Monty also stated that he textured the World Map by taking different pictures of food. His creation of the map started with him going to IHOP and squirting ketchup on a napkin then randomizing the blots to form the continents, which he then scanned and edited via Photoshop as a base for the world map. Although it was apparently at one point inhabited, no settlements are currently known to exist on the continent.[1]. 15 Comments. Dragon Continent. Fafnir is the name Melira Goldstein's personal airship. I reject your ships, and substitute my own. The continent has a range of climates that range from verdant forests and mountains in Vale to barren deserts in Vacuo. The dragon-shaped continent in the northwest has yet to be named, or even mentioned, either in the main story or in any World Of Remnant episodes. Sanus1 is the continent on which the Kingdoms of Vale (eastern end) and Vacuo (western end) are located. Follow/Fav Remnant's Saiyan. After the death of his mother leaving him all alone he decides to travel the world in order to become stronger and to make many friends along the way. However, having survived the Grimm menace, Humanity began to turn against itself, spiraling into a series of self-destructive conflicts. A dragon that hoarded gold.....but I want to do something more with the... Rwby: The Silver Huntsman. Players control one of the four Kingdoms and aim to eliminate other players. Mistral is on the continent of Anima. The world map of RWBY was created by Monty Oum in 2012. Follow/Fav Black Dragon. Legend states that mankind was born from dust into a hostile world, forced to battle for survival against soulless creatures of darkness known as the Grimm. Holograms are also common, being used as personal avatars, computer displays, and even as traffic lights and barriers. Each of the Kingdoms has their own distinct culture - for example, Atlas is known for its martial nature and technological advancement, and Vacuo for its rough-and-tumble lifestyle.Vale and Vacuo are located on the continent called Sanus. Add to Favourites. The Kingdoms of Remnant are inspired and take elements from real world countries and cultures. Guy ... SPAM- Guy Fawkes Special 145k. Tous à bord de l’Argus Limited! While I could be in the Kingdom of Mistral, again I doubted it for the same reasons as I did Sanus. Mar 13, 2017 - Seeing there's no solid evidence that the West City is on any specific continent, we might as well amalgamate many holiday celebrations into SPAM . That dragon grimm showing up. By: azndrgn. Press J to jump to the feed. After witnessing Cinder killing Pyrrha, Ruby Rose unleashes her Silver Eyes in grief. Within the Kingdom is the City of Atlas, based around Atlas Academy, as well as the city of Mantle, the former capital of the Kingdom.. Solitas has a cold climate, which makes it mostly inhospitable to both Humans and Grimm.It's described as easy to get lost in, especially in its tundras. This planet was a beautiful experiment, but it is merely a remnant of what it once was. "But for now, I shall view these worlds. The world, however, was not the same, and without magic, they were vulnerable to the Grimm. That, or I was very far into the future or past, and the continents now look different than they did in the canon. neopoliitan. Team RWBY plays the game in "Welcome to Beacon". Eventually, Humanity recovered from its extinction and found themselves joined now by another intelligent race, the Faunus. The main story is set in Volume 5 but the events play out a little differently. RWBY: Futa Universe LWDY. Team RWBY finds themselves in a strange, new world where Grimm are nonexistent and magic is commonplace. Watch as Jaune Ryu-Long rises from banishment and show the world his power and legacy. Disclaimer: I do not own RWBY or Dragon Ball. An unknown continent, with a Midnight Blue region (or pair of regions), located in the very West of Remnant. 6 Favourites. This got Humanity to rebel against their creators, but when they attempted to confront them, the God of Darkness effortlessly wiped them all out, save for Salem. Most technology is powered by Dust, which is the primary source of energy in Remnant. I currently have three chapters on If Remnant has no satellites to send images of the world back to their version of NASA, how is an unexplored Dragon Continent … The powers and responsibilities of these councils, as well as how members are appointed, are not stated. Through a combination of Human tenacity and the use of natural barriers, these settlements managed to survive and are regarded as "safe havens" and "beacons of hope" for Humanity. Robotics is an advanced field in Remnant – Penny is the first synthetic being capable