It acted as a spine and artery, linking the dormitories together while providing covered access to classrooms in the School Building, a Jeffersonian concept that distinguishes both Monticello and UVA. The income earned is utilized by the Director of Admissions and his/her team to build new relationships with prospective families and secondary school placement personnel, both domestically and abroad. Established in 2003 by Samuel and Louise Scripps. "[47] The Institute's Advisory Board includes Peter Grauer; Tony Wagner, author of The Global Achievement Gap and Creating Innovators;[48] John Hunter, educator, one of 50 TED2014 All-Stars,[49] creator of the World Peace Game Foundation,[50] Fellow at the Martin Institute for Teaching Excellence;[51] and Stephanie Rogen, principal and founder of Greenwich Leadership Partners. The Frederick Gunn School's commitment to excellence in athletics is part of a larger commitment to excellence in education. Established in 1974 by the DeWitt Wallace-Reader's Digest Fund. Parkhurst's "Dalton Plan", to which the school still adheres, reflected the Progressive Education movement of that had begun in the late nineteenth century. Created in 1953 by the father of George Cheney 1937. The WUHS Endowment Association is an independent non-profit organization established in 1986 to promote excellence and opportunity for students and teachers in the local public schools. The pavilion arrangement reflected the influence of Thomas Jefferson's design for the University of Virginia. The Pomfret Grifftones and Chorus tour within the United States and overseas for concerts, most recently to Italy where they performed in Florence, Lucca, and St. Stephen's School in Rome, and in the United States at the University of Connecticut (all March 2015). Created by the Board of Trustees in 1974 following the death of this longtime board member. and later President of Rollins College, FL. Created in 1966 by Harry DeJur as a memorial to his son. Created in 1985 by his former students and Pomfret friends. Proceeds from the Fund shall support faculty enrichment programs including continuing study, research and summer study/travel. Established in 1968 by his parents, faculty members John and Mary Williams in their son's memory. Girls - are you ready to be leaders? Income used to support the maintenance of the Proctor Sundial on the Pomfret campus. The income supports programs administered by the Director of Athletics. (Photo by Robert Falcetti).. ... photography admissions communications photography Independent school boarding school prep school college preparatory school alumni magazine endowment fund student retention MARKETING. The Fund will specifically support the work of the Grauer Institute for Excellence in Innovation and Education and will be used to support domestic off-campus student civic and cultural experiences, such as attending a Broadway play, building a house through Habitat for Humanity or volunteering for a political campaign or other civic or cultural initiatives as identified by the school. Typically, 40 percent of students receive financial support or service in over 60 endowed scholarship funds, 9 percent are students of color, 17 percent are international students. Fact: The school sits on … With gratitude to the generosity of Dr. David A. Brush, this award recognizes the work of a devoted and innovative teacher who routinely goes beyond the required to help students grow in scholarship and who is also a highly regarded member of the School community because of his/her commitment and service to students. Income supports the chaplaincy and chapel programs. Established in 2003 by E. Clayton “Chip” Gengras III 1989 and Jonathan G. Gengras 1990 to honor their mother in recognition of her philosophy that education and philanthropy are of paramount importance. Carey '48 College Admission Lecture Series. Created in 2008 in honor of Sooho Cho '74, loyal alumnus and trustee, The Sooho Cho'74 Endowed Fund was established to recognize and reward a faculty member who has demonstrated particular dedication to his/her work and exemplifies an active interest in the growth of Pomfret students. Income is used to stimulate the study of mathematics and science. Established in 1961 by DeCourcy L. Hard 1907 in memory of his classmate. The income is used to enhance student life by bringing programs of entertainment and/or intellectual enrichment. Created in 1989. [59] Recently, Girls Varsity Volleyball won the 2015 NESPAC Class B Championship. Created in 1984 by his family, including E. Brooke Lee III 1966, and family companies. Pomfret School More than 80 percent of faculty hold masters or doctorate levels. Editor's Note: The first version of this post incorrectly stated the SAT score for Governor's Academy as 2150 and the endowment for Dana Hall School as $33 million. Conceived in 1968 by his mother Harriet Lidgerwood and aunt and uncle Katharine and Wyatt Garfield 1943. Created in 1955 by Mrs. Frances B. Stoddard, sister of Sydney P. Clark 1910. Established in 2002 by his family and friends for his many years of service to Pomfret School as part of the School’s permanent endowment. Our key median indicators for fiscal 2019 were relatively flat compared with those from the previous year. Established in 1999 by the parents of John Gilbert 1983. The income from which shall be used to support a member of the English Department of Pomfret School at the designation of the Headmaster. Income used to purchase library books. Naval Academy at Annapolis, remarking, "These