In battle Butcher still wears his hair in a bun while wearing loose hair in his image., Prince shares similar facial features with. Old Wounds is an exclusive game mode and storyline only available in the Special Edition, the paid version of Shadow Fight 2. Start Priestess. Combat Stats Hermit retorts that this is the only way to save his school, and he reveals that Shogun has ordered him to train his men and promised him protection. ... {- CONTROL button -} Used to draw your sword, and to fight. Normal Choice 2: kill Mother Tree. The full game was released worldwide on May 1, 2014, for both the Android and iOS operating systems. But I digress. But, Sensei manages to stop Prince and defeat him, before he can do anything harmful. Talk to the Elven Scion. After Prince's defeat, a humanoid creature suddenly appears before Sensei. IR version, also knows as PoP2 beta version, was leaked into the internet 2 months before … Shadow Fight 2 Special Edition exclusive chapter: Sensei story Part 6. Sensei's story takes place long before the main story started; Shadow had not opened the Gates and the Prince of Ivory City was still alive. When Sensei is fighting with Butcher, Prince uses this chance to run away and head to get the Sphere. When they arrive there, Hermit admits that he really has betrayed Prince, which he did to save his school, and Shogun himself has guaranteed his safety for doing this. Perhaps we’ll find one in nearby Driftwood. Players will fight with a predetermined equipment and difficulty level. Sensei must fight the Prince who has been corrupted by the power of a mysterious Sphere at the last stage of Old Wounds in Act VI. Realizing that Sensei is honest with his intention to help, Widow informs Sensei that Prince has come and seized the Sphere from her. Butcher lets him go and tells him the whereabouts of the magical Sphere that Prince is after, and Prince pays him with golds in return. They will be rewarded with Gems for each stage completed. When they met, Hermit was unhappy to find that Prince is still alive. However, they do still have their enchantments. Prince was the ruler of his empire, the Ivory City. As you flee across rooftops with palace guards in relentless pursuit, you know not who your real enemy is, or how to defeat him, but sense that what lies ahead will be your greatest adventure yet. Prince was the ruler of his empire, the Ivory City. Emerald Cutters are a pair of super weaponsunlocked at level 43 in Shadow Fight 2 and the last weapon in the Interlude. Sensei has many questions to be asked, but he says that Sensei will find out one day. Before she fights Sensei, Wasp reminds herself that she is not letting herself lose to an old man. Visit Stonegarden after you unlock Spirit Vision ability and use it near the dragon heads that breathe fire. They are used by Lotus, a character from the Special Edition. Hermit then proceeds to eliminate Prince himself, saying that Prince is a sacrifice needed in order for his school's glory. Sensei is disappointed upon finding out that Prince is not so innocent, while Prince pretends that he is being accused. Prince Upon meeting him, Butcher is happy to meet Prince again and reveals Prince's foul secret by reminding Prince about the deal they made earlier, which Prince referred to as "luck"; Butcher let him go and told him the whereabouts of the magical Sphere that Prince is after, and Prince pays him gold in return. Prince appears in all parts of Sensei's story except Part 4 and 5. He was kidnapped by Butcher, a bandit hired by Shogun. A chance to increase Prince's magic recharge from taking a hit by 700%. Fortunately, he bumps into Sensei, and he screams for his help. He met with Widow, and she fell in love for him. Sensei, however, defeated her and manages to speak some senses into her, saying that he sympathizes with her. Sensei and Prince then continue their journey and visit the town where Butcher is residing. Sometimes later, Prince was finally assassinated in a scheme set by Shogun. The Shadow Prince has bid us to find the Heart of the Mother Tree, somewhere within the Elf Temple. Act Prince thanks Sensei for helping him and tells him how he escaped his kidnapper and about his soldier's affair with Hermit. Download Shadow Fight 2 for iOS to kick, punch, jump, and slash in the video game with a mix of RPG and classical fighting. Minor Charge of Darkness. Butcher informs Sensei that a certain woman has convinced Shogun to take over Prince's throne. This time, Shogun's reason is because Prince's greed and incompetence is ruining the empire. Thanks to peter_k for the following picture that shows the differences between the fourth versions of Prince of Persia 2 (IR, 1.0, 1.1, DEMO). Sensei is certain that Lynx was sent to kill Prince because of Hermit's affair, so he accompanied Prince to confront Hermit. None of the demons use their perks in Old Wounds. Shadow word pain wasn't a big problem in the fight, I dispelled it just for the sake of habit, only ticked for about 1250. He met with Widow, and she fell in love for him. When Sensei finds him, Prince says that justice has triumph and makes Shogun fight Sensei. Using this information, Sensei goes to the port to find the magical Sphere. He was the former ruler of Ivory City, before he was assassinated by his own warlord, Shogun. After he defeats Shogun, Sensei tries to reason with Prince, which is useless, because the Prince has totally lost his mind. Go to the tree heart. After he arrives, Prince seizes the Sphere from Widow. There are three stages in Old Wounds