How can someone explain it when its own author didn’t even know what it was about for a big chunk of its duration? Gintoki, Shinpachi, and Kagura return as the fun-loving but broke members of the Yorozuya team! But while some aspects are forgotten, Gintama doesn’t hesitate to exploit this flexible setting to create all sorts of ridiculous scenarios. Also he wants to fight her to satisfy his inner desires. How come you always see these crazy, balls-to-the-walls clips and badass action scenes but when you actually try it you get a rather disappointing start? Sign them up! And something that I personally love is that the cast fits into the trope of “World of jerkass”. You bet someone will backstab someone for personal gain, perhaps both will actually try to. What is at the end of the universe? Oct 14, 2019 - Looking for information on the anime Gintama Movie 1: Shinyaku Benizakura-hen (Gintama: The Movie)? I believe that there is a moment between episodes 6 and 17 where Gintama starts to hit its stride. I have always believed that comedy is the most subjective genre out there. Anime Movie Gintama: The Final Is Inspired by the Manga’s Finale August 20, 2020 My Anime For Life Comment(0) On Thursday the authorized website of the new anime movie Gintama The Final of manga Gintama by Hideaki Sorachi disclosed a new visual for the movie. On one final note, the success of Gintama in Japan has resulted in the production of a sequel releasing just shy of a year later, on August 17th, 2018. Gin Tama (Japanese: 銀魂, lit. It begs the serious question: what is Gintama? I didn’t want to add this to the main review since I don’t think it fits well, but talking about my own experience with Gintama is something I always enjoy to discuss. As it goes on, they start to build up plotlines that eventually converge into the dramatic climax of the story. I mean they even have the best school ED without even being about school. The special debuted exclusively on dTV with the first episode on Friday SPYAIR's "Wadachi" (Tracks) is the ending theme song for the special and the theme song for The Final anime film. What is the purpose of life? While putting so much time is indeed ludicrous, I do firmly believe that Gintama is something that improved itself as it went on, and that it indeed got better at playing its cards as it went on. While I don’t really complain as I do devour them a lot, Gintama stands out like a sore thumb in this genre as it attempts things that you wouldn’t expect to see anywhere else. That isn't a failing of the person watching and it isn't a failing of the individual reviewers. One shouldn’t dismiss how powerful Gintama can be despite being a comedy, there are many recurrent themes in the story such as confronting one’s past, learning that one can have a family even without blood relations, that no matter how low you feel, there’s always someone that still loves you and wants to see you again. They tell you an episode will be 5 minutes of a still frame because they send people on vaction. Having a character not appear for several episodes works marvels so that they don’t feel too milked out. Nothing different from the typical Gintama comedy arcs, with hilarious situations and touching moments towards the end. It's not just the first two episodes, the episodes introducing Kagura and Shinpachi are also not very entertaining, a little boring. Another point is OPs and EDs, people like to talk about how consistently good they are for new shows, sorry guys, Gintama is king in this area. Gintama is a Shounen jump manga that was adapted into a TV anime series. Is Gintama really ending?!?!?11?!? Looking for information on the anime Gintama. It makes for a very charming and unique, yet simple look that I was attracted to since I watched it for the first time. After sticking with these lovable buffoons for so long, watching them struggle and facing such conflicts hits hard, and reminds me of how great the pay off can be when watching long-running anime. The transition for me was pretty hard I remember. In such hard times, there was one man left with the spirit of the samurai. Why does it dominate MAL. "#Demon Slayer: Mugen Train Anime Film Returns to No. Press question mark … * Based on the popular manga by Sorachi Hideaki.Sakata Gintoki is a samurai living in an era when samurais are no longer needed. What is Anime-Planet? This was my attempt to parody Gintama’s style of naming episodes in long phrases lul. Most of these episodes are standalone, although there are also short arcs that can have their own dramatic moments and themes. I think popular media like Gintama is really hard to review and recommend, because the reviews and recommendations are often addressing (and in some ways creating) a simulacrum of the original. The recent rise of Gintama clips in the sub was what made me choose this topic. Youtube. Long ago Japan was called by that name. A bit more emphasis on how hard it can be to get into Gintama would be better because it really isn't that easy for people who are used to 12/24 episode anime, 720p quality atleast and 16:9 ratio. It has its own way of creating great humor and good emotional moments, but can also has its faults at being too cheesy sometimes and is prone to exploit some gags too much. A language or culture of "how to talk about this piece of media" forms, and has a real impact on the way people experience the original. I'm currently on episode 5. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts,, someone just posted another Gintama write up 18 hours ago, the notes from first-time viewer me in 2017 of the first season. The Recommendation flair is for people asking for shows to watch. 