Saturday Night Live. Crime Scene I already commented on the first time the Kings of Catchphrase comedy appeared, but this was the first one I actually saw and I lost my mind over it, I love it SO much. I largely enjoyed this week’s SNL and thought Charlie Day did a great job. Saturdays at 11:30/10:30c! Music, Film, TV and Political News Coverage. Enter your email address to subscribe to this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email. In a sketch simply called “Crime Scene,” we find Day playing a veteran homicide detective accompanied by Sudeikis as the straight-man, a cop. Source When Charlie Day hit the stage for his monologue, it was clear that the It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia star was excited to be there hosting SNL … It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia (2005) (TV Series) Referenced in the opening monologue by Charlie Day Kourtney & Kim Take Miami (2009) (TV Series) You can watch the sketches below: (There is one sketch, “Getting Freaky with Cee Lo,” in which Charlie starred as Freakasaurus, that is not on YouTube anymore, but it is available to watch on Variety ‘Saturday Night Live’s’ Alex Moffat Takes Over Role of Joe Biden From Jim Carrey. STARS: *½, MONOLOGUE John Krasinski Is Hosting Saturday Night Live! STARS: ****½, KIM’S FAIRYTALE DIVORCE *- … STARS: ***, MUSICAL PERFORMANCE Share Advanced. Commercial: The Original Kings Of Catchphrase Comedy Volume 2 : Charlie Day ... Dirk "Jack-Knife" Cane: Adam Levine ... Adam "Hawk Attack" Levine D&D Beyond What a great idea! — Nasim’s “my vagina” routine is a particularly accurate and funny spoof of some female stand-ups. — Andy’s disgusting suggestion is very funny, especially with his various “hear me out”s throughout it. If anyone did I’m assuming it would be Cecily but the only other time I can remember is when Nicki Minaj did it on Update. #SNL. SNL's Jason Sudeikis and It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia's Charlie Day are branching out into a new genre and starring in their first thriller together. Greek Gods and Crime Scene are the standouts for me. musical guest performs “Moves Like Jagger”, WEEKEND UPDATE The official GIPHY channel for Saturday Night Live. STARS: ****, IT’S GETTING FREAKY WITH CEE LO GREEN! — Charlie’s increasingly ridiculous and inexplicable lack of knowledge about certain TV shows and historical events is great. This GIF by Saturday Night Live has everything: colon, snl, POOP! Charlie Day, Emma Stone and Jason Segel to host Saturday Night Live. You guys might know that I’m a big Sunny in Philadelphia fan and I’ve long thought that Day is on the brink of super-stardom (heck, it looks like he’s past the brink at this point). — Bobby’s delivery of “Hahahaha SHUT UP” was great. Charlie Day Colon GIF by Saturday Night Live. Saturdays at 11:30/10:30c! It’s Getting Freaky with Cee Lo Green! — I love Charlie as the divorce attorney. ?” when Charlie’s character intentionally makes a CSI reference killed me and has been one of the parts of this sketch that has stuck in my memory over the years. — Bill’s bit particularly stands out as absolutely priceless. I’m glad that, contrary to my initial worries when I covered Judy Grimes’ debut, I somehow ended up never getting sick of this character, despite her shtick always being the same. — A genuine and relatable big laugh from the simple moment of Jason finally pointing out what we all noticed right from the start of this sketch: this apartment looks like the famous Seinfeld apartment. on a movie set, actor (host) has trouble during a scene with a dolphin, — For some reason, it feels a little odd seeing Kristen playing a director in a movie filming sketch. Charlie Day’s performances also added a lot to the fun vibe of this episode. Comment document.getElementById("comment").setAttribute( "id", "a064823482e4c29d0f6da2408f0a1536" );document.getElementById("i40b7da7c8").setAttribute( "id", "comment" ); Notify