of each Act, with the exception of Act VI, which only has two stages. Prince of Persia 2: The Shadow and the Flame is a platform game released by Broderbund in 1993 as the sequel to 1989's Prince of Persia.Both games were designed by Jordan Mechner, but unlike the original, he did not program the sequel himself. :P There are three stages in Old Wounds of each Act, with the exception of Act VI, which only has two stages. After Butcher is defeated and realizes this, he happily mocks Sensei, remarking that his new friend is a spineless liar. Prince then demands Hermit to tell them where his kidnapper is. However, Prince is still not safe, as he is chased by Lynx, an assassin hired by Hermit. Enemy Unexpectedly for him, this breaks Widow's heart so badly that it caused her to become obsessed for revenge and manipulating Shogun to overthrow him. Shogun is not even able to stop him, and Prince takes Shogun to be executed and have his mind controlled. It is a story told by Sensei to Shadow, about his encounter with the young bosses and the Prince of Ivory City in his past. Once this is completed, we must return to him. 2. Satan in Prince of darkness Difficulty/no damage Comment and subscribe for more videos! Talk to Elven High Priestess. Prince, however, rejected her. Butcher explains to Sensei what kind of man that Prince is, before he proceeds to try to murder Sensei, stating that he will give a lesson of humiliation to him. Emerald Cutters are one of the most expensive gem weapon in the game along with the Daisho, Composite Sword, and Plasma Rifle. Act2 Start The Red Prince continues his search for a lizard Dreamer. Weapon He tells Sensei to go to the port, where a ship bringing the Sphere is heading. Let The Red Prince talk with him. Get the quest to kill the Shadow Prince, then tell her "the mother tree must die". Unlike the other magics used in Shadow Fight 2 overall, the magic Prince uses is invisible when thrown during fights. However, Sensei stops Hermit and fights him. Name Haunted However, Sensei manages to defeat Lynx, saving the Prince's life. Further Information Shogun's attempt to stop it was useless, and Prince takes him to be executed in the place where he first met Widow. Hermit has long white facial hair and wears a light green tunic that is decorated with the symbol of the demons (the gilded symbol that is also on Lynx's body armor), and a big conical hat. Widow wants to make him suffer, stating that she will strike back for what the Prince has done to her and Sensei will deliver this message to him. Act2 Start Dreamer The Red Prince continues his search for Brahmos the Wanderer who said he’d be waiting for him in the nearby town of Driftwood. Unlike in Prince Of Persia, you can draw your sword anytime you want in this game, without a guard around. Even Butcher himself states that the Prince cannot be trusted, referring to him as spineless liar. In this game you can become a master of martial arts and save the world from chaos, but for this you need to go through a difficult path. –Prince demonstrating his hunger for power. He, however, rejected her feelings. Prince was kidnapped, but luck was still on his side and he escaped. However, he gets controlled by the Sphere's power and loses his mind. Due to luck, he manages to escape. (Click to enlarge). This broke Widow's heart so badly that it caused her to become obsessed about revenge and manipulating Shogun to overthrow him. Prince, correcting him that they are his men, asks Hermit to tell him the bandit's hideout location, if he still has a bit of honor left. Released in 1993 on DOS, it's still available and playable with some tinkering. He may moralize his reasons as in doing it for the greater good but ultimately his solution creates problems that replace the ones hes supposedly fixing. For now, he tells Sensei to sleep and when he wakes up, no one will remember his feat. 3. Deceased Your next destination is Red Princess' camp. Thinking that Sensei want to take his throne, Prince proceeds to take out Sensei. He also learned that his soldier is trained by a certain Hermit. 1. If you decide to kill Mother Tree, you have to go back to its heart and leave there the box you get from Shadow Prince.In order to achieve that, however, you will have to defeat the Elven Scion as well as some Mother Tree minions.. On top of that, after leaving the Heart Of Mother Tree, you will be attacked by everyone, who's there. She then planned to do away with Sensei, saying that she will never forgive liars. Kill them. The evil Jaffar assumes your identity, steals your beloved Princess, and casts you out of the palace as a beggar. 8.4K; 1/3/2021 8:47 AM PT Shadow Fight 2 (MOD, Unlimited Money) - a beautiful fighting game for android devices. Hermit decides to eliminate Prince himself, but Sensei prevents it and defeats him. The one she chose to hold the magical Sphere will be granted immense power, but at the same time she will also turn him into Widow's loyal slave. Prince makes Shogun fight Sensei. They are one of the three … Prince When Sensei arrives at Widow's place, Widow is angered to see him and thinks that Sensei wants to humiliate her just like Prince. Players will play the role of Young Sensei, who fights against the bodyguards of the younger bosses for the first two stages, and confronts the boss in the last. Act I   Act II   Act III   Act IV   Act V   Act VI   Interlude   Act VII, Enchantments    Shadow Orbs    Equipment Sets, Ascension    Old Wounds    Underworld    Eclipse, Currencies   Shop   Energy   Achievements    Soundtrack. R C Lizard Dreamer The Red Prince met with a lizard called Ghangha who told him that Brahmos the Wanderer is being shadowed. He's back! The quest can be continued after you reach Reaper's Coast. Throwing Daggers She asks him if he was sent by Widow to retrieve the Sphere. LINK-> LINK-> GET FREE SHADOWFIGHT 2 GEMS AND COINS HERE FOLLLOWIG ABOVE LINK A FREE GIVE AWAY ENJOY Shadow Fight Wiki is a FANDOM Games Community. Male She also warns Sensei that the Prince had lost his mind after he got a hold of the Sphere. 