8 with Kondo's introduction since we were introduced more to the Shinsengumi's antics as well as seeing the Yorozura interact with Kondo for the first time. I'm not sure yet, but I see episodes that I remember loving in those clusters. This makes character interactions be much more than just a mesh of archetypes. Of course he is. No matter how you look at it, it doesn’t make any sense This was my attempt to parody Gintama’s style of naming episodes in long phrases lul. "Silver Soul") is a Japanese manga series written and illustrated by Hideaki Sorachi.Set in Edo, which has been conquered by aliens named Amanto, the plot follows life from the point of view of samurai Gintoki Sakata, who works as a freelancer alongside his friends Shinpachi Shimura and Kagura in order to pay the monthly rent. And one could argue that in the final parts you could really notice that Sorachi really didn’t have most of this plot in mind before because it pulls lots of new stuff that suddenly takes big importance. As a result, a prohibition on swords has been established, and the samurai of Japan are treated with disregard as a consequence. Find out more with MyAnimeList, the world's most active online anime and manga community and database. Chapters 699-701 will be the final 3 chapters and they will be featured in Jump GIGA instead of Shonen Jump due to Gorilla circumstances. This also explains how a piece of media can be ruined for someone when they feel it has been overhyped or overrated. And every character also has their own way of interacting with Gintoki and everyone else as well. These more dramatic arcs are where the major plot developments occur. This is a subreddit dedicated to the anime and manga *Gintama(Silver Soul)*. Gintama has a tendency to “over-redeem” its antagonists by giving them sad backstories before their defeats, same goes for characters that we have never seen that are given dramatic spotlights that makes it hard to care. Too dangerous, but what if they were to meet hot girls and make tons of money? This is not a WT!, I meant for it to be a review. Founded in 2001 as the first anime & manga recommendation database. Gintama has some issues like forgetting character motivations, worldbuilding aspects and other developments in the long run but then they go and say “Yo, this thing was forgotten, the author is dumb retarded” or “We have gotten complaints that many don’t know what Gintama’s end goal is…well we don’t know either” and use these flaws to create more jokes. A big, diverse and energetic cast of characters making up its hilarious scenarios, this section could easily be an essay of its own but for sake of keeping word limit I won’t get into specific characters. The bits of worldbuilding and character backstories however gave me interest and I pushed to its first serious arc (Ep. and while it was indeed slow and rough at times, today I can confidently say that Gintama is one the best experiences I have had in all media. Gintama. First let us talk about the big highlight of the chapter which is Shinpachi’s side of things when it comes to Kanna vs Okita. For example, in recommending Gintama, someone will invariably talk about a "slow start". This problem extends not only to single episodes, but entire arcs as well. This might seem contradictory to my statement that they can last for hundreds of episodes, but remember not all characters appear every episode. Most semi-serious arcs (solid blue) had this issue as well which is why they are rated low compared to comedy or fully serious arcs. Movie, 2021. Time after time, I see people just try to sell the anime with clips (that may honestly work better) and the promise that “it gets better” without going very deep into it, and I simply myself just haven’t seen many reviews of Gintama around here in years. This is good! This has become such an integral part of a "Gintama recommendation" that even if the person doesn't think it starts slow, they still tend to talk about it (this is only meant as an example). Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. But if someone is like "there's nothing for me to like" then I would tell them to just stop. So if you haven't watched anything related to Gintama yet, this season will not be for you. You slowly learn about what happened in the past of Edo as well as its characters. Gintama characters, as so often happens in comedies, have their general joke that will be used often, but it all depends on the situation and who they are with. With the arrival of ‘Amanto’ from outer space and the Sword Ban twenty years ago, the samurai class fell into decline. ... Add Review Add Comments : Add Memo : ABOUT #GINTAMA:THESEMI-FINAL ... Reddit. r/Gintama: This is a subreddit dedicated to the anime and manga *Gintama(Silver Soul)*. I would like to also add genre hopping for Gintama, personally I feel like this is another charm point for it, as it doesn't really care about limitations when telling stories and call go full romance one arc, full tragedy or just skips the science fiction and dives into magic and whatnot. Some notes: As you see, the first cour wasn’t very nice to me. Its also a matter of if you like what you have seen already. The last 60 episodes of this first season are mostly arcs unlike the early parts, this helped tremendously for me to increase my pace. Gintama Chapter 677 Thoughts Quite the battle Gintama provided with this week’s chapter both from “Kanna” and Okita alongside from Gintoki’s side of the spectrum. One man however, still carries the soul of a samurai, Gintoki Sakata, otherwise known as Yorozuya Gin-san. I felt that if given time, they could make for a great cast. This whole package is what keeps the journey going on. His name is Sakata Gintoki, a reckless jack of all trades with a sweet tooth. The cast is the main reason I gave it more of a chance despite many jokes not getting me. Their odd jobs business lead our goofy protagonists to encounter a diverse cast of characters in this modernized version of Edo that experienced a technological leap with the arrival and conque of the Amanto. Starting more than 50 episodes into the anime, the early serious arcs establish future antagonists as well as add to worldbuilding and character development. Fuck you, I got mine. Before writing Gintama, Sorachi constantly changed the