The idea to designate a day honoring grandparents is credited to Marian McQuade, a West Virginia homemaker who wanted to encourage young people to tap into the wisdom and heritage their grandparents could provide. Grandparents Day was recognized in Canada in 1995 as falling on the second Sunday in September to acknowledge the importance of grandparents to "the structure of the family in the nurturing, upbringing, and education of children... [Grandparents play] a critical role in strengthening the family." It was initiated at the grassroots level by West Virginian Marian Lucille Herndon McQuade. Finally, in August of 1978, President Jimmy Carter signed the resolution making the first Sunday after Labor Day officially Grandparents Day. Supportive illustrations, high-frequency words, and repetitive phrases support emergent readers. Students have the opportunity to identify the characters as well as to connect to prior knowledge. About the Department of Communities and Justice. History of Grandparents Day In 1969, nine-year-old Russell Capper sent President Nixon a letter suggesting that a day should be set aside in order to celebrate grandparents. status : false, There are many days you’d want to spend with your grandparents but National Grandparents day was on average the highest day for nursing home visits.
this tear-jerkingly meaningful gift from a grandpa to his granddaughter, This $12 Acne Gel Has Over 20K Perfect Ratings on Amazon, My Dad Sent Me a Fruitcake Every Year for Christmas. Mrs. McQuade wanted Grandparents Day to be a family day. The Grandparents’ Day is a holiday for celebrating and honoring both paternal and maternal grandparents. Stories.
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