Spotted at the recent Bike Place Show, Biria Bikes has made an entry to the UK market with a speciality bike offering chain level step over. Petite présentation. What makes this bike unique is that it has the appearance of a normal folding bike because the Lithium ion battery is hidden inside the frame. Biria: Folding 20" Aluminum 7-Speed The 20" Folding bike from Biria is light weight with 20" wheels, aluminum frame, and a 7-speed drivetrain to help get over the hills... Quickview button Wishlist button. Key Largo , FL 33037. Le 700C se décline en deux modèles, 3 vitesses en moyeu intégré ou bien 7 vitesses en transmission classique. Washington . Le dernier étant le Biria Easy Boarding Electric, qui embarque un moteur brushless de 220W sur la roue avant, couplé à une batterie Li-on 36V. We strive to remain dynamic and innovative in every aspect of our business. Has the appearance of a normal folding bike with the Lithium ion battery hidden inside the frame. BIRIA Tire Bicycle, Street 26 x 1.75 Inch Puncture Resistant 5mm, Puncture Guard, Thorn Resistant, Comfortable Ride, Hybrid Bike Tread tire 4.3 out of 5 stars 26 $46.85 $ 46 . Sold and shipped by 365 Cycles. Introducing the new BIRIA Electric Folding Bike By Big Cat. Biria EB (Easy Boarding) Top 3 Cruiser Bike The Biria easy Boarding Top 3 includes a Shimano Nexus 3 speed rear hub. Seattle , WA 98116. 26 inch wheels and a Shimano 7 speed derailleur for a smooth ride that is perfect for cruising around the park or neighborhood. Electric Folding Bike Electric Folding Bike Electric Folding Bike. Introducing the new BIRIA Electric Step-Through Folding. With the uniquely designed step-through frame, and a very comfortable seating position, this bike has fulfilled the needs of cyclists who seek ultimate safety and pleasure while riding their bike. Sort by relevance. The low step through design allows anyone to easily mount and ride this light weight aluminium frame bike. Topeak. Check out their Easy Boarding models now! Biria was born in Europe and brought to North America for your cycling pleasure! Free Shipping. Florida (305) 453-6221 Evolve Bicycles: 13 Blake Boulevard. On y retrouve une géométrie très compacte sur un cadre toujours en acier Hi-Ten. Biria's Easy Boarding Bicyle has redefined comfort in the bike industry. Introducing the new BIRIA Electric Folding. Biria introduced the Easy Boarding Bicycle into the US market in 2002. We're the most highly-rated electric bike brand in North America. Non, la gamme est 100% dédiée au "commuting" urbain. This stylish frame is ultra low step-through. Quand à Biria, la marque qui nous intéresse aujourd'hui, elle n'est pas née sur les terres de l'Oncle Sam, mais au pays de la Bière, en Allemagne, il y a quelques années. Topeak Trolley Tote MTX Rear Folding Basket Bicycle Cargo Carrier Collapsable. I was very happy with the price, assembly included, and with the customer service after assembly. It h as the appearance of a normal folding bike with the Lithium ion battery inside the frame. H as the appearance of a normal folding bike with the Lithium ion battery hidden inside the frame. Celebration , FL 34747. Le tube de jonction se situe à seulement 15 cm du sol. Disparue du marché européen depuis quelques temps maintenant, la marque semble, dans un pays où le SUV est roi, faire son bonhomme de chemin depuis 10 ans maintenant sur le sol US. Menu Skip to content. Biria has its roots as a truly European brand. Biria with their Citi Bike and Easy Boarding bike has its roots as a European brand. Biria: Tanto. My wife loves the Biria Easy Boarding Step Through bike. Home; E-BIKES. Tendance oblige, Biria se devait de posséder à son catalogue un pignon fixe. Southsea Cycles Ltd, 235-237 Albert Road, Portsmouth PO4 0JR, United Kingdom 023 92 297549 Washington; Alki Bike & Board: 2606 California Ave SW . Folding bike, light weight with 20" wheels and auminum frame, and a 7-speed drivetrain to help get over the hills $475. Le design particulier du cadre offre une large zone ouverte pour permettre à la personne de monter facilement sur le vélo. Biria en a même fait son produit phare, avec une gamme déclinée en cinq modèles : monovitesse (moyeu coaster brake), transmission classique 7 vitesses puis moyeu intégré en 3 et 8 vitesses. Having expanded from its native Germany, last year the brand shifted 10,000 units in the U.S., in part down to the bike’s unique style, but additionally as a result of the ease of use for elderly and disabled cyclists. With the expansion of bicycle lanes across North America, the need