Doctor Phosphorus | Lady Shiva | (2013)/Justice League Action (2016) Her primary love is for nature, and focuses her criminal goals around obstructing any efforts to harm the environment or plant life. Ventriloquist | Batman: Bad Blood: League of Assassins (Talia al Ghul, The Heretic, Onyx, Firefly, Tusk, Mad Hatter, Electrocutioner, Hellhound, Calculator, & Killer Moth) | Black Mask Amanda Waller | Throughout her criminal career, she also had the ability to secrete potent pheromones that could make her (or her plant creatures) irresistible to men (notably Harvey Dent). Batman succeeded in saving Harvey's life, and Ivy was, ironically, imprisoned in Stonegate.[1]. Joker: Clowns (Joker, Clown & Ambulance Clown) | Penny Fleck | Randall | Wall Street Three | Penny Fleck's Boyfriend, Direct-to-video Movies Indeed, most of her friends were plants that she brought to life, until she became friends with Harley Quinn (at the time going by her real name: Harleen Quinzel). Black Glove | Joker | Two-Face | Harley Quinn | Penguin | Catwoman | Rupert Thorne | Riddler | Poison Ivy | Scarecrow | Mad Hatter | Killer Croc | Clayface | Ra's al Ghul | Mr. The dig had involved flattening a meadow of wildflowers, containing a rare wild rose that would have become extinct, had she not protected it prior. Killer Croc | Appearance. Poison Ivy - ArtGerm Artist Series Statue. Red Claw | Dr. Pamela Lillian Isley was a botanist who led a secret life as the eco-terrorist Poison Ivy. Poison ivy, poison oak and poison sumac all have an oily resin throughout the plant that can create an allergic reaction that lasts for weeks. The Drowned | Harley Quinn, freshly cast out of the Joker's gang, helped Ivy escape the Gotham Police. HARLEY QUINN & POISON IVY … Calculator | Spellbinder | $10.00 shipping. Mutants | The story might disappoint those who wanted violent and sexy Ivy straight out of the gate, but I can appreciate a slower burn. Batman: Gotham by Gaslight: Jack the Ripper | Barbara-Eileen Gordon | Selina Kyle | Harvey Dent | Hugo Strange In contrast to the majority of Batman's foes, Ivy had little interest in money or power, but instead was obsessed with preserving plant life, and taking revenge against those who she believed had harmed it. Professor Pyg | WARNING: This article contains major spoilers. Find GIFs with the latest and newest hashtags! Your independence is quite inspiring. Brother EYE | King of Cats | The Isley Family was a family of successful botanists who came to Gotham when Pamela was just a girl. This retcon was never confirmed to have happened in the series. As a personal acquaintance of Dent's, Bruce Wayne investigated the crime as Batman. Time passed, and Ivy had appeared to have reverted to a ordinary life. Poison Ivy - A Hunger Games Fanfic (Poison Ivy Series #1) Intro. Ventriloquist III | However, Harvey Dent (not yet the villainous Two-Face) ordered his men to open fire without regard for Harley, confident such an act would gain him votes in his reelection campaign. Batman vs. Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Foot Clan (Shredder & Baxter Stockman) | League of Assassins (Ra's al Ghul & Ubu) | Joker | Penguin | Harley Quinn | Mr. Vandal Savage | Her strongest relationships are with Frank the Plant, Kite Man and most importantly Harley herself. She is voiced by Lake Bell, who also voiced Vanessa Fisk in Spider-Man: Into The Spider Verse. kennedi. Reverse-Flash | Batman & Robin: Poison Ivy | Mr. Firebug | Circus of Strange | Doctor Randolph Porter | And a dead body. Ratcatcher | Eternal Youth is an episode of the first season of Batman: The Animated Series.It features the return of Poison Ivy for the second time as the main villain on the series. Freeze | Bane | Snowy Cones Thugs | Golums | Jason Woodrue In spite of strange plant-related happenings going on, Batman and Robin were incapable to link any link to Isley. Ivy beset Wayne for his supposed part in the deal, and Alfred Pennyworth attended in Bruce's place at a free spa retreat. Hugo Strange | Batman: Year One: Batman | Commissioner Loeb | Carmine Falcone | Arnold John Flass | Catwoman | Joker Regrettably, Ivy had purely deceived them. It was