5, 1963, 284-264. ), Psychology: The Study of a Science, New York: McGraw-Hill, Vol. Marketers therefore try to find the motives for buying, and build their products and marketing mixes around these motives. Mij can be thought of as a vector of probabilities that the product class j satisfies a specific motive i. D. C. McClelland, The Achieving Society, Princeton, NJ: Van Nostrand, 1961. In terms of decision rules, the first type of attributes (inhibitors) elicit the conjunctive decision rule to eliminate brands with inhibiting (below threshold) values on certain attributes. This relative deprivation may trigger the dominance of the desire "to keep up" with the reference group. Situational motives are not motives in the sense of long-term desires to reach a certain goal. Content theories are the earliest theories of motivation. The basic idea behind goal setting theory is that humans translate motivational forces into observable behavior through the process of setting and pursuing goals. The desired goal state is perceived as unattainable in this case. Recent gratification of a motivational dimension may lead to a decrease in the evaluation of that motivational dimension. (i) Consumer Behaviour: Consumer behaviour is defined as “all psychological social and physical behaviour of potential customers as they become aware of, evaluate, purchase, consume, and tell others about products and services.” Consumer behaviour involves both individual and group processes. Expectancy theory states that the desire or motive to engage in a certain behavior is a composite of the expected outcome of that behavior and the value or evaluation of that behavior. The theory centers its analysis on the importance of pre-existing attitudes in the decision-making process. It is influenced by certain factors, which in their turn influence consumers’ behavior and their needs. 3. Here, an inequitable relation motivates the consumer to restore equity, that means he is motivated to bring his consumption level and pattern into agreement with that of his reference group. Need achievement resembles Maslow's (1970) self-actualization motive in a number of ways. He concludes that further research is necessary to find its true potential as a determinant of consumer behavior (Schewe, 1973). Brands possess two types of attributes. Equity operates within a range, with a lower and upper limit. Stated somewhat differently, the tendency to engage in an activity is determined by the desired goal of the action. Out of 11000 new products introduced by 77 companies, only 56% are present after 5 years. The commonality of the models is that the units of framework we present are of cognitive, subjective nature, and that they include hypothetical constructs as perceived equity, need achievement, expectation, and values. In an organization, there is need of motivation; motivation can result in best services as the focus of the paper is on how motivation affects the organizational performance if a company faces any problem regarding motivation. For instance, Maslow (1965) postulated that (i) gratification of the self-actualization need results in an increase of its importance rather than a decrease, and also that (ii) a long-time deprivation of a need may create a fixation for that need. STUDY. Usually, the number of product classes is smaller than the number of brands in the specific choice situation. It seems to be influenced more by Lewin's field theory in that it involves the perceptual analysis of (1) alternatives with their (2) desirabilities and (3) expectancies, and their (4) outcomes in the immediate psychological field. By implication, the rating of importance of job satisfaction seems to be positively related to the level of the job one holds (Porter, 1961; Porter and Mitchell, 1967) or "that the deprivation domination principle may only be operative in the case of the deprivation of the lower-order needs, especially physiological needs" (Wahba & Bridwell, 1976, p. 231). Motivation-need theories are reviewed, their implications to consumer behavior investigated, and the various findings and concepts integrated in formulating a model of generic choice prediction. The product class is evaluated in terms of the fundamental values of the consumer in the emotive areas of fear, social concern, respect for quality of life, appreciation of fine arts, religion, and other emotional feelings. Thus, motivation is crucial to succeed in educational matters and without the fighting spirit nothing is possible not only in education but also in real life. Needs are seen as the force that arouses motivated behavior and it is assumed that, to understand human motivation… Assuming that If = -Ps = 1 (a particular outcome is either a success or a failure). "Outputs or outcomes refer to the primary functional aspects of the alternatives in the product set; they are the basic purpose for buying and using the product. 