8 in c minor, Op. In 1936 it was his near-purge over the opera Lady Macbeth of the Mtsensk District; in 1948 it was his censure and subsequent blacklisting for composing music deemed to be too “modern” and “self-expressive”. Dmitri Shostakovich's String Quartet No. 8. The quartet had its première on the 2nd October 1960 at the Leningrad Glinka Concert Hall. 1960 saw another such crisis, although this one was precipitated by Shostakovich himself. To generate PDF files: > lilypond Shostakovich-String-Quartet-8.ly The piece was written shortly after Shostakovich reluctantly joined the Communist Party. Music History Monday: The Worthy and Unworthy, from High Taste to Low. Work Title String Quartet No.8 Alt ernative. This string quartet has none of the bravura of the fifth symphony which preceded it. This quartet is heavily referenced in William T. Vollmann's novel Europe Central, and a central part of that novel discusses its writing and the composer's life under the Soviet system. Shostakovich was consistently at odds with the Soviet government. He hurriedly led into the bedroom and limply sank onto the bed and started crying, weeping out loud. 8 In C Minor, Op. It was a major honor, one that Shostakovich believed would make him untouchable and would, at the same time, guarantee the safety and success of his children, Galina (24 who was years old) and Maxim (22 years old). This chilling story brought tears to my eyes. Shostakovich's Eighth String Quartet resonates with this bitter universal experience; it is truly 'music written with the heart's blood'; that is why it is a masterpiece of the twentieth century 7. Shostakovich at 100: The String Quartets All week, Performance Today celebrates the centenary of Russian composer Dmitri Shostakovich. There was, as there always is, a catch: in order to take the position, Shostakovich was required to join the Communist Party, something he had long before sworn he would never, ever, under-no-circumstances-ever do. I pleaded with him not to let his father out of his sight. He wrote music that pleased the state and music that infuriated the state. 7 and 8 from 1960 offer even better opportunities for existential Shostakovich. Kuhmo Festival: Borodin Quartet: Shostakovich String Quartet No. 7 is a compact 13 minutes of ambiguous intent, the most impact coming from the brooding, sorrowful Lento. The Eighth Quartet is an entirely autobiographical work, written – start to finish – in an astonishing three days. 15, and Piano Sonata No. For many the recordings by the Borodin Quartet are matchless and I'd say you really can't go far wrong with their recordings. He was quite hysterical. Shostakovich, Dmitry, ed. I was shaken and cried.”. On arrival home, I have tried playing it twice, and have shed tears again.”. When it was first performed in October 1960, Shostakovich's Eighth String Quartet was greeted with a standing ovation and given a full encore. The important point is that Shostakovich intended his String Quartet No. Dmitri Dmitriyevich Shostakovich 1 wrote fifteen string quartets and in listening to any of them in this third manner some background information is essential. Five days after he finished it, Shostakovich wrote Isaac Glikman: “I’ve [just finished] an ideologically deficient quartet that … Thank you for sharing. It is one of Shostakovich’s greatest masterworks. 8 (1943), the Piano Trio (1944), and the Violin Concerto No. The Borodin Quartet is a string quartet that was founded in 1945 in the then Soviet Union. Dedicated “To the Memory of the Victims of Fascism and War”, Shostakovich’s Eighth Quartet is in reality dedicated to a particular victim of war namely, Dmitri Shostakovich, and the war over his own soul. The motif is used in every movement of this quartet, and is the basis of the faster theme of the third movement. Shostakovich's friend, Lev Lebedinsky, said that Shostakovich thought of the work as his epitaph and that he planned to commit suicide around this time. The work was written in Dresden, where Shostakovich was to write music for the film Five Days, Five Nights, a joint project by Soviet and East German filmmakers about the bombing of Dresden in World War II. 1; and the fourth movement quotes the 19th century revolutionary song "Tormented by Grievous Bondage" (Замучен тяжёлой неволей Zamučen tjažóloj nevolej, by Grigori Machtet) [1] and the aria "Seryozha, my love" from Shostakovich's opera Lady Macbeth of the Mtsensk District. Come see Alexander String Quartet 1 on October 13, 2019 - 2:00pm. It is one of the world's longest-lasting string quartets, having marked its 70th-anniversary season in 2015. This item: Shostakovich: String Quartets Nos.1, 4, 6, 8, 9 & 11 by Jerusalem Quartet Audio CD $18.81 Only 1 left in stock - order soon. 110, 1960. It feels like the moaning of history’s forgotten victims, while the terse, jagged finale is like the rage of history’s wounded survivors. [1] Peter J. Rabinowitz has also pointed to covert references to Richard Strauss's Metamorphosen in the Eighth Quartet.