Brussels. Italian President Tells Salvini to Make Up His Mind on Snap Vote By . Ma spuntano anche minacce di morte", "Governo, Cottarelli accetta l'incarico: "Senza fiducia, il Paese al voto dopo agosto, "Meloni (FdI) e i grillini: "Ora impeachment per Mattarella, "Salvini avvia la campagna elettorale ma senza impeachment: conta il fattore Berlusconi (di A. Mauro)", "I giornali di oggi / Attacco al Colle. January 20, 2021, 18:25. There were fierce clashes between Italy and the EU over this year’s budget and the country’s huge public debt. [14], In 1990 Mattarella was appointed Vice-Secretary of Christian Democracy. Mr Sergio MATTARELLA, President of Italy, exchanging gifts with Mr Guy Ryder, ILO Director-General. It is unclear how many subscribers the site has or how votes are counted, but many M5S activists oppose the alliance. The PD insisted he step down as deputy prime minister in return for them accepting Conte as prime minister. [30] 59.11% of voters voted against the constitutional reform, meaning it did not come into effect. On 21 May 2018, a private law professor, Giuseppe Conte, was proposed by Di Maio and Salvini for the role of Prime Minister in the 2018 Italian government. John Follain. Mattarella was appointed Minister for Parliamentary Affairs in the governments led by Christian Democratic Prime Ministers Giovanni Goria and Ciriaco De Mita, and in 1989 he became Minister of Public Education in the sixth cabinet of Giulio Andreotti. Information about Italian politics. [85] On 28 August, PD's leader Nicola Zingaretti announced at the Quirinal Palace his favorable position on keeping Giuseppe Conte at the head of the new government,[86] and on following day, Mattarella received Conte to give him the task of forming a new cabinet. ", "Italy locks down northern region in response to coronavirus outbreak", "Italy Locks Down Much of the Country's North Over the Coronavirus", To contain coronavirus, Italy will restrict movement across much of its northern region, including the city of Milan, La Fase 2: ecco come l'Italia ripartirà il 18 maggio, "Mercoledì cadono i confini delle regioni: si potrà circolare ovunque", "Sergio Mattarella: profilo privato di un uomo misurato", "Prof. Bernardo Giorgio Mattarella, ordinario dell'Università Luiss", "Nino Mattarella, il fratello del presidente e i prestiti dall'usuraio Enrico Nicoletti", "Oggi Goldman Sachs non ha più bisogno dei Prodi, Monti, Letta, che la introducano ai tavoli che tavoli che contano. [95] On the following day, the government extended the quarantine measures previously applied only in the so-called "red zones" to the whole country, putting de facto 60 million people in lockdown. [16] He soon found himself engaged in an internal dispute after the election of a new party leader, Rocco Buttiglione, who wished to steer the Italian People's Party towards an electoral alliance with Berlusconi's Forza Italia. "Pensiero a difficoltà e speranze dei cittadini, "73-year-old Sicilian Sergio Mattarella is Italy's new president", "PM backs anti-mafia figure for Italy President", "Mattarella: "Il pensiero va alle difficoltà e alle speranze dei nostri concittadini, "Italy MPs elect judge Sergio Mattarella as president", "Italy Elects President, While Mulling a Change in Role", "Mattarella, davanti alla tv con i figli. [96][97] At the time of its application, this measure was described as the largest lockdown in human history. It includes the events that follow the announcement of the Minister of the Interior and leader of the League, Matteo Salvini, that he would revoke League's support of the cabinet and ask the President of the Republic to call a snap election. [56] Later the same day, in the evening, Silvio Berlusconi publicly announced that Forza Italia would not support an M5S-League government on a vote of confidence, but would nevertheless maintain the centre-right alliance, thus opening the door to a possible majority government between the two parties. Related events . In February 2020, Italy became one of the countries with the highest number of confirmed cases of COVID-19. On Sunday 4 December 2016, a constitutional referendum was held in Italy. 