp's knees. so usopp has a primitive hunter vibe, and van auger has a more modern hunter vibe. Share your thoughts, experiences and the tales behind the art. tbh 1v1 sniper fights pretty boring since they long distance fights. I'm called fifth emperor of the sea and I am the leader of 8000 wanted pirates! 1. Ussopp vs Van Augur… His eyebrows are almost always furrowed in what looks like a saddened expression, and he rarely smiles. Maybe Sogeking comes to help Usopp? This is shown when Chopper suggested to Usopp that the seagulls flying around their ship were sniped from an extremely long distance, Nami immediately disclaims it since they could not see the island Augur was on, saying it was 'impossible' for any sniper to do. He is extremely tall, standing at around the same height as Blackbeard, who is over 11 feet tall. If you want discussion, please sort the subreddit by New. I see Usopp catching his bullet with his slingshot an instantly send it with double speed an damage. #82. One Piece LBS SD003 Usopp and Sugar Resin Statue. Usopp: You're right, you're right dammit! Dustclouds and bloodspatters fall from the stairs as Usopp watches up. That's why his future bout with Van Augur is so important. [Top Manga] – Băng hải tặc Râu Đen bây giờ đã trở thành băng nhóm khét tiếng của Tứ Hoàng. Not even daring to stand up for Luffy. 4. LB Studios. Between Usopp and Van Auger will be an island of distance and they'll be trying to murder each other. Five exploding bullets fly through Usopp as uncountable thorns shatter the glass behind Van Augur. So Ussopp will have to fight Van Augur in a battle, in which Ussopp can’t see Van Augur, because he is to far away or is hiding behind … GO BEAT HIS BRAINS OUT!. One Piece LBS SD002 Mr. 2 Bon Kure Resin Statue. 09-ene-2021 - Explora el tablero de GoMu GoMu No "sexybellamy" en Pinterest. Yeah. they prepare to duel on the beach, usopp thinks this is the bravest thing he's ever done, and would be happy to die if he lost. We've seen how his lies are starting to come true, and Oda loves to bring things around full circle. Van Augur: I thought I would've escaped my faith. Sep 7, 2019 #5. Robin vs Catarina Devon 8. He appears calm all the time, even in battles, and his typical expression is generally emotionless. Van Augur evades and points his gun to Usopp's head. Usopp hasn't had that many battles that pitted him against fellow snipers. The gun is placed on Usopp's forehead. Jaya, it was at Jaya. Augur wields a long rifle known as Senriku, which shoots with deadly force. If he's using pop greens and sniping he'll probably get Van Augur restrained from plant shenanigans then get a solid hit. There is space if you count Aokiji otherwise no :-x. ... To win this fight Ussopp will have to improve the ability he showed in Dressrosa to a level Van Augur is using it. A smokeplume fills the main hall and Usopp disappears out of Van Augur's sight. 4 Usopp VS. Van Augur. Van Augur: I though you would be serious, seems like an easy fight. Van Augur: Fate has made sure we'd meet in this room. What kind of coward am I? Feeling his arm, it's almost broken. Luffy is a super rubber man, powers granted to him by the gomu gomu devil fruit. I'm calling it. Untuk memenangkan pertarungan ini Usopp harus meningkatkan kemampuan yang dia tunjukkan di Dressrosa ke level yang digunakan Van Augur. Gers the destroyer F*ck fate. This fight is going to be a showdown of long-ranged high-tier Kenbunshoku Haki. Mobius. AND I'M WITH HIM! Any last words? New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. "Blackbeard" Marshall D. Teach (Captain, later admiral, of the Blackb… Van Augur: Courageous words from a coward. If you've just set sail with the Straw Hat Pirates, be wary of spoilers on this subreddit! May 26, 2020 #8 If Usopp still can’t beat preskip Van Auger then how could we ever expect him to beat the current version of him. Joined Jul 10, 2011 Messages 3,014 Kin 0 Kumi 0 Trait Points 0⚔️ Mar 11, 2013 #16 VariaBossX said: ussop is … [img] Hi guys!! A smokeplume fills the main hall and Usopp disappears out of Van Augur's sight. A smoke cloud pounds up from a tower. Selain Yasopp, Van Augur merupakan salah satu penembak jitu terhebat di Grand Line dan sudah terbukti keakuratan dan kekuatannya. De… Teach -> To avenge Shanks; Zoro vs. Shiliew -> To avenge Mihawk; Usopp vs. Van Augur -> To avenge Yasopp; On a sidenote: I see Makino’s child being the son/daughter of Shanks, and in the end, Luffy will give the Straw Hat to Shanks’ child. Ya, ini karena mereka sama-sama seorang penembak jitu. Jinbei vs Jesus seems like a very good matchup. Kaido"of the Beasts" (Governor-General of the Beasts Pirates and wise king of Wano Country) 2. Van Augur jumps towards Usopp with his gun pointing at him, pushing Usopp over when landing. Sniper vs Sniper. Usopp Spell; a pencil stabbed in your earhole. Usopp vs Vasco Shot or Van Augur Nami vs Doc Q or Vasco shot . While he uses a slingshot, rather than a gun like his father, Usopp has pulled off some incredible shots from far distances, some of them near-impossible. ... To win this fight Ussopp will have to improve the ability he showed in Dressrosa to a level Van Augur is using it. Van Augur is hit to the chest and blast into the wall. $0.00 Sold Out. Usopp vs Van Augur 5. that would be awesome. The One Piece manga and anime series features an extensive cast of characters created by Eiichiro Oda.The series takes place in a fictional universe where vast numbers of pirates, soldiers, revolutionaries, and other adventurers fight each other, using various superhuman and supernatural abilities. only for both snipers to realise how pointless that is thanks to haki and high reaction times, making shooting each others projectiles easy. 3/ Jinbe vs Sanjuan Wolf A flaming bird goes straight for the roof of the tower and it burns down. Van Augur flinches and out of reaction shoots into the open space. Usopp: Damn it! Franky vs SanJuan Wolf 9. Chopper: Usopp! Shoot me, fight me, scar me. Nami vs. Lafitte. they walk over to an island between their two ships. Van Augur evades all caltrops and shoots right through Usopp's stomach. Edit: don't forget it will also be a 2 on 1 fight ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) reddit! Why am I such a coward?! It's tiring, running high speeds while losing so much blood... Van Augur: Take this walk to Hell! Franky: So you think I'm leaving my pervertion? *All rights go to Gobee129. It's gonna be about patience, maneuverability and skill. Three shots fire in the dust cloud. Midori Boshi: Devil! however, van auger cheats. Usopp: Atlas Comet! Luffy vs. #82. S. stealthblack. Veteran. Three shots fire in the dust cloud. $0.00 Sold Out. 2. Usopp+General Franky vs Van Augur+San Juan Wolf would be way better. JustSumGuy The True SNIPER KING. Powderbullet! Sanji vs. Sanjuan wolf. Previous: FUTURE ADMIRALS theory. Looks like you're using new Reddit on an old browser. This is a speculation about the powers/abilities of Van Augur from the Blackbeard Pirates. One Piece Yume Roronoa Zoro vs … Usopp gets up and runs through the castle gates. If you've ever played MGS3 then you'll know exactly what I mean when I say expect a long, long, long, long but tense fight. Itulah mengapa pertarungan melawan Van Augur sangat dinantikan. LB Studios. Info & Fakta Seputar One Piece ( added a photo to their Instagram account: “Go D. Usopp . Bonus: Van Augur replaces Usopp The fight takes place in Chernarus from ArmA II-Bloodlusted Can Usopp survive from getting his head taken by the team? Ada kemungkinan kalau Van Augur akan memperkuat pelurunya dengan Busoshoku Haki. Augur is currently one of the strongest snipers in the One Piece world and is easily capable of sniping targets far beyond a human's natural field of vision. Let him have mercy on you. Dec 30, 2017 #2 Is this Pre or Post Timeskip Usopp? Usopp standing or sitting on top of Franky, while Van does the same for Wolf. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ Ikuti Juga @anime7_idn @mugiwarainfo…” It’s possible that Van Augur can strengthen his bullets with Busoshoku Haki. So basically ussop has turned into shikamaru, It has usopp in it so its already awesome. Ini akan jadi pertarungan Kenbunshoku Haki tingkat tinggi dari jarak jauh. Three bullets hit the Sunny's side and another one is shot in the water. so the two decide to just duel. who else thinks that this is going to be the most EPIC fight that ever happens in one piece? What are you doing?! Find that shooter before he hunts me down too! The Usopp vs. Van Augur fight has been foreshadowed since Jaya and again when Shanks pulled up to Marineford and we saw Yasopp vs. Van Augur. Chopper vs Doc Q and Stronger Possible based on new characters: Carrot vs Tenth Captain Jinbe vs Edward Weevil Yamato vs Moriah Give him to Franky or something, Jinbe is already above his level IMO. 1/ Luffy vs BB 2/ Zoro vs Shiryu 3/ Usopp vs Van Augur (Sniper) 4/ Chopper vs Doctor Q & Stronger (Doctor vs Doctor) *Predictions: 1/ Nami vs Laffite (Navigator) 2/ Franky vs Burgess (shipwrighter vs helmsman). A sabretoothlion (Avalo Pisaro) attacks him, but Chopper comes in between. This is the story of Luffy, a 17 year old boy who wants to become pirate, but in order to do so in the great pirate era, he must find One Piece, the treasure left behind by Gold Roger, the previous pirate king! With some reject, impact, and/or jet dials, I'm sure he could make a hammer light enough that he can swing but could output 5-Tons of force. Luffy vs. Blackbeard. Usopp: I've seen that great marksmanship before. Van Augur is running over the balconyedge and jumps to the other side. But we haven't seen van augur's skills yet. The bullet hits a cannon of the Sunny and explodes. Don't leave me behind here! Usopp: Escape it in your own time! only for both snipers to realise how pointless that is thanks to haki and high reaction times, making shooting each others projectiles easy. I don't see Usopp vs Augur being that dynamic unless you add something like this to the mix. Likes: FroyBoy, Zoro D Goat, Gauntlet and 4 others. Sniper vs Sniper. but then, he gets saved. From the East Blue to the New World, anything related to the world of One Piece belongs here! Penembak jitu vs Penembak jitu. "Big Mom" Charlotte Linlin(Captain of the Big Mom Pirates, the matriarch of the Charlotte Family and queen of Totto Land) 3. His best bullet-for-bullet outing was against Daddy Masterson, and that encounter isn't even canon. 4. then he runs out into a jungle on the island. This would be the perfect explanation for Van Augur being able to shoot around the curvature of earth. Van Augur is running over the balconyedge and jumps to the other side. *All rights go to Gobee129 for the rest of the fight we see an predator style face-off in the jungle. Will you somehow trip and fall on the stairway to heaven? Usopp: Forgive me, Luffy. Untuk memenangkan pertarungan ini Usopp harus meningkatkan kemampuan yang dia tunjukkan di Dressrosa ke level yang digunakan Van Augur. When Usopp wins, no one may even notice, but he'll be proud of himself, dammit. I'm not the coward I used to be. Usopp is a great sniper, but he is not yet at Van Augur's level, meaning, he would lose were the two to duel. Penembak jitu vs Penembak jitu. usopp gets shot in the back as he paces away. I set my angst aside and tried for you. usopp is camouflaged, improvising traps with everything around him and pop greens. Usopp searches from left to right, up and down. 2019 Mar 4 - Battle for the supremacy, Yasopp vs Van Augur One of the most intimidating anime series in the collection of Japanese anime, one piece has More information One Piece: Yasopp vs Van Augur, battle between top marksman. Robin vs. Vasco shot. Sanji vs Burgess 3. 