He can use his Dragon Claw, in conjuction with his perfect use of haki and maybe even combine all of them with the air manipulation. The two encountered each other twice during the Dressrosa arc. He almost succeeds in devouring the Flame-Flame Fruit, when it is taken by Sabowho was thought to have died. Discussion spoiler. 5 Anime Pets Everyone Wants to Adopt (& 5 To Avoid At All Costs), Like Father, Like Son: 10 Times Boruto Was Just Like Naruto, How Many Pokémon Does Gary Have? 3:15. one piece 729 sabo vs jesus burgess. ... Sabos Dragonclaw Vs Jesus Burgess [One Piece] Dorothyhillyard13. If that wasn't enough, Big Mom only went on to become stronger, and she has terrorized the entire One Piece world since. Follow. Team 1 Charlotte Cracker, Jack, Lucky Roux & Jozu Versus Team 2Karasu, Jinbe, Jesus Burgess & Kozuki OdenStipulations 4 vs 4Perfect Teamwor One Piece by Eiichiro Oda and Toei Animations Disclaimer : All right goes to Toei Sabo Vs Burgess Finale One Piece Episode 735 HD subbed One Piece 735. However, if he does die, then yes it would be in a worthy moment and a memorable way. He wears a sleeveless black shirt and a pair of white … Jesus Burgess adalah pria berotot besar, dengan tubuh atas sangat besar dibandingkan bagian bawah. As we know, sabo defeated burgess with relative ease. But that isn’t the only culprit. The fact that he is sided with the simple folk, not the World Government, the Gorosei or the Nobles. Required fields are marked *, By using this form you agree with the storage and handling of your data by this website. 1 Depicts a Vibrant Past... and an Already-Dated Future? He brought him back, when we thought he was dead, to kill him again? Dia berambut keriting ungu mencapai ke bahunya dan selalu memakai masker coklat gelap, dengan dekorasi oranye di atasnya, menutupi bagian atas wajahnya tapi mengungkapkan mata dan hidungnya. Gatz's group is ambushed by Jesus Burgess, who is after Luffy's Devil Fruit, but Sabo arrives and battles the pirate. RELATED: One Piece: Zoro's Best Fights, Ranked They probably just retreated to another place. The Dressrosa arc has already ended, but many people who haven’t been following the manga closely, are having questions about it. From a boisterous brat of Grey Terminal to the second-in-command of the Revolutionary Army, Sabo's growth has been exceptional throughout the series and he's definitely one of the strongest people out there right now. RELATED: One Piece: Zoro's Best Fights, Ranked. While the similarities are certain, i don’t really believe Oda would kill the brother of Luffy once more. Even though he's the right-hand of a Yonko, Burgess doesn't possess a Devil Fruit yet, which is why he appears to be so weak. 2 years ago. Now, burgess is blackbeard's first division commander which means that he is obviously pretty damn strong. Some of the gladiators go to stall Doflamingo, but the Shichibukai easily overwhelms them. I would argue that being well developed doesn’t necessarily protect a character from being killed off (just read ‘A Song of Ice and Fire’ if you’re wondering what I mean by that) but his death, if he does die, should come in a circumstance, time or place when it would actually be pivotal to the story arc. The 4 finger dragons the ones of the lesser nobles. He possesses two Devil Fruit abilities, called Yami no Mi (Darkness-Darkness Fruit) and Gura Gura no Mi (Quake-Quake Fruit), which make him unbelievably powerful. His brother was there to fill the gap of Ace. FLAME DRAGON KING! I believe that Sabo will stay alive and play a big role in the remainder of the series. Renowned throughout the Navy as the Shark Cutter, Bastille is one of the strongest Vice-Admirals in their ranks. Furthermore, the whole scene with the vivre card was repeated in the Dressrosa arc. Luffy always finds a way to win. With his Santoryu, Zoro can take on some of the strongest of enemies without fail. As we discussed today that is not the case. But what really gives him the strength he has, is the pain he has lived through. At Dressrosa, he clashed against Sabo, and as expected, he was easily defeated. The two encountered each other twice during the Dressrosa arc. Sabo vs Jesus Burgess. Burgess, the first Captain and personal bodyguard of Blackbeard, the man considered to have unparalleled strength, was so easily dealt with by Sabo. Due to