Alongside Rook Kast, she aids Maul's escape from Darth Sidious and commands his forces during the Siege of Mandalore, until Maul betrays them and allows them to be captured by the Republic in order to make his own escape. Pantoran Senator and Chairman of the Pantoran Assembly. The Kyuzo are a humanoid, sentient species from Phatrong. He later escaped and went on to cause havoc beyond the Western Reaches. They are distinguished by their long, curving necks, pointed snouts, and crested heads, and are a generally insular and secretive society. Prior to Thrawn's rise within the ranks of the Galactic Empire, the Chiss had relatively very little contact with the rest of the galaxy, and some even considered their existence a myth. Humans who are native to the planet of Naboo. Melitto scavenger, arms dealer, and bounty hunter seen at Niima Outpost on Jakku in, Miraluka Inquistor serving the Empire as a Jedi hunter. In the Star Wars mythology, the human homeworld, according to the New Essential Chronology, is generally believed to be Coruscant. Mandalorian warrior and the leader of the Death Watch during the Clone Wars. The Kiffar are a near-human species from the planets Kiffu and Kiffex, distinguished by their ceremonial tattoos and scarlet blood. Clone Captain who leads a 501st strike team under Ahsoka Tano and Commander Rex during the Siege of Mandalore and is killed by Darth Maul's Mandalorian super commandos. Overweight Twi'lek who represents Ryloth in the Galactic Senate during the prequel trilogy. Umbaran Senator whose assassination prompts the Umbaran people to side with the Confederacy of Independent Systems in the Clone Wars. He develops a rivalry with General Hux, whom he eventually executes after discovering his treason, and later is put in charge of the Sith Eternal's Final Order during the Battle of Exegol, where he dies when his, Officer who commands the First Order's legions of stormtroopers and Finn's nemesis in, First Order stormtrooper assigned to guard Rey, who falls victim to her, First Order stormtrooper that served along with FN-2187 (Finn), leaving his bloody hand print on Finn's helmet after he is fatally wounded during the assault on Tuanul village on Jakku in, Riot baton-wielding stormtrooper who attacks Finn during the attack on. He is killed during a failed Coaxium heist for the Crimson Dawn. He is more grateful than his father when Ahsoka Tano, Aayla Secura, and Anakin Skywalker return to protect their village from the Separatists. The protagonist of the video game, A member of Inferno Squad, who later defects to the Rebel Alliance alongside Iden Versio, whom he eventually marries and has a daughter with, sometime after the fall of the Empire. He seemingly dies in the episode "Cat and Mouse" of. Alongside clone trooper Boil, he is considered the best scout of the Ghost Company and participates in the Battle of Ryloth and the Second Battle of Geonosis. They are all males, while their mates, called Gilliands, are exclusively female. She was killed by a droid gunship during the final battle, which deeply affected her brother. Mandalorian warrior who serves under Darth Maul. Daughter of Baron Papanoida who represents the planet Wroona in the Galactic Senate. The Chagrian Vice chair of the Galactic Senate. He enlists Han and Chewbacca to assist with the theft of a shipment of coaxium from Vandor; he later betrays and is killed by Han. Devaronians are a humanoid, sentient species native to Devaronian. By the time the hyperdrive was invented, humans were already present on a few scattered worlds throughout the galaxy; according to the New Essential Chronology, the humans of Coruscant managed to send out a number of 'sleeper ships' between the fall of the Rakatan Infinite Empire and the invention of the hyperdrive. Neimoidian commander of the Trade Federation's droid control ship in, Neimoidain captain of the Invisible Hand in. Human Force-sensitive characters. She later betrays Ahsoka and frames her for a terrorist bombing after she becomes disillusioned with the Jedi Order's wartime policies. He is killed by Ahsoka Tano. [4] Luke Skywalker's introduction early in the first movie was rewritten to establish this.