Stormtrooper. The Maximal Bighorn would not be denied, however, and his thirst for combat finally forced Megastorm, Starscream and BB to fight with him, where he proved surprisingly effective. 2005 Board member Jtprime17 has shared in our forums two new Walmart listings for Transformers R.E.D “Redeco” Megatron and Beast Wars Optimus Primal. Make a Surprise Attack on the Super Weapon Base! The End of Starscream. After the last debacle, Megastorm wanted the chance to redeem himself against Lio Convoy and take credit for dispatching him. or Best Offer. Transformers Masterpiece MP-50 Tigatron jumps out of the Beast Wars screen and into your collection with this faithfully remastered version of the Beast Wars Classic Tigatron. This sent Bigmos and Tonbot into a battle with Lio Convoy's crew, which Starscream and BB secretly intervened on by trying to collapse an entire ravine on the two factions with their missiles. The Predacons rediverted troops to stop the launch, but they ultimately failed. The Maximals and Insectrons survived, but Starscream's involvement in the rockslide was left undiscovered. Instead, he was sent on missions to traverse pit-riddled fields, occasionally having to fend off enormous bacteria opponents. Starscream and BB then captured the lion in a net missile and presented the net humbly to Megastorm back at base. Lio Convoy in Imminent Danger! Apr 14, 2020 - Explore David Paoli's board "Beast Wars toys", followed by 202 people on Pinterest. Starscream's final plot involved creating an adorable cartoon hologram of himself to invite the Insectrons to an oil party. The Crisis of Planet Gaia, Hellscream discovered some Insectron activity in the Rock Mountains, but Gigastorm told him to just ignore the bugs. As Starscream was left wondering how his partners could be so stupid as to mistake the Tasmanian devil for a Maximal, Diver shut down the cage holding Lio Convoy's crew and Scuba freed the Kid. Hellscream and Max B (the upgraded BB) continued to fight for the Predacons up until the last battle on the battleship Nemesis. Beast Wars Second Starscream had two toys produced exclusively in Japan. Starscream (スタースクリーム Sutāsukurīmu) is a two-faced, back-stabbing, no-good schemer. They were now powerful enough to battle all the Maximals, even Magnaboss, before being temporarily disposed of by the Tako Tank. Surprisingly, that's exactly what happened at first until the Maximals arrived and hosed them down. 40 and Grimlock as waiters. Beast Kingdom. Beast Wars Transmetals Megatron 3.4 out of 5 stars 8 Transformers Toys Generations War for Cybertron: Kingdom Core Class WFC-K3 Vertebreak Action Figure - Kids Ages 8 and Up, 3.5-inch Though ridiculously girly, he is in reality a treacherous little so-and-so who will take any opportunity to seize power, much as his namesake. Star Wars: The Mandalorian. The Ascending # 4, In the Legends World, Starscream was the manager of a "little brother cafe" in Akihabara, where he gave Windblade a job out of sympathy for her situation, despite her gender. When Artemis and Moon compared the strength of the Maximals and Predacons, Starscream was measured against Scuba. The bio at the back of the packaging touches on an old Beast Wars episode where Starscream’s ghost possessed Waspinator. He and BB actually ignored a call for assistance from their leader out of sheer petulance. They barely escaped the pre-rigged self-destruct mechanism. Later, when a strange ship landed on Gaia, Hellscream took part in stealing the control unit for it. The Predacons were on the verge of victory when a stray shot from Megastorm rocked the battlefield, badly injuring the Predacon forces. Emissary of the Fourth Planet Once it was clear the emissary robot intended to "control" the Angolmois Energy by destroying the planet, Galvatron ordered his Cyborg Beasts to withdraw so the Maximals could deal with the situation for them uncontested. Teletraan I: The Transformers Wiki is a FANDOM TV Community. They were soon confronted with the pilots, however, a trio called the Jointrons in their combination form as Tripledacus. Confidentially, it's all a ploy to lull his superiors into letting their guards down so he can strike at the most opportune time, seizing power for himself. Only 6 left in stock - order soon. After Prime fused himself with Primus's spark to save all of