for urban oriented bicycles became paramount. Washington . Distance et vélo | Non le vélo quotidien, ce n’est pas du cyclisme! Utilitarian Bicycles, Comfortable and Elegant $899.00. Biria will bring their eBike to America beginning next March for about $1700. $74.95. With a 500 Watt motor and 36V, 13 Amp Samsung battery, it has a range potential of 20-25 miles per charge. Use these tips to keep it in top shape all year round. Featuring super high volume tyres with rounded contact surface, the new Biria Easy Boarding has all the cushion and shock absorption of a cruiser without the rolling resistance. [Interview] Geovelo confirme en chiffres la (forte) hausse des cyclistes urbains en France, Mobilité : l’usage de la voiture particulière régresse selon l’INSEE, L'Atlas, soit vous l'ouvrez, soit vous partez pédaler, FOCUS Atlas, un nouveau vélo gravel pour se perdre dans la nature, Avalanche Cycles dévale sur le vélo acier sur-mesure, VALEO, un kit moteur vélo électrique smart conçu en France, Un boom, des vélos, des cyclistes et des territoires, Quand l’usage vélo fait boom, les chiffres 2020 sur le territoire français, Vélo Fat bike, des gros pneus à la rescousse des stations de montagne, Comment s'occuper intelligemment 52mn après 18h, « FANTASME », un vélo rouge, des amours frustrées, des rencontres et les hasards de la vie, Velociraptor : Musique, danse, cirque et vélo artistique, « Unlocked down », Matthias Dandois confine son art dans Paris, Inspirations : Tristan Lucas part en road trip à vélo, [Test] Vélo cargo Bergamont E-Cargoville LJ, robuste biporteur urbain allemand, Une veste urbaine à la fois sobre et très visible, [Test] Parka vélo Urban Circus x Aigle, la haute-visibilité française, [Test] Pédales LOOK Geo City Grip Vision, adhérence et visibilité, Des pédales aimantées pour ne pas les perdre, [Test] Pédales MagPed, l’irrésistible magnétisme autrichien, [Mobilité] 5 bonnes raisons de te mettre au vélo (et dès la Rentrée), Comment la capitale andalouse s'est mise au vélo, Séville ou la fulgurante transformation d’une ville cyclable, Les segments cyclables dont tu rêverais pour ton vélo quotidien, Les plus belles infrastructures cyclables du monde sur ton trajet. Southsea Cycles Ltd, 235-237 Albert Road, Portsmouth PO4 0JR, United Kingdom 023 92 297549 To search for dealers based on their zipcode, please submit the form above. Biria Bicycles are now distributed in the United Kingdom by Southsea Cycles. A Lithium Ion battery provides about two hours of riding at 15 to 18 mph. World-Class Support. L'empattement est un peu plus large sur l'autre modèle de cette gamme, le Coastie, qui doit son nom à son moyeu arrière "coaster brake" ou frein à rétropédalage en bon français. Biria USA was born in 2002 with the desire to bring bicycles to North America that captured the same spirit embodied in the most popular models being ridden all across Europe. 1. Celle-ci se décompose en six branches tout-à-fait cohérente : CitiBike, CitiClassic, EasyBoarding, SingleSpeed, Mini-20 et Folding. Electric bike store in Seekonk. Biria Bikes produce the best low step-through bikes on the market. I purchased at a dealer, a Biria 700c E7 bicycle back on June 21, 2016 and to this day have not received the bike. Biria Bicycles are now distributed in the United Kingdom by Southsea Cycles. Having originated in Germany, Biria Bicycles became a popular brand in Europe with a flair for being both utilitarian and stylish. Share this: Twitter; Facebook; … We are committed to providing the consumer various options in both color and frame design to satisfy your particular needs. The Biria Series offers a unique range of very low step-through bicycles. PEDEGO. The company has grown its product mix by closely evaluating consumer’s needs. Unequaled in comfort, ease of use and style, the Biria Easy Boarding bicycle is as unique as it is functional. Mais la gamme Easy Boarding n'a pas été pensée pour transformer le vélo en patinette, elle s'adresse avant tout à des personnes pour qui l'enjambement d'un vélo peut parfois s'avérer difficile, mais également aux femmes soucieuses de leur élégance à vélo. According to Biria, dealer reception at Interbike has been tremendous. Virginia Beach Electric Bike Center Bike Your Drive! With a 500 Watt motor and 36V, 12.8 Amp LG battery, it has a range potential of 22-30 miles per charge. Smaller rider? With a 500 Watt motor and 36V, 12.8 Amp LG battery, it … Sold and shipped by 365 Cycles. Street bike geometry and 29er wheels provide a ride that is agile and at the same time extremely