3, 1969 (second edition). Marketing in the 21st century is part art and part science, and both sides place a crucial role in successful marketing. Subsequently, a selection of a modal or method within the product class is made. Axe Body Spray used this concept very effectively by linking its product to desirability with women. Maslow's approach is a theory of motivation, in that it links basic needs-motives to general behavior (Wahba and Bridwell, 1976). The avoidance tendency (Tf) may be related to some unsatisfactory product attributes (inhibitors) and the approach tendency (Ts) may be related to other, satisfactory product attributes (facilitators). William James (1890) and William McDougall (1923) made lists of instincts that were seem as mainsprings of all kinds of behaviors, simple and complex. In this study, the strength of motivation in customer behavior was investigated in a theoretic manner. There are four psychological factors that influence consumer behaviour: Motivation, perception, learning, and attitude or belief system. In the generic choice process, consumers compare the product classes on their ability to satisfy the basic needs. W. Fred van Raaij, Tilburg University. L. W. Porter, "A Study of Perceived Need Satisfactions in Bottom and Middle Management Jobs," Journal of Applied Psychology, 45 (February 1961), 1-10. Third, Jacoby (1976) emphasizes not to overlook that the desired outcomes of a behavior are influenced by "motivational inputs". This esteemed institution is ranked by numerous publications, such as The Princeton Review, U.S. News & World Report, Business Week, as one of the best education forces and academic values in the country. Lifestyle brands are very good at instilling a desire in the consumer to look or feel a certain way with the product, even if the brand’s product is not fundamentally different from the competition. M. J. Rosenberg, "Cognitive Structure and Attitudinal Affect," Journal of Abnormal and Social Psychology, 53 (November 1956), 367-72. W. F. Van Raaij, Economic Psychology and Marketing," Oslo: Symposium "New Directions in Marketing," 1976. If the functional goal of the purchase of a car is its service and economy, say, as opposed to status or a combination of all these, then these consequences constitute the desired outcomes. Needs for belongingness, love, and self-actualization are referred to as growth needs; the others are deficiency needs. W. F. Van Raaij, Economic Psychology and Marketing," Oslo: Symposium "New Directions in Marketing," 1976. Later, Murray(1937) made another classification of human needs. The need achievement model (Table 1) attributes the strength of motivation to the cognitive expectation that the action will result in the consequence. H3: Consumer awareness and consumer perception have impact on buying behavior. Keywords : Costumer, Consumer, Consumer Behavior, Customer Behavior, Motivation, Motive. All social sciences have contributed separate theories and tried to find out this phenomenon. In our opinion, motivational models are highly relevant for the generic choice process, while multi-attribute attitude models are relevant for the specific choice process. G. B. Graen, "Instrumentality Theory of Work Motivation: Some Experimental Results and Suggested Modifications," Journal of Applied Psychology Monographs, 53(April 1969) part 2. E. E. Lawler, Pay and Organizational Effectiveness: A Psychological View, New York: McGraw-Hill, 1971. By the 1920s, instinct theories were pushed aside in favor of other motivational theories, but contemporary evolutionary psychologists still study the influence of genetics and heredity on human behavior. ), Handbook of Organizational Psychology, Chicago: Rand McNally, 1976. ), Advances in Experimental Social Psychology, 2, New York: Academic Press, 1965. Apparently, equity theory may be applied to social relations such as management-worker and seller-buyer. In all enterprises whether private or state owned, motivation plays a key role in driving employees towards achieving their goals, organizational goals and to a certain extent the dreams of their nations. Absence of necessary attributes gives rise to dissatisfaction, while the presence of motivating attributes leads to satisfaction. J. Jacoby, "Consumer and Industrial Psychology: Prospects for Theory Corroboration and Mutual Contribution," in D. M. Dunnette (ed. To achieve growth needs, deficiency needs must first be satisfied. 1. Second, the equity relations holds for the consumer with regard to "relevant others" (reference groups). ), Advances in Experimental Social Psychology, 2, New York: Academic Press, 1965. As Jacoby (1976) points out, Herzberg's propositions as well as the findings cited before are involved with the determinants of satisfaction/dissatisfaction and not with performance. 2. In these studies higher-order (growth, actualizing) needs are judged to be more important for top executives than for underprivileged workers (Davis, 1946; Pellegrin and Coates, 1957). Successful marketing campaigns must not only bring awareness to a product but also establish its place somewhere on the hierarchy of needs. Inputs ("what is given") are defined as "what a person perceives as his contributions to the exchange for which he expects a just return" (Walster and Walster, 1975). Finally, consumers make planned impulse decisions, where they know they want to buy a product, but are unsure about the specifics. In addition, achievement needs are not operating in all purchase situations. Therefore, the outcome or consequence has attraction or value to the individual. These theories separate content (what specifically may motivate people or what they say is important) and process (the how or why). In the generic choice process, consumers compare the product classes on their ability to satisfy the basic needs. Read More about How to Lead Effective Virtual Meetings: Resources for Managers and Business Leaders. Maslow’s theory of the hierarchy of needs, Alderfer’s ERG theory, McClelland’s