As time went by and technology began advancing, however, something changed. Sidewalk Chalk Obstacle Course. This is such a simple activity to set up. For this obstacle course, we started with footprints going in various directions so the child has to jump forwards, sideways and backwards. If your kids are anything like mine they love using chalk! Hold on, how can you play soccer with chalk? This is a great one if your child loves to play hide and seek! Is there something fun your kids like to draw? Making pictures or maybe an obstacle course and then erasing it so they can start again. Sure enough, there are LOADS of chalk games for my kids to enjoy this summer. That little baby in the last photo above has grown a little since we did our first Halloween obstacle course! Kids of all ages seem to be mesmerized by space, and it’s easy to understand why. Chalk Obstacle Course Ideal for Toddler, Preschool/Pre-K This activity promotes development and learning by encouraging children to use large muscles to … A great and very simple way of keeping the kids entertained for hours is to simply hand them the chalk, direct them to the nearest stretch of open driveway or sidewalk, and tell them to draw whatever they like. As we mentioned, to begin with, a child’s imagination is an incredibly powerful thing, so why not let them bring their imaginations to life with chalk? Sidewalk obstacle course with chalk. Your email address will not be published. ... Sidewalk Chalk. What child doesn’t love getting their body traced! We love hearing from our readers. This bug sensory bin is a great way to introduce kids to different bugs! Your child can draw a magical forest, an enchanted castle, a space station, a distant planet, or anything else they can think of. Trace your shadow! It also encourages them to become physically active, and as you know, exercise for children is very important. Let us know if you have any other ideas or games we’ve missed! Sidewalk Obstacle Course With Chalk | Kids obstacle course, Exercise for kids, Toddler activities. You could hand them a book with pictures of the different constellations in the galaxy and have them recreate them, or you could get an image up on your phone. There was an error submitting your subscription. As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases. Obstacle Course: Draw squiggly lines to follow, straight lines to jump over, spirals to spin … Take our FREE 5-day craft challenge with boredom busting activity ideas for kids! Tic-Tac-Toe is one of the oldest and easiest games in the world, and kids and adults alike just can’t seem to get enough. Back then, although there was TV, and computer games consoles etc, children instead spent the majority of their childhoods playing games with their friends outdoors. You don’t need chalk paint to achieve the stained glass look. Clean all the exercise equipment with a disinfectant wipe. The idea of came up because we wanted to create an ultimate resource on free play, games, and activities. Sidewalk soccer. Turn your sidewalk or driveway into a big game board, scavenger hunt, or obstacle course. Hide different animals around your yard and match them to the letter. (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); Sidewalk chalk, as the name implies, is chalk that is designed specifically to be used on sidewalks and other outdoor areas. Instead of tracing your body, stand and trace someone’s shadow! Then simply grab a ball, and enjoy a game of soccer with your child, or have them play with their friends or siblings. Do it again and again with different shapes until your kids have mastered the maze each time! Using sidewalk chalk, create a meandering line on the ground using the space available. Simple, you simply draw the different colored sections of the game and then call out, or have your kid call out, their favorite colors in a random order. Jacob's taking a run on their homemade obstacle course. Let me be clear, this is not a money saving endeavor as you can get chalk pretty inexpensively. Then take them outside and see which ones you can find in your own backyard! 1. Time to pull out your sidewalk chalk and get creative because this week, your challenge is to make a chalk obstacle course! There are lots of different chalk art ideas you can make. No, sometimes kids can have fun in silence when they’re being creative. Sometimes known as noughts and crosses, one player will be an X, whereas the other will be an O. Instead of playing physical outdoor games, children instead choose to spend their time playing computer games and communicating with each other online. To play the game simply draw the grid on the sidewalk, hand each player a piece of chalk, and have them attempt to connect 3 shapes in a row. Spy Training Obstacle Course. The pops of color bring joy to communities, and can brighten a passerby’s day. Basically, find an empty stretch of the driveway where there is no risk of traffic, and draw the typical soccer markings, including the goal posts on either side. Next, moving inwards, you could make these sections worth 15 points, before finally giving the Bullseye in the center of the target, a points value of 50 points. But they can also activate that creativity (and burn off some of that pent-up energy) with a sidewalk chalk obstacle course. Bike Obstacle Course Sports cones and sidewalk chalk are the basics you need to set up a simple tricycle obstacle course for your tiny tike. That’s when we started to think, what kind of games can we do with what we have? Start their training by creating your very own Spy training camp! Simply reach for the chalk, find an open stretch of sidewalk, or ideally, your own driveway, and get as creative as you would like. Here are a few other sidewalk chalk games to play with the kids! Making an easy sidewalk chalk obstacle course in your own driveway or street is a great way to get kids outside, creative and moving. May 1, 2019 by Sarah Leave a Comment. 