You've discovered EC Tunnel a marketplace for EverQuest players, not farmers or dealers. Contact Illwill 5/18/19. Will not... Hammerhead shark that paths from south side of docks on island in Erud's Crossing (SE corner of island), westward along ... Necromancer versions of the bat summon a pet and drop the wand every time. Race: ALL, WT: 3.5 Size: LARGE Had a bit of an issue with part 2 but it all worked out in the end. (Or he may be out in the Newbie yard -Sam.) GLSs can be turned in at gypsy camps (north karana, south ro, maybe other spots too) for an item that sells for 9pp and for a BUNCH of experience. What ended up working best was doing a /who all search for high level folks (58-60) in EC and Gfay. Capacity: 2 Size Capacity: SMALL, QUEST ITEM Price $: 200 Rndrandom, 4/28/19 Replies: 0 Views: 341 Last Reply: $200. This page was last modified on 5 January 2021, at 04:26. There are two general areas they spawn at one is in the cave section just south west of when you come through the door just make a right and go strait. Race: ALL, This is a meal! Race: ALL, MAGIC ITEM LORE ITEM Race: ALL, LORE ITEM NO DROP The other shammy epic drops are so common as to be a nuisance. Woo hoo! Please refer to the Shaman Epic Quest pageon the wiki as you read through this guide! Don't worry if it takes a long time for the Advisor to spawn; you're here to level up anyway, remember? Needs JBB, Epic, Torpor and Fungi to really be good. to get a new booklet. The other problem with the island in general is that you must be very aware of how small it is and how easily it is for others to join in on the fight. They are pretty decent experience in and of themselves, but they also drop lightstones and greater lightstones. Skill: 1H Slashing Atk Delay: 35 Needed a bit of help but for the most part it was pretty easy. It is even impossible to flee into the water when chased, because most monsters will chase you there as well. WT: 0.8 Size: SMALL In order to spawn Black Dire, we need to first slay "An Advisor" in Mistmoore Castle. You can speed up your leveling time tenfolds with a good powerleveler. Druids can be Humans, Wood Elves, Halflings, and Half Elves. Find quality care at Sparrow Hospital. Aaldari Drachenfuer. Monk 1.0 Epic Celestial Fists. You're the perfect level to be grouping at the Mistmoore CE camp. Race: ALL, MAGIC ITEM Check out the helpful links section below for links to the official P99 website, wiki, Discord server, and more! In P99, many melee epics are replaced by primals from Velious. Monk Epic 1.0: Celestial Fists; Monk Epic 1.5 Pre-Quest - Needed to obtain the Epic 1.5 if you do not have or wish to obtain the Epic 1.0. WT: 0.1 Size: TINY NOTES Getting Ragebringer Before Level 50 Generally speaking, the epic quests were designed to be done by characters who were level 50+; in almost all cases, you have to be level 46 or higher to do the quest at all, since for some quests, there are NODROP pieces that come from the Planes (and you have to be 46+ to even zone into the Planes). I wasn't in a guild when I was on this step of my epic, so I posted in the forums asking for help. They can be expensive, as survival can cost gems. DMG: 3 This page has been accessed 157,632 times. Part I North Freeport Note: With PoR, the Jade Tiger's Den is now close to the main gates in West Freeport. I've played both to lvl 55 (epic on the Shaman). Class: ALL This flags you to start the quest for the epic 1.5 if you do not have the Spear of Fate (epic 1.0). Money is the effectiveness at earning pp - by any means possible. As our final quake effort we took a chance with a small crew of level 52 characters backed by a couple level 60's and went after Lady Vox next. Race: ALL, QUEST ITEM If the Advisor is up, ask the puller not to touch it! You say, 'Hail, Elder Spirit of Enlightenment' You have done well. If you proceed with the final parts of the quest before maxing out your faction, the turn-ins will fail. At level 44, you are of the proper level to start grouping in CoM without truly gimping your experience gains. Within just a few minutes I had help from a level 60 ranger, and I also did a quick /ooc in Mistmoore and got someone to log onto their 60 cleric main character who happened to be camped in the zone. And there's no escape in the zone, really... short of gating out of the zone or gating far enough away from crowd-controlled enemies that you can camp out before CC breaks and they run you down again.This island is a very dangerous zone for several reasons. Had a bit of an issue with part 2 but it all worked out in the end. Class: ALL Class: ALL AC: 1 This becomes important soon. A tracker definitely helps. This is done once the trade window is open with the NPC and you’re ready to hit “Give“. 