[2]. 133 (1968) [29'02]; Piano Quintet in G minor, Op. A very early example is a four-part sonata for string ensemble by Gregorio Allegri (1582–1652) that might be considered an important prototype string quartet. The city was still in ruins after allied bombing. No signup or install needed. 13, called “Babi Yar”) that acknowledged the Holocaust at a time when official Russia did not. : Op.192 No.3 I-Catalogue Number I-Cat. In truth, he was a coward and a hero and everything in between. 1 in C major, Op. 2, the first Cello Concerto, and Lady Macbeth. 1, Symphony No. Quartets No. Today, cellist David Finckel of the Emerson Quartet … Lebedinsky wrote: “Shostakovich purchased a large number of sleeping pills. 8 in c minor comprises a mere twenty minutes of non-stop music, written in three days in 1960 as a distraction from a project to write a film score about the Dresden fire bombings of WWII. In 1960, Nikita Khrushchev decided to make Shostakovich the head of the newly founded RSFSR, The Russian Union of Composers. He dedicated this music “to victims of fascism and war.” Here are three excerpts from a conversation with members of the Emerson String Quartet, from the liner notes of their 1999 recording of the work on Deutsche Grammophon: The origins of the string quartet can be traced back to the Baroque trio sonata, in which two solo instruments performed with a continuo section consisting of a bass instrument (such as the cello) and keyboard. The Allegro Molto Dmitri Shostakovich's String Quartet No. Five days after he finished it, Shostakovich wrote Isaac Glikman: “I’ve [just finished] an ideologically deficient quartet that nobody needs. 8 in C minor, Op. Shostakovich: String Quartet No. 1, Symphony No. 8 in just three days. "The Rhetoric of Reference; or, Shostakovich's Ghost Quartet", "Lecture 57- A Stunning Shostakovich Quartet", "Shostakovich, Dmitri: QUARTET NO. 49 (1938) [14'54]; No. Glikman, Isaak (2001). Wagner’s Funeral March from Gotterdammerung and the second theme from the first movement of Tchaikovsky’s Sixth Symphony are also hinted at. 2 (1945), How To Get and Keep Kids Interested In Concert Music – Part Eight. Shostakovich’s compositional career corresponded exactly with the history of the Soviet Union from 1917-1975. Art, politics, and current events make problematic bedfellows, but they are a Ménage à trois that cannot be avoided when talking about Dmitri Shostakovich and his music. In a letter, Shostakovich sarcastically dismissed it as an "ideological piece of no use to anyone". Shostakovich String Quartet No 8 in C minor. According to the score, it is dedicated "to the victims of fascism and the war"; his son Maxim interprets this as a reference to the victims of all totalitarianism, while his daughter Galina says that he dedicated it to himself, and that the published dedication was imposed by the Russian authorities. 49, was composed in six weeks during the summer of 1938.It carries no dedication. I gave him a glass of water, which he drank with his teeth chattering, and he gradually calmed down. When I glanced at him, I was struck by his suffering, his confused expression. The quartet received its premiere on October 9, 1960. 2Allegro moltoPerformed by: Emerson String QuartetNote: I highly recommend playing the next movement as soon as this movement finishes playing. Instead, the composer seemed to have discovered a new kind of distinctly Russian neoclassicism. The PDF output is available for download at the project's associated Github Page. 110, 1960. This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged. [4] Boris Giltburg arranged the quartet for piano solo. In the same letter to Isaac Glikman quoted above, Shostakovich wrote: “The main theme [of the quartet] is my monogram, D, S, C, H [D Eb C B], that is, my initials [in German notation, Eb = “S”, H = B natural]. Shostakovich was born on September 25, 1906 in St. Petersburg, and died in Moscow on August 9, 1975, a few weeks shy of his 69th birthday. Quite something – this little miscellany! That, as my dear departed paternal grandfather Sidney was wont to say, is a pile of hooey. He played the quartet to me on the piano and told me with tears in his eyes that it was his last work. To build from source, Lilypond 2.18.2 or better is required. And yet Shostakovich’s mind remained his own, and his conscience – riddled with guilt and self-loathing – was the secret inspiration behind much of his music. This drawing is from a series based on Dmitri Shostakovich’s String Quartet No.8 1960. The composer Heirich Neuhaus attended the premiere and later wrote: “It’s music of absolute genius! No. About an hour later, he took hold of himself sufficiently to tell me that [he had been forced by Pospelov and Khrushchev to join the Party.]”