four years – As you continue to be our President. This was written by an unknown person through many e-mails being received. Something you couldn’t do as President. That is going to leave them no choice but to kill him! #45 is the dictator who tried, with his goons, to bring our democracy down on 1-6-21. You are the greatest president of my lifetime and what you have done in 4 short years has been AMAZING! Win, lose or fraud…President Trump , I just want to say thank you for the last four years. Then they unleashed a Pandora’s box that plagued the world, You are loved. Dear Mr.President, just wanted you to know that I back you 100% and I will vote for you again in 2024. Trump’s former campaign manager, who resigned in August, has lived in Trump Tower since 2006. keeps you and your beautiful family safe. Website: Thank you for your service and God Bless you and your family. Paper Currency is a Check which has yet to “Clear”! Atta boy trump You are now officially the biggest goof to walk the earth, yeah you have money….i do too. Dear Mr. President, We are the Georgia Tribe of Eastern Cherokee (Indians) Inc JUST A THOUGHT. #45, We found Donald Trump Jr’s cell phone number and he fell for the dumbest prank on the internet. Thank you, Mr. President for 4 amazing years against all odds. I am just reaching out to let you know what an honor it has been having you as our leader. Born on Easter Sunday, Beth, I am a strong believer in you mr Trump and so are a great more of us in Australia we firmly believe you were robed and the Democrats are frightened of you keep up with the fight god bless yours Thomas Oliver I would like to hear back from you and the rest of us in Australia my email address is thomas.oliver 105@ thanking you very much. Hey???? 1600 Pennsylvania Ave. Also……. I then had an issue with the email going through. As for Pence, it appears he found his backbone, finally! I have stopped taking the local paper because it is not worth the paper it is printed on. Theme: Newsup by Themeansar. Only THEN, can we begin to take our country back. Century City Development Corporation, the owner and developer of the property, uses the “Trump” name and mark under license, which license may be terminated or revoked according to its terms. Well any way, I wish you well & pray God’s blessings on you Mary!!! Georgia Tribe of Eastern Cherokee Inc. State recognized by Georgia I am sorry you feel this way about our President. Prezident 3 hokimni ishdan olishi haqida. The process will deliver bottled fresh water and by sacks of fresh dry salt, average 880 Tons per day. I would have loved being able to have him be introduced as it is like a dream for him; he also likes how Mike Lendell is supportive and loyal to our President. they cut money every year. They are so focused on destroying such a wonderful country that many of us long to be part of. c/o Trump International Hotel & Tower Urgent!! The main thing is to meet the dead line. I truly feel the Republican party abandoned you and me. Again, please take him & family with you. You ARE the BEST President we have EVER had, Sir! If you can’t ask the questions you will never find the answers!” Governments were created to protect, NOT plunder! Now all of his transgressions will be swept under the run and he will profit even with complicity from Joe. President Trump. D. Water & Salt project – The ocean water will come from the Atlantic Ocean offshore. He is a member as am I in good standing for the Republican Party. We love you, Sir!! RoseMarie Grace Marmolejo, 2047 Broadbridge Ave. Stratford, CT. 06614 .John is down there tonight for the next 2 days… and #203 895-7696 is his contact. Donald doesn’t want a re vote!! This country will never be great again. Please reconsider when to stand up and when to yield. I know you can help us. I am so sorry for what the democrats are doing to you and even more disgusted with the cowardly republicans. The move “prohibited any acquisition, importation, transfer, or installation of BPS electric equipment by any person or with respect to any property to which a foreign country or a national thereof has any interest, that poses an undue risk to the BPS, the security or resiliency of U.S. critical infrastructure or the U.S. economy, or U.S. national security or the security and safety of U.S. persons.”, The DOE was also tasked with identifying existing BPS electric equipment that violated the aforementioned prescription and “develop recommendations to identify, isolate, monitor, or replace this equipment as appropriate.”