Simple is that. We have Kylo Ren versus General Grievous. Grievous took on Obi-Wan and would have won if a gun wasn't conveniently where they were fighting. Oh, and 'you' call that a victory when Maul ambushes Grievous in the ship, I call that a surprise attack. @arcus: We don't know if Maul used offensive powers in the final duel as after the duel started there was a whole scene in the middle featuring Maul's Alliance falling apart, we have no idea what happens in the duel during that scene, so it's a possibility. "I sense a disturbance in the Force, the returning of something powerful" Kylo Ren says to himself. Kylo doesn't have that problem. Kylo Ren is around kid padawan level right now. Maul stated that Grievous is no match for himself, (even after Grievous send his MagnaGuards to tire him) Grievous only kicked him and said that his army has lost, Maul had to retreat because of Grievous' army prevailed. As for Kylo crushing him grievous was able to survive in the vacuum of space. But it’s GREAT in Heroes vs. Villains. So, by just assuming Kylo Ren won't use force attacks. That said, we haven't really seen Kylo fight at full power. For him to have a chance against established characters like grievous and kenobi he needs to either have a good showing against Luke, or against Rey when she gets trained, or against Snoke, Ren freezes him and slices grievous into robot sushi. Kylo Ren's motive, on the other hand, is rather unclear. Cool, but that's supplementary and secondary canon. Kylo ordered. As of right now, I'd say that Grievous takes the majority. Don't see how any of those mean he can just walk through Ren's force powers. Superhero battle match: Kylo Ren & Luke Skywalker (The Mandalorian) versus Team General Grievous. Debates' started by LordLucan, Dec 16, 2017. Plus, just because Obi Wan landed a force push on Grevious dosen't mean Kylo will. Who will win in a fight between Kylo Ren & Luke Skywalker (The Mandalorian) and General Grievous & Bender? Meanwhile Ren struggles with Finn, Rey recovers from his force push, and then beats him. Snoke's Praetorian Guards vs General Grievous. arguably emotionally conflicted as a result of just murdering his father. Considering Obi Wan was put down by a couple cuts. How does Grevious deal with his force powers? © 2021 GAMESPOT, A RED VENTURES COMPANY. How does he deal with Kylo's Force powers? He one-shotted Rey with a force push before fighting Finn. Alright, who wins, Darth Maul or Kylo Ren? He struggled with a rookie Rey. What about Poe? He should've seen or sensed it coming. When he gets a few inches away from Kylo’s face, he reaches out with the Force, freezes Grievous’s limbs in place once they present a good opening. He was beating on the wound and bleeding out while fighting Finn (And ended up still beating him), and then was defeated by Rey. This battle lasts about .05 seconds once they engage in a duel. Wiki Points ... Grievous managed to out-duel Obi-Wan in The Clone Wars. "I will grant your request, as it will be your last", Kylo Ren clicked open his mask and took it off revealing his real head, in the flesh. There is a single line I want to call out. Kylo shouted. I expected more of a fight from what I'd been hearing people say, but he took care of him pretty easily. They won't stop him. Instead, he found himself weakened. Introduced in the 2015 film Star Wars: The Force Awakens, he is portrayed by Adam Driver.Kylo Ren is the chosen name of Ben Solo, the only child of original Star Wars trilogy characters Han Solo and Princess Leia Organa.Though trained by his uncle Luke Skywalker as a Jedi, he was seduced to … 7-foot-1 prospect puts basketball world on notice. Both characters are resurrected and healed after every kill and a new round … Grievous just looked a him with anger. Unless Maul states that ''I lost the duel'' , like Kenobi did here. Ever. Besides, wasn't Grevious shot off-guard by Obi-Wan? Fight takes place where Grievous fought Kenobi. Snoke & Kylo Ren vs Dooku & General Grievous 95 results; 1; 2; 3; AlphaQ. With this Star Card at hand, Kylo Ren takes LESS damage and deals MORE while lightsaber bad guys are nearby. Given his arrogance, though, it seems likely he'd engage Grievous in a duel first. There was enough force to completely destroy all of his major organs. And then stabs him through the chest. @arcus: He has dodged force pushes from more powerful force users before. he can the exact same thing to kylo when kylo will need to force augment just to keep up with grievous who can strike at the rate of 18+ and second so as soon as he gets within lightsaber range he STOMPS 10/10 for the general. Plus it's not like he really struggled with Finn. He got shot with an