Well done songs. But I have to agree with the guy before, they're mostly Alt Rock. Achetez neuf ou d'occasion They make my life! Which British Indie band are you? Yeah Yeah Yeahs are an American rock band formed in New York City in 2000. They may not be as big as some of the others on this list, but they are quite arguably the most innovative and influential, so long as you exclude Radiohead, to be honest Radiohead shouldn't even be on this list anyway as they're not actually an Indie band. Last album bit slower. Jarvis is one if the greatest lyricists of the past 30 years and sum up real life like no other singer. I like a lot here on the list! Noté /5. 10 New British Indie Bands You Need To Know In 2015. I think they should really be up there with all the rest o' the epicest bands. BEST BAND EVER! I really love there B-side to! All other bands in this list create(d) music fit to a specific time. They have the best guitar riffs, drums, Kapranos' voice, back-ups etc that make a great band.On top of that, their live performances are splendid! You could never tell the difference from their recorded ones! They moved with the times and were always amazing. The … Too many "the most" for one band, but they DO deserve it. Which is your favourite out of these musical acts? When I first heard them here in the US I got excited about music again. Photos by El Hardwick, Shane McCauley, courtesy of the artist Music Lists British Bands. I have only just started listening to them and I'm happy I have found this band as they are my Favourite. The Wombats is all the music I need in my life they have everything! Category:British indie rock songs. by: TheManics. : Clinging to a Scheme. Your having a laugh. Carl and Pete together are just ace and their musical skill combined with deep, meaningful lyrics makes brilliant songs that are memorable and legendary. I am from South Africa, heard the WOMBATS! Anyone who knows anything about British Indie bands, knows the Stone Roses were one of the most seminal and highly rated British indie bands of their time. And, moreover, they were having Top 10 hits. Share Tweet Submit Pin. Saw them live for my 18th birthday. The rise of the DIY music scene in Britain colliding with Brexit and Donald Trump has given 'guitar bands' a … Muse has got this unique style and matt's voice is just incredible! I don't understand how can the be so low on the list. Great sound. INSPIRED BY PUNK, angered by Thatcher and in love with ’60s culture, the UK indie scene produced some of the greatest (and oddest) pop records of all time. should be number 1 however I do love oasis and muse too. I love them after all they're my wonderwall. like seriously :( cried when their act finished so yeah should be waaay higher up /: Am I not right In saying Muse are truly the most talented band In the world? You have to Love Noel. This is the chance Noel always wanted to take the lead completely, they are a good band but entice obvious Oasis vibes ad without the "yeyaaaryeee" back of the tongue and head back whine from Liam you get a sense of something missing! The Roses should be further up because they originated and founded the Madchester sound that other bands on this list kind of adopted. At least in the kind of early-1990s UK indie bands I deem worthy of writing about. haha thanks!! The group is composed of vocalist Karen O, guitarist Nick Zinner, and… Kings of Leon. The Beatles lasted less than half that time. No other band on this list has achieved as much as Radiohead has in music over the past years. One of the few bands of which I like almost all of their songs, as opposed to just a couple, which is the norm for me. Honestly go listen to them they're fantastic! Their music is uniquely Awesome. A lot of these bands are not indie, and the ones who are aren't all that great (Libertines, Wombats etc), Bloc Party are the second most innovative band on this list (behind Radiohead who aren't indie) and every album, they change their sound, and perfect the sound they have evolved into. Embarrassed to say, but I actually just recently learned about The Script. And they are actually the reason I started listening to Indie again. Real toe-tapping tunes- seriously! Superb vocals lyrics and music. Wish they never split. Jump to navigation Jump to search. Are you kidding me? They are the band that brought British indie back, without them, most of the bands on this list would not even be here! Not to mention every single album they have put out has been a perfect 10/10. Why are these so low down? —Ellen Johnson. I only wish I was able to see them live before they split up. I even like the way Ian isn't the best singer, his voice has enough of that distinctive Manchester accent and character to appeal to the bands target audience which was mainly northerners. The BEST. So many catchy songs. American Indie Band VS British Indie Band Posted on June 15, 2011 by ambernamaathers There are a number of similarities between indie bands no matter where they hail from, but there does appear to be a stark difference in how you picture the stereotypical indie bands from these nations. My friends don't really approve of them though :(. Take, for example, how long Radiohead has stayed in the music industry and how long the band has prospered. 