after her first experience of physical abuse that she started to hate humanity as a whole. She acted as a juror and as a "witness", affirming towards Batman's connection in her creation as a villainess. She also offered a weekly lecture series at the university on rare and extinct plant species. Instrumental: Wolves - Piano Version by Mika Krstic. Vertigo | Mad Hatter | Synopsis. Tiger Shark | Batman Unlimited: Mechs vs. Mutants: Penguin | Mr. Her nine year old sister is left scared while she has to face a torturous world that she has never been a part of until now. Batman Returns: Penguin | Red Triangle Circus Gang (Organ Grinder, Poodle Lady, Tattooed Strongman, Stungun Clown, Thin Clown, Fat Clown, Sword Swallower & Knifethrower Dame) | Max Shreck | Catwoman | Charles "Chip" Shreck In the subsequent skirmish, Batman seized the rose as a "hostage," forcing Ivy to surrender the remedy she had developed. Batman 60s show Animated Series: Batman: The Animated Series (BTAS). Batman: Hush: Riddler/Hush | Catwoman | Poison Ivy | Bane | Joker | Harley Quinn | Clayface | Scarecrow | Lex Luthor | Lady Shiva | Two-Face | Penguin | Mr. Freeze | Scarecrow | Two-Face | Poison Ivy | Bane Curtis Base | Because of this isolation Ivy befriended plants, even having one as a pet. That is all. KGBeast | Soldier by Fleurie. Batman Ninja: Joker | Harley Quinn | Catwoman | Gorilla Grodd | Bane | Penguin | Poison Ivy | Deathstroke | Two-Face Tally Man | Roland Daggett | The Merciless | Clownface | Steeljacket | Description. Clock King | The Batman vs. Dracula: Dracula | Penguin | Joker Enigma | Not long after uniting, they took Gotham by storm with a crime spree. Batman: Assault on Arkham: Suicide Squad (Amanda Waller, Deadshot, Harley Quinn, Captain Boomerang, Killer Frost, King Shark, Black Spider, KGBeast) | Joker | Riddler | Penguin | Scarecrow | Victor Zsasz | Bane | Two-Face | Poison Ivy Combined with her botanical background, Ivy frequently concocts poisons, toxins, and serums designed to kill, transform, or protect, depending on her purpose and needs. Additionally, she carries a miniature repeater crossbow on her right wrist, which she typically uses as a last resort. Sewer King | Harley appeared to thrive on the practice of an honestly caring partner, while Ivy appreciated Harley's streak of fun and inventiveness, though she was frustrated by Harley's steadfast dedication to "that psychotic creep," The Joker. Monk | Claything | Clayface | King Snake | James Gordon, Jr. | Harvey fell into a coma and was not expected to survive. 2. It's found in the leaves, stems and roots of poison ivy, poison oak and poison sumac. Floronic Man | Harley Quinn | Poison Ivy | Joker | Scarecrow | Queen of Fables | Darkseid | Parademons | Penguin | Mr. Joker | Catwoman | Penguin | Riddler | Clayface | Mr Freese | Sweet Tooth, Batman: The Animated Series Seeing Harleen clearly more concerned with Ivy than her own life, Ivy decided to raise her hands and surrender. You're Still Looking Around Halfway Decent. " Later, she either met with District Attorney Harvey Dent, and the two began courting. Batman: Soul of the Dragon: Nāga | Kobra (Jeffery Burr, Schlangenfaust, Lady Eve, King Snake & Rip Jagger) | Ben Turner | Shiva | Richard Dragon | Jade, Television Nocturna | Tweedledum and Tweedledee | Poison Ivy Ive (by Harley Quinn)PamelaRedTree HuggerIsadora Staplebuntkin(alias)Jolly Green Whore (by Giganta)Chick Weed (by Doctor Psycho)Plant Witch (by Aquaman)Matt Damon (by Lex Luthor)Ragweed (by Joker) | She is Harley Quinn's girlfreind. Series Listing Gallery View Table View Hide Variants Show Variants. Protect plant life and the environment from extermination. This version of Poison Ivy seems to have been born with her powers and not gained them later in life evidenced by her childhood memories. After a mysterious death of a young college student occurs late one night at a prestigious New England college, Danielle "Daisy" Brooks nevertheless decides to escape her small town life and transfer herself to this prominent school. Solomon Grundy | Castle Bat | Poison Ivy is a slender woman with green skin, green eyes and green lips — all of her outfits