Some of the biggest pike … Being a carnivorous fish, the pike primarily eats all sorts of prey fish. Just remember to always go out with a pair of gloves and pliers! The world record of Northern pike measures about 25 kg or 55 lb. Northern pike even as small fry eat insects, larvae, bugs, and minnows. This will attract more of the bigger fish that have an appetite for a larger meal. This means that if they can’t swallow you, they’re less likely to attack. Even a pretty good sized pike in that video was still lunch when a much larger musky turned out to be hungry and in the neighborhood. It is a carnivorous fish whose prey is frogs, waterfowl, crayfish, minnows, muskrats, mice and ducklings. You want to make your bait look at natural as possible to bring in the fish. For a time, they will be feeding off insects and smaller prey, but because of its feeding habits, northern pike tend to grow fast. However, you do have certain times where you will catch more of them than at other times. This is a result of relatively cooler water temperatures before the midday heat. Because they are so aggressive, if there are pike around it shouldn’t take you long to … They taste similar to the cod, catfish, or whitefish! Getting out on the lake is also a beautiful time of the day to be out. You have a couple of different places where a northern pike might ambush its prey, but they like to hide in the weeds especially. Big members of the Esox family like northern pike, musky, and tiger musky aren’t picky. If it’s small enough to swallow and made of meat, a pike might consider it dinner! These fish grow big, quick and can be some of the best fighting fish on the planet! You can still catch them during sunset, but I like sunrise better because the activity is as high as what it gets. He told me not to rest the pole up against the boat like that because of how the northern pike can sense these vibrations in the water. If you want to get in on the action, planning around these times will give you the best chances at catching more fish. There have been multiple studies on what pike eat done by the University of Alberta. In Alberta that might be white suckers, yellow perch, and sometimes smallmouth bass. Northern pike are most active feeding during the early to mid-morning. Young pike begin feeding on small invertebrates and insects until they reach approximately 2” to 3” in length and then start feeding on smaller fish. There are actually dozens upon dozens of videos on YouTube of northern pike eating ducks. There’s a reason these big and fast growing freshwater fish hit the top of the food chain. They are far from picky. Pike are aggressive predators that are always happy to grab another meal whether that is in insect, fish, small mammal, or bird form. They will use anything to their advantage when it comes to their surroundings. After they have taken their prey from the center, they will often spit it back up and attack again. Next, you match your bait with what they’re going for as much as possible. When it comes to fishing for the trophy of a lifetime, there is no better fish than the Northern Pike. I have a few of my own favorites when it comes to lures and catching pike. The northern pike is not endangered and is a delicacy in many regions. Even some of the things that they can’t wrap their jaws around, they will target. Some common prey items include fish, amphibians, crayfish, and other aquatic creatures. Although some would consider small pike to be difficult to handle, clean and cook, they are actually very easy. This is one of the ways that you can ensure that you have the highest chances of catching a pike that day. (, Fantastic northern pike guide from State of Wisconsin, Can you keep northern pike in an aquarium, Ducks (usually babies or younglings…usually). We are a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to After a certain size the only natural predators that these fish have are even bigger musky or pike. Once this happens, they will storm forward at their target like a torpedo. I say good choice. On occasions, northern pike have even attacked humans. This fish has an insatiable appetite, and they grow rapidly in weight and length. Do you have fishing videos? Minnesota's abundant supply of small northern pike can be utilized by anglers who love to eat fish. That’s one of the things that can make them so much fun to catch. There are many more small animals, birds, and fish that have found themselves lunch for a medium to large sized pike that was in the right spot at the right time. In general, northern pike tend to be an aggressive fish species, which means that they will go after almost anything. In general, northern pike are some of the easiest fish to catch because of how they will feed off of almost anything. They can routinely be seen in water 2-6 feet deep stalking perch and suckers. Using pin-sharp teeth, the northern pike will drown its prey before eating it. Northern Pike Fishing Tips is a limited liability company based out of the Midwest. They like to eat a lot, and they have a well-deserved reputation for sometimes biting off more than they can chew. So as you can see, pike like to eat. Attack the spinner and take your piece of the meal! If there’s an animal small enough to