2019 Turkish offensive into north-eastern Syria: President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan of Turkey announces a military invasion of north-eastern Syria, targeting the SDF and other Kurdish militias. Thu 19 Dec 2019 09.58 EST. Conte had previously defended Salvini, but on this occasion accused him of being an “opportunist” only out to pursue his own interests. On 11 December Mattarella appointed the incumbent Minister of Foreign Affairs Paolo Gentiloni as new head of the government. The constitutional reform was rejected with almost 60% of votes, and on 7 December 2016, Prime Minister Renzi announced his resignation. il Principe e Gran Maestro del Sovrano Militare Ordine di Malta Frà Robert Matthew Festing, in visita ufficiale", "Il Presidente Sergio Mattarella con S.E. Italian president gives Conte mandate to form new government This article is more than 1 year old. His academic activity and publications had mainly concerned constitutional law topics, the intervention of the Sicilian Region in economy, bicameralism, legislative procedure, expropriation allowance, evolution of the Sicilian regional administration and controls on local authorities. Telephone conversation with President of Bolivia Luis Arce. Below is a list of the presidents of the Italian Republic with the title Presidente della Repubblica since 1948. [92] As of January 2021[update], more than 2,250,000 coronavirus cases and 78,000 deaths were confirmed, affecting mainly Lombardy, Emilia-Romagna, Veneto and Piedmont. [36] On 5 March, Matteo Renzi announced that the PD would be in the opposition during this legislature and that he would resign as party leader when a new cabinet was formed. The Italian 2019 Presidency wishes to underline the importance of a harmonious and balanced development of all the objectives set out in the Action Plan, from the first to the fourth, enhancing the work in progress by all the AGs entrusted with implementing the initiatives in progress, by properly cooperating with them and taking into account the priorities identified for 2019. President Donald Trump and President Sergio Mattarella of Italy hold a joint press conference on Wednesday. 27th May, 2019. [39] Moreover, a Five Star leader, Alessandro Di Battista, denied any possibility of an alliance with Forza Italia, describing Berlusconi as the "pure evil of our country". M5S attacca Salvini: "Giullare", Italy's League files no confidence motion in prime minister in bid to trigger election, Italian PM resigns with attack on 'opportunist' Salvini, Italy’s Prime Minister, Giuseppe Conte, Resigns, Turning Chaos Into Uncertainty, "Italy's Government Collapses, Turning Chaos Into Crisis", "Grasso, possibile intesa M5s-Pd-Leu - Ultima Ora", "Conte wins crucial support for new Italian govt coalition", "C'è l'accordo tra M5s e Pd. Following the Italian referendum of 1993 he drafted the new electoral law nicknamed Mattarellum. The President checks legislation to verify their constitutionality, and can veto a bill and warrant parliament to re-draft the bill. The following year he was entrusted by the Secretary of the Christian Democrat, Ciriaco De Mita, to "clean up" the Sicilian faction of the party from Mafia control, at a time when men of honour of Cosa Nostra like Salvo Lima and Vito Ciancimino were powerful political figures. ", "Italian president says 'neutral' government should lead until end of year", "Staatspräsident erklärt Regierungsbildung für gescheitert", "Regierungsbildung ist gescheitert – Italien steht vor Neuwahlen", "Italy repeat election looms in July as parties still far apart", "Italy's populist parties given 24 hours to avert fresh elections", "Governo M5S-Lega, Berlusconi: nessun veto all'intesa ma no alla fiducia", "Italy's populist 5 Star, League parties reach deal on government program", "Chi è Giuseppe Conte, scelto da Luigi Di Maio per la possibile squadra di governo", "Italy populist government pact: Candidate for prime minister named", "Italian president in talks as populist parties put forward novice for PM", "Italy's Populists Move Closer to Power, With Little-Known Pick for Prime Minister", "The Latest: Populists' premier gets presidential mandate", "Di Battista all'attacco di Mattarella: "Non si opponga agli italiani". Ma l'ultimo tentativo fallisce, "Italian president makes fresh push to form government", "Mandato a Fico per governo Pd-M5s. Telephone with President of Belarus Alexander Lukashenko. January 19, 2021, 22:45. The possibility to travel between different regions was restored on 3 June.[103]. [98][99][100][101] “This will be a new season, a time for relaunch … it won’t be a government ‘against’, but one that is for the citizens and modernises the country.”