48. I also agree that OK Computer is quite possibly the best album of all time, across all genres, ever. They deserve it. listen to Spector, they are brilliant! The Libs are ACE! The band currently consists of Luke Pritchard (vocals, guitar), Hugh… Yeah Yeah Yeahs. You can go to their music for support, inspiration, motivation or when you just need to relax. You have to vote for them and show that the majority of people in this world have good music taste! "Oi Damo" when you coming back to visit Aldham? 5 British Indie Bands to Watch Out for in 2019. by Katie Haines 2 years ago in list. I feel like I have ran out of good English Indie bands! See what I mean? I am fourteen and the thing I love about this list is that even though it is in a bad order, practically all the bands on here are amazing! I grew up on them and STILL love their tunes! The Pigeon Detectives Mindless Self Indulgence Lostprophets InnerPartySystem Bloc Party Stereophonics Oasis Vampire Weekend Coldplay Please … It all began on December 28, 1976 at Indigo Studios on Gartside Street in Manchester. Tag: british indie bands. Sway and See The Sun have to be two of the greatest songs of all time. British indie band The Long Blondes, group portraits, 2009 Obtenez des photos d'actualité haute résolution de qualité sur Getty Images So much. rom hard rock to punk, new wave, indie and Britpop, British bands have defined entire genres and influenced millions of rock fans over the years. Never recorded a bad song. Completed 0 of 6 questions. Such a good band! They had ups and downs but their ups were amazing. I am asking for the most obscurely heard of bands you can think of please (preferably not Death metal or country) :) Anything similiar to these would be greatly appreciated: Hadouken! In my opinion: The Verve were and still are completely underestimated and stereo typed for the commercial hits only (the drugs don't work & the one with the stolen riff for example), unlike other indie bands Ashcroft and the Verve fear not to go ambient in an alternative way which is something that's been missing from Indie since Pink Floyd. Here's a look at the young UK bands leading it. how on earth are they on page one? They are British Indie, Pete and Carl are the best rockers and the music they make is so British and amazing, they should be number 1 easily! The band consists of Alex Turner (lead vocalist, songwriter, electric and rhythm guitarist), Jamie Cook (electric and rhythm guitarist, songwriter), Matt Helders (percussionist,...read more. Best band ever in this world! Coldplay are hardly Indie, they're 95% Alternative Rock, I don't know why they are even on this list. The verve, the kaiser chiefs and oasis are all pretty good, but honestly who could beat the monkeys? It's a hard *knock* life. there's lots of opportunity with this band but without the song writers skill its found lacking, "expectation! uDiscover’s Top 10 UK 80s Indie Bands salutes some of the most enduring cult acts of the decade. They're Post-Punk, Alternative Rock, and Gothic Rock. I don't think they're Indie at all. Now I LOVE it. Mystery Jets are an indie rock band which formed in Eel Pie Island, London, England in 2005. Well, this is handy for those seeking a soundtrack to a theoretical administration of herbal remedies: Primal … Number 20, that's nuts. Blur and The Smiths are only the beginning of the bands on this list. Radiohead keeps evolving their sound, with every record different from the next and its inspiring. They have a different sound every album that keeps the listeners on their toes wondering what's in store, but nonetheless are ALWAYS pleased with the content released. Silent Alarm was, indisputably, their jump to the top, but A Weekend in the City, and Four had amazing songs indeed.Let's see which treasures "Hymns" will bring to BP's audience. One of the Best concerts I've ever seen. That's big. Never before has dream pop sounded so warm, so welcoming. Their ability to have some of the most cheerful and upbeat songs, ever, as a facade to their more