me of follow-up comments by email. Rick Perry (BIH) is as loopy as he seemed during his New Hampshire speech, A Closer Look At Europe- SEM summarizes the continental financial crisis, eternally-nervous Judy Grimes free-associates quickly & peripatetically, — Bill is very fun here as Rick Perry, so much so that even he and Seth are visibly having a lot of unscripted, infectious fun here, particularly with Bill’s hilarious “Hola!” ad-lib during the Hawaiian doll bit. I think the fact that this one was pre-taped played a part in it coming off more fun than SNL’s typical Kardashian parodies in this era. 'Saturday Night Live' returned for a second pre-recorded edition of 'SNL at Home,' beginning with a message from Brad Pitt as Dr. Anthony Fauci. A project where I review one SNL episode a day, in chronological order, Segments are rated on a scale of 1-5 stars, THE GHOST OF KADDAFI Charlie hosted an episode of Saturday Night Live in season 37 and cameoed in a sketch in season 38 when Horrible Bosses co-star Jamie Foxx hosted. Not to mention SNL’s overuse of Fred’s unfunny Kaddafi impression the preceding season (appearing FOUR EPISODES IN A ROW at one point) made me permanently sick of it. — So much fun interplay between Charlie and Danny in this. #SNL. I’ll be honest, until this episode aired, I had NO IDEA who he was- I had never seen IASIP, so DeVito showing up was bizarre to me. There was so much of this episode that I loved. This episode was the textbook definition of fun, with stuff like the monologue, Greek Gods, It’s Getting Freaky, Kings Of Catchphrase Comedy, Bill Hader’s Rick Perry commentary on Weekend Update, and (especially) Crime Scene. and Kate McKinnon with Her American Accent, Weekend Update: Eric, Donald Jr. and Tiffany Trump on the 2020 Election, Weekend Update: Famous 80's Cocaine Wife Carla on NYC Nightlife, We and our partners use cookies on this site to improve our service, perform analytics, personalize advertising, measure advertising performance, and remember website preferences. Some Times, IT Is About The Corona Virus, But Usually, IT Is Donald Trump AT His Rallies And Showing What An Idiot Donald Trump Is ! Easily my favorite of SNL’s many Kardashian spoofs in this era. In his first SNL appearance in years! A native of Orange County, California, Day studied theater at the University of California, Los Angeles, and is a Groundlings alumnus. He joined Saturday Night Live as a writer in its 39th season, became a featured player in its 42nd, … — Meh, a newspaper headline ending, usually a lazy resort. The Original Kings Of Catchphrase Comedy Volume 2 relaxed host puts out by playing piano & harmonica; Danny DeVito cameo, — Charlie Day already bringing lots of fun energy right out of the gate in this. How are they going to let Kaitlin Olsen host for the Mick when they wouldn’t even let Will Forte host for Last Man on Earth! musical guest & Travie McCoy [real] perform “Stereo Hearts”, CRIME SCENE — An absolutely spot-on and funny Dane Cook spoof from Charlie. Your email address will not be published. Weekend Update Ah, you’re right. And given the fact that this ends up being her final appearance, it’s very fitting that this contains her longest-ever run-on “Just kidding” spiel, whether that’s intentional on SNL’s part or not. — I’m currently about two minutes into this sketch, and I’m not too crazy about it so far. This was a big ol’ pile of “meh”, despite some chuckles I got towards the end. Much like the first cold opening SNL did after Osama Bin Laden’s death the preceding season, we open the show with a post-death address to the nation from Fred as a recently-killed Muammer Kaddafi (how many damn spellings of the man’s name are there?). — This sketch is over already??? It was in next season’s Jamie Foxx episode. Charles Peckham Day is an American actor, screenwriter, producer, comedian, and director. — Some fun interplay between Charlie and Jason here (a precursor to lots of