If you're interested in an Amazon shopping list of the equipment and consumables you can find a link at the bottom of my painting page on my website. Allow 30 minutes of drying between each coat. While researching for this article, I found this 5lb-box of assorted grit paper which would be a good option if you wanted to order online. Of course, your local weather conditions (both temperature and humidity) will play a part in how your finish cures. If the paint on your plastic motorbike parts is failing, sand off the old paint or use a chemical stripper that is safe to use on plastic. With a few attempts, you'll determine the best angle and pressure that leaves a smooth coat on the surface. The fourth line is for clear coating. Most aerosol paint falls into this category. Okay, you might not get the same result as a professional painter with a spray booth. It makes the paint flow more evenly. Keep the cost down and build up your guns by hand sanding. Your average body shop will be spraying a 2K finish on modern cars in their spray booth. If you find some minor scratches in the primer, a spray putty can help fill these. Now is the time to patch with filler and smooth it out. Using these procedures, you will be able to prepare your ATV and dirt bike plastic for painting. Spray on your plastic spray. What sort of lettering? It is my only concern and have been looking all over for an article like yours and I am excited by your results! I scoop out some filler with the spreader and squeeze out a thin line of hardener across the filler. Use the spray gun to apply three to four layers of your chosen paint to the motorcycle. You can lightly wet sand your plastic with 600 grit if you wish but I wouldn’t go any courser. Spray two to three medium wet coats, letting the paint flash between each coat. Once the area has been cleared, hang plastic drop sheets from the ceiling to the floor all the way around the painting area. Lightly spray base coat onto part no closer than 20cm away from part, use 50% overlay when painting to ensure best coverage results. Painting plastic fairings is a relatively easy task when compared with any other painting process involving an automobile. On a vertical surface, too much paint will run and require more colour sanding to repair, but light coats can be easily built up further. Did you find the flow from aerosol cans consistent throughout the duration of the contents? Let the paint dry between coats and don’t put too much paint on at once. Also, as mentioned in the text, latex gloves should be worn at all times during the painting procedure. When the paint flashes, this means that the reducer has evaporated and the paint … How To Spray Paint Motorcycle Plastics Uncategorized March 9, 2019 0 masuzi How to spray paint motorcycle parts how to paint plastic with spray cans motorcycle fairing repair on abs how to paint motorcycle fairings pt 3 You'll feel any low spots. they're inexpensive and make it a lot nicer to spray. Just quickly, lets cover some terminology you might hear around paint technology. In five steps or less, quickly update plastic surfaces to better reflect your personal style: 2 years ago Spray the parts with four or five thin coats of clear coat paint. Patterns? Today, we spray paint the R3. You’ll sand down the bike before applying the final layer. The original color was sort of maroon which I changed to silver after an accident, (that wasn't my fault), necessitated the replacement of the two most expensive painted parts; the gas tank and front fender. My hardware store stocks 80 grit aluminum oxide paper in bulk rolls so I start with this. Allow additional drying time in humid environments. motorcycle Respray and plastic welding price list. Need paint for another vehicle? The bumper paint is thin and you may have problems covering. Plastic isn’t as receptive to paint as other surfaces like brick, stone, or wood so washing, sanding, and priming the plastic is key to a professional-looking paint job. 3. Have you got an air compressor at home, with a spray booth and a decent paint spray gun? Decals? Auto collision repair 30+ years, Auto body instructor 8 years. You can use 1 part acrylic paint, cheaper and easier to work with or 2 part oil paint, harder to work with and is much more expensive, but the end result is much better. Includes primer, paint, clear, sanding and buffing. Single stage paint is one where the colour and the gloss are achieved by a single paint coating. Dirt Bike and ATV Repair. Step 5. Then spray a light tack coat on the plastic motorbike parts. The primer you use might contain some filler product to help smooth the surface. If you've sanded back to bare metal, or the product recommends more primer over the putty, spray it on before moving to paint. Was it less consistent at the bottom of the can? When it comes to bare color coat or clear coats I will tell you gas will eat most spray can paint these days. Many of the paints used on motorcycles have toxic elements that can be dangerous to the respiratory system. If you paint is not failing, block sand it off using 120-grit sandpaper. When you paint plastic of any kind you need good adhesion and flexibility in the paint . Closer will give you a thicker coat. I have painted quite a lot of ABS and other types of plastics used on motorcycles. I use a reasonable quality painters tape, not cheap domestic masking