The rainy season, undoubtedly, does much good to us. Essay writing of teachers day, essay on my school for class 9 in english, essay on good governance upsc expository essay on non communicable diseases funny essay hell freezing over. Don't subscribeAllReplies to my comments Notify me of follow-up comments via e-mail. © 2021 | All Rights Reserved, Rainy Season Essay Composition for all class students, Flood in Bangladesh Composition & Essay/ The Recent Flood, Write a letter describing the sports day of your school, Blood- An Overview: Properties, Composition & Functions, Co-curricular Activities Paragraph- for all class students, Application to arrange safe drinking water for the students, Class 9 Assignment English- Class nine 4th 5th Week Answer/ Solution, 10 Ways to Lower Blood Pressure Naturally and Quickly, Class 9-10 English Sample Question Paper SSC (1st & 2nd Paper), Top 10 Colleges in Mymensingh Board- Ten Best College, How to Download AutoCAD, Fusion 360°, Maya Software Free – 2021, This person is unavailable on Messenger (How To Fix), Justify the title of the poem “Holding Hands”. 6) In the rainy season, many viruses and bacteria spread infectious diseases due to the wet climate. 10) The rainy season in India continues for approximately four months from June to September. It causes wet and dry seasons throughout the tropics and is mostly associated with the Indian Ocean. 285 Words Rainy Day Essay for Class 5 Total- 285 words. 10) Rainy season gives us different types of fruits, flowers, and vegetables from plants and trees. English. During Rainy season, we see the flora blooming all around. © Copyright White Planet Technologies Pvt. essay on rainy season in kolkata. During Rainy season, we see the flora blooming all around. The concluding remark sums up the composition on a … With the refreshing appearance of the rainy season, nature sheds its sharp, harsh, and pale look and seems to be as fresh as a newly married bride. On a rainy... 261 Words; 2 Pages; Rainy Day A rainy Day(1) There are total four seasons in a year. 1) The rainy season is the monsoon season which starts in the month of July and lasts till September. I … Rainy Season Essay and Paragraph for School Students Read More » 5) In rainy season plants, trees, and grasses look They are summer winter, spring and autumn. And lightning [lashed and tore asunder, This very sky that I stand under! As I also think like the Nobel laureate commonwealth poet Rabindranath Tagore: “Boriso Dhara Maghe Santiro bari” [Peace lies in the drops of rain.] 3) Rainy season gives relief from intense heatwave after a long period of hot summer. And the Rainy Season comes along with the life-giving drops of rain with a view to quenching the thirst. Our economy, culture, and way of life are closely related to it. The Rainy Season Essay/Composition Bangladesh is a land of six seasons. It rains cats and dogs on a rainy day. 10 Lines on Indian Women’s National Cricket Team, Paragraph on Effects of Lockdown on Indian Economy, Paragraph on How I Spent the Lockdown Period, 10 Lines on Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj Terminus, 10 Lines on Howrah Junction Railway Station, 10 Lines on Mathura Junction Railway Station, 10 Lines on Gorakhpur Junction Railway Station. Today we are going to share 10 lines on the rainy season that will teach you something about this. All Essays are suitable for class 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, JSC, 9, 10, SSC, 11, 12, HSC. 7) The rainy season starts with initial showers of rain at irregular intervals. Simple 10 lines, 100 words and 150 to 200 words essay for kids, and students. The flora and fauna of our dear motherland take a pretty look. Rainy season or monsoon season plays an important role in the environment. nature gets thirsty. In India, rainy season or monsoon begins in June end and it continues until mid- October. 2) The rainy season is very essential for flora and fauna as well as agricultural activities in an area. THE RAINY SEASON Paragraph: Of the six seasons in Bangladesh the rainy season is the most important due to its contribution towards our agriculture. During this season, the roads in the countryside become muddy and slippery and as such people can’t go from one place to another on foot easily. Nature assumes a new appearance at the advent of the rainy season. The rainy season is an interesting season in the year. 3) July and August are the rainiest months in therainy season. These GK questions for 1st Class cover a wide range of areas such as animals, plants, birds, parts of the human body, means of transport, etc. Tone definition in persuasive essay essay Short rainy class 2 in season hindi … Essay examples words in on rainy Essay 7 for class marathi season conclusion techniques for essays essay on life without constitution. He has requested concerned both students and teachers to spread this website home and abroad. No doubt, we expect the rainy season to refresh our lives time and again in spite of all its dark aspects. You should share these with your kids to learn. It is hailed as a natural playground of six seasons. Short Paragraph on Rainy Season. Essay/Paragraph about My Favorite Season fr Kids,Children and Students.I leave in a City which is very hot and humid. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Thus, their suffering knows no bounds. Essay/ Composition on rainy season. providing enough water to go through the next summer. India is a hot country. Rainy Season or monsoon season is the four-month period from June to September in India when rainfall occurs due to the onset of southwest monsoon winds. Nature becomes more rhythmic and serene during the rainy season as we can see a rainbow on the horizon, peacocks and frogs, dancing and jumping to celebrate the joy of rain. 10 Lines on Summer Season – Set 2. Bengali Essays can be viewed on Adobe Reader only. Do a back on your Browser to come back to this page for more Essays. A rainy day is dull and gloomy. The people of Indian subcontinent refer to rainy season as ‘monsoon’. Hi, I am Mohammad Mohsin, studying Civil Engineering at CUET. Rainy day essay is an important topic for class 5 or for other classes in school. You can pick one as your requirement. So read this essay any try to write it in your own style. Sometimes, there is continuous rain for days together. And we hardly feel like bidding adieu to this refreshing season. So, in this essay on rainy season, we will discuss the importance, months, and reasons for the rainy season. So I wait for the rainy season. Rainy season makes our land alluvial, fertile and suitable for growing better crops. A Rainy Day Essay includes Short and long-form, for students of class 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 & 12th Here I have mentioned 10 lines on a rainy season. Canals and rivers overflow their banks. 7) Many freshwater resources depend entirely on the rainy season for their supply of water. Essay writing of teachers day, essay on my school for class 9 in english, essay on good governance upsc expository essay on non communicable diseases funny essay hell freezing over. 5) In rainy season plants, trees, and grasses lookvery green and attractive. The rainy season is one of them. (Write at least five sentences), Your First Day at School Paragraph: Assignment for class 7, The Story Of Lipi: Completing Story: Assignment for class 9, Grocery shopping paragraph: assignment for class 6. Last Update: 2020-12-30 Usage Frequency: ... My name is khyati sharma I study in class 7 I love to read story books. Monsoon season also known as Rainy season. essay on rainy season. Jasim Uddin, the poet of rustic life, says: The Rainy Season is a month of rain and thunderstorm. You have entered an incorrect email address! The onset of this season is a mark of certain Indian festivals such as Janmastami (Birth of lord Krishna), RakshaBandhan, etc. The sun this is the time where the region has its average rainfall. Life becomes a burden to them. Essay on Summer Day for the class nursery, LKG, UKG 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6. Writing A Paragraph: A Rainy Day. Varsha Ritu or the Monsoon/ Rainy season is when it rains heavily in many parts of India. I like the smell of the sand when it gets wet by the drops of rain. It starts usually in June and extends until September. In South of India we have the rainy season from June to September. A rainy day looks dull and gloomy. 1st Paragraph deals with a general description.. 2nd Paragraph description of roads during the rainy season.. 3rd paragraph and. 2) Rainy day is loved by people of all age group including kids, adults and elderly people. India has six seasons. 4) Rainy Season has very pleasant weather with cool breeze and rain showers. The rainy season appears along with the blessings of raindrops after the scorching and piercing heat of summer. Many diseases like malaria, diarrhoea, dysentery break out and cause great suffering to the people. 2) Usually, the rainy season lasts for a couple of months depending on the geographical location. 7) In the rainy season, the environment becomes clean and fresh due to a heavy rain shower. Read more> Flood in Bangladesh Composition & Essay/ The Recent Flood. THE RAINY SEASON Paragraph: Of the six seasons in Bangladesh the rainy season is the most important due to its contribution towards our agriculture. General essays in telugu books, essay on the sun also rises rainy season for 2 on class Short essay: what is a reference list for an essay. A Rainy Day Essay includes Short and long-form, for students of class 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 & 12th Here I have mentioned 10 lines on a rainy season. Rain! Months of Rainy Season. 4) Rainy day offers a fun break to students as most of the schools declare holiday due to heavy rain. This was the day when my school had The landscape appears green.“ The rainwater washes away the filth and purifies the surface of the earth. He believes that hard work, consistency and dedication are the mantras of success in life. বর্ষাকাল অনুচ্ছেদ রচনা ৩য় শ্রেণী ৫ম শ্রেণী – Rainy Season Paragraph in Bengali Language আমাদের ভারত বর্ষ তথা পুরো বাংলায় ঋতু … It lasts from July to September. Utsav is a result driven professional with masters in human resource management from IISWBM (Indian Institute of Social Welfare and Business Management), Kolkata. Paragraph on Rainy Season – 100 Words for Classes 1, 2, 3 Kids. Dissertation de culture gnrale en pdf. It gives new life to plants, grasses. 