. But Shostakovich, overwhelmed by this beautiful realisation of his most personal feelings, buried his head in his hands and wept. [5] Other arrangements include Lucas Drew's Sinfonia for string orchestra[6] and Abram Stasevich's Sinfonietta for string orchestra and timpani.[7]. Transkription for piano solo | Sikorski Music Publishers", Festive Overture in A major for Orchestra, The Tale of the Priest and of His Workman Balda, Seven Romances on Poems by Alexander Blok, Suite on Verses of Michelangelo Buonarroti, The War Symphonies: Shostakovich Against Stalin, Quartet Movement in E-flat major (c. 1960s), List of compositions by Dmitri Shostakovich, https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=String_Quartet_No._8_(Shostakovich)&oldid=990808545, Articles containing Russian-language text, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License. 110 (1960) Shostakovich’s String Quartet No. Mr. Greenberg, I want to ask you a little question. In a letter, Shostakovich sarcastically dismissed it as an "ideological piece of no … Speaking in Jungian terms, he was a complete introvert and i think his output (27 symphonies, 13 string quartet`s) supplements Shostakovich`s “picture of World”. 110, was written in three days (12–14 July 1960). For me, the greatest of Shostakovich's string quartets are Nos 3, 5, 8-10, 12 and 13. He saw his friends purged and killed; he was eyewitness to Stalin’s horrific “five year plans” as well as the Nazi destruction of much of his country; to post-war reconstruction; to the arms race; really, the entire Soviet nine yards. The quartet was premiered in 1960 in Leningrad by the Beethoven Quartet. And all of his terror and courage, his experience and his MORBID IRONY found their way into his music. You could even write on the cover [of this string quartet]: ‘Dedicated to the memory of the composer of this quartet.’”. 8 to be a virtual retrospective of his musical life, knitted together with the first-person pronoun that is his musical signature D-S-C-H (D-Eb-C-B), and composed at a time of suicidal despair. My own themes are the following: from the First Symphony, the Eighth Symphony, the Piano Trio No. Their prevailing seriousness, even grimness, was to contribute to Shostakovich’s second fall from official grace. The quartet, extremely compact and focused, is in five interconnected movements and lasts about 20 minutes: The first movement opens with the DSCH motif – Shostakovich's musical signature. 8 is one of the most moving, meaningful works I have ever played. The drama and intensity of the music is reflected in the drawings, which are like Lewis’ own musical score. Robert Greenberg | Copyright © 2021 All Rights Reserved, Explore more from this work in Lecture 7 of Great Masters: Shostakovich—His Life and Music, The String Quartet in Time of War: Benjamin Britten, String Quartet No. Lesser calls the quartets Shostakovich's "pure" music, by way of contrast to the "impurity" of the symphonies and other work, as demanded by the composer's navigation of … Rudolf Barshai transcribed the quartet for string orchestra, in which version it is known as Chamber Symphony in C minor, Op. You speak a lot about Shostakovich. Overwhelmed by seeing the city still brought to its knees, the composer dropped his assigned work and composed Quartet No. 110 and twenty-four more episodes by Music History Monday, free! 8 in c minor comprises a mere twenty minutes of non-stop music, written in three days in 1960 as a distraction from a project to write a film score about the Dresden fire bombings of WWII. 8 was completed on July 14, 1960 during the midst of his crisis over joining the Communist party. I read some history on Shostakovich in order to better understand the 8th string quartet and the context in general. He wrote an opera – Lady Macbeth of the Mtsensk District – that almost got him killed, while at other times he kissed the wide and hairy buttocks of the Politburo whenever necessary, toed the party line, and publicly said precisely what he was told to say. Among the reasons Shostakovich managed to survive was that he was considered by the powers that were to be a yurodivy, a village idiot, a holy fool who protests in the name of humanity and not in the name of political change. 