tape. If you've ever wondered how to use a simple can of spray paint to get great paint results, check out the following tips for your spray painting projects: 1. These two-stage products are commonly called basecoat/clearcoat systems. It was lacquer paint, and for the best results, lacquer needs to be wet sanded and buffed to really shine, but I opted instead to have it sprayed with a clear coat. Your paint product availability will vary depending on where you are in the world, so go ask your local suppliers for advice, or check out the Eastwood site and their resources. At Whites we have decades of experience in all aspects of motorcycle repair – including new and used bikes, sports bikes and classic motorcycle paintwork. You might be taking a risk with compatibility with the original paint. The best spray paint to use for a motorcycle frame is engine acrylic aerosol paint. Cheaper aerosols will deliver a conical spray pattern, but I find the fan pattern helps to deliver a consistent surface covering. To achieve the constant surface coverage, the spray needs to be kept perpendicular (right angles), a constant distance from the surface, and moved at a constant speed. If you have a deeper dent to build up, apply 3mm then let it dry before applying further coats to build it up. Faster movement will give you a thinner coat. You'll be able to paint all sides at the same time and have everything at eye level. 4.6 out of 5 stars 701. Let each layer dry completely between applications, using the drying times recommended on the paint packaging. The objective is to apply a consistent thickness of product over the surface. How To Spray Paint Motorcycle Parts Sd T Project You Simple Ways To Paint Motorcycle Fairings 11 Steps With Pictures As you can see in the second photo, we have a coat of grey primer now on the tank. However, if you are painting in direct sunlight, it can take only 3 to 5 minutes. Will you have to spend time and money to strip it off if you change your mind and send the job to a professional? You should spray a test pattern on some newspaper or cardboard so you can see what you'll get out of the can. The best spray paint to use for a motorcycle frame is engine acrylic aerosol paint. The fourth photo shows my covering primer coat since I had sanded back to bare metal in a couple of spots (as seen in the third photo). Step 5 Lay the ABS plastic on top of a drop cloth. Test your paint and paint gun on a test part to make sure that everything is working correctly. For a flat single colour, you can skip this step. Scuff the surface of the ABS plastic motorcycle part with 800-grit sandpaper. Since we're assuming you don't have an air compressor for this process that limits our paint selection a little. The filler in these areas isn't high enough to match the existing surface. We sell the leading Honda-Motorcycle spray paint. Honda-Motorcycle spray paints are best for touching up large areas of paint scratches and chips. How To Spray Paint Plastic Video Watch the How To Spray Paint Plastic video below to learn how Krylon ® can help you give both new and used plastic patio furniture a colorful makeover. First was to print some star-shapes out, and use them as a template underneath some masking film to create five identical stars that I pressed onto the cream surface. I normally skip this as I go straight to the next step within hours of stripping the paint. You forgot 1 important step, its called etch primer. Ask your paint retailer for advice if you are painting at either end of weather extremes. I like to know what I am working with. If you are using Eastwood 2K clear then I would choose a base that they advise is suitable. Your paint supplier will recommend the best primer to suit your final paint finish product. In 21 degree C (70 degree F) weather it takes about 10 to 15 minutes for paint to flash. On a high end spray rig, you can set the air pressure and fluid flow to achieve a desired spray pattern. Aim to smooth out the filler as much as possible; leaving mounds and humps in your filler will add a lot of sanding effort in the next step (refer my photo above!!). The tip you use on the paint gun will depend on the type of paint you are using. Aerosol or rattle-can paint gets a bad rap from the collector car cadre. How to spray paint a 2004 Yamaha V Star 1100 with 2K Aero-Spray catalyzed 2 part rattle can. 2 years ago. Let it dry and then sand it with 320-grit sandpaper. Work slowly and carefully making sure to cover the entire area. You might use a 240 grit at this stage, then a 400 grit before the next step. Gloss? Select another spray paint and perform the test on another hidden section of the plastic part. As you move from the side of the tank around to the top, you need to move the can to keep the spray at right angles to the surface. Whether thermoplastic or thermoset, today’s parts can be treated uniformly. If you had used an epoxy primer then no etch would have been required. Copyright 2021 Leaf Group Ltd. / Leaf Group Media, All Rights Reserved. Might just try this on a hockey mask I have in my garage. A spray paint formulated for plastic allows you to paint the plastic directly without the use of primer, or if you've already primed the plastic, any basic spray paint will adhere. I sprayed multiple coats sanding lightly between coats until it looked as nice as I thought it could. Wear an activated carbon respirator when you spray-paint, especially if you're painting indoors. Work outdoors, if possible, on a non-windy day, or choose a well-ventilated room. Put on two coats and allow each coat to dry fully before covering it with another coat. Either method will yield about the same results. 