If you were looking for WoW Classic content, please refer to our Classic Druid addons and macros. When you use Shred, Rake, and Thrash within 3 sec, the damage of your next 2 Rips or Ferocious Bites is increased by 30%. Thrash is a level 12 Feral and Guardian druid Area of Effect damage ability with a periodic damage after-effect.. Notes. Below is our guide for prioritizing your abilities optimally. WEAKAURA November 21, 2020 11:57 AM Fear#1113 38489 views 37 stars 1 comment. Call upon the Night Fae for an eruption of energy, channeling a rapid flurry of 16 Druid spells and abilities over 4 sec.You will cast Balance (Level 21)Starsurge, Starfall Feral, Guardian, RestorationWild Growth, Swiftmend Moonfire, Wrath, Regrowth, Rejuvenation, Rake and Thrash on appropriate nearby targets, favoring your current shapeshift form. Also, if you want to use a different tank spell for one of these guardian macros, then simply swap out spell names. So what we gonna do ? If you have any trouble with these 9.0.2 guardian druid … Thread Tools. So we are goin into the Shadowlands as the 3d expansion since Mythic+ released, wich changed a lot within the game and community. I chose prowl and growl because it is usually what I end up pressing as soon as I shapeshift into cat or bear. Razorchaos-argent-dawn April 27, 2020, 9:20pm #37. Skull Bash is the Feral interrupt tool on a 15-second cooldown and 13-yard range, and with a small charge. The Wa shows all bleeds / dots on main target as well as their pandemic windows. A dilemma with this ability is that, on one hand, it’s cooler if it does a wide mix of Druid things. #showtooltip /cast [mod:shift] Thrash; Swipe Survival Macro. Keeping track of the snapshotted damage buffs with Tiger's Furor and Bloodtalons modifiers. My goal is to have a nice easy setup for most situations. View Profile View Forum Posts Private Message View Started Threads Dreadlord Join Date Aug 2009 Posts 773. error_outline Wago has identified 13 alert during automated code review [View Alerts] Updated for 9.0 Code alerts are globals from moonbunnies feral bleed power weak aura. You can thank me later. Show Printable Version; Email this Page… 2018-01-01, 07:28 PM #1. This should help give you a basic understanding of what to do and what's most important to focus on. Thyri: Fun because they’re not really dead. Mythic+ is a special type of dungeon mode in World of Warcraft, offering players an endlessly-scaling challenge. However, I ran into a few things I need your assistance with. View Profile View Forum Posts Private Message View Started Threads High Overlord Join Date Jul 2012 Posts 155. Each rotation list is more of a "priority list"--in real-time, you'll constantly be determining which ability to use next. If you use Weak Auras, there’s a lot of really great Feral Druid WAs that can help you with tracking all of your bleeds & cooldowns. Show Printable Version; Email this Page… 2010-11-08, 11:01 PM #1. If you're looking for a max damage setup, this guide is not aimed at you. 4 collections. Should I use it or ? This short video is showing the new spell effect of Thrash introduced with build 12984. Feral Druid Macros One of my World of Warcraft guild-mates had not heard of macro conditionals. Nokura. Hi Feral brothers and sisters, I just see many feral atm playing without thrash spell and to be honest i understand why, i tested and moonfire as feral does more damage compared to thrash. Requires Druid (Feral) Requires level 50. We constantly check our guides to be up-to-date and make changes if needed. Is thrash included in the single target rotation as a feral druid dps? 32 comments. 2017-01-24T03:17:11+01:00 | Version:1.0.0 | Addon:Legion | 5,906 | 0 | 0 Predator's swiftness like how it was in 7.1. Wa includes CB points, energy bar, cd spells... Druid. Feral Druid DPS Tier 2 - Stormrage Raiment Stormrage Raiment has most of its pieces dropping from the Blackwing Lair raid, with the exception being legs, which drop from Ragnaros in Molten Core, and helm, which drops from Onyxia in Onyxia's Lair. Most of them, are Bear/Cat … Feral druid has issues! 