1 and Symphony No. Posted by Robert Greenberg on Monday, November 2nd, 2020. Shostakovich's String Quartet No. Dmitri Shostakovich, 1906-1975 String Quartet No. There are two reasons: first Shostakovich lived in a period of history and in a society which has now vanished. When they had finished playing, the four musicians quietly packed up their instruments and stole out of the room."[3]. Dmitri Shostakovich had a major, Communist Party-inspired crisis just about every twelve years. 5; the second movement uses a Jewish theme first used by Shostakovich in his Piano Trio No. So I decided to write it myself. AmazonUK. No. Shostakovich’s String Quartet No. Pages in category "String quartets by Dmitri Shostakovich" The following 16 pages are in this category, out of 16 total. This compact and focused quartet was written in three days and dedicated “to the victims of fascism and war”. The quartet no. Dear Mr. Greenberg. The fifth contains a play upon another motif from Lady Macbeth. 1 (1947–48). 10, Violin Concerto No. BUY NOW . He wrote a symphony (No. This slow, extremely sad theme can also be heard in his Cello Concerto No. Borodin Quartet. And it's epic. I`ve listened to almost all of them and I try to use them among my friends as a tool to popularize classical (or concert, as you wish) music. When it was first performed in October 1960, Shostakovich's Eighth String Quartet was greeted with a standing ovation and given a full encore. Listen to Music History Monday: Shostakovich And His String Quartet No. Music History Monday: Shostakovich and His String Quartet No. Perhaps the sad and disconcerting sound is purposeful in an attempt to “show” how life is under the Soviet government. I managed to remove the pills from his jacket pocket and gave them to his son Maxim. During the next few days I spent as much time as possible with Shostakovich until I felt the danger of suicide had passed.”. These quartets are also very personal to us in the fact that through studying these works, they have helped shape who we are as artists and as a string quartet. I’m doing something today that I have never done before in Music History Monday and which, I hope, I will never have to do again. 8 in C minor, Op. Its popularity has continued to the present day with over a hundred commercial recordings appearing during the last 40 years. Well join he did, telling his friends that he signed the necessary papers while under the influence of alcohol, SUI, “signing under the influence.” For months afterwards, Shostakovich was hysterical with self-loathing for having joined. 110, was written in three days (12–14 July 1960). : IJR 118 Key 8 was completed on July 14, 1960 during the midst of his crisis over joining the Communist party. And I forgot – there’s also a theme from my Tenth Symphony. Shostakovich’s friend Lev Lebedinsky recalled: “I will never forget some of the things he said that night [before his induction into the Party], sobbing hysterically: ‘I’m scared to death of them’; ‘You don’t know the whole truth’; ‘From childhood I’ve always had to do things I didn’t want to do’; ‘I’ve been a whore, I am and always will be a whore.’, He often lashed at himself in strong words.”. 110Mov. 8 in c minor, Op. By the early 18th century, composers were often adding a third soloist; and moreover it became common to omit the key… Shostakovich composed his 8th string quartet in only three days, July 12–14, 1960. Shostakovich’s works written during the mid-1940s contain some of his best music, especially the Symphony No. Shostakovich was a perfectionist not only in music but in his personal life: according to his daughter … Its popularity has continued to the present day with over a hundred commercial recordings appearing during the last 40 years. I reflected that when I die it’s not likely anyone will write a quartet dedicated to my memory. Fifteen years after Allied Bombers destroyed Dresden, frequently called “Florence on the Elbe”, Shostakovich was in Germany to work on a score for a documentary about the horrendous devastation. Most of all, he was a great composer. In the liner notes of the Borodin Quartet's 1962 recording, music critic Erik Smith writes, "The Borodin Quartet played this work to the composer at his Moscow home, hoping for his criticisms. 2; the third movement quotes the Cello Concerto No. Compiling from Source. Do you have any attitude to his contemporary Nikolay Yakovlevich Myaskovsky? Join the Alexander String Quartet as they explore the complete string quartets of Shostakovich over two seasons, performing Quartets 7 and 8 on this program. 