achievement motivation theory, and Herzberg’s two-factor theory focused on what motivates people and addressed specific factors like individual needs and goals. Created by Martin Fishbein and Icek Ajzen in the late 1960s, the Theory of Reasoned Action centers its analysis on the importance of pre-existing attitudes in the decision-making process. The need achievement concept is only applicable in cases where the consumer perceives some risk of failure. In most cases, the generic choice is more important and critical for the consumer; however, this seems to be a neglected area of research in marketing. D. T. Hall and K. E. Nougaim, "An Examination of Maslow's Need Hierarchy in an Organizational Setting," Organizational Behavior and Human Performance, 3(February 1968), 12-35. L. Berkowitz, "Social Motivation," in G. Lindzey and E. Aronson (eds. "Outputs or outcomes refer to the primary functional aspects of the alternatives in the product set; they are the basic purpose for buying and using the product. This curvilinear relationship between motive strength and disparity may be effectively compared with Berlyne's (1963) exploratory behavior theory and the level of arousal potential. Analyze motivational theories and their impact on work behavior and performance. W. A. Davis, "The Motivation of the Underprivileged Worker," in W. F. Whyte (ed. Armstrong (1976) provides some examples of the restoration of equity between consumers and marketers. Needs, in Murray's concepts, are hypothetical constructs directing behavior toward certain goals, or end states. His need hierarchy is by no means definitive, and is rather out of focus in comparison with the role of learning, perception, values, and expectations in human behavior (Atkinson, 1964). Functional motives are related to the technical functions the product performs. First are the pure impulse purchases, like a candy bar at the checkout line of a grocery store. Four Consumer Behavior Theories Every Marketer Should Know, about Interview with MBA student Sydney Winnenberg, about Exploring Types of Corporate Social Responsibility in Business, about How to Lead Effective Virtual Meetings: Resources for Managers and Business Leaders, Master of Financial Economics (blend of online & in person), Online Master of Recreation and Sport Sciences – Soccer Track, Professional Master of Sports Administration, Online Master of Arts in Organizational Communication, Online Master of Curriculum and Instruction, Online Master’s in Early Childhood and Early Childhood Special Education, Principal Preparation Program (blend of online & in person), Russ College of Engineering and Technology, Online Master of Information and Telecommunication Systems, Master of Science in Nursing (blend of online & in person), Executive Master of Public Administration, Association for Consumer Research, “Marketing Underground: An Investigation of Fishbein’s Behavioral Intention Model”, Association for Consumer Research, “Motivation-Need Theories and Consumer Behavior”, ResearchGate, “An Old Model for a New Age: Consumer decision Making in Participatory Digital Culture”, Interview with MBA student Sydney Winnenberg, Exploring Types of Corporate Social Responsibility in Business, How to Lead Effective Virtual Meetings: Resources for Managers and Business Leaders. Despite its vagueness and lack of adequate empirical support (Wahba and Bridwell, 1976), Maslow's need hierarchy has influenced the work of numerous psychologists (Argyris, 1964; Clark, 1960; Dichter, 1964; Leavitt, 1964; McGregor, 1960; Schein, 1965). This may be compared with Herzberg's (1966) hygienic and motivating factors in his job satisfaction theory. Write a two to three (2-3) page paper in which you: Compare the difference between job satisfaction and organizational commitment. MOTIVATION-NEED THEORIES AND CONSUMER BEHAVIOR. 3. A similar, but shorter, review of the three categories is given in Van Raaij (1976). The only difference is that in the approach-avoidance paradigm unsatisfactory attributes can be compensated by satisfactory product attributes. First, the extension of the concept of "evoked set" (Howard and Sheth, 1969) seems to provide an answer to the question of how many alternatives, as well as type of alternatives are considered by the individual. All social sciences have contributed separate theories and tried to find out this phenomenon. • Explain the concept of market and market identification. D. Dichter, Handbook of Consumer Motivations: The Psychology of the World of Objects, New York: McGraw-Hill, 1964. The main difference, however, is that it includes the probability of attaining a goal and a probability of failure. How Do Psychological Factors Play a Role in Consumer Behaviour? (Commerce) Deptt. From the time the consumer decides to act to the time the action is completed, the consumer retains the ability to change his or her mind and decide on a different course of action. L. W. Porter and E. E. Lawler, Managerial Attitudes and Performance, Homewood, IL: Irwin, 1968. In our opinion, motivational models are highly relevant for the generic choice process, while multi-attribute attitude models are relevant for the specific choice process. A car that is insufficiently safe causes dissatisfaction, while no satisfaction is derived from a car that is sufficiently safe. R. E. Burnkrant, "A Motivational Model of Information Processing Intensity," Journal of Consumer Research, 3, (June 1976), 21-30. Do you need help with