[5]. They have brown and gray fur, large yellow eyes, and medium-length tails. They have red skin, elongated ears, and flat noses (which are rarely seen because they wear masks), and are known for being skilled and merciless warriors and hunters. Tiree has many pleasant single track roads throughout the island which are predominately flat and suitable for all levels. They have crown-shaped skulls and are required to wear special suits with breathing masks to survive off their homeworld. The New Republic is only briefly featured in the sequel trilogy, but has a more prominent presence in related works. However, after Savage is chosen and both his mind and body are changed by the Nightsisters' magic, he murders Feral on Ventress's orders. He was trained by, Jedi Padawan trained by Jaro Tapal and a survivor of Order 66, who embarks on a mission to rebuild the Jedi Order after joining the. Stricken with amnesia and living on Abafar, he is later told by Colonel Meebur Gascon that he is a clone trooper. Leader of the Mandalorian group Nite Owls, member of the Death Watch, second-in-command to Pre Vizsla and sister to the Death Watch's political enemy, Duchess Satine. Member of the Nite Owls who accompanies Bo-Katan on her quest to reunite survivors of the Great Mandalorian Purge. The Mythrol are a humanoid, sentient species with blue skin and amphibious traits. Voice: Jon Favreau (Solo: A Star Wars Story). Terellian Jango Jumper thief who obtains Ahsoka Tano's lightsaber and is eventually captured by the Jedi. There are at least three known subspecies: the Red Nikto (Kajain'sa'Nikto), the Green Nikto (Kadas'sa'Nikto), and the Mountain Nikto (Esral'sa'Nikto); the former two have scaly, coarse skin and horns and spikes on their face, while the latter present no horns and have facial fins instead. They have green, thick, and hairless skin, large-nostriled snouts, and upturned tusks. They have either brown or tan skin, mouth tendrils, long faces, and widely spaced fleshy nostrils. Go All Inclusive at the Sea Breeze Beach House, which is ideal for families. This list of characters from the Star Wars franchise contains only those which are considered part of the official Star Wars canon, as of the changes made by Lucasfilm in April 2014. He wields a unique wooden lightsaber with a green crystal. ARC Trooper and member of the Domino Squad and the 501st Legion, who participates in numerous battles of the Clone Wars. A mix of non-human characters from the Star Wars galaxy, organized by species, in alphabetical order. Naboo senator and later Supreme Chancellor of the Republic, as well as secretly the Sith Lord Darth Sidious. 3 Great Reasons to Fly Glasgow to Barra with Loganair, World’s only scheduled flight beach runway. ... seashore primrose meadows (say ‘machair’ in the Gaelic), croftlands and a hilly interior ideal for walking, birdlife galore and wonderful views every direction. Radical activist against Jedi involvement in the Clone Wars, incited by the Jedi Order's use of her technician husband Jackar Bowmani to arm Republic gunships. They are distinguished by their broad, flat noses, bulging arms, and deep, rumbling voices. ARC Trooper and member of Domino Squad and the 501st Legion, who is seemingly killed in the Battle of Lola Sayu. He eventually becomes convinced of this, but Anakin refuses his offer to stay on Mortis and become his successor. He is later killed by Gideon's men for failing to retrieve Grogu. To see those or characters who do not exist at all in the current Star Wars canon, see the list of Star Wars Legends characters and list of Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic characters. A prominent supporter of Satine Kryze and her New Mandalorian government, he is imprisoned for his involvement in an illegal smuggling ring but is later freed and reinstated as a puppet leader after, Female Mandalorian armorer who is an ally of, Mandalorian bounty hunter, and the titular protagonist of. Star Wars humans live on many different worlds throughout the galaxy, with many populations living together with several other species—something which is most common[citation needed] either on the cosmopolitan worlds at the core, such as on Coruscant, or on the frontier at the Outer Rim of the galaxy, such as on Tatooine. Geonosian Queen who controlled the other Geonosians via "brain worms". While attempting to kill the Father, the Son accidentally kills his sister and, though devastated, does not stop from trying to achieve his goal. He is killed by, Former senator of Mon Cala, and Separatist Council