deeper and darker understanding of life. And they feel good music, whenever I have a bad day just turn on Bloc Party problems solved! Vote muse fans! Whilst the charts are full of pop songs with an EDM drop featured at some point in the song, a new wave of indie music is surging. Number ONE on my list! Which is the reason I fall in love with them in the 1st place. But kaiser chiefs stands out. Great music, great lyrics. They're absolutely incredible. And Noel is the best songwriter of a generation and combined with me amazing voice of Liam they made one of the greatest band.If it weren't for them, some bands would not exist.OASIS one of the BEST BAND EVER. X, Usually I lost my interest in bands if they become 'mainstream' and everyone is talking about their music. I love their music and I hope they will make more albums! All I want is for them to bring out a new album! So I became a fan when they've already been mainstream. ! The Fratellis have always been one of my favorite bands, and I've been listening to them for years! THey beat all the bands on this list just by having such a cool name! Here at Paste, we enjoy rounding up … May 25, 2014 - Mostly British Indie bands - or at least Bands who sing in English . The smiths are without the doubt the meaning of the word indie/alternative, unlike many of the above they actually sing about real things in life and not continuous rubbish, they are the true sense of British and influence people of all generations. Britpop emerged from the British indie scene of the early 1990s and was characterised by bands influenced by British guitar pop music of the 1960s and 1970s. Awesome band very underrated, newest album is really good. Their amazing riffing and general humour has been maintainted throughout each and every album. I have listened to Arctic Monkeys, Kasabian, The Wombats and Oasis and almost everything else on this list enough to tell my opinion (so if you haven't listened to everything don't bother to comment), and I've come to the conclusion that Oasis has the most classical and rhythmic songs. Muse are brilliant, so unique and so different from other bands. Ironic, original and beautiful creatures. The really should be on the top of this list.I LOVE them. Radiohead's unique sound and unique lyrics beat any other band's easily. To be ranked on a totally different scale.what is Arctic Monkeys doing in the number 1 spot?And,Where is Elbow and the Guilemots? All one needs to do is look at their debut album (debut! 2,624,990 listeners. Scarlet (British band) Scouting for Girls; The Sea Urchins; Sergeant Buzfuz; The Servants; Shake Shake Go; She Drew the Gun; Shop Assistants; The Shortwave Set; Shrag; The Siddeleys; The Slow Show; The Smiths; Snakes of Shake; Snowbird (band) The Soup Dragons; Spearmint (band) Spector (band) The Spook School; St. Christopher (band) Stagecoach (band) Standard Fare; Stare (indie band) This band is the definition of indie. He's from another planet. Their bests albums are in my opinion "OK Computer" and "In Rainbows", and if I had to recommend a song to any person in Earth will always be "Paranoid Android" that's its just a masterpiece. LEGENDS! Roughly between 1994 and 1997, a slew of British guitar bands emerged that appeared to counter the trends that had immediately preceded them. Follow @bydloblog. Even though the broke up what they did while they were together was absolutely genius. The Smiths music is timeless. Why are they so low? Should be number 1, the indie scene didn't have a definitive "sound" before them but it sure did afterwards. While Blur and Oasis are the better bands (my favorite band is blur) no one can match the swagger and vocal prowess of Richard Ashcroft. BP evolves in every new album, but still keeps the same original charm. Lyrics are deep and meaningful, rhythm is flawless, their live performances are unforgettable and Mr. Smith has a voice and a glance that would resuscitate the dead. Get ahead of the masses and delve into these bands before everyone else. He's God, the best songwriter of a generation. Surely they should be in the top 10. There songs has awesome drum and the singer is amazing, they are truly one of the best bands out there, indie or not. They're great people too. Subcategories. "Oh Liam! " 111 likes. The indie pop bands and artists below have played their music all over the world, but they all were formed in England. Not one of their three studio albums sounds the same. If you wanna listen to real indie music go to them - or arctic monkeys. The song are up lifting with lyrics that never fail to make me smile. Oh and don't sit down because I moved your chair! Should definitely be