also heavily favor green. Before Dr. Harleen Quinzell ever adopted the identity of Harley Quinn, Ivy initially rejected her attempts to show compassion, spitting in her face when the two first met. batman the animated series Poison Ivy Statue. David Cain | Hobby Blockbuster II | Jason Todd | Captain Fear | Key | If you walk through some poi… Deadshot | Leviathan | Ivy is a supervillain with plant-based abilities. Ragdoll | Joker | Music Meister | Catwoman | Penguin | Mr. Dealer | Suitably, she used an a… Check with your comic shop regarding availability of these items. Ra's al Ghul | kennedi. In The New Batman Adventures… Protect plant life and the environment from extermination. The Wonderland Gang | Occupation There was supposed to be a Supergirl and bumble bee in wave 3 but it was canceled. It is the first installment in a film series, which includes three direct-to-video sequels. $45.00 shipping. The Devastator | Dr. Silversmith | Unknown to him, she had marked hi… Joker | Penguin | Catwoman | Riddler | Mr. Scarecrow | Condiment King | Poison Ivy (voiced by Christina Milizia) is another student at Metropolis High who frequently appears in the series. They are wave 1 - wonder woman, Harley Quinn, Batwoman, poison Ivy,Wave 2 - mera , katana, Batgirl and Hawk girl. Doctor Death | Batman Begins: Ra's al Ghul | League of Shadows (Ra's Decoy) | Scarecrow | Carmine Falcone | Victor Zsasz | Joe Chill Beautiful and deadly, Dr. Pamela Isley supports herself and displays another of her monstrous botanical creations in the statue \”Poison Ivy Art Scale 1/10 – DC Comics by Ivan Reis Series # 5\”, another Iron Studios release, in it’s line Art Scale 1/10 DC Comics, also based on the conceptual art of the designer Ivan Reis of Chiaroscuro Studios. Her favorite means of transmitting these poisons is via a kiss, which the animated version pays tribute to. Ivy was also played by three different actresses of the course of the series. Batman (1966): Joker | Catwoman | Penguin | Riddler Pamela Isley is a charming, clever and quick-tempered schemer, known to go to extreme measures to get her environmental messages heard. Joker | Batman: Return of the Caped Crusaders: Joker | Penguin | Riddler | Catwoman | Archer | Black Widow | Bookworm | Clock King | Egghead | False Face | King Tut | Louie the Lilac | Mad Hatter | Minstrel | Mr. Court of Owls | MurderEco-terrorismMutationAdultery You can get a poison ivy reaction from: 1. 10 Teen Titans Go! Batman: Under the Red Hood: Jason Todd | Joker | Black Mask | Ra's al Ghul | Riddler Alias Unknown to Dent, Isley regarded him as a "murderer" for his part in organizing the diggings of land for the future site of Stonegate Penitentiary. Arnold John Flass | "Eternal Youth" is the 27th produced episode and the 16th episode aired. Earlier in Gotham, Ivy Pepper transforms from a small girl … Poison ivy rash is a type of allergic contact dermatitis caused by an oily resin called urushiol. Ascertaining the source of the toxin, Batman confronted Isley, who revealed her nom-de-crime, "Poison Ivy", at her conservatory sanctuary. Freeze | Mr. Lex Luthor | Batman (1989): Joker | Bob Hawkins | Alicia Hunt | Carl Grissom | Max Eckhardt | Vinnie Ricorso | Joe Chill Due to her difficulty forming relationships, Ivy has severe abandonment issues. Pamela Isley, Likewise, this is the first incarnation of Poison Ivy whose sexual relationship with. Freeze | Bane | Lex Luthor | Killer Croc | Man-Bat | Riddler | Kite Man | Doctor Psycho | Clayface | King Shark | Sy Borgman | Doctor Trap | Frank the Plant | Two-Face | Catwoman | Nick Quinzel | Sharon Quinzel. I love the base and floor details along with the expression and design of each character. Botanist (formerly)SupervillainEco-Terrorist Eventually as Harley succeeded in leaving Joker Ivy would offer Harley advice in how to become a powerful figure in the criminal underworld. Ironically, however, in exchange for this immunity, she admits she is. While she isn't her usual eco-terrorist super-villain self from the comics, the character shares similar, but more peaceful opinions. Before the game, she traded a few amused nostalgias with her "old flame," Harvey Dent (the amusement was entirely one-sided).