8 in C Minor, Op. Dmitri Shostakovich, 1906-1975 String Quartet No. The work is filled with quotations of other pieces by Shostakovich: the first movement quotes his Symphony No. Shostakovich's String Quartet No. Music History Monday: Furtwängler. Shostakovich’s letter to Isaac Glikman continues: “The quartet makes use of themes from my works and the revolutionary song: Tormented by Grievous Bondage. The dedication reads, “In Memory of the … A laughing Dmitri Dmitriyevich Shostakovich (1906-1975) in London, September 21, 1960. 2. Guitarist, arranger and rapidly-emerging internet-superhero Connor Gallagher has been delighting us with metal Shostakovich for a few months now. The Seventh was dedicated to his first wife, Nina Vasilyevna Varza, the Eighth the victims of fascism and the war, including himself as a victim, and the Ninth was dedicated to his third wife, Irina Antonovna Shostakovich. First of all I want to thank You for your gorgeous TTC projects. 8 in C minor Op. Dmitri SHOSTAKOVICH (1906-1975) Complete String Quartets, Volume 6 String Quartets: No. The first movement begins broodingly with a four-note theme known as the “DSCH” motto. These various themes are brilliantly incorporated within the fabric of the quartet, the whole infinitely greater than the sum of its parts parts. Speaking about DSCH, I was amazed by your understanding of political and economic situation in USSR during post-revolution period. 1 in C, Op. Late last … Dmitri Shostakovich's String Quartet No. 110, Allegro molto. The fourth movement of the quartet is used extensively in The Lobster, a 2015 film directed by Yorgos Lanthimos. 110. In response to my questions, he mumbled through his tears: ‘They have been hounding me, they have been pursuing me.’, I had never seen Dmitri Dmitriyevich in such a state. Though his 8th string quartet was officially titled “In Memory of … 57 (1940) [32'52] Sorrel Quartet (Gina McCormack, Catherine Yates, violins; Sarah-Jane Bradley, viola; Helen Thatcher, cello) with Martin Roscoe (piano). Unfortunately, his genius is almost unknown even in Russia because of the unique type of his character. Op. The quartet was composed while Shostakovich was in Dresden, and thus the “official story” behind the quartet claims that it was “inspired” by the destruction of the city by the Brits and Americans in February of 1945. Historian, Composer, Pianist, Speaker, Author. 8 in C minor, Op. This list may not reflect recent changes (). No. In horror, I wondered if something had happened to a member of his family. There’s more than just black humor in this statement; according to the just-quoted Lev Lebedinsky, Shostakovich intended to commit suicide after completing his Eighth Quartet. This page was last edited on 26 November 2020, at 16:43. Shostakovich wrote the 8th quartet after visiting Dresden in 1960. The pseudo-tragedy of the quartet is so great that, while composing it, my tears flowed as abundantly as urine after downing half-a-dozen beers. During the late 1950’s, Shostakovich was increasingly used by the Soviet authorities as an artistic figure-head meant to represent the presumably “free” Soviet intelligentsia. 12 in D flat, Op. Likewise Shostakovich’s friend Isaak Glikman remembered: “Early on the morning [of June 29, 1960], Dmitri Dmitriyevich rang and asked me to come and see him immediately. Dmitri Shostakovich's String Quartet No. He began attending the St. Petersburg (Petrograd) Conservatory at the very end of the Tsarist era; he graduated and began his career during Lenin’s rule (the early 1920’s); he knew Stalin and was nearly purged twice, in 1936 and 1948; he survived the siege of Leningrad, kowtowed to Khrushchev, and died while Brezhnev was in power. According to the official site (http://myaskovsky.ru/?&lng=2) his works are almost completely abandoned in Russia, and for me and my friends, who appreciate classical music it`s a real mystery and even a tragedy. Title Suite in Canonform Composer Raff, Joachim: Opus/Catalogue Number Op./Cat. 110a. Ships from and sold by Disco 100. String Quartet No. 8 gets the treatment. Shostakovich is not just the most important composer of string quartets and symphonies from the 1920’s to the 1970’s, he was also a witness to the rise and failure of Soviet Communism, a defining event of the 20th century. A transcription of Shostakovich's String Quartet No 8 in C Minor. To Low I spent as much time as possible with Shostakovich until felt! Page was last edited on 26 November 2020, at 16:43 movement the! Called “ Babi Yar ” ) that acknowledged the Holocaust at a time when official Russia did.! On the 2nd October 1960 at the project 's associated Github Page weeks during the midst of his best,... Day with over a hundred commercial recordings appearing during the summer of 1938.It carries No dedication every. Two reasons: first Shostakovich lived in a letter, Shostakovich sarcastically dismissed it an! 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