Cybertron, Megatron, seeing the error of his ways, disbanded the Decepticons, in honoring a sacrifice as great as what Optimus had done. Whether you’re a casual Beast Wars fan or intent on building an entire menagerie of Beast Wars toys, Masterpiece Transformers figures are just what the veterinarian ordered! Unfortunately for Starscream, all the combatants survived his sneak attack. LG-18 Armada Starscream Super Mode Prologue He later hired Cab Bonus Edition Vol. Tripledacus humbled Starscream and BB, sending them fleeing back to the Galvaburg II. Galvatron modified his orders, dictating that the Jointrons be captured so that their transformation sequence could be analyzed for the creation of a Predacon combiner. Starscream therefore went to Darkmount to take his own rightful place as Decepticon ruler, only for Predaking, Dark… Bonus Edition Vol. Hellscream hated his new form and preferred to have his jet form back. However, Starscream weathered it quite well, emerging from the pit in a new cybernetic shark form as Hellscream. Planet Gaia, The sycophantic Hellscream praised Galvatron for his foresight when he dispatched the Seacons to delay the Maximals so that the Galvaburg II could reach Nemesis ahead of them. Safe behind Galvatron's protection, he once again began openly taunting Gigastorm about his poor leadership qualities as well. Transformers Combiner Wars Leader Class Starscream Gift Toy collection Kids . Starscream does not however include the rocket packs that attached to Jetfire's back. Unfortunately for Starscream's plotting, Megastorm DID emerge more powerful than ever, transformed into the titanic Gigastorm. He begged his Insectron "friends" to save them from the pursuing Maximals, leading to another fight between the two groups. Starscream and BB later joined the Seacons in battle with the Maximals and Tripledacus, but were driven off. Starscream is the deadliest Decepticon Air Commander and the leader of the Seekers. Thanks to Nathan at RoboticPlanetToys on Instagram who acquired a McDonald’s Happy Meal toy presentation binder at auction and has given us scans of the Transformers […] Starscream's dazzling victory dance was interrupted when simple BB asked if Starscream would be doing the Autorollers' heavy-lifting assignments once they were destroyed. Gallery of G2 Starscream with comparison to BW Starscream at Transformers At the Moon, Unfortunately, Lio Convoy and the other Maximals arrived to teach the Jointrons a lesson in teamwork, and the trio shared energy to eradicate the bacteria bomb's effects, driving off Starscream and BB once more. They successfully made contact with Bigmos and Tonbot this way, and left the Insectrons with a falsified data disc containing information on the Maximals. The capsule eventually led them to the site of Gigastorm's battle, relieving them of any explanation for why they weren't showing up when called. Warm up your transwarp drive and grab some drive-through, because we’re heading to the bygone era of 1995 to catch a glimpse at Transformers history! During an escape from the prison, Starscream took BB with him, solidifying BB's loyalty to Starscream. The Child. Hellscream and the Cyborg Beasts confronted the Maximals as Lio Convoy tried to shut down Nemesis at its Angolmois Energy core. Hellscream had prepared a speech to inspire loyalty and comradery for the greater good in his fellow Cyborg Beasts, but Gigastorm had to wake up in the middle and ruin it. The Ascending # 3 He went on to help spread Angolmois across Cybertron, causing widespread chaos and violence. Free shipping. The Insect Corps Arrive, For his next trick, Starscream and BB fired upon the Maximals Diver, Bighorn and Tasmania Kid, luring them into the nest of another group of Insectrons, Scissor Boy, Powerhug, and Drill Nuts. As Megastorm once again began to seize control of the Predacons, Starscream saw an opening when the Duke of Destruction groused about how powerful the Angolmois Energy made his brother. As Galvatron's artificial planet Nemesis approached Gaia, its influence began to corrupt the Angolmois Energy on the planet, making it volatile. Who Is the Strongest Warrior!? The Jointrons reunited, formed Tripledacus, and Starscream's men were forced to flee. The listings in Walmart website don’t have any image or additional information so far, but EAN codes and product numbers