of producing an Aura. The narration of "Kingdoms" implies that the future of Humanity is heavily contingent upon the continued cooperation of the Four Kingdoms. In doing so, they protect those who cannot protect themselves from the dangers of Remnant. The people were wary of the trio sitting in the back, who were just relaxing. The field of robotics, as well as artificial intelligence, is incredibly advanced in Remnant with Atlesian combat androids used throughout the world. Remnant has a wide variety of advanced technologies. (Dragon) Mreader X RWBY 2. By: ElysiaDreaming. What I find interesting about the shot from the latest episode is that one of the two continents that resembled dragons has had its draconic features muted. Name of the country/continent. So what's up with it? The dragon continent would likely be the best option available. #rwby #rwby salem #salem rwby #rwby dragon continent. The population of Remnant in the modern era is stated to be in the millions by Oscar Pine during his argument with James Ironwood in "The Enemy of Trust". Type SanusSolitasAnimaMenagerie The Kingdom of Atlas represents two different versions of America with Mantle representing the cities and Atlas representing technology. Geography I call no coincidence. Dragons (ドラゴン, Doragon) are a race of one of the most powerful creatures in Tales of RWBY series. popular-all -random-users | AskReddit-news-funny-pics-gaming-aww-worldnews-videos-todayilearned-mildlyinteresting-tifu-gifs-TwoXChromosomes-Showerthoughts-Jokes-movies-sports-IAmA … Two different futuristic looks. 2. pinned by … my subreddits. But life is such a fragile thing, easily extinguished by a sudden onslaught of darkness. The Gods eventually created Humanity as a joint project to bridge their differences. Jaunexharem. Kingdoms When it was changed to Remnant, Vytal became the name of the continent on which Vale is located (now Sanus). Obviously, we know that's not literally true, but it's clear that the domain of the gods is associated with that dragon land. Vale and Vacuo are located on the continent called Sanus. Unique expressions of these abilities which are specific to individuals are known as Semblances. Large human-controlled mechanical suits, such as the Atlesian Paladin-290 are also produced by Atlas. It generally finds use when Melira is being escorted by the Hunters she hires. Shadow of Night (Dragon Faunus Reader X Velv... 35.6K 435 92. Atlas is on the continent of Solitas. The story begins with Weiss being captured by Raven's tribe. In the absence of darkness, mankind was able to build civilization and spread throughout the world. Rising. Hot New Top Rising. It would have explained the general ignorance of the people there along with the unknown elements they had run across, and the theory was further fueled by some of the banners having a stylized dragon on them. Vytal is the name of the island t… The Vytal Festival is an event at which the diverse cultures of Remnant are celebrated. RWBY Dragon AU. Once they "left" Remnant, they turned there own bodies into the land (This could also explain why you see Grimm being birthed from pools in … As such, Pyrrha Nikos is inspired by Greece and Neptune is inspired by Roman aesthetic. Summary: ... A Vampire Hunter was bad news, especially one notable enough that the Dragon of Thebes was concerned about him. Each of the Kingdoms has its own distinct culture - for example, Atlas is known for its martial nature and technological advancement, and Vacuo for its rough-and-tumble lifestyle. Related Tags. edit subscriptions. Continent name generator . To that end, they harnessed the power of Dust to defend themselves. Other known landmasses include Menagerie, the continent to the bottom right. Although the world is said to be in an unprecedented state of peace, social issues seriously threaten the status quo - racial tensions between the Faunus and Humans caused by continuing prejudice in society, the immoral practices of the Schnee Dust Company, as well as agitation from the White Fang terrorist group, continue to cause friction in society. My theory is that both the western and eastern dragon continents are actually the bodies of the God of Light and the God of Darkness who first created the planet. Qrow glared at them, while Roman and Neo shifted a few seats down, putting as many bodies between them as possible. Stories scattered through time. Summary: A smut ridden fiction based on the RWBY universe, only the girls are all packing dicks. 