Jun 9, 2016 - Available for sale from David Zwirner, Stan Douglas, Intrigue, 1948 (2010), Digital fiber print mounted on Dibond aluminum, 29 5/8 × 27 3/8 × 1 3/4 in The Canadian artist Stan Douglas replays and plays with what has been and what might have been, re-enactments and re-imaginings creating what he calls ‘speculative history’. Inside Stan Douglas's Trippy New Film Installation at Tribeca Film Festival - artnet... — Inside Stan Douglas's Trippy New Film Installation... 1.5M ratings 277k ratings See, that’s what the app is perfect for. “It’s an individual thing, just like film,” he explains. In the artist’s intricate works, time and place fold back onto themselves to create a parallax of both vision and narrative: multiple moments in history and geography are experienced by the viewer simultaneously and reconciled into a new story. “People during wartime, both at home and abroad, will do things that they’re not proud of in order to survive in a time of scarcity and rationing. The remarkable installation has its long awaited Toronto run at the Luminato Festival ‘s main hub, the Hearn Generating Station, from June 10-26. A Woodland Virtual project. View Stan Douglas’s 81 artworks on artnet. Stan Douglas (born October 11, 1960) is an artist based in Vancouver, British Columbia.. Douglas' film and video installations, photography and work in television frequently touch on the history of literature, cinema and music, while examining the "failed utopia" of modernism and obsolete technologies.. 09.23.2015 Vancouver Circa 1948 Stan Douglas’ multimedia installation. Find family history information in a whole new way [1][5][2], The app was launched on April 22, 2014, followed one day later by the installation, at the Tribeca Film Festival. The Circa 1948 experience in Vancouver will be situated in the Woodward’s Atrium at Abbott and Cordova Streets from September 18 to October 16. Enter the shadows of Vancouver, BC, circa 1948, through this immersive interactive art app for iPad and iPhone. Stan Douglas at Victoria Miro. It's sort of insane that Stan Douglas isn't more of a household name in his native Vancouver. Copyright 2008 — 2020 Contemporary Art Daily But throughout it all I suspect Douglas has zero interest in joining the "general culture canon", but it does help with helping get your message out. -- appear on all four walls around you. The title is. Submitted by Tyee staff, 25 Sep 2015 . Even the mayor would go there to party. 2014 09h00 HE | Source : National Film Board of Canada © Stan Douglas Inc. “Vancouver circa 1948 was not necessarily great.” This fact is evident in the ease with which both Douglas and Dao can name their favourite spots in Circa 1948. Stan Douglas - Past Imperfect. See available photographs, prints and multiples, and film, video for sale and learn about the artist. His multi-media stage production Helen Lawrence —which merges theatre, visual art, live-action filming, and computer-generated imagery—had its world premiere in March at Vancouver’s Artsclub, and is on its way to Munich, Edinburgh and Toronto. See available photographs, prints and multiples, and film, video for sale and learn about the artist. your own Pins on Pinterest “It’s a narrative. Stan Douglas was the recipient of the 2016 Hasselblad Foundation International Award in Photography.In celebration of the honor, an exhibition of Douglas's work was presented at the Hasselblad Foundation, Gothenburg, Sweden. We don’t look at reality as a whole gestalt – we see a reality in fragments. His works often take their points of departure in local settings, from which broader issues can be identified. Share Tweet Share Pin. Vancouver's Stan Douglas Brings Immersive 'Circa 1948' to SFU Woodwards. More info here. [2] Douglas has also stated that his initial concept had been for site specific installations in Vancouver but the NFB, with its mandate to create works accessible to all Canadians, encouraged him to rethink the project as an app and movable immersive experience. (Hogan’s Alley, the rundown neighborhood that app users and festivalgoers explore, was where black musicians went to party after playing in the west end nightclubs that wouldn’t have them at customers.) And what decisions were made to change society? Nothing’s ever simple in Douglas’s images, but that’s the only way he knows how to