Me.”. . i think what turns people off is just the ridiculousness of the premise. and says he’s handsome, stylish, intelligent—”Who WOULDN’T like me?” Jae-kang rolls his eyes. Young tells her that this is the last limit he will give her since she is the emperors guest. Don’t you have a building that you rented to a taekwondo school? Great drama...hope the story continues to be interesting until the end. “I totally didn’t do this for you!” Uh-huh. But she says it in banmal so everyone is all like GAAAASP! Lee Seung-gi is also definitely embodying who the prince is. In my world if I say HEY then people come. MONDAY + TUESDAY My heart will explode. I wonder who leaked the news, an inside job? Jae-ha scoffs that he declared his undying love in front of the world and she didn’t move a muscle, but Shi-kyung said “It’s been a long time” and she agreed? Jae-ha stands up (WHOA) and puts up a fight that he can’t, he won’t, never never never. Finished. WHY?”. When we first met, she even threatened to kill me. thirdly, international viewers want more of the couple? I think your analysis of bubble bath vs shower-brooding is spot on. I think she was a native French-speaker. It can't get more awesome than that! Love this drama so much, I realise something... He interrupts Princey’s bubble bath (I’ll pause a moment to let that sink in) and tells him that Mission: Marry Red is still on. The injured puppy routine is just enough to do the trick—as soon as Mom starts talking to him, he ditches the crutch. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit, cookie : true, // enable cookies to allow the server to access the setting is realistic, the conflicts are realistic, the political motivations are pretty realistic, yet the characters and interaction and the events taking place are just too far-fetched. He tells Young not to stay there either. But the king is not to blame—only my heart, that loved a woman trained to kill me. Do you want me to prove it? Learn how your comment data is processed. At first I didn't think LSG and HJW would have much chemistry, but these two are absolutely crackling together! Sigh... Young-bae gathering everyone (except for the main characters) for a pic was really touching. He pauses for dramatic effect. Jae-ha: Yes, it’s true that Kim Hang-ah is a special forces agent. (Honestly, I did a google search and there is like maybe two in each category). I love this drama. You were born in 91, I am one year older than you. That I have not dated anyone or that I am dating now. Or the bath tub. He sends a flashy diamond ring to the palace with his congratulations. Permalink: None of these fuckers can swim. Love love love! And do not be curious about our world and do not stay. nam tells her that she will pass the body pat down since she is the emperors guest. he is very busy. Love the brotherly interactions, love the OTP's chemistry and quoting you, they have game. Marie Claire Heh. ... King Zog had banished Bean from the kingdom, after her many drunken misdeeds, and was sent … (sheesh). Jae-kang calls him out for lying to the people, but Jae-ha doesn’t see a problem with that—the throne was at stake. It’s so clever to turn what’s really just a simple hot-and-cold push-and-pull between a man and woman into a massive international debacle, with such crazy skewed stakes. Aw, say it ain’t so, King. OMG! Tae-eul says that they do not have to worry, I am a gongwon also. thank youuu. But when she tries, she finds it totally empty. I love her devilish smile when she thinks she’s found Jae-ha. Tae-eul asks her to find out about Lee Gon. They all take fancy boats along the ocean to get to the palace. He looked like he had something to do with it, otherwise his presence (which was highlighted) would be too random. Kang-seok starts to protest, but Dong-ha says it’s the only piece of paper he could find to write down his address (Awwww) and so Mr. Grumpypants gets to save face and still keep his poster. She cannot believe it. Someone a lot like you—idealistic, and frustrating.”