closer to the number 1 spot. All their songs are sick. Stereophonics should be in this space!blur, the choice band of those whom hater Oasis and got as big as they did for that solo reason, don't get me wrong there are some class tunes within these albums, some real standout songs that bring back that "back in the day" reminiscing.I always got a scenes that blur were always afraid to get their hands as dirty as Oasis or ocean colour scene with their music and that young posh anarchist impression could never compete with the pure grit other bands delivered. Hanya beberapa tahun lalu, akhbar muzik Britain mengisytiharkan kematian indie, tetapi generasi baru memaksa pengkritik memakan kata-kata mereka. They're so good, time is running out, butterflies and hurricanes, bliss, uprising, PLUG IN BABY that have the best guitar riff everr, just vote as MUSE ARE THE BEST BAND EVER. Their music spans through a lot of different genres and I personally like their experimenting. Joy Division and them should be at 1 and 2...best British Indie/Alternative Rock bands ever!If it wasn't for them or Joy Division a majority of the other Indie/Alternative Rock bands on this list would not have been around. This category has the following 109 subcategories, out of 109 total. Totally under appreciated by people these days! They are by far the best for countless reasons their singing tones, their amazing lyrics etc etc! Swervedriver is no exception to my cobbled-together rule. If it wasn't for the Roses the indie scene wouldn't have spawned the talent it did likevthe happy Mondays or inspirall carpets who also don't feature in the top ten yet blur do! Top 10 Modern British Bands to Crack the USOnly the greatest British bands make it big across the Atlantic Ocean, in the United States of America. Maybe one day they'll have a reunion gig. But MUSE not in top 10?! They are the hearts and should of British music and there contribution to music has been outstanding. I think Arctic Monkeys are amazing and have been my favorite band for a really long time. Don't get me wrong I love Oasis, Arctic Monkeys etc but The Smiths were the band that started it all (If not The Jam or Joy Division were). They ushered in a new sound in the rock genre. Gotta love The Fratellis. But boy did they know how to shred the early-1990s indie space-time continuum. Danny and Mark have so good voices. That is truly one of a kind. Katie White of British indie rock band The Ting Tings performing live onstage at Reading Festival, August 23, 2008. You must be joking top ten at the very least, mike luke. Which British indie-rock band’s songs include Second Sight, Hush, Govinda and Tattva? On a friends phone and now I am addicted they are seriously awesome. Brown and Squire = Jagger Richards. Its outragoeus! Probably one of the best live bands I've EVER seen. The most energizing concerts I've ever seen. 5.0/5.0 (1 vote) Remove from Favorites Add to Favorites. 623 Responses. Been around since Humbug, and have never been displeased with any tune and that says something special for me, and I'm sure that speaks a lot for any monkeys listener. The most intelligent and fascinating lyrics I've ever heard. Britain has produced many great Indie bands. I'm not sure why they want me to spell everything incorrectly. Andy Rourke and Mike Joyce are such an underrated rhythm section which is a real disappointment as they are amazing. Every time I put an ' they say it's better quality. Today's crossword puzzle clue is a quick one: Which British indie-rock band’s songs include Second Sight, Hush, Govinda and Tattva?.We will try to find the right answer to this particular crossword clue. Even after 10 years, they're still down to earth people and still care about their fans. God I can't do them justice, just go listen to them, you won't be disappointed! Arctic Monkeys The Arctic Monkeys, otherwise known as the Death Ramps, are a British indie rock band formed in 2002 in Sheffield, England. British indie rock band - formed in Brighton, England, United Kingdom in 2004. By the late 90s, indie had become synonymous with whiteness, which endures: Bloc Party’s Kele Okereke, a rare exception among predominantly white guitar bands, has described the British … Not perfect, but that way it'd be boring ;) I really liked British Indie. Wish I'd seen them live. Not even in the top 20? Song: Eine Symphonie Des Grauens. Hot British Indie Bands. The are incredible! I think they'd pretty awesome. Pengarang: Johnny Cummings | Terakhir Dikemaskini: Januari 2021. And this time, I just really don't care they are extremely well-known and popular. Heloo? Their originality and uniqueness earn them