fun interplay we’ll be seeing between Charlie and Jason in a certain sketch airing later in this episode). Will Farrel's episode this past weekend was hilarious though, stark contrast to the ones that aired before it. the ghost of Muammer Kaddafi (FRA) says his final farewells from Hell, — Ugh. : Sean Connery, Martha Stewart, Ozzy Osbourne, Weekend Update: Rudy Giuliani on Trump's Election Lawsuits, Dave Chappelle and Foo Fighters Make a Bold 2020 Prediction, Weekend Update: Trump’s Final 2020 Election Message, Weekend Update: Baby Yoda on Season 2 of The Mandalorian, Weekend Update: Amy Coney Barrett Confirmed & Halloween Robot, John Mulaney Is Sorry for Causing the Pandemic, Weekend Update: Final Presidential 2020 Debate, Weekend Update: The Village People on Donald Trump Using Their Music, Weekend Update: Melissa Villaseñor on How to Quarantine Alone, Weekend Update: Jeffrey Toobin Zooms & Mitch McConnell’s Hands, Adele Impresses H.E.R. Given the fact, at this time, What Up With That was retired (it would be un-retired later this season), perhaps SNL intended this sketch to become WUWT’s replacement. Episode 21 56 mins. — Even Jason’s mere delivery of “What the hell?! on Mount Olympus, Greek gods dodge blame for Hellenic economic woes, — I always love these fun ensemble sketches that utilize the entire cast and give each of them their own bit. — Overall, this lived up to my positive memories. Monologue 20 Best ‘It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia’ Episodes We count down the funniest, most WTF misadventures of the Paddy’s Pub gang Your email address will not be published. This is probably my favorite too (I love the third one though, shame it didn’t air). Charlie Day of It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia hosted Saturday Night Live last night. He is best known for playing Charlie Kelly on the sitcom It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia, for which he was nominated for a Critics' Choice Television Award and a Satellite Award in 2011. — Andy’s caveman-like portrayal of Kris Humphries is very funny. I absolutely love that, and for me, that puts this one over the top as my favorite of the two Kings Of Catchphrase Comedy pieces. ; Rihanna performs. STARS: ****, THE DR. OZ SHOW By using the site, you consent to these cookies. You’d figure at least they’d get Brittany Daniel when Fox had “The Mick”. Charlie Day: 37: February 4, 2012: ... generally involving unexpected guests such as a doctor, a private detective, a runaway, or a lost family member. November 12, 2011 – Emma Stone / Coldplay (S37 E6), February 28, 2015 – Dakota Johnson / Alabama Shakes (S40 E14), February 15, 2015 – 40th Anniversary (S40), January 31, 2015 – J.K. Simmons / D’Angelo (S40 E13), January 24, 2015 – Blake Shelton (S40 E12), January 17, 2015 – Kevin Hart / Sia (S40 E11), November 13, 2010 – Scarlett Johansson / Arcade Fire (S36 E6), November 16, 1991 – Linda Hamilton / Mariah Carey (S17 E6). Did the break re-energize the writers, or are they already in a seasonal After a couple of weeks off, SNL returned with host Charlie Day (It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia) and musical guest Maroon 5. (host) belies ignorance while investigating murder in Seinfeld apartment lookalike, — Ah, an all-time favorite of mine, and I know that a number of other SNL fans love it as well. Season 1 Season 2 Season 3 Season 4 Season 5 Season 6 Season 7 Season 8 Season 9 Season 10 Season 11 Season 12 Season 13 Season 14 Season 15 Season 16 Season 17 Season 18 Season 19 Season 20 … FREE EPISODE. Honestly, it’s almost a miracle now that NOBODY from the show has come to host since, not even DeVito- it’s not like he’s a stranger to the show. Comedy's biggest stars pay tribute to the 40th anniversary of "Saturday Night Live." It’s a Charlie Day Day. After words to the wise from Muammar Gaddafi's ghost, Charlie Day hosts, plays mediocre piano, and appears in sketches as Freakasaurus