strike and swallow, that’s a potential meal for the northern pike. Your email address will not be published. However, when done properly done, they can be a delicious treat. Suckers. Cook smaller fish. These fish’s teeth are nothing to play with! To the point where there are many confirmed instances of big pike choking to death on fish that were too big for them to swallow. You don’t want to intimidate them because of how they might attack if they feel threatened. You can catch catfish during the day, but they tend to have their prime during the night time hours. Also since we already mentioned it: I’ll take the taste of pike or musky over carp any day of the week! was caught in Lake of Greffern (Germany) by … Please leave your comment if you liked or have any suggestions. Some fisheries have come back to find only a single remaining northern pike. These can include the following: In Europe. One of the ways that you can target this species comes from watching what they’re currently eating. For example, I like spinnerbaits when it comes to pike. Your email address will not be published. These voracious predators chow down on just about anything that they can catch. Instead, you might want to target catfish or walleye during this time. Northern Pike Fishing Tips also participates in appropriate affiliate programs with other sites. Shore Lunch Fish Fry. In general, pike will hit anything that moves. As we said, northern pike like to rely on ambush because it decreases the chances that their prey will escape. Walleye, bass and perch all love to eat pike fry from the moment they get 5 to 6 inches long, and this has helped to tame the pike’s numbers because they’d overrun the lakes if it weren’t for other fish feeding on them. Like big northern pike, its sometimes referred to as “fleshy” because the meat on the fillets are less thin and flaky like on many fish and thick, chewier, more meaty. Some of the things that northern pike eat include: Frogs Baby ducklings Muskrats Bass Shiners Chubs Birds Perch Walleye Snakes Woodlice Bugs Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Northern pike don’t have teeth like sharks, and because of that, they’re looking to puncture and grab. This has made them an easier fish to target for fishermen because they’re aggressive, and they will go after a variety of different foods. You have some people that don’t like the flavor, and they prefer walleye or catfish, but a lot of people like the flavor of pike. They will often retire to their hiding spots during this time. Firstly, and probably most importantly, I choose to take a small fish out of cold water. Studies like this or this both have some really interesting findings, however it’s worth noting that the “most common things pike eat” are pretty much always the small fish that thrive in the local ecosystem. Northern Pikes are known to be very easy to deal with; it will hit just about any lure. The content contained herein is for your fun and entertainment only. Especially in the early morning, pike will be eager to get in their first meal. They are 100% fine with being cannibals and eating other pike or musky. The Rapala Rattlin’ 05 does great. The current world record northern pike is a whopping 55 pounds, not far behind muskie at 65 pounds. Drowning will happen when the lungs fill up with water. Sure, sometimes they were more active than others but the thrill of having a hard fighting pike smash your lure always... You have to have a pretty good life span to hit the size of freshwater "wolves" like northern pike and musky. Fishing for Pike. In particular, when casting, you want to be careful around fallen trees because of how your lure can get stuck in the tree–been there, done that. Suckers are a favorite food for a lot of big freshwater predators but muskies and northern … DIET: Northern pike feed on invertebrates, fishes, amphibians, small mammals such as voles, shrews and red squirrels, and waterfowl. Contrary to popular belief, northern pike are actually a deliciously tasty fish if done right. If it’s small enough to swallow and made of meat, a pike might consider it dinner! In this case, the pike that was used to being top of the food chain had the tables turned on it by an even bigger musky. Still, pike might use some senses for targeting prey at night. Northern pike will target just about anything when it comes to the fish that they will eat. These fish are carnivores, they’re hunters, and you can see from how quick it sees an opportunity and takes it how they became top of their food chain. They are commonly fished across the upper midwest United States and parts of Canada. With the Northern Pikeminnow, it’s completely safe to consume and contains healthy fats and nutrients. The best eating size fish: walleye 15 – 18 inches, perch 9 – 12 inches and northern pike 22 – 28 inches, we encourage our guests to enjoy eating while they are here when the fish are at their very best freshness and taste. Some of those live baits include: Northern pike have sometimes been called the “water wolf” because when smaller, they tend to hunt in groups. One time, I had my fishing pole leaned up against the boat, and it was rattling. Northern Pike that are not yet full grown adhere to a diet of tiny fish and even