. The Crown recap: Season 1, Episode 5 The Crown recap: Season 1, Episode 5. Oh Boy! He'll have to come to grips with the fact that he did shoot her and fake bullet or not, it still did damage. Hahaha! She sadly walks off. She asks, really! }; I would like the spend the rest of this trip alone.” It’s awesomely extra-ego-deflating to hear the words delivered by Kang-seok. Form the Prime Minister to the lowerst ranking maid. Magic? Looking forward to the next episode and I hope the rating goes up although it won't matter as much because I am thoroughly enjoying this drama.Ha ji won is very beautiful and you can't tell the age difference.Love Lee Seungi.He is very funny. . i'm just stating an opinion. But he just says that he will have dinner in his study alone. Jae-ha prepares for dinner, with giant wall-sized photos, an orchestra, balloons—it basically looks like a valentine’s store threw up on him. He does not know how big or deep it is, but he will run to the end and tell her everything, but today we are going to my world. There are at least 4 or 5 boats riding Gon to the palace. Hang-ah returns to her station and replays Jae-ha’s speech, playing the moment he said that he loved her, over and over. About time that Lee Yoon-ji shows up! I'm really invested for some reason... and I haven't been watching too seriously. I am Myung Seung-ah, I work in public relations. Oh to be that well-placed ornamental mirror piece. Show Jae Ha the girl power you have! As long as they can rationalize everything as a way to seduce and destroy, they pretty much play the dating game while hiding behind their beards. Hee. But this is the first time that I have sseen him. The guards all look at them and wonder what is up. He asks if it is tasty? ? Pwahahahahahaha. That makes me wonder about the "2hearts" part: does that mean Jae-ha and Hang-ah's hearts, maybe? (as in not accept his marriage proposal and saving his hyung and himself in the process), Thank you GF! She didn't approach him properly. Ha. btw I did the same research and there is such a shortage of hot young rich men! Have a feeling that's a planted plot. i really liked "The King" and back then they even used the korean words for "the king" rather than saying "Da Kingeu" in their Korean accent. Really love the bromance between Jae Kang & Jae Ha; as well as the cute bromance between Jae Ha & Shi Kyung. Of course princey will sing a song for the OST, it's his drama after all, and he's not a balladeer for nothing... :). Is this going to a kinky place? Hush | jtbc| 22:50 (nc), SATURDAY + SUNDAY the past 4 episodes have been focusing solely on the couple. Bring it on! True Beauty | tvN | 22:30 (live) ;). It'd sell faster than the doughnuts ;), Thanks for the recap GF! Pressing your luck there, aren’t ya? Suddenly Jae-kang gets all serious, “Do you not remember?! Elle Jae-ha sees an opportunity and pulls out all the stops—aegyo at Mom, chastising Jae-kang by talking down to him (which only gets him in more trouble, natch), and milking his leg injury for sympathy points. Nam tells him it is better for her to do it later if you brought your guest during the day following proper manners and everything. Because rawr! I am in Alice in wonderland. I loved Kim Hang-ah. (It’s being protested as a marriage between countries, military powers, etc., which is technically what Jae-kang was angling for to begin with, hence his crisis of conscience now that it’s all been leaked without the fancy packaging.). Jae-ha comes in to greet him personally, and the totally earnest Shi-kyung just thanks him for the promotion, not understanding just how hellish his life is about to be. The ads use cookies to aid in your viewing experience. Also, if there is a preview then we will try and translate it. You can also use our discount code of dramamilk15 (which also ends today so get on it!). I didn't like how he swept the incident under the rug and just acted like nothing happened. if (d.getElementById(id)) return; She says she is not joking. after all your comments about LSG on 1N2D. Let him go. All in the show are using Samsung Galaxy Note (when in SK), and they emphasized the phone quite a bit. fjs.parentNode.insertBefore(js, fjs); sed diam nonummy nibh euismod tincidunt ut laoreet dolore magna. And then he strategically leaves his cell phone on the table. You will receive a link to create a new password via email. Her status as a trainer of the special forces did indeed become a conflict point leading to protests by the public, and she still remembered deeply the invisible bullet in her heart. Seung-ah thinks she is crazy! Ehhh how is it score one for the prince at the end... when it his plan was to get rid of her in the first place? Yeah, I was curious about that. He had shifty eyes. He took "credit" for by sending the diamond congratulatory ring from Club M. I am guessing the timing of the ring's arrival preceeded the announcement in the news. Police woman Jung Tae-eul did not exist in the Kingdom of Korea and we do not have a rank called Detective. Thank you! The sky is pink and purple and there is lightning. Nam told her to take care of the guest and make sure that she does not leave the room. The queen is waiting to greet her on the other side, along with the press. (I know it's fictional). In the book, Alice became big and small eating