buildings are certainly among the best things I have done. The WUHS Endowment Association is an independent non-profit organization established in 1986 to promote excellence and opportunity for students and teachers in the local public schools. Preference will be given to a student of color who is personally charming, a natural leader, and athletically talented, traits that personified Johnny. “The Pomfret School Chapel Organ was originally built by George S. Hutchings Organ Company of Boston in 1908 (opus 1640). Income purchases books for scholarship prizes. ('51) and Ph.D. ('55) in Geology from Harvard University. This scholarship was established in June 2007 to provide financial assistance to students of need. The income supports athletic programs. Learn more about why we're one of the top 50 boarding schools! Location: San Anselmo, California Established in 2006 by Nicholas Allen 1992, Gretchen Bryan 1996 and Joan and Jeremy Frost 1967. Created in 1945 with gifts from members of the Pomfret family. Given to the student who has shown a depth of interest and intellectual passion for computer science. The arch tops on the two oblong windows were added at a later date to match the others in the chapel. Created in 1989 by John S. Griswold, Jr. 1963, Charles A. Griswold 1970, and their father, John S. Griswold, Sr. Established in 2014 by the Board of Trustees of Pomfret School, with enormous gratitude to the Peter T. and Laura M. Grauer Foundation for their generous gift, to be a permanently-restricted endowment fund within the School's permanent endowment. Created by the parents of the Class of 1997 to honor their graduation. The income from this fund will provide support for the coach who demonstrates leadership and excellence within the crew program. Brought to life by an exceptional faculty, Pomfret offers a rich and rewarding experience for students from various cultural and socio-economic backgrounds. 2011 Life at the Pomfret School, a prestigious New England boarding school located in Pomfret, Connecticut . Created in 1958 by Mrs. M. Troy Jones in memory of her son. Westminster School $ 70 M 28. Dean, 1964-1972", "Audiovisual Library of International Law",, "The 60-second interview: Spencer Bailey, editor in chief of Surface magazine", "Canadian women's hockey star Sarah Vaillancourt retires", Pomfret School Radio Station: WBVC 91.1 FM - Online streaming in Safari and Firefox only,, Educational institutions established in 1894, Infobox mapframe without OSM relation ID on Wikidata, Pages using infobox school with a linked country, Articles with unsourced statements from February 2020, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License, Olmsted Student Union Pomfret Alumni Association, 1929–1930 Rev. Current Endowment: $11,000,000; Per Student Endowment: $44,715 Summary: Rectory School is a K-9 private school located on 138 acres in Pomfret, Connecticut. The income from which shall be used for the purpose of providing the Head of School with funds to cover unanticipated expenses during the school year. [60] Boys Varsity Hockey won the 2017 NEPSAC Small School Championship.[61]. Created by parents of the Class of 1990 to honor their graduation. Jaimie Leonoff '11, record-setting goalkeeper for the Yale Bulldogs, This page was last edited on 31 December 2020, at 12:56. Created in 1989 by Mr. & Mrs. Newell D. Hale in memory of Mr. Hale's parents. "[129] The design set a School Building as anchor for a series of semidetached pavilion style dormitories with a connecting open arcade. Income to support scholarship program. "[7] The 2008 film Afterschool by Antonio Campos was filmed on Pomfret's campus. ... Pomfret School in Pomfret, Connecticut. Messrs. Czelusniak et Dugal, Inc. did additional tonal work and maintains the instrument. Fifth and Sixth Form students (juniors and seniors) are required to participate on at least two teams each year. Created in 2015 through the generosity of Mr. Powell’s estate plan, to fund a scholarship for students of color; with preference being given to students of Native American heritage. [126][127], In the first decade of the 1900s, Pomfret was transformed from a collection of "vernacular buildings—most were Colonial Revival frame structures adapted to school use—to a planned institution. The income is used to develop, enrich and reward members of the Pomfret faculty through such programs as the pursuit of advanced degrees, sabbatical periods away from Pomfret, other professional development programs, and other faculty activities which enhance the academic or civic life at Pomfret. As the following list of funds indicates, we can accommodate a variety of opportunities and interests. Established in 1953 by his widow. Created in 1996 by the Mees family in memory of Frank J. Mees. Created by the Board of Trustees in 1970 after the death of this longtime trustee and benefactor of the School. The Rev. The net income from this Fund is to be dispensed for the benefit of Pomfret School and its Chapel. On February 26, 2015, the Pomfret School Senate Committee on the Environment (the Environment Committee) voted unanimously to publish our report on Pomfret’s environmental footprint to the entire School community. As a nod to Waddy's deep and impactful advisor/advisee relationships, preference of fund disbursement will be given to faculty members seeking to improve their work as advisors and mentors. Through Pomfret's Schwartz Visiting Fellow Program, the school hosts a prominent figure from the world of art, literature, science, or