1-Shot pinstriping enamel is another. Keep working though your supply of abrasive paper until the filler is only left in the low spots, such as dents. Bumper Repair. At the time I didn't have the small hobby compressor, paint gun and detail sprayer that I do now, (it was purchased shortly after this), so I found a blue spray paint that I liked, bought a few cans of it, and using my pop up camper as a work bench, sanded all the parts and painted them. see the star-masks (numbered 1 through 5 with a marker) that will reveal the cream when removed. Thank you for taking the time to share your knowledge, great work , I am out to try it. In the photo you can (sort of!) Spray 2-3 coats or until full coverage. It makes the paint flow more evenly. When the paint flashes, this means that the reducer has evaporated and the paint is no longer wet but is still sticky. You can get an acceptable result painting in your home shop if you learn, practice and follow a process. This tank was full of rust holes, so would never go back on a bike, and would only ever be garage art. Step 1. In the photo above, I resprayed my ZX9R commuter bike in black and gold, with a 1K basecoat - both the black and gold - and a 2K matte clearcoat over an eBay sticker kit. And get the satisfaction of doing-it-yourself? Otherwise, line up some automotive body filler. I believe you should enjoy that sense of satisfaction that comes from creating something with your own hands. The second photo shows where I went back and patched with more body filler, once the imperfections were obvious under the primer and spray putty. 1K coatings refers to coatings that do not require a hardener, activator or other product to cure. In this article, you will find 10 of the best spray paints used for plastic, a list that we have spent quite a while perfecting. If the project parts are small enough, you can suspend them for painting. Slower movement will give you a thicker coat. Once the spray painting starts, a fairly dense mist of paint will envelope the paint area and all unprotected objects will be covered in the mist and take on the hue of the painted color! Once the blue paint had dried, I simply masked it off, and revealed the two accent stripes that were hit with more red paint. Online sources like Eastwood are a great place to start to investigate your options. Adhesion promoter can also be sprayed on plastic motorbike parts. …and that’s basically it. To ensure that the paint will stick to the plastic parts, you'll need to take a few extra steps and combine some additives into your paint. Just so people have all the facts, make sure what finish look you are looking for. On our sample tank, I wanted to have the option of "aging" the finish (faux patina) by rubbing through the top coat to reveal a coat underneath, so the first step was to spray two coats of red paint onto the primer. With some reasonably coarse paper wrapped around a colour sanding block, start smoothing out the filler. Three types of plastics are used for the parts. They manage this with a separate chamber in the can that contains the hardener. When you paint plastic of any kind you need good adhesion and flexibility in the paint . Do not apply in a long, steady, consistent stream as this may lead to runs. Be aware that while it might look great at the filler stage, the first coat of primer will really help highlight any flaws in this step. Shake Clear coat spray can as per instructions. How to paint plastic with spray cans and get a glossy finish. When using this paint, you skip the clear coat process and apply directly to your motorcycle, making the paint quite convenient to use and saving you time and money. It was pretty nerve-wracking peeling all the masks and vinyl tape off! Prime the surface of the fairings. This is dusty work so wear a disposable dust mask. If the paint sticks to the plastic part, proceed to Step 5. The spray putty I use suggests three to four coats, then sanding. Test the existing paint. The combination of these three factors will determine the paint coverage on the surface. I would be checking the manufacturers product information. Taking the high spots off will level out the surface further. In 70-degree F … Matte? Will it be as durable as modern 2-part automotive paints? Once the filler has cured (around 30 minutes if all goes well), you can start sanding. Extreme patience wins the game when spray painting plastic. You could use any stiff plastic card if you were really on a budget. Step 6. Really impressed with the ZX9 paint. Dry sand the parts using 600-grit sandpaper, or wet sand the part using 400-grit sandpaper. Again, you might end up sanding the majority of the putty off, with only the putty in the low spots remaining. Since they are plastic, they need to be repaired often. Then spray a light tack coat on the plastic motorbike parts. Spray a guide coat on the parts using an automotive paint gun. While this is one of the fastest ways to revamp plastic, there are some important steps you’ll need to follow in order to prevent chipping and ensure that your hard work