stable. Biria Easy Boarding Price £599, ... Biria has created a bike that can be used by anyone who finds it difficult to mount a standard cycle. We are committed to providing the consumer various options in both color and frame design to satisfy your particular needs. Cart. Biria Bicycles. This allows for 3 distinct gearing ratios that will make cruising around the neighborhood a breeze. Utilitarian Bicycles, Comfortable and Elegant Biria: Mini Velo. $30.98. Have bad knees but still want to ride? Les longs trajets ne leurs feront pas peur, notamment le Sport e24 avec sa transmission 3x8 et ses jantes double-paroi chaussées en pneus 700x35. Paradoxalement, quelques-uns des plus grands fabricants de cycles proviennent de là-bas. Biria USA was born in 2002 with the desire to bring bicycles to North America that captured the same spirit embodied in the most popular models being ridden all across Europe. Assez proche d'un point de vue géométrie, les modèles de la gamme CitiClassic reprennent les codes vintage d'une bonne vieille randonneuse, avec une philosophie très orientée cyclotourisme. Bref, des modèles dessinés en Allemagne puis assemblés aux États-Unis (avec une production qui, elle, reste asiatique), ce n'est assurément pas commun. Street bike geometry which provides an agile ride Dealers for 6 of the most popular brands of ebikes. Ebikes shipped directly to you, we cover the cost. Ne manque rien des prochains articles, abonne-toi à la WeelzLetter ! Biria Bicycles prides itself in being innovative, consumer focused, quality oriented and first to market with stylish bicycles that are fun to own. City Commuter; E-Lux; EASY MOTION; Biria Et pour suivre encore plus la tendance, c'est au sein de la gamme Mini-20 que l'on retrouve un vélo de route original en roues de 20 pouces (une tendance que nous vous avions fait découvrir à la rentrée). Because this electric bike is a combination of a pre-existing bicycle from Biria and the BionX drive system and wasn’t created from the ground up to only be electric, some of the wires aren’t fully integrated, you can see them near the seat tube tacked on with zip ties but at least most of them do run through the downtube so the front and mid sections of the bike are clean I was sold a bicycle that they will admit, never exists and is not available in the USA. 206-938-3322 : Green Rides: 3800 Main St. Vancouver , WA 98663. First, the bike was shipped in two days to a bike shop near me. Now Available in 700 wheel size Introducing the new larger Easy Boarding for the taller rider. Southsea Cycles Ltd, 235-237 Albert Road, Portsmouth PO4 0JR, United Kingdom 023 92 297549 Florida; All Keys Cycles: 103400 Overseas Hwy #105 . Our in-house team of ebike experts are here to help 7 days a week . Biria Bicycles prides itself in being innovative, consumer focused, quality oriented and first to market with stylish bicycles that are fun to own. Sold by. Le dernier étant le Biria Easy Boarding Electric, qui embarque un moteur brushless de 220W sur la roue avant, couplé à une batterie Li-on 36V. Biria Bicycle are offered in a variety of colors. Biria’s American dealers kept asking for the electric bike. Ce n'est pas nos amis nord-européens qui iront dire le contraire. Introducing the new Upgraded BIRIA Electric Folding, Series 2, with upgraded battery, tires, pedals, and charger. Update cart × Products Qty Total × EB Easy 7, the most popular model. It is easy to get on to and ride, and is a great touring bike for paved areas. Biria USA expanded its offering to include a variety of City Bicycles with an upright riding position, folding bicycles, a 20-inch mini commuter and a single speed track oriented street bicycle. Search site: … Mais si le Mini-20 est encore trop grand pour vous, vous pouvez toujours opter pour le pliant de la gamme Folding, une ligne classique, doté d'un cadre en alu et d'une transmission 7 vitesses. Biria Bicycles are now distributed in the United Kingdom by Southsea Cycles. Wald. The Biria 3 speed also has front hand brake and rear coaster brake for amazing stopping power. Biria was born in Europe and brought to North America for your cycling pleasure! Ha L'Amérique, le pays de tous les possibles. Extensive Help Center. 44 talking about this. Designed to roll over city streets like no other bike, the Tanto from Biria is a true stomper that levels the playing field and ensures confidence. Le 700C fait partie de la gamme CitiBike. However as you speak to them they make you feel like the guilty party. The company’s roots go back to the brand’s beginning in Germany, where Biria Bicycles became popular thanks to their flair for being both utilitarian and stylish. 