work. New - A virtual pilgrimage to recover what was lost The Book of Distance. Google has many special features to help you find exactly what you're looking for. There’s no beginning, middle or end – you’re sort of always in the middle. Something like a computer game or a science fiction style holodeck, it is a large box in which projections of various settings -- including Hogan's Alley in 1948! While they’ve been away, having killed people or seen people die around them, that’s quite dramatic. © Stan Douglas Inc. Technology is just a means to tell stories, and the near-infinite stories that can arise from an iOS app aren’t so far from the silver screen. But we don’t really understand the interim period, from 1945 to 1950. Approximately 20 Vancouver-based character actors provided voices. “There’s more truth in the lie than in the documentary,” Stan Douglas tells me. Stan Douglas He reenacts historical moments of tension that connect local histories to broader social movements of struggle and utopian aspiration. “How ya doin’?” To which the black man responds – exasperatedly, but with just the tiniest doubt in his voice – “I’m not Gary.” Cut. Thanks Ben for covering Circa 1948 on Vice Motherboard. “It has its basis in the trauma of war,” Douglas says. In a drab Vancouver suburb, the sort of non-space that makes the city such a perfect location for Hollywood’s B-movies, two men cross each other’s path in a strip mall parking lot. “Seeing everything isn’t really the point,” Douglas stipulates. [1] The installation premiered in the Greater Vancouver area in the fall of 2015 at the downtown campus of Simon Fraser University (SFU) from September 18 to October 16, followed by SFU's Surrey campus, from October 27 to November 13. The exhibition booklet dedicated to the exhibition "Stan Douglas: Mise en scène" contains an overview of the exhibition rooms and short, explanatory texts of his most recent large-scale photographs as well as of his theater production "Helen Lawrence" and the app "Circa 1948". ", “So in a way, by seeing these fragments of reality you get a sense of the whole even though you see it in pieces. ’s Circa 1948, an immersive app developed by the artist along with a team of 3D artists and programmers.The leading Canadian photographer and video artist takes as his mise-en-scène Vancouver, in the year 1948, a noirish city reeling from the country’s contribution to the WWII Allied war efforts. The exhibition was his first in the country and featured new abstract works, as well as an overview of past series and key iconic photographs. The Guardian, article by Jason Farago One of Canada's great artists is back with a project that explores Vancouver's historical hotels, gambling dens and beer halls "There's more truth in the lie than in the documentary," Stan Douglas tells me. Stan Douglas is a Canadian Conceptual artist best known for his video, photography, and film installations. It’s an interactive and bafflingly intricate multimedia project, and its images, though disturbingly lifelike, have all been digitally rendered. He has exhibited internationally, including Documenta IX, 1992, Documenta X, 1997, Documenta XI, 2002 and the Venice Biennale in 1990, 2001 and 2005. Douglas’s work engages directly with a variety of source material, from Samuel Beckett’s teleplays to recognizably post-war images in the vein of press photography from that era. From Stan Douglas's Synthetic Pictures series. See available photographs, prints and multiples, and film, video for sale and learn about the artist. Since the late 1980s, Douglas has created films, photographs, and installations that reexamine particular locations or past events. Sep 22, 2012 - This Pin was discovered by Debbie Cosic. Stan Douglas' Circa 1948: 'It's not a game, it's a story' One of Canada's great artists is back with a project that explores Vancouver's historical hotels, gambling dens and beer halls Jul 25, 2015 - The Circa 1948 storyworld kicked off at the 2014 Tribeca Film Festival’s Storyscapes program with an interactive installation where users experience the story… It’s rendered rather than photographed, though simulation technologies have got so good you can hardly tell. Circa 1948 is a unique storyworld created by Stan Douglas and Loc Dao, whose team at the NFB’s Digital Studio was able to mesh together ideas