The two cats have been caged inside the Predacon base, where Megatron reviews footage of the Maximals constructing their signal array. While the Maximals build a radio tower, Tigatron pulls double-duty by scouting for Predacons and also discovering the other plot element at play: Tarantulas has invented a ray gun that forces bots into Beast Mode, unable to transform back. The Maximals are elated to find that a Cybertron probe looking for their stranded ship has arrived. Trivia Quiz - Episode 11: The Probe Category: "Beast Wars" - Season 1 Quiz #294,213. RSS feed Share Share Subscribe on Podcast Addict Episodes ; Reviews; Dinozaur Diaries 01 - Dino Knights Revived. Optimus' body totally gets mangled; his arms snap back abruptly and his legs are pushed up into his body. Change ), You are commenting using your Twitter account. Cast. S01:E02 - Beast Wars, Part 2. A rebellion (and explosion) at the Predacon base seemingly leads to a Maximal victory. S01:E05 - Chain Of Command. He's seen enough battles to know the score, so he's not afraid to tell his commanding officer to shove it if he's not fond of the odds. Apr 01 2020 69 mins . Tigatron observes a strange energy pulse in a distant mountain. “The Probe” marks a new beginning for Beast Wars, as the series finally dips its toes into the lurid waters of roboterotic fiction. ( Log Out / In a neat little bit of continuity, when Blackarachnia is about to be shot off a cliff by Rattrap, Scorponok's body is barely visible at the bottom. The Empire Strikes Back, also known as Star Wars: Episode V – The Empire Strikes Back, is a 1980 American epic space opera film directed by Irvin Kershner and written by Leigh Brackett and Lawrence Kasdan, based on a story by George Lucas.Produced by Lucasfilm, it is the second film in the Star Wars film series (and the fifth chronologically) and the sequel to Star Wars (1977). 1998 — Beast Wars — Warning from Space (Alliance Video) 1998 — Robots-Bêtes — Alert Dans L'Espace (Alliance Video) — French audio only. Beast Wars: Transformers | Beast Wars Season 1 Opening. When the explosion scatters the three Maximals: The CG model of Dinobot's shield comes apart; its two tail-halves are open, but one half's inner red part is sticking forward. 5 photos. This page was last modified on 30 June 2020, at 19:33. Tarantulas introduces a locking lens, which can trap the Maximals in beast mode. One pod floats through the rift in space-time created by Megatron and approaches the planet on which the Beast Wars are taking place. Tarantulas introduces a locking lens, which can trap the Maximals in beast mode. A more clever use of Cybertronix comes when Rhinox identifies the probe. Transformers Beast Wars E 39. ", "You're a Maximal now, and we'll see that you're treated as one." (Alliance Atlantis) — English and French audio. 2002 — Beast Wars: Transformers — Volume 4 (Rhinomation). 25:40. 2001 — Beast Wars: Transformers — The Beginning: Vol. Megatron boasts that the war will continue until he wins; the Maximals worry that they may never be rescued. S01:E01 - Beast Wars, Part 1. PaulaPaula1409. Before the Storm is the twenty-fourth episode of the Beast Wars TV series. Inevitable or not, the confrontation at the tower is a fun bit of back-and-forth as the Predacons and Maximals whittle each other’s forces down one by one. Scorponok's black and white POV shot has purple. Rhinox detects a Cybertronian probe entering the star system, but is unable to contact it though the energon fields. "Beast Wars: Transformers" The Probe (TV Episode 1996) cast and crew credits, including actors, actresses, directors, writers and more. 2001 — Beast Wars: Transformers — The Beginning: Vol. Optimus Primal and Dinobot from the Maximal forces, and Megatron and Waspinator from the Predacon forces all arrived at more or less the same time to investigate the landing. A band of benevolent Maximals follows a pack of power-seeking Predacons to a new planet. He prefers to sneak around unseen, in gutters or trenches or trash barges or what have you—whatever keeps him out of harm's way. Transformers Beast Wars 1 Cover RI B by Nick Brokenshire LEGAL LINES EMBED 2020 1602259946 compressed 1. The probes are sent to different areas of space and time. Actually, the biggest triumph of the episode is the fact that it finally gives the Predacons a victory. Synopsis [edit | edit source] Numerous temporal probes are launched from Cybertron, programmed to search through time for the missing Axalon. And they only have a limited number of megacycles to do it in!! Megatron and Optimus supposedly agree to a truce, and Tarantulas is determined to get off Earth. Fill in your details below or click an icon to log in: You are commenting using your account. When Terrorsaur runs from battle under a hail of gunfire, Rattrap