are available for those interested in tracking these action figures. To preserve his status, Starscream had BB shut down the main pipeline, causing a build up back at the Autorollers' fortress that would destroy the would-be-usurpers permanently. Starscream evaluated the device and determined it was a Copy Machine. Beast Wars Sourcebook #2, At some point, Hellscream became one of Unicron's heralds and subsequently one of Shokaract's Heralds. Toy converts to Beast Wars-inspired cheetah mode in 20 steps and features lower jaw articulation in cheetah mode for classic look of Cheetor enthusiasm. Beast Wars Sourcebook 4 Starscream was later exposed to Angolmois Energy by Gigastorm, which altered the jet into the vicious Hellscream. As Starscream prepared to drop the Duke, Megastorm started having second thoughts, but Starscream sent him screaming into the pit of Angolmois Energy anyway. 3rd Party Figures. He was later upgraded via Angolmois Energy into the Cyborg Beast Hellscream (ヘルスクリーム Herusukurīmu). He was not, however, directly involved in combat. You can help Transformers Wiki by expanding it. Ben 10. Starscream kept an eye on Megastorm as his attempt to quietly dispose of his sleeping brother only turned Galvatron into a revived Angolmois Energy-powered dragon. In terms of scale, both robots should be just right since it was established in the old series that Beast Wars characters are significantly smaller than the G1 robots. When writers Larry DiTillio and Bob Forward got started on Beast Wars, they were generally unfamiliar with the Transformers franchise and set out to make a unique show with brand new characters.. Starscream and BB were present to observe Galvatron enter a geyser of Angolmois Energy and seemingly get consumed by the eruption. Terrorsaur (BW) | Teletraan I: The Transformers Wiki | Fandom 99. $100.00. The WFC-K14 Deluxe AIRAZOR collectible figure stands at 5.5 inches tall, converts to Beast Wars-inspired falcon mode in 22 steps with intricate molded feather texture, and features wing, lower beak, and tail feather articulation that allow for more realistic falcon poses. You can help Transformers Wiki by expanding it. First, he had the Autorollers build the exterior of a fortress by the lake as a lure. Starscream and BB were the right-hand men of Galvatron and Megastorm during the Beast Wars on Gaea. This page was last modified on 25 January 2021, at 01:14. Before the rivals could begin fighting, however, Galvatron arrived and forced all his subordinates back in line. Lio Convoy. He also defended BB when his partner was compared to Bighorn, stating BB's firepower and strength were far greater than mere strength alone. Starscream then oversaw the altered Maximals' initial ambush on their former allies. Megastorm shot down Starscream's request, however, and gave the assignment to Dirge and Thrust instead. Unfortunately for Starscream's plan, Megastorm insisted on coming along and jumped the gun by firing off his Mega-Cannon. Stormtrooper. Cheetor was one of the main characters of Beast Wars, the kid-appeal Bumblebee/Hot Rod character of his era. He and BB went so far as to avoid conflict with other, less-important Maximals while on their search, and dispatching Dirge and Thrust in a rockslide to prevent any competition. Starscream first met BB in a Maximal detention center, where he befriended the traumatized giant. Ben 10. He was present when Windblade returned and told Armada Starscream of the reason for her poor condition. Thinking Tasmania Kid had somehow escaped (and shrank), Dirge and Thrust returned to the base without the captive Maximals and left a hatch open so that Diver and Scuba could enter as well. The Predacons were all blown away in the resulting explosion. The Child. This character article is a stub and is missing information on their toys & merchandise. This mistake also carried over to the Korean-market rendering of the name. He prefers to hide behind his partner, the hulking bruiser BB, not so much because he can't fight but because he'd rather not get his hands dirty or his paint job scuffed. Revenge of the Space Pirates, On Nemesis, the Predacons shot down the Maximal ship and boarded the wreckage, only to find the Maximals weren't present. But as the Predacons pressed on, Dirge and Thrust turned up on the battlefield as allies of the Maximals! Starscream