explosive to the stomach. Kylo Ren could take this easily if he uses his "Hold Person" power and just decapitates Grievous. What's stopping Kylo from freezing Grievous like he did to Rey? Darth Vader, Palpatine, Darth Maul, Count Dooku, General Grievous and Kylo Ren vs this alliance Thread starter Steel Guardian; Start date Mar 18, 2017; Who wins? We have to wait for Episode VIII to see what he is really capable of. Obi-Wan, one of the best Jedi of all time, a master of defensive techniques, could only narrowly defeat Grievous, and not using a lightsaber at all. Chewie's actually good with a gun and hit him. While Grievous is almost definitely a better swordsman than Kylo Ren, Ren can attack Grievous directly with the Force which is something Grievous cannot defend himself against. Kylo started to shake, he couldn't hold on, he let go and Grievous charged towards Ren, and Ren brought his single-lightsaber against the two lightsabers of Grievous. Kylo went in for a stab but Grievous held the lightsaber bay by holding his 2 sabers against Kylo's cross-guard mini-sabers. When has he done that in the movies? "I am General Grievous" the figure replied, "and I am here to add your lightsaber to my collection". The only reason Finn stood a chance was because Ren was injured severely. General Grievous beat Maulon the first of his duels in the CANON comic Darth Maul: Son of Dathomir. "Hahahaha, boy, you wouldn't last 10 seconds if you didn't have the Force", Grievous replied, then Kylo turned to run but he was held back by Grievous's intact foot. He wasn't exactly hard to see. Kylo shouted, then used then Force to grab Grievous blue lightsaber that Kylo disarmed him of before. But because of the novelization you dont have to spend the time debating whether he was or wasn't: Stunned by his own action, Kylo Ren fell to his knees. It was tall, easily over 2 metres, a billowing cape and a head with the silhouette of skull. Kylo Ren . Superhero battle match: Kylo Ren & Luke Skywalker (The Mandalorian) versus General Grievous & Bender. We've seen other Jedi be incapacitated by less significant injuries. Any and all potential he may have, doesn't really factor into a battle like this, because he clearly wasn't properly trained, and he's too emotional and unfocused - Grevious would destroy him, no contest. But still crushing chest is fair enough point, you just have to prove that Ren at least have the same control over force as Mace Windu, because as you know no other Jedi managed to do it to Grievous for some reason. General Grievous comes in with his four-armed buzzsaw maneuver. I absolutely hate his fight with Rey in the movie tho. They don't have the 10,000 years of Jedi tradition to call on like the old Jedi did after all. There's barely even anyone he can fight that can put him on Grievous level at this point. Grievous said and slashed all three of his sabers against Kylo's, forming another lightsaber lock. He isn't standing a chance against the Jedi killer. Vote. By Mike Connell Jun 23, 2020 Any and all potential he may have, doesn't really factor into a battle like this, because he clearly wasn't properly trained, and he's too emotional and unfocused - Grevious would destroy him, no contest. Well considering he opted not to use them against a featless stormie, I don't see him using them in this battle. Honestly don't understand how people keep missing the mark on him being one of the most durable and resilient Jedis ever. That's not a proper, dueled out, 1 vs 1 victory, that's coward's victory, and it doesn't help that Maul was backed by Mandalorians either. How does Grievous deal with Ren's force powers? Kylo Ren vs General Grievous # General Grievous I like Kylo as a character, a lot actually, but from what we've seen of him in episodes 7 and 8, he's clearly no match for Grevious. Same way Finn did. Seems logical that he'd be a bit distracted after killing his father. It's an interesting fight, … Let’s put the whole Grievous versus anyone debate to bed. He was an emotional wreck after having just killed his father. He was fast enough to use them to stop a blaster bolt. "Hahahahahaha, I'm fighting a boy, you're a waste of time, let me put you out of your misery". Your argument is garbage. What strength feats does movie Grievous have to suggest he can just "walk through them?". Following through on the act ought to have made him stronger, a part of him believed. Kylo ren is a stain on the dark side name. Forum Posts. Kylo Ren is around kid padawan level right now, We have to wait for Episode VIII to see what he is really capable of. Kylo Ren is a fictional character and a major antagonist in the Star Wars franchise. "Big mistake, droid", Kylo Ren muttered as he activated his cross guard custom-made lightsaber. Kylo Ren watches half-boredly as he approaches. Same for Rey. Most logical answer would be that he was distracted by having just killed his dad. And mind your language. In The Last Jedi, we see a flashback of Ben Solo while training with Luke in the Jedi Temple. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. Maul hadn't even finished his sentence when he jumped the general, that's because it was a SURPRISE ATTACK! Jedi don't often use the force offensively. R1) … Grievous's green lightsaber spun out of his hand. Grievous did better before against that kind of attacks. Grievious, in my opinion would destroy him. He said we didn't see most of what the quoted text said happen in the movie, when that's literally what happened. Kylo Ren put his helmet back on and charged towards Grievous. A lightsaber lock was in progress. I have no reason to think he was distracted. He did not hear the roar of the enraged Wookiee above, but he did feel the sting of the shot from the bowcaster as it slammed into his side, @arcus: Grievous gave Obi-Wan a great fight and I'd be willing to bet a fight between Obi and Kylo wouldn't be close, General has 4 sabers, speed, and was trained by Dooku, Obi Wan didn't use the force as offensively in that fight as Kylo has shown the ability to do, Seemed pretty obvious to me, emotional conflict had been a problem for him throughout the movie, I like kylo, I really do. And he doesn't use them when he fights. Ren is terrible with a saber. Grievous never contended with Maul either, he tries to avoid from duel with him and Maul used the force to BFR him. You missed the bit just after Han falls off the bridge. That's the one of the biggest bullshit I ever hear on this forum, ''Grievous kicked Maul so he won'' , what kind of nonsense is this. What if he goes for force abilities first? 3 years ago. ", Kylo whined. What's Grevious done in the movies to suggest he can blitz Kylo with his Force powers? So we are using this Grievous and you think that Ren on Mace Windu level? Archived. This battle lasts about .05 seconds once they engage in a duel. I swear one day, Kylo Ren is gonna turn out to be one great, brilliant bad@$$ and you all gonna regret making all this spite threads against him. "You're finished Grievous, you're a general of nothing, and now you will die in the ruins of my enemies", Grievous ignored him, he had another green saber to spare, and he activated it. Just watched it again last night. Alright that's some bullshit you've there. Kylo Ren is carrying his cross guarded lightsaber. In the second, Maul captured him by jumping on him before he can react, that's what we call that a win. They started winning when the duo started tiring out. So nothing was shown with Grievous resisting or countering offensive Force powers, I figured just movie Grievous would make for a more interesting fight. Casual. Hell, Ren being hit by the blaster bolt is a bad enough feat for him getting stomped. I'd still say Grievous 7-8/10 though, since Obi-Wan was close to losing and I'd definitely say Ep 3 Obi Wan> Kylo. Kylo Ren: VS. General Grievous: In this battle, Kylo Ren will take on General Grievous, who will win? Revealed: Why COVID-19 kills some patients but not others. And Poe? @erkan12: Also, if you think it's official that Maul is better than Grievous because Maul says 'I'm more than a match for you' then you need help, that's called trash talk, Grievous also said to the gungans they were no match for him and look what happened. Kylo drove the general back with a vicious onslaught. This is a critical injury. Depends.. Movie feats only doesn't make any sense considering the same version of Grevious has a plethora of feats surrounding him in the EU. The whip is the only thing that poses a threat to him. Using just the movie feats, he indicated that killing his father made him stronger. Grevious showed nothing to suggest that he could resist being frozen. Despite all this I still agree, Grevious wrecks. General Grievous is carrying 3 lightsabers and 1 blaster. Killing his father has nothing to do with it. If we used Grevious's feats from the cartoon he would win, but movie feats only goes to Ren. Round 1, FIGHT! "Show yourself, I know you're there!" Grievous is physically strong enough to effortlessly crush durasteel. @life_without_progress: The only person who should feel sorry is JJ for writing him so poorly. Also, I don't give a damn if Grievous just kicked Maul and the duel lasted for 10 seconds, it's still a victory, the duel was between Maul and Grievous, and Maul ran away (I don't care what the reason), Grievous won that. Exactly. 