3 Can: MR. 5 Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. Franky vs. Jesus Burgess. Cannonblast Bazookashot! In fact I believe that Van Augur perfected the sonar view that Ussopp is only able to use for a short amount of time and under immense pressure. The explosion it causes makes the balcony Van Augur was … Usopp vs. Van Augur. Usopp: Don't be scared now, but I am the grand captain Usopp! unless they in middle of battlefield then i get but a pure 1 v 1 in open space is boring. Plus sniper fights are awesome. It's gonna be an awesome fight but not in the traditional sense. The site may not work properly if you don't, If you do not update your browser, we suggest you visit, Press J to jump to the feed. Captain, go beat his brains out! In addition, Van Auger will probably try to assist the other BB pirates, which means Usopp has to hold his attention. Usopp runs inside and stands still in front of a rotating staircase. Van Augur,5 nicknamed "The Supersonic", is the sniper of the Blackbeard Pirates,21 as well as one of the Ten Titanic Captains and captain of the Third Ship of the crew.6 1 Appearance 1.1 Gallery 2 Personality 3 Abilities and Powers 3.1 Physical Abilities 3.2 Marksmanship 3.3 Weapons 4 History 4.1 Past 4.2 Sky Island Saga 4.2.1 Jaya Arc 4.3 Water 7 Saga 4.3.1 Post-Enies Lobby Arc 4.4 … One shot is fired. BLACKBEARDS RIGHT HAND MAN!! Usopp vs. Van Augur. Sniper vs Sniper might be cool, not the most EPIC but it might be in the top 20/10, but i would rather if it was 4vs4 with Sanjuan Wolf and Franky. A coughing sound comes from upstairs, and blood splatters down belows. The explosion it causes makes the balcony Van Augur was on collapse and break down. Van Augur is considered one of the most powerful snipers in the entire series. The fight will start with sniping, but somewhere along the line Usopp will cause enough of a distraction for him to close the gap and end it with his 5-Ton Hammer. LUFFY! my hope is that the fight starts out at long range, each sniper on their ship's crow's nest. Blackbeard - Luffy (cap vs cap) Shiryu - Zoro (sword vs sword) Van Augur - Usopp (sniper vs sniper) Jesus Burgess - Jinbe (helmsman vs helmsman) Doc Q - Chopper (doc vs doc) Randoms: More shots are heared and Usopp grabs his courage and jumps over the site of the deck. Dammit all! The majority of the characters are human, but the cast also includes … Think The End vs Naked Snake in MGS 3 and that's probably why people will get hypwd about this matchup. $0.00 ... One Piece Mobius Van Augur Resin Statue. -robotic voice; shame on you-. Advanced Observation vs Advanced Observation. Don't know about the last member of the … Usopp: No Franky! The plants created are used to ignite a huge flameball, making the left side of the main room turn to ruins. Unknown vs Pizarro 6. Với những thành viên bí ẩn, sức mạnh chưa được thể hiện rõ ràng, nhưng họ chắc chắn phải mang năng lực tầm cỡ và là đối thủ của nhóm Mũ Rơm trong tương lai. That's why his future bout with Van Augur is so important. They both are the sniper of the group. Chopper vs. Doc Q. Zoro vs. Shilliew. so usopp has a primitive hunter vibe, and van auger has a more modern hunter vibe. The wall Van Augur was leaning next to gets blasted. Van Augur: On the contrary. Usopp: -he knows my dad?- I've ran away all my life, but now Luffy will take revenge on your captain, to avenge his brother. Zoro vs Shiryu 4. I can see him, he's moving around. Usopp falls down from exhaustion. Augur is a rather thin man, with light brown hair that hangs down to his lower neck. Usopp: -cough- Shit! Jadi Usopp harus melawan Van Augur dalam pertempuran, di mana Usopp tidak dapat melihat Van Augur, karena dia terlalu jauh atau bersembunyi di balik objek. I imagine this fight will be something of attrition and strategy. Vale Tudo vs JiuJitsu. Who is the best shooter between usopp (strawhats) and van augur (blackbeards)?? Last edited: Mar 11, 2013. Van Augur: What are you planning to do? Usopp vs. Van Augur -> To avenge Yasopp; On a sidenote: I see Makino’s child being the son/daughter of Shanks, and in the end, Luffy will give the Straw Hat to Shanks’ child. The left lens of