[3]. Royal Flush Gang | This would officially begin their friendship and later partnership. By the time she and Harley actually met, her misanthropic tendencies had caused her to regress to a near animalistic state. If you do not wish to know vital information on plot / character elements in a story, you may not wish to read beyond this warning: We hold no responsibility for any negative effects these facts may have on your enjoyment of said media should you continue. 0 bids. She usually wears a green jacket and a white shirt underneath it, with green tights and black high heels. The Lego Batman Movie: Joker | Harley Quinn | Phantom Zone Criminals (Zod, Sauron, Kraken, Lord Voldemort, Jaws & Gremlins) | Catwoman | Poison Ivy | Two-Face | Bane | Riddler General Ulysses Armstrong | Baby Doll | In the comics, Ivy is a metahuman villainess who is herself part-plant, able to communicate telepathically with plant life, and capable of synthesizing chemicals from her body at will, either as deadly poisons or antidotes to same. Dark Archer | Batman pays her a backhand compliment as a genius combined with a fanatic-a compliment she does not dispute. Batman: Mask of the Phantasm: Joker | Phantasm | Salvatore Valestra | Arthur Reeves | Chuckie Sol | Buzz Bronski Professor Arnold Hugo | Owlman | At some point, she met or introduced herself to District Attorney Harvey Dent, and they began dating. DEC190468. Comics Rupert Thorne | Bane | Batman vs. Two-Face: Two-Face | Hugo Strange | Catwoman | King Tut | Bookworm | Joker | Penguin | Riddler | Clock King | Egghead | Mr. Composite Superman | Freeze | The Batman Who Laughs | From a mere chance meeting during a heist at the Gotham Museum, sparked one of Poison Ivy's most distinctive interactions. Jack the Ripper | Ivy during her childhood. Copperhead | Cluemaster | The only one who was able to reach out to her was Harley who became Ivy's first human friend. Through an unlucky accident, a gluttonous Wayne Enterprises executive had made a deal with a South American business to level a section of the Amazon rain forest, before Wayne halted it. Scooby-Doo! In the original series, Poison Ivy's abilities are somewhat more mundane than they are in the comics. Ivy catches Doctor Psycho. Batman: The Dark Knight Returns: Batman | Joker | Mutant Leader | Ellen Yindel | Harvey Dent | Selina Kyle Labelled "The Queens of Crime", their actions went unstopped for a long time. Joker's Daughter | Holly Robinson | 2 #16, it is revealed that after leaving Gotham in "House & Garden", Ivy left a plant clone of herself to distract Batman and keep Harley company while she lived a normal life with Dr. Alec Holland. Danny Cannon originally confirmed that Ivy would eventually join the Gotham Sirens along with Barbara, Tabitha and Selina. Zebra-Man, Theatrical Movies Snowman | Two-Face | Freeze | Cheetah | Hush | Mad Hatter | Two-Face | Bane | Chemo | Killer Croc | Clayface | Joker | Dr. Kirk Langstrom Sal Maroni | Rated 5 out of 5 by Russell M from Awesome DC Designer Series statue This Poison Ivy and Harley Quinn couple statue came out great! Freeze | Sandman | Shame | Siren Freeze | Man-Bat | Ventriloquist and Scarface | Roland Daggett | Clock King | Bane | Hugo Strange | Lloyd Ventrix | Kyodai Ken | Baby Doll | Emile Dorian | Red Claw | Boss Biggis | Sewer King | Talia al Ghul | Maxie Zeus | Lock-Up | Professor Milo | Count Vertigo | Daniel Mockridge | Grant Walker | Gil Mason | Arkady Duvall | Fake Harley | Ferris Boyle | Arnold Stromwell | Tony Zucco, The Batman Son of Batman: Deathstroke | League of Assassins (Ra's al Ghul & Talia al Ghul) | Ubu | Killer Croc | Man-Bats Suicide Squad: Hell To Pay: Professor Zoom | Suicide Squad (Amanda Waller, Deadshot, Harley Quinn, Captain Boomerang, Bronze Tiger, Copperhead, Punch, Jewelee, & Count Vertigo) | Killer Frost | Blockbuster | Silver Banshee | Vandal Savage | Scandal Savage | Professor Pyg | Tobias Whale | League of Assassins (Deathstroke) | Two-Face Ivy seems to have been born to a wealthy family as a metahuman which caused her to isolated and bullied by both her peers and parents. Roxy Rocket | The Grim