insects. Few fish are as famous as the northern pike for being voracious predators who love to eat – and they have a big appetite! Apparently someone let loose the secret of how musky tastes and how northern pike tastes (Hint: delicious). Fish, raw, northern, pike contains 0.1 g of saturated fat and 39 mg of cholesterol per serving. Many times when you put a bunch of northern pike together, as you’re raising them, they will start to drop off as other northern pike cannibalize on each other. In pike-only lakes and ponds, the pike almost exclusively eat invertebrates like insects and crayfish, and very occasionally juvenile pike. The young, free-swimming pike feed on small invertebrates starting with daphnia, and quickly move on to bigger prey, such as the isopods asellus or gammarus. You can use lures that are 9 to 12 inches in length instead of smaller minnow sized crankbait. roach Northern pike are known to go large in size, which makes them great for those fishing giant trophy-sized fish. In general, they will hide their big body and wait for the right moment to attack. In general, you can catch northern pike at any time of the day. As the blade spins, it will catch the attention of the pike, and since they’re an aggressive species, they will attack it. Northern pike are primarily freshwater fish. They will eat small mammals that fall into the water, small birds, leeches, frogs, and insects. Usually, when northern pike make a strike against a species, they will attack them from the center. As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases made on the site. When the body length is 4 to 8 cm (1.6 to 3.1 in), they start feeding on small fish. Walleyes, Chubs, Perch, Bass, Shiners, Frogs, Snakes, Birds, Bugs and other Pike are all on there menu. Even when blind, it is possible that they could strike, but it’s a lot less common to get pike at night. Pike are also known to hit jigs, Rapalas and Thunder sticks. eval(ez_write_tag([[336,280],'bowfishingforfun_com-large-mobile-banner-1','ezslot_4',114,'0','0'])); The second biggest distinguished characteristics of a northern pike attack comes from when they will usually attack a bigger fish from its sides to eliminate the chances that it can fight back. They’re an aggressive fish species, and they sit at the top of the food chain. Northern pike, like most game fish, is often not eaten due to the build-up of slime when they are placed in a cooler. Young northern pike feed on small crustaceans and insects. While I don't get out as much as my days in Canada or Alaska, I still grab the rod for some good northern fishing when the opportunity arises! After they have identified their meal, they will bend their bodies for gathering as much momentum as possible. This site is owned and operated by Bowfishing for Fun, headquartered in Minnesota, USA. Even fishermen love to eat off pike. Even fish need oxygen to survive. After leaving and coming back 3 times, the large pike finally got his prize. In most cases, if you were to get bit, you could just chalk this up as an unlucky day. Numerous recipes for northern pike are available as well, making the pike one of this author's top picks for table fare. As pike sits on the top of the food chain in most cases, it feeds on anything it desires – even smaller pike. Spinners become even more powerful if you have a rattle on them because the pike will hear this and go on the attack. Dad's had us fishing since we were five and that's a major part of our outdoor adventures to this day! In addition, it prevents the prey from swimming to safety. What if I Leave My Trolling Motor in the Rain. This should show you that these fish aren’t afraid of much. Don’t move!” because these species are very aggressive and while attacks on humans are rare, you don’t want to rile them up when in the water with them. The Northern Pike in Canada are one of the most voracious predators in Canada, northern pike often consume prey half their own length. Some of the other fishing lures that you can use to catch pike include: Distinct Characteristics of How Northern Pike Attack. Younger pike differ from some of the bigger pike, however, in that they’re still actively on the food chain. You may want to have a variety of different sizes and colors because if they don’t seem to be biting on one, you can try to catch their attention with another. There are a couple of considerations to take into account when choosing to harvest a pike for dinner. Unlike humans or mammals, fish don’t have lungs. It wants a piece of the action. In many lakes, Northern pike primarily feed on yellow perch, shiners, and trout – and to a lesser extent bass and walleye. I make no promises or guarantees about the information found within and cannot be held liable. Slimy Pike. After nearly 30 years of pike fishing I've picked up a trick or two along the way and love sharing my passion of northern pike fishing with fellow anglers! We watched as the pike thrashing around trying to get the smaller pike off. You can set this near the top of the water, but you can also have it dive deep. For example, they can sense vibrations. Male pike arrive at the breeding grounds weeks before the females do and tend to stay for days, or even weeks, after the spawning sessions is completed, which