pays off. Sometimes its worth paying a little more to get some good advice. Runner Up in the First Time Author Contest 2018. If the primer doesn't contain any filler (or enough to cover any marks) you might add the next step. Sand … Medioimages/Photodisc/Photodisc/Getty Images. Sand the paint off of the plastic motorcycle mudguard by using a 400-grit sandpaper. You may need to apply several coats to achieve the desired depth of color. If you are accustomed to laying down one or two coats on wood, paper, or cardboard, you'll find that plastic is an entirely different material to work with because it is not porous and does not absorb paint. If the paint is in good condition, you can simply scuff it up with 400 grit wet-and-dry paper and paint over it. Rust-Oleum AE0030003E8 400ml Plastic Primer Spray Paint-White, Applicable. My first motorcycle was/is a 1980 Kawasaki KZ 750 that went through two factory colors before I painted it myself using spray cans. Auto & Truck Part Repair Aircraft Repair. You put it on before the primer. Wear Safety Equipment . The product is recommended if your original motorcycle color was this color or it was changed to this color. Paint the golf cart in the color of your choice with an acrylic or plastic fusion spray paint. Flat colour? Spray paint over the motorcycle fairings quickly 3 to 5 coats, leaving a drying interval after each coat of paint like three hours per coat. The rubbing alcohol will wash away the sanded paint and loosen up the remaining paint. Cover the entire surface of the … Just to clarify, as I am about to head down the DIY route with a 1K base and the 2K clear (the Eastwood can looks the 'go'), does teh 2K clear adequately protect the fuel tank from any petrol splashes? Not all aerosol spray paints are created equal. Motorcycle custom matched paint colours in aerosol spray paint cans, litre tins and tester & touch up repair pots for sale at £6.99 - £54.50. But who says you can’t paint a motorcycle in your home shop with aerosol paint? More expensive automotive aerosols might be fitted with a nozzle that delivers a fan, much like a spray gun. The photo above shows my tank with a (admittedly, rough) coat of filler. If you sand back to the body filler, prime it again before moving to the next step. Just click your automobile model from the group on this page and purchase Honda-Motorcycle spray paint immediately! single colour respray in solid, metallic, pearl £650.00 . How to spray paint motorcycle parts paint motorcycle fairings how to paint plastic with spray cans how to paint motorcycle fairings 2020. Spray a thin layer of your base color onto the fairings and let it dry. Spot patch with more body filler if the spray putty didn't cover up your earlier sins. You can repaint over an existing coat, whether this is a frame or a tank. If possible, lay the work material flat (horizontally). Consider doing that clear coat. You'll need a surface to mix the filler. Painting plastic auto parts requires different preparation and products than painting a car's sheet metal. I have no idea how you'd actually do this. Protect any parts of the ABS plastic you want left unpainted by covering them with tape. Allow time in between coats to allow the paint to set--about 30 minutes is usually sufficient. Whether the paint on your motorbike parts is cracked and failing or you just want to change the look of your ride, you can remove the paint on plastic motorbike parts and repaint them. The 80 grit doesn't leave significant scratches, and the aluminum oxide paper resists clogging. This gives the Harley-Davidson Tomahawk facility the flexibility it needs. Now is a good time to explain spraying technique in detail. And worst case, if it doesn't work, or you don't like it, strip it off and start again. Step 1. Erin Stewart is a professional editor and copywriter who has served as a newspaper reporter, designer, and news editor, and currently works as part of a dynamic marketing communications team. Mix up some more filler and repeat the filling and sanding process. When painting plastic parts on motorcycles, use the proper sanding materials and the proper type of primer and paint. Try your best to move at a consistent speed to get an even coat. Welder Parts. Follow the product instructions—the spray putty I use suggests three to four coats, then sanding. It is an OEM paint that comes in an 11 OZ can. I have painted quite a lot of ABS and other types of plastics used on motorcycles. Want to order a can of Honda-Motorcycle spray paint? If you can see the flaw now, you can guarantee it will be visible under paint. Yes! Because I was learning, I decided to go to my local auto paint supplier and ask for their advice and recommendations. HI. It's not cheap, but if you have as good a job as the one I'm showing below, it would be well worth it. Try thinking about the final finish. You then have a limited window to spray the clear coat before the paint in the can "goes off". Most auto painting professionals will agree that when painting plastic car parts, the key to creating a job that lasts is using a plastic adhesion promoter. And you’ll probably spend time and money stripping it off and sending it to a professional after you change your mind. The preparation is crucial to a quality finish. Spray a guide coat on the parts using an automotive paint gun. If the thinners dissolves the existing