Polish is the dominating language in the Polish part; Kashubian dialects are also spoken by the Kashubians in Pomerelia. [12], Swamps in the Randowbruch and Uckermark regions were drained and settled with colonists from the Low Countries from 1718. The Province of Pomerania(_de. Kashubians, descendants of the medieval West Slavic Pomeranians, are numerous in rural Pomerelia. In 1762, Prussia made peace with Sweden and Russia. The term "West Pomerania" is ambiguous, since it may refer to either Hither Pomerania (in German usage and historical usage based on German terminology[4]) or to combined Hither and Farther Pomerania or the West Pomeranian Voivodeship (in Polish usage). Jan M Piskorski, Pommern im Wandel der Zeiten, 1999, pp.77ff. Pomerania Province Tourism: Tripadvisor has 336,611 reviews of Pomerania Province Hotels, Attractions, and Restaurants making it your best Pomerania Province resource. Germany's Province of Pomerania was expanded in 1938 to include northern parts of the former Province of Posen–West Prussia, and in late 1939 the annexed Pomorze Gdańskie/Polish Corridor became part of the wartime Reichsgau Danzig-West Prussia. For other uses, see, Historical region on the southern shore of the Baltic Sea in Central Europe, The main burial sights of Pomeranian dukes of the houses of, Prehistory to the Middle Ages (circa 400 A.D. – 1400 A.D.), Renaissance (circa 1400–1700) to Early Modern Age, Cities and towns with more than 50,000 inhabitants, The American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language, Fourth Edition, 2000, Pomerania. Cathedral Basilica of the Assumption in Pelplin, one of the largest churches in Poland. In the west of Pomerania lie several islands, the largest of which are Rugia, the largest island in Germany, Usedom/Uznam, and Wolin, the largest island in Poland. In the Middle Ages, the area was ruled by the Pomeranian dukes as part of the Duchy of Pomerania. [15], In 1786, the population of Prussian Pomerania (Farther Pomerania and Western Pomerania south of the Peene river) reached 438,700. The allied forces subsequently occupied all of Pomerania except for Stralsund. With Prussia, both provinces joined the newly constituted German Empire in 1871. Afterwards, its territory became part of Allied-occupied Germany and Poland. Province of Pomerania is a group on Roblox owned by ZenixFrost with 13 members. Pomerania (pŏm'ərā`nēə), region of N central Europe, extending along the Baltic Sea from a line W of Stralsund, Germany, to the Vistula River in Poland.From 1919 to 1939, Pomerania was divided among Germany, Poland, and the Free City of Danzig (Gdańsk). Key producing industries are shipyards, mechanical engineering facilities (i.a. The western coastline is jagged, with many peninsulas (such as Darß–Zingst) and islands (including Rügen, Usedom, and Wolin) enclosing numerous bays (Bodden) and lagoons (the biggest being the Lagoon of Szczecin). But even more clearly a Province of Pomerania existed previously. [2], Swedish Pomerania was occupied by Denmark and Brandenburg in the Brandenburg-Swedish theater of the Scanian War from 1675–1679, whereby Denmark claimed Rügen and Brandenburg the rest of Pomerania. The office was assigned to the former Kreisdirektor. Most came from the Palatinate, while the Bohemians soon returned to their homeland as a result of housing shortages. All peasants of a canton were enrolled by the Prussian army, and assigned to the Prussian infantry units Infanterieregiment 7, 8, 17, 22 or 30, or the cavalry units Dragonerregiment 1, 2 or 5. After the Thirty Years' War, the province consisted of Farther Pomerania. The province was succeeded by the Province of Pomerania set up in 1815. Detailed information about the coin 25 Pfennig (Jacobshagen), Prussian province of Pomerania, with pictures and collection and swap management : mintage, descriptions, metal, weight, size, value and other numismatic data The Province of Pomerania was a province of Brandenburg-Prussia, the later Kingdom of Prussia. In March, all French forces left Pomerania, except for Stettin, which was held by the French until 5 December 1813. Its … [8], The Landtag decrees along with a constitution ("Regimentsverfassung") were issued on 11 July 1654. English: Detail maps of the 1905 province map linked above were made to illustrate articles on counties (Landkreise) of the former prussian province of Pomerania.County names are given with the thumbnails, the administration seat is added in brackets if not identical with the county name. Pomerania in Poland.png 508 × 494; 66 KB. [Let someone arise from my bones as an avenger]". The Province of Pomerania was a province of Brandenburg-Prussia, the later Kingdom of Prussia. Pomerania has a relatively low population density, with its largest cities being Gdańsk and Szczecin. It was created from the former Prussian Province of Pomerania, which consisted of Farther Pomerania and southern Vorpommern, and former Swedish