1) Summer is the hottest and the longest season of the year where days are longer and nights are shorter. Tone definition in persuasive essay essay Short rainy class 2 in season hindi … A relaxing time to spend with the loved ones, relishing the scent of showers while sipping on hot tea is the highlight of the day. and it rains continuously for hours. In fact, we wait for it so eagerly that if it makes a delay to arrive we start praying to the Almighty for sending it as soon as possible. The rainy season is one of them. summer season in bengali and english. 3) July and August are the rainiest months in the Sometimes people slip and fall on the muddy road. Arainy day is such a day when it rains all day long without any break. 8) In peak rainy season, the sky is covered with black clouds During the rainy season, the sky remains covered with (1791) clouds most of … The atmosphere becomes clean and free from dust. It is refreshing to see everything wet after a rainfall Essay on Rainy Season for class 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10. The rainy season is one of them. lt rains either continuously or continually from the down to dusk. 7) In the rainy season, the … The prosperity and development of our agriculture which is the heart of our economy depend on the mercy of the rainy season. Writing is my passion and that's why I started blogging. Roads go underwater. The people of our country always welcome the rainy season and like to enjoy its beauty. Rainy season paragraph, usually given for class 7, 8, 9 and 10 students. During the rainy season, the sky often remains overcast with thick black clouds that cover the sky close to the earth’s surface. 6) Rainy season kind of replenishes the life on earth, We have Bay of Bengal in the east side and Arabian sea in west side. After a long period of hot weather, the rainy season comes with showers to cool the whole earth. 4) Rainy Season has very pleasant weather with cool breeze and rain showers. These seasons visit our country by turns and decorate nature with their own color, sound, and aroma. While sometimes, they get frightened at the deafening sound of the thunderstorm and wonder like Kathleen M. Martin: “As thunder rumbled, wondered I: How come this grumble from the sky? The rain falls the temperature comes is a great relief. Today, let’s talk about a rainy day and explore what one can write in an Essay on Rainy Day for Class 3. As such the Rainy season is so much expected in our country. The Rainy Season Essay/Composition Bangladesh is a land of six seasons. 1) Many big festivals like Ganesha Puja, Rakshabandhan, and 15 August fall in the rainy season. Essay titles about dreams rainy Short 2 class season for essay on. Rainy season brings a rejuvenated life after the hot and cruel summers. 4) People cook lots of dishes like pakoras, halwa, and idli in order to enjoy the rainy season. During the rainy season, the sky remains covered with (1791) clouds most of … It remains overcast with thick clouds. A relaxing time to spend with the loved ones, relishing the scent of showers while sipping on … He loves reading and writing blogs, articles on various topics including social, political, and economical issues. rainy season. Let it rain! Water stands on-road and roads become muddy and slippery. 5 paragraph essay how many words biology extended essay topics ecology. 9) Rainy season helps farmers by providing rainwater needed for good cultivation of crops. ”. It is also a very beautiful season. 7) Rainy season enhances the scenic beauty of nature as everything Rainy season is my favorite season after winter season. 5) The rainy season is good for vegetation and other flora of the area witnessing the season. The rain falls the temperature comes is a great relief. They can not go out in quest of work and as a consequence can not earn their livelihood. The Rainy Season, the most joyous of them all. Everybody gets cheerful and Tagore sings: “Rhidoy Amar Nachere Ajike Moyurero Moto Nachere” [My heart’s dancing today Dancing like a peacock] However, the rainy season comes at such a period when rivers, canals, ponds and above all earth get dried up by the scorching heat of Summer. 9) In India rainy season begins with the onset of southwest monsoon in the month of June. But it is very enjoyable for the rich people who have no problem at all to sit idly on the sofa and listen to the music of rainfall. Introduction: A rainy day is a great experience of many of us. Often men have to sit idle and pass much of their time indoors if there is continuous rain for days together. The arrival of monsoon signals is an indicator of relief from the blazing heat. I like to read and write. However, excess rain can bring disruption in our routine life and can damage the crops which are not good for farmers. We all have fond memories of our childhood, of running out of our houses to drench ourselves in the rain. It starts usually in June and extends until September. He expects that this website will meet up all the needs of Bengali version learners /students. Rainy Season Essay for Class 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 and 12. Rainy season comes after the long period of hot summer brings relief from the heat and makes the environment cooler and pleasant. Sometimes heavy rainfall overflows the banks of the rivers and causes floods, which damage our crops, cattle, houses and properties. 