inspired by Vancouver’s colourful past. Stan Douglas and NFB Digital Studio head Loc Dao will be participating in a Digital Futures Discourse panel discussion on September 19. But that’s always the best part of a novel, say: not the beginning or the end. How did society go from one to the other? An immersive art app, re-creating two communities that no longer exist Circa 1948 by Stan Douglas A new immersive digital installation by artist Stan Douglas called Circa 1948 will be open to the public in September at SFU Woodward's. Stan Douglas Hogan’s Alley, one of two gritty postwar Vancouver locales viewers can explore in Stan Douglas’s new project Circa 1948 . “Film doesn’t work as a bunch of still frames. Find an in-depth biography, exhibitions, original artworks for sale, the latest news, and sold auction prices. Vancouver-born artist Stan Douglas, ... or the subsequent interactive installation and app Circa 1948, which inserts the viewer into two historical Vancouver environments. Browse more artworks Stan Douglas from Victoria Miro Gallery. Courtesy the artist, David Zwirner New York/London, and Victoria Miro, London. Even the mayor would go there to party.” The plot of the film – if 'film' is the right word – centers on a woman falsely accused of murdering her husband, and users start to piece the story together by interacting with spectral figures that inhabit Vancouver’s hotels, gambling dens, and beer halls. History Will Not Be Silent: World Premiere of Circa 1948, Co-Created by the NFB and Stan Douglas Email Print Friendly Share 22 avr. Works 1986-2007. The Circa 1948 experience in Vancouver will be situated in the Woodward’s Atrium at Abbott and Cordova Streets from September 18 to October 16. Now's Maybe a Good Time To (Re)Acquaint Yourself With Stan Douglas' Groundbreaking Circa 1948 The great artist's take on Vancouver's Hogan's Alley is a masterpiece By Neal McLennan / Jun 5, 2020. And it’s only through that that we can begin the process of empathizing with what they went through then, and begin to understand what we’re going through now.”, Circa 1948, created by Stan Douglas in collaboration with the NFB Digital Studio. The title is Cricket Pitch, 1951 – but it wasn’t shot then. London — Eavesdrop on the past with Circa 1948, a new collaboration between the National Film Board of Canada (NFB) and Stan Douglas currently in production. The installation, which was likened to a "time machine" by Lily Rothman in Time Magazine, is truly a … ‘Stan Douglas: Mise en Scène’ at Munich’s Haus der Kunst is a major survey of the artist’s work over the last six years.And Douglas has been busy, indeed. Produced by the National Film Board of Canada. Douglas, whose films, videos and photography have given him as strong a claim as anyone to the title of Canada’s greatest artist, is back in New York this week to unveil his latest work, a murder-mystery film noir titled Circa 1948. By Marc Glassman • Published October 25th, 2016 • Issue 102, Summer 2016 • Comments. ’s Circa 1948, an immersive app developed by the artist along with a team of 3D artists and programmers.The leading Canadian photographer and video artist takes as his mise-en-scène Vancouver, in the year 1948, a noirish city reeling from the country’s contribution to the WWII Allied war efforts. Circa 1948, is a high tech art installation that revives the past by Stan Douglas and the NFB, at SFU. The project allows users to virtually explore such former districts and landmarks in Vancouver as Hogan's Alley and the original Hotel Vancouver, in year 1948. Explore historical records and family tree profiles about Douglas Mastin on MyHeritage, the world's family history network. But he always did so obliquely, and racial questions were always freighted with psychological and existential overtones – as in I’m Not Gary (1991), a 30-second masterpiece that’s something of a cult classic among Canadian arts hipsters. So tough guys and femmes fatales sort of come from this condition. https://www.theguardian.com/.../stan-douglas-vancouver-circa-film-new-york Stan Douglas Photo by Michael Courtney. "[3], The project was originally pitched to the NFB as a film noir feature by Douglas and screenwriter Chris Haddock, but evolved into a non-linear work based on Douglas' expertise in that field as well as that of the NFB's digital studio, which had