Practice for FREE with our online test for driver's license! Georgia Permit Practice Tests - Road Signs. The Georgia Department of Driving Services requires every driver to have a valid driving license to confirm that the driver is familiar with Georgia’s driver’s manual’s contents. DDS Practice Test An official website of the State of Georgia. All road skills tests are administered at the Georgia Dept. Georgia Road Signs Practice Test (GA) 2015 Studying road signs is not the greatest priority for most students who choose to prepare for the DDS permit test, however, if you want to nail the exam the first time you take it, you better bump GA road signs to the top of your study list, buckle down and spend some time making sure that you are up to the task! The practice tests cover different things, with the easy questions asking about the basics of driving in Georgia, basic road signs and intersections, traffic lights, lane changing, and blind spots. [CDATA[> Efficient practice. This allows you to gain access to more than 50 different traffic signs on the test. Search. The questions test whether the driver is aware of alcohol and drugs’ effects on driving abilities such as Blood Alcohol Concentration (BAC), the implied consent law of the state, and Driving Under Influence( DUI). . The questions from the practice test are a lot similar to those in the real DMV test. The test questions and answers are derived from a general DMV test to help on your journey to becoming a qualified Georgian Driver. Practice, Prepare & Ace Your Exam! The Georgia Driving Practice test can be taken as many times as it takes to fully be confident with the answers and knowledge on road safety, signs, and rules. If two vehicles reach an intersection with no signage or traffic lights at the same time, which must yield? We strongly recommend that you do, as this is where part of your GA driving test will be. [CDATA[// >