If you feel constantly negative, this is a sure … No part of this website may be reproduced in any form. Wilfred McSherry, a senior lecturer in the School of Care Sciences at the University of Glamorgan , published an article on the Journal of Advanced Nursing about potential dilemmas in conducting a spiritual … With spirituality, we designate our relationship with the spiritual world, i.e. How to use spiritual in a sentence. When one faces adveristy and yet doesnt worry or fear. For example, you may have gone through a difficult period in your life. Copyright © Spiritual Science Research Foundation Inc. All Rights Reserved. What is the spiritual reason for marital disharmony? As the Bible says, "There is no one righteous, not even one" (Romans 3:10). The goal of spirituality is defined differently in different paths. No picture or text may be duplicated or copied without the express written permission of the editor of the Spiritual Science Research Foundation. increasing intensity of natural disasters. When we read/watch the news covered in today’s media, we find it filled with attacks on humanity, natural disaster, floods, earthquakes and pandemics. Having little yet happily giving/sharing. It is significant that … No part of this website may be reproduced in any form. Many people find spirituality through religion. Other examples of classic health problems today are m iscarriages, women not being able to conceive, diabetes etc. God uses problems to CORRECT you - Some lessons we learn only through pain and failure. Unexplainable losses in business despite the best effort could be due to distressing energies in the factory premises. What could be the spiritual root cause for chest pain? Our ancestors and ghosts can play up or effect problems within a family such as physical illnesses, mental illnesses, etc. In fact all major events in our lives such as birth, death, marriage and major accidents are pre-destined. Sometimes we see that life can be seemingly unfair – a small child becomes an orphan as she survives an accident where both her parents die. At best we can help the little girl recover from the incident and ensure that she goes to a good foster home. The following are examples of the apparent and root causes of problems across many dimensions of our life. It is that part of our lives which is not under our control. Think of inner peace as being unflappable. People may describe a spiritual experience as sacred or transcendent or simply a deep sense of aliveness … As such, it is a universal human experience—something that touches us all. For example, Chandogyopanishad suggests that those who engage in ritualistic offerings to gods and priests will fail in their spiritual practice, while those who engage in tapas will succeed; Svetasvataropanishad suggests that a successful spiritual practice requires a longing for truth, but warns of becoming 'false ascetic' who go through the mechanics of spiritual practice … The rehabilitation centre may attribute it to depression or an inadequate personality disorder. Thus the root cause of depression is distress caused by subtle-bodies of ancestors. For example the increasing trend of bullying in schools? A spiritual reason why this could happen is that there is a block in the spiritual energy flow system in the body. Almost all of us are affected by this spiritual cause of difficulties in our life regardless of race, cultural background or social status. Where will life take him? This has been explained in detail in our article on the reason behind the increasing intensity of natural disasters. In any enclosed house there is an energy that resides in it. How will he use his free will? In some cases we see people becoming drug addicts.But why have they become addicts? We may attribute the cause of this to lack of respect and tolerance. I am not sure how you are using it here. Y ears ago, my grandmother’s 1909 house got a fresh layer of wallpaper. All of us have a spiritual energy flow system that may be latent or active. In the next article, we summarise the various root causes of problems in the spiritual realm and the likelihood of their impact on us. Identifying as an Empath is sometimes a good example of this type of bypassing, as it can be interpreted as the fault of other people and their emotions for behaving in self-destructive and … With over 10 years of spiritual research in this field, our answer is a resounding ‘yes’. of the problem at hand. In this section, we explain the role of the spiritual realm in the problems in our lives. What will happen to this child? In the subsections, we explain some of the major spiritual root causes in greater detail. Spiritual wellness allows one to live a life consistent with his or her’s own belief and moral systems, while we establish our feeling of purpose and find meaning in life events. 75th birthday of His Holiness Dr Athavale, Music and Dance – A Spiritual Perspective, List of Abstracts and Papers prepared by the Maharshi University of Spirituality, World War 3 & Natural Disasters – A Survival Guide, Finding Happiness Through Spiritual Practice, Spiritual Principles for Fast Spiritual Development, Personality Defect Removal and Personality Improvement, Serving God – Service to the Truth (satseva), Influence of Negative Energies on Society, Breakdown of root causes of difficulties in life, Examples of superficial causes and root causes of difficulties in our lives, Spiritual root causes of difficulties in life. Causing progress in the spiritual realm as well. If a couple is depressed due to marital problems and cannot work it out themselves they may seek help from a marriage counsellor who has a degree in psychiatry. Whether a particular problem has a spiritual root cause can be known for sure only through the medium of a highly activated sixth sense. It doesn’t mean that things … Insulation from destiny can only be achieved through spiritual practice. People