5) Rainy day is important for farmers as it helps in the growth of crops. The rainy season is a leading season in the country. In this connection, the following verses of Nicholas Leisure are worth quoting: “Rain, Rain don’t go away Rain, Rain I hope you stay. Observe the factual description in the composition and the ‘Unity in each paragraph. 5) Many people plan a vacation and adventurous trips to tourist places during the rainy season. Essay/ Composition on rainy season. Rainfall is a natural source of water and water is the basic need for our life including plants, animals and all the living organisms. The rainy season comprises the Bengali months of Ashar and Sravan. Here we are providing “10 Lines On Rainy Day For Class 1” kids so that they can read this and use it as a reference while drafting an essay on this topic. Rainy Day After the unbearable heat of summer season, people welcome the rainy season. 2) In India, summer season generally starts after Holi and it extends up to the month of June/July. 6) Rainy Season also brings down the temperature variations It lessens the intense heat of summer. Rainy season is of most importance to farmers as they need water for cultivation which is got in abundance. 1) Rainy Season also is known as the wet season is the season when most annual rainfall in a region occurs. But it lasts practically much longer in our country. Students also suffer provided there is prolonged rainfall and flood. The sky is overcast with thick clouds. 6) Ponds, rivers, streams receive plenty of rainwater during the rainy season. It comes just after the summer. You can also subscribe without commenting. Rainy season bring us joy but it also brings suffering to some people. As a result, there occurs heavy rainfall during the monsoon in our country. After reading this post, you can write A/The Rainy Season Essay/ Composition. But it lasts practically much longer in our country. Essay on Rainy Season: Rainy Season, or the wet season, is one among the four seasons when the region’s average rainfall is achieved.It is generally caused due to changes in the flow of winds and other geological factors. 2) Rainy Season starts from the southern part of India with the onset of southwest monsoon wind. Bengali. It is also a very beautiful season. But it lasts practically much longer in our country. However, of the six seasons, I like the rainy season most. This year I had a very pleasant and memorable experience of a rainy day. 3) The rainy season is the most awaited season by humans, especially the farmers whose harvest depends on rains. 4th Paragraph flooding of areas, stagnant water the concluding remark.. The sun remains hidden behind the clouds and it rains in torrent. rainy day picture composition for class 10 Icse. 9) The rainy season is boon to many tropical countries like India, as it gives a boost to our agrarian economy. Rainy Season Essay in English (Rainy Season Paragraph) Friends too who get stuck near the tree or in the school or tuition because of rain gets to spend a lot of time together; this also results in the formation of a very strong friendship. Ltd. All rights reserved. On a rainy... 261 Words; 2 Pages; Rainy Day A rainy Day(1) There are total four seasons in a year. 10 … 10 Lines on Rainy Season | Few Lines on Rainy Season Read More » Read also> Water Pollution Essay and Composition, On the other hand, it is a curse for them who live from hand to mouth. This is because the Rainy Season is one of the major seasons in … Sometimes it rains cats and dogs and people get drenched. 1) The rainy season is the monsoon season which starts in the month of June and lasts till September. Aug 2, 2011. Last Update: 2017-12-18 Usage Frequency: 1 Quality: Reference: Anonymous. Rainy Season: Short Essay/Paragraph in 100 Words The rainy season is my favorite season because it comes right after the hot summer. With the arrival of a new season our country assumes a new look. ” In fact, the Rainy Season is dull and gloomy. between day and night. 3) Rainy day uplifts our mood quickly and gives us relief from scorching heat. 3) As the length of the day increases, the temperature during the summer season reaches to its peak point. 2) Rainy Season is the favorite season of people of all age groups including kids, adults, and elderly people. Soon there will be no more pain.” Bangladesh, our darling motherland, is a foster child of nature. The Rainy Season, the most joyous of them all. The Rainy Season Essay/Composition Bangladesh is a land of six seasons. Although, at some places, it last for a month but at some places it goes on for about three to four months. 3) The rainy season is the most pleasant season because of the moderate climate and cool showers. The low-lying areas go underwater and look like a vast sheet of water. very green and attractive. 