produced such works as Bear 71. Open in app; Facebook; Tweet; Role: Lead modeller, and texture artist. Instead of appearing at a gallery, Douglas has taken Circa 1948 to the Tribeca Film Festival, where it’s one of the highlights of this year’s massive selection. From Stan Douglas’s Synthetic Pictures series. Find an in-depth biography, exhibitions, original artworks for sale, the latest news, and sold auction prices. Hair, 1948, 2010 Digital fiber print mounted on Dibond aluminum 45.7 x 45.1 cm 18 x 17 3/4 in Co-created by internationally renowned artist Stan Douglas and the award-winning NFB Digital Studio in Vancouver. The app and the Tribeca Film Festival installation follow on the heels of a large photo series entitled Midcentury Studio, which comprised images "from" the postwar period that were actually made today. Colour inkjet mounted on Dibond aluminium, 167.7 x 125.7 cm each (image size). It happens in the gap between frames, and in our imagination of how we’re moving forward in time, moving somewhere in space, or seeing from someone else’s point of view. Hogan’s Alley 1948, Stan Douglas. We know what the 50s are like – the nuclear family, the sudden call to order and morality. The remarkable installation has its long awaited Toronto run at the Luminato Festival ‘s main hub, the Hearn Generating Station, from June 10-26. Photograph: /Stan Douglas, here’s more truth in the lie than in the documentary,” Stan Douglas tells me. One of Canada's great artists is back with a project that explores Vancouver's historical hotels, gambling dens and beer halls, Last modified on Thu 26 Mar 2020 14.46 GMT. March 21, 2014 — May 25, 2014 Stan Douglas, "Machine, 1948", 2010, digital gelatin silver print, 60.9 x 35.5 cm, courtesy the artist, David Zwirner Gallery, New York/London and Victoria Miro, London This is what makes the stunning digital re-creations of Circa 1948 so uncanny. Something like a computer game or a science fiction style holodeck, it is a large box in which projections of various settings -- including Hogan's Alley in 1948! Circa 1948 is a unique storyworld created by Stan Douglas and Loc Dao, whose team at the NFB’s Digital Studio was able to mesh together ideas inspired by Vancouver’s colourful past. It’s a very human way of being there, I think. Kevin Kerr wrote the narration for the project. “Because of technology, nobody believes any more that a photograph is real. Stan passed away on month day 1988, at age 63 at death place , California. Stan Douglas (born October 11, 1960) is an artist based in Vancouver, British Columbia.. Douglas' film and video installations, photography and work in television frequently touch on the history of literature, cinema and music, while examining the "failed utopia" of modernism and obsolete technologies. Role: Lead modeller & texture artist. In Journey Into Fear (2001), a thriller set on a container ship, the audio and video tracks get shuffled around at random so that the total running time comes to 157 hours. Take his groundbreaking Circa 1948 piece, a collaboration with the National Film Board of Canada where Douglas uses technology circa 2013 to recreate Vancouver's long-bulldozed Hogan's Alley neighbourhood. We can’t just say, ‘Oh, this happened to be there when I was there.’ You have to take ownership. Find an in-depth biography, exhibitions, original artworks for sale, the latest news, and sold auction prices. It’s always a construction, no matter what.”. Stan Douglas is a Canadian Conceptual artist best known for his video, photography, and film installations. There’s no task: you’re not told to find this, kill that. [2], "NFB's Circa 1948 project at Tribeca Film Festival", "Stan Douglas' Circa 1948: 'It's not a game, it's a story, "Stan Douglas & NFB Producing New 3-D Art App", https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Circa_1948&oldid=998865637, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License, This page was last edited on 7 January 2021, at 11:00. But that just means that we have to take more responsibility as creators of images. [4][6], Douglas has also created the play Helen Lawrence, which shares graphics, story and characters with Circa 1948. Hotel Vancouver circa 1948. A Woodland Virtual project. There’s no task: you’re not told to find this, kill that. From June 10 to 26, audiences in Toronto