question the reason behind such an event – why did this have to happen to me – what did I do to deserve this? If nothing comes up in the test results, doctors may well say it is a case of cardiac neurosis, which is chest pain arising due to psychological conflicts. In general, it includes a sense of connection to something bigger than ourselves, and it typically involves a search for meaning in life. What could be the spiritual root cause for poor staff output? What could be the spiritual root cause for poor staff output? Examples of Spiritual Disciplines Could be That to Which Scripture Exhorts Us to Be Devoted: Through this, ancestors try to attract our attention so that we can do something spiritually for them to help them in their after-life difficulties. Spirituality is the way you find meaning, hope, comfort, and inner peace in your life. Most of the time, the people around us cannot give us any answers. Among the spiritual experiences thought to lead to episodes of spiritual crisis or spiritual emergency are psychiatric complications related to existential crisis, mystical experience, near-death experiences, Kundalini syndrome, paranormal experiences, religious ecstasy, or other spiritual practices. One Piece in a Larger Puzzle Many of the behaviors associated with overall wellness are key components of spiritual wellness. It's likely that as a child your parents told you not to touch a hot stove. Irritability and chronic negativity. What difficulties will he be destined to go through? Spirituality is a broad concept with room for many perspectives. For example, people experiencing … Ignorance about the existence of the spiritual dimension and knowing its role in our difficulties will frustrate attempts to fully overcome the difficulties, simply because it exists beyond the five senses, mind, and intellect. affect every one of us and are the cause of a lot of the world’s problems from the unseen spiritual realm. Using Spiritual Practices 1 Practice meditation. I am not sure how you are using it here. The Brainy Dictionary defines health as “ The state of being hale, sound, or whole, in body, mind, or soul; especially, the state of being free from physical disease or pain.” 1 Please refer to the article on, “What is destiny and wilful action”? But only weeks later, I noticed in a high corner the wallpaper had buckled, and in some places, it … This type of spiritual bypass is often used by spiritual seekers who believe they have extrasensory gifts of some kind, but due to their gifts they are unable to feel happy or healthy. This may in turn result in lack of efficiency of workers and discord among workers. An obstruction in the spiritual energy flow system can cause symptoms such as impotence, chest pain, abnormal increase in appetite etc. Who will he marry? The term spirituality has to be understood in a very broad way, it comprises our relation to invisible beings, like for example God, angels, spiritual guides, non incarnated souls and other non incarnated beings. Examples of superficial causes and root causes of problems in our lives, 75th birthday of His Holiness Dr Athavale, Music and Dance – A Spiritual Perspective, List of Abstracts and Papers prepared by the Maharshi University of Spirituality, World War 3 & Natural Disasters – A Survival Guide, Finding Happiness Through Spiritual Practice, Spiritual Principles for Fast Spiritual Development, Personality Defect Removal and Personality Improvement, Serving God – Service to the Truth (satseva), Influence of Negative Energies on Society. This category can be used when the focus of clinical attention is a religious or spiritual problem. For example, due to peer-pressure or just to show off, a teenager may begin to use an addictive substance. Giving Meaning to the End of Life Some people are not interested or not comfortable in discussing spiritual … Sometimes we are asked the question, “Do ghosts really exist?”. A true spiritual teacher will always give your power back to you, but a false spiritual teacher will not only parade around wearing your codependency like a crown but will also actively encourage it. It could range from a simple problem such as a boil or blister to bad decisions that impact the rest of our lives. One of the remedies may be educating children to respect and tolerate other kids and treat others with kindness. Examples include distressing experiences that involve loss or questioning of faith, problems associated with conversion to a new faith, or questioning of other spiritual values which may not necessarily be related to an organized church or religious institution. Trusting God and not doubting his word. with the non incarnated world. All these are examples from real-life cases where the Spiritual Science Research Foundation (SSRF) has found the causes of the problem to be spiritual in nature. Most of us are unaware that the difficulties in our lives are actually spiritual problems 80% of the time. Meditation can help deeply probe your sense … And sin affects every one of us, no matter who we are. Spirits of ancestors who have passed away can cause marital disharmony, which in turn leads to depression. spiritual healing chants:Symptom: This means the symptom that one is suffering from and which has been caused by a ghost Ghosts (demons, devils, negative energies etc.) In general, spiritual … Sin first of all is doing things that are wrong -- not just in the eyes of others, but in the eyes of God. Copyright © Spiritual Science Research Foundation Inc. All Rights Reserved. Shankaracharya who was a great Saint, defined Righteousness as that which accomplishes the three tasks of: When we have natural disasters such as Tsunamis or floods that wipe out cities, we attribute it to various geographical reasons. All major problems are most likely to be destined which is a kind of spiritual problem where we settle past accounts. How to Fix Foundation Problems in Your Spiritual