These students can only receive aid from some of the FSA programs and do not have an A-number/ARN. Career Pathways is a grant-funded economic development program designed to meet the educational, financial, and employment needs of low-income parents. criteria to attend UACCM and are receiving over $1,000 in other aid. Apply At: and The Financial Aid Office is in the University Center, Room 101, Office hours are Monday-Friday 8am - 4:30pm, Appointments are not needed, and there is a computer lab in the office for help with applications. Avg need-based scholarship or grant award : $10,721.00. The university provides financial assistance in the form of state-level aid worth $953 and institutional aid worth $1,366. Contact Us. Generally, survivor’s benefits and disability benefits are available to survivors of deceased veterans, spouses, spouses of living veterans, and children between the ages of 18 and 26 years when death or permanent and total disability has occurred. Contact the UACCM Financial Aid Office for details. Appointments are not needed, and there is a computer lab in the office for help with applications. The period of remote learning will be for the week of February 15-19 ONLY. Students must enroll full-time to receive the scholarship. 1537 University Blvd - BTC Building, Morrilton, AR 72110; Hours. If you have any questions about this process, please call us at 501-977-2052 . Email: [email protected] Office hours are Monday-Friday 8am - 4:30pm. Scholarship awards are contingent on the availability of appropriate funding and are not guaranteed. Fall 2020 disbursements are scheduled for the following dates: MS1 week of July 20, 2020; MS2 Week of August 3, 2020; MS3 week of June 22, 2020 Veterans may be eligible for vocational rehabilitation if they suffered a service-connected disability in active service, and if the VA determines that they need vocational rehabilitation to overcome the disability. Tutorial Videos — The Financial Aid Office has computers for your usage and highly skilled staff available to help! Members of UACCM's PTK May Apply At: Welcome to the UACCM Portal In this portal you can access information from the Admissions, Registrar, and Financial Aid offices. Scholarship can be used for childcare, gas, car repairs, rent and utilities. Morrilton, AR 72110. Be sure to physically sign your forms as we don't accept electronic or computerized signatures. The PIN is the last four digits of your Social Security number. The Bear Partner Scholarship will be awarded to one UACCM student annually, and will cover tuition and mandatory fees up to 15 hours per semester, for a maximum of four consecutive Fall/Spring semesters or through completion of a bachelor’s degree, whichever occurs first. The list of requested paperwork will also be % of freshmen with need who received financial aid : 100.0% % Applied for need-based aid : 86.0% % Judged to have need : 100.0% % that were offered aid : 100.0%. Financial Aid Deadlines Preference will be given to students graduating with an associate’s degree. Campus personnel in admissions, financial aid and academic advising will also be assisting in support efforts for students. 3. These are a few suggested search engines. Telephone: 530-752-9246 (M-Fri, 9 a.m. to 4 p.m.) Hearing Impaired: Dial 711 for CRS Fax: 530-752-6667 (Please do not fax loan documents) Website: criteria to attend UACCM and are receiving over $1,500 in other aid. The College reserves the right to limit scholarship awards. Phone Number: 501-977-2000 University of Arkansas Community College Morrilton students, employees, and website visitors may notify us of a correction using our contact us page. Communicate with UACCM Financial Aid Office if you are not receiving 100% of tuition costs through the NGTA program. Please note on the scholarship application that you are applying for the EMT Scholarship. SUBMIT ALL FEDERAL AID RELATED PAPERWORK Login to CampusConnect > Acct Info > Review Financial Aid to see what federal aid-related paperwork must be submitted to the Financial Aid Office. This scholarship allows UACCM to name one student each fall and spring for a transfer scholarship that pays $3,000 a semester renewable up to five semesters or completion of an undergraduate degree, whichever comes first. Notify the UACCM Financial Aid office of your award. The UACCM Bookstore (501) 208-5325. We encourage you to review our 2020-21 Financial Aid FAQ for the most … Here's a look at the winners of the Miss UACCM division: Miss UACCM —Whitney Fowler, a freshman majoring in nursing, won a $1,000 scholarship. Most students work between 10 and 20 hours per week, and are paid every two weeks. These scholarships range from a specific monetary value to full tuition. Night of Luminaries is TOMORROW (Dec. 1)! • Kirk Building Room 114—Open from 7:30 am -4:30 pm Monday through Friday • Kirk Building Room 139 (Career Pathways Lab)—Open 8:00 am- 4:30 pm Monday through Friday. Contact the Financial Aid Office for more information about VA benefits. To Apply:, Scholarship is awarded to one UACCM Surveying student annually. Educational benefits are available under the GI Bill for eligible servicemen and women, veterans, spouses, and dependents. Check with the institution you are planning to transfer to after UACCM to see what transfer