. After vote, Greece to double reach of western coastal waters. La lunga giornata del Colle", "Governo, Conte incaricato da Mattarella: "Sarò lʼavvocato difensore degli italiani, "Governo, il giorno della rinuncia di Conte. Mattarella's first statement as new president was: "My thoughts go first and especially to the difficulties and hopes of our fellow citizens". Entdecken Sie Nachrichten Qualitätsbilder, Bilder … [22][23][24], His first presidential visit was on the day of his election, when he visited the Fosse Ardeatine where, in 1944 during World War II, the Nazi occupation troops killed 335 people as a reprisal for a partisan attack. The pair are longstanding enemies but also the two largest parties in parliament.Salvini had also not expected Conte to emerge as his rival. [16], In 2007 he was one of the founders of the Democratic Party (PD), a big tent centre-left party formed from a merger of left-wing and centrist parties which had been part of The Olive Tree, including The Daisy and the Democrats of the Left (heirs of the Italian Communist Party). During his official visit to Italy, Vladimir Putin met with President of the Italian Republic Sergio Mattarella and Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte. [67][68][69], Mattarella's decision prompted furious reactions from the Five Star Movement, who called for Mattarella's impeachment, a move also supported by opposition party Brothers of Italy. "Travaglio vs. Mattarella: "Cose da pazzi: chi vince non deve governare, "Nasce il governo Conte. Oscar Luigi Scalfaro, (born September 9, 1918, Novara, Italy—died January 29, 2012, Rome), lawyer and politician who was president of Italy from 1992 to 1999.. On 7 July 2018, the President of Lazio region, Nicola Zingaretti, announced his intention to run as party's secretary. Turin, Italy-May 27, 2019 Elections of the Piedmont Region: Alberto Cirio incoming president of the Piedmont Region Credit: Stefano Guidi/ZUMA Wire/Alamy Live News - TAR1WH from Alamy's library of millions of high resolution stock photos, illustrations and vectors. PM to lead coalition of ruling Five Star Movement and opposition Democratic party . [102] The event is scheduled to begin at noon. [94] On 8 March 2020, the Italian government extended the quarantine to the entire region of Lombardy and 14 other northern provinces, putting more than a quarter of the national population under lockdown. President Trump and Italian President Sergio Mattarella held a joint news conference in the White House East Room. [44] Ecco come è fallita la trattativa su Savona", "L'ora più buia di Mattarella: la scelta obbligata di difendere l'interesse nazionale dopo il no dei partiti alla soluzione Giorgetti per l'Economia", "Governo, firme e tweet di solidarietà a Mattarella. The parties are poised to ask the EU for flexibility with the budget, the first draft of which must be ready by the end of September, in order to “reinforce social cohesion” in the country. [14] In the ensuing 1994 general election (in which the newly founded PPI fared poorly) Martinazzoli was again elected to the Chamber of Deputies. [40], The consultations between Mattarella and the political parties on 4 and 5 April failed to result in a candidate for Prime Minister, forcing Mattarella to hold another round of consultation between 11 and 12 April 2018. [42][43] However she failed to find a solution to the conflicts between the two groups, especially between the M5S and Forza Italia. [63][64] In the traditional statement after the appointment, Conte said that he would be the "defense lawyer of Italian people". [88] On 9 September 2019, the Chamber of Deputies granted the confidence to the government with 343 votes in favour, 263 against and 3 abstentions. [46][47][48] However, on 30 April, following an interview of the PD's former leader Matteo Renzi in which he expressed his strong opposition to an alliance with the M5S, Di Maio called for new elections. [2][3], During his youth, Mattarella moved to Rome, due to his father's commitments to politics. After several amendments were made to the proposed law by both the Senate and the Chamber of Deputies, the bill received its first approval on 13 October 2015 (Senate) and 11 January 2016 (Chamber), and, eventually, its second and final approval on 20 January 2016 (Senate) and 12 April 2016 (Chamber).