on Cee Lo Green's show, a reluctant audience member on Dr. Oz, Dionysus in a Mount Olympus parlay to sort out the Greek debt crisis, a comedian with a catchphrase, an actor working with a dolphin, and Colombo. Kim’s Fairytale Divorce the ghost of Muammer Kaddafi (FRA) says his final farewells from Hell. — A good vocal imitation of Cee Lo Green from Kenan. I’ve never actually watched his Late Night show, so I don’t know how similar the actual content of this “Closer Look at Europe” segment has to the content of his “Closer Look” segments on Late Night. Also I could have sworn there was a Maine Justice in this episode. STARS: ***½, BECAUSE OF ONE DOLPHIN Summary: Cee Lo Green (Kenan Thompson), Freakasaurus (Charlie Day) and Colonel Nasty (Bill Hader) help a couple (Andy Samberg, Abby Elliott) put the freaky back into their marriage. At least Nasim’s impression was pretty funny. Much like the first cold opening SNL did after Osama Bin Laden’s death the preceding season, we open the show with a post-death address to the nation from … At least the fact that Kaddafi is dead by this point means I don’t have to suffer through this impression anymore, but I’m sure Fred will find another Middle Eastern leader to play ad-nauseam. That’s not a complaint, though, as I’m still getting my usual laughs from this character. more hack stand-ups are along for the second Kings Of Catchphrase tour, — The second and final installment of this piece, though there’s a third one that gets cut after dress rehearsal from this season’s finale and would be posted online. — Jason is excellent as the leader here, and he has so many funny reactions to the other gods. Don’t know how I got Daniel from that. — Charlie Day is one of the very few hosts who can make me forgive SNL for doing yet another musical monologue in this era. After a two week break, 'SNL' returns with host Charlie Day and musical guest Maroon 5. The number of segments that didn’t work for me were thankfully kept to a very small minimum, and are easy to ignore with how strong a lot of this episode was. STARS: **, GREEK GODS After a two-week hiatus, Saturday Night Live returned this weekend with host and best guy ever whom I love so much: CHARLIE DAY! In film, he is known for his role as Dale in the films Horrible Bosses and its 2014 sequel, as well as for his … Fandom Apps Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. — I completely forgot about Kristen’s Judy Grimes character until this point. Cee Lo Green (KET) helps (ANS) & (ABE) enliven marriage, — Speaking of lazy resorts SNL loves relying on, we get the debut of another celebrity-hosted talk show sketch. Can this be considered a direct precursor to his famous “A Closer Look” regular segment from his current Late Night show? — Overall, most of this was just as painful to get through as I was worried. I didn’t even realize until now that she completely skipped season 36. Charlie Day is coming to Saturday Night Live this weekend, and he gets together with SNL cast member and his Horrible Bosses costar Jason Sudeikis for his promos. I met Day at his hotel, away from the rambunctious Comic-Con crowd. FREE EPISODE. I still like Brian Doyle-Murray’s “Khadaffy Duck” joke with him holding a comic book with that title back in ’81! IMMEDIATE POST-SHOW THOUGHTS — Great piano/harmonica song from Charlie, especially the lyric about it being “Charlie Day day”. The latter I enjoyed even without being very familiar with Seinfeld. — I do at least kinda like the line about how hell looks like Libya. Required fields are marked *. — I love the randomness of Adam Levine’s whole stand-up gimmick being him suddenly getting attacked by a hawk in the middle of his act. They are getting more hit and miss with each new season. Could Greek Gods possibly be considered a spiritual sequel to Save Broadway/Save the Funnies? a mild step up, My full set of screencaps for this episode is here. — I called the preceding Anna Faris-hosted