2. Sensei demands an explanation from Butcher, which he gives without hesitation. Hopefully he made it … FM Towns Genesis Macintosh NEC PC98 Super Nintendo. He fled to a nearby camp of Paladins in search of safety. Monsterland Fairy Tales; Shaun the Sheep Pool; The Loud Casagrandes Quiz; Soda Dungeon 2 When they meet, Butcher reminds Prince about their deal earlier, which Prince refers to as "luck". Prince of Ivory City One day, Sensei was taking a walk when he found a Prince being chased by Lynx. He is covered in black armor, and dons a Kabuto which is equipped with a Mempo that covers his whole face, excluding his white, featureless eyes. Description (by Brøderbund Software). When Sensei is fighting Butcher, Prince uses this chance to run away, and heads to get the Sphere. Status Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. Lynx tells Sensei that the Prince is out of his mind and that he was tasked with bringing the Prince back home. Despite this, she is defeated by Sensei. Hermit and Shogun maintain their basic body shape, though both of their young faces are seen. After Sensei is victorious, he berates Hermit for selling his honor by betraying someone, stating that no one wants to follow a traitor's lead. In battle Widow still wears her hair in a bun while wearing loose hair in her image. After finding his location from Hermit, Prince and Sensei goes to visit Butcher. After he defeats Shogun, Sensei tries to reason with Prince, which is useless. Players will fight with a predetermined equipment and difficulty level. Shogun himself did all this for being her liege. When arriving there, he meets Wasp, the daughter of the Pirate King. Sensei responds by fighting Lynx and defeating him, saving Prince's life. They will be rewarded with Gems for each stage completed. Unfortunately, it was a trick question, as Wasp reveals that the Sphere has been taken yesterday. He was kidnapped by Butcher, a bandit hired by Shogun. Despite their faces looking different, none of the demons' heads appear different in the battle of Old Wounds. Young Sensei does not have any Enchantments on his equipment, but he uses the same perks as the ones picked for Shadow. Role Due to luck, he manages to escape. After hearing this, Sensei is determined to stop this mess. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. We also offer other best online games, action games, strategy games, puzzle games and more.. Other popular searches. It is the second installment in the Shadow Fight series and was soft-launched on October 22, 2013. Unlike in the main storyline, opponents in Old Wounds do not use magic except Shogun (who is under. Basic Information Sensei is certain that Lynx was sent to kill Prince because of it so he accompanies Prince to confront Hermit. In battle Wasp is still wearing her hair in two buns while her Old Wounds image shows a ponytail. Widow is planning to rule over men and play them off. He also learned that his soldier is undergoing training from Hermit. Old Wounds A chance on every successful hit to replenish Prince's health by 250% of the damage dealt to Sensei by weapon or ranged weapons hit. Sensei disbelieves the story, so Lynx decides to eliminate Sensei in order to remove any witnesses. The tree is unkillable because its a ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ magical tree. He didn't cast it but 8-10 times through first 2 phases. Step 2. This will be an option even if you do not have Sebille and will initiate combat with the Scion and the Dryads. Shogun appears as a traditional Japanese Samurai, and is armed with a Daisho - a Katana and a Wakizashi which he wears on his hip. Prince of Persia 2: The Shadow and the Flame – Guide and Walkthrough PC . Prince Harry Now 'A Shadow of the Prince I Once Knew' Says Biographer Prince Harry A Shell of Who He Once Was ... Claims His Biographer. Shadow Fight Wiki is a FANDOM Games Community. Only Hermit's eyes aren't white in the main storyline, but they are not visible. Here is the video game “Prince of Persia 2: The Shadow & The Flame”! Unexpectedly for him, this breaks Widow's heart so badly that it caused her to become obsessed for revenge and manipulating Shogun to overthrow him. Hermit replies by telling them where to find Butcher, the Prince's kidnapper who was hired by Shogun. Keen Katana Wasp also reveals that Widow was in love with the Prince. However, Prince is still not safe, as he is c… There, you can meet a spirit of a Lizard. Do not talk to the Shadow Prince yet. In battle Lynx still wears his Modified Light Helm while showing hair in his image. Special Edition exclusive chapter: Sensei story Part 6 manipulating Shogun to be executed and his. Escaped his kidnapper and about his soldier is trained by a certain Hermit 2 ( MOD Unlimited. ) Di dalam game ini Shadow Fight series and was soft-launched on October 22, 2013 cast it but times... A certain woman has convinced Shogun to overthrow him disbelieves the story, Old Wounds, Prince still. 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