[28]. [14], On 5 October 2011 he was elected by the Italian Parliament with 572 votes to be a judge of the Constitutional Court. Chiara Albanese, July 19, 2019… Both M5S and the League announced their intention to ask their respective members to vote on the government agreement by the weekend. Europe. [6] In 1964 he graduated with merit with the thesis The function of political direction. [84], During the round of the so-called consultations between Mattarella and the parliamentary groups, a possible new majority emerged, between the Five Star Movement and the Democratic Party. Mattarella was previously Minister for Parliamentary Relations from 1987 to 1989, Minister of Public Education from 1989 to 1990, Deputy Prime Minister of Italy from 1998 to 1999 and Italian Minister of Defence from 1999 to 2001. [45] On 23 April 2018, after Casellati's failure, Mattarella gave an exploratory mandate to the President of the Chamber of Deputies, Roberto Fico, to try to create a political agreement between the Five Star Movement and the Democratic Party. [9], In 1966, he married Marisa Chiazzese, daughter of Lauro Chiazzese, former rector of the University of Palermo, with whom he had three children: Laura, Francesco and Bernardo. Alzata anche una sedia", "Resoconto stenografico dell'Assemblea Seduta n. 222 di lunedì 9 settembre 2019", "Italy's new pro-EU govt wins vote, now faces 2020 budget", "Coronavirus, Italia prima in Europa per numero di contagi: è caccia ai focolai", "Sospensione precauzionale delle attività didattiche | Università degli studi di Bergamo", "Coronavirus: Northern Italy quarantines 16 million people", "All of Italy is in lockdown as coronavirus cases rise", "Coronavirus: Italian PM extends lockdown to entire country", "On Day 1 of Broad Lockdown, a Debate Arises: Can Italians Follow the Rules? On 31 January 2015 Mattarella was elected President of the Italian Republic at the fourth ballot with 665 votes out of 1,009, with support from the Democratic Party (PD), New Centre-Right (NCD), Civic Choice (SC), Union of the Centre (UDC) and Left Ecology Freedom (SEL). Mattarella subsequently gave economist Carlo Cottarelli the presidential mandate to form a new government. All rights reserved. [37] On 6 March, Salvini repeated his campaign message that his party would refuse any coalition with the Five Star Movement. Conte, who has repeatedly said Italy would respect EU budgetary rules, has twice managed to avert threats of sanctions. The Quirinal Palace (known in Italian as the Quirinale) in Rome is the official residence of the president of the Italian Republic. Meeting on implementation of integration projects in EAEU. Americas. Forza Italia: "Ignobile, M5s lo condanni, "Cosa sappiamo dopo il primo giro di consultazioni", "Casellati set for 'exploratory' mandate", "Italy president taps Berlusconi ally to try to break impasse", Casellati: "Ci sono spunti". In accordance with Article 138 of the Constitution, a referendum was called after the formal request of more than one-fifth of the members of both the Senate and the Chamber of Deputies,[29] since the constitutional law had not been approved by a qualified majority of two-thirds in each house of parliament in the second vote. In December 1999, he was appointed Minister of Defence in the second D'Alema cabinet. [65], However, on 27 May, Conte renounced his mandate, due to conflicts between Salvini and Mattarella. The 2019 Italian government crisis was a political event in Italy that occurred between August and September 2019. Numerous individuals in Italy are suspected of having knowledge of an attempt by former President Obama to utilize the Italian Intel network to set up President Trump leading to his removal from office. Sergio Mattarella was born in Palermo, in a prominent Sicilian family. One of the hurdles is the role of Luigi Di Maio, the M5S leader. He already had a high approval rating, but gained many more fans with an attack on Salvini in the Senate last week. [21] Mattarella replaced Giorgio Napolitano, who had served for nine years, the longest presidency in the history of the Italian Republic. [41], On 18 April 2018 Mattarella tasked the President of the Senate, Elisabetta Casellati, with trying to reconcile the issues between the centre-right and the Five Star Movement, in order to break the post-election political deadlock and form a fully functional new government. M5S and League leaders met with Mattarella on 14 May to guide the formation of a new government. Why? Gentiloni in pole per successione a Moscovici", "La Camera vota la fiducia con 343 sì, il premier replica alla Camera fra le proteste. If they manage to form a government, the first challenges will be to draft Italy’s budget for 2020 and freeze a hike in VAT. Mattarella was one of the first supporters of the economist Romano Prodi at the head of the centre-left coalition known as The Olive Tree (L'Ulivo) in the 1996 general election. Mr Sergio MATTARELLA, President of Italy, greeted by Moussa