scholarships are available, Two (2) $1000 scholarships for UACCM students transferring to UALR for the Fall semester. Average 1st year financial aid package : $8,919.00. % of freshmen with need who received financial aid : 100.0% % Applied for need-based aid : 86.0% % Judged to have need : 100.0% % that were offered aid : 100.0%. The Financial Aid & Scholarships office is located in Suite 225 in the Main Classroom Building. School Counts! If you do not have a middle initial, substitute an 'x' i.e.. JXDoe321. Phone number: 501-977-2055. Students with 90% attendance level in grades 9 - 12: The School Counts! Financial Aid. The AWS Foundation offers a variety of scholarships to students. It will be held on the UACCM campus immediately following the Morrilton Christmas Parade (which should be … Official news from the University of Arkansas Community College at Morrilton covering teaching, learning, and student life. General information contact 1-855-225-4440, 501-682-2121, or [email protected]. They give you discretionary money to use as you see fit – to pay for simple things that create the biggest barriers between you and your education. Scholarship is a $250 book scholarship available for graduates of a Conway County high school who meet the School Counts! The average Pell Grant awarded for 2018/2019 was $4,523. They can provide you with valuable information on how the drop may affect your current and future eligibilities. Campus personnel in admissions, financial aid and academic advising will also be assisting in support efforts for students. The period of remote learning will be for the week of February 15-19 ONLY. Your PASSWORD is: first initial + your Student ID number. University of Arkansas Community College at Morrilton (UACCM) is a two-year, public institution located in Morrilton, Arkansas. Search online for private scholarships that do not require you to be a U.S. citizen. Apply At:, Each spring, the Vice Chancellor for Student Services notifies eligible UACCM students regarding the application process, UACCM graduates who meet the following criteria can transfer to the University of Arkansas to complete a bachelor’s degree and continue to pay UACCM tuition rate. NGTA pays for tuition only and does not cover fees, books, etc. The average total aid amount was $4,228. Do my grades affect my financial aid eligibility? Students may cancel all or a portion of their loan by informing the Financial Aid Office in writing. Complete details should be obtained from a VA counselor. For more information, contact Brittany Vanderpool at (501) 977-2187 or [email protected] . The period of remote learning will be for the week of February 15-19 ONLY. Students receiving financial aid are strongly advised to consult with the Financial Aid staff before making any adjustments to their degree program of study or course load. The UACCM Pageant was held on Saturday, November 7 in the UACCM Fine Arts Auditorium. DEADLINE: April 1 The Clifford H. "Ted" Rees, Jr. Scholarship amounts range from $500 to $1,000 per semester and are renewable for up to three consecutive semesters. The Night of Luminaries is a free event for all students and members of the community. Seniors: You may go to the Arkansas Course Transfer System website at to … Contact the field office for your county for more information. In 2017-2018 academic year, 94% of University of Arkansas Community College-Morrilton's students received financial aid. Financial Aid Deadlines Fax number: 501-977-2123. Graduate Financial Aid ... Total number of complete undergraduate programs offered online or through distance learning. Students: Remember that you keep your scholarship to UACCM by demonstrating: Quality (obtain no transcript grade lower than a C); Good Attendance (achieve a 95% attendance record); Goal-Setting: (take more than the minumum number of credits required for gratduation). Office hours are 8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. Monday through Friday. These are a few suggested search engines to get you started. Deadline: First day of the semester. Appointments are not needed, and there is a computer lab in the office for help with applications. Pell Grants and other Grant Aid. UACCM Financial Aid Available Grants. With the potential of inclement weather throughout next week, UACCB will pivot to remote teaching and learning on Monday, February 15. Students not receiving over $1,500 in other aid may receive up to a $1,500 tuition/fee scholarship instead of the $250 book scholarship. Students with 95% attendance level in grades 9 - 12: The School Counts! Scholarships will be awarded for two (2) semesters at $500 each semester. Financial Aid. Your USERNAME is: first initial + middle initial +last name + last 3 digits of your Student ID Number. Most students work between 10 and 20 hours per week, and are paid every two weeks. Students must have completed 12 or more for-credit hours with a 3.00 cumulative GPA. When submitting corrections, please include a website URL where we can verify the nursing school information. Adobe Acrobat Reader is required to view and print PDF files. Submit high school transcript designating you are an official School Counts! The Financial Aid Office is in the University Center, Room 101. Adobe Acrobat Reader is required to view and print PDF files. Recipients must enroll at UACCM within 12 months following high school graduation. The Toad Suck Daze Community Service Scholarship was established to foster an opportunity for civic responsibility, education, outreach, and community growth among Faulkner County youth. If the student is not confirmed as an eligible noncitizen, the student will need to submit additional documents to the Financial Aid Office at UACCM. 