politics invited to the campus for three days each year to share their unique experiences, ideas, and insights. Income generated by the fund will be used by the department for the purpose of travel in order to build and expand relationships between Pomfret's College Counseling staff and college admissions teams across the country and the globe. Income funds grants to faculty for continuing study, research, and summer study/travel. Olmsted Observatory, 2001, equipped with a Celestron 14 and a Takahashi refracting telescope combined with a super-cooled CCD camera to enable digital photography. The purpose of this fund is to expand the reach of Pomfret's College Counseling Department. The Chick and Cici Cole Scholarship will help provide a deserving student with outstanding character the opportunity to attend Pomfret School. While the world and the school have changed dramatically, his fundamental values endure: work hard, without regard for public acclaim; develop all your talents: academic, artistic, and athletic; and most importantly, give of yourself to others. Mr. Pomfret was previously a Budget Analyst with the Social Security Administration, after graduating from the Isenberg School of Business at the University of Massachusetts. Income supports faculty enrichment programs, including sabbaticals. The Award will be granted by a committee with representation from the Pomfret School administration and representatives of the Class of 1967. The time on stage in front of the judges was only part of the overall marketing pitch. The Association raises private funds to support innovative programs which are beyond the scope of the schools’ budgets. [citation needed], Curriculum includes a broad range of college preparatory courses in the sciences and liberals arts, including advanced and honors level courses, and foreign language study in Mandarin Chinese, French, Spanish, and Latin. A Pomfret graduate, Anna realized as an undergraduate that she wanted to pursue a career in education and was drawn back to boarding schools for their strong communities and interest in educating the whole student. The income is to be used by the faculty and staff to enhance academic life at the School. The faculty here quietly and consistently give more than I expect, and I have been inspired. The Fund was established to provide the opportunity to a student to come to Pomfret who would not otherwise be able to attend the school. Created in 2002 by Mr. & Mrs. Newell D. Hale. Established in 1965 by his parents, Mr. & Mrs. James Nields. Income used for the maintenance of Clark Chapel. Created by parents of the Class of 1988 to honor their graduation. Boarding School Reviews breaks down EPS (endowment by student) into categories of : Greater than $600,000 of endowment per student--listing ten (10) boarding schools in this category: St. Paul's School, Exeter, Andover, Groton, Woodberry Forest, Deerfield Academy, Hotchkiss, Middlesex, Mercersburg Academy & St. Andrew's School. The fund may additionally support the incidental costs of other scholarship students of color. Paul's School endowment per student would place it fourth among the 8 Ivy League Schools--only behind Princeton, Harvard & Yale. William Polk Carey (May 11, 1930 – January 2, 2012) born in Baltimore, Maryland, was an American businessman who was the first to apply "sale lease back" financing to assets other than cars.He started W. P. Carey & Co. LLC, a corporate real estate financing firm headquartered in New York City in 1973. Charles River School is a PreKindergarten through Grade 8 independent school that honors the pursuit of academic excellence and the joy of childhood. Pomfret academic teams have won numerous awards and championships, including the 2015 Connecticut State Association of Math League (CSAML) Class S State Championship. Income supports students on the basis of financial need, academic achievement, character, and participation in sports. This award is designed to enable the faculty member to take graduate courses, travel as part of their research, attend professional conferences, or procure materials and/or technology for their classroom. Graduating students become members of the Association at the end of their senior year at a formal dinner in their honor. Income generated by the Fund shall be used to support the work of the Grauer Institute for Excellence in Innovation and Education at Pomfret School, with a specific focus on academic innovation and global experiences for students and faculty. Income funds an award presented to the member of the Sixth Form who best exemplifies strength of character through courage and humor. Created in 1946 as a memorial by his father after the son's death in World War II. Created in 1989 by his family, including B. Lee Mallory III 1957, and I. Howell Mallory 1962. St. Paul's School endowment per student would place it at number (#2) two among all LACs (liberal arts colleges)--only behind Pomona College's EPS of $1,295,755, and ahead of Swarthmore, Amherst, Grinnell & Williams College. Pomfret School is an independent, coeducational, college preparatory boarding and day school in Pomfret, Connecticut, United States, serving 360 students in grades 9 through 12 and post-graduates. [66], Among a variety of musical instruments maintained by the school is a fine pipe organ housed in Clark Memorial Chapel. While these names are the most recent and their deaths unnecessary and monstrous, we must recognize that the long history of white supremacy, epitomized by police brutality and