his actions, he is a major antagonist in the Marine Ford, and the tertiary antagonist of the Dressrosa Arc. 2 years ago. 5 years ago | 199 views [One Piece] Sabo vs Bastille Episode 687. At the Corrida Colosseum, Burgess fought Sabo for the Mera Mera no Mi and was displeased when the latter ate the fruit. After entering the arena to engage in the final round, Sabo clashed with Jesus Burgess using his Dragon Claw. How strong do you think he will get with his new powers? This was probably a retaliation on Sabo’s actions against Burgess. Burgess was so utterly defeated that many thought he could be dead. Lots of interesting food for thought. That motivates him to be stronger each and every day. Report Save. . Burgess seems to be a ridiculous tank, since he got pounded for Sabo for 10 minutes (which is a lot of time when you're just eating haki punches and fire) so he can definitely handle Golem punches when you put the tankness together with stuff like elbow surge to … He wouldn’t forgive anyone doing that ever again. Your email address will not be published. Sabo is alive basically :P. Cough, spoiler alert, cough, well this is one piece theories so i suppose you wanna spoil yourselves. Even so, Sabo is someone who is close to Luffy's level right now, which makes him stronger than the CP0 killer. That alone gives him tremendous strength, and one that he hasn’t even begin to master yet. At Marineford, he was able to clash against Sengoku to some extent. I wonder if he’ll die at some point closer to the end of the series. Sebelum dia masuk ke Terminal Gray, dia terlihat dengan pakaian lembut dengan kemeja lengan pende… People were quick to assume burgess was weak because of how he lost to sabo. Report. Another theory regarding the revolutionaries is the Reverie Theory. And yes, we don’t think that the Revolutionaries lost there ;). I agree about the development of the character. By using this form you agree with the storage and handling of your data by this website. Before he obtained the fruit, Sabo was already powerful using his Ryusoken fighting style. Report Save. Big Mom is one of the Yonko in One Piece, and a natural-born monster. 11. share. Sabo in this case takes the role of Ace. However, where do you think Sabo gets his power from? One Piece is filled with powerful characters, like Sabo! To pull off the incredible feat of defeating Akainu, Sabo would need to be at a higher level. One Piece 786 Manga Chapter ワンピース = Sabo Going In, HYPE!!! Dia mengenakan topi hitam besar dengan sepasang kacamata biru yang dililitkan, jaket biru dengan lengan digulung, dasi dan sepasang celana pendek cyan biru dipegang oleh sabuk dengan gesper desain bunga yang rumit. Ok so I've posted before about how I was kinda let down at how easy-ish Luffy beat Doflamingo compared to how he's fought previous antagonists. It all started in the Colosseum, where Sabo took the place of Lucy(Luffy who else? Jesus Burgess, also known as The Champion, is the right-hand man of Blackbeard and the captain of the First Ship of the Blackbeard Pirates. Unfortunately for him, Sabo isn't among them. He will go till the end with Luffy and join the final war with the World Government. Jesus Burgess, even when he was down, continued to mock him about his brother’s, that is Ace’s death. Sabo is the sworn brother of Monkey D. Luffy and the Chief of Staff of the Revolutionary Army in One Piece. Before we discuss his powers further, i want to talk about a nice little theory, regarding the number of Sabo’s claws. If he goes all out, there's a decent possibility for him to win. Here are five characters that Sabo can beat and five that he can't. Sabo VS Burgess. Lets examine them. This one is centered around the use of his fingers, which form a Dragon Claw to crash everything in his path, with their enormous strength. 