Joker takes the tommy gun from Scarface and starts shooting at Batman and Croc, without noticing that he is also shooting an electric generator that shocks Croc and knocks him out. Episode images (7) Don't let him get away! Trial Batman: The Animated Series. Batman: The Animated Series is an American television series based on the DC Comics superhero Batman, which was produced by Warner Bros. The Dark Knight simply replies that he would do that as well. Veronica tries being friendly and explains that the museum's conservation hall has been built in honor of her grandfather, Sta… "Trial" is the ninth episode of the second season of Batman: The Animated Series. Reportedly, the expanded version of the story would've featured detailed flashbacks to each villain's origin. Failure will result in both their deaths. Ending Jan 30 at 6:44PM PST 9d 12h. Joker: (bad Irish accent) And now the final confession, the secret you've kept hidden for so many years... Two-Face: Everyone spread out! Batman:The Animated Series Wiki is a FANDOM TV Community. Batman: Me, too. Joker: Oh, very well. The original episodes, produced by Bruce Timm and Eric Radomski, were first aired on the Fox Network … Joker: (bangs gavel) Guilty! $40.00. Janet: Not only does Batman create these so called 'super criminals', he takes it upon himself to be their judge and jury with no regards to the legal system. Batman urges her to keep the farce going, while elsewhere the police follow the clues he has left. Mad Hatter: Your Honor, in light of Ms. Van Dorn's stirring defense, we have no choice but to find the defendant... not guilty. They start discussing the Batman issue and Bruce tries to change her mind about it, but they're interrupted by an important call from Janet's office. (Joker is lying across the bench with his head in Harley's lap, while she massages his chest) Richard Moll as T… While looking at an exhibit of a stuffed black leopard, Selina Kylereminisces of how she used to be Catwoman. Batman Gambit: Batman pulls one that allows Commissioner Gordon to find him, but Van Dorn also uses these to discredit the villains during their testimony. Batman: The Animated Series aired 85 episodes during its two season-run on Fox Kids. Robert Costanzo as Detective Harvey Bullock 6. In “Trial” alone, Batman’s vigilantism costs van Dorn a conviction against Poison Ivy and wastes weeks of manpower when Batman brings in a gang leader on … We'd all have been better off. Janet: I suppose you, like your friends, claim that Batman drove you to be a criminal? I bought this dvd region 1 and it works fine on my uk ps3, I believe it will run okay on region 2 players as well. Two-Face: (opening statement) Look at us. Gotham City's newest District Attorney, Janet Van Dorn, presses for life imprisonment, but the court's hands are tied by the fact that Ivy was apprehended by Batmaninstead of a regular police officer. Mad Hatter: He did. At her latest trial, Poison Ivy is sentenced to be returned to Arkham Asylum yet again. This episode is notable for featuring the most villains in any episode of the show. Hatter's testimony gets him excused for saying something he was not suppose to say, Harley starts flirting with Joker and gets kicked out, and Ivy sends a dig at Two-Face which gets a rebuke from him but she breaks when Van Dorne pushes her buttons and rips up Joker's flower. "Trial" was the 68th produced episode overall and the third episode produced in the second season. Janet: I object to this witness! List of Batman: The Animated Series Episodes. He was going to take her away from me. At her latest trial, Pamela Isley is sentenced to be returned to Arkham Asylum yet again. The visual style of the series is based on the artwork of producer Bruce Timm. Harvey Dent, now Two-Face. Batman: (apathetic) Whatever. Janet remembers that she kept the batarang with her the whole time and tosses it to the only light bulb in the room, leaving it in complete darkness for a few seconds. The show is based in modern-day Gotham City, a dark, gothic, crime-ridden area. A criminal act created Batman, but Batman has certainly had a hand in creating some of the villains he … Oh, the gimmicks might be different, but you'd all be out there in some form or another bringing misery to Gotham. Batman pulls Janet out of the way of Scarecrow's scythe, which decapitates Scarface and lodges itself in the wall. ◄ Previously aired Poison Ivy: He should have let me bump off Harvey Dent. Through their retellings, the viewer would understand why Batman is "to blame" for their life of crime. In the end, Van Dorne concludes that Batman didn't create them, but instead it happened the other way around. In the midst of the confusion, Batman grabs Janet and they try to escape the asylum, filled with lunatics and mind controlled orderlies. Before the switch is thrown, the Joker, who has swapped his judge's robes for a priest's cassock, begins to unmask Batman. Killer Croc then guards the door before Batman takes him out and the Joker fires a machine gun, nearly hitting Harley and damaging a generator, which shocks Croc. Joker: OK... start panicking! One by one, the members of the jury are called to testify and Van Dorne does her best to prove that they are criminals because of their own twisted minds and not because Batman caused them to turn into criminals. Two-Face tells them that Batman is going to be on a trial in Arkham and that Janet is going to defend him if they want to survive. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. A district attorney who loathes Batman is forced to defend him in a twisted parody of a trial run by the inmates of Arkham Asylum who have seized control and taken them both prisoner. Efrem Zimbalist, Jr. as Alfred Pennyworth 4. Janet Van Dorn is upset at the outcome because she wanted Ivy to be sentenced to life in prison, and she blames it all on Batman. The Mad Hatter claims he was a harmless scientist, but admits that he was driven mad with love for his young assistant Alice, putting him on the path of crime. In a bizarre parody of a trial, Batman is kidnapped by his entire Rogues gallery, and put on trial, with the new district attorney who loathes him forced to act as his lawyer. Batman: The Animated Series Batman, la série animée . "Trial" Janet: This is insane. She goes to answer the call, but after half an hour later, she doesn't come back and Bruce starts worrying about her. At the Gotham City Police Department, Van Dorn tells Commissioner Gordon how she feels about Batman right before the vigilante enters the room with news about a new criminal gang. Joker walks towards him and before eliminating them, he wants to take off the cowl from Batman to know the identity of the man behind the bat. Two-Face: Nobody panic! Summary Short summary describing this episode. $274.99. Batman: The Animated Series was an Emmy Award-winning animated series that ran from 1992 to 1995 on FOX Kids, effectively beginning the DCAU. As she leaves the courtroom, Janet is quoted on television as saying (again) that Batman is a disgrace; he is responsible for creating all the "supervillains" in his rogues’ gallery, and acts outside the law. Janet: And me? The Dark Knight's only hope rests with District Attorney Janet Van Dorn who, despite her anti-Batman stance, is forced to defend the Caped Crusader's life as well as her own. Airdate: A ‘Batman: The Animated Series’ Sequel Might Be Coming To HBO Max, According To Kevin Smith by: Mike Redmond January 19, 2021 Facebook Twitter Flipboard He goes to the rendezvous, but is ambushed and knocked out. That we in fact messed up our own rotten lives. They are then confronted by Arkham inmates led by Two-Face, with the previous rogues coming up behind them. Although he is initially seen on the jury, the Riddler disappears entirely from the episode during the third act, with even his spot on the jury vacant. After her recollections, Selina looks at an exhibit of extinct animals. As far as I'm concerned, you belong in here with them. Batman The Animated Series Art Print Poster Tim Anderson PopTone Bubblegum #1/2! Suddenly, Two-Face enters the cell revealing to Janet that she is in Arkham and then Batman is taken inside, carried by Killer Croc and in a straightjacket. And who made us this way? "Harlequinade" Trial was originally intended to be the first animated film set in the Batman: The Animated Series format, but Alan Burnett suggested to re-work the idea into a normal episode in favor of Batman: Mask of the Phantasm. While she does this, both Bruce Wayne and Veronica Vreelandnotice her. D.A. Homme d'affaires le jour, Bruce Wayne devient Batman la nuit pour protéger Gotham City avec sa Batmobile. The huge cast, callbacks to previous episodes, and focus on the psychological and philosophical make this episode a highlight of the series. He went on to state his belief that the series is definitely happening and that he feels 2022 "will be the year of Batman: The Animated Series". Lastly, the judge Joker is introduced. She's obviously trying to influence the judge. We're all freaks and monsters. Bob Hastings as Commissioner James Gordon 5. He tries to use a device but Harley kicks it out of his hands and soon he faints as the two ladies approach him. Like it'll make a difference. Kevin Conroy as Batman (Bruce Wayne) 2. Even angrier at Batman, Van Dorn pick up a Batarang, put it in her pocket and warns Batman that she would start a crusade against him if necessary. "Batman: The Animated Series" Trial subtitles. The series has since aired in re-runs on various other broadcast and cable networks, including The WB, Cartoon Network, Boomerang and The Hub. Joker: What makes you say that? Me defending you? Two-Face reaches for a lighter and they find out that Batman escaped from his shackles. Ivy says it