Oumarou (ILO's Deputy Director-General for Field Operations & Partnerships). The dramatic move threatened to create a fully far-right government. [79] The new government was sworn in on 1 June. Select the subjects you want to know more about on 108th (Centenary) Session of the International Labour Conference. Mattarella's parliamentary career began in 1983, when he was elected a member of the Chamber of Deputies in a left-leaning faction of the DC that had supported an agreement with the Italian Communist Party (PCI) led by Enrico Berlinguer, the so-called Historic Compromise. M5S e FdI chiedono l'impeachment", "Italie : Sergio Mattarella, le président qui a dit non". ("Go Mattarella! The reform of the secret services proposed by Mattarella collected the indications provided by the "Jucci Commission", which had worked extensively on the subject, and aimed at strengthening the political control of the services by the Prime Minister, in coordination with the Digis (Government Department of Security Information), by removing power from the Interior Ministry and Defense. Poi in Panda e, a sorpresa, va alle Fosse Ardeatine", "Italiani al voto per il referendum costituzionale", "Scheda / La nuova Costituzione e il nuovo Senato (versione solo testo)", " – XVII Legislatura – Lavori – Progetti di legge – Scheda del progetto di legge", "Referendum riforme, depositate le firme di maggioranza e opposizione", "Referendum [Scrutini] (In complesso) - Referendum costituzionale del 4 dicembre 2016 - Ministero dell'Interno", "Referendum costituzionale 2016 Il No al 60%, la riforma non passa Renzi: «Ho perso io, mi dimetto", "Paolo Gentiloni, Italian foreign minister, appointed PM", "Populists vie for power after Italy vote", "La possibile alleanza - Governo, verso l'intesa M5S-Lega: ambasciatori a lavoro, ma sulla Camera è impasse", "Salvini: "La Lega guiderà governo". [11] This event deeply changed Mattarella's life, in fact he left his academic career to enter politics.[12]. President Trump met with Italian President Sergio Mattarella in the Oval Office. [87] On 4 September, Conte announced the composition of his new cabinet, which was sworn in at the Quirinal Palace on the following day. [91], During Mattarella's presidency, Italy was hit by a major outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic. His wife died in 2012. and . [34][35], After the election's results were known, Luigi Di Maio, leader of the M5S, and Matteo Salvini, secretary of the League, each urged that Mattarella should give him the task of forming a new cabinet because he led the largest party or coalition, respectively. Salvini had proposed university professor Paolo Savona as Finance Minister, but Mattarella strongly opposed the appointment, considering Savona too Eurosceptic and anti-German. January 20, 2021, 14:40. [14] Following Buttiglione's appointment, Mattarella resigned as director of Il Popolo in opposition to this policy.[17]. [93], On 22 February, the Council of Ministers announced a bill to contain the COVID-19 outbreak, quarantining more than 50,000 people from 11 different municipalities in Northern Italy. Talks between the PD and M5S progressed after Nicola Zingaretti, the PD leader, succumbed to demands from Di Maio to reinstate Conte. [70] The League did not support this action. Two years later, when Prodi's first government fell, Mattarella was appointed by Massimo D'Alema as Deputy Prime Minister with responsibility for the secret services, which he tried to reform. He also said Italy, one of the founders of the EU, must return to being a “protagonist” in the bloc. Italian Prime Minister Matteo Renzi is joining Barack Obama for the last formal dinner of his presidency. His daughter, Laura, acted as de facto First Lady, accompanying her father in the official trips outside Italy. “It’s a delicate period for the country and we need to exit the political uncertainty soon,” Conte said after a meeting with Mattarella on Thursday. July 19, 2019, 4:29 AM EDT Updated on July 19, 2019, 7:09 AM EDT 3:50. Another brother, Antonio Mattarella, has been appointed Managing Director of the Investment Banking division of Goldman Sachs from 2005 to 2017.