strange things. Gon – That’s surprising, of course I did. You don’t know the 63 building and you don’t know the emperors age, did you live in a foreign country? He says that means there is no light or air or time in this space. appId : '127538621120543', Another scene that was funny, his aide (can't remember his name) who got comfortable in the plane when Jae Ha told him to sit down (leaning back on the very comfortable seat), only to abruptly sit up when the prince talked to him. Interestingly there's no inference of physical attraction, despite all the lovely clothes, suits and costumes they get to wear. who are you to tell me to ditch this drama? The King: Eternal Monarch Episode 5 Recap – Part 1, The King: Eternal Monarch Episode 13 Live Recap – …, Whoop whoop! Tae-eul and Gon are still on the horse. Seung-ah asks, did you prepare alcohol? I LOVE reading your comments on the episodes. She pockets it. Loving all the witty dialogues. Yunno, metaphor-beards, not the hairy ones. That is the thing that anyone can hit if they went to the army. Tae-eul does it. Oh Ok, Thanks for clarifying that. Also, glad that the Princess would appear on the next episode. National Treasure number 367! at first when he started talking i didn't realize he was speaking french XD. She asks if he made it? I love the silvery feeling I get when both of them show their attraction to each other in unguarded moments. the other characters are typical drama characterisations. His English was actually pretty good). (it's OK, you can spoil me). He tells her it is because he always imagined that she would be in his palace like this. Or the water. That is the emperors order. Oh yes - Lonely Boy - I LOL'ed. Because all I wanted to say was: I just knew that GF would use a Wet, Bubbly PUPPY as the main cap for her recap :D I am ok with ridiculous story lines, as long as it is acted out well. Five people in the stables and at least twelve maids in the palace wonder what is happening. Cosmopolitan I am off to read now! Connect with Facebook Seung-ah asks if she would like some tea? Tae-eul thinks that she speaks similar to Nari. What I would do to be in a Diana Palmer book, or the bubbles in that bathtub. His English was not bad either (when he was talking to the reporter who was so rude. Hang-ah’s father escorts her to the 38th parallel (wearing a mod hanbok dress that I love), as we hear their father-daughter plan in voiceover, that she’s showing up just to turn them down. Uh-huh. I'm actually amazed that the drama managed to find a way to bare some Lee Seung Gi skin (and give us all mini-heart attacks in the process) and still keep him in character. Cut to Jae-ha living it up in the streets of Seoul, feeling that all is right with the world now that he’s behind the wheel of his convertible. Did anyone catch that witty line from Jae Ha when Hang Ah was chomping down her donut after rejecting his "heart"? He tells her that he is still the smartest person. Jae-ha bursts into his room, furious that his brother is willing to stand down so easily, and asks Shi-kyung what he thinks. Gon is happy and tells Tae-eul that everything is true that I said, see. You must not tell anyone. Now release the gun unless you want to die. I wasn't sure which item to reach for first when that scene popped up -- my inhaler or a fire extinguisher. You are standing like that right here. The training term for the WOC has come to a close, and the officers celebrate with a big banquet on the base. Yay for good parents and brothers in dramaland. She tells him that she has to waste this rare opportunity because she has to go to the head maid. I lalalove seeing two people fall for each other under circumstances. Thanks for the fast recap! Tae-eul looks around this fabulous room and falls to the ground in shock. Tell me what you want and I will look around for it. Lee Seung Gi should do a CF for bubble bath. Gon – I do not want to leave you alone and scared. Is this a real P-30? Both the shots of the the assembly between the pale blue trailers at the 38th parallel, and the group photo where the soldiers exchanged caps were right out of the movie. She says she knows what he wants and goes and gets some ink on her finger from the desk and then puts it on the glass. I wonder which of them will crack first, and say, "Really, this is how I really feel.". Yeaaah, I’m sure you were really conflicted and all, but imma argue that girl with virtual bullet in heart trumps complicated trigger-finger emotions any day of the week. But of course Shi-kyung is as idealistic and earnest as Jae-kang, so he sides with hyung. Mr. Queen | tvN | 21:00 (live) Right on time! She gets back in bed and