episode pretty fun, but THIS episode takes the cake. — Wow, tonight’s Judy Grimes commentary contains what has got to be her longest run-on “Just kidding” spiel of all time. Weekend Update: A Look Back at Trump’s Presidency, Weekend Update: Smokey Robinson on Celebrating the Holidays, Weekend Update: Cleveland Indians Name Change and Tom Cruise Covid Rant, Middle-Aged Mutant Ninja Turtles: Episode 2, Weekend Update: Landis Trotter on Holiday Gifting, Weekend Update: Michael Che's Neighbor Willie on the COVID-19 Vaccine, Kate McKinnon Explains 2020 to Kristen Wiig and Dua Lipa, Weekend Update: Supreme Court Dismisses Election Fraud Cases, Weekend Update: Dr. Wenowdis on the COVID-19 Vaccine, Weekend Update: Melissa Villaseñor on Christmas and Dolly Parton, Weekend Update: Jay-Z’s Marijuana Line & New Space Force Bases, Timothée Chalamet and Cecily Strong Call Each Other by Their Names, Weekend Update: Trump Loses Election Lawsuits, Weekend Update: Pete Davidson on Staten Island COVID-19 Protests, Weekend Update: Bailey Gismert on Old Movies, Weekend Update: Melania's Christmas Decorations, Hamilton Returns, Jason Bateman and Morgan Wallen Want World Peace for Christmas, Celebrity Jeopardy: Sean Connery, Tom Cruise, Adam Sandler, Celebrity Jeopardy! Those who saw “Horrible Bosses” already knew how funny Charlie Day and Jason Sudeikis can be together, but anyone who missed it got a glimpse of their comedic chemistry on this weekend’s “ Saturday Night Live .”. Season 37, Episode 5 TV-14 CC HD CC SD. The Seinfeld murder scene is an all timer for me. I haven’t seen every episode of this “era” so I just thought, that must be something that he did once in a while. Host Louis C.K. Louis C.K. Charlie Day hosts Saturday Night Live on November 5, 2011 with musical guest Maroon 5. Recurring Characters : Cee Lo Green, Colonel Nasty, The Atlanta Horns. Charlie Day, Emma Stone, Jason Segel to Host Saturday Night Live Charlie Day, Emma Stone and Jason Segel will take the Saturday Night Live stage as hosts in November (more…) Maybe it’s because I’m beyond tired of 12 years of Kardashian jokes, but SNL went for the most obvious ones every time they made fun of her. Katlin Olson, I meant. — An overall decent “Closer Look at Europe” segment. Another ep I don’t remember if I had even seen it…. SNL also parodied the economic crisis in Greece. The detective imitates Horatio Caine and says that he watches "CSI: Miami." : May 16, 2015. — Now we get another WUWT-esque fun aspect of this sketch, with Bill entering as “Colonel Nasty”, featuring Bill doing his ol’ reliable “70s pimp” voice. (host)’s dead rectum isn’t treated discreetly by Dr. Oz (BIH), — A spot-on Dr. Oz impression from Bill. I wish every SNL skit was this clever and funny. Appearing: Tags: Saturday Night Live, SNL, charlie day, maroon 5. They are an absolute blast together here, and the way they’re selling this sketch is nothing short of phenomenal. — Jason and Charlie are making an AMAZING comedy team in this. — Ugh. Hello Stooge. — Now this is getting even funnier with Charlie’s character unwittingly making references to the exact TV shows and historical events that he claimed to have no knowledge of. I’m going to include all of last night’s skits in today’s highlights, if only to demonstrate how badly Charlie Day was utilized. As frequently utilized as she is, I can’t think of any other time she played this specific type of role. — Charlie, when Jason brings up the name Adolf Hitler: “What’s he, another one of your Fieldstein characters?” The Dr. Oz Show — Some laughs from Taran’s dolphin command sounds and gestures. And even as awful and derivative as the cold opening was, at least Fred Armisen brought a lot of energy in it, which, thinking about it in hindsight, fits the fun, energetic feel of this episode in general. — A hilarious facial expression from Taran’s Bruce Jenner. THE GHOST OF KADDAFI. STARS: *****, MUSICAL PERFORMANCE Michael William Day (born