was quick to point out, however, that Megastorm's math meant the Predacons would lose their entire supply of Angolmois Energy to the Seacons if the pirates were successful. All Hands, Make a Special Attack on the Evil Planet! However, they had no idea Tripledacus was a combiner, and ignored the Jointrons when they first spotted them. Starscream, BB, and Megastorm were quickly driven into retreat. ... Transformers Generations Combiner Wars Leader StarScream Seeker Jet Bonus Lot G1. Bif Bang Pow! When the Maximals dropped low on power from fighting the Insectrons, Starscream and the Combatrons emerged to finish them off. Starscream. The Ascending issue 4. Starscream and BB were dispatched to locate a mysterious ship making a forced landing on Gaia, and got into a battle with the Maximals over the wreck. Though they managed to shoot down Lio Convoy as he and Bigmos approached them from the air, they weren't as successful in stopping Tasmania Kid, who had tried a similar tactic with Tonbot. Disappointed with the outcome, Gigastorm finally set off his explosives, sending Starscream and BB into the pits of Angolmois Energy below them. We have new R.E.D figures incoming. Starscream later got his own Angolmois energy upgrade. Starscream succeeded in snaring Lio Convoy, Bighorn and Apache just as he trapped Kid by the lakeside. There will be more reveals at the Transformers Saturday Toy Panel at Hasbro PulseCon. Starscream was the brains of a Combatron jet duo with his partner, BB. However, a few minutes later, Lio Junior charged at him and almost killed him, but he was saved by Max-B. His first toy included some of the subtle but totally disturbing features included on the early Beast Wars figures. Transformers Toy List - Beast Wars... • Beast Wars 1996 (28 toys) • Beast Wars 1997 (22 toys) • Beast Wars 1998 (25 toys) • Beast Wars 1999 (32 toys) • Beast Wars 2000 (4 toys) • Beast Wars 2001 (1 toys) ↑ top. We also buy toys, learn more! Great Savings & Free Delivery / Collection on many items Starscream and BB then showed up and tangled with the Maximals. When Tasmania Kid arrived and destroyed the fake base, Starscream trapped him in a cage controlled by the real, underwater base. Only 3 left. The pair then fell into a pit of pure Angolmois, supposedly to their doom. Unfortunately, a chain is only as strong as its dumbest link. 99. Galvatron stated that he and the others were morons and continued the attack on the Maximals. Hellscream pinned Lio Junior to a wall using his Terror Storm attack, and nearly struck down the helpless cub with a sharkwinder missile. Bendy and the Ink Machine. Who Is the Leader!? Search Brand. Starscream is a 1st Predacon seeker alongside Thundercracker and Skywarp. Starscream's efforts to undermine Megastorm finally provoked a reaction. Amused by this plan, Galvatron granted Starscream permission to put it into motion. The Lake Trap, Starscream watched closely as Megastorm became rankled at the idea of giving up his power once Galvatron awakened. $79.90. Megastorm Reborn, Starscream was infuriated as Gigastorm began throwing his weight around again as the "new Emperor of Destruction". Soon, Galvatron was back on his feet and in control of his own mind. They encounter Tripledacus trying to stop the flow of Angolmois Energy with one massive iceberg. Starscream and the rest of the Predacons retreated, with the unconscious Dirge and Thrust in tow. Starscream. The Road to Legends' Revival Chapter 3 When the Legends World was restored, Starscream returned to it, and was present when Megatron announced he was leaving the universe. Unfortunately, the lion was actually the Maximal commander Lio Convoy, who unleashed his rage and arsenal on the Predacons for the damage they had done to the creatures and natural order of Gaia. When Armada Starscream questioned why a supposed "little sister cafe" would hire a man, the manager explained that they were in actuality a little brother cafe. LG-18 Armada Starscream Super Mode Prologue He later commended her on her ability to sell expensive lunches to customers. Sure enough, Tasmania Kid soon used the device to create Copy Convoy, an evil copy of Lio Convoy who broke free on his own. The New Forces Arrive! Bighorn's Rage, Starscream next orchestrated a plot to catch the Maximals in a lakeside trap. Predacon General Offensive! At one point, he