calls him “leather-puss,” which I guess answers my question about the bots sneaking through a pussy-taunt. Are the Maximals stranded for good? Watch Beast Wars - Season 1, Episode 11 - The Probe: Rhinox detects a Cybertronian probe entering the star system, but is unable to contact it though the energon fields. In all the POV shots that show weird robot vision, Scorponok’s is by far the shittiest. Numerous temporal probes are launched from Cybertron, programmed to search through time for the missing Axalon. —Anonymous. Scorponok was threatening Optimus Primal with his left claw when Rattrap blew it off. In the process, he calls Megatron “Megadumb” which is pretty bad even by Cheetor standards. When Optimus is infected with a cyber-virus that Rhinox must identify by entering his exhaust port, can Rhinox contain the growing… When Optimus lifts up Tarantulas with his arm-cannon, Tarantulas' feet are sunken into the ground. This concept doesn’t really go anywhere, since obviously they don’t get off the island, but it’s a nice script technique at play: make viewers consider the complications of success so they aren’t bored by the unlikelihood of it. Summary. Cheetor arrives to aid Tigatron, but quickly finds himself in the same situation. After last episodes use of "minutes", this time we're back to using "cycles". Pandastorm Pictures (2011) (Germany) (DVD) See also. The Maximals are all out in the open in their robot modes for quite a while- long enough for Cheetor and Tigatron to be taken to the, This is the first and only time we actually see Cybertron (outside of a dream in ", Dinobot's hesitation towards the idea of being rescued will resurface in ", Cheetor may know where the Predacon's CR Chamber is due to the events of ". Cheetor copies this behavior, and the two cages soon strike each other, knocking their bottom panels open. 21 min. A mountain containing the mineral Energon is discovered. | Full season and episodes - free online streaming fast high quality legal movies and TV television shows 2001 — Beast Wars: Transformers — The Beginning: Vol. Cybertron won't find you now, and the war will go on—until I am the victor! Rattrap does a commendable job in keeping up with the cheetah, but Optimus Primal wins the race by using his flight mode. Amidst their bickering and squabbling over deciding a replacement, the Predacons prepare to launch an attack. Rattrap does not actually appear to fit inside his beast mode, even though it’s much larger than a standard rat. Prop Recycling: The probe's animation model is identical to the scanner that the Predacons use … Chapter 17. Didn't teletran one send out a probe to scan in the first g1 episode? Beast Wars was followed by Beast Machines.. 2005 — Beast Wars — The Complete First Season (Alliance Atlantis) — English and French audio. Scorponok, spying on the Maximals, films some footage of the device and sends it to Megatron via Terrorsaur. "I. ( Log Out / 2011 — Beast Wars: Transformers — The Complete Series (Shout! The disk can be detached and taken back to base. Cheetor mentions the probe to Megatron prompting the latter's assault on the array. Instead of revolving around an unattainable goal of the Predacons (to kill the Maximals), this gives an unattainable goal to the Maximals: the Gilligan’s Island mainstay of finally going home. 10 questions, rated Average. Eventually, the device fires a beam that hits Tigatron, trapping him in his beast mode. The Maximals discover a Cybertron probe. As Dinobot, Rattrap and Optimus start shooting at Terrorsaur, the pistons on Optimus' right foot are disconnected. With her out of the picture, Rattrap talks to Dinobot, who is experiencing transformational dysfunction. Episode Synopsis: The story begins on Cybertron where it is decided by an 'off screen' character to send out probes to find Optimus Primal and his lost crew. "Talking" "Radio talk" "Sentinel" "thinking, weapons names, and flashbacks" Disclaimer: I do not own either Beast wars or RWBY. Original Air Date: October 15, 1996 Writer: Craig Miller, Marv Wolfman Director: Ezekiel Norton Script: Word format. On arrival at the site, it stopped and waited. The tool also clips through Dinobot. However, the Predacons don't wish for them to be found. This is my favorite part, because Alec Willows has such a perfect scream of “Oh nooo!” He’ll get a lot of chances to refine it over the years, and it’s always worthwhile. He feels naked withou… The two cats are held captive in the Predacon base, where Cheetor spills the beans about what the Maximals are up to. A rebellion (and explosion) at the Predacon base seemingly leads to a Maximal victory. A mountain containing the mineral Energon is discovered. After the transformation lock lens hits Optimus, Megatron's feet are sunken into the ground. Cheetahs actually use their tails to regulate their balance during high-speed pursuits. Their first attempt is unsuccessful, however the probe is built to travel through the solar system and then back. S01:E03 - The Web. ", "Well of course! However, the Predacons don't wish for them to be found. Season 1 # Episode name: Writer: First broadcast : 1: Beast Wars, part 1: Bob Forward: 1996-Apr-21: 2: Beast Wars, part 2: Bob Forward: 1996-Apr-21: 3: The Web: Larry DiTillio: 1996-Aug-17 (in Canada) 4: Equal Measures: Greg Johnson: 1996-Aug-26 (in … By qrayx. A page for describing Trivia: Beast Wars S 1 E 11 The Probe. Terrorsaur attacks the array, but the three Maximals scare off the flier in short order. 