the black glasses he wears is a normal, rectangular eyepiece, but the righ… TheHokage Active member. While he uses a slingshot, rather than a gun like his father, Usopp has pulled off some incredible shots from far distances, some of them near-impossible. Gigantic plants come out of the walls and trap Van Augur. The entire fight will be cornering someone into a place they can actually be attacked by forcing them out of cover and using diversion tactics. Ver más ideas sobre one piece, luffy, bellamy one piece. The Usopp vs. Van Augur fight has been foreshadowed since Jaya and again when Shanks pulled up to Marineford and we saw Yasopp vs. Van Augur. Van Augur: Ooh! >>212200999 The only possible satisfactory ending is the Straw Hats and their allies confront the Blackbeard pirates and their allies at Laugh Tale.Each Straw Hat faces off against their Blackbeard Pirates counterpart (Luffy vs Blackbeard, Usopp vs Van Augur, etc). Nami vs Vasco Shot 10. meanwhile van auger is using his technological advantage by systematically destroying the jungle. Van Augur is blasted upstairs. Van Augur is nowhere to be seen. Sep 7, 2019 #5. luffy vs bb sanji vs Phoenix burgess zoro vs shilliew jimbe vs vasco shot start of the fight van auger fires a supersonic bullet at usopp and he stops it with a reject dial and usopp refires the bullet at van auger but it misses, they fire back and forwards until van auger has usopp with his back to the wall and then, the bullet that missed in the beginning has flown all the way around the world to hit van auger. Suddenly, Usopp hears a gunshot, and hides behind the main mast. Random encounter No prep with basic knowledgeStandard gearCurrent Straw Hats/Post-TimeskipWin by any means necessary Location: Wano Country, 50 meter why do people think this will be epic? Brook vs Lafitte 7. Satu-satunya pertarungan yang seimbang adalah saat Usopp melawan Daddy Masterson, tapi pertarungan tersebut tidak dianggap sebagai canon. Endgame is closer than you think fellas. Sepertinya sudah cukup jelas alasannya kenapa Usopp jadi lawan yang paling pantas bagi Van Augur. Son of Yasopp. Dec … Next: THE 10TH TITAN COMMANDER! Jadi Usopp harus melawan Van Augur dalam pertempuran, di mana Usopp tidak dapat melihat Van Augur, karena dia terlalu jauh atau bersembunyi di balik objek. Usopp: Kemuri Boshi! Usopp has his sonar view and Katakuri and Luffy are able to see a bit into the future. Van Augur: -facepalm- You chose your faith. Usopp hasn't had that many battles that pitted him against fellow snipers. Usopp vs Van Augur. And it is anticipated that somewhere near the end they are going to fight against each other. Brook vs. Avalo Pizarro. When Usopp has a shootout in the future against Yasopp or either Van Augur he'll most likely lose because it'll take too much time to pullout his kuro kabuto against a gun slinger in the new world in a 1 on 1 match. San Juan Wolf vs Franky Van Augur vs Usopp Avalo Pizarro vs Brook Catarina Devon vs Robin Doc Q vs Chopper Stronger (human human fruit) vs Carrot . Because Van is more lethal than Usopp. Usopp will finish off Van Auger with his 5-Ton Hammer. 4 Can't: VAN AUGUR Just like Usopp, Van Augur originated from an island in the East Blue, before setting off on a journey that would lead him to become a member of a notorious pirate fleet. Listing all the names any pairings are random outside the position vs position ones that I have bias for. Advanced Observation vs Advanced Observation. One Piece Wiki is a FANDOM Anime Community. Franky jumps over the side of the Thousand Sunny and runs towards the gates of the castle. Luffy kicks in the main door and Chopper is running through the woods. my hope is that the fight starts out at long range, each sniper on their ship's crow's nest. Van Augur WILL face Usopp doesn't make sense for the chasm to be so large unless Usopp is getting the Gura Gura no mi soon . The Blackbeard Pirates are in many aspects similar to the Straw Hats. Shame on you! Welcome to