. count on it. We can only hope that on Jan. 6; logic and justice intervenes and you are elected to another 4 years. HOW IT WORKS YOUR TRUMP CARD. I would like to speech to you about my son in Rayburn Correctional Center, Angie, La. c/o Mar-a-Lago Club We cannot wait for a plan. Thank you for all you have done for America and her people. t. Of course, anyone with a brain knows Biden is not competent to carry out the duties of the presidency and the country will actually be run by others who will tell him what to do. The point I’m getting at is, America was going to hell in a handbag until a brave man named Donald J. Trump decided to step up for the American people and wage war on the corruption that is proving to be very deep state. Dear Ms. Mary, I appreciate all of your points but feel some are misguided. I don’t know what else I can do. How you begged the rioting cities to get help from the Nat’l Guard and they refused. I want to help you get there , You are the BEST THING to happen to America. How do you feel now about 1-6-21. Under the Trump Presidency small business people saw increased business opportunities, thriving and growing! Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. I am so sorry for what you had to deal with, the liars and the fake liberal news media. Those folks were all a disgrace to our Democracy. HEADS UP – 1 CORINTHIANS No coded messages. Sir, thank you for the excellent job you did for our country! That said, go on—FLY PLANET EARTH’S FRIENDLY It sickens and disgusts me that the devil possessed Nancy Pelosi is still in power and still threatening mayhem and unjustified punishment for you and the GOP. Gail Robbins. Please accomplish everything in this form so we can properly respond. Joan Peterson, I am sure the President Trump said, “Winning is easy but losing is difficult.” Let us be accurate in our quotations. “Actions speak louder than words and we Conservative Patriots will prove it. 6. Please know how awful we the American people feel about how you have been treated by MSM and this nasty pit congress. Trump Tower Mumbai updated their website address. Even Barr those close know he lost plus every court said he lost no fraud these were his picks even Supreme court said he is not above the law! For the average worker. Most of all though… See all 14 Trump Tower tours on Tripadvisor 3. 12pm-8pm. To me and many others, this election was blatantly stolen. Steve. (c130j/LM-100J) The 2nd runway will support the other 18+ countries aircraft coming over. We do not have access to the vaccine because supplies are so limited. 1. No hints. Palm Beach, FL 33480, President Donald J. Trump Trump Tower, home to the corporate offices of The Trump Organization, is one of Manhattan’s most iconic buildings. Biden doesn’t have a clue what he’s doing because his posse is using him as a puppet. The Fake news media knows it. Today he is driving down to Washington so that he can be in the rally and hopes to see our President that he loves and supports. Thank you – DT Smith. He’s sick and needs constant medical attention. 212-715-3200. We know you can’t run for a third term but there is nothing stopping the people from writing your name on the ballot for a third or more terms until the swamp is completely drained and Law and Order is returned to this country. MCC we would like your assistance/help. On your show Celebrity Apprentice you always liked the tough women. President Donald Trump’s Instagram profiles are Donald J. Trump; Team Trump; Trump Tower & The White House. “We have fought this fight as long, and as well, as we know how. China, with its own problems. My concern today is the so-called “stimulus bill” — it’s so full of “pork” that most of the monies are to be sent to other countries, rather than directly to the American citizens who need it so desperately. Satellite datacom – Is it possible to email the President? This is something we will not forget. Address 725 5th Avenue, New York, NY 10022, USA. I am 79 years old, retired and on a fixed income, so I can’t help you financially. You are taking the abuse for us, the American people. 1 PETER 2; DANIEL 2.34,35,44,45; GALATIANS 1.8,9;3.21,28;4.26;REVELATION 21-22 Stay safe and God bless you and your family. Thank you for supporting our Nation’s flag and the men and women who fought for the freedom that stands behind that flag. The Democrats worked for 4 years to steal the election. 3550 Blenheim Rd. They no longer represent your vision or ours. Evil is as Evil does. I am still so upset over the fraud committed in this election and believe you won by a landslide. Do as I say not as I do left? I also think the press was wrong in not showing what a great First Lady Melania has been. We have to do everything we can to stop this injustice. We are still in a state of national emergency. Spring Tx Use this fan mail template to write a letter to the President. Lucian Lamar Sneed Chairman 725 Fifth Ave. You didn’t even take a paycheck and you are the only president who made his money before going to the white house. What is President Donald Trump’s Snapchat username? Write a fan letter to President Donald Trump c/o The White House; c/o The Mar-a-Lago Club (The Winter White House); c/o The Trump Organization; or c/o The Trump Make America Great Again Committee: Get more President Donald Trump mailing addresses using our online database. We (like you) want this country given back to the people and not let big tech, corrupt politicians, and liberals continue to rape the people. Services. I firmly believe that while President Trump is not a perfect man, he is the man sent from God to confront this evil, please help him do that. arrested, can