murder, has taken so many more lives than we will eve Located in the Pomfret Street Historic District, an hour's drive west from Boston, the average class size is 11 students with a student-teacher ratio of 6:1. Created in 1982 in his memory by Barbara Van Cleaves as a memorial to her brother. [55] Recent notable Math Team victories include: 1999 Harvard MIT Math Tournament First Place, 1999 CSAML 1st Place, 2000 Greater New London Competition (GNLC) 1st Place, 2001 CSAML 2nd Place and GNLC 1st Place, 2002 New England Tournament 3rd Place, 2003 CSAML 3rd Place, 2004–2009 GNLC 1st, 2nd, and 3rd Places, 2009 Connecticut State Math Meet 2nd Place, 2010 GNLC 1st Place and Connecticut State Math Meet 3rd Place, 2011 - 2014 GNLC 3rd Place, 2014 CSAML 2nd Place, 2015 Eastern Connecticut Math League 3rd Place and CSAML 1st place. Funds to be used for diversity initiatives to improve the quality of student life and student education. [1] The student union houses The Tuck Shop, which is a student and faculty cafe offering a variety of food, beverages, and snacks in a relaxed atmosphere, the school store, radio station (WBVC 91.1 FM), student publications office, and … Income supports scholarships. 20 connections. McCallie School $ 81 M 23. Designed by Harriet Peck Jones, wife of founder and first Headmaster William E. Peck, Pomfret's Coat of Arms is derived from that of the Lords of Pontefract Castle in the town of Pomfret in West Yorkshire, England. "[134], Coordinates: .mw-parser-output .geo-default,.mw-parser-output .geo-dms,.mw-parser-output .geo-dec{display:inline}.mw-parser-output .geo-nondefault,.mw-parser-output .geo-multi-punct{display:none}.mw-parser-output .longitude,.mw-parser-output .latitude{white-space:nowrap}41°53′10″N 71°57′54″W / 41.8862°N 71.9651°W / 41.8862; -71.9651, Private, coeducational, secondary, boarding school in Pomfret, Connecticut, USA, The Grauer Family Institute for Excellence and Innovation in Education. Fact: The school was founded in 1814 by Emma Hart Willard. Established in 1988 by Danforth P. Holley 1934 to honor the longtime faculty member Income funds grants to members of the teaching faculty for further study and/or research to enrich their classroom teaching. Income funds an annual prize to a student in crafts. Established in 2002 by Edwin Thorne 1931. "The dynamic focus of the scheme was the arcade. Provides scholarship assistance to worthy students demonstrating financial need. Created in 1987 by an anonymous donor to be used to support good teaching. Miss Porter's School $ 60 M 33. While his design for Annapolis had been repeatedly altered by the Navy during construction, the work at Pomfret scrupulously followed his design. - Selina Todd (University of Cambridge), Urban History 32, 1 (2005), 186-7. Income used to promote and enhance the environmental science curriculum at Pomfret. Largest Endowments (2021) Sorted ... Pomfret School. These experiences will provide language teachers the chance to engage with, and learn from, leaders in their field in order to bring innovative practices to campus, and to encourage Pomfret students to develop greater fluency and a deeper understanding of the role of language in an increasingly diverse and interconnected society. Established through the generosity of the Cole Family, former students and friends to honor Cici and Chick Cole for their many years of service to Pomfret School. Mr. and Mrs. Frank H. Bigelow’s cherished ideal of founding a school for young boys becomes their reality in 1920 when they take into their home (the rectory of Christ Memorial Church, Pomfret, CT) for the school year, George Chandler Holt, II, son of Dr. Hamilton Holt, then Editor of the INDEPENDENT in N.Y.C. (see respective league results), A member of the New England Preparatory School Athletic Council (NEPSAC),[56] Pomfret fields 42 teams[57] in 15 different sports[58] and has won numerous championships during its history in both men's and women's sports. Chester K. Lasell '26 Alumni House, 2001, donated by Honorary Life Trustee Chester K. Lasell '54 and members of the Lasell family in honor of three generations of Lasells graduating from Pomfret. Established in 1966 with enormous gratitude to Thomas C. Eastman ’04 for his generous bequest. Created in 1956 by Mr. Bull's family. The presentations, held at the AAHS Performing Arts Center and also streamed live online at the school's website, were just over 10 minutes long. Ford Foundation. [3] Typically, 40% of students receive financial aid or support from over 60 endowed scholarship funds (see Endowed scholarships), 9% are students of color, 17% are international students. Athletes are expected to adhere to a level of conduct that brings credit to themselves and the school, and to uphold the values stated in our school’s mission: character, citizenship, and service. Hosts. Pomfret School is an independent, coeducational, college preparatory boarding and day school in Pomfret, Connecticut, United States, serving 360 students in grades 9 through 12 and post-graduates. The presentations, held at the AAHS Performing Arts Center and also streamed live online at the school's website, were just over 10 minutes long. Mr. and Mrs. Frank H. Bigelow’s cherished ideal of founding a school for young boys becomes their reality in 1920 when they take into their home (the rectory of Christ Memorial Church, Pomfret, CT) for the school year, George Chandler Holt, II, son of Dr. Hamilton Holt, then Editor of the INDEPENDENT in N.Y.C. 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