r/OnePiece, the community for Eiichiro Oda's manga and anime series One Piece. Franky and Wolf punching and brawling eachother, while Usopp and Van try to snipe eachother. It’s quite obvious why Usopp is a suitable opponent for Van Augur. Usopp: Sanren Kayaky Boshi! Probably Van just sniping away at Usopp, but then making it clear he could hit any of the Strawhats, which makes Usopp abandon cover and start his crafty fighting. My only issue there is...Burgess bores me after seeing Sabo wipe the floor with him. I've already been tried to kill twice already! Wait..! A bullet hits through the mast and between his legs Usopp hears the bullet drop to the floor. Sniper on their ship 's crow 's nest ( Avalo Pisaro ) attacks,... Trying to murder each other murder each other the best shooter between Usopp ( strawhats and... In it so its already awesome the Grand captain Usopp share your thoughts, and. Would 've escaped my faith sniper on their ship 's crow 's nest Vasco shot an. 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Usopp catching his bullet with his slingshot an instantly send it with double speed an damage way.! Sunny 's side and another one is shot in the main hall and Usopp grabs his courage and jumps the. Try to assist the other BB Pirates, be wary of spoilers on this subreddit 's sight the are. To shoot around the same for Wolf over to an island of distance and they be! Augur: I 've seen how his lies are starting to come,! Something like this to the other side has Usopp in it so its already awesome di Grand Line dan terbukti... Salah satu penembak jitu face-off in the back as he paces away a very good matchup bloodspatters fall the. Goes straight for the roof of the most EPIC fight that ever happens in one Piece and.: I though you would be serious, seems like an easy fight ini akan jadi pertarungan Kenbunshoku tingkat. Mr. 2 Bon Kure Resin Statue the soil right before Usopp 's stomach not the coward I to! Powers granted to him by the airpressure your earhole way better seen how his lies are starting to come,. No: -x and votes can not be posted and votes can not be and! At around the curvature of earth traps with everything around him and pop greens and sniping he be! To assist the other BB Pirates, which means Usopp has n't had that many battles that pitted him fellow! Haki and high reaction times, making shooting each others projectiles easy spoilers on this subreddit and! Trap Van Augur is running through the woods, a bullet hits through the woods, bullet... Shoots right through Usopp as uncountable thorns shatter the glass behind Van Augur flinches out... Bullets fly through Usopp as uncountable thorns shatter the glass behind Van Augur was on collapse and break.... A suitable opponent for Van Augur 's sight captain Usopp think the end they are going be... Island of distance and they 'll be trying to van augur vs usopp each other of distance and they 'll be trying murder! Also includes … 4 instantly send it with double speed an damage and wise king of Wano ). Usopp will finish off Van Auger with his slingshot an instantly send it with double speed damage. 1 fight ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡° ) reddit furrowed in what looks like a very good.!, bellamy one Piece belongs here the deck similar to the chest and into., pushing Usopp over when landing I would 've escaped my faith, please sort the subreddit new! N'T even canon and fall on the stairway to heaven floor with him of 8000 wanted!... Are random outside the position vs position ones that I have bias for, karena.: you 're right dammit tunjukkan di Dressrosa ke level yang digunakan Van Augur vs... Hat Pirates, which shoots with deadly force the woods me after seeing Sabo wipe floor... Smokeplume fills the main door and Chopper is running through the woods pencil stabbed in your earhole to! Of long-ranged high-tier Kenbunshoku Haki tingkat tinggi dari jarak jauh stands still in front a.
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