5) Rainy season brings hope to life on earth, which had been facing harsh climatic conditions. Click on the Essay Topic to Read the Essay. Welcome to Students of Class 7 - Bengali Section View Essays, Articles & other information pertaining to your Class. Free Bengali Essays for School Children Class 3 to Class 10 on a variety of topics subjects looks refreshing after heavy rainfall. Varsha Ritu or the Monsoon/ Rainy season is when it rains heavily in many parts of India. the paragraph of the mango class 1 5 reading library. The rainy season is one of the most favorite seasons of all individuals including kids, young and older people. A rainy day brings in a sigh of relief from the extremely hot summer season, rejuvenates nature and makes the atmosphere pleasant and soothing to live. Sometimes, violent blasts of wind blow, lightning flashes and thunder roars. Paragraph on Rainy Season – 500 Words. 8) A weak or ineffective rainy season could spell havoc to the flora, fauna, and agriculture at a place. It comes just after the summer. 1) The rainy season is that season of the year in which it rains regularly for days. The rainy season comes after the summer. 4) Air quality is improved in the rainy season as the impurities in the air get mixed with falling rain. Calmness like the summers and cool breeze like the winters. 8) Rainy Season inspires creative artists and gives them the opportunity to write beautiful narrations like poems, songs, and stories. So basically rain brings people together. Bengali. They are summer winter, spring and autumn. Rains have been a big part of our lives, ever since we were kids. The passers-by move with umbrellas over the head, shoes in hand, and clothes folded up to the knee. The south-west monsoon that blows over Bangladesh from the Bay of Bengal brings much vapour with it. 6) Ponds, rivers, streams receive plenty of rainwater during the rainy season. A Rainy Day. Rainy Day After the unbearable heat of summer season, people welcome the rainy season. 2) Rainy Season starts from the southern part of India with the onset of southwest monsoon wind. I always try to see the seen and know the known from a different angle. Calmness like the summers and cool breeze like the winters. Also read> Tree Plantation Essay and Composition. The Rainy Season. July and August are the main months for this season. The beauty of the blue sky is not visible. Paragraph on Rainy Season – 100 Words for Classes 1, 2, 3 Kids. The rainy season comprises the Bengali months of Ashar and Sravan. It generally occurs during the rainy season. 10) Excess rainfall during the rainy season may bring floods and can damage crops. Rain plays a vital role in the life of farmers and the agrarian economy as decent rain helps in the good cultivation of crops across the nation including the northern and south belts. 10) Monsoon brings joy to the agriculture driven economies around the world. Students and kids can write these points in the exam or in their essay writing competition to grab extra marks. I hope these few lines on the rainy season are really relevant and important for your academic study. The Rainy Season Essay; “Rain! But whatever the demerits of the rainy season, it is the most important and useful season especially in our country. 2. Essay No. The onset of this season is a mark of certain Indian festivals such as Janmastami (Birth of lord Krishna), RakshaBandhan, etc. The rainy season is caused by the monsoon. The rainy season comprises the Bengali months of Ashar and Sravan. The monsoon seasons its starts from June & lasts till September. The rainy reason is not an unmixed blessing all the times. The Rainy Season is one of them. Write an essay on water resources in hindi essay college ethics. 8) Dark clouds and lightning are very common during the rainy season. On a rainy day, it rains all day long. Importance of Rainy Season. Paragraph on Monsoon Season. It is the time for gathering Aush paddy and planting Aman paddy. 9) In some areas of the world, the rainy season is known as the monsoon. It consists of the Bengali month of Asher and Shrabon. Here are a few short and long paragraphs and essays on ‘Rainy Season’. Generally, the rainy season brings much-needed relief from the extreme heat of the preceding summer season, replenishing the rivers and lakes. It has disadvantages too. It is also pleasant to the poets and the lovers of the flora and fauna of nature because nature looks as fresh as a newly married bride. 4) Sometimes, the rainy season might cause a flood, due to incessant rains. Today, let’s talk about a rainy day and explore what one can write in an Essay on Rainy Day for Class 3. The joy of the farmers knows he bounds if there is sufficient rain in this season. A college application essay sample short essay on indian languages importance of liberal arts education essay, essay tungkol sa kahirapan. In other words. I hope these few lines on the rainy season may bring floods and can damage crops... Rain can bring disruption in our country and cruel summers from scorching heat up all the needs of version! Plan a vacation and adventurous trips to tourist places during the summer season, people welcome the season... Floods, which had been facing harsh climatic conditions Air quality is improved in the environment becomes clean fresh! We hardly feel like bidding adieu to this page for more Essays great.... Or continually from the southern part of our dear motherland take a pretty look pleasant because. 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