Get it as soon as Wed, Jan 13. Staplers. Compare. Jams are a normal part of using one of these tools. Last time I paid someone and the work was not quite right. A pneumatic staple gun for upholstery uses the power of air from a compressor to work. Repeatedly pulling the trigger of a jammed staple gun won’t clear the jam and might make it worse. Open the body of the staple gun by pressing the colored latch located at the back of the stapler. Pneumatic staple guns: Guns that use air pressure to fire thick, heavier gauge staples into framing materials. Set Descending Direction. If that’s the problem, you may find staples stuck along the rail where the pusher rod is supposed to be able to smoothly push them ahead. Need help replacing the Safety Pad (Part # P1640003932) in your Bostitch Nailer? I have a compressor and thinking I need an air stape gun. Air compressors should be drained before each use to prevent damage to the nail gun. If it runs on a battery, take the battery off. The easiest method to repair the Bostitch nail gun when this happens is to remove the head, uncover the cylinder and place the nail gun on a piece of wood with the nose facing up. Disassemble the nail gun to see if the head valve is stuck in the cap, and then lubricate all moving parts before you reassemble it. Please help us continue to provide you with our trusted how-to guides and videos for free by whitelisting wikiHow on your ad blocker. View on Vehicle Open in popup window View Wishlist Added to Wishlist Stanley Electric Stapler and Brad Nail Gun #057-7822-8 $54. Pull the cylinder out of the nail gun, (you may have to tap the side with a rubber mallet to loosen it). If you’re working with an electric or pneumatically powered staple or nail gun that jams or malfunctions, unplug it and/or disconnect it from hoses and compressed air tanks, which should be secured and stowed. It would be unfortunate if your nail gun came back to life just in time to impale your leg. If it runs on a battery, take the battery off. Then clear the jam by removing staples stuck in the magazine or the nose of the tool. Aiming it away from yourself (and anyone else), press the lever to eject the stuck staple, and then slide the front plate back on and hammer it in place, but be careful not to damage it or bend it, or it may not come off again. SKU# ..74508 $ 149. The exact instructions to unjam a staple gun will vary depending on the model. These tips on common staple gun problems and how to fix them should help keep your projects moving. Show. You should already be wearing eye protection, but if not, be sure to put on protective goggles before you attempt a fix for a jammed staple or nail gun. The Pneumatic/Air Staple Gun: You may call this the holy grail of staple guns, when it comes to raw power. 99. In general, you will be able to load manual and electric staple guns by following the same procedure. Be gentle when trying to remove staples from the magazine or you’ll risk causing damage to it. Arrow Pneumatic T50 Staple Gun (1064) $44 And. Staple guns come in manual, electric, and pneumatic versions. This is located at the top and rear of the tool at the opposite end of the barrel, and typically has a louvered, or ported, vent cover to allow air to escape. Repeatedly pulling the trigger of a jammed staple gun won’t clear the jam and might make it worse. Some manual staple guns have knobs. Before you start, make sure that working on it yourself won’t void your warranty. Include your email address to get a message when this question is answered. Recommendation for an air staple gun for seat repair ? Small variances can gum up the works and cause staples to jam or defeat the spring or hammer mechanisms. Get it as soon as Mon, Jan 25. Remove all nails or nail strips from inside the nail gun. If you really can’t stand to see another ad again, then please consider supporting our work with a contribution to wikiHow. … “The whole is greater than the sum of its parts” isn’t necessarily true of staple guns. Stanley Electric Stapler and Brad Nail Gun #057-7822-8 (68) 2.0 out of 5 stars. You should be aware of its possible problems and dangers before you start your next DIY project.We covered some of the most common staple gun problems that you need to know about to use it safely. Step 2 Check the O ring seals that maintain high pressure conditions within the gun. The staple gun is a powerful tool that is quite overlooked until you need one, for nothing puts things together with such ease. Pneumatic stapler. The most common method is to hammer the driv… Then, release the magazine by using the push button. Finally, use needle-nose pliers or a small flathead screwdriver to pull or pry out any jammed staples. With a little practice, the spring-action hand trigger gun provides good accuracy and control. Remove the top, the magazine and the bottom nose piece from the nail gun. The staple will get the worst of these problems, but the tool will be useless until you resolve them. per page. Inspect your air supply equipment to ensure there is no restriction that is causing the gun to malfunction. Lubrication will help the tool run more smoothly, but oil and grease can attract dust, fuzz, and dirt. A repair kit will have everything you need to rebuild the inside of your nail gun and restore it to new condition. We use cookies to make wikiHow great. Shop By. Manual upholstery staple guns are generally used for many kinds of jobs, but usually for lighter stapling jobs. Compare. poor lubrication. Some of these have locking nuts that you’ll have to hold with pliers so you can unscrew and remove the screws. Hold the nut with a pair of pliers while you unscrew the rest. Pneumatic Upholstery Staple Gun, 22 Gauge 3/8" Wide Crown Air Stapler Kit, by 1/4-Inch to 5/8-Inch, with 6000 Staples, Blue. Disconnecting power isn’t an issue with a manual staple gun, but you should still use caution about which direction you are pointing the tool and how you are handling the trigger until you have all the staples out. The steps provided here are meant to offer general guidance on unjamming the most common models. Check the owner’s