member during the Clone Wars; killed by Darth Vader on Mustafar in, Quermian Jedi Master on the Jedi High Council in. Duros (or "Durosians") are a humanoid, sentient species from the planet Duro, with large, ovular heads, red eyes and blue skin. The band line-up features a celebration of modern traditional music. The Galactic Republic is a democractic government, overseen by a Galactic Senate, that governed most of the known galaxy for thousands of years. After reconciling with Iden, who defected to the Rebel Alliance, during the Battle of Jakku, he meets his demise when his Star Destroyer crashes, A commanding officer of Inferno Squad, who later defects to the Rebel Alliance alongside Del Meeko, whom she eventually marries and has a daughter with, named Zay. They are known to care about status, power, and wealth, and most wear expensive jewelry for this reason, such as neck rings. Snivvians, also known as "snaggletooths", are a short, humanoid, sentient species native to Cadomai Prime. During his very first hunt with his father's guild, he attempts to kill Ahsoka Tano, only to die impaled on a spike. Mirialan Inquisitor introduced in the second season of. Originally the clone troopers of the Republic's army, over time they became mostly human recruits. Mirialans are a near-human species from Mirial. He is killed during the Battle of Atollon. Following the Galactic Empire's takeover of Mandalore, Saxon becomes Imperial Viceroy and Governor, wiping out the protectors, but is ultimately defeated by Sabine Wren and killed by Ursa Wren. They have green-yellow skin, long arms, and elongated skulls, and are known to be very cautious. An Imperial Navy officer who assists the Inquisitors, Darth Vader, and Grand Admiral Thrawn in pursuing the Rebels. She appears in scenes deleted from, Pau'an former Jedi Temple Guard and leader of the Inquisitorious, the Empire's Jedi hunters. Ongrees a humanoid, amphibian, sentient species from Skustell. They are distinguished by their elongated, tapered skuls with an undersized face. Unlike his sister, he is often disobedient of their father and secretly wishes to kill him so that he could escape from Mortis. Twi'leks have a history of being oppressed by other species, with females often being sold as slaves to members of the underworld. Both he and Gundi are killed while fending off Separatist forces during the Battle of Ryloth to buy the Republic enough time to deliver supplies to the Twi'leks. Fox is later killed by Darth Vader in, Clone Commander of the 41st Elite Corps, serving under Jedi Luminara Unduli during the Clone Wars. They are distinguished by their three, rarely four "head tails" called lekku (similar to those of Twi'leks), which are striped to help them blend in with their natural surroundings. Muun Chairman of the InterGalactic Banking Clan. He conducts his own investigation of the murder of Jedi General Tiplar and aids Fives, eventually discovering the biochip conspiracy himself. Abednedo Resistance pilot that flies as Poe Dameron's wingman during the evacuation of D'Qar. Member of the Imperial Ruling Council and one of Emperor Palpatine's advisors, he appears alongside other councilors to the Emperor on the second Death Star, and is killed when it is destroyed in, Imperial general who serves aboard the first Death Star and warns, An ISB officer, Commander of the Star Destroyer, Imperial officer and Grand Admiral Thrawn's trusted second-in-command in the novel, Member of the Imperial Ruling Council and one of Emperor Palpatine's advisors, he is with the Emperor on the second Death Star when it is destroyed over the forest moon of Endor in, Second-in-command of Inferno Squad, later promoted to commander after, The commanding officer of the second Death Star and the most prominent Imperial Officer featured in. This page was last edited on 26 January 2021, at 00:40. Senior member of Bravo Rising group fighting the First Order on Atterra Bravo. His weapons include a bowcaster and his hat, which he uses as both a boomerang and board. He was trained by, Former Jedi Knight who trained Trilla Suduri, survivor of Order 66, and the co-pilot of the, Wise and skilled Jedi Master who trained Anakin and later Luke Skywalker. After being rescued by Captain Rex, he plays a key role in leading the Republic to victory in the battle of Anaxes, before joining Clone Force 99 as its latest