Ahsoka’s … Anakin Skywalker" episode. Share Share Tweet Email. I wonder if he'll ever find out, though. But, when he put that suit on, he was officially no longer Anakin Skywalker, he was Darth Vader, to everybody, no exceptions, not even Ahsoka. When does Ahsoka find out that Anakin has become Darth Vader? Does Ahsoka really not know her former master became a Sith Lord? I don't think he's that observant...plus, that's some pretty deep subtext. Introduced as the Jedi Padawan of Anakin Skywalker who later becomes Sith Lord Darth Vader, she is a protagonist of the 2008 animated film Star Wars: The Clone Wars and the subsequent television series.Ahsoka reappears in Star Wars Rebels, where she uses the codename Fulcrum, and as a voiceover cameo in Star Wars: … In the Ahsoka-novel, titled "Ahsoka", it is stated that she know that the Empire has a Sith in charge. Ezra knows what just happened but can't believe it, he's frozen. However one thing I'm not sure Rebels addressed was if Ahsoka knew Obi Wan was alive. Ahsoka is probably the only one who would give him an honest answer now that she knows for sure. The relationship between Anakin Skywalker and his apprentice Ahsoka Tano is the emotional core of Star Wars: The Clone Wars, but the dramatic irony of Anakin's inevitable transformation into Darth Vader meant his friendship with Ahsoka always had an … Even though Ahsoka didn’t know about the impending Jedi Purge, she could feel the growing Dark Side and knew her odds were possibly better if she made an alliance with Maul. Some people say she truly doesn't know till he says her name during their battle on Malachor but I thought she had implied she knew it was him under there at the beginning of their battle when … Ahsoka has a Force vision of Anakin’s betrayal but doesn’t specifically know what happened Even though the audience is going, ‘Come on, he killed a … The relationships of Ahsoka Tano. Would it be meaningless to Kanan? This is Ahsoka's fight, her destiny, perhaps even her fate. Vader's true identity is meaningless to Erza and Kanan. But prior to The Clone Wars, no one had known that Anakin Skywalker taught an apprentice — no one, that is, except George Lucas. It’s this scene that truly shows how much she’s repressing the fact that Anakin turned into Darth Vader. It’s a tragic part of Ahsoka’s history, but so is Anakin’s story. It really doesn't serve or push their story. Ezra was literally crawling next to Vader's heels, and would be able to hear both belligerents. The two Jedi had years of experience under their belt, fighting alongside one another during the Clone Wars and defeating countless adversaries along the way. Ahsoka battles Vader. Ezra knows Vader is going to kill Ahsoka, he runs after her to help but she pushes him back. 2021 Showbiz Cheat Sheet, All Rights Reserved. ----- Our mission is informing people properly. Ahsoka gave Anakin a lot of credit for caring about his friends. Though he was more focused on saving the day than planning a "Where are the now ? Doesn't take too much brains to put two and two together: Ashoka : "I was beginning to think I knew who you were behind that mask... but it's impossible. [Spoiler alert: Spoilers ahead for Star Wars: The Clone Wars Season 7, through Episode 11]. In the end, Ahsoka slashes at Vader's mask exposing Anakin's face but Ezra could care less what he looks like. Season 7 is shortened and has a lot to get through to close out the series, but “Shattered” really did a number on its fans. In a way, Ezra looked up to Anakin, he thought he was amazing. He's upset that she isn't leaving with them, he doesn't really care why. He's depicted as a pretty smart kid with some common sense. Regardless, Yoda certainly knows now that Anakin is Vader if he didn't already, and can tell Obi-Wan on Tatooine. Star Wars Rebels pitted Darth Vader against his former apprentice, Ahsoka Tano. But how does she know about Palpatine? Their dynamic as master and apprentice was compelling and endearing.So when Star Wars: Rebels brought Ahsoka into conflict with Darth Vader it was heartbreaking to see the two fight each other, coupled with the hopelessness in … My maser could never be as vile as you" I think that struck something in Ezra. He’s, of course, capable of such a thing,’ the three that loved him most had so much faith in him, the Dark Side wasn’t even an option for him. My master could never be as vile as you ! But little does he know it's the last time he'll lay eyes on her as Anakin because the hunt for Palpatine will lead to him becoming Darth Vader. They engage in a rage and remorse filled duel when the walls fully close. Now, all of The Clone Wars has lead up to Anakin’s turn to the Dark Side. For years following the events of Order 66, Vader trained Inquisitors whose job was to hunt down and kill any Jedi who survived, even hunting a few down himself to kill. Anakin is a Sith now, and he can't get the holocron. More from Darth Vader Rest in peace, David Prowse! But, alas, it is what happened. Home; article; does ahsoka know who darth vader is ; Rated 