It is possible that your mobile device automatically reconnected to a different WiFi network than the Rain Bird controller. Search the WiFi Knowledge Center If you have any questions or need personal assistance, please give us a call toll-free at (800) HELLO-AG (800-435-5624) Monday through Friday from 5 AM to 5 PM Pacific Time. Try Prime All Go Search EN Hello, Sign in Account & Lists Sign in Account & Lists Orders Try Prime Cart. Select the WiFi Signal strength tab or icon depending on the controller type. Alternate apps that can be used to scan the network signal strength at the controller location. If you can connect to the controller, the best way to check the router signal strength at the controller is to take the steps listed below under “Checking WiFi signal strength through the Rain Bird App.”. With the LNK WiFi Module and Rain Bird’s FREE mobile app, users get access to off-site management, real-time alerts and advanced water management tools via their smart phone or tablet. Why does my controller run through all my zones, stop, and then start all over again. Ron, thanks. Introducing the new ST8-WiFi Smart Irrigation Timer. When the signal is poor there may be irregular connection. Off Grid Winch: Making a Flip Flop Winch - Duration: 12:30. Why is my controller not watering the run times I set the zones for? Whether you’re outside in the garden or away from home, you’re always connected to your landscape. The New Rain Bird LNK WiFi Module allows easy access and control of a Rain Bird irrigation system from anywhere in the world. RainBirdCorp 9,661 views. Anyway, I programmed my sprinklers and they were working fine until I needed to do some plumbing work. B Download the Rain Bird Mobile App C Press the button on the LNK WiFi Module. Try the following: When receiving a ‘setup unsuccessful’ message, check to ensure your mobile device is connected to the same local WiFi network as your WiFi module and click “Retry”. Return to the WiFi mobile device settings and reconnect to the Rain Bird network. Live Support for North America:1-800-RAIN-BIRD. CHECK WiFi SIGNAL With your phone, check WiFi signal strength of your timer’s location. If your controller is off and the water keeps running there is an issue with 1 or all the valves. This is seen at the controller with a blinking red WiFi Module. This can be improved by moving the router closer to the controller or using a WiFi range extender. If your controller is off and the water keeps running there is an issue with 1 or all the valves. Explore the Rain Bird Support Center to find manuals, literature and videos on current and discontinued Rain Bird products. It should be blinking green when you try to connect in the Rain Bird app. Why does my system still water even after turning the controller off? You can back up your Rain Bird app, controllers, and settings to Apple iCloud and Google Cloud. Download the Rain Bird Irrigation Troubleshooting Guide for tips, common problems and recommended solutions. For assistance in getting a contractor referral please call: 1-800-RainBird. A Rain Bird WiFi controller should reconnect to the local WiFi connection after losing then regaining power or WiFi service. Rain Bird app issue I got my Rain Bird ESP-TM2 controller setup OK in the Rain Bird app, but when I go to the controller settings and try to view the Controller Info section, the zip code is visible for less than a second before vanishing. 1:42. The mobile device is no longer connected to the Rain Bird network. LNK WiFi Module WiFi Mobile Application The LNK WiFi Module shall allow users to connect remotely to a Rain Bird ESP-Me or ESP-TM2 Irrigation Controller through a plug-in accessory and using an Apple iOS or Android compatible mobile device with access to the Internet. If you have run times that amount to more watering time than the time between the start times, the watering program may begin again immediately after finishing. This rainbird switch platform allows interacting with LNK WiFi module of the Rain Bird Irrigation system in Home Assistant.. Switches are automatically … Since last week I have been having trouble connecting with my smart phone*apple 8plus*. Connect your Rain Bird controller to your mobile device to turn on sprinklers, set up customized watering schedules, and automate weather adjustments, saving you water and money. If you find that you have poor WiFi signal strength at the controller and decide to use a WiFi range extender, make sure the Rain Bird WiFi controller connection is changed to the new WiFi Range extender network name and password. This issue is likely caused by the seasonal adjust setting. This rainbird sensor allows interacting with LNK WiFi module of the Rain Bird Irrigation system in Home Assistant.. Compatible with the following Rain Bird controller models: ST8-WIFI ESP-TM2 ESP-RZXe ESP-Me… The New Rain Bird LNK WiFi Module allows easy access and control of a Rain Bird irrigation system from anywhere in the world. (2 bars minimum is recommended) Boost signal if needed by adding a wireless router or moving the timer and router closer together. If it does not connect you can try again later or use one of the signal strength scanning apps listed below step 2. If this is suspected, check the RSSI […] If it connects go to step 2. Sensor. I shut off the water to the house from the street, did what I needed to do, and turned the water back on. If it is not blinking green, you are still unable to connect to the controller, you can scroll down further in this article and use one of the alternate apps to scan WiFi signal strength at the controller. Skip to main content. The following documents explain how to use these apps: Using Airport Utility to Scan WiFi Network Signal Strength, Scanning WiFi Network Congestion on Android Phone. If you are unable to connect to the controller, try pulling the WiFi module out of the controller and re-inserting it, allowing it to boot back up again. You can back up your Rain Bird app, controllers, and settings to Apple iCloud and Google Cloud. Why did my controller water after we had a big rainstorm if I have a LNK Module and/or a rain sensor connected? If your Rain Bird WiFi controller is not able to stay connected to your home WiFi network it may be on the outside edge of the WiFi signal broadcast by your WiFi router. When this happens it may be necessary to clean or replace a valve, or to call a contractor. Your rain sensor does not prevent irrigation after a heavy rainfall, it could be that (1) Your rain sensor may be in an area where […]. Just had a Rain Bird irrigation system installed with wifi connection/capability. (RSSI means Received Signal Strength Indicator). An optional notification informs the owner when a connection is restored. This can be improved by moving the router closer to the controller or using a WiFi range extender. Connect your Rain Bird controller to your mobile device to turn on sprinklers, set up customized watering schedules, and automate weather adjustments, saving you water and money. 04/16. Rain Bird puts control over your sprinkler system in the palm of your hand. This is similar to changing to a new WiFi router and this article may help: Router Change: Updating the WiFi Network Name and Password. Mine was not I could have returned and bought a new controller WiFi built in for about $20 more. NOTE: Ensure that you are using the 2.4GHz frequency WiFi channel (5.0GHz not compatible) and 802.11 b/g/n router. All A Rainbird sprinkler system has many different componentsand these individual elements work together to provide lawn irrigation. Column Content. Step by step instructions on how to upgrade your Rain Bird ESP-Me irrigation controller to make it WiFi compatible. If your Rain Bird WiFi controller is not able to stay connected to your home WiFi network it may be on the outside edge of the WiFi signal broadcast by your WiFi router. Rain Bird now offers the LNK™ WiFi Module for Residential and Light Commercial Rain Bird controllers. iOS: Settings-> Select Apple ID -> iCloud -> iCloud Backup (On) Android: Settings -> Backups (name may vary on different devices) -> Backup (On) (or) Drive (Google Drive App) -> Backups ->