is Batman's fault she is a criminal, since her only crime would have been trying to kill the previous D.A. Gotham's deadliest criminals, The Joker, Two-Face, Mad Hatter, The Ventriloquist, Harley Quinn, Poison Ivy among many others, kidnap Batman and put him on trial in Arkham Asylum. Poison Ivy uses her crossbow to attack Batman from behind and when he starts feeling weak Harley attacks him. Trial is an episode of the second season of Batman: The Animated Series. $8.00 shipping. You've got to go through with it. 69 Back at the GCPD HQ, Gordon gives Batman a note telling him to go alone at the Gotham Courthouse. But Janet has studied the histories of the rogues thoroughly, and her defense is brilliant. At her latest trial, Pamela Isley is sentenced to be returned to Arkham Asylum yet again. Batman: The Animated Series aired 85 episodes during its two season-run on Fox Kids. See Batman (disambiguation) for other uses of the word "Batman". Batman: The Animated Series 'Fan Fiction Love Story' By Tayla Drago. Arleen Sorkin as Harley Quinn (Harleen Quinzel) 8. Joker: What's your point? Janet Van Dorn, is out to capture Batman, but both she and him end up captured by a gang of criminals instead Batman's enemies come together to at long last discover his true identity. Home / Series / Batman: The Animated Series / Absolute Order / Season 1 / Episode 68 Trial Gothams gefährlichste Verbrecher, der Joker, Two-Face, Mad Hatter, Bauchredner, Harley Quinn und Poison Ivy, entführen Batman und machen ihm in Arkham den Prozeß. Batgirl Returns. The series focused on the exploits of Batman and his crusade against injustice in modern-day Gotham City, a dark, gothic, crime-ridden area. The reality is that the two are forever intertwined. Dong Yang Animation Co., LTD. I'd like that last statement stricken from the record, please. Killer Croc: Hit him with a rock! 0 bids. Timm and Radomski designed the series by closely emulating the Tim Burton films' \"otherworldly timelessness,\" incorporating period features such as black-and-white title cards, police blimps, 40s influenced fashion, 40s influenced car styling and a \"vintage\" color scheme in a largely film noir-influenced style. This is because his voice actor. Ultimately, the producers went in a different direction. However, Janet goads her into admitting the depth and violence of her botanophilic sentiments. Mad Hatter: Amusing idea, what? Joker congratulates Janet for successfully defending Batman, but reveals that since they are already crazy by themselves, they might as well kill the two of them after all. To their other side, the Ventriloquist, Poison Ivy, and the Mad Hatter follow up to them. Two-Face: Basic fifty-fifty option. In reality, the criminals created Batman. A short time later, the Bat-signal appears, and Batman receives a note from Commissioner Gordon informing him that the Janet has been kidnapped. The plot of this episode was the original idea for the first DCAU Batman movie, but it was felt that it worked better in the half-hour format. Justice League Unlimited (animated series), Batman: The Animated Series, Volume Three (DVD), Batman: The Complete Animated Series (DVD), Batman: The Complete Animated Series (Blu-ray),, Killer Croc seems to have a fixation for throwing rocks at Batman: in ", Mad Hatter refers to his first criminal act in ", This is the first episode to make reference of, Poison Ivy refers to the time she nearly assassinated Two-Face (back when he was still Harvey Dent) in ", The note that summons Batman to the courthouse is told in the form of a riddle, and features cutout letters to form the words. Batman tries to fight back, but his strength is leaving him and he finds it difficult to fight them. Janet: And so it's Batman's fault you lead a life of crime? 1 bid. He goes down, you take the fall with him. Janet Van Dorn apologizes to Batman for her mistake. "A Bullet For Bullock" It was arguably a children's show, yet its dark atmosphere and award-winning writing grew a more mature fanbase. A number of beloved DC titles are moving from DC Universe to HBO Max on January 1st, including Batman: The Animated Series and Batman Beyond. RELATED: When Batman: The Animated Series Went 'Adult' (No, Not That Way) "No Asylum" is far more ambitious. As the new day dawns, Janet makes her peace with Batman, as they agree that what they both want most is a city that doesn't always need him. Batman is dragged into one of the treatment rooms and strapped to the electroshock couch. Janet's quoted on television as saying that Batman's a disgrace, claiming that he's the one who essentially created all of Gotham City's "super-criminals." Joker: Record? Vérifiez site est une arnaque ou un site Web sécurisé. Each one of them fall short and all the evidence shows that in fact, they would have turned into criminals one way or another. Starting in 2021, series and movies like Green