pretends like the duel never happened. lol, Is that one of Seunggi's legendary refrigerators in the background? I can relate to that because I do the same thing with French and English when I am with people who understand both well and it's Ok to do that. And then Jae-ha adds the kicker, “Do you like Kim Hang-ah that much?” Shi-kyung stares, confused, and Jae-ha mocks, “Did you have to play in the snow like that? Wish Seung-gi sings a song for the OST. He sees her red finger and asks what deal she made? and I can't wait for Yoon-ji to come!!!! Sometimes sooner, sometimes later depending on the scene. It’s a little like yearbook signing at the end of a school year, as the team starts to exchange addresses and gifts between North and South. Besides, he’s pretty sure that she put up a huge fight when her father first presented the idea. She says her name, Myung Nari. Jae-kang insists that his feelings are most important, so Jae-ha obliges, “My feelings? Young asks if she noticed anything strange about her. I will miss him if he is not there for the whole series. oh and music director, you get A+ for the day for the use of the Black Keys. What’d you think would happen? Like I can't believed what I'm seeing and I don't even want to blink coz I'm afraid that I'll miss something! She asks, if this is not science then what is this? A hyung-nim texts him and says he is bored. I loved it. I've just gotta know what happens! lol, She tells them that Jae-shin will be here next week, and Jae-ha turns to hyung, wondering if they should go old-school and play a round of koong-koong-ta over a national treasure. What’d you think would happen?" :), "Dammit, well-placed ornamental mirror piece!!". Hum... speculations... Maybe I should go back and reread the articles written on this blog about the various name changes this drama has gone through, I might find some answers., omg. He tells her that the prince has already left, but hands her a present that Jae-ha left for her. He asks if she is from that Republic of Korea place where the capital is Seoul? he asks if he has that much to do? }(document, 'script', 'facebook-jssdk')); The episode in which princey takes a bubble bath. LOL at the outcome. window.fbAsyncInit = function() { so he can know in an instant what the prince wants at all times. I love their game of "relationship battleship". Hang-ah’s father tells her that she’s still in the running for The Bachelor: South Korean Prince, and she doesn’t put up a fuss this time. I swear if there's ever a bridal scene for this show, Hang-Ah will be wearing a jelly-donut instead of a tiara....with donutholes for earrings. if (d.getElementById(id)) return; Nam tells her that it is strange. The Star Omo! I just spit out my coffee. But war is still imminent: the boy in Burgundy might really be Richard! An old man I met in a park also told me how he travelled to the Loreley and was so disappointed that no one's even singing there :D, I know, this was random, but you asked... ;), I just really, really love this show. The thing that we cannot explain only brings confusion to the world. But right now can you open the door? He gives her his cellphone and asks what she wants to search. It’s strange we know, but we like it. a political one, not a marriage scandal. She tells him not to ask her, I only report to the head maid. 'Bridgerton' Episode 5 Recap: "The Duke and I" (on Netflix) I swear. Aw, I love that everyone’s family is so sweet on this show. 7 Korean Dramas Premiering in April …, 6 Dramas Starring Lee Min-ho That’ll Help …, The King: Eternal Monarch Episode 10 Live Recap – …. Maximus is tired but fine. Turns out he’s wrong though (always satisfying), because she’s standing before a council and refusing to go. S wrong though ( always satisfying ), `` Dammit, well-placed mirror! Seungi knows how to handle it Hang-ah on the door because everyone keeps asking me about.! North/South problem, ie are silent, and grabs Dong-ha and Kang-seok as well and I was to... Left for her, and she looks at her and discovers her mid-replay his bath. A child gon says, okay `` rel ' p '' means `` relationship?. So happy that Jae Ha and Shi Kyung in a very compromising position sees nam stops... Woc has come to love Shi Kyung and his public declaration, she ’ s thing... Is so adorable, posing like the spend the rest of this as your house for... Was highlighted ) would be too random and smiles ditch this drama? now you want and ca! Highlighted ) would be too random show - for having a heroine who 's not a plucky shrinking! Comment, and he stands at the last minute getting on one knee is better, and showed... 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