Pomerania. Prussia gained the southern parts of Swedish Pomerania in 1720,[32]:341–343 invaded and annexed Pomerelia from Poland in 1772 and 1793, and gained the remainder of Swedish Pomerania in 1815, after the Napoleonic Wars. [11], After the great losses of the previous wars, Prussia began rebuilding and resettling her war-torn province in 1718. Detailed information about the coin 1 Pfennig (Dramburg), Prussian province of Pomerania, with pictures and collection and swap management : mintage, descriptions, metal, weight, size, value and other numismatic data Dutch colonists were also settled in other parts of Pomerania. [35]:381ff[36][37] Most of Hither or Western Pomerania (Vorpommern) remained in Germany, and at first about 500,000 fled and expelled Farther Pomeranians found refuge there, later many moved on to other German regions and abroad. [32]:512–515[35]:373ff The German citizens of the former eastern territories of Germany and Poles of German ethnicity from Pomerelia were expelled. [27] While the German population in the Duchy of Pomerania adopted the Protestant reformation in 1534,[28][29][30] the Polish (along with Kashubian) population remained with the Roman Catholic Church. Furthermore, there were the ducal domains ("Amt") Kolbatz, Friedrichswalde, Marienfließ, Treptow, Stolp and Rügenwalde, and the towns of Pyritz, Stargard, Treptow an der Rega, Greifenberg, Belgard, Neustettin, Schlawe, Stolp, Rügenwalde, Kolberg and Köslin. In 1734 part of this region became therefore known as "Royal Holland". The Pomeranian Evangelical Church was based on the teachings brought forward by Martin Luther and other Reformators during … 10 Pfennig - Greifenhagen Iron • ⌀ 20.00 mm Funck# 170.1 . Germany › German Notgeld › Pomerania, Prussian province of › Greifenhagen, District of • Mark (notgeld, 1914-1924) 100 Pfennig = 1 Mark. [7], To compensate for the wartime population losses, new colonists were attracted. This list of municipalities in the Province of Pomerania is based on the information found … Parts of Pomerania and surrounding regions have constituted a euroregion since 1995. "Pommern" and "Pomorze" redirect here. The secularized territory of the Kammin diocese ("Stift Cammin") had a separate status. palace-owning families), and the County of Naugard. A second chamber (though under superiority of the Stettin chamber) was set up in 1764 in Köslin for the eastern districts. The name Pomerania comes from Slavic po more, which means "Land at the Sea".[1]. Map of the Prussian Province of Pomerania (Pommern)in 1905. Pomerania was under Swedish rule after the Peace of Westphalia from 1648 until 1815 as Swedish Pomerania. Thurbruch, Plönebruch, Schmolsiner Bruch) and lakes (e.g. In the winter of the same year, the Russian troops made Farther Pomerania their winter refuge. The Hardenberg decree reformed all Prussian territories, which henceforth formed ten (later eight) provi… The name Pomerania comes from Slavic po more, which means Land at the Sea. [34] Thousands of Poles and Kashubians suffered deportation, their homes taken over by the German military and civil servants, as well as some Baltic Germans resettled there between 1940-1943. When Kolberg withstood, the Russian troops ravaged Farther Pomerania. In the eastern parts, Poles are the dominating ethnic group since the territorial changes of Poland after World War II, and the resulting Polonization. Media in category "Maps of Pomerania Province" The following 18 files are in this category, out of 18 total. Between 1740 and 1784, 26,000 colonists arrived in Prussian Pomerania, and 159 new villages were founded. Pomorze, therefore, means Along the Sea. [10], The population was represented in the "Landständische Vertretung" by 25 "Landrat" officials. Industrial food processing is increasingly relevant in the region. Teutonic Knights' castle in Gniew, Pomerelia. In 1772 it was annexed by Prussia and made into the province of West Prussia. Pomerania … Throughout the existence of the Griffin duchy, Brandenburg claimed overlordship and was asserted of Pomerania inheritance in numerous treaties. [13], King Frederick the Great appointed Franz Balthasar von Brenckenhoff to rebuild the war-torn Prussian portion of Pomerania. [6], Brandenburgian Pomerania was left ravaged and the civilian death toll amounted to 72,000. [5], On 22 November 1714, King Charles XII of Sweden returned from Turkey to lead the Swedish defense in Pomerania in person. The province was succeeded by the Province of Pomerania set up in 1815. The agreed on withdrawal of the French troops was delayed repeatedly. Fortified Stettin surrendered without battle, and the province became occupied by the French forces. The Polish population suffered heavily during the Nazi oppression; more than 40,000 died in executions, death camps, prisons and forced labour, primarily those who were teachers, businessmen, priests, politicians, former army officers, and civil servants. Cities in the historical