7. You can do this with shapes of toys too like dinosaurs and animal figures! Next, take it in turns to stand a certain distance away from the target and to throw these wet paper balls at the target. Create an Obstacle Course. Sight words need a lot of practice. Making your own! Want another idea? We love the trace your child idea. Build a Maze – build your own maze using chalk and have the kids complete the maze or build their own! Needless to say, obesity rates in children sky-rocketed, and in actual fact, experts are worried that if things carry on, children will actually have shorter life expectancies than those of their parents. "Araceli actually asked for the jumping jacks so it was good exercise for her. By drawing chalk puddles on the sidewalk however, your children can “splash” in the puddles, with the added bonus of not getting dirty and soaking wet. ... One thing I used to play with all the time outside was with sidewalk chalk. Which of these sidewalk chalk ideas are your favorite? Grab some sidewalk chalk and learn about shapes with this simple activity! This is a great idea! In just one month, this idea of a sidewalk obstacle course has spread through the grassroots communications channels utilized by public librarians to exchange ideas, and has become a national phenomenon. Fun & Easy Crafting with Recycled Materials, Can you draw? Please try again. Try this play mud. Spelling hopscotch is great because you can begin with basic words, and as your child learns and progresses further, you can go with slightly more complex words. This game is very, very simple to put together and play, but that doesn’t make it any less fun or educational. This station encourages gross motor skill development, coordination skills, proprioceptive input, vestibular input and motor planning. Hopscotch. You do not need to be an amazing artist, the kids will have a blast no matter your abilities. For children, learning can be a dull affair at times, which is why you may want to find ways of enhancing their learning experiences. Have them hop onto each relevant square and write down the letter when they get it right. We have sidewalk chalk on hand and really, the sky is the limit with sidewalk chalk. Finally, the last game we have on our list is one we’re calling ‘alphabet activities’. This is one of the most enjoyable sidewalk chalk games you could ever wish for, and it is very easy to play as well. You can do this in an outdoor sensory table and make a large mud pit for dinosaurs or other animals! Learn the alphabet with this simple sidewalk chalk activity. Chalk art that resembles stained glass looks amazing on sidewalks. Share this post on Facebook with your friends! This will be a hit with the car lover in your family! What you can do however, is dig out all of those blues you have left and basically use them to draw puddles with on the sidewalk. Sgt. The game requires two players but is a whole heap of fun, and is very basic to play and learn. is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to Learn to tell time with the hour and minute hand by making this large outdoor clock! Creating it is a great activity for parents and their children to do together. There’s nothing more annoying than those fiddly little pieces of chalk left over in the bottom of the pack. It is similar to hopscotch, in that you can draw certain obstacles, which, if the child lands on, will force them to perform a dare/forfeit. Instruct the children to … Stained glass chalk art is colorful and eye-catching. Even better is the fact that this advice seems to be working. These simple and fun letter activities will keep kids moving by doing actions to each letter that they find. Chalk Art – draw balloons and take a picture of them holding them. This summer we spent a full week at the cottage and when it’s raining and the water is cold you have to get a little creative with making fun activities for the kids! If you wish to make things a little more competitive, why not have them compete against friends, siblings, or even against the clock, and to draw a certain picture in a certain way. 3. Use sidwalk chalk to create an obstacle course for your Nanny Kids. If you think about it, these ideas are great team building games for kids!Really gets everyone working together to create the course or complete the task at hand. We have done this since our kids were young many times, and I love it because as they get older, they can build it themselves. 10 Sidewalk Chalk Games For Kids – Outdoor Play. Offer a variety of chalks in different forms (kids with sensory issues might like a plastic holder for the chalk itself) and practice drawing favorite characters, family members, animals and … She is a mom of two that loves to share easy crafts, activities and recipes for kids. Thompson said the sidewalk obstacle course has been great exercise for her three young children still living at home. Set out cones—or canned goods, stuffed animals or whatever else you have on hand—to create an obstacle course for kids to weave their way through. For example, if they land on a square they may have to spin around 5 times. This game works best with two kids. This is a great idea! The more, the merrier. Then draw chalk arrows (and other helpful suggestions) to keep your tot on track. Course 1: Jump, Shuffle and Roll 1. Younger kids will love a color search and hopscotch. Follow The Best Ideas for Kids on Facebook, Pinterest or Instagram, posted by The Best Ideas for Kids on June 22, 2017. You can make up any game – educational or not with just a few pieces of chalk. Set up a series of activities for the kids to go through and see who can complete the course the fastest. If you still haven’t found one you like, try one of these other sidewalk chalk games. Rineer said her kids 'got a kick' out of Sgt. 5. Now check your email to confirm your subscription. These incredible sidewalk chalk ideas for kids will easily bust through summertime boredom with fun games, learning activities, & cool chalk art creations! You can even draw obstacles in certain parts of the maze, that could perhaps result in players having to perform a forfeit if they walk into one. Saved by Jordan Bush. A tried and true game that's been played for generations, hopscotch is as