4.1 /5 based on 1 customer reviews 16 May, 2017. how to spell thank you in french 32-bit games styles of lightsaber combat how to write sympathy thank you cards help with writing a paper for college hitting yourself in the head when angry 5 month … A man with the reputation as Anakin Skywalker could fall to the darkness like anyone else. Darth Vader is a fictional character in the Star Wars franchise. The only thing that gets him back in the moment is Kanan's voice, they have to leave. However, those that love him just can’t fathom this man ever doing such a thing. Because every Star Wars fan knows Anakin's doomed fate as Darth Vader, people have been very eager to learn what happens to Ahsoka during the … She takes this to mean he’s dead, and never entertains the idea that he turned into Darth Vader, Sidious’ new apprentice like Maul said he would. He was just so warped and beaten down that his intense emotions betrayed him and Palpatine was able to twist his mind and logic. She takes this to say that he is dead, and never entertains the idea that he has … I think Ezra knows, he's just keeping it to himself. Meanwhile, Anakin's life took a dark turn, becoming the terrifying cyborg Darth Vader and running the Empire alongside Emperor Palpatine. The only thing that gets him back in the moment is Kanan's voice, they have to leave. I think this would make Ezra realize the dark side is stronger than he suspected. The few people that knew Anakin turned into Darth Vader was because they were close/related to him and deserved to know or already knew (Obi-Wan/Yoda) Ezra will never find out especially since Filoni said for the time being Vader/Ahsoka are done on the show reason being is because Ezra thinks they both died in that explosion. That being who was once a human and whose face we see for one second... Ahsoka does not feel love for Anakin : the conflict then does not last. He was telling the truth and expressed that something bad was on the horizon and if they worked together, they could take on Darth Sidious. All Ezra hears at the beginning is that Darth Vader killed Anakin Skywalker, and Ahsoka going "ok I'm killing you then". I destroyed him", Ashoka: "... Then I will avenge his death ! Fans never knew that beneath Vader's terrifying helmet lurked the scarred face of a teen idol, but after Hayden Christensen was cast as Anakin Skywalker in Star Wars: Episode II- Attack of the Clones, they could see how the roguish Jedi Knight could steal the heart of Naboo's senator. When Ezra asks about her former master, Ahsoka sadly talks about Anakin. Does ahsoka know who darth vader is democracyunlimited.web.fc2.com. The Reddit home for the Star Wars Rebels animated TV show. I know he was still a young padawan during the clone wars, but he must of heard stories of "The Chosen One" Anakin on the battlefield right? The season finale, which premieres on Star Wars Day, Monday May the fourth, will show how Ahsoka and Rex escape a ship full of clones armed to kill Ahsoka. Maul is presumably the one cutting through the door into the room they’re in, but the episode is basically a mystery since it’s touching on parts of the narrative no one knows the end to. Many people say this wouldn't really affect Ezra but you have to realize that Kanan showed him holorecordings of Anakin to help Ezra with his own saber training. The fight ends in a manner that, ultimately, left something to be desired from the battle of two heavyweights. If Ahsoka and Maul stop Anakin from becoming Darth Vader, everything changes. But what’s Star Wars without a dramatic identity reveal, right? I feel that when Ahsoka told Vader "I was beginning to believe I knew who you were, behind that mask, but it's impossible. The audience hears Mace Windu’s attack on Sidious and Anakin intervening. By Steven Blackburn Nov 17, 2020. Ahsoka knows things like that will push Anakin over the edge, and seeing as Anakin -- as much as he loves him -- believes Obi-Wan is a council puppet, the older Jedi knows Ahsoka is the key to getting Anakin on his page. Even knowing his destiny in the Star Wars canon, it was hard to … What do you think? The actual scene from Revenge of the Sith plays over Ahsoka, as she buckles under the horror. In fact, Ani and Ahsoka are quite similar and have that rebellious spark in them, so Obi-Wan knows if she gets through to him, she can break down … That great man Ahsoka spoke about, and she suspects he's the Sith Lord standing over him. And there was the part when Vader's helmet is fractured and he basically reveals that he was Anakin but I'm not sure if Ezra saw that. The fact that Darth Vader is a fallen Jedi wouldn't really serve as anything but a cautionary tale to them. Vader is the cyborg made of metal, Anakin is the living flesh, that half of organic being inside the metallic shell. It’s very gradual, but so obvious when you know where his story ends. She knows Anakin’s in trouble, but she doesn’t know why or what happened. Ezra Knows Vader is Anakin... Ahsoka seemed to not want to reveal to anyone that Vader is Anakin. Hence to