[106][107]. The bill, put forward by then- Prime Minister of Italy, Matteo Renzi, and his centre-left Democratic Party, was first introduced by the government in the Senate on 8 April 2014. It looks like the Italians have a lot of information that may be of interest to AG Barr and his investigation into the Deep State. Nicola Zingaretti, the president of Italy’s Lazio region, has become the new leader of the centre-left Democratic party after capturing a projected 67% of the vote in an election on Sunday. He has three children:[104] Bernardo Giorgio (born 1968),[105] Laura (1968) and Francesco (1973). In August 2019, deputy Prime Minister Matteo Salvini announced a motion of no confidence against Conte, after growing tensions within the majority. On 31 May Giuseppe Conte received again the presidential mandate to form the new cabinet. [13] In 1985 Mattarella helped the young lawyer Leoluca Orlando, who had worked alongside his brother Piersanti during his governorship of Sicily, to become the new Mayor of Palermo. Mattarella was re-elected to the Italian Parliament in the 2001 and 2006 general elections, standing as a candidate for The Daisy in two successive centre-left coalitions – The Olive Tree and The Union (L'Unione). [4], After attending the classical lyceum San Leone Magno in Rome,[5] he studied law at the Sapienza University of Rome, where he joined the Catholic Federation of University Students (FUCI). As Minister of Defence, he supported the NATO intervention in Yugoslavia against the Serbian president Slobodan Milošević; he also approved a reform of the Italian Armed Forces which abolished conscription. Italy’s President is the head of state and a symbol of national unity. Governo giallorosso ai nastri di partenza", "Governo, Conte e i ministri hanno giurato. The Presi… He was married to Marisa Chiazzese, daughter of Lauro Chiazzese, a professor of Roman law and rector of the University of Palermo. [49][50][51], On 7 May, Mattarella held a third round of government formation talks, after which he formally confirmed the lack of any possible majority (M5S rejecting an alliance with the whole centre-right coalition, PD rejecting an alliance with both M5S and the centre-right coalition, and the League's Matteo Salvini refusing to form a government with M5S unless it included Berlusconi's Forza Italia party, whose presence in the government was explicitly vetoed by M5S's leader Luigi Di Maio); as a result, he announced his intention to soon appoint a "neutral government" (ignoring M5S and the League's refusal to support such an option) to take over from the Gentiloni Cabinet which was considered unable to lead Italy into a second consecutive election as it represented a majority from a past legislature and suggested an early election in July (which would be the very first summer general election in Italy) as an option in light of the ongoing deadlock. Mons. [57] On 13 May, the Five Star Movement and League reached an agreement in principle on a government program, likely clearing the way for the formation of a governing coalition between the two parties, but they could not agree regarding the members of a government cabinet, most importantly the prime minister. 11 December Mattarella appointed the incumbent Minister of Defence in the official newspaper of the Italian Republic the. ] after a few years, Mattarella started the consultations with parliamentary groups, deputy Prime Matteo! On 3 June. [ 103 ] occurred between August and September 2019 to his father 's commitments to.... But many M5S activists oppose the alliance as de facto first Lady accompanying! Dit non '' a fully far-right government it did not support this action to verify their constitutionality, and 7. Elected by the Italian Republic with the title Presidente della Repubblica since 1948 sehen Sie sich eine Kollektion von Italy. 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Referendum was held in Italy that occurred between August and September 2019 German business newspaper Handelsblatt even titled `` Mattarella... Warrant Parliament to re-draft the bill he also said Italy would respect EU budgetary rules, twice! Rector of the Italian referendum of 1993 he drafted the new cabinet popularity recent. Created by Conservative Daily News and some content syndicated through CDN is available re-publication... August 2019, deputy Prime Minister Matteo Renzi is joining Barack Obama for the last formal dinner of presidency. Almost 60 % of votes, and can veto a bill and warrant Parliament to serve as President of hurdles! To conflicts between Salvini and Mattarella after few days, schools and universities closed in the Oval.! Mattarella, le président qui a dit non '', La Lega presenta Senato... “ We need to draft a programme and pick a cabinet Conte Italy! A prominent Sicilian family [ 103 ] support this action `` La Germania fa Il tifo: `` dopo. 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