730 "Tears of Miracles! I’m also excited to see how he uses Ace’s devil fruit, and what he gets up to. The reasons? Jesus Burgess, nicknamed "Champion", is the helmsman and captain of the First Ship of the Black Beard Pirates. Jesus Burgess is currently stronger than luffy and here is why. Issho, code name 'Fujitora', was bestowed the position of an Admiral over the time-skip in One Piece, and he replaced one of Akainu or Aokiji. One of the Four Emperors of the sea and the newest addition to their ranks, Blackbeard is a fearsome pirate that even the Navy fears. What's more, Blackbeard has only grown during the two-year time-skip. He is a favorite character, since i always believed he was alive. To start from the obvious, the fruit he obtained in the Dressrosa arc is a logia, and a really powerful one for that matter. Either way, Burgess is still alive and the possibility of the future confrontations that are yet to happen, seems exciting. At Whole Cake Island, he evolved while fighting against Katakuri to the point where to drew level to him. Cover Page Request: "Zoroand a bear playing taiko drums while wearing happi and hachimaki". Described as a monster by Doflamingo, Fujitora possesses a Paramecia type Devil Fruit called Zushi Zushi no Mi which allows him to control gravity at will. Pen-name Masao., Gifu Prefecture After the two-year time-skip, Luffy has shown adequate skill to be able to fight on par against some of the Yonko Commanders. Contrary to popular belief,I think that Burgess was one of weaker Blackbeard commanders. Share in the comment section below, like our facebook page to stay updated and visit our recommendations page for our top One Piece picks :). Jesus Burgess is a unusually big, tall, broad, broad-chested, broad shouldered, tan-skinned, muscular man, with a broad upperbody and a thin lowerbody in comparison. He also tied with an Admiral, Issho, leaving from their clash, without even a single bruise. Lucci possesses the powers of the Cat-Cat Fruit, Model: Leopard, but his primary strength lies in his ability to use the Rokushiki. And besides Sabo’s Haki was (at Dressrosa) way stronger than Luffy’s. Vol. Sabo is clearly very powerful, and I think we have yet to see his true potential. Dia memiliki mata bundar, gigi yang hilang, dan rambut pirang pendek keriting. All the latest gaming news, game reviews and trailers. He is also the brother of Luffy, who just like Ace saves him from a fight. I really love One Piece, and so this article was a great read! Library. To conclude, many have thought that in One Piece Sabo kills Burgess. *, You can request your data stored in our WordPress database (comments, forms etc.). Along with that, Lucci has also managed to acquire Haki over the time-skip, so he's much more formidable than he once was. Be sure to check this one out too ;). One Piece episode 729 HD One Piece episode 729 Eng Sub One Piece episode 729 HD .SUBSCRIBE SHARE RATE FEEDBACK . 4 years ago | 13 views. As such, there is no way for Sabo to match Blackbeard in a fight. Although beating him will be extremely difficult for Sabo, there's no reason why he can't pull it off. 3. share. There are some speculations regarding just that. In the DLC version of the Marineford War, he nearly threatens the Whitebeard Pirates. Think about it. Hello Claire! The current Fleet Admiral of the Marines, Akainu is an exceptionally strong Marine. During the Birdcage game, Sabo stopped Burgess from killing Luffy and told him that he was Luffy's brother as well as Ace's. Follow. Luffy vs. Sabo. I believe that in the end the true power of Sabo is a combination of them all. RELATED: One Piece: 10 Things About Nami That Make No Sense. That’s how he was able to blast Burgess away in a circular fashion. Many argue that Sabo should not have been able to use his new Devil Fruit powers how Ace did, I completely agree. Round 1(Sabo)No PrepBasic KnowledgeIn-CharacterPost-Flame Flame DF SaboStand Distance Is 400 FeetWin By KO/Death/IncapRound 2(Jesus Burgess)No PrepBas Asadora! There would be no reason for him to be so developed as a character, only to be killed. If Sabo is actually alive, maybe he'll get to be as strong as Big Mom someday. One Piece Manga Chapter 787 ワンピース = Sabo Got His Little Bro's Back Vs Jesus Burgess No Matter What & Doesn't Hold Grudges Either! level 1. At Wano, Luffy has honed his Haki even further and with the newly acquired powers, he's planning to defeat Kaido. There are few characters who can face up to a Yonko in the series, and undoubtedly, Sabo isn't one of them yet. Thanks for the kind words. Sabo then combine his new powers with his fighting style to blast him with Burning Dragon Fist: Flame Dragon King. In the third game, Burgess attacks the Thousand Sunny at Jaya. I was also sorta disappointed in how easy Sabo faired against Jesus Burgess.
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