March 20, 1980) is an American actor, comedian, writer and producer. I keep forgetting this is Kristen’s final season on SNL. A veteran detective, who has no reference of current events and history... SATURDAYS | 11:30ET 10:30CT 9:30MT 8:30PT, Tags: crime scene, charlie day, seinfeld, jason sudeikis. So lazy and uncreative, which is sadly on-brand for a lot of SNL’s writing in 2009-2012. Saturday Night Live ‪Season 37‬ ... Charlie Day - November 5, 2011. This page is dedicated to tracking which cast member, host or special guest says the line, "Live from New York, it's Saturday Night", in the cold open of each episode of SNL. — Pretty funny turn with Kenan immediately ripping off his clothes to reveal he’s wearing the same costume that Charlie’s wearing for the movie, and then proceeding to seamlessly step into Charlie’s movie role. I … — Boy, that joke from Fred’s Kaddafi about his face being melty got a very forced, tedious “Ehhh…” laugh from the audience. This episode convinced me to watch the show, he was that good. The Ghost of Kaddafi, HOW THIS EPISODE STACKS UP AGAINST THE PRECEDING ONE (Anna Faris) In fact, the fun atmosphere and approach is quite What Up With That-esque, such as the look of the band, and Charlie’s Freakasaurus character. — Charlie, to Danny: “(*in an aggravated manner*) It’s called a monologue ’cause one person does it!” Ha, tell that to SNL’s writers. Greek Gods — A laugh from Adam Levine’s failure in his attempts to brush the long windblown hair out of his face. The official GIPHY channel for Saturday Night Live. STARS: ***½, THE ORIGINAL KINGS OF CATCHPHRASE COMEDY VOLUME 2 Can’t say I agree on the Kardashian sketch. — Holy hell, Seth is doing a segment called “A Closer Look at Europe”. — I like the running gag with Kristen’s Kris Jenner desperately trying to pass herself off as a young, fourth Kardashian sister. Let’s start off with that. — I’m being somewhat amused by Kenan’s stern “I do my job” catchphrase throughout this sketch. For more information on cookies including how to manage your consent visit our. Has anyone played her since Nasim left the show? November 5, 2011 – Charlie Day / Maroon 5 (S37 E5) Segments are rated on a scale of 1-5 stars. I always assumed that A Closer Look came from something Seth did on SNL, so seeing this bit on Weekend Update didn’t surprise me- I am surprised to learn it wasn’t recurring (??). Day is known for his bombastic on-screen persona (in films like "Horrible Bosses" and the TV series "It's Always Sunny In Philadelphia"), but the actor I met was extremely polite and genuinely excited to be in a movie about giant monsters and robots that fight. ... Sketches include Private Detective, Hypnotist, London and My Daughter. Because Of One Dolphin — Checking SNL Archives right now, this actually ends up being Judy Grimes’ final appearance. Imagine a night with MacGruber, Tim Calhoun, ESPN Classic, & The Falconer? STARS: *****. Charlie Day just cameos. — Unlike the first installment of this piece, tonight’s installment is using the entire cast, making this the second full-cast segment tonight that gives each cast member their own moment to shine. He went on to write for several television shows. Though he’s on trial, which is weird, because I remembered him being a bailiff. NO, A Closer Look On Seth’s Late Show Is About What Is Going On In The News Mainly What Is Going On With Donald Trump ! Kardashians make a spectacle of Kim’s (NAP) separation, — I remember this being really solid and fun. MY PERSONAL CHOICE OF “BEST OF” MOMENTS FOR THIS EPISODE, REPRESENTED WITH SCREENCAPS, RATED SEGMENTS RANKED FROM BEST TO WORST — For a celebrity-hosted talk show sketch, this actually has a very fun atmosphere and approach. — Some funny lines from Kenan’s Cee Lo throughout this, especially “Well, much like my arms and legs, this is a stumper.” She hadn’t appeared in quite a long while. — Danny DeVito! 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