you start a new political party based on your vision of America? What PTI LLC would like to do is to allocate many American style/type, jobs & residence, initially? Thank you for showing us that we don’t need to be under China’s thumb anymore economically, or any other way. Many would come without knowing all. We won’t let this go, it is so wrong what the dems are doing. God bless you, your family and God bless the USA. It’s one thing that I believe that you have said that was right. It make us so angry what they are doing to you and the American people. I still believe in you , you will always be my PRESIDENT Not Sleepy JOE. President Trump had no other reason besides being as fed up with all the corruption and dirty politicians as the rest of America is, he didn’t do it for the money, he has donated all of his paychecks to charity since elected, he has had to abandon his own successful businesses in his quest to fix America, and actually lost money, so he isn’t doing it for the money. The house is spread in an area of about 39285 square foot. Democratic Party isn’t the only party having undergone radical changes. Is it possible to email the President? Born on Easter Sunday, Beth, Mr.President, You are supporting a man #45 who encouraged his mob to attack our center of Democracy. Thank you for your never-ending attempts at bringing peace to the Middle East and your support for Israel. Please tell President Trump! As of January 16, 2021, then-Secretary of Energy Dan Brouillette issued a “prohibition order designed to reduce the risks that entities associated with the People’s Republic of China pose to the Nation’s BPS.”. DEMS care only about turning this country into communism so they can bail out with billions in stolen money from this country and its people. Please feel our appreciation for what you have done for all of us. We can acquire quite a bit in Africa and bring it into our West Africa terminal. But not the gates? You will go down in history as the greatest President this country has ever had! No more BS! Dear Joan New York, NY 10022, President Donald Trump Yes! MAGA 2020-2024. Thank you for showing America how little Career Politicians actually work for their constituents; and for showing us how much those politicians despise you for showing America how easy it is to build a great nation, rather than rape her to line their own pockets and stock portfolios. I would most appreciate a chance to join your team to accomplish whatever it is you endeavor to do at this point. Thank you for what you have done for our country. Guests of this Vancouver,BC hotelwill also have access to a relaxing spa, pool, and venues. We'd love to hear from you! Jamaica Estates, NY 11432, c/o Trump Plaza, 167 E 61st St #32-C, New York, NY 10065; c/o Trump International Hotel & Tower, 1 Central Park W, New York, NY 10023; c/o Trump Park Ave, 502 Park Ave #PH24 & #PH31-32, New York, NY 10022; c/o Trump World Tower, 845 United Nations Plz, New York, NY 10017; c/o Trump Parc East, 100 Central Park S, New York, NY 10019; c/o Trump International Hotel Las Vegas, 2000 Fashion Show Dr, Las Vegas, NV 89109; c/o Trump International Hotel & Tower, 401 N Wabash Ave, Chicago, IL 60611; c/o Michael Cohen, Michael Cohen Esq, #10A, New York, NY 10022; c/o Trump Mortgage/Trump University, 40 Wall St, New York, NY 10005; c/o Trump Drinks Israel/Trump University, 60 Greentree Dr #101, Dover, DE 19904; c/o Ari Emanuel, WME|IMG Agency, 9601 Wilshire Blvd, Beverly Hills, CA 90210; c/o Creative Artists Agency, 2000 Ave Of The Stars, Los Angeles, CA 90067; 1290 6th Ave, New York, NY 10104; 555 California St, San Francisco, CA 94104; 315 Montgomery St, San Francisco, CA 94104; 2611 W 2nd St, Brooklyn, NY 11223; 4049 Sansom St, Philadelphia, PA 19104; 100 Central Park S #3C New York, NY 10019; 6500 Okeechobee Blvd, W Palm Beach, FL 33411; 38 Malpass Rd, Albany, NY 12203; 515 N County Rd, Palm Beach, FL 33480; 21 Vista Dr, Greenwich, CT 06830; 806 N Rodeo Dr, Beverly Hills, CA 90210; 85-15 Wareham Pl, Jamaica Estates, NY 11432 (Childhood Home). Mr Trump , Sounds like your plan to create a new town for specific people sounds more like Jim Jones. Please remember we have your back and will support you in what ever you do if you are not in the White House. LC-1043-III-JE (VA) 2018/29278 dated 12.10.2018. Phone number: 646-736-1779 Address: Trump Tower, Manhattan, New York City, USA. Photos. THANK YOU MR PRESIDENT….. YOU DID YOUR BEST…. you have put alot of fear in the people that worked with you, the american peoples around the world. No games . Dear Mr. President PLEASE VETO THIS BILL; it only helps other countries and the politicians whose pockets will be lined with kickback money. Thank you for one of the strongest economies we’ve ever experienced in my lifetime. You have stood tall and served us well and we will always love and appreciate you. Your way she had been a democrat she would have seen lots of Presidents my... With all the time you got accomplished while in office and all of the strongest leader we have ever,. 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