Lantern: The Animated Series, Justice League Dark: Apokolips War, and Batman: Bad Blood will become available to HBO Max subscribers. In the dark, Batman starts taking them out one by one and he starts by pulling out Harley and tying her upside-down with the straightjacket. Next produced ► An impromptu courtroom is set up in the operating theater: Batman stands before the court accused of "creating" each and every one of them: driving them to become criminals, freaks, and monsters. You can also buy, rent Batman: The Animated Series on demand at DC Universe, Google Play online. But I'm still going to work towards a city that doesn't need Batman. While Batman may have inspired some of their costumes and dramatic poses, they made their own choice to become criminals. Two-Face: You said it yourself, lady. Mad Hatter: Batman forced me to do it. Harley thanks Batman for creating her loyal "puddin'", which Janet undermines by revealing that the last time she escaped from Arkham, the Joker ratted her out in hopes of reducing his own sentence. Even Scarecrow, who also didn't have any lines, at least stayed until the end. Directed by: If she succeeds in defending him, they both go free. Couldn't find a decent looking Batman intro on here, so I figured I'd upload it myself You take off that mask and put on a uniform. Permalink posted on Nov 26 / 20:19 / 2,503 notes. Harlequinade – Season 2, Episode 7 Mad Hatter: Hang him! And as we are so rotten, vile and depraved... we're going to waste you anyway! He is subdued after a brief fight in which Batman kicks him hard in the face. Loren Lester as Robin (Dick Grayson) 3. At Gotham's courthouse, Poison Ivy stands on trial and is sent back to Arkham Asylum since she was captured by Batman and not by an official law enforcer. Soon, they're taken to the main hall where the trial is being held and The Ventriloquist, acting as bailiff along with Scarface, introduces the prosecutor, Two-Face; the accused, Batman; the defense attorney, Janet and the jury : Killer Croc, Mad Hatter, Poison Ivy, Harley Quinn, Scarecrow and The Riddler. La première série est composée de 85 épisodes. Episode # 65 – Trial. Animation Services by: Trial 976 views A district attorney who loathes Batman is forced to defend him in a twisted parody of a trial run by the inmates of Arkham Asylum who have seized control and taken them both prisoner. Batman: The Animated Series » Batman: The Animated Series #168 - Trial released by Warner Brothers on May 16, 1994. Janet Van Dorn’s final appearance on B:TAS (she was introduced back in “Shadow Of The Bat”), because she’s a great foil to Batman, holding him to the same legal standard as everyone else. When Ivy is returned to Arkham, Harley Quinn greets her enthusiastically, confiding that the inmates will be throwing a party soon, courtesy of the Mad Hatter, who has planted his mind control chips on the guards. RELATED: The Batman: 5 Things The New Version Should Learn From Nolan’s Trilogy (& 5 Things It Should Avoid) Batman! Trial was originally intended to be the first animated film set in the Batman: The Animated Series format, but Alan Burnett suggested to re-work the idea into a normal episode in favor of Batman: Mask of the Phantasm . Batman: The Animated Series is rightly considered a classic, but reliable sources are now reporting that a sequel of some sort is currently in development for HBO Max. Our prosecutor is ready, likewise our fair and impartial jury! It's telling the audience to forget what they think they know about tie-in books. Home / Batman: The Animated Series / Lock-Up Lock-Up 18344 views Lyle Bolton, the new head of security at Arkham, is fired for his atrocious mistreatment of the inmates. Batman manages to outrun them and he leads Janet as far as he can from the psychopaths. (bangs down a rubber chicken) Next aired ► "Batman: The Animated Series" Trial subtitles English. Different and wrong, because we all know that there’s only one correct answer and that’s Batman: The Animated Series. Home / Series / Batman: The Animated Series / Absolute Order / Season 1 / Episode 68 Trial Gothams gefährlichste Verbrecher, der Joker, Two-Face, Mad Hatter, Bauchredner, Harley Quinn und Poison Ivy, entführen Batman und machen ihm in Arkham den Prozeß. Présentation. Reporter: It sounds like you want to put Batman on trial? They're being mindcontrolled by The Mad Hatter. Animation and originally aired on Fox from 1992 to 1995; lasting 85 episodes. (Everyone turns to find Harley Quinn dangling from the ceiling, strapped in Batman's straitjacket) With that in mind, here's a look at the 10 best episodes of Batman: The Animated Series and is subsequent series The New Batman Adventures. You've proven that Batman didn't create us. Mad Hatter: So, we're placing him before the bar to face our justice. Ventriloquist: (quietly) Oyez, oyez. Janet: I was promised a chance to defend my client! Adrienne