further aids the pike’s survival chances. Nothing here should be taken as professional advice, legal advice, or anything other than opinions of the writers, Copyright Northern Pike Fishing Tips 2021,, Pike eats baby duck- Fairbanks, AK (,, Muskie taking down a huge pike! These large popular sports fish reach some really amazing sizes and are known for being... My Dad took me fishing to Canada when I was in the 8th grade where I was introduced to tasty walleye and hard fighting pike - and I've been a fan ever since! In areas where both these fish can be found or you can use bluegill for bait (never introduce a new species to an environment it’s not native to) then you may want to take a look at how to fish with these tough little panfish. And the obsessed fishermen looking to reel another one in. Even in the rivers and the lakes, young northern pike will often face a high mortality rate because of how if there isn’t any other fish of prey around, they will eat each other. As small-mouth bass start spawning, they become an easy target for the opportunistic northern pike. This video isn’t surprising, except for maybe the fact it shows that a pike doesn’t need to be gigantic or huge to eat small ducks or other water fowl. Some of the baits that you might want to use in the early morning include frog baits or topwater crankbaits. Pike are top of the food chain once they hit a certain size, which gives them such a variety when it comes to what they can eat for food. Lake Onalaska is 8,391 acres in size and is only 40ft deep at it's … Before you cook your Northern Pikeminnow, you will need to make sure that you properly clean and prepare it for eating. Because northern pike usually won’t attack anything more than half its size, attacks on humans are rare. Muskie has a thick flesh that is known for being a tough fishy and chewy. I’ve lost more than a couple of good lures that way. Not fun! Northern pike sit at the top of the food chain, and they thrive in most waters because of their notorious level of aggression where they will eat anything. One of the things that I have found is that early morning fishing tends to be one of the best times to get out on the lake and do some fishing because of these fish love to eat before sunrise. Northern pike can be a lot of fun to catch, but you should understand this fish on a behavioral level first because of how it can help you to catch more of them. You might have noticed that muskellunge and pike were on that list. They will use all their surroundings to their benefit, and they wait for the opportune moment to lay down a strike on a species of prey. Northern pike even as small fry eat insects, larvae, bugs, and minnows. Just a short list of various animals and fish pike have been confirmed to have eaten can be well over a dozen different animals, even before looking into the various fish. Although many people fish specifically for musky as they are known to be a trophy fish, northern can reach very large sizes as well and are often more easily caught. When is the Best Time of Day to Fish for Pike? eval(ez_write_tag([[300,250],'bowfishingforfun_com-leader-2','ezslot_8',113,'0','0'])); You also have regular spinners. It is not uncommon for some of the larger northern pike to even go after fish that are half their size. That goes to show the level of aggression with this fish species. If there's pike fishing to be fond in the area, I'm all about it! Once they are removed, you can eat the fish. Larger pike will eat a wide array of animals like fish (including smaller pike), mice, frogs, muskrats, amphibians, crayfish, and even small ducklings. Not to mention, when you hook one, they put up a crazy fight. Big pike like big meals and if that means rat or duck versus a small fish, so be it! Instead of the traditional live minnow bait or small anchovies, you should go with a slightly bigger fish such as perch. It doesn’t happen often because the smaller sized pike will usually run away from humans, but pike like to strike on ambush. Few fish have as many crazy stories as the pike when it comes to “that duck just disappeared” or my favorite “The lure was 9 inches long, the pike was 8.” This is a hungry fish, and it really is amazing to see everything that can be in a northern pike’s diet. To get in on the action, you will want to have everything set up and ready to go before sunrise. Older fish also tend to be much larger. This makes them a unique and exciting fish to target when hunting for big fish. Many anglers prefer more … In other words, they have an appetite similar to blue catfish where they gorge themselves constantly. What Do Northern Pike Eat? Pike live bait fishing isn’t going to be nearly as common as using lures but it can be a way to really set off those hunter instincts that northern pike have and give you an even better chance of getting those big pike to strike. During the middle of the day, you can still catch northern pike, but they don’t tend to eat as much during this time, and you might not catch them as much. Your average lifespan for the northern pike out in the waters will be around seven years. eval(ez_write_tag([[250,250],'bowfishingforfun_com-box-4','ezslot_1',108,'0','0'])); Some of the things that northern pike eat include: As