fun today as it … More information... People also love these ideas Well, actually, it’s easier than you … Sidewalk Chalk Jump Rope and Other Exercise Equipment Scooter and Helmet (optional) What to Do: 1. The child that finishes fastest, or who draws the best picture, will win. However, all is not lost, because with a set of sidewalk chalk, and a large driveway or a quiet sidewalk, your child can enjoy their very own 2D obstacle course. So many different ways to play with this game board once you have it set up! This Halloween obstacle course uses nothing but sidewalk chalk and your imagination. It can be as big or as small as you would like, and no, you don’t need to color every inch in green, though you can if you would like. Using balloons, pool noodles and lots of water, this obstacle course is perfect for all ages! Includes trace your child, fun with the alphabet and bubble hop scotch. May 3, 2017 - This sidewalk obstacle course will not only keep kids active, but also will do a lot of good things to their brain, their memory and even … Kim is the author of the kids craft book, Fun & Easy Crafting with Recycled Materials. This challenge is excellent for promoting motor and cognitive development as children think through the elements they want to add and execute the final product by going through the obstacle course themselves. Let us know in the comments. 2. The closer together you place the cans or cones, the harder it is; the farther you place them apart, the easier it becomes (which can be an important adaptation for children who are younger, less balanced or less stable on their feet). This post may contain affiliate links. Even my 1 year old loves to color with chalk! This game is great in the summer, but just remember that you will need to re-draw the target as the chalk will begin to wash away every time it’s hit with a soaking wet ball of paper. If you’re looking to encourage your child to play with their friends outdoors, all you need is a set of sidewalk chalk. The idea behind the chalk maze is that you, or your child, will draw out a maze with chalk, with the aim of the game being that players should get from one end of the maze to the other, without hitting any dead ends. Now the next time the kids say they are bored, grab this list and head outside with some sidewalk chalk! Sidewalk chalk comes in a variety of different colors, it is perfectly safe for the environment, and over time it will fade and will easily be washed away in the rain. Water Obstacle Course. 2.2k. Simon was and still is, a fantastic memory game so your child will learn and improve their basic motor functions as they play. If they landed on a letter S, you could have them Squat. This site is owned and operated by Rafal Sulowski. 3. 2. More Halloween Obstacle Course Ideas: Here's a sneak peak of our EPIC Outdoor Sidewalk Chalk Halloween Obstacle Course but be sure to click through to the full article to see the optional No-Contact Trick-Or-Treat Idea. The asphalt functions as a blank canvas for your child’s creativity, and with bright and colorful chalk, it can be used to play a number of fun and exciting games. Chalk Games for Kids. For children growing up these days, life is very different to how things were for people growing up, say, in the 80s and 90s. Sidewalk Chalk Tennis Court – Fill up your whole driveway with your own court! The other players then simply have to hop from one section to the next, in the same order as the colors were called out. We like some of the ideas. Learning to spell is tricky for kids, yet if you create your very own sidewalk chalk spelling hopscotch game, your child can learn to spell and have the time of their life in the process. Who here doesn’t remember Simon? In Inexpesive Play, Low Cost Playground Ideas, Uncategorized by LowCostPlaygroundSeptember 17, 2017. There are many possible combinations. 7 Stellar Sidewalk Chalk Games for Kids. Bring the magnifying glass along with you too! 25 Obstacle Courses for Kids. Simon – Make a life-sized version of the memory game gets your kids outside and moving! Check out some of our other fun Sidewalk Chalk Ideas below! On a grid, players will take it in turns to draw their specific shape, with the intention of getting 3 in a row, either vertically, horizontally, or diagonally. Unfortunately, unless you’re very fortunate, you probably don’t live all that close to a functional obstacle course, and besides which, even if you did, you would probably be worried sick about your child taking a tumble and hurting themselves. So we thought we would find 10 of the best sidewalk chalk ideas to share with you. SIDEWALK CHALK OBSTACLE COURSE. If you don’t have a sidewalk chalk you can get it hereeval(ez_write_tag([[250,250],'lowcostplayground_com-box-3','ezslot_3',105,'0','0'])); Children all over the globe are using this specially designed chalk every single day, in a number of different ways. Looking for more fun kids activities? This is a very beneficial game because you can incorporate exercise into the dares/forfeits, so your child gets some beneficial exercise whilst playing and having fun in the process. Noah Lenstra (Let's Move in Libraries) looks at how libraries can engage communities safely by taking programs and services outside, including creating obstacle courses. The idea is that you, or they, use the chalk to draw various obstacles on the sidewalk, which the child will then need to avoid. Yes, the ultimate 80s game that drove households worldwide crazy with frustration is back, well, kind of. It’s literally a win-win situation as your child can jump in as many “puddles” as they like, and you don’t then have to worry about getting them into clean, warm, dry clothes afterward. Kids obstacle course, exercise for kids to different bugs activate that creativity ( and burn off some our! Start their training by creating your very own Spy training camp these simple and fun letter activities keep... Easy Crafting with Recycled Materials their time playing computer games and communicating with each other online walkway can a! 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