Barbeau as Catwoman (Selina Kyle) 9. Things only get worse when the Batsignal is lit in the sky. Scarface: Hold on, you'll hit Croc! The Good People of Arkham Asylum vs. the self-righteous vigilante called Batman! The highly successful series merged … Watch Batman: The Animated Series - Trial (s2 e9) Online - Watch online anytime: Buy, Rent Batman: The Animated Series, Season 2 Episode 9, is available to watch and stream on FOX. 68 Batman: The Animated Series - "Trial" “Court is now in session! Then, he goes after Killer Croc and they start fighting in the dark. "On Leather Wings" "Christmas with the Joker" "Nothing to Fear" "The Last Laugh" " … Upon arriving at Arkham, Ivy meets Harley, who tells her that they're about to start something big in the asylum and just as she says that, two guards appear in front of them with some strange cards on their hats. DC Animated Universe is a FANDOM TV Community. The Mad Hatter prepared the guards for a trial. Heck, to change their thinking on Geez, I gotta do everything for you. After all the inmates are back on their cells, Janet Van Dorn admits that Batman is much needed in Gotham, but she warns him that she will still work for a city that doesn't need Batman. Batman The Animated Series was a cartoon that premiered on September 5, 1992, based on the comic series created by Bob Kane, as well as the Burton movie adaptations. Batman awakens in a straitjacket in a cell in Arkham, where Janet has also been taken. "Avatar" Joker: Well done, counselor. He tackles the person but he just smashes the statue of justice, which was moved and disguised in a trench coat. Batman throws an inmate into the crowd and escapes with the D.A. Not only did she evolve from Joker's ditzy sidekick into a thoroughly thought-out character, but one of her most famous episodes shed light … 10. Batman: The Animated Series can currently be seen in its entirety on HBO Max (though it’s in order of airdate; if you want to watch it in the original production order, you’ll have to skip around). Batman: The Animated Series pojawił się w amerykańskiej telewizji w 1992 roku, a u nas już rok później. Joker: Let's mambo! Paul Dini Instead, The Scarecrow has no lines in this episode even though the script featured him speaking a few times. With Kevin Conroy, Bob Hastings, Liane Schirmer, Mark Hamill. I had no choice. Janet is being held in a cell of some sort of prison and she demands to be set free. Serial emitowany był do 1995 roku i został podzielony na … May 16, 1994 ; Be Careful What You Wish For: Van Dorn says on television that she wants to put Batman on trial.The Arkham residents do just that—with van Dorn serving as Batman's defense attorney. As they make their way to the exit, Gordon and the police storm in and hold the mob at gunpoint. Just then, Janet remembers a batarang Batman left on a criminal hidden in her pocket, and throws it at the ceiling light, shattering it and plunging the room into darkness. The Animated Series stayed closer to the comic books by making Bane a cunning, intelligent ex-con who was one of the strongest foes Batman ever faced, thanks to the steroids – Venom, I mean – that he shoots into his veins Two-Face welcomes her and informs her that, true to her words on television, Batman is going to be put on trial... by them. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. through the roof. Watch Batman: The Animated Series - Trial (s2 e9) Online - Watch online anytime: Buy, Rent Batman: The Animated Series, Season 2 Episode 9, is available to watch and stream on FOX. It's telling the audience to forget what they think they know about tie-in books. Janet: Amazing! The entire series was made available on … Harley Quinn: Shoot him! On their way out they come across Scarecrow and on the other end they are trapped by Ivy, Hatter, and Scarface. The psychopaths are left cornered in the dead end and at that moment, the GCPD enters the building and captures all of them. Moments later, Batman goes to the arranged place and he notices a dark figure hiding in the shadows. Dummy up! Upon arriving, he finds nothing except the device that Harley kicked out of Batman's hands. Two-Face: (Muttering while flipping his coin) Why you rotten little... Janet: I used to believe Batman was responsible for you people but now I see nearly everyone here would have ended up exactly the same, Batman or not. However, they find themselves trapped in a dead end hallway, forcing Batman to use his Grapple Gun to get them to the rooftop from a skylight. That night, Janet and Bruce Wayne have a dinner date, but she's called away by a phone call. or Best Offer. $39.99. Batman's worst enemies kidnap him and put The Joker congratulates Janet on a job well done, but then merrily declares that they're going to execute them both anyway, which was probably planned from the very beginning. Van Dorn informs him that her team is working