can step into the shadows of the postwar era through Circa 1948, a groundbreaking and immersive interactive storyworld co-created by the National Film Board of Canada's award-winning Digital Studio and internationally acclaimed artist Stan Douglas. “It’s not a game,” Douglas insists. English. It's sort of insane that Stan Douglas isn't more of a … Some of them were rigorously composed (that cricket photograph, for example), while others indulge the same noir aesthetic as Circa 1948: crime bosses, hardboiled detectives, men in fedoras shooting dice in an alley. Circa 1948 is set in two Vancouver neighborhoods: a tonier western district populated by veterans back from war, and a seedier eastern part that, says Douglas, was “basically an ethnic slum where the laws of the city had been suspended. He burst onto the international art scene in the early 1990s with technically complicated film installations: using multiple projectors on one screen, say, or projecting a film and its negative on top of each other. “Hi, Gary,” the white man says. We’re standing in a cavernous New York art gallery, gazing up at one of his larger photographs, a hyperreal panoramic tableau of West Indian men playing cricket in a Vancouver park. Stan Douglas is a Canadian Conceptual artist best known for his video, photography, and film installations. History Will Not Be Silent: World Premiere of Circa 1948, Co-Created by the NFB and Stan Douglas Email Print Friendly Share April 22, 2014 09:00 ET | Source: National Film Board of Canada Stan Douglas is an internationally recognised photographer, filmmaker and installation artist. Open in app; Facebook; Tweet; View Stan Douglas’s 81 artworks on artnet. A new immersive digital installation by artist Stan Douglas called Circa 1948 will be open to the public in September at SFU Woodward's. You can find the new NFB/Stan Douglas collaborative app Circa 1946 here. “The point is getting to the place where you understand the logic, the atmosphere of the piece.”. This newest work continues Douglas’s practice of fracturing narratives and looking at history, race, and psychology through a kaleidoscopic lens. “It’s not a game,” Douglas says. Thanks Ben for covering Circa 1948 on Vice Motherboard. Now's Maybe a Good Time To (Re)Acquaint Yourself With Stan Douglas' Groundbreaking Circa 1948 The great artist's take on Vancouver's Hogan's Alley is a masterpiece By Neal McLennan / Jun 5, 2020. Hotel Vancouver circa 1948. Circa 1948 photos of Douglas B-26 "Invaders" of the California Air N... ational Guard's 115th Bombardment Squadron (Light) stationed at the Burbank Air National Guard Base. Transport yourself back to 1948 Vancouver via NFB ‘storyworld’ Good Vancouver Sun story, drove 1800 click-thru’s to the website Circa1948.nfb.ca. Stan Leon McClellan was born on month day 1924, at birth place, Texas, to Wacker. Circa 1948 an iOS application, produced by the photographer (and Vancouver native) Stan Douglas in conjunction with Loc Dao, the Executive Producer and Creative Technologist of the National Film Board of Canada’s Digital Studio. Stan Douglas (born October 11, 1960) is an artist based in Vancouver, British Columbia. From Stan Douglas's Synthetic Pictures series. Douglas’s first-ever interactive app Circa 1948, co-produced with the NFB, launched last week at the Tribeca Film Festival. Circa 1948 is both a 2014 interactive app for iOS devices and an interactive installation created by Stan Douglas and the National Film Board of Canada's Digital Studio in Vancouver, led by Loc Dao. -- appear on all four walls around you. View Hair, 1948 by Stan Douglas on artnet. As digital media became more sophisticated, he started making videos that used a computer to edit and recombine footage into bogglingly complex fragmentary narratives. © Stan Douglas Inc. Search the world's information, including webpages, images, videos and more. Submitted by Tyee staff, 25 Sep 2015 . Douglas was born and raised in Vancouver, the city of glass on the western edge of Canada that, for three decades now, has been a hothouse of photography and video with a conceptual edge. [4], Douglas, who lives in Vancouver, researched the project with maps and photos, which were digitally converted by the NFB into an explorable virtual world, using Autodesk Maya. Blending sculpture, film and stage with virtual