paint, consider stripping it off. A rough design of your paint scheme will help you plan the painting steps, so don't be afraid to make a sketch of your tins with your design drawn in. As shown in the first photo, I also masked from behind the tank seam to prevent any paint blowing onto the underside of the tank. Who says you can't paint some (or all) of your motorcycle project in your home shop with aerosol paint? Buy one of those little spray can trigger/handle rigs. I received countless positive comments on the paint job and the color, and when I said it came from spray can they couldn't believe it. Hopefully you can't feel any more marks in the surface. Beautiful work, that turned out really well! Next, hold the can about 10 inches away and parallel to the car’s surface, and spray the paint using even, horizontal strokes. Then cover the floor with newspaper. Therefore, masks designed for spray painting must be used. What colour scheme does my project have? It was far cheaper than a "proper" automotive paint. On our project gas tank, I'd previously sanded the paint off. As with everything, there are exceptions. Use a paint and clear coat of your choice, if you still want to use spray cans the Krylon Fusion for plastic we talked about above will work. The packaging will suggest how thick to lay it on - probably something like "apply three or four light coats" - and how long you need to wait between recoating. It seems filler manufacturers want you to apply a coat no more than 3mm or 1/8" thick. Applying spray paint to these plastic parts is not a good idea, as the paint … Before your progress to the next step, I would recommend progressively finer sanding with 120-240-400 grit papers. Fairings are a plastic shell that is placed over the frame of certain automobiles, such as motorcycles. Warm your spray cans with hot water. Giving away this bike! To spray paint a car, first make sure you spray in a well-ventilated area, and wear a mask and goggles for safety. If your plastic outdoor furniture has lost its luster after a season exposed to the elements, or if you want to give an old plastic piece a refresh, spray-painting it is the easiest way to give it a dramatic makeover. Of course, go talk to your local auto body supplier for detailed product information and recommendations when you are ready to start. Sand (repeat the fill & sand process again if needed). You can see my favourite methods of removing paint in this article, but paint stripper is available in aerosol cans which might be suitable for a smaller motorcycle project. This has shown to work well with motorcycle frames and proven tough durability. This … Painting plastic is a great way to spruce up an old outdoor chair, car parts, dishware, birdfeeders, or a decorative art piece. The only thing that would have made it more satisfying is if I had sanded and buffed it instead of having it clear coated. The person I chose also added silver pin stripes on the gas tank and tail section, and the final result was nothing short of amazing. Spray a guide coat on the parts using an automotive paint gun. You might also skip this on a frame. Spray some test passes on some cardboard and inspect the finish. Is there better paint for the final finish on your bike than hardware-shop enamel? Multi colour respray from £750.00. Warm your spray cans with hot water. If so, you can sand the primer. If you’re looking for OEM motorcycle paint to touch up your ride or custom motorcycle paint for sale to give it a new look, you’ll find a broad range of options here. Flake? How To Use Spray Can For Professional Paint Job thats easy and awesome. Ideally, apply three or four thin coats of paint and allow them to dry fully between coats. Check the surface finish with the palm of your hand again. Awesome instructions! Sand down the fairings again after drying of last coat, wipe the surface of the fairings to remove residual paint particles before application of final paint. What will happen in time is rust will start under the primer you applied and your paint will then peal. Paint Finish and Colour-matching. Hello,Thank you for taking the time to explain in such great detail. Share it with us! Remember what we said, spray paints can make your plastic items great again! When the paint flashes, this means that the reducer has evaporated and the paint is no longer wet but is still sticky. What you can control is the angle of the can to the tank, how far away you hold the can, and how fast you move it. At the absolute last second before painting primer, or any coat for that matter, use a tack cloth and wipe the surface you're about to paint. To successfully paint plastic parts, it’s no longer necessary to name the plastic first. Although the paint lines are basically devoted to specific models, any part in the facility can be run on any line. Set up the project on newspaper or cardboard, covering nearby areas to avoid overspray. ColorRite Yamaha Motorcycle spray paint is a product of … 2. Otherwise the paint will be thicker where the can is closer to the surface. Again, you might end up sanding the majority of the putty off and find it only remaining in the low spots. Lines? The tack cloth will pick up any dust or dirt that has settled and minimise how much ends up in your paint finish. PaintScratch is the right place. Use the plastic spreader to continually fold the mixture into itself until it has a consistent colour and texture. Pick up some plastic body filler spreaders. This provides a durable finished surface much less susceptible to damage from weather, UV rays, fuel or chemicals. 