Life 17 Comments Share Tweet Buffer Print Email. The blockage is generally due to a lack of spiritual practice. The use of indicators in diagnosing alterations in spiritual health is controversial because indicators may appear related to both spiritual and psychosocial problems. Destiny is a powerful factor in deciding the course of our lives. Did you know that you are certain to be affected by ancestral problems? No picture or text may be duplicated or copied without the express written permission of the editor of the Spiritual Science Research Foundation. The main reason for this drastic rise, really lies in the spiritual realm. Since the Bible does not use the term “spiritual disciplines” we can’t point to an activity or practice and say “God says this is a spiritual discipline.” Rather, we can only look at that which He says will help us get to know and love Him better, to grow in our relationship with Him.. Telling the truth when a … Spiritual distress may result in feelings of depression, low self-esteem, loneliness, anger, bitterness, fear and unrelieved physical symptoms. Examples include distressing experiences that involve loss or questioning of faith, problems associated with conversion to a new faith, or questioning of spiritual values that may not necessarily be related to an organized church or religious institution” (1994, p. 685). They will purport to have the power to “heal” all your issues and provide you with the “one true path” towards enlightenment, illumination, self-realization or Oneness . How is spiritual … At the level of society when there is degradation in Righteousness (Dharma) it shows up in the behaviour of our children. What are they due to and how do we try and solve them? This section is bound to interest you and will help you understand the concept of destiny, wilful action and karma. Increase in natural disasters, pandemics and wars are nature’s way of cleansing the planet. Quite often we go looking in the wrong place and hence some problems never go away because their root cause is spiritual in nature and can only be treated by spiritual means. Spiritual definition is - of, relating to, consisting of, or affecting the spirit : incorporeal. A person going through a financial crunch may attribute it to major losses in business due to poor staff output and may get a consultant in to help. takes into account cognitive and philosophic areas of thought as well as aspects of emotions and behavior Physical factors such as green house gases contribute to this rise by only 30% . Here are just a few examples of spiritual goals: Buddhism: achieve the cessation of suffering (enlightenment, nirvana); see reality for what it is; uproot the mental defilements. Others find it in their values and principles. Unexplainable losses in business despite the best effort could be due to distressin… Examples include volunteering, being positive and optimistic, contributing to society, connecting with others, feeling a sense of belonging and practicing self-care. Finding Inner Peace. Religious doubt provides a good example. The proportion of spiritual causes of addiction can vary considerably. Some people find it through music, art, or a connection with nature. Very big question: Spiritual health is a term which can be defined in many ways. Chest pain that is recurrent and which cannot be treated by modern sciences generally have their root cause in the spiritual realm. Depending on the architecture and the placement of furniture and machinery bad vibrations can be created. This section provides detailed scientific information about various aspects of ghosts, like how they come into existence, how they affect us, who are affected, drawings based on subtle-knowledge of ghosts (demons, devils, negative energies etc.). But you probably learned by being burned. Rise in the Raja-Tama components in the world is like the accumulation of dust and dirt in our house. A healthy spiritual practice may include examples of volunteerism, social contributions, belonging to a group, fellowship, optimism, forgiveness and expressions of compassion. You may think that you’ve successfully dealt with the emotional trauma of that time, but if you are … But sin also is like a spiritual disease that corrupts our hearts and cripples our wills. This spiritual problem can manifest in so many different ways in our day-to-day lives. This is often the case with smoking where the tendency is to give the impression that one is ‘cool’. 3. Geologists spend many years and billions of dollars trying to pre-empt and predict the next natural disaster but to no avail. Keeping the social system in an excellent condition, Bringing about the worldly progress of every living being and. Do spiritual struggles ’cause’ mental health problems or do mental health problems ’cause’ spiritual struggles.” “Second, spiritual struggles may not always have undesirable consequences. Sometimes, spiritual struggles are necessary for spiritual growth. Sometimes we only learn the value of something - health, money, a relationship - … What about problems that affect society at large. A person going through a financial crunch may attribute it to major losses in business due to poor staff output and may get a consultant in to help. An obstruction in the spiritual energy flow system can cause symptoms such as impotence, chest pain, abnormal increase in appetite etc. Spiritual people are committed to harmony expressed through diversity. Overall health can be positively impacted by high levels of spiritual health. In summary, SSRF has identified that, a number of common everyday problems that we have, have a high likelihood of their root cause being in the spiritual realm. Spiritual cleansing is based on the concept that everything is energy: Humans, thoughts, plants, rocks, light, emotions, animals, space…everything.. Energies impact and change each other. 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