story, but he always knew that he wanted to keep the feudal Japan style and one can see how much he wanted to show it. I think anyone looking for new media should consider this, and occasionally try things without first exposing themselves to the surrounding culture. Gintama’s famous intro goes as it follows: “Land of the samurai. Due to some rather unexpected events, the apprentice Shimura Shinpachi and stranded alien Kagura ended up working here. Even while I believe there are some flaws here and there, I give props to them for embracing that awareness to create an unforgettable experience. My main takes on that matter are the next: Slow introduction: The cast of Gintama is made of more than 10 characters and it does take its time introducing them as well as spending time into worldbuilding (that will absolutely be relevant later on). This is the sixth theme song by them for the Gintama franchise.. As the third feature film from the Gintama franchise following Gintama: The Movie (2010) and Gintama: The Movie: The Final Chapter: Be Forever Yorozuya (2013), Gintama THE FINAL is scheduled to be released in … Maybe I haven’t seen enough Shaft anime from the 2000s but Gintama is an unique anime when it comes to its meta humor. Directly telling you they’re on verge of cancellation. Me and the post that I linked talked about it already. Gintama follows the adventures of the Yorozuya trio doing odd jobs (Yorozura is literally “Odd Jobs” but is more used as proper name for our protagonists) in Edo. Looking for information on the anime Gintama° (Gintama Season 4)? Can’t believe it took this long to get here but this is the meat of what Gintama has to offer. Gintama Chapter 677 impressions. Ok…. Story: 10 Silver Soul continues the story after the Rakuyou's Decisive Battle Arc (Gintama. The three of them will slice up a corrupt Edo!” (slightly changed for better comprehension). I also previously mentioned how characters do have an archetype, and an issue in some debuts is that the jokes can run out of steam fast (this is an issue for episodes that only revolve around one or two characters all-throughout). These arcs have a central plot that keeps the viewer more engaged than the standalone episodes and make for a more bingeable experience. As random and insane as it gets, one can still properly analyze it. Higher abundance of arcs: Gintama is a slow burn and many people recommend not to binge it at the start for the episodic formula that I explained earlier. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. Many people may easily be overhyped (or annoyed) when they see these clips and see it dominate the MAL rankings, or just be hesitant because it's too long of an investment. Utsuro's ultimate plan is revealed: spark a universal war that will ultimately lead to the destruction of Earth, allowing him to finally die but taking the universe down with him. At one point I was watching 20 episodes of Gintama per day (could be more but I remember purposely avoiding watching it so I didn’t end it too fast), compared to when I used to fall asleep watching some of the early episodes. I have seen more than 600 anime with around 400 having the comedy tag (some anime shouldn’t have it but w/e), but there isn’t anything like Gintama’s humor. Despite the shenanigans Gintama pulls with this intro and the lack of a proper plotline most of its duration, it isn’t wrong to say this is roughly what Gintama is about. He never expected this nonsense of a manga to create a franchise that would total 367 anime episodes and 3 movies. Gintama is (in)famous for its rather slow start where they introduce many characters slowly, but it pays off as you see the many chemistries that characters can have with each other, making for a very vivid and energetic feeling. If you absolutely insist on starting the series anywhere other than Chapter 1, Gintama: Shin’yaku Benizakura-Hen does a much better job of representing the series for newcomers. Gintama°: Aizome Kaori-hen is an OVA of some unadapted manga chapters. Find out more with MyAnimeList, the world's most active online anime and manga community and database. Gintama's presence in the community is an oddball to me, and I was even planning to add a part about this. Two characters are found in a problematic situation? Gintama is around 70% comedy and 30% serious arcs. Yorozura visit a rando, heavy tsukkomi jokes, feelsy moment, etc. I made that investment. This review also isn’t meant to “absolve” or excuse the anime from its problems. This, ladies and gentlemen, is my attempt to review the King of Meta, Random Incarnated, the Tyrant of “it gets good” that is Gintama. Many fans can agree that in the long run, the comedy was always the better part. Going to the pool to meet X and Y characters, playing a video game and find out A and B are fans of the game too, etc. With these notes I made the patterns to come up with this write up and see where early episodes fail to entertain me and what the good ones in later parts do right. flair. The anime became a bigger topic to talk about, yet the discussion was roughly the same with not many giving very deep answers but rather always half-joke recommendations with the trademark "slow start" comment or "sequels and serious arcs good, start bad", so I felt it was necessary to explain why it seems to be such a staple topic when discussing it as well as reviewing what it does good or bad. The usefulness of reviews and recommendations for popular media sedangkan Sinpachi, mirip!, it has been overhyped or overrated dedicated to the surrounding culture the special has two episodes, world! Of DOES it get good get good good '' between episodes 18 and 26 others, you to! Modernized Edo is a subreddit dedicated to the Gintama: the FINAL film. The most subjective genre out there really get into it of archetypes media be! For example, in recommending Gintama, he defined his work as `` science fiction human pseudo-historical... 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