the galaxy Anakin Skywalker is dead. It’s complicated. When Ahsoka engages Vader in a fight, Ezra decides to stay in the moment. In creating the character of Ahsoka Tano, George Lucas offered a vital point of view for the audience, one that kids could directly relate to as they watched the galactic confrontation between the Jedi Knights and Darth Sidious unfold. He was standing right there when Ashoka and Vader were talking about how Vader killed Anakin,but did Ezra understand the subtext. Well, the then-Admiral of the Republic Navy almost had Anakin Skywalker’s Padawan, Ahsoka Tano, executed for something she didn’t do. Nah, I doubt it. When she finally duels Vader, she reveals that she was starting to think the two were one person, but still denies it. Press J to jump to the feed. Though this intel (if Ezra is smart enough) is crucial for Ezra's balance of the force. When audiences meet up with Ahsoka again on-screen, it’s in Season 2 of Star Wars Rebels. Both Tano and Vader first had their suspicions of each other's survival in "The Siege of Lothal", when Tano sensed Vader being strong with the Force and he sensed her presence. However, when she cuts Vader’s mask and Anakin’s voice comes through, the horrible truth is confirmed for Ahsoka. Then Order 66 is executed and she has her own problems to deal with. I think the temple visions were orchestrated, if not generated, by Yoda. Which makes sense in the context of canon;as nobody outside a select few know his identity. It is common knowledge that even Obi-Wan doesn't keep Anakin from becoming the villainous Darth Vader by the end of the Star Wars prequel trilogy. There was a lot to process in Episode 11 of Star Wars: The Clone Wars. She doesn't yet know of Darth Vader, only rumors, and of course not that this is Anakin - she learns so in Rebels. 0. The character is a primary antagonist in the original trilogy and a primary protagonist in the prequel trilogy. I've seen all of those different scenes with her and Vader in Rebels and I still don't know at which point she finds out it's him. Since Ahsoka is a very strong Jedi, it’s think that at some point she would sense Anakin as Vader in the Force, perhaps in a time that they were nearby, Vader was feeing weak (I don’t know how else to phrase it), or maybe Palpatine assisting her to sense him, … They engage in a rage and remorse filled duel when the walls fully close. It is revealed in two separate comics - Star Wars: Darth Vader and Shadow of Vader's Castle - that Anakin is haunted by how he killed Younglings. The way the shot is set up is similar to when Vader spots Ahsoka at the temple in Rebels, making this moment really tug at the heartstrings as fans already know the conflict to come. However, she asked him why he wanted to bring Anakin Skywalker to Mandalore in the first place. In this moment, I believe Ezra is shocked and doesn't move waiting for one of them to move. Finally, Vader ignites his lightsaber and starts toward Ahsoka. In her heart-twisting … On another note, will Maul ever spill the beans about Palpatine? In the Ahsoka novel, which takes place one year after Revenge of the Sith, Ahsoka cuts herself off from the Force, and when she does tap into it again, the Force connection she shared with Anakin is gone. Bearing in mind "Old Friends Not Forgotten" showcased their final interaction as friends brings so much … Star Wars creator George Lucas has collectively referred to the first six episodic films of the franchise as "the tragedy of Darth Vader".. She says in the Ahsoka novel, that she doesn’t feel Anakin’s (Or Obi Wan’s) presence, but she keeps trying to sense something. In the last episode of Rebels, Ahsoka realizes Vader is Anakin. She told him previously her master was anakin, seems like a pretty solid connection to me. The only main character in Rebels to know was Ezra. Ezra knows Vader is going to kill Ahsoka, he runs after her to help but she pushes him back. Spoilers for Ahsoka novel and Rebels episodes. Maul shared that Anakin was groomed by Sidious to become his next apprentice and destroy the Jedi. All he knows is that this guy is now evil and that they need to get out of here. This is Ahsoka's fight, her destiny, perhaps even her fate. Mandalorian Season 2 Trailer • Does Ahsoka know Vader is Anakin? Ezra knows what just happened but can't believe it, he's frozen. Between Maul’s vision and what she feels in the Force, Ahsoka is in denial. The story of Anakin Skywalker and his padawan Ahsoka Tano is one the fans fell in love with over the course of Star Wars: The Clone Wars. However, it’s unclear how much she can hear or knows. The situation at the end of the fight is extremely tense for Ezra, all he really cares about is that Ahsoka gets on the ship with them. It finally showed Order 66 from a different perspective than what audiences saw in Revenge of the Sith when it came out in 2005. So … 6 months ago CaptOf501st With that moment came Ahsoka’s experience with Anakin’s turn to the Dark Side, even though she wouldn’t actually come to find out about it until more than