2005 — Beast Wars — Classic Episodes: Volume 2 — The Saga Continues! The disk had its origins on Earth; it's based on a real world space artifact launched with the Voyager space probe in the 1980s. ( Log Out / Anyway, Megatron gets the last laugh by blowing up the signal array once all the Maximals have been transformed into harmless, enormous, savage beasts. 5 photos. Cheetor's dialogue at this point in the series is always slightly embarrassing, but calling the Predacon leader "Mega-dumb"? In this episode of the "Beast Wars Transformers" series, Cybertron sends temporal probes out into the galaxy in order to search for the missing Optimus Primal and his crew. It looks like someone trying to take a camcorder video of their TV screen. Cheetor becomes trapped in Tarantulas's net of deceit and torture. You really don’t need life-or-death galactic conquest stakes; you just need some dudes trying to build a Tinker Toy tower while some other jerks try to knock it down. By Axalon Archives. Nonetheless, he manages to fend off Megatron's next attempt to destroy the array, but is soon subdued. Rattrap is a highly respected, top-notch soldier who is used mostly for reconnaissance, continually prowling the city streets for any Predacon activities. When the Predacons review the footage captured by Scorponok, Tarantulas is either standing on nothing or clinging onto the platform in front of him with just the tips of his feet. As he flips around in the air, his feet remain in a horizontal position, completely clipping through him. Deftly navigating the social dynamics of same-sex relations among ranks of the army corps (the only cartoon to do so during the Clinton “don’t ask, don’t tell” years), it balances drama with sensual direction and cinematography, making “The Probe” the first episode of the series that compelled me to pleasure myself (but not the last). As the Preds open fire on Optimus and co., the "shininess" on both the transformation lock lens and Blackarachnia's upper arm keep blinking on and off in sync with her weapon blasts, likely due to the light effects causing something to their textures. “I knew that was good for something other than swatting flies,” he says. This is maybe the first episode with an aggressively stylish directorial technique (but not in a good way). Primal and Dinobot scold Cheetor for letting his own guard down. 2006 — Beast Wars: Transformers — Season 1 (Madman Entertainment) Season 1. The Maximals are elated to find that a Cybertron probe looking for their stranded ship has arrived. This makes the Maximals unable to finish their beacon to contact the probe. One account says that Razorclawfounded the Predacons (reusing his old team's name) after the Decepticons' defeat, and that they took the fight to Cybertron and could have won if the Tripredacus C… The Maximals back on Cybertron are trying to locate Optimus and his group. 1998 — Beast Wars / Robots-Bêtes Three pack (Alliance Video) — Available in English or French audio. Himbo Soundblaster. 2003 — Beast Wars: Transformers — The Complete First Season (Rhinomation) Beacon, Team RWBY Combat class. Tigatron and Cheetor escape the Predacon base and show up in time to shoo off Megatron, but the episode still ends in a satisfying, near-total failure for the Maximals. 2009 — The Transformers: Beast Wars — Complete Collection (Madman Entertainment). Megatron suspects this could be the start of something big and thus sends Inferno to investigate. , sending Megatron flying with a mighty punch only needs to enter in the Predacon,. Subscribe on podcast Addict episodes ; reviews ; Dinozaur Diaries 01 - Dino Knights Revived a triangular piece briefly out. Strangle Optimus, Megatron destroys the array '', this episode has another to! Blaster, Tigatron is around the episode begins with an unseen meeting on Cybertron which reveals that the will... To it in reserve in order to fire another viral mine animated series which means building a radio tower!... A hole straight through him hops onto the scene and proves predictably.. 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