5. It’s not wise to macro these types of abilities together as sometimes if you’re about to get Tiger’s Fury up and you’re not capped on charges, you can bank what you have to use them at the right time. Feral Druid Guide. This should help give you a basic understanding of what to do and what's most important to focus on. I've seen videos on feral using thrash everytime it wears off. Feral Druid DPS SimulationCraft Damage Done Results using settings of Real Fight, 1 Targets, and 226 Ilvl. -->Back in Legion feral started to become lackluster and becoming a GALACTICAL MEME to everyone. It directly informs you, if a new bleed effect is stronger or weaker than the old one with a circle in the upper right corner of the debuff icon. Easy mode guide for Feral Druid. It selects a new foe if needed. Aggixx, "reset=6" means that the whole castsequense is reset, aka, when 6 seconds passes, the sequence automatically does thrash again, regardless of where you were in the sequence. Thyri-khaz-modan (Thyri) April 27, 2020, 5:27pm #36. Or you could just remove the modifiers and have it use mangle before your interface even notices that it has proc'd. WEAKAURA. Welcome to our World of Warcraft Feral Druid DPS Guide for Battle of Azeroth Patch 8.3 and latest Raid - Ny'alotha. To make Feral rotation easier without losing too much damage, we'll use a combination of talent choice and macros. Thrash reduces the cost of swipe per target hit. World of Warcraft (9.0.2). On this page, you will find a number of useful macros and addons to make your life easier when playing your Feral Druid in World of Warcraft — Shadowlands 9.0.2. too lazy to fix. Twitter Facebook Google+ Mail . It also allows Omen of Clarity to stack up to 2. Contact me. Below is our guide for prioritizing your abilities optimally. Druid: Feral; Druid; Roles; Roles: DPS; Roles: Melee DPS; Copy aura code. Feral Druid has access to a lot of differnt tools to assist the group, mostly relating to crowd control and dispel effects. Tier 7 (Level 50) Talents for Feral Druid. I paired the shapeshift forms with an ability to save space. –Convoke will not use Thrash if nothing is in range –In Feral spec, it will more strongly favor Shred over Thrash –Dodging will work during the channel. Code Diffs. Dead_MAX. Embed. Druid: Feral; Druid; Copy aura code. #Guardian Druid PvE Tank Rotation & Cooldowns. Description. While the most accurate stat priority comes from simulating your own character with proper settings, you can still use this stat priority to simplify decisions on gear choices and consumables. Editor. ; Patch 7.0.3 (2016-07-19): Now available only to Feral and Guardian and has a 6 second cooldown. Compared to other classes we suffer from spells… we only have shred, rake, brutal slash and bite. It ncreases the damage of abilities cast with it by 15% and increase the proc chance of Omen of Clarity by 50%. With this macro a Feral Druid can use the button they normally use while in Druid or Cat form to get to bear form instead to, in combat, still give bear as expected, but in non combat give travel forms: in water anywhere, give aquatic, in fly zones give flight form, and in bear form, give druid form. Hey all this is the WA I created for my Feral Druid. def-> add_action( "thrash_cat,if=refreshable&druid.thrash_cat.ticks_gained_on_refresh > variable.thrash_ticks" ); Toggle all file notes 0 comments on commit f9fd8c4 Feral Druid. Included Auras. Does anyone have … Feral Druid. Feral Druid Weak Auras; Thread: Feral Druid Weak Auras. I wont list down the issues the specc had/has ( PS: bleed dmg low, Berserk and Thrash dmg are a Joke and things like … Moment of Clarity - This empowers the baseline Omen of Clarity passive. Total WeakAuras: 5. Each rotation list is more of a "priority list"--in real-time, you'll constantly be determining which ability to use next. Thrash: 9.7961 AP per point of damage -> 10.2081% AP scaling Thrash (Dot): 19.1734 AP per point of damage over 6s -> 5.2156% AP scaling. This is a bear tank's biggest AoE.For another Bear AoE, see [Swipe].. Patches and hotfixes. The below Stat Priority recommendations are designed to optimize damage output for most character setups. 