a decade later. When Ahsoka finally came face-to-face with Maul in their massive battle on Mandalore, he actually came forward with an open proposal to Ahsoka. Ahsoka deserved to know cause she had a close connection with Anakin. He hears Ahsoka speak as Vader stands "I won't leave you, not this time" and they just stand their. This is 15 years later, and Ahsoka is now a Rebel spy and creator of Fulcrum (a name for a sector of spies, which Cassian Andor belonged to). Even though the audience is going, ‘Come on, he killed a village of men, women, and children too! And could him knowing that a Jedi as great as Anakin could fall to the darkness accelerate his own fall to the darkness? Sure, but Ezra is just far too caught up in the moment with a one track mind to care or think about that. Anakin also won't reunite with Ahsoka until their heartbreaking duel many years later during the Star Wars Rebels. And there are clear moments when Anakin’s darker tendencies come out. Ahsoka absolutely could not believe that her former master would turn like that, and fought Maul instead of joining him. For all Ezra knew, Anakin could be dead, hiding somewhere in the galaxy, or even somewhere fighting off the Empire. Originally a slave on Tatooine, Anakin Skywalker is a Jedi prophesied … Ahsoka learned Anakin Skywalker was the true identity of Darth Vader during Star Wars Rebels. Ahsoka went into hiding following Order 66 and took up a life as a hardened Rebel operative under the codename Fulcrum. Ezra would realize that Ahsoka now accepts it, Darth Vader is her former master. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. I don't know what it changes for Ezra though, maybe in season 7 he taunts Vader and he kills him in three seconds haha. In the "Love Featurette" for the movie's DVD commentary, actress Natalie Portman … Ezra and Kanan don't need to know. Darth Vader: Anakin Knows Slaughtering The Younglings Was His Darkest Act. Ahsoka became aware of Darth Vader’s presence in the Star Wars Rebels Season Two premiere “The Siege of Lothal.” She seemed to have suspicions about who the Sith Lord actually was, but she didn’t uncover the truth until “Shroud of Darkness.” She had a vision while visiting the Jedi Temple on Lothal and realized Anakin and Vader were the same person. level 2 She says nothing but good things, but it’s obvious that she thinks he died in Order 66. All three of his closest people — Ahsoka, Obi-Wan Kenobi, and Padmé — deny that possibility. Ahsoka, famously nicknamed “Snips” by Anakin, became one of the first characters we know of to willingly walk away from the Jedi for reasons other than becoming a … ", Darth Vader: "Anakin Skywalker was weak. The DarkSide can quickly fill his apprentice again. He's helping Kanan get aboard the ship when he looks back to find Ahsoka frozen in her place. And Anakin is a good guy and one of the best Jedi at the time. He then asks her if she knows what he’s become, with Darth Vader’s breathing in the background. Darth vader is the MVP of this fight though, but if Anakin and Ahsoka team up on Vader whilst Kenobi clowns the Inquisitors, TCW takes this 8/10 times. (If they ever ran into Yoda or Obi-Wan, they'd probably give the vague half-truth). 1 Allies 1.1 Yoda 1.2 Obi-Wan Kenobi 1.3 Captain Rex 1.4 R2-D2 1.5 Hondo Ohnaka 1.6 Kaeden Larte 1.7 Hera Syndulla 1.8 Sabine Wren 1.9 Ezra Bridger 1.10 Kanan Jarrus 2 Enemies 2.1 Darth Vader/Anakin Skywalker 2.2 Wilhuff Tarkin 2.3 The Inquisitors 2.4 Maul 2.5 Barriss Offee Main article: Yoda Like all Jedi, Ahsoka deeply respected Yoda and … Ahsoka Tano is a character in the Star Wars franchise. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast, More posts from the starwarsrebels community. And when Ahsoka is on the ship in hyperspace on her way to deliver Maul to the Jedi on Coruscant, she feels Anakin’s betrayal and fall. Yeah but he was close when she said something like "I was beginning to think I knew you, but my master could never be so vile". She has a vision where Anakin accusingly says she left him when he needed her. Years later, Ahsoka doesn’t really know that Anakin turned into Darth Vader until she saw for herself. Ahsoka believed for years that Anakin was killed in the Jedi Purge, unaware at the time that he was in fact the ruthless Sith Lord Darth Vader. Would, considering the rapid change in Ahsoka's behaviour, it maybe be possible read into things and realise hey maybe that's Anakin? It would be good for Kanan to know, it's an example of a failure (much like what Anakin was foreshadowing in Season 6 clips) so that Ezra stays on the "straight and narrow". in the Ahsoka novel, which takes place a year later Revenge of the Sith, Ahsoka cuts herself off from the Force, and when she draws on it again, the Force connection she shared with Anakin is gone. I hope they confirm this theory at some point this season. We're given Ezra's POV after Vader gets his helmet chopped up and it's pretty obvious he can't really see or hear any of what's going on. 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