your Analyze motivational theories and their impact on work behavior and performance.? The main difference, however, is that it includes the probability of attaining a goal and a probability of failure. ), Understanding Human Motivation, Cleveland/New York: The World Publishing Company, 1965. Lynn R. Kahle, University of Oregon, USA. Maslow noted the exception to his model; that, it is possible for higher-order needs to emerge not after gratification of the next-lower need, but after long-time deprivation (Maslow, 1970). F. Herzberg, Work and the Nature of Man, Cleveland, OH: World Publishing Company, 1966. FIGURE 1 SEQUENCE OF CHOICES IN CONSUMER DECISION MAKING Sheth (1975) distinguishes five utility needs. D. C. McClelland, The Achieving Society, Princeton, NJ: Van Nostrand, 1961. There are three main theory categories, namely content theories, process theories and contemporary theorie… Wang Suk Suh, University of Oregon, USA Psychological theories 3. In the generic choice process, the consumer essentially compares products on a different set of dimensions for each product, while in the specific choice process the same set of dimensions apply for all brands within the product class. Some support has been found for Maslow's (1965) deficiency and growth needs in studies that compared executives and workers in an organization. Motivation Theories [300] Motivational theories are attempted to explain the way of employee effort is generated, in this they are different types of motivational theories which is perform the effective result of the organization development with the employee individual behavior. The scientific insights help marketers design campaigns that speak to the fundamental concerns and desires of their audience, greatly deepening the impact of the marketing materials. As can be seen from Table 1 the motivational force to engage in a particular behavior, as applied in organizational psychology, is a function of the four factors stated above (Vroom, 1964; Green, 1969; Porter and Lawler, 1968; Campbell, Dunnette, Lawler and Weick, 1970). Business schools and marketing classes adapted Maslow’s theories to explain the need to tailor marketing messages to consumers in a particular way. Job satisfaction, and probably also consumer satisfaction, is not measurable on a simple bipolar scale but consists of two more or less independent (sets of) factors. Recently, the need to know and to understand, and aesthetic needs are added to the list (Maslow, 1970). 5. 3, 1969 (second edition). At every stage, marketers make such assumptions or conclusions about how consumers may react to their offers or how the potential buyers may behave. W. Edwards, "Probability Preference in Gambling," American Journal of Psychology, 67, (1954), 441-52. • Discuss motivational theories that impact buying behavior. Understanding these issues enhances a marketing campaign’s effectiveness and its impact on consumers. His need hierarchy is by no means definitive, and is rather out of focus in comparison with the role of learning, perception, values, and expectations in human behavior (Atkinson, 1964). That is, there is cognitive association between a specific product class or the buying of a certain product from a set of product classes, and the expectation that the product contributes to the attainment of a goal or the satisfaction of a motivational dimension. OPERATIONALIZATION The elicitation of the motivational dimensions can be done in two subsequent pilot surveys constituting depth interviews and other non-attributive methods. That is, there is cognitive association between a specific product class or the buying of a certain product from a set of product classes, and the expectation that the product contributes to the attainment of a goal or the satisfaction of a motivational dimension. Similar to the deprivation/domination principle, the presence of inhibitors causes dissatisfaction and (extending the above principle) this dissatisfaction cannot be compensated for by facilitators. quality impacts on consumers buying decisions. The five motivational dimensions are (Sheth, 1975): (1) functional motives, (2) aesthetic-emotional motives, (3) social motives, (4) situational motives, and (5) curiosity motives. Motivation is of particular importance in influencing employee’s behavior within an organization. Each assumes that the manager’s role is to organize resources, including people, to best benefit the company. The origin of motivation is external in equity theory (reference groups) and internal in need-achievement theory. As Schewe (1973) points out, "The greatest problem appears to be determining a valid and reliable measure of the need achievement construct" (Schewe, 1973, p. 33). Some support has been found for Maslow's (1965) deficiency and growth needs in studies that compared executives and workers in an organization. Ohio University is regionally accredited by the North Central Association of Colleges and Schools. Further, motives become salient if a disparity exists between a desired goal state and the actual state on a motivational dimension. V. H. Vroom, Work and Motivation, New York: Wiley, 1964. The application of the equity concept of consumer behavior may be restricted to some aspects of consumption. Thus the behavior or behavioral intention (BI) of the consumer equals the maximum of Uj (j=1, ..,m) if m product classes are considered,o. Theories of motivation in management are the meeting place of a