region of Pomerania: Other cities in the Pomeranian and Kuyavian-Pomeranian voivodeships: In the German part of Pomerania, Standard German and the East Low German Mecklenburgisch-Vorpommersch Prussia united western and central Pomerania into one province called Pommern. Sweden reestablished control after the Peace of Saint-Germain-en-Laye on 28 June 1679. Johannes Hoops, Reallexikon der germanischen Altertumskunde, Walter de Gruyter, p.422. This new chamber moved from Stargard, which had been capital since 1668, to Stettin, which had been acquired by Prussia and merged into the Pomeranian province in 1720. Brenckenhoff, after providing some humanitarian aid in 1763 (especially horses and wheat from the military and money for seed and life stock), introduced programs for financial aid, tax reduction, and low-rate credits and thus managed to have most of the farms that had been destroyed rebuild in 1764. East Pomeranian, the East Low German dialect of Farther Pomerania and western Pomerelia, Low Prussian, the East Low German dialect of eastern Pomerelia, and Standard German were dominating in Pomerania east of the Oder-Neisse line before most of its speakers were expelled after World War II. A small part of it was restored to Poland after World War I; the remainder, together with part of Pomerania, became Polish in 1945. The province was to be governed by a "Regierung" (government, led by a president and a chancellor, four other members, general administration, in charge of the police, border patrol, enforcement of ducal rights), a "Kammer" (chamber, also "Amtskammer"), a "Rentei", for administration of the domains), a "Hofgericht" (court) and a "Konsistorium" (ecclesiastical administration). The Nazis deported the Pomeranian Jews to a reservation near Lublin[33] in Pomerelia. Former eastern territories of Germany - Pomerania.png 322 × 368; 6 KB. Werner Buchholz, Pommern, Siedler, 1999, pp.23,24. A similar project in Stolp failed due to financial shortfalls. Most colonists originated in the Palatinate, Mecklenburg and Poland. List of towns in Vorpommern for all towns that … Eastern Pomerania was held by the Teutonic Knights from 1308 to 1454, when it was reconquered by Poland. [5], In the Treaty of Stockholm, concluded on 21 January 1720, Prussia was allowed to retain its conquest, including Stettin. The area was resettled primarily with Poles of Polish ethnicity, (some themselves expellees from former eastern Poland) and some Poles of Ukrainian ethnicity (resettled under Operation Vistula) and few Polish Jews. [3], During the Great Northern War, Stettin was sieged by Russian and Saxon forces led by prince Menschikov, and surrendered on 29 September. and Central Pomeranian dialects are spoken, though Standard German dominates. Clearly the history of Pomerania as a "real" Prussian province started in 1815. In Lechitic languages the prefix "po-" means along; unlike the word "po", which means after. [12], To improve access to the port of Stettin, the Swine river was deepened and Swinemünde was founded on the river's mouth in 1748. Slovincian was spoken at the Farther Pomeranian–Pomerelian frontier, but is now extinct. [10], Brandenburg-Prussia set up a combined military institution, the war commissionary for her Pomeranian province and Neumark. In the south-east Pomerania is traversed by a range of low hills (highest point fourteen miles), otherwise it is a low plain. [11], Based on an order of Prussian king Frederick William I, Amtskammer and Kriegskommissariat were fused into the "Kriegs- und Domänenkammer" (war and domain chamber), in 1722. The Pomerania euroregion comprises Hither Pomerania and Uckermark in Germany, West Pomerania in Poland, and Scania in Sweden. In 1466, with the Teutonic Order's defeat in the Thirteen Years' War, Pomerelia became again subject to the Polish Crown and formed the Pomeranian Voivodeship within the province of Royal Prussia. Gollnow and Altdamm were held by Brandenburg as a pawn in exchange for reparations, until these were paid in 1693. The easternmost sub-regions of Pomerania are alternatively known as Pomerelia and Kashubia, which are inhabited by ethnic Kashubians. Only fortified Kolberg resisted, and the French laid siege in March 1807. It resembled the … The Pomeranian State Museum in Greifswald, dedicated to the history of Pomerania, has a variety of archeological findings and artefacts from the different periods covered in this article. [13], Throughout the 1750s, the vast Oderbruch swamps were drained to provide farmland. Today German Hither Pomerania forms the eastern part of the state of Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, while the Polish part is divided mainly between the West Pomeranian, Pomeranian voivodeships, with their capitals in Szczecin and Gdańsk. Stralsund, one of several Hanseatic cities built in typical Brick Gothic style. The prince-elector had to approve the assignments. 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