the #1 spot, in my opinion. Arctic Monkeys The Arctic Monkeys, otherwise known as the Death Ramps, are a British indie rock band formed in 2002 in Sheffield, England. Immense band! It's crazy that the Stone Roses are not on this list. Perfect blend between electric and acoustic material. been obsessed ever since. I dunno why people don't like Muse as much with there new stuff! See more ideas about indie, the libertines, pete doherty. The verve is the most innovative band in the world and probably the greatest underrated band ever! Select from premium British Indie Rock Bands Perform At Camden Assembly of the highest quality. Period. September 26, 2012. Every album from leisure to think tank was incredible.My number one, but should definitely be in the top 5X. They were the indie music of the 90's. They’re still one of the coolest bands working in indie rock. don't make me go to page 2! Take, for example, the fact that Radiohead has made it to Billboard's top 100 rock songs of the 90's. The Verve are a definite #3 on this list for sure. Genre: New Wave, Post-Punk, Indie. The are such an amazing band! Every single song has an individual spark that just makes all their albums so unique and amazing to listen to. Morrissey's lyrics defined a generation, Johnny Marr's guitar playing is some of the best ever. There amazing. No roses and Oasis would never of happened to the admission of Noel Gallagher himself who also quoted"the stone roses are the best band in the world". Best British band along with smiths and the cure, I don't understand why New Order are so down low! The 15 New British Bands You Need to Know in 2018 There's another British Invasion shaping up this year. Here's to hoping. They are best! If you like them (of course you do) just enjoy this site and click "like it" <3 The band, as said by Segre, isn't an indie rock band (and dislike being named as such) so I think they probably shouldn't be listed here. They're songs always have a special meaning to them and many fans can reakte to them in some situation of their life. Not that great and struggled clearly to follow up the Album they are known for "Costello Music", they remind me of a band that gigged for a long time until gathering enough material to go large, make some Wonga and stay home for the rest of their lives till the money runs dry and then come back with a poor album that stays in the charts for a couple of weeks before fading out so far you wont even find it on thepiratebay. Not many bands are able to not only stand the test of time, but do so while drastically altering their sound and style from album to album without losing or isolating their fans. Simply, no one can top the monkeys with their UNFORGETTABLE lyrics and riffs every single tune released. The greatness of this band as a whole is ridiculously far from being acknowledged enough. If you like OASIS. The Libertines... Where can I start? The Radio Dept. Obtenez des photos d'actualité haute résolution de qualité sur Getty Images Great guitarist. Third album may not be as stand-out as the first two but if you don't compare them, it's still a good album. Can't believe the bands people are placing above them, ridiculous. I discovered them by accident, but it was the best accident I ever had. THE WOMBATS SHOULD BE NUMBER 1! Why is this at 25? ), and see that it doesn't fall under any genre. much harder than the style of the high flying birds and there lye the issue of comparison to both Noels crew and Oasis, there was always going to be conflicting comparisons and without good backing vocals and harmonics you will find Liam's vocals much too "in ya face". Unreal band, Should be top of the list. We want this near the top, not down here! This music, words, faces, looks can make you crazy! Margate by the exciting indie rock group Sports Team. I'd love to see them live. My favourite band of all time. 1. Inside In/Inside Out was a brilliant start and they only got better with Konk. It's a page all about the best British indie bands. Seen them four times, pure class. Their influence on the others in the list have already been mentioned by others. Russell Lissack of the British indie rock band Bloc Party performs at the Riviera Theatre on September 21, 2012 in Chicago, Illinois. :) x. Ok firstly oasis aren't an indie band well they sort of are but their more rock than indie. Songs with meaning, passion, and soul status after they have a song everyone! Scene did n't have a bad day just turn on bloc Party problems solved and sum up real like... See the Sun have to agree with the guy before, they 're my wonderwall Sun have agree! 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