corporation's measure of the employee’s performance and the employee’s satisfaction at work. Consumer satisfaction/dissatisfaction studies will benefit from the two-factor need theories (Maslow, 1965; Alderfer, 1969; Herzberg, 1966). Maslow's approach is a theory of motivation, in that it links basic needs-motives to general behavior (Wahba and Bridwell, 1976). This composite measure, U., is expected to cover the five dimensions outlined above. G. B. Katona, B. Strumpel, and E. Zahn, Aspirations and Affluence: Comparative Studies in the United States and Western Europe, New York: McGraw-Hill, 1971. We return later to the discussion of how consumer behavior is motivated by perceived inequity or a disparity between the desired and actual state. We think that motivational models are especially useful for the generic choice (among product classes) and less useful for the specific choice (within product classes). Motivation is the core for human being’s aspirations and achievements. According to the theory, specifi… 2. Further, the concept of power seems to be related to perceived and subjective equity. Stated somewhat differently, the tendency to engage in an activity is determined by the desired goal of the action. (2) The expectancy component handles expectations about equity as compared with "relevant others". There are many theories of motivation, and they mostly give a relation or influence the outcomes of employee job satisfaction. D. T. Hall and K. E. Nougaim, "An Examination of Maslow's Need Hierarchy in an Organizational Setting," Organizational Behavior and Human Performance, 3(February 1968), 12-35. Functional motives are related to the technical functions the product performs. Once the consumer collects the data, he or she moves into information processing, where the consumer compares the input to past experiences and expectations. Such equity-based motivational forces include sensitivity of consumers toward primarily price, time and effort expended (e.g., Gabor and Granger, 1966). ), Handbook of Organizational Psychology, Chicago: Rand McNally, 1976. Advances in Consumer Research Volume 5, 1978      Pages 590-595 MOTIVATION-NEED THEORIES AND CONSUMER BEHAVIOR W. Fred van Raaij, Tilburg University Kassaye Wandwossen, Tilburg University ABSTRACT - Motivation-need theories are reviewed, their implications to consumer behavior investigated, and the various findings and concepts integrated in formulating a model of generic choice prediction. Recently, the need to know and to understand, and aesthetic needs are added to the list (Maslow, 1970). The EKB Model expands on the Theory of Reasoned Action, and lays out a five-step process that consumers use when making a purchase. Theories of motivation are important as it helps managers to understand their employees’ needs of motivations, and to motivate their employees to perform and excel better. You’ve been a consumer with purchasing power for much longer than you probably realize—since the first time you were asked which cereal or toy you wanted. Lack of gratification of a motivational dimension increases the evaluation of that motive (the deprivation/domination principle). This identifies five basic levels of human need which rank in order of importance from lower level needs to higher level needs. First, when marketing a product to consumers, marketers must associate a purchase with a positive result, and that result must be specific. Repetitive brand or product choice triggered by depletion of stock is not relevantly described and predicted by our motivational model. Expectancy theory states that the desire or motive to engage in a certain behavior is a composite of the expected outcome of that behavior and the value or evaluation of that behavior. Admn., Dist- Pali (Rajasthan) Abstract The theory of “cognitive dissonance” is of great importance in consumer behavior and marketers have lots of interest in analyzing the The concept of equity may be explicitly stated as the even exchange of values such that what is received is presumed to be equal to what is given (Adams, 1965). The consumer may try a new product; however, his repeat-purchase may be independent of such trials. Marketers can learn several lessons from the Theory of Reasoned Action. The desired goal state is perceived as unattainable in this case. Impulse buying theories present an ocean of opportunities for marketers. Mij can be thought of as a vector of probabilities that the product class j satisfies a specific motive i. The combination of product attributes forms the total functional utility of a product. Second, the theory highlights the importance of moving consumers through the sales pipeline. Why do we need to learn about consumer buying behavior?The simple answer is that no longer can we take the customers for granted. As Jacoby (1976) points out, Herzberg's propositions as well as the findings cited before are involved with the determinants of satisfaction/dissatisfaction and not with performance. And to understand is comparable to Berlyne 's ( 1966 ) Achieving Society,,..., Economic Psychology and marketing, 35 ( January 1971 ), 23-8 a particular outcome is a... Founded in 1804, Ohio University is motivational theories that impact buying behavior deprivation/domination principle, which states that the most deficient need the... Behavior focus on rational action, and attitude or belief system marketers use numerous behavior! 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