79.1K 1.3K 1.1K. r/RWBY: RWBY: Pronounced Ruby. Recommended Blogs. I don't own RWBY or their plot, those are owned by Rooster Teeth (as if you didn't already know). Since the Faunus War, in which they gained freedom by law, Faunus have continued to face discrimination and exploitation from Humans. Jaune, formerly known as Arc, is banished from the family. Vytal is the name of the island to the north of Vale. A lucky survivor of Planet Vegeta's destruction crashes onto Remnant and is raised as a faunus. There is a significant amount of discrimination towards Faunus in Remnant's past and present. Monty revealed his design in Rooster Teeth's 191st podcast on November 14th, 2012. Oct 20, 2017 3 min read. Airborne vehicles include enormous passenger Airships, agile VTOL aircraft known as Bullheads, and hoverboards. RWBY: A Rooster Teeth Production r/ RWBY. RWBY by Night Selene_Sokal. The visual style of Mistral is inspired by Eastern cultures as well as the city of Ba Sing Se from, The Kingdom was described as "The America of Remnant" and compared to the products of. The commentary describes Mantle as more utilitarian looking and compared to the movie Blade Runner, while Atlas was made to look like it was created by Apple. Remnant is the future-fantasy world of RWBY, with airships, gadgets, high-tech weaponry and a form of natural energy called Dust existing side by side. RWBY: Pronounced Ruby. Please don't comment on threads, blogs, or comment chains that haven't been touched in more than three months. Anime/Manga RWBY. The caves are position deep underground beneath an enormous lush forest. Whether this is the norm or the actions of a minority is unknown; however, it is enough to cause some Faunus to turn to the terrorist group, the White Fang. The largest of these was the Great War, fought over issues of individualism and self-expression. Once they "left" Remnant, they turned there own bodies into the land (This could also explain why you see Grimm being birthed from pools in Salem's land. Remnant was previously called Vytal. Fafnir was constructed almost a decade before Melira became a writer in Vale. Prosthetics are also used by the general population, with incredible ranges of cybernetics available, from cybernetic limbs to eyes or full body torsos. However, in his blood legacy, is something powerful. The last dragon-shaped continent (to the west of Vale, north of Vacuo) remains unidentified. It is said he pulled the continent's apart, and fought against the Grimm Queen singlehandedly. It seems fairly obvious that this is where Evernight is, aka Salem's Domain, yet no one seems to bring it up, and Qrow claims they have no idea where she is. By KaijuAlpha1point0 Watch. In the World of Remnant episode, "Kingdoms", a brief description is given on how the Kingdoms are governed - each Kingdom has a governing council that represents the needs of their people. So Anima and the weird dragon continent were the only two left. Mankind has grown fond of recounting the exploits of heroes and villains, forgetting so easily that we are remnants, byproducts, of a forgotten past". Following the Great War, Huntsman Academies, such as Beacon Academy, were created to train Huntsmen and Huntresses, warriors whose sole purpose was to combat the Grimm using a combination of powerful weapons, Aura and Dust. Continent r/RWBY. The narration in "Ruby Rose" states that the early history of Remnant has been long forgotten, with recollections being passed down in the form of myths and legends. BTW the Remnant Fairy Tale book says that the two gods transformed themselves into dragon-shaped continents. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. What, have people tried to colonize it but all mysteriously vanished/died when they tried? “Kinda kills the northwest continent theory, though.” It seemed logical that they might have come upon a settlement on the shore of the least explored continent on Remnant. Mistral's architecture, fashion, and names are predominantly referenced to East Asian cultures such as Japan, Korea, and China. Both sexes share locker rooms, and teams that have both sexes in them share dorm rooms. Armed with Dust, described as "Nature's Wrath", mankind was able to turn the tide against the Grimm. Grimm, threatened man and man's creations. Log In Sign Up. The CCTS was created by the Kingdom of Atlas following the Great War as a gift to enable the Kingdoms to communicate with each other. In the world of Remnant, all living creatures possess a soul, the physical manifestation of which is known as Aura: a form of innate energy that bestows its user with certain abilities and powers. card. Why does no one ever talk about it in series? I just my OCs and the unique stuff that I added. fun times on the discord server. Comment. Map with city locations and Kingdom borders. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. The four Kingdoms of Remnant are Vale (center), Vacuo (west), Atlas (north) and Mistral (east). Planet Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. Anime/Manga RWBY. guys I found salem. 2K Views. This name generator will give you 10 random names for continents, of course these names will also work quite well as country, nation, kingdom, and realm names, and pretty much any other type of land mass, but these names are more tuned toward continents. Conflict also arose between the Humans and the subjugated Faunus, eventually sparking the Faunus Rights Revolution. But when he arrives at Atlas, to see how the great kingdom runs it's academy, and enrolls at its school, he is not very welcome. However, spaceflight is impossible since Dust loses its power once it leaves the atmosphere. User account menu. Map of World of Remnant seen in the comic. Memes Old Reddit. However, man discovered a power that would help them combat the forces of darkness; they named their newly discovered power, Dust, after that from which they were formed. Small villages and nomadic communities do exist outside of the territories of the main Kingdoms, though they are noted as being far more vulnerable to Grimm attacks. It would make sense that "Dragon Island" would be a centre for grimm activity as there are no kingdoms there, plus I imagine that's where Kevin is from for obvious reasons. After they refused, she tried to force the issue, only to be cursed with immortality. By contrast, Remnant appears to be a very egalitarian world when it comes to the sexes, as seen at Beacon Academy. Anima, the easternest continent, with a Red region on the very very East of Anima and Remnant. —Raixus explaining about Dragons to Yang, until Blake interrupted him. In truth, before it was called that, Remnant was originally seeded by the God of Light and God of Darkness as part of an unexplained experiment. In the continent of Anima, Grimm Warlords in the North and West banded together in a Military-Confederation, called the Confederation of Dragons. # rwby-dragon-continent Follow. Follow. L’équipe RWBY et leurs amis font leurs premiers pas vers le transport de la relique du savoir à Atlas. 17 votes, 14 comments. The combat schools in each Kingdom have a naming pattern. In the area of security, they are known to have influence over the administration of the Huntsmen of academies - in "Breach", the council of Vale chastises Ozpin following a Grimm incursion into the city, and have demonstrated the authority to question his suitability as headmaster of Beacon. The power to form a contract with the most powerful of Remnant. The caves' walls are unnaturally smooth, with ancient symbols and runes carved across the walls. Remnant: The Game is a strategy board game based on a map of Remnant. Posts . Advanced personal electronics are also commonplace. rwby-remnants-silver-eye-warrior: “ deanandcastrash: “ sadgirly2001: “ punchymediator: “ bbywooyoungie: “ lala-the-rebel: “ under-the-blue-moonlight: “ comic-five-hargreeves-official: “... Design Your Life for You — Everyone that reblogs this post by July 5th 2019... 1.5M ratings 277k ratings See, that’s what the app is perfect for. It's a little smaller than a regular one, but was designed to be used as a small house. BlakexRen, with a whole load of worldbuilding because Remnant is so mysterious. There's something conspicuous about their colors, and their locations. The Kingdom of Atlas is known to maintain a sizable military force, fielding a large air fleet, as well as robotic soldiers and mechs. Also, for the location of the school, I'm thinking of using one of the two smaller islands next to the mouth of the dragon. A Map of Remnant with the four Kingdoms highlighted. Although Menagerie is not officially recognized as a Kingdom, it is shown to have a core city and external settlements and its own map color. Each of the four Kingdoms has a unique identity and this distinctive character is encouraged by events such as the Vytal Festival, where the people of Remnant gather to celebrate their cultures. In Rooster Teeth 's 191st podcast on November 14th, 2012 located on the very very East of Anima Grimm... That is passed down from generation to generation was not the same, and without,! From Beacon Academy were just relaxing continued to face discrimination and exploitation from Humans there never appears be... `` but for now, I shall view these worlds the map starting at around 9:00 in current! 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Continent called Sanus, located in the back, who were just relaxing but now! Significant part of Remnant seen in the north and West banded together in very!

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