on the case already and Batman shows her that he has already captured the leader. This is background information and production notes of the episode Trial, from season two of Batman: The Animated Series. She will be his attorney. Batman: The Animated Series (or Batman: TAS), which originally aired on the Fox Kids block from 1992 to 1995, is one of the most popular and groundbreaking series in Western Animation.Towards the end, it was given a minor Retool into The Adventures of Batman & Robin, which promoted the latter hero from recurring role to regular star. Batman: The Animated Series (often shortened Batman: TAS or BTAS) is a four-time Emmy Award-winning American animated series adaptation of the comic book series featuring the DC Comics superhero, Batman. The Joker pursues Batman and Janet outside, tying up him with a rope and swinging a heavy gavel. When Harley Quinn says "Shoot him" as the jury is shown, the Mad Hatter's mouth can be seen moving. Episode navigation She feels that Batman has made the city dependent on his myth, instead of facing the reality of what needs to be done to suppress crime. Court is now in session! Batman: The Animated Series episode She had to promise not to be Catwoman anymore to remain free. Gotham City's newest District Attorney, Janet Van Dorn, presses for life imprisonment, but the court's hands are tied by the fact that Poison Ivy was apprehended by Batman instead of a regular police officer. Paul Dini & Bruce Timm As Scarecrow struggles with the scythe, Batman throws him into the other three rogues and runs off with Janet. You can also buy, rent Batman: The Animated Series on demand at DC Universe, Google Play online. If You’re So Smart, Why Aren’t You Rich? (The shouting does not stop) More of a video quality test than anything. After hearing all the testimonies, the jury comes to the conclusion that Batman is not guilty of making them the way they are, which amazes Batman and Janet. Perhaps the most iconic addition to the Batman mythos from the animated series has to be the introduction of Harley Quinn. It’s a shame that “Trial” is D.A. Janet: And yet, as I recall your case, you brainwashed and kidnaped a woman who rejected you? the show might have been animated and featured a popular superhero, but the story, characters, and situations had more substance and complexity than any daytime drama. Janet: I see now there's a need for the things you do. After fixing a tracer Batman dropped, Gordon finally gets a fix on his location. Paul Williams as the Penguin (Oswald Cobblepot) 10. Son découpage en … It originally aired on May 16, 1994. You can also buy, rent Batman: The Animated Series on demand at Amazon, Microsoft Movies & TV, iTunes online. Is someone supposed to be writing this down? Batman and Janet escape, but the Scarecrow blocks their way with a scythe. Batman: The Animated Series, Season 3 Episode 12, is available to watch and stream on FOX. Heck, to change their thinking on the continuity-lite approach of Batman: The Animated Series in the first place. or Buy It Now. "Avatar" Deep Freeze $25.00 … Gotham City's newest District Attorney, Janet Van Dorn, presses for life imprisonment, but the court's hands are tied by the fact that Poison Ivy was apprehended by Batmaninstead of a regular police officer. Trial is an episode of the second season of Batman: The Animated Series. Airdate Order: Batman's worst enemies kidnap him and put him on trial for crimes committed against them. Free shipping. At that moment, Commissioner Gordon goes to the courthouse to check out if Batman is right. The moment's confusion is all Batman needs to break them out, tying up Harley in the process. Synopsis The series was based on the exploits of Batman and his crusade against injustice. AKA: Batman, Batman: The Animated Series, The Adventures of Batman & Robin, Batman: Animacje (Poland (dubbed version)). Janet Van Dorn discuss Batman's trial. Note that every episode released on DVD has been released under the Batman: The Animated Series name, even when it was originally aired under a Retooled name. détecter si elle est une arnaque, frauduleuse ou est infectés par des malwares, le phishing, la fraude et l'activité de spam si vous avez "Trial" is also the episode that began life as the animated Batman film. Scarecrow has no lines in this episode even though the script featured him speaking a hours! Understand why Batman is dragged into one of the treatment rooms and strapped to the roof after. Long last discover his true identity check out if Batman is dragged into of... Of Scarecrow 's scythe, which was produced by Warner Bros lines in this episode is notable for the. Story ' by Tayla Drago looks at an exhibit of extinct animals Ventriloquist, poison Ivy,,. Seen moving Personally, I got ta do everything for you after a brief fight in which Batman him... 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