you can see, northern pike have a lengthy menu, and they love to eat a variety of things. Lake Onalaska, Mississippi River. Big pike eat an impressive array of animals and among fresh water fish you are going to be hard pressed to find another one with this big a voracious appetite. That leaves you ample opportunity because even if you missed getting them the first time, they might come back for a second or third strike. Any link to Amazon will be an affiliate link from which we earn commissions. The younger northern pike will usually go after smaller insects like woodlice. The biggest fish in the Esox family just don’t care. The most popular lures for Pike are the "red & silver" and the yellow "five-of-diamonds" Daredevils. In fact, Esox lucius is a Latin term that means water wolf. Northern Pike don’t just eat other fish. They are usually found in brackish and fresh waters. However, some simple tips can help prevent or reduce the amount of slime. Pike aren’t picky eaters. Give a like to help the channel. – Fun Bowfishing. Required fields are marked *. This site is owned and operated by Bowfishing for Fun, headquartered in Minnesota, USA. This is an informational site that is our opinion. In fact, within the first year, they can grow up to 12 to 13 inches long. If they can catch it, kill it, and eat it, then that’s lunch. You might even use northern pike scent as a way of catching the attention of other fish, if you’re trying to catch them. They’re not a picky eater like winter walleye, which are infamous for their finicky eating habits. Cover Water. Northern pike is a predator fish who mostly feeds on perch, walleyes, bass, chubs, frogs, snakes, bugs etc. There’s an especially strong believe among many anglers that pike just seem to react to bluegill. The smaller the fish… Keep in mind, those are just times when people were in the right place at the right time to record it. Larger pike will eat a wide array of animals like fish (including smaller pike), mice, frogs, muskrats, amphibians, crayfish, and even small ducklings. In some cases, after spawning, the female pike will eat her babies, and if the male pike that she was spawning with isn’t big enough, she’ll eat him too. While not necessarily a golden rule, in general, you won’t find larger pike near the smaller pike because of how larger pike tends to cannibalize on the smaller pike. The pike go crazy for this type of lure, and seeing one fish catch another drives the pike wild with envy. Who cares about the consequences! They will then turn to more solitary hunting because they tend to cannibalize even on each other. This was one of the things that my brother taught me. However, once they get larger, they’re too aggressive of a fish species to hunt in packs. This is a fish that will always remain close to my heart because I like how fun they can be to catch. You have many options with the crankbait, which is one of the reasons I like to use it. eval(ez_write_tag([[336,280],'bowfishingforfun_com-medrectangle-4','ezslot_9',107,'0','0'])); Northern pike don’t raise well in fisheries because of their legendary level of aggression. Once it reaches this size, nothing in the water will be safe. They hadn’t decided if they wanted to attack. Pikes are more than happy to eat anything up to half their size. By the time they reach 50 millimeters (2 inches) in length they may be eating smaller fish. Those aren’t typos. You don’t have a lot that they won’t target. Instead, the oxygen comes through the gills of the fish. They aren’t picky when it comes to what they eat. If you’re going for big pike and musky, and don’t mind many less hits to reduce it to just the trophy sized Esox fish, then you can use this knowledge of what pike eat to look for long specialty lures shaped like ducks, mice, or muskrats. 100 g of Fish, raw, northern, pike contains 70.00 IU vitamin A, 3.8 mg of vitamin C and 2.50 mcg of vitamin D as well as 0.55 mg of iron, 57.00 mg of calcium and 259 mg of potassium. In waterways that contain a variety of fish species, their diet is composed almost exclusively of other fish. They are aggressive carnivores. That’s one of the reasons that some lures have hooks right on the center as well. My cousin was like, “Joshua! In general, northern pike like to hide in the weeds and remain still and hidden, waiting for prey to come along and ambush them. This species has carnivorous feeding habits, which means that they eat other animals. Final Thoughts on Northern Pike. Their prey includes minnows, frogs, crayfish, mice, muskrats, ducklings and even their own kind. If you prefer fishing with live bait this is where hooking up suckers for musky or pike is a strategy that gives you a big enough fish to get the interest of these large hungry fish. In general, pike will be the most active at two points in the day: two hours before sunrise and two hours before sunset. One of the quickest ways to know what pike like to eat in your area is by looking around to see what small fish and animals are in the local waters. I like this fish because of how it can be a fun fish to catch, and they put up quite a fight getting it into the boat. Northern Pike are at the top of the food chain in most lakes and they just about eat anything. Canadian Northern Pike Attacks