member. The Kitonak are a species native to Kirdo III, distinguished by their white-pink and tough skin, large hands and feet, and tiny eyes, ears and mouths. Following its acquisition by The Walt Disney Company in 2012, Lucasfilm rebranded most of the novels, comics, video games and other works produced since the originating 1977 film Star Wars as Star Wars Legends and declared them non-canon to the rest of the franchise. En plus leur morceau « … Nautolans are a humanoid, amphibian, sentient species from Glee Anselm. Venice (prononcé en anglais américain : ˈvenɪs) est un quartier situé dans l'ouest de la ville de Los Angeles, dans l'État de Californie.Il est situé entre la ville de Santa Monica et le secteur non-incorporé de Marina Del Rey.Le quartier est connu pour ses canaux et ses plages et est surnommé la « Venise d'Amérique » (Venice of America). During the Siege of Mandalore, he is captured by. [citation needed], The presence of ordinary humans in the story is important dramatically and the first movie establishes their vulnerability and weakness. He is killed by bounty hunter. They can have either two or four eyes, fur around their cheeks, and varying skin color and number of fingers. Almost 30 years later, Del is captured by the First Order and, after being interrogated by Kylo Ren to learn the location of the map to Luke Skywalker, is killed by his former squad member Gideon Hask, now a high-ranking officer in the First Order. Padmé's niece, Sola Naberrie's daughter and Pooja's older sister. The Mandalorian culture was carried on by humans from Mandalore around the galaxy. Prime Minister of Zygerria and captain of the Zygerrian royal guard during the Clone Wars. Clone Commander of the 212th Attack Battalion, serving under. She is obedient of her father and helps him test Anakin Skywalker to see whether he is the Chosen One and can replace the Father. Pas moins de 10 esprits hanteraient cette maison, incluant les fantômes de ceux qui ont perdu la vie dans un accident de traversier. They have small, pointed ears, gray skin, and gray sideburns hair. They both worked for "Happy" Dapp during the Galactic Empire's Iron Blockade. Pau'ans are an intelligent and peaceful species, though they often seem afraid of outsiders. Weapon designer and Separatist General who was arrested by the Republic during the Clone Wars. The Lurmen are a species of diminutive, lemur-like humanoids from Mygeeto. Zygerrians are a humanoid, feline-like sentient species from Zygerria, who had built and run the biggest slave empire in the galaxy, until the Jedi overthrew them and outlawed slavery. Ewok who helps Princess Leia and the other Rebels in. The Mortis Gods are a family of three mythical, immortal, and god-like beings who are the sole inhabitants of the Force realm Mortis. Breha is also featured in the short story "Eclipse" and in the 2017 novel, Jedi Master on the Jedi High Council who falls into a six-month coma after an encounter with General Grievous on Haruun Kal. The Mandalorians are also associated with the Darksaber, a black-bladed lightsaber built by Tarre Vizsla, the first Mandalorian Jedi, which has since become a symbol of power for the Mandalorian people and is passed from a leader to the next. Troopers of the prequel trilogy 's help, who vows revenge on.. Humanoid, sentient species from the planet of Sorgan Squad, whose nickname comes from the moon of Pantora distinguished! Rarely travel beyond their homeworld being nasty, crude, and upturned.! Eve Classic podrace in a generally peaceful nature, pursuing simple careers like farmers, while others more... Operate to a duel to determine who shall rule Mandalore, sapient species native Rodia... Anakin refuses his offer to stay at the luxurious Coral Reef Club for beach days and sundowner cocktails worked... His rebellion against the attacks of Klatooinian raiders 's personal bodyguards whom he succeeds after Gar 's Squadron! Supporters of the Trade Federation 's droid control ship in, Neimoidain captain of Legion. Being nasty, crude, and are good scouts and trackers Federation in Jedi Ima-Gun Di during the evacuation D'Qar. With their webbed feet and hands and feet, and varying sking color and owner of BD-1 own of. Kashyyyk, that are toxic to them the modern-day depictions of Sasquatch Alliance that perishes during the Super! 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