2013-10-17 - Updated with changes to RoF: Xorbb 1, 2, and 3. When on the boat from Erudin to Qeynos, the boat passes far north of the island, but if you are an able swimmer you could jump ship and make it to the island. I guarantee by the time you hit level 39, which is when I recommend leaving Mistmoore, you will see the Advisor at least once. Shaman Another strong solo class that can hold down plat farms by themselves. Lightstones can be sold to vendors for 1pp or turned in at the same camps for less experience and an item that sells for several gold. Congratulations Shaman, you have grown wise and powerful. Almost got eaten but we got it done! After the Black Dire kill I started on the Shaman epic to get the Black Fur Boots! 2013-10-20 - Added a new Trigger for Shaman 2.0 Epic (General -> Common). You can either rally your guildmates (if you have them) or turn to the kindness of strangers. Race: ALL, QUEST ITEM Needs JBB, Epic, Torpor and Fungi to really be good. Also, killing the beetles can result in the spawning of Island Madmen by the docks, some of whom are extremely dangerous spellcasters and all of whom are powerful and aggressive. This was mentioned before, but needs to be emphasized. With a decent group, you can do the entire epic 1.0 in a matter of a couple hours. As our final quake effort we took a chance with a small crew of level 52 characters backed by a couple level 60's and went after Lady Vox next. If anyone was foolish enough to take the alt epic 1.5 path, I feel very sorry for you. Hand in your combined booklet, and then say the prompt line ("I will find out how it all began.") Check out the helpful links section below for links to the official P99 website, wiki, Discord server, and more! Sold Everquest p99 level 60 epic/torpor shaman. Effect: Lifespike (Any Slot, Casting Time: Instant) The island Kerrans can also be hunted. If you're unable to find a group, you can also ask about the Advisor's spawn status in /ooc. As you complete the quest, you'll notice your faction with "Truespirit" increasing. WT: 1.0 Size: SMALL WT: 0.1 Size: TINY WT: 0.2 Size: TINY Class: ALL Attacking one is a quick way to draw others to you, and there are rumors that the entire island's population of spiders has occasionally swarmed an attacker. Congratulations Shaman, you have grown wise and powerful. Monk Epic 1.5: Fistwraps of Celestial Discipline. Powerleveling on Project 1999 / Classic EQ. 4,049. WT: 0.5 Size: SMALL Monk Epic Quest Issues - NPC Spawns and Drops I have attached a short walkthrough courtesy of Project 1999 for reference to show where issues are. Class: ALL Spear of Fate The Shaman Epic should be done in a linear fashion because progression is based entirely on Truespirit faction. When coming from Qeynos, the ferry runs along the shore for quite some time before actually reaching the docks, so many impatient adventurers jump ship and swim for shore. Locked Sold 105 Shaman Povar. To make it simple, I have created pages with a guide for each one! I know Shaman get a lot better at soloing once they get their epic but at this rate I don't know if I'll ever get it :( lol. DMG: 5 Secondly, many of the monsters are intertwined in their relationships, the most complex being the beetles and spiders. - If you really aren't able to get any help for Black Dire, you can repeat the Envy/Woe/Marr's Promise step of the quest 3-4 more times to bump your faction high enough to proceed to the next step and obtain the empty booklet from the Spirit Sentinel for the City of Mist Reports. Shaman is a fun class that can do everything and is beloved in groups. The island is also generally not very heavily hunted, and has a good variety of creatures, although people generally come to hunt the wisps that frequently spawn and the zombie sailors because of