1 Like. This snapshots. DotFocus is especially created for Feral Druid's special snapshot handling of Rip, Rake and Thrash. Thread Tools. https://www.icy-veins.com/wow/feral-druid-pve-dps-spec-builds-talents Feral being a Druid also comes equipped with access to Rebirth as an in-combat resurrection tool. #showtooltip /cast [mod:shift] Survival Instincts; Barkskin Below are the druid shapeshift macros. #Feral Druid DPS Rotation & Cooldowns. Code Review. Here you can explore the optimal choices of Talents, Stats, Gear (BiS), Gems, Azerite Powers & Azerite Essences, Races, Consumables, Rotation. Hello my friendly Druid friends! This setup will not be ideal in all situations. #Feral Druid PvE Stat Priority. This seems ideal as soon as you’ve cast those 3 abilities the proc kicks in letting you use the finisher on both rip and fb. Patch 7.1.0 (2016-10-25): Now available at level 12 (was 14). I want to start with I have a blast playing and researching as I just came back. » Druid » Feral Macros; Thread: Feral Macros. more_vert. thank you for explaining it better but i meant the guy saying feral is dead and his balance druid friend in the back not asmongold “i want them to stay dead” pissed me off. This has a 10-minute cooldown, a 2-second cast time, but must be cast outside of shapeshift forms. Predator's swiftness tracker, like how it was in 7.1 Credit to whoever posted this in feral discord! Pastebin.com is the number one paste tool since 2002. Why would blizzard design a spell which we ferals wouldnt even touch? The abilities below are all gained from talents specifically, and will be ordered based on their position on the tree. 54 versions. Visual learner? Except the last one where half the folks say BT is harder but better to learn and Frenzy which is easier but not as much dps. Pawkets' Feral Display. Reading talents I find most feral is the same. TIPP Geforce RTX 3060 Ti & 3070 & 3080 & 3090 bei Saturn (u. a. KFA2 GeForc® RTX 3090 SG OC 24GB für 1.790,56€) Fun because they’re not really dead. Talented Abilities for Feral Druid. So I share my current macros for my ... /castsequence [mod:shift][form:1] Thrash; [spec:3] Bear Form; [noform:2] Cat Form; reset=target Rake, Primal Wrath The button shows the proper picture and tool-tip for its current use. Feral Druid Weak Auras I really like Tals weak auras for feral, but its littered in LUA errors so I can't use it. Also, this isn’t spelled out, but “current specialization” will use your current Heart of the Wild if you have it active. Anchor-runetotem 21 April 2019 21:16 #11. Feral Druid. Then check out the YouTube video at the bottom of this post. In the video I go over all of these guardian druid macros 9.0.2. It always turns into bear when you right-click on it, or do anything but left click on it. Feral Macros With patch 4.0.1. lot of my macros stoped working so i'm asking you guys to help me with them. Pastebin is a website where you can store text online for a set period of time. 2020, 9:20pm # 37 main target as well as their pandemic windows 's biggest AoE.For bear. Our Classic Druid addons and macros level 50 ) talents for Feral Druid DPS re not really dead in single... Damage, we 'll use a different tank spell for one of these Guardian Druid Area of effect ability... To do and what 's most important to focus on it use mangle before your feral druid thrash. Shapeshift macros brutal slash and bite, or do anything but left click it. I 've seen videos on Feral using thrash everytime it wears off View Forum Posts Private View. 2012 Posts 155 of Warcraft, offering players an endlessly-scaling challenge Thyri: Fun because they ’ not. > back in Legion Feral Started to become lackluster and becoming a GALACTICAL to. 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