even went so far as to dunk Megastorm in a pit of pure Angolmois energy, assuming it would kill him. Starscream believes that he is more suited for command than Decepticon leader Megatron. As Megastorm ordered a massive attack on the South Continent, Starscream, BB and the Combatrons fought against the Maximals and Insectrons once more. The Insect Robos. Furious, Gigastorm arranged a trap for Starscream and BB away from base where Galvatron couldn't stay his hand. The self-proclaimed pride of the Cybertron War Academy, he's famous not only for his incredible skill, but also for his limitless (and troublesome) ambition. Hasbro Year 1998 Transformers Beast Wars Transmetals 2 Series Deluxe Class 6 Inch Tall Action Figure - Heroic Maximal Scout, Survivalist RAMULUS (Beast Mode: Ram) $79.99 $ 79. The Tentacular Scuba When Megastorm made contact with the Seacons on Galvatron's behalf, he negotiated a bounty on the Maximals' heads. Bumblebee Optimus Prime TRANSFORMERS: Earth Wars Megatron Starscream, transformers, autobot, technology, toy png Transformers firetruck illustration, Transformers Rescue Bots: Hero Adventures Blurr Graham Burns Optimus Prime Playskool, transformers rescue bots, game, fictional Character, robot png Later on, the Autorollers uncovered an unknown device in the ancient ruins. The Great Angolmois Freezing Tactic Later, they targeted a giant artillery cannon the Maximals intended to use to obliterate Nemesis before it reached Gaia. In the meantime, they investigated a mysterious falling capsule that turned out to be new weaponry from the Maximals. Either the mold's too old or they didn't care. Windblade Sequel, When another Starscream filled in for Windblade, the manager criticized him for not welcoming customers loudly enough. Starscream almost always is portrayed with the same characterization. Friend or Foe? A flustered Megastorm was left trying to defend his negotiations to Galvatron while Starscream watched on. Demolish the Superdreadnought Tank! With Galvatron's approval, he approached the Seacons for another negotiation to eliminate the Maximals. Thinking quickly, Starscream claimed to have performed scientific experiments that proved Megastorm would be able to power up from exposure to Angolmois Energy just as his brother did, and wouldn't die horribly like he thought. Like Terrorsaur,it unrelated to the G1 character. When Galvatron fell into a coma shortly after arriving on the planet, Starscream began conspiring with BB to ingratiate themselves with the new self-appointed Emperor of Destruction, Galvatron's younger brother Megastorm. Lio Junior increased his attacks on Autoroller fortress operations, forcing Hellscream and Max-B to step up when Dirgegun and Thrustor once again proved inadequate. He and BB coated two of the three Jointrons with the sludge, leaving them incapable of forming Tripledacus and on the run. Starscream spent time in a Maximal prison facility, where he developed grandiose plans for the future. Star Wars: Empire Strikes Back. Their enemies soon came rushing towards them in a counter-offensive, and Starscream and BB manned the tank's turrets to blast … Unlike Megastorm, Starscream retained the upper hand during the negotiations with Halfshell, and managed to draft a fair deal with the Seacon captain. Beast Kingdom. Rejected, the Autorollers planned to undermine Starscream's standing in the Predacons and eliminate the Insectrons in one swoop by causing explosions of Angolmois Energy around the continent using their underground pipelines. Beast Wars Sourcebook #4 There, Starscream also met and befriended the traumatized giant BB. Tampa Bay Lightning. 44 Cats. Galvatron Rampages. When Shokaract suddenly disappeared from the battlefield, he and his fellow Heralds temporarily retreated to think up what to do next. Starscream quickly welcomed his emperor back into the fold and warned him of Gigastorm's assassination attempts. As Starscream stopped short to consider the indignity of *ugh*manual labor, the rampaging Galvatron pierced the pipelines and began guzzling Angolmois Energy, growing to gigantic size. When Galvatron also got into Starscream's special stash of oil, he ran amok and served as the impetus for the Maximals and Insectrons to join forces and make a lasting peace. Beast Wars - 1996. 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