reality, Randall Okita's The Book of Distance invites you to take part in a very personal journey of loss and recovery as he tries to reclaim his grandfather's lost moments. Share Tweet Share Pin. Douglas is known for his non-linear storytelling approach, ... “So the crux of Circa 1948 felt like a natural progression,” said Dao. Artist Stan Douglas has unveiled an interactive multimedia application this week at the Tribeca Interactive Festival, titled Circa 1948, which allows users to move through and physically interact with the architectural spaces of post-war Vancouver. “It’s a narrative. ", “We know what wartime is like. In New York, festivalgoers can use their bodies to navigate the spaces of postwar Vancouver, and starting this week, anyone with an iOS device can download Circa 1948 for free. In the middle you know what’s going on.”. History Will Not Be Silent: World Premiere of Circa 1948, Co-Created by the NFB and Stan Douglas Email Print Friendly Share April 22, 2014 09:00 ET | Source: National Film Board of Canada Alongside appearances at the Venice Biennale and numerous additional biennials, Canadian artist Stan Over 5,500 downloads in the first few days. And, at the core, getting the newest app to do the niftiest tricks isn’t really Stan Douglas’s goal. Circa 1948 is a highly detailed and very rich environment. Like many black artists who came to prominence in the late 1980s and early 1990s, Douglas used his art to examine race and discrimination, not only that faced by African Canadians but by the country’s native population. There was bootlegging, gambling, prostitution. London — Eavesdrop on the past with Circa 1948, a new collaboration between the National Film Board of Canada (NFB) and Stan Douglas currently in production. Circa 1948 is both a 2014 interactive app for iOS devices and an interactive installation created by Stan Douglas and the National Film Board of Canada's Digital Studio in Vancouver, led by Loc Dao. Amid the glittering skyscrapers so emblematic of Vancouver’s present and future, artist Stan Douglas finds substance in the city’s grittier past. A Woodland Virtual project. But you’ll never make it to the end, nor will you ever get the whole story. “I wouldn’t say I’m nostalgic,” says Douglas of the installation. Yet despite its appearance in the Tribeca Film Festival, Circa 1948 isn’t exactly a film. Stan Douglas. #hogan's alley; 6 years ago; After Circa 1948 began to wrap up at the National Film Board, we began thinking of ways to showcase individual props. All the hundreds of props … Why noir? Vancouver's Stan Douglas Brings Immersive 'Circa 1948' to SFU Woodwards. Douglas then used … Stan Douglas' Circa 1948: 'It's not a game, it's a story' 2014. Don’t worry if you need a bathroom break. The project allows users to virtually explore such former districts and landmarks in Vancouver as Hogan's Alley and the original Hotel Vancouver, in year 1948. Discover (and save!) 2012_0147, 2013. The renowned artist talks about his recent work, in particular the interactive installation Circa 1948. It is the artist’s first appearance in a cinematic setting, but what’s even more surprising is that Circa 1948 isn’t really a film at all. It’s not in the shots; it’s in the space in between, and it’s all in your head. Role: Lead modeller & texture artist. View Stan Douglas’s 81 artworks on artnet. I was interested in that liminal period, as I always am in my work.”. [1][2], Circa 1948 is set in two distinctly different neighbourhoods: West End, Vancouver, which was a wealthier district, home to many veterans back from the war, and East Vancouver, which was, in the words of Douglas, "basically an ethnic slum where the laws of the city had been suspended. Talks about his recent work, in particular the interactive installation Circa 1948 is a Canadian Conceptual artist known! A bathroom break Tweet ; Hotel Vancouver Circa 1948 so uncanny 1946 here from Victoria,... Points of departure in local settings, from which broader issues can be identified rendered rather than,! I was interested in that liminal period, from which broader issues can be identified there I... More responsibility as creators of images passed away on month day 1924, at age 63 at death place Texas. Week at the core, getting the newest app to do the tricks. 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