2017 BIRIA FOLDING BIKE $450 MSRP 2017 BIRIA FOLDING BIKE $450 MSRP 2017 BIRIA FOLDING BIKE $450 MSRP 2017 BIRIA CITI LADY CLASSIC i 3 $700 2017 BIRIA CITI LADY CLASSIC E8 $700 2017 BIRIA CITICLASSIC SPORT i 3 $700 2017 BIRIA CITI CLASSIC SPORT E24 $699 e24 $800 2017 BIRIA EASY BOARDING EASY SEVEN $700 2017 BIRIA EB LITE 8 $1000 Biria Road . BIRIA Men's & Women's 7 Speed Bike - $575 (The Villages) BIRIA C19E 21" Easy Boarding Ballon Frame, 7 Multi-Speed 18" Bike with Matt Black Fenders. Une jolie petite monture, facile à glisser dans un coffre. Try out our wide selection of Biria Easy Boarding Bicycles in stock now! When they brought their bicycles to North America, their goal was to capture the same spirit embodied in their most popular models being ridden all across Europe. Biria Electric Folding Bike #biria #biriaelectricfoldingbike #500watts #biriabikes #florida #quarantinelife2020 There are no products in your shopping cart. the Biria Easyboarding 7 speed bike is perfect for those who have knee problems while cycling. Il se pourrait que M. Philippe Starck se soit inspiré de la marque Biria pour imaginer son Pibal bordelais. Un modèle robuste au cadre en acier Hi-Ten, dont l'équipement en fait un outil idéal pour la ville : double porte-bagage avant et arrière, gardes-boues, grandes roues de 28 pouces, le tout surmonté d'un cintre large et haut assurant une position haute et confortable pour le cycliste. Sac vélo convertible Vaude CityGo Bike 23, MasterLock Antivol vélo menottes Street Cuff. This is a German-designed Bicycle that is known for being among the most comfortable Bikes on the market, with custom-built parts for the best experience possible. SHOP BIRIA. Biria USA sells Biria bicycles and they have the worst or close to the worst customer relations ever. 14 talking about this. 5 out of 5 stars with 1 reviews. Your bike isn’t as lucky. The flagship product for Biria Bicycles is the Easy Boarding model. C'est le cas avec un modèle, sobrement nommé "fixed gear". Biria en a même fait son produit phare, avec une gamme déclinée en cinq modèles : monovitesse (moyeu coaster brake), transmission classique 7 vitesses puis moyeu intégré en 3 et 8 vitesses. Pour le moment, la marque Biria n'est toutefois pas disponible sur le sol français. We have placed customer needs and satisfaction at the core of our business creed. Having originated in Germany, Biria Bicycles became a popular brand in Europe with a flair for being both utilitarian and stylish. Dans la gamme Biria US, vous ne trouverez point de gros pneus 29 pouces tout-terrain, ni de cadre carbone haut-module taillé pour la performance sur route. With a 50 cm frame and 700C wheels, this model is designed to fit a person who is taller than 5’10” as well as giving the bike a hybrid feel. Biria USA is committed to giving everyone the ultimate comfort and quality in riding bicycles. Un petit modèle qui, d'ailleurs, se retrouve bien mieux loti que ses ainés : cadre en aluminium Tig, transmission arrière Shimano 105 couplé à des shifters Sram X5, freins V-Brake alu Tektro. “biria bike basket” 620 results. Yamaha, Magnum, Bagi, Biria, Gocycle, and Pedego electric bikes. 9,000+ 5-Star Reviews. Il est vrai que pour nous autres européens, il est difficile de nier l’incroyable influence qu'a ce pays depuis plusieurs générations maintenant... Mais d'un point de vue vélo, là, force est de constater que nos très chères cousins ricains n'ont pas grand chose à nous apprendre. Wald 582 Folding Pannier Basket for Rear Rack Silver. 85 Vélo convertible Vaude CityGo bike 23, biria bike dealers Antivol vélo menottes street Cuff inside the frame plus... Has grown its product mix by closely evaluating biria bike dealers ’ s American dealers kept for. Cohérente: CitiBike, CitiClassic, EasyBoarding, SingleSpeed, Mini-20 et Folding admit, never exists and is Available! 15 cm du sol offered in a variety of colors Boarding for taller. Providing the consumer various options in both color and frame design to satisfy particular. Never exists and is not Available in the bike was shipped in two to! Beach Electric bike brand in Europe with a flair for being both utilitarian and stylish ride... Ou bien 7 vitesses en transmission classique 22-30 miles per charge le contraire to help 7 days week! Germany, Biria Bicycles are now distributed in the USA dynamic and innovative in every aspect of our business Bicycles... 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