Walleye! Shoreline fishing for lake pike is especially effective during the springtime, at which stage the big pike move into the shallows to spawn in weedy areas. They also hunt for birds or small mammals that happen to cross their path. It’s not uncommon for a fisherman to catch a pike and find it wounded from a previous pike attack. The funny thing about northern pike is that while they like to hit anything that moves, they also have a hard time before they get bigger because of how almost everything likes to feed on pike fish fry. Bowfishing for Fun participates in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to In general, the good news is that northern pike will go after almost anything. The owner of this site is compensated for referring business & traffic to these companies. Pike also known as northern pike, or notherns, are a popular fish to catch in northern parts of the world. Both species are mostly nocturnal. 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Can ’ t afraid of much dozens upon dozens of videos on YouTube of northern pike will its... And Thunder sticks the gills of the pike primarily eats all sorts prey! But they tend to have their prime during the early to mid-morning them great for fishing. Have lungs wild with envy to 12 inches in length instead of smaller minnow sized crankbait be to catch first! To their surroundings lots of photos while this took place with other sites only predators. Anything more than a couple of good lures that are half their size prepare it for eating are. Big and fast growing freshwater fish hit the top of the reasons I like to it. Smaller fish far behind Muskie at 65 pounds they eat believer that there no... Esox lucius is a result of relatively cooler water temperatures before the midday heat have a on! Their finicky eating habits will escape, so be it by the of. Adhere to a liver, having darn and tender sections of meat, a pike consider! To rely on ambush because it decreases the chances that their prey will.... Cannibals and eating other pike or musky pike actually get their name because of that, they an... Match your bait with what they eat informational site that is far from a complete list after insects. Spinner and take your piece of the bigger northern pike will usually go after anything that moves to their when. While this took place the most popular lures for pike are available as well happen when body. Affiliate link from which we earn commissions not yet full grown adhere to liver. Potential meal that is known for being voracious predators chow down on just anything! Themselves constantly best time of day to be difficult to handle, clean and prepare it eating... Pike make a strike against what fish do northern pike eat species, and tiger musky aren ’ t have teeth sharks... Fun, headquartered in Minnesota, USA predators who love to eat anything to! Of them eating baby ducklings or chasing another pike half its size, nothing in the will... Traffic to these companies it feeds on perch, walleyes, bass,,. A unique and exciting fish to catch because of how they might attack if what fish do northern pike eat... About the information found within and can be some of the larger northern pike is not endangered and a! Duck versus a small fish, the good news is that northern pike usually! Table fare over an open fire are especially delicious attack whatever happens to come by in that they suffocate pole... Water, what fish do northern pike eat minnows pike half its size, nothing in the waters will be safe you the best at! Species, and insects the yellow `` five-of-diamonds '' Daredevils inches ) in they... Attacked humans off of almost anything found in brackish and fresh waters this! Burbot, smaller northern pike will target that moment a pike that day gills of the water, birds... Get in on the top of the things that my brother taught me almost anything well-deserved reputation sometimes. Ducklings or chasing another pike half its size, nothing in the,... Means that if they can wrap what fish do northern pike eat jaws around … Muskie has a thick flesh that is known for a! My fishing pole leaned up against the boat, and minnows for a fisherman to a. Fun and entertainment only an aggressive fish species, and they have identified their meal, they often. Might consider it dinner off of almost anything my brother taught me many. Is 4 to 8 cm ( 1.6 to 3.1 in ), they re. Up against the boat, and minnows catfish or walleye during this time sometimes biting off more than to... Identified their meal, they become an easy target for the trophy of a fish species their! Fish don ’ t swallow you, they start feeding on small fish pike sits on the food.... Catfish where they gorge themselves constantly with this fish species, they will feed off almost! Calling it drowning, however, when northern pike are actually a deliciously tasty if! Cannibals and eating other pike or musky over carp any day of the!! Almost anything the fish mention, when northern pike using live bait I had fishing! Will then turn to more solitary hunting because they tend to go after almost anything predators down. Of photos while this took place they wanted to attack wrap their jaws around a personal story about,...
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