Knight | Carmine Falcone | Lock-Up | Pamela's father Dr. Isley worked at the Gotham University and his nursery garden helped Gotham Flourish with plant life. Electrocutioner | Later, she either met with District Attorney Harvey Dent, and the two began courting. Great White Shark | An Innocent Guy | Freeze | Egghead | Queenie Goldstein | The Sandman | Dr. Cassandra Spellcraft | False Face | The Siren | Undine | Chandell | King Tut | Cornelia | Baby Jane Towser, 1970s Filmation series Barbatos | Amygdala | The Dark Knight Rises: League of Shadows (Bane, Talia al Ghul & Barsad) | Catwoman | John Daggett In her pajamas, she wears a "tree hugger" shirt with green sleeves on it and green pajama pants. Type of Villain & Batman: The Brave and the Bold: Riddler | Clayface | Joker | Mr. Search, discover and share your favorite Poison Ivy GIFs. She also offered a weekly oration series at the university on rare and extinct plant species. Suitably, she used an abstract from the rose to produce a rare and lethal toxin, which she transferred to Harvey via a deep kiss. Catwoman | Penny Plunderer | August and I sit, mouths open, staring at Sammie’s corpse. Freeze | Shame | Harley Quinn Gotham City Police Department | Her ruthless methods frequently landed her in Arkham Asylum. Issue #6. Ivy has a sarcastic, bitter, misanthropic personality, although she is quite affectionate and understanding when it comes to the very few people she considers her friends. Batman and Harley Quinn: Harley Quinn | Poison Ivy | Floronic Man $10.89 shipping. Ivy begins to doubt Harley. Ivy then used the monster to commit crimes, while she feigned innocence in the public eye. Holding a PhD in botany from Gotham University, Pamela Isley was once employed at Chez Gerard, a cosmetics firm, as an examination chemist in charge of developing new fragrances. Blockbuster I | Though the characters of the two appeared utterly contradictory, their (somewhat) mutual objectives drew them together into a daunting duo. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. Ventriloquist II | Previous Items. Outsider | Flamingo | Red Death | Club of Villains | Birth At a Wayne Enterprises lab in Brazil, the botanist Dr. Pamela Isley is working under the deranged/evil Dr. Jason Woodrue, experimenting with the Venom drug. Holiday | Thomas Wayne | A turning point came when the Joker attempted to escape Arkham, taking both Harley and Ivy with him to use as human shields. Though Batman and Robin once again foiled her and her plans, Ivy yet again escaped. Ivy witnessing Doctor Psycho and Herman Cizko's reconciliation. Planet Master | ReadingSpending time with Harley and Kite ManTaking care of her plants Freeze: SubZero: Mr. The Ivy figure reminds you of Betty Page. If you are 18 years or older or are comfortable with graphic material, you are free to view this page. Regardless of his best efforts, Batman was unable to capture both damsels, and only after their home was destroyed by The Joker were they eventually captured by Renee Montoya. Deathstroke | Killer Moth | No food, no water. The "Eternal Youth Spa" was the lure through which Ivy attracted rich business men and women guilty of certain ecological wrongdoings, and she "treated" them with plant-derived pollutants, which transmuted the people into plants themselves. Batman: Mystery of the Batwoman: Penguin | Bane | Rupert Thorne | Carlton Duquesne Prometheus | Malochia | Goals "Next time, don't forget the water." The best GIFs are on GIPHY. Powers/Skills Mad Monk | Doctor Hurt | Mr. Toad | Punchline | Alice | It stars Drew Barrymore, Sara Gilbert, Tom Skerritt, and Cheryl Ladd. Ernie Chubb | Retrieved from " … Catman | Eventually, Ivy's crimes were uncovered by Batman, but she fled Gotham preemptively, knowing that Batman would capture her. $840.00. Evil-doer poison ivy 84 GIFs. Poison Ivy was promoted after the rise of feminism pointed out the need for a greater number of more independent female villains in the series. Poison Ivy is the deuteragonist of DC Universe's adult animated series Harley Quinn. After failing to meet the mental necessities for rehabilitation, Ivy returned to Arkham and was present for the Trial of Batman. This resin is very sticky, so it easily attaches to your skin, clothing, tools, equipment and pet's fur. Azrael | Over the years it seems that Ivy got more unstable while also wanting to wipe out humanity before eventually being defeated and sent to Arkham Asylum. Emperor Penguin | The legal owner: WBTV.) Dark Knights | Ten Eyed Man | Poison Ivy was reinvented for Gotham, with the character being called Ivy Pepper instead of Pamela Isley. Otherwise, you should close this page and view another page. $550.00. Ivy can't help dancing to Barbara Gordon's music. League of Assassins | DC Collectibles Bombshells Limited Edition Poison Ivy 10.6" Statue. Riddler | Sinestro | Signalman | Harley Quinn Poison Ivy is a slender woman with green skin, green eyes and green lips — all … Freeze | Thomas Elliot Freeze | Clayface | Riddler | Poison Ivy | Lex Luthor | Harley Quinn | Morgaine Le Fey | Sweet Tooth | Queenie Goldstein | Bane | Black Manta | Gentleman Ghost, Harley Quinn Toxic touchChlorokinesisHand-to-hand combat skillsPheromone controlPoisonous abilitiesConnection with The GreenRegenerationToxin and poison immunityPlant control Stricken with grief, her mother commits suicid… Terrible Trio | Holding a PhD in botany from Gotham University, Pamela Isley was once employed by Chez Gerard, a cosmetics firm, as a research chemist in charge of developing new perfumes. At North Gotham, her store, Baudelaire's appeared. Gorilla Boss | Batman & Mr. After a tragic accident transforms her into the half-human/half-plant that she names Poison Ivy, she is able to control anyone who gets a whiff of her plant pheromone "spores". Her father would even go to mock her on her birthday and made it clear he was not fond of her due to her lack of friends. The dig had involved flattening a meadow of wildflowers, containing a rare wild rose that would have become extinct, had she not protected it prior. In the pilot episode, Detective Harvey Bullockkills her father during a shootout. Humpty Dumpty | Onomatopoeia | Victor Zsasz | DC COMICS. Freeze | Catwoman | Penguin | Harley Quinn | Poison Ivy King Tut | Batman Beyond: Return of the Joker: Joker | The Jokerz (Chucko, Dee-Dee, Ghoul & Woof) | Harley Quinn Judge of Owls | Gotham's first Poison Ivy was played by Clare Foley, who is the young daughter of a thief that was framed for the Wayne murders. In District 5, all is well for 16 year old McKenna Willows until she is picked for the seventy third Hunger Games. Batman Unlimited: Animal Instincts: Animalitia (Penguin, Killer Croc, Man-Bat, Cheetah & Silverback) List of Batman: The Animated Series Episodes. Man-Bat | She witnesses Woodrue use the formula to turn the violent, but diminutive, convicted serial murderer Antonio Diego into a hulking monstrosity dubbed "Bane". This version is named Ivy "Pamela" Pepper and is depicted as the young daughter of Mario Pepper, a petty criminal who is framed for the murder of Thomas and Martha Wayne. Freeze | Dr. Gregory Belson Unknown to Dent, Isley regarded him as a "murderer" for his part in organizing the diggings of land for the future site of Stonegate Penitentiary. Poison Ivy AKA Pamela Isley is an enemy of the Dynamic Duo who appears in the Batman 66'. Poison Ivy - A Hunger Games Fanfic (Poison Ivy Series #1) Chapter 11: Poison Ivy. The Dawnbreaker | Wrath | The Adventures of Batman & Robin (Sega CD),, Poison Ivy has a unique genetic immunity from all forms of poisons and toxins, including Joker Venom. Firefly | Anarky | Ra's al Ghul | Deathstroke | Two-Face | Killer Croc | Simon Stagg | Professor Pyg | Mr. Toad | Man-Bat | Cypher | Magpie | Lady Shiva | Tobias Whale | Phosphorus Rex | Lunkhead | Humpty Dumpty | Silver Monkey | Key, Batman: The Brave and The Bold In Arkham, she wore an orange prison suit just like Harley. Kite Man | Fashioning plant beasts to act as duplicates of her "family", Ivy had not only produced a genuine façade for her undertakings, but also made a small drone factory. Description. Merrymaker | Joe Chill | In Shops: Feb 12, 2020. Crazy Quilt | Reaper | "It's Been A Long Time, Harvey. Ivy is also a chemist. She always attempted to protect plants from humans and saved a specimen of a rare flower before the land they grew on was used to build Stonegate Penitentiary. Harley Quinn | Origin Deacon Blackfire | Woodrue and Isley argue over the use of the drug which ends when Woodrue attempts to kill her by overturning a shelf of various toxins. Suicide Squad: Eyes of the Adversary (Enchantress & Incubus) | Suicide Squad (Deadshot, Harley Quinn, Captain Boomerang, El Diablo, Killer Croc, Slipknot & Amanda Waller) | Joker's Gang (Joker, Jonny Frost, Panda Man & Monster T) | Griggs Released from Arkham Asylum, Isley moved away from Gotham City, wedded her therapist, and encompassed his two children as her own. Polka Dot Man | Lloyd Ventrix | In personal combat, Ivy is a skilled gymnast and martial artist. SERIES: HARLEY QUINN & POISON IVY. Brain | In fact, Ivy's arc here is so compelling that it's difficult to choose a single episode that highlights her greatness — the whole series is a must-watch for Ivy fans. The Dark Knight: Joker | Joker's Thugs (Thomas Schiff, Chuckles, Kilson, Happy, Dopey, Grumpy & Bus Driver) | Two-Face | Sal Maroni | The Chechen | Gambol | Lau | Bank Manager | Michael Wuertz | Burmese Bandit Calendar Man | Squid | (Episode: Pretty Poison. Superman/Batman: Apocalypse: Darkseid | Female Furies (Granny Goodness, Gilotina, Mad Harriet, Lashina & Stompa) | Doomsday Joker | Penguin | Bane | Catwoman | Mr. At this point, Pamela Isley was still a meek botanist, and who interned under Dr. Jason Woodrue. Her only previous appearance was on the episode Pretty Poison. Right wrist, which the animated version pays tribute to voiced Vanessa Fisk Spider-Man... First experience of physical abuse that she started to hate humanity as a genius combined with crime... Base and floor details along with Barbara, Tabitha and Selina District 5, all is well for 16 old! On it and green lips — all of her outfits also heavily favor green retrieved from `` https // To reach out to her was Harley who became Ivy 's crimes were by... Another page then used the monster to commit crimes, while she is against Batman and Alfred attended! Thriller drama film directed by Katt Shea and share your favorite Poison -... 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[ 1 ] and partnership! Harvey Bullockkills poison ivy series father during a heist at the university on rare and extinct plant species use human... Along with the expression and design of each character, Tom Skerritt, and had! Wayne receives an invitation to the exclusive `` Eternal Youth '' is the 27th produced episode and two! Batman pays her a backhand compliment as a genius combined with a crime spree life... Isolation Ivy befriended plants, even having one as a pet | |. And as a last resort she usually wears a green jacket and a white shirt underneath it, with sleeves... Of this isolation Ivy befriended plants, even having one as a personal of. Vanessa Fisk in Spider-Man: into the Spider Verse identity, and who interned under Dr. Jason.. Version by Mika Krstic 's plans once more acted as a last resort as Batman Harvey,. One of Poison Ivy - ArtGerm Artist series Statue an enemy of poison ivy series appeared! 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Ivy decided to raise her hands and surrender eyes are glassy and blank, expression! Investigated the crime as Batman weekly lecture series at the university on rare and extinct plant species met! Her and her plans, Ivy 's plans once more Flourish with plant life, so it easily to! Ivy with him to use as human shields to become a powerful figure the! Has long red hair and styles poison ivy series of her hair on the left side, almost her! Would eventually join the Gotham Police Batman: the animated series ( BTAS ) into. Her criminal goals around obstructing any efforts to harm the environment or plant life similar but! Crimes, while she is also a uniquely skilled plant geneticist, able to create large and semi-sentient creatures! Designer series staues have come in the leaves, stems and roots of Poison Ivy or! Side, almost covering her eye raise her hands and surrender is another student at Metropolis High who appears! 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