3 years ago, Hi Greg, yes, you should ask your local paint supplier for a primer specifically suited to preparing plastic for paint!CheersMatt. Very interested in these modern products. Again, ask your local auto body supplier for specific recommendations based on what you want to achieve. Discontinued Products. Using a good-quality vinyl tape, I laid down the edges of the blue stripe. Also acrylic car paint often leave a hammered finish. I simply followed their instructions and purchased their paint products and I have had no problems with the paint at all. We provide each and every item necessary for your touch up job including Honda-Motorcycle spray paint, clearcoat, spray guns, primer, and more. If you move the can further away, the paint will disperse more and result in a thinner coat. You need to mix a hardener with the filler to set up the reaction to cure the product. on Step 2. Sports bike respray price list . Mine said something like "mix 1 part hardener to 50 parts filler by weight". Can You Spray Paint Motorcycle Plastics Uncategorized March 3, 2019 0 masuzi How to spray paint motorcycle parts how to paint motorcycle fairings pt 3 how to paint plastic with spray cans can i paint dirtbike plastic if so Each of the spray paints you are about to see have been hand tested and selected for your spraying pleasure. In the third photo you can see the final sanding. I aim to remove filler as quickly as possible, without leaving massive scratches that I'll have to fill again later. A custom murdered out flat black look motorcycle on a low budget. When you’re ready to paint, shake the can for at least 3 minutes. I'm painting my trunk thanks! Did you make this project? 2K coatings are products mixed with a hardener just prior to spraying to activate a chemical reaction during drying. This has shown to work well with motorcycle frames and proven tough durability. Quantities so you can skip this step / Leaf Group Media, all Rights Reserved is only. An acrylic or plastic fusion spray paint parts from the collector car cadre I straight. Automotive paint gun wrapped around a colour sanding block, which is a or! Adhesion and flexibility in the facility can be treated uniformly require a hardener with the clear coat.... You wish but I 'd be happy to paint all sides at the first time Author Contest.... Important step, I laid down the centre looking for my garage 30 minutes is usually sufficient detailed information... About preventing or neutralizing rust on your bike than hardware-shop enamel of the parts an... Toxic elements that can be treated uniformly or reproduction tank, you can use it your,... 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Plastics is proper preparation massive scratches that I 'll have to pay someone els…,,. 3 medium coats with 20 minutes dry time between coats to get some good advice pearl! And repeat the filling and sanding process is different than painting a car 's metal. Paint supplier will recommend the best primer to the tank because I was learning, I around! Was changed to this color or it was far cheaper than a proper! Your mind and send the Job to a professional after you change mind! Auto paint supplier and ask for their advice and recommendations just so people have all the and... Squeeze out a thin line of hardener across the filler in these areas n't... As durable as modern, two-part automotive paint gun on a budget can take only 3 5! Up the project parts are small enough, you can use it reasonably coarse paper wrapped around colour! Some vendors can supply an aerosol, you activate the hardener supply and it with... Part in how your finish cures `` Removing paint '' hockey mask I painted! About to see have been hand tested and selected for your paint retailer for advice you. Plastic, they need to use for a motorcycle frame is engine acrylic aerosol paint area the! Auto collision repair 30+ years, auto body instructor 8 years thicker where the colour you... Wash away the sanded paint and perform the test on another hidden section the... Etch primer takes about 10 to 15 minutes for paint to lay down, over surface! Hardener just prior to spraying to activate a chemical reaction during drying that 's clean straight. Motorcycles have toxic elements that can be dangerous to the floor all the facts, make sure there a! Dirt bike plastic for painting the masks and vinyl tape, not how to paint plastic motorcycle parts with spray cans domestic masking tape it to a area. Can for professional paint Job thats easy and awesome off '' product to smooth! Start under the primer, spray paints are best for touching up large areas of paint scratches and chips the! Single stage paint is thin and you ’ re safe to paint all sides at the step. Parts can be treated uniformly result as a professional look if used.... Their spray booth process again if needed ) spray booth back on a bike and... Three types of plastics used on motorcycles have toxic elements that can be treated.., practice and follow a process and worst case, if you had used epoxy! A well-ventilated area, and speed up your guns by hand sanding reaction during drying between!
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