4. Contact the UACCM Financial Aid Office for details. In 2017-2018 academic year, 94% of University of Arkansas Community College-Morrilton's students received financial aid. You can now safely submit documents at Financial Aid Document Submission Form. Current students may obtain an application by contacting the Surveying instructor. You will be notified by your employer or the Financial Aid Office concerning your FCWS eligibility. Scholarship Foundation was established to assist with the recruitment and competency of future heating, ventilation, air conditioning, and refrigeration (HVACR) technicians by awarding scholarships to qualified students who are enrolled in an institutionally accredited school. Graduate School of Management Financial Aid. Workforce offers a variety of services such as the dislocated worker taskforce, unemployment insurance, temporary assistance for needy families, and educational assistance for certain programs through the Workforce Innovation & Opportunity Act (WIOA). If you are on a payment plan or will have financial aid repay, stop by or call to talk with the Business Office at 501-977-2045. Spring 2022 Financial Aid and Registration "To Do" List (.pdf, 669K) Go to Main Screen. The Arkansas National Guard Tuition Assistance Program (NGTA) is available for all current National Guard Soldiers that are Arkansas residents, have completed basic training, do not already hold a bachelor or higher degree, enroll in an undergraduate degree program at an Arkansas public institution of higher education, and are not currently flagged for serious misconduct (such as AWOL, ASAP, etc.). completer. Average 1st year financial aid package : $8,919.00. Veterans who entered the military on or after July 1, 1977, may receive benefits under the contributory plan. Submit high school transcript designating you are an official School Counts! Students must enroll in an approved UACCM technical or professional degree or workforce training program. For more information, please see Stacy in the UACCM Financial Aid Office. 1098-T Statements for Tax Year 2020 are now available If you received aid or paid out of pocket for any tuition and fees during Calendar Year 2020 (January 1, 2020 – December 31, 2020) you may be eligible to receive a 1098-T tax Tuition Statement from UACCM. Private scholarships are the best financial resource for non-U.S. citizens. Student must have a minimum of a 3.00 cumulative transfer GPA from UACCM; scholarship is renewable for up to two (2) years, and renewal of the scholarship is contingent on the recipient completing 30 credit hours by the end of the first academic year and maintaining a 3.00 cumulative GPA while attending Henderson State University. 1537 University Blvd. We will also accept documents by mail to: UACCM – Financial Aid 1537 University Blvd Morrilton, AR 72110 or by fax to 501-977-2123. Earnings will be at least the current federal minimum wage. You will be notified by your employer or the Financial Aid Office concerning your FCWS eligibility. Please review the Satisfactory Progress Policy for specifics on the number of hours you must complete and the grade point average you must maintain in order to keep your financial aid. Welcome to the UACCM Portal In this portal you can access information from the Admissions, Registrar, and Financial Aid offices. The Federal Work Study Program is designed to allow a limited number of students to meet their cost of attendance through part-time work. Financial Aid Adjustment Request Form; 2020-2021 Budget Adjustment Request Form; 2020-2021 Dependent Care Increase Form; 2020-2021 Financial Aid Adjustment Request Form - … A student can only be awarded this scholarship one time. This scholarship may be expanded depending on the availability of funds. 1100 Dutton Hall (view Dutton Hall on the campus map) One Shields Avenue Davis, CA 95616-8596. A student’s official enrollment status will be determined on the 11th day of class (5th day of class in summer terms), and aid will be awarded accordingly. Apply At: Don’t miss this opportunity to learn more about different forms of financial assistance that can help you achieving your dreams! Avg need-based loan : $1,951.00. Fax number: 501-977-2123. One (1) $6000 per year (up to two (2) years) scholarship for a UACCM student transferring to Henderson for the fall semester. To Apply: Earnings will be at least the current federal minimum wage. Apply for the NGTA program online or download the application, read the attached Statement of Understanding, complete the form, and email all to [email protected]. The total amount that you earn will depend on the number of hours that you work each week. For more information, contact UACCM's Financial Aid Director, Teresa Y. To attend UACCM and are receiving over $ 1,500 in other Aid be JCDoe321 students with %! 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