manual for more specific instructions. loose fittings around the tool. Disconnect the nail gun from the air supply. Release the trigger and unplug the staple gun. We know ads can be annoying, but they’re what allow us to make all of wikiHow available for free. Then, arrange for the pins to come out. 02-07-2011, 10:38 AM . $34.97 $ 34. Reassemble your tool by retracing your steps in reverse order and make sure you have secured the screws that hold the magazine and keep it from falling out while you are using the staple gun. The staples that aren’t jammed should fall out. References. View Details. This article was co-authored by our trained team of editors and researchers who validated it for accuracy and comprehensiveness. If the gun is pneumatic, release it from the air hose. If not, you can probably find it online) because you may have to disassemble the tool. 13 Items . Learn more... Staple guns are more powerful versions of typical office staplers. Some recommend using a little white vinegar for this purpose. Pull the lever to release the clip and open the magazine. Remove the stuck staples and check that you have the right size and type for your tool. $36.97 $ 36. FREE Shipping by Amazon. If you do have a solid work surface and the staple still won’t penetrate fully, use both hands, just as shown with the electric stapler in Photo 2 — or use the next shorter stapler. When any important part is broken or worn out, the tool simply won’t work. I'm going to replace the seat covers on my bikes. A staple gun holds a clip of metal staples that can be used to fasten building materials as fast as the user can pull the trigger. Turn the nail gun over and drip 10 drops of air tool lubricant into the air line hose hole. 4.0 out of 5 stars 29. This article has been viewed 30,775 times. For releasing jam, the first and foremost thing you need to do is turning off the air supply. Remove the air line hose from the nail gun. 68 reviews. Be sure to employ common sense safety measures and follow the manufacturer’s instructions. Remove unused staples or nail strips so they aren’t staged for the next trigger pull. It resembles a firearm with a trigger and cartridge. Any obstructions can usually be dislodged with a flat head screwdriver, but if dirt, grease, or gunk has clogged or is hindering the hammer, WD-40 or white vinegar can be utilized as a degreaser to remove it. Staplers. Next, remove the magazine. 2. If you can’t see the jammed staple or can’t remove it, check the manual (you did save the manual, right? Some types of manual staple guns don’t have the screws at the bottom. Place the nail gun on a hard work surface, and spread out a clean rag to deposit removed parts onto. If you are using a pneumatic nailer, you need to disconnect the nailer from the air supply and for cordless tool remove the battery. By signing up you are agreeing to receive emails according to our privacy policy. Use an Allen wrench and a large hammer to blow the driver free. Compare. Squeeze the release button to remove the tray and load it with staples. A few, common tools are all you will need to repair your staple gun. They are reliable, fast, and fueled by compressed air. 877-463-2531  | 8 am- 5 pm EST, Mon - Fri | Se Habla Español. Use the right size staples to avoid jamming your staple gun. This staple gun isn't even a year old and should not have this problem. You can fix a staple gun by compressing the spring that engages the staples prior to their being ejected. Staple guns are used for many different applications and to affix a variety of materials, including insulation, house wrap, roofing, wiring, carpeting, upholstery, and hobby and craft materials. The pusher rod should slide right out. With the tool disconnected from any power source, a flathead screwdriver often works to push unauthorized particles out of the tool and away from the hammer. When I first pull the tigger air runs out of the vent at the back of the gun where the air connection is. This article was co-authored by our trained team of editors and researchers who validated it for accuracy and comprehensiveness. The spring can wear out and lose its strength over time, so if you notice a weak rebound after stretching it out and releasing it, you may have to replace the spring. If staples are ejected two at a time or crooked, there could be something blocking the hammer mechanism. Turn the staple gun upside down so that you can look down into the front lip at the end of the barrel -- don't' forget to catch the staples as they fall out of the chamber. Next, find the magazine release clip or lever at the bottom of the magazine. If the gun has a switch, turn it off. Add to Cart. wikiHow's. Remove the piston/driver assembly out of the cylinder. pressure too high. wikiHow's Content Management Team carefully monitors the work from our editorial staff to ensure that each article is backed by trusted research and meets our high quality standards. Now disconnect it from its power source. wikiHow is where trusted research and expert knowledge come together. A staple gun or powered stapler is a hand-held machine used to drive heavy metal staples into wood, plastic, or masonry. Some staple guns have locking screws at the bottom; they have a nut on one side which must be held in place before you can remove the screw. Check that the staples are all level with the staple gun carriage. In some models, internal safeties will prevent a jammed gun from firing. View as Grid List. Other Air Leaks. In others, you may need to disassemble part of the gun. However, with great power comes great cost! {"smallUrl":"https:\/\/\/images\/thumb\/1\/1d\/Unjam-a-Staple-Gun-Step-1.jpg\/v4-460px-Unjam-a-Staple-Gun-Step-1.jpg","bigUrl":"\/images\/thumb\/1\/1d\/Unjam-a-Staple-Gun-Step-1.jpg\/aid9019466-v4-728px-Unjam-a-Staple-Gun-Step-1.jpg","smallWidth":460,"smallHeight":345,"bigWidth":728,"bigHeight":546,"licensing":"

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License: Creative Commons<\/a>

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License: Creative Commons<\/a>

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