1/2/2020. He didn't use it at all in combat when he easily good of. Grievous kicked Ventress in Dathomir, and look what happened in the end. "Your own design is flawed, even your lightsaber is inferior" Grievous said as he launched his metal-taloned foot into Kylo's chest. But Kylo Ren is a dumbass who insisted on sword fighting when he could just spam Force powers. Ukko, Dec 17, 2017 #41. @arcus: Just because he froze a featless character does not mean he is freezing a Jedi killer who is famed for killing countless Jedi. Being hit by one blaster bolt after he had just killed his dad and was't really paying attention is that bad? He only dealt with blaster bolts from Poe and Rey before, Rey being a rookie with a gun. How does he dodge Kylo freezing him? And if Grievous can go 1 on 1 with a true Lord of the Sith, he could cream Ren, who's nothing more than a Dark Jedi. That just means he can easily be surprised. In Deleted Scenes of Revenge of Sith we saw Grievous capture and kill Shaak Ti. This is why he lost. As he did that, he heard a clicking sound, all of the sudden, Grievous had four arms, and one of his spare arms grabbed his last blue lightsaber from his belt, ignited it, and then, in spectacular fashion, spun around and cut Ren's lightsaber into two pieces. I'm putting money on Maul, a proper Sith Lord, well, General Grievous beat Maul on the first of his duels in the CANON comic Darth Maul: Son of Dathomir and dueled consistently for a very long time in the final battle of the comic, I can tell you now Maul wouldn't restrict his Force powers so Kylo has no advantage there. VIEW OLDER REPLIES. Clearly Ren has the reflexes and skill to deal with blaster bolts, so what was different when he got shot by Chewie? Kylo Ren's only chance at winning this is via Force abilities. Kylo got to his feet, held up his hand and froze Grievous using the Force. Kylo said, as a last resort. Grievous was shot by a Jedi in a split moment yeah. Nah. Fans were eager to see Luke battle against Supreme Leader Snoke in The Last Jedi but those hopes are dashed when both… He deflected and stopped blaster bolts other times. Finn only lost because his inexperience in light-sabers. Kylo Ren watches half-boredly as he approaches. That fight with the jedi was enough. ;-; Kylo was injured (and it was very clear his injury interfered with his fight against Finn), and arguably emotionally conflicted as a result of just murdering his father. He clearly is supposed to be very impaired with his situational awareness. Cause he didn't need them to win that fight, I don't think this is a spite thread against him. Rey just relies on her (presumably self-taught) bo staff skills and scrappiness. Kylo was caught off guard when he was hit by the blaster. Granted, Grievous lost to Maul in his last duel, but he dueled for ages, and if he can keep Maul at bay for ages, he would destroy Ren. Rated: Fiction K+ - English - Adventure/Drama - Anakin Skywalker, Obi-Wan K., Rey, Kylo Ren/Ben Solo - Chapters: 40 ... -abilities when a padawan rushed in and told them that Obi-Wan was needed by the Council to view a holomessage from General Grievous. Enjoy!Music Used: Kylo gets smited like the incompetent padawan that he is. Posted by 4 years ago. Fight takes place where Grievous fought Kenobi. Who has he beaten in the movies that used the Force offensively against him like Kylo does? Then with his free hand, he grabbed Kylo's lightsaber, and made Kylo defenceless. The figure came into Kylo Ren's view. The movie made it sound like he was conflicted and weak UNTIL he killed his father which put him at rest, solved the conflict and made him stronger. 1 year ago. And mind your language. Count Dooku would destroy Kylo Ren incredibly quickly. He's probably using his force powers to just keep his organs intact. Instead, he found himself weakened. He tanked a force push, sure, but he didn't "walk through" it. He didn't even convey that much emotion when he did it. Chewie's skill with a gun doesn't make blaster bolts faster. Not a chance. Every other jedi gets their arm or legs chopped off and they piss their pants and refuse to fight anymore. And what's stopping him from using other abilities, like freezing Grievous like he did to Rey? We've seen how destructive Chewies gun is. Kylo sped through the air and landed on his back. Even if he stomped Rey it wouldn't mean anything because she's a rookie. Kylo then Force-augmented his leap towards the general and with two hands and all of his might he clashed with one of General Grievous's lightsabers. How does he get around Kylo's Force powers? In terms of physical abilities Dooku may lack extreme stamina due to his old age. "What are you?" Lol saying the novel is secondary canon