their rawhide armor and for quests out of Qeynos. For leveling, the Druid I found to as fun as it gets. The various report pages that you need will drop every few minutes, and before you know it you'll have filled up your first booklet. This guide was made after the 2/20/19 patch nerf. I have mine in the bank still as a just in case. Druid/Necro/Shaman are great items but not especially interesting or game-changing based on … Druid/Necro/Shaman are great items but not especially interesting or game-changing based on clicky alone. Everquest Item Information for Corrosive Goo. P99 necro guide ; The final reward for the quest is a weapon to go along with your new set of armor. Pre-farmable Steps include: Step 7 – Part 1 – Forage Chilled Tundra Root (Everfrost), Ripened Heartfruit (Gfay), Speckled Molded Mushroom (Innothule), Sweetened Mudroot (Misty Thicket) Step 11 – Part 1 – Forage Rose of Firiona (Firiona Vie) Step 12 – Part 1 – Loot Jade Raeaver from a black reaver in City of Mist Step 14 – Venril … 0. Powerleveling is very efficient in EQ. Illwill, 5/15/19 Replies: 1 Views: 300 Last Reply: N/A. This guide is designed to help you accomplish the majority of your Epic Quest naturally as you level. Congrats to Thiccc for a completed Shaman epic 2 days later! Whether you are new to EverQuest or returning, this is the place! After the Black Dire kill I started on the Shaman epic to get the Black Fur Boots! Contact Rndrandom 6/19/19. Quest - This item is used in at least one quest. You've discovered EC Tunnel a marketplace for EverQuest players, not farmers or dealers. Monk Epic Quest Issues - NPC Spawns and Drops I have attached a short walkthrough courtesy of Project 1999 for reference to show where issues are. This happens with all the monsters, not just those specifically mentioned above. Illwill, 5/15/19 Replies: 1 Views: 300 Last Reply: N/A. [P99] Weroden Shaman Epic (Part 5) Spear of Fate - YouTube Today we continue our epic with The Final Fight. Whether you are new to EverQuest or returning, this is the place! First of all, there is practi… Just go through them in order and you’ll have your 1.0 Epic before you know it! Items - Found 20 items that drop in Erud's Crossing: MAGIC ITEM Locked Selling P99 blue lvl 60 Shadownight. TLDR: Many NPCs on the island assist each other, even across types. This is much easier said than done. Race: ALL, QUEST ITEM Project1999 is an emulated server of the 1999 MMORPG EverQuest seeking to rebuild the 'classic' EverQuest experience. Join up and say hello! With a decent group, you can do the entire epic 1.0 in a matter of a couple hours. But I recommend really trying for Black Dire; the clicky SoW boots you'll receive are worth it! This creates a pause of 4.5 seconds in the macro. Class: ALL This page lists various commands you may have never heard about but may find incredibly useful. After you've filled up your first booklet, hit "Combine" and then gather the pages again, storing them in a backpack. Class: ALL Shadow Knight 1.0 Epic Innoruuk’s Curse **Disclaimer: You can potentially skip Step 1-6 all together and begin at Step 7.You must con apprehensive or better to Duriek Bloodpool in Paineel to skip steps 1-6, OR anytime you do a turn-in you’ll need to be invs (or invis vs undead in some cases). The spiders represent a different problem, and that is that they all seem to know what is going on elsewhere on the island. Shaman: Very good leveling class but very gear / plat dependent. Contact Rndrandom 6/19/19. Doing part 3 of the epic. 0. WT: 7.1 Size: SMALL Class: ALL This is done once the trade window is open with the NPC and you’re ready to hit “Give“. WT: 0.0 Size: TINY The biggest benefit to hunting in Erud's Crossing is hunting willowisps. - You'll begin your journey at Level 34. You can create a macro that casts a spell and then pauses, by putting the … They can also cause Fire Elementals to spawn in the volcano, which are aggressive and high level. WT: 0.1 Size: SMALL At least with Necro I can solo really well even without it. Class: ALL TLDR: Many NPCs on the island assist each other, even across types. Once you have a combined booklet and another set of 6 reports, make a quick run out to the Spirit Sentinel in EJ. For instance, the zombie sailors generally spawn at a regular rate and can provide good hunting. Rules: No discussion or links about RMT. Don't skip any of this. This flags you to start the quest for the epic 1.5 if you do not have the Spear of Fate (epic 1.0). Race: ALL, MAGIC ITEM Find the Elder Spirit of Enlightenment in the Jade Tiger's Den of West Freeport (first room on the third floor). This page was last modified on 21 August 2018, at 18:32. WT: 0.4 Size: SMALL Ok onto the guide . This page has been accessed 13,420 times. Effect: Flare (Any Slot, Casting Time: Instant) But no need for poopsocking! 1. WT: 0.2 Size: SMALL Class: ALL You’ll need to obtain SoulFire, Ghoulbane, and Fiery Avenger before you can get Fiery Defender. Class: ALL Paths along the west side of the island. The other danger is, as mentioned above, the unpredictability of the spawn rates. There are two ways to complete this step: 1) save up ~50 to 75k pp to pay for the Child's Tear loot rights, or 2) join a guild, raid the Plane of Fear, and earn your Tear yourself! They are warriors, around level 15, and usually can be pulled solo. - This step entails gathering reports from City of Mist and turning them in to a Spirit Sentinel in the nearby Emerald Jungle (Part 6 - City of Mist Reports on the Shaman Epic Quest wiki page). (Pretty impractical information, but preserved for posterity: Despite the above dangers, this island can be a great deal of fun to hunt in. After the Black Dire kill I started on the Shaman epic to get the Black Fur Boots! If you're not in a stables group, don't be shy about asking in /ooc -- pages rot all the time in CoM! I have mine in the bank still as a just in case. This is all very straightforward. This is the "grind-y" part of your epic... but not to worry, it'll fly by (and you're here anyway for exp grouping, remember?). Class: ALL Now it is time to begin obtaining your Spear of Fate. You can insert a pause on a line of its own, or you can take advantage of the fact that the /pause command is the only command that you can combine with other commands on the same line. All monsters (besides Kerra Snakes) will join with others of their type. Basically, one person killing the wrong monster or starting the wrong train can result in the death or near-death of virtually every person on the island, so there is a willingness to help out here that you rarely see elsewhere. The bats without pets do not drop the wand. Sold Everquest p99 level 60 epic/torpor shaman. Race: ALL, This is a snack! This one is the bottleneck in this quest for this zone, but is doable with time and effort. Class: ALL except CLR PAL DRU MNK There is also a strong sense of comraderie among the people on the island. Race: ALL, LORE ITEM NO DROP Race: ALL, QUEST ITEM There are 9 spawns on the island, wandering around from the beach up into the middle of the volcano. You'll use the 2.0 a lot in groups and solo play. level 2 Child's Tear (Shaman Epic!). Quickly fill up your new booklet, hit combine, and turn it in. And there's no escape in the zone, really... short of gating out of the zone or gating far enough away from crowd-controlled enemies that you can camp out before CC breaks and they run you down again. WT: 25.0 Weight Reduction: 0% the Drakkal wolves are *awesome* exp from 38 to 42 or so...after that i went to ot and solod there til 45...with the wolves you id kite em and you have 0 downtime, mend every 6 minutes and you will usually be close to full, if your ID isnt too high then go to the fall and see if some shammy will regrowth ya....also, ive found that if you train a giant onto three coldain … Soul Leech, Dark sword of Blood (SK Epic!) WT: 0.0 Size: TINY Got the sow boots! Race: ALL, WT: 0.5 Size: SMALL I would kill the undead at the end of the aisle, then set up there. First of all the island is very small, so it is not uncommon to have monsters of the same type as the one you're fighting wander by and join in. . Class: ALL Epic is easy with one bottleneck. Catching the boat to Qeynos this way, however, is significantly more difficult. Check out the helpful links section below for links to the official P99 website, wiki, Discord server, and more! So join up with a group and make sure to ask the puller to keep an eye out for the Advisor. Price $: 200 Rndrandom, 4/28/19 Replies: 0 Views: 341 Last Reply: $200. NPCs - Found 25 NPCs that spawn in Erud's Crossing: QUEST ITEM This page lists various commands you may have never heard about but may find incredibly useful. If you haven't hit level 39 yet, continue hunting (in Mistmoore or elsewhere) until you have. - Congratulations on coming this far, Shaman! Enchanter is a super fun class that can do everything and is beloved in groups. Slot: EAR The one on the left is KOS. - Complete the Spear of Fate questline up to Part 5, The Test of Might. There is a shaman epic quest NPC right next door from where the Ghost spawns. Then say the prompt line to get another empty booklet, head back into Com, and repeat! In order to progress, you’ll need an increasing amount of faction up until you reach the final turn-in, where you’ll need Ally. Wisps drop quite a bit of copper and silver and gold, but if you use this merchant to sell and rebuy gems you can basically bank with a small tax to turn small coin into gold or plat to reduce the weight. Why 34? Welcome! - Once the Advisor is up, you'll need to recruit some assistance. First of all, there is practically no escape from enemies if you run into trouble and are overwhelmed. Enjoy! Slot: EAR SoulFire Guide – Part 1 - NOTE: The "student's log" only drops off A Spectral Courier, which hangs out near the stables camp. Secondly, the ecosystem of the island is quite variable and the monsters have an intricate relationship. - Now that you've maxed out your Truespirit faction, all that remains is looting a Child's Tear in the Plane of Fear and doing the final turn-in and battle with Lord Rak`Ashiir in CoM. Race: ALL, MAGIC ITEM I would kill the undead at the end of the aisle, then set up there. WT: 0.5 Size: MEDIUM Race: ALL, QUEST ITEM The ones that aren't are the caster items: Mage is still BIS, Bard and Cleric are obviously very good, Enchanter is good. WT: 0.1 Size: TINY Please check out my Evil Shaman Solo Guide 1-56+, Gear guide and Proper Epic Technique. Now that I am higher level, I absolutely love helping out newer players who are genuinely trying to make their way in Norrath... politeness, kindness, enthusiasm, and roleplaying go a long way! The shaman 1.0 epic is by far the easiest in the game, much easier than camping all that miscellaneous stuff in various zones for the alt path to 1.5. Slot: PRIMARY SECONDARY Shaman Epic 2.0 Walk Through. Do your epic quests. The ranger and cleric handled Black Dire easily! You start out in Feerrott, quickly click the PoK stone so we can be in … Multiple killer sharks have been detected swimming through this sea. Project1999 is an emulated server of the 1999 MMORPG EverQuest seeking to rebuild the 'classic' EverQuest experience. Note: Quigli might not respond properly to your hail. Or perhaps it may come in hany for the Future shaman epic quest that hopefully we shaman will get in the next expansion Omens of War. Edited, Sat Jul 10 13:06:32 2004 Page top. - Now we're on the Test of Might. They path right over the shaman epic tes... A common peaceful monster that can be a hassle to fight if you don't have magic weapons. The South is the place congrats to Thiccc for a completed Shaman epic to get the Black Dire I. 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At approx 66, 3150 Last Reply: N/A to EverQuest or,., wiki, Discord server, and repeat Discord server, and there is no zone edge that anyone easily. Are undoubtedly my 2 favorite classes so I think I 'll have reasonable! And solo play wiki as you read through this guide beetles and.! Not completed this step until your faction, the Druid I found to as fun as gets... Of disappearing with the NPC and you ’ ll have your 1.0 epic is a super class! In their relationships, the turn-ins will fail forums for more tips or the command... Of strategy to hunting in Erud 's Crossing is hunting willowisps ( though they can be in … Monk epic! To CoM at level 44, you have grown wise and powerful but one step closer to Sow!. Very good leveling class but very gear / plat dependent make the Black Dire kill I on... Time to begin obtaining your Spear of Fate questline up to part 5, the Test of Might Castle! To lvl 55 ( epic 1.0 ) or 60.0 seconds 1 Views: 300 Last Reply: N/A KOS...

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