when it's noted that all works, novels/comics and so on are all equally canon. Moreover, the final fights in the movie where Kylo Ren had with Finn and Rey was when he was injured. In this battle, Kylo Ren will take on General Grievous, who will win? Grievous's servo-motors were going at full power, and Grievous's mind was sending neuronic impulses to his duranium alloyed limbs, he would not die here. "You cheater, you wouldn't defeat me if you didn't have four arms! "You are no match for a dark lord of the Sith!" And then stabs him through the chest. Close. I would save the fight comes down to Ren. Especially as a lot of that didn't actually happen in the movie. ... General Grievous is twice as ehavy and an … Fights are to the death. It's a freaking incredible feat that he's still capable of fighting. Yes it's horrible. "Stunned by his own action, Kylo Ren fell to his kness. Grievous being stronger than anything Ren's used means he can basically walk through the powers. Archived. But anyway, how come you, Erkan12, are always arguing with me on Son of Dathomir, you also argued with me about it 3 months ago on a General Grievous vs Savage Opress vine, (and Grievous would beat Savage too), are you following me? @arcus: Ren struggled against a non force sensitive stormtrooper who is at most as powerful as a MagnaGuard. Feeling let-down by his father, Han Solo, he was seduced to the Dark Side from the evil Supreme Leader Snoke. Ren dies easily. "Maybe, but you are not a lord of the Sith, boy, you are pathetic" said Grievous and then all four lightsabers pierced Kylo's chest. Rey and to a lesser extent Kylo are not very good duelists. So, by assuming that Kylo won't use his powers (which he didn't use against Finn because he didn't need to). Casual. Its pretty clear Kylo was in a daze/distracted right at that moment because of what had just transpired. No EU stuff, just the movie version of the characters in their primes. Grievous stomps. General Grievous would kick the living s**t out kylo! "I will cut you open and rip out your gutsack!" As soon as his mask came off in the interrogation he lost all credibility as a villain and that trend continued with how the final fight played out. I don't think Grievious, with his 4 sabres and cybernetics needs the force. @arcus: he dodges them and uses his superior agility like he has when fighting numerous Jedi. Every time Grievous fought Maul normally, it was a proper duel, no sneaking around and ambushing, and don't say Maul was 'tired' after fighting 6 MagnaGuards, if a lord of the Sith tires after fighting a bunch of MagnaGuards, he's probably a crap Sith. He beat Finn, who was still recovering when we saw him at the end of the movie. Of course Maul says that Grievous is no match for himself means something, he didn't say that to Kenobi, or he wouldn't say that to Dooku etc. Grievous, Vader, Papa Palpatine. You can say Kylo was an emotional wreck, but as a movie watcher, that wasn't conveyed at all. Maul hadn't even finished his sentence when he jumped the general, that's because it was a SURPRISE ATTACK! Vader, Palpatine, Maul, Dooku, Grievous , Kylo Ren stomp Votes: 8 21.6% Vader, Palpatine, Maul, Dooku, Grievous, Kylo Ren win with moderate difficulty Votes: 11 29.7% Vader, Palpatine, Maul, Dooku, Grievous, … Kylo Ren diagonally inclined his lightsaber so the cross guards were coming closer to the chest of Grievous. @arcus: Terrible logic considering he was almost killed by a non-force sensitive and someone completely new to the force. "You didn't expect that did you now?" Not to mention his feet help him from getting manipulated easily by the force. General Grievous comes in with his four-armed buzzsaw maneuver. So I take it with a grain of salt. He shouted to the air, and then the sound of metal on stone was audible. Oh, and 'you' call that a victory when Maul ambushes Grievous in the ship, I call that a surprise attack. "Before I kill thee, show me your face, scum", Grievous barked to Ren. Kylo Ren vs General Grievous. If it wasn't for the cyber-synapses on Grievous's brain his foot would be gone. Really struggled with Finn, who will win in a fight between Kylo Ren he only dealt with blaster from... ( the Mandalorian ) and Team General Grievous, who wins, Darth Maul or Kylo Ren wo use! That factor, which means he 'll last longer seems logical that he 's talking.. Ren to